
Detailed map of the hunting grounds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Who owns the hunting grounds around Krasnoyarsk. Who can hunt

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The hunting season begins on Saturday 25 August. More than 90 thousand hunters are registered in the Krasnoyarsk Territory. Someone has been hunting for a long time, someone is a beginner, and someone is just thinking about going wild boar or shooting ducks. How and where to hunt, how many and what animals are allowed to be hunted? We will tell about all this in our section “Good advice”. Answers to all questions were given to “Gorodskoy Novosti” by the State Hunting Supervision Service of the Ministry of Ecology and Rational Nature Management of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Who can hunt?

In accordance with the law “On hunting”, a hunter is an individual, information about which is contained in the state hunting register. Or a foreign citizen temporarily staying in Russian Federation and concluded an agreement on the provision of services in the field of hunting.

Simply put, a citizen who has a hunting ticket can hunt.

Show your ticket

A single federal hunting ticket is issued individuals having civil legal capacity, not having an outstanding or unexpunged conviction for committing an intentional crime.

A hunting ticket is a document with no time limit and the territory of its validity; it has a record series and number.

A hunting ticket is issued on the basis of an application made in writing or in the form electronic document... You can apply in the following ways:

- personally to the authorized state inspector of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

by post with a list of attachments of the attached documents to the address: 660009, Krasnoyarsk, Prospect Mira, 110, Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Krasnoyarsk Territory;

- in person at the multifunctional center for the provision of state and municipal services;

- in electronic form using the State Service portal;

Simultaneously with the application for a hunting permit, the following shall be submitted:

a) two personal photographs measuring 30 x 40 mm with clear image faces strictly in full face without a headdress;

b) a copy of the main identity document (except for cases of filing an application in electronic form).

A state fee of 650 rubles is charged for issuing a permit.

Hunting tickets of the unified federal standard are issued free of charge within five working days from the date of receipt of the application and the attached documents by the ministry.

Citizens' consultations on issues related to the issuance of tickets are carried out at a specially designated phone number in Krasnoyarsk: 268-03-36.

Personal advice can be obtained by contacting state inspectors who are receiving appointments in each district of the region. In Krasnoyarsk, citizens are received at the address: st. Karl Marx, 78, office. 6-09. You can apply on weekdays from 9 to 18 hours, lunch break from 13 to 14 hours.

When can I shoot?

The period of summer-autumn and autumn-winter hunting starts from 25 August. Its duration depends on the objects of the hunt:

- for upland game in the southern and central regions of the region - until January 15, in northern regions edges - until February 28;

The period of autumn-winter hunting for fur-bearing species of animals opens from September 15 and will last in public hunting grounds until January 15, in fixed lands until February 28.

Don't go here

Annually, on some territories, a decree of the government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory introduces bans and restrictions on the use of certain types of game animals. In 2018, bans were introduced on hunting in public hunting grounds:

On geese - in all southern and central regions, with the exception of Boguchanskiy, Yeniseiskiy, Motyginskiy, Severo-Yeniseiskiy, Taimyr Dolgano-Nenetsky, Turukhanskiy, Evenkiy.

For ducks - in the Berezovsky region (except for the Yenisei floodplain), in the Rybinsky region on the Pereyaslavskoye lake and the Solovievsky lakes.

On black grouse - in Idrinsky and Krasnoturansky districts.

For wood grouse - in the Idrinsky region.

For all upland game - in Achinsky, Berezovsky, Bogotolsky, Mansky, Minusinsky districts.

On a European hare - in the Kansk region.

Hare, white hare, fox - in Berezovsky, Minusinsky districts.

For roe deer - in 27 districts of the region.

Hunters can get acquainted with this information on the website of the Ministry of Ecology, as well as at the places where permits are issued and by telephone.


On the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, there are specially protected natural areas, where hunting is completely prohibited. Today in the region there are 41 nature reserves of regional significance. Acquainted with detailed maps hunting grounds and the boundaries of specially protected natural areas can be found on the website of the Ministry of Ecology of the Territory.

TOP-10 rare animals listed in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory:

1. Polar bear

3. The wolf is red

4. Snow leopard

6. Siberian roe

7. North deer

9. Siberian goat

10. Snow Sheep (Putorana subspecies)

How much to hang in hares?

By the decree of the government of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, the norms of permissible production were approved. According to the document, during the hunting season, one hunter can get:

ducks - 20,

wood grouse - 5

black grouse - 10

hazel grouse - 60

quail - 10

bearded partridges - 20

wolves - 25

foxes - 10

columns - 15

mink - 15

wolverines - 5

beavers - 15

white hares - 10

European hares - 10

protein - 250

muskrat - 200.


In the northern territories of the region, for some species, due to the low population density of the regions and the inaccessibility of land, the production rates are higher than those listed above.

Shoot so shoot

For hunting, the use of hunting firearms, cold bladed weapons, traps is allowed.

There are also restrictions established by the rules hunting.

It is prohibited:

- Stay in hunting grounds in (on) power-driven vehicles, aircraft, as well as swimming facilities with the engine on, including those that have not stopped inertia after turning off the engine;

- Use hunting long-barreled firearms with a rifled barrel and rifled barrels of hunting combined firearms for hunting game birds, with the exception of hunting mountain and upland game;

- Use hunting smooth-bore firearms for hunting game birds, loaded with shot larger than five millimeters and bullets;

- To use semi-automatic weapons with a magazine with a capacity of more than five cartridges in collective hunting for the extraction of animals;

- Use pneumatic hunting weapons, with the exception of hunting for squirrels, flying squirrels, turtledoves, hazel grouses, crows.


It is prohibited to hunt mammals and birds listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation and (or) in the Red Book of the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

How much is a beaver for the people?

According to the rules of hunting, a hunter must have a hunting ticket, a permit to carry and store hunting firearms (when hunting with such), a permit to extract hunting resources and a hunting user's permit (in case of hunting in assigned hunting grounds).

When issuing a permit for limited species of animals, a tax fee is charged for each head.

Musk ox - 15,000 rubles;

Bear - 3,000 rubles;

Wild boar - 450 rubles for an adult, 225 - for young animals;

Musk deer / lynx / wolverine - 450 rubles;

Wild reindeer - 300 rubles per adult, 150 - for young animals;

Sable / otter - 120 rubles;

Badger / beaver - 60 rubles;

Capercaillie - 100 rubles;

Black grouse - 20 rubles.

If the hunter plans to hunt in the assigned hunting grounds, he needs to contact a legal entity or individual entrepreneur who has secured the territory for himself.

Every hunter must know ...

The hunter must:

1. Have all permits with you.

2. Present, upon the request of officials, documents, hunting tools, hunting products and vehicles.

3. Observe the rules of hunting and the rules of using objects of the animal world.

4. Hunt in the territory and within the limits of production norms and hunting periods specified in the permit for the extraction of hunting resources.

5. Observe safety precautions when hunting and when handling hunting weapons. Store weapons, cartridges and ammunition in conditions that exclude access to them by unauthorized persons.

Important to remember

1. The hunter must comply with the requirements fire safety in forests. Not only nature and fauna depend on actions to prevent fires, but also the safety of people, their health and life.

2. Hunting enthusiasts are most at risk of being bitten by ticks - carriers of dangerous infectious diseases. We recommend that you follow preventive measures and get vaccinated against tick-borne encephalitis.

3. Hunters should be sensitive to the threat of the spread of avian influenza, rabies virus and other dangerous infectious diseases. In case of contact with an animal that has symptoms of diseases, it is necessary to observe the rules of sanitary safety and hygiene, as soon as possible contact medical institution and immediately report all cases of detection of animals with signs of infectious diseases dangerous to humans and animals to the state bodies of the veterinary service of cities and districts of the region.

4. Actions that can lead to the death, reduction in the number or violation of the habitat of rare and endangered animals are not allowed.

5. The extraction of objects of the animal world, not classified as hunting resources, is allowed only with permits issued by the service.

If you broke the rules ...

For violations of hunting rules, administrative liability is provided in accordance with Article 8.37 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Within the framework of this article, in addition to a fine of 500 to 4,500 rubles, a judge may impose such a type of punishment as deprivation of the right to hunt for a period of one to two years with or without confiscation of hunting equipment.

For violation of hunting rules, there is also criminal liability provided for by Article 258 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

Attraction to criminal liability applies if illegal hunting is committed:

- causing major damage;

- using a power-driven vehicle or aircraft, explosives, gases or other methods of mass destruction of birds and animals;

- in relation to birds and animals, hunting for which is completely prohibited;

- in a specially protected natural area or in an ecological disaster zone or in an ecological emergency zone.

For these offenses, a fine of up to 500 thousand rubles or in the amount of wages or other income of the convicted person for a period of up to two years, or correctional labor for a term of up to two years, or imprisonment for a term of up to two years.

In addition, in case of illegal extraction of objects of the animal world, in accordance with the current methodology, damage caused to hunting resources is recovered.

Krasnoyarets Vitaly, a law-abiding hunter, recently hunted a bear, with a license... However, a protocol on an administrative offense was nevertheless brought against him. “I honestly paid 3,000 rubles for the license, but I still had to go to the hunting supervision, where a protocol was drawn up against me. It turns out that I was hunting in someone's territory. But how was I supposed to understand that this is someone's land? " - Vitaly complained.

As the SUN correspondent was told in hunting supervision service of the region, the assigned territories for the use of objects of the animal world must be marked with notices - special plates on which the belonging of the territory of any organization or person is indicated. According to the head of the regional service for the protection, control and regulation of the use of objects of the animal world and their habitat Anatoly Shklyaeva,“Even permits and licenses for hunting in such territories are issued by the user himself. I only issue licenses for land common use, which are not assigned to anyone, and do not have the right to issue a license for the leased territory. However, at the same time the tenants themselves are not entitled to draw up a protocol the man who hunted in their land. They can only send us a message about those who violated their rights. And we, already on the basis of such messages, invite violators here and draw up a protocol against them. " If he entered the leased land mushroom picker, berry picker or fisherman, then he can calmly engage in his trade - these types of "hunting" are not subject to fines.

notice, that land for rent for hunting use is rented out completely free of charge... “However, in order to assign a plot, it is necessary to agree on the assignment of territories with the district forestries and with the district administration. Then submit your application to us. If there are several applicants for this land, then a competition is arranged. " To become a tenant, only one desire is not enough, you must at least have two specialists on the staff: gamekeepers and gamekeepers... “This is done so that they control their territory: they feed the animals, make nests for upland game, maybe raise some animals,” Anatoly Shklyaev said. The hunting grounds assigned to someone are mutually beneficial cooperation, since the hunting supervision service does not have enough specialists, and they themselves cannot keep track of all the lands. After the number of animals living there is counted on the leased hunting area, the tenant receives a certain limit for the seizure of objects of the animal world. Compliance with the conditions of maintenance of each leased site every two years checks the hunting supervision. The territory can be leased for up to 49 years.

By the way, the total area of ​​hunting grounds in the Krasnoyarsk Territory is about 232 million hectares. Moreover, for legal entities assigned 23.9% of the land, and individual entrepreneurs - 0.4%. That is, about 70% of the land is officially unsecured today.


Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

04/08/2013 No. 62-ug

On the determination of the types of permitted hunting

and parameters of hunting in the hunting grounds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

In accordance with articles 23, 33 Federal law of 24.07.2009 No. 209-FZ "On hunting and on the preservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation", Article 90 of the Charter of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, Article 13 1 of the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated 18.06.2009 No. 8-3427 "On powers of state authorities of the region in the field of environmental management and protection environment", Taking into account the order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 No. 512" On approval of the Hunting Rules ", I RESOLVE:

1. To approve the types of permitted hunting in the hunting grounds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, in accordance with Appendix No. 1.

2. To approve the parameters of hunting in the hunting grounds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, in accordance with Appendix No. 2.

4. The decree comes into force 10 days after its official publication.

Governor of the region L.V. Kuznetsov


Appendix No. 1

dated 08/04/2013 No. 62-ug

Types of permitted hunting in the hunting grounds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance

In the fixed and generally accessible hunting grounds of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, the following types of permitted hunting can be carried out:

1) commercial hunting in relation to hunting resources referred to the hunting law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated June 30, 2011 No. 12-6092 "On the regulation of certain relations in the field of hunting and the conservation of hunting resources in the Krasnoyarsk Territory";

2)amateur and sport hunting for all types of hunting resources;

3) hunting for the purpose of carrying out research activities, educational activities;

4) hunting in order to regulate the number of hunting resources;

5) hunting for the purpose of acclimatization, resettlement and hybridization of hunting resources;

6) hunting for the purpose of keeping and breeding hunting resources in semi-free conditions or in an artificially created habitat;

7) hunting in order to ensure the conduct of a traditional way of life and the implementation of traditional economic activities.

Appendix No. 2

to the decree of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk Territory

dated 08/04/2013 No. 62-ug


hunting in hunting grounds

Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance

1. These parameters of hunting are valid in the designated and generally accessible hunting grounds on the territory of the Krasnoyarsk Territory, with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance.

2. In order to ensure the preservation of hunting resources and their rational use, the following restrictions are established for commercial, amateur and sports hunting.

It is prohibited to hunt waterfowl:

in the Karatuz municipal district: in the Tyukhtetskiy and Shadatskiy bogs, on the ponds of Cheremushinskiy, Sagayskiy, Staromolinskiy;

in the Minusinsk municipal area: on the lakes Tagarskoye, Sukhoye, Maly Kyzykul, Kruglenkoye, Presnoe;

in the Novoselovsky municipal district: on Lake Intikol;

in the Uzhur municipal district: on the lakes Bolshoy Kosogol, Maly Kosogol, Salbat.

Spring hunting for waterfowl is prohibited:

in the Dzerzhinsky municipal district: in the Potonche bog, on the bays of Lake Ulyukol;

in the Motyginsky municipal district: on the Osinovy ​​island of the Motyginsky multi-island;

in the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal district: in the floodplains of the Bolshaya Balakhnya and Novaya rivers within the boundaries of the rural settlement of Khatanga; on the islands of Kabatsky, Bolshoi Leontievsky, Maly Leontievsky within the boundaries of the urban settlement of Dudinka;

in the Uzhursky municipal district: in the floodplain of the Serezh River from the village of Kosogol to the village of Mikhailovka;

in Uzhursky and Sharypovsky municipal districts: in the southern section of Lake Beloye on the border of municipal districts.

2.2. The prohibition of hunting in relation to certain types of hunting resources.

Spring hunting is prohibited:

on white and tundra partridge, hazel grouse and coot;

on female ducks, wood grouses, black grouses.

2.3. The timing of the hunt.

2.3.1. Timing of hunting for wild game:

a) terms of spring hunting for waterfowl and upland game:

in Balakhtinsky, Ermakovsky, Idrinsky, Karatuzsky, Krasnoturansky, Kuraginsky, Minusinsky, Novoselovsky, Shushensky municipalities - 10 calendar days from the fourth Saturday of April;

in Abanskiy, Achinskiy, Berezovskiy, Birilyusskiy, Bogotolskiy, Bolshemurtinskiy, Bolsheuluiskiy, Dzerzhinskiy, Yemelyanovskiy, Ilanskiy, Irbeiskiy, Kanskiy, Kozulskiy, Manskiy, Nazarovskiy, Nizhneingashskiy, Partizanskiy, Rybinskiy, Sayanskiy, Tyusekhetezimskiy, Uybinskiy, Sayanskiy, Sukhobetezimskiy municipal areas - 10 calendar days from the first Saturday in May;

in Boguchansky, Yeniseisky, Kazachinsky, Kezhemsky, Motyginsky, Pirovsky municipal districts, in the southern part of Turukhansky, Evenki municipal districts (from the southern borders of municipal districts to 64 ° N) - 10 calendar days from the second Saturday of May;

in the Severo-Yeniseisky municipal region, Turukhansky municipal region (from 64 ° N to the Arctic circle), the northern part of the Evenki municipal region (from 64 ° N to the northern border of the municipal region) -10 calendar days from the third Saturday May;

in the northern part of the Turukhansk municipal district (from the Arctic Circle to 68 ° N) - 10 calendar days from the fourth Saturday in May;

in the southern part of the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal district (from the southern border of the district to 72 ° N) - in the period from May 25 to June 3;

in the northern part of the Taimyr Dolgan-Nenets municipal district (from 72 ° N to the northern border of the district) - in the period from 1 to 10 June.

b) other terms of hunting for game birds:

on swamp-meadow, upland, field and steppe game with gun dogs, hunting birds - from the second Saturday of August to 31 December;

for waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game - from the fourth Saturday of August to 31 December;

for upland game:

in all municipal districts, with the exception of Boguchansky, Kezhemsky, Yeniseisky, Motyginsky, Severo-Yeniseisky, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky, Turukhansky, Evenkiysky municipal districts - from the fourth Saturday of August to 15 January;

From the fourth Saturday of August to 28 (29) February;

for game birds classified as hunting resources by the Law of the Krasnoyarsk Territory dated June 30, 2011 No. 12-6092 "On the regulation of certain relations in the field of hunting and the preservation of hunting resources in the Krasnoyarsk Territory":

missel thrush, field thrush, rook in all municipal districts from the fourth Saturday of August to October 31;

2.3.2. Timing of hunting for brown bear, hoofed and fur-bearing animals:

Hunting resources

The timing of the hunt

in municipal districts of the Krasnoyarsk Territory *

Brown bear

all age and gender groups

Musk deer: all age and sex groups

Wild reindeer:

all age and gender groups

Siberian roe:

all age and gender groups

adult males

all age and gender groups

adult males

Deer noble:

all age and gender groups

adult males

adult males with non-ossified horns (antlers)

all age and gender groups

Siberian ibex:

all age and gender groups


in fixed

hunting grounds:

in the public

hunting grounds:

Siberian mole

Long-tailed gopher, hamster

White hare, brown hare, fox:

in Boguchansky, Kezhemsky, Yeniseisky, Motyginsky, Severo-Yeniseisky, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky, Turukhansky, Evenkiysky municipal districts

in the designated hunting grounds:

in public hunting grounds:

Muskrat, water vole

European beaver, otter, sable, American mink, Siberian weasel, squirrel, flying squirrel, lynx, wolverine, stone marten, ermine, steppe polecat, weasel:

in all municipal districts, with the exception of Boguchansky, Kezhemsky, Yeniseisky, Motyginsky, Severo-Yeniseisky, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky, Turukhansky, Evenkiysky districts

in Boguchansky, Kezhemsky, Yeniseisky, Motyginsky, Severo-Yeniseisky, Taimyrsky Dolgano-Nenetsky, Turukhansky, Evenkiysky municipal districts

* - within the habitats of species of hunting animals

The Republic of Khakassia is located in the southwestern part of Eastern Siberia in the left bank of the Yenisei River basin. Almost all landscape-natural zones are represented in Khakassia: semi-deserts, steppes, forest-steppe, taiga, alpine meadows, alpine tundra, glaciers. In Khakassia, 334 bird species belonging to 19 orders were recorded. The avifauna of the region is undergoing unfavorable changes. Great bustards and geese - gray, bean goose, and sukhonos - have practically ceased to nest on the territory of Khakassia. As a result of the cultivation of floodplain meadows and bogs, the number of the common crane is drastically decreasing. The peregrine falcon and golden eagle have become very rare. The number of steppe and meadow harriers has decreased. The most common limiting factors for waterfowl are disturbance caused by fishermen visiting water bodies, decreasing areas of habitat, and poaching. Mammals in Khakassia are represented by 76 species. In the last decade, there has been a change in the republic not only in the species composition of mammals, but also in their numbers. The number of the steppe ferret, all species of bats, northern deer, Siberian ibex, musk deer, etc. has sharply decreased. Argali and red wolf have become extremely rare.

The hunting regime in the Republic of Khakassia is determined by the federal ones, taking into account the regional specifics established by the Resolution of the Head of the Republic of Khakassia - Chairman of the Government of the Republic of Khakassia dated 08/10/2012 No. with the exception of specially protected natural areas of federal significance ”.

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