
A moderator of the VKontakte group is required. Work by the administrator of the VC group as a way of earning. What salary: how much money admins

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Many people dream of remote work. But not every one has it. Someone does not even know what to be a community administrator VKontakte is also a job that can bring quite a decent income. Creates content, it causes interest in most people and takes public popular. Directly vacancies Administrator of the VKontakte group are available on freelance stock exchanges and online remote network sites.

Today we will tell you about this method Earn money, where to find vacancies and much more.

What is the work of the VK admin work?

Usually, the VK administrator performs functions and moderator and editor. If you need an editor, then the administrator is searched independently. it distant workin which independence, skill and skills are appreciated. But the salary of the admin will be higher.

Almost all depends on the administrator's work, even the income of the community.

If we talk about what exactly the admin should do, then his duties include:

  • Perform the duties of the moderator (if not) - follow the order in the comments, delete spam and insult, block the violators, etc.
  • To fulfill the duties of the editor (if it is not) - search, draw up and publish posts. This is one of the most important aspects Administrator's work. Since the quality of the content will depend on your public and the involvement of the audience (more on what administrator, editor and moderator read) will depend on your public.
  • Appearance community. For how the group looks like, the admin is responsible, even if the design is not working as it, but a hired specialist. After all, it is a guide asks the direction to the designer, approves and accepts work.
  • Communicate with your audience, study her interests and problems. Each leader should know who his Central Asian.
  • Promote a group by gaining the total number of participants and coverage. Each administrator should know at least the basics of promotion and ways.
  • Work with advertisers and partners, negotiate, negotiate the placement of advertising posts, etc.

As you can see, there are enough responsibilities for this profession. And these are only basic. In each particular community from you, as from the admin, may require anything, right up to possession of photoshop.

For whom the work of the administrator VKontakte will suit

As this work It is remote, it will suit everyone who wants to work at home. You do not need to get up every morning and go to office or to the enterprise. All you need is a computer or laptop and access to the Internet.

You do not even have to get up in the morning.

Administrators work schedule is free, therefore, you can work at any time of the day and night.

Fortunately, there are a lot of lots of services that help plan publications on days, or even weeks ahead.

Therefore, to be online every few hours (depending on which publication chart of publications) is not at all necessary.

As a result, to whom this profession is suitable:

  • Those who wish to work at home (remotely);
  • Those who want to have a free schedule and do not depend on anyone (or at least minimize this dependence).

What salary: how much money admins

One of the most common issues regarding the administration of communities of the VC - how much does the admin earn?

In fact, the numbers are very different. It all depends on your experience and professionalism. For about maintaining a group for medium-sized businesses, you will receive 4000-6000 rubles. This is for the maintenance and promotion of just one public.

The requirements and responsibilities assigned to the administrator play as not an important role. After all, as we have already spoken, each community individually and has its own goals.

Some novice admins first work for free. They are gaining experience, as it is often to work in a large project, it is necessary. Some of the same considerations work for the low cost (about 1000 rubles per month).

If you are a fairly professional administrator, with good experience Work, as well as the ability to introduce and develop the group, then your salary can reach up to 5-6 thousand rubles per month.

Having not one, but several communities, you can earn and 30, and 60 thousand rubles per month. And all this at home.

In addition, possessing various skills and skills (for example, or visual design of communities), you can have additional earnings, providing our services separately to other publics.

Where to find vacancies administrator vkontakte?

If you really set out to start making money on the administration of publishes VK, then you should know that it is not quite easy to find such work.

Here experiences the experience of conducting groups and the presence of already promoted publics.

Unfortunately, the competition is very big here, and there are a lot of wishing to take such a lot. Many wish to have a remote job.

But if you really good specialist In this area, then the competition is not terrible for you.

Find the work of the community administrator VK can be:

  1. On the various exchanges of freelancing. The vacancies on such sites are not very often, but still sometimes do it. Therefore, if you are really interested in this work, then periodically browse the exchange for such orders.
  2. On sites where you are looking for work.
    Sites, on the similarity of Avito, also sometimes stay vacancies of the administrator Public VK. Similar to stock exchanges, such sites are constantly monitored.
  3. Alone
    This method requires high time spent, but the result may be appropriate. You need to look for various groups and publics and offer them your candidacy. Be prepared for what you will refuse once.

Make your portfolio, write the competent and original message text and start sending it. The newsletter can be carried out in different ways: to "offer news", in the comments, in drug admins, etc.

This method can be even attributed to spam, so be careful in order not to catch the ban.

Where to find administrators in?

If you are the owner of the community and look for a good employee to your team, then all the same ways will help you find it:

Freelance trading

Leave the application on various stock exchanges, read all the candidates and make the right choice.

Online sites search and offer work

Similar to stock exchanges, leave vacancies on various employment sites, and then view receiving applications and select a good specialist.

Independently monitor various services and groups related to the administration of VK groups

Depending on the goals set, choose a person with the corresponding skills. Always proceed from the circumstances in which you are. Perhaps your budget is limited and you will be suitable for a young specialist without experience that will work for free or for low cost.

Pros and Cons Admin

Summing up a small line under all of the above, let's highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of the work by the administrator of the VK.

  1. Work at home;
  2. Free schedule;
  3. The presence of a large number of different services that help administer groups;
  4. Constant development and communication with people;
  5. If under your leadership a lot of groups, then in the end comes out solid earnings.
  1. High competition;
  2. Little vacancies;
  3. For device B. good community need experience;
  4. If you manage 1-2 public messages, then the salary will be small.


Today we talked about the now popular profession - the community administrator VKontakte. As you can see, this is not simple workAs it may seem at first glance. If you are interested in a similar perspective, then get the need for the necessary skills and knowledge, take the experience (for example, on your own group) and dare! We hope the article was useful for you.

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I already wrote that on the creation of groups in social networks You can make well earn. You can read:

After creating a group, at first you will have to lead and unwind it yourself, spending your strength and time. Over time, the amount of work increases, you will have to hire an assistant - moderator of a group of social networks.

With an increase in the attendance of the resource, the administrator will be difficult to follow the order. It is for this that such an assistant is required as a moderator. Often you can see this vacancy on various resources.

Who is the moderator of the group what he does

It becomes interesting, who is this moderator and what does he do? The answer is quite simple. The moderator is the same user of the site or group, but it is endowed with certain rights and obligations.

These include:

  1. Engage in the distribution of those in the category;
  2. Monitoring compliance with the rules for use of the resource;
  3. Timely responding to user complaints and the solution to the issue, without the attraction of the administrator;
  4. Using personal messages, warn the user about the violation of the rules for using the resource and what punishment may follow;
  5. In case, the user has sent more than 5 times notice of violation general rules, provides information about this content administrator;
  6. In the event of non-standard situations, soberly assess the situation and quickly make the right decision;
  7. Can create topics for conversations, edit and delete them;
  1. Should not violate the established rules;
  2. Transfer their rights and duties to a new person who will fulfill them in the future.

Requirements for moderators

Depending on which resource moderator is responsible, its rights and obligations may vary.

Requirements for moderators may be different, but most importantly is the presence of permanent Internet access. As a rule, the administrator selects it from the number of active users who do not violate the existing rules. But it is also possible to get this position through Freelance Exchange.

How much earns

In fact, the work by the moderator is not particularly difficult, respectively, and the fee for execution of duties will not be high. Therefore, it is not necessary to consider such a profession, as the main income, this position can be occupied on several resources, i.e. combine. The most important thing is that you should cope and performed your duties properly.

Who is the Moderator of the Group, Right and Responsibilities

First of all, in this case, the work is most often not paid, because there is always a position to such a position a large number of Those who want.

The rights and obligations are as follows:

  1. Mailing small advertisements;
  2. Notify the participants of the group about various contests and events;
  3. Monitor and delete spam;
  4. Delete comments containing obscene expressions and insults from users;
  5. Remove themes created by users;
  6. Deal with the removal of users for violation of the rules, but not more than 100 people per day;
  7. To remove photo, video and audio recordings, if they are in public access;
  8. Can delete all downloaded photos, video, audio recordings or comments from one user for the week;
  9. Engaged in a black list on the inclusion and removal of it;
  10. If the group is closed, it can send invitations to join and approve applications;
  11. Must respond to user complaints;
  12. Do not engage in fraudulent activities.

To which his rights do not apply:

  1. It does not have the right to remove topics or content added by the Group's heads;
  2. Cannot delete comments or topics on behalf of a group or community.

That is, there is quite a lot from the moderator and before making a decision to become it or not, it is worth thinking carefully.

Who and for what can be released from office

Only the resource administrator can be released from office in the following cases:

  1. On numerous user complaints;
  2. In the event that a person who occupies this position does not cope with his direct responsibilities;
  3. When applying for a request for removal from office.

Other directions of moderator

This vacancy as a moderator is in demand on different resources, not only in groups of social networks. Jobs on this position can be seen:

  1. On sites where his obligations will be tracened by compliance with certain rules by visitors, as well as removal of advertising;
  2. In various forums, responsible for the moderation of the section for which it is responsible or for the entire forum. Can also be erased, edit any topics and messages;
  3. In news Lena can also perform the editor's functions. Since the posted news can become a "apple of discord" from readers, especially aggressive of them, the moderator is obliged to block. In addition, it can be evaluating the proposed history or news, on the need to place this material;
  4. The online store is responsible for the removal of old goods and the addition of new ones. Monitors comments;
  5. On portals, moderators are endowed with the same powers that the administrator. Those. Controls polls, comments, etc.

Thus, the specialty as a moderator of various services is very convenient and in some cases can be a good part-time job.

Poles and cons of the moderator

Of the advantages it is worth noting that the work is remote, the fact that the work is not complicated. The minuses include stress from communicating with conflict users, not very high wages.

Now you know who is a moderator and what he does maybe it will help you find the source of additional income on the Internet, I will be sincerely happy for you!

P.S. I apply screenshots of my earnings in partner programs. Moreover, I remind you that everyone can, even newcomer! The main thing is to do it right, and therefore learn from those who already earn, that is, professionals.

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