
Earnings in various competitions. Earn money without investment or make money on contests. Database of blogs How to make money by participating in contests

I think all of you have heard that both the organizers and the participants “make money” at contests on the Internet. But how to do that? And what is the general use of organizing contests on the Internet? This article should give you the answer to this question.

The essence of the competition is clear to everyone: there is some condition (most often, it is writing an article) for which a prize is given. The prize is, in most cases, money. The point is clear. But not only money can be an advantage of participating in a competition. It is also:

  1. "Name". Still, your material (especially if it is interesting), most likely, someone will notice. And this is a huge advantage for you, especially if you are a beginner. Your reputation as a copywriter or blogger (if you have a blog) will grow, and you will begin to somehow "recognize" at forum and blogging "parties".
  2. "Experience" of communicating with colleagues in the "shop". Other bloggers or members of the forum will comment on your articles, you will comment on their articles. So what many call "blog friendship" or "forum friendship" will be tied. And this, I can tell you, is very useful things.

And if with participation in the competition everything is clear: there is an opportunity to win money, then from the organizer's side everything looks not quite clear ... It is the “organizational side of the issue” that I want to consider further.

What you need to successfully organize a competition

  1. Budget. First of all, you need money. Nobody will take part in the competition for three rubles! Participants need motivation! And money in this case motivates the best. You can take money from your own pocket, if you have them there. And if they are not there, then you need to look for a sponsor who would give them to you. Most often, there are more or less large companies in the niche in which you organize a competition. So you can ask them for money. But, at the same time, you need to give them something in return. Most often this is the placement of links or banners in the articles of the contestants.
  2. Idea for the competition. It must be mandatory. Most often, a topic is thought up on which you need to write an article, or complete some task. There is no competition without an idea.
  3. The purpose of the competition. Everything should be done for the sake of something. Most often, everything is done for the sake of publicizing their resources and the resources of sponsors.

But organizing a competition is not enough, you need people to participate in it (the more people, the better). This is done by promoting the competition. I have listed the most common tools below.

How to promote a contest

  1. Review in blogs. On blogs of your (or related) topic, ask resource authors to review their competition. If it's worth it, bloggers will do it for free.
  2. Topics on the forums. The same can be done on thematic forums. The main thing is to make an enticing announcement and remember to keep the forum thread active.
  3. Social promotion of the competition. This is done through tweets, likes and "like". Works "with a bang!" Proven more than once.

Imagine that the competition is in full swing, articles are written, assignments are completed. But then a logical question arises: “Why should I organize a competition at all? After all, I pay money to the winners. What good is it to me? " And there is a good, and with the proper approach, it is not small.

What is the use of a competition for an organizer

  1. Target visitors. Most often, bloggers who run more or less themed blogs participate in the contests. So, this fact will give you a stream of targeted visitors. Namely, they will click on ads, order your services and become your regular readers.
  2. Increase in the number of backlinks. In the condition of writing the article indicate that there must be a direct backlink to the site-organizer of the competition. And, of course, the more participants, the more backlinks to your resource! And this is the growth of the link mass, which turns into the growth of the TIC, PR, the growth of positions in search engines etc.
  3. PR. You will acquire regular visitors for yourself and your resource will become even better and even more "PRist". Well, and how to benefit from this, I think you yourself will find.

Today I told you about how you can make money by participating and organizing contests on the Internet. As you can see, this "theme" works, and I wish you good luck in conquering new heights and making big money on the Internet for you!

If you still have questions for me - ask, I will try to answer. Have a nice day!

Opinions and reviews

Participants in contests can also squeeze benefits from them - although only a few will be able to receive prizes or monetary rewards, everyone else can attract attention (especially for bloggers and webmasters contests, when this is how traffic is attracted to the site, new subscribers are added).
The exact opposite: Forex contests for trading on demo accounts. As for me - a waste of time.

Well, why is it empty? If you take prizes in several such contests, you can win $ 1000 and even more. Naturally, you should have a good understanding of Forex.

rinatt, of course for you this is a waste of time, since you have not yet participated in contests, or simply have not won prizes. I participated, and took prizes, and earned not bad at competitions, so I will say that this is not a waste of time, but if you take this issue seriously, you can earn quite decent money at competitions.

Once I was invited to one forum to participate in a competition. It was a women's forum and it lasted for a month. I managed to take a prize, though not the first, but it was still nice. True, I was not completely sure that I would be paid, but I was paid.

Well, how do you read the messages, apparently read the quote to which I replied. I participate constantly, but I choose the time that suits me, and so on. And there were victories and prizes, here are the biggest prize money, 2k $, were here - _http: // T = 431 & p = 11313 & viewfull = 1 # post11313
We paid everything honestly!

The topic is about "How to make money on contests on the Internet?", And not about the advantages of this type of earnings. I know that many people are interested in this topic, so share useful information. If there personal experience running contests, it would be great to know about your experience.

After reading this topic a couple of weeks ago, I started googling, and to my regret I did not find anything interesting on the Internet, I participated in some small contests, but I didn’t get much success, I received from one to five dollars, but while in search, maybe sometime find something interesting.

I agree with that. Many sites have contests, and if the prize pool is good, why not take part? I participate everywhere, almost always win prizes. True, I do not think this is so good earnings, since the competition lasts a long time, and you always want to eat.

Silly question! In terms of how? Just take it, but participate. In any case, you will not lose anything. I personally have already caught a lot of money in competitions on the topic of bookmaking, but I haven’t lost anything. In general, I think the topic is stupid. You have to act, not ask. how (everything is clear that you just need to participate)

By the way, yes. Faster to take and try than to discuss something else.

In fact, various contests on forums and sites have a positive effect. After all, this can be called a bait for new visitors, besides, the participants begin to show their activity, which means that the forum and the site are revived.

Thank you very much for the article !! To be honest, I am also going to organize a competition in the near future for my subscribers and visitors to my site. Everyone will be able to participate: both boys and girls. There will be cash rewards.

“How can the Internet generate income? Stop sitting at the computer, look for a normal job! ”. These words are familiar to almost every online businessperson: few believe that social media makes money.
But those who believe continue to discover new ways of earning money, increasing their income.
Today we'll talk about how to make money on a group in contact!

How it works

The bulk of the profit comes from advertising. Public owners advertise just about everything from other groups to online retailers and large businesses. For example, online shops bijouterie or cosmetics order advertising in women's communities.
But do not rely on quick and easy earnings: in order for advertisers to choose yours among thousands of public pages, you will have to invest a lot of time and effort.

Creation and promotion

Choosing a theme

The way of earning and potential income depends on the selection of the topic. The topic should be familiar and interesting to a wide range of users. At the same time, you have to contribute something of your own to stand out from the hundreds of similar pages.

The chosen topic should be of interest to the creator himself, because he will have to deal with the administration of the public for a long time. Answer the simplest question - won't you get bored with this topic in a week, month, or year?

The most profitable topics include:

  • Humor, quotation books, and other entertainment
    The posts here help to relax after a hard day at work: many Internet users prefer to spend their evenings here.
    The competition in this niche is too high - entertainment pubs are a dime a dozen, and many of them have a multimillion audience. However, fresh ideas and distinctive presentation style will quickly catch readers' attention.

    Entertainment community post with over 800,000 unique views in 8 hours

  • Business
    Most of these communities are engaged in posting quotes and thoughts of successful businessmen. Some call such public pages meaningless dummies, others blindly believe the advice and quotes, and are looking forward to the next post.
    One thing is clear - people are interested in how to make easy money, which means that groups in contact of this format will always have a wide audience.
    To attract more users, it is worth talking about more down-to-earth people: among your acquaintances there are likely to be successful entrepreneurs who have their own business. Such unique stories will interest more readers than information about celebrities, which subscribers can easily find without your help.

    Post in a popular business magazine: thoughts and advice from a famous banker

  • There are also popular pages designed for a specific category of people - students, women, young mothers, geeks, and much more. They easily adapt to the interests of the creator: a car enthusiast can create a public about cars, and an artist can create a page for art lovers.

Narrow topics and directions are less profitable - it is unlikely that the community of violinists from Voronezh (may they forgive me) will bring the creator a lot of money.

Naming and avatar

The next step after choosing a topic is choosing a name for the group. If it catches potential participants, is easy to remember, and pronunciation and spelling do not require magical skills, then you have hit the spot!
Typical mistake beginner online businessmen VK - an attempt to cram all the thematic keywords and phrases into the title. Your page will be displayed when searching, but it is unlikely to attract new members.
It is better to order the logo from professional designer: A bright and unique picture plays an important role in the promotion of the page. If it is not yet possible to spend money on ordering an avatar, you can independently create a simple logo in any graphic editor... For example, the name of the group written on a monochrome background is suitable.

A mathematician community logo created in a conventional math graphing program


Correctly selected topics and names are not enough to attract subscribers - you need to fill the page with high-quality content. An empty feed will scare off potential audiences, even if the subject matter and description suits them one hundred percent. Before inviting friends and acquaintances to the community, create a couple of dozen interesting and unique posts.
For a business public, it can be a selection of interesting books and articles, for an entertainment page - interesting facts.

One of the early community editors' posts: a selection of feature articles and podcasts

Do not forget about creating discussions - the latter help keep in touch between subscribers.


The dream of how to make millions on a group in contact is closer than ever! It remains to attract the audience.
The initial goal is to get at least 1000-2000 subscribers.
There are a lot of ways to promote, and each one deserves special attention.

After reaching the first bar, you can start investing in advertising your public by posting in large groups. Posts with an explicit call to join and hidden ads that suddenly appear in the midst of the narrative are suitable. The main thing is to come up with a really catchy post, and post it in a public page, the target audience of which coincides with yours.


About 10,000 users have joined the group, and your posts receive over 1,000 unique views every day? It's time to move on to the most delicious: let's open the veil of secrecy, and find out how to make money on a group in contact!


Let's dwell on the advertising posts, which we have already talked about earlier.
The customer buys a place for a fixed post in the public on certain time- The advertiser has no right to post other posts during this period. After the expiration date, the post continues to move down the tape, and then it is deleted.
The cost of such advertising depends on the duration of these periods, the coverage of the public, as well as the time of day that the customer expects.
For example, advertising in an entertainment public in the daytime costs less than in the evening, and the most expensive posts in 18+ groups are posted closer to midnight.

The most convenient way to get the first customers is to place your ad in special advertising exchanges. These include the official VKontakte exchange, and the Sociate and Plibber resources. To add a public to the system, you must specify the cost of the post.

Analyze the prices of services of competitors with similar activity and reach so as not to charge too much or too little.

If you do not want to overpay the commission on each transaction to the exchanges, look for clients by others, free ways... Post ads on free sites, make special posts, create a wiki markup with a price list.
At first, there will not be very many clients, but after a while they will contact you directly. Sometimes you even have to choose between several customers!


In this area, 2 options for earning are worthy of attention - links to file hosting services, and video posting. These ways of earning are good because they bring passive income - just post a link to a file or video.
In the first option, you need to upload certain files to the group: for each download, a certain amount will be credited to your account. Of course, this cannot become the main source of income, but as an additional income on your group in contact, this option is great.

Video posting is considered a more lucrative niche, but first you need to type a large number of active subscribers. It is easy to guess that you are paid for views, which means that you need to select videos that will be interesting to most of the audience.

Videos are taken from special platforms like ViBoom and VideoSeed. You will drip in the region of 20-80 kopecks per view. Videos can only be posted by publics with 15,000+ subscribers. The statistics of views can be monitored directly in the service.

Partnership programs

You need money, and the owners of an online store or other resource need customers. Then what prevents you from concluding a mutually beneficial agreement?

The scheme of affiliate programs is quite simple: the public places an advertising post with a special link to the resource. The customer pays a percentage of the amount of purchases made by users who followed the link, or a fixed fee for each person who registers on his website.
To attract a larger audience, users are often provided with special promotional codes for discounts or other privileges.

Aliexpress Affiliate Program Video

Making money on affiliate programs in a group in contact is not so easy - you need to pay attention to several factors:

  • You shouldn't advertise video games in a literature club, or cosmetics in a business public. Analyze the needs and requirements of your target audience.
    For example, advertising for bright clothes in youth groups would be appropriate, and trainings from celebrities would be suitable for businessmen.
  • Don't advertise things that your audience can't afford. For example, entertainment groups are full of teenagers who are unlikely to be able to pay for expensive services or goods on their own. Only enough pocket money for a nice mug or sweets.
  • The selected online store should offer delivery to all cities of Russia, and better - to the CIS countries. Otherwise, some subscribers will simply not be able to use the resource and will not bring you income.

Sale of goods

Do you know how to advertise and sell other people's products? So why transfer customers to them, and receive only a percentage of each purchase, when you can create your own online store?
You can make good money on the sale of goods in a group in contact: you just need to be smart and have a small start-up capital.
As in the case of affiliate programs, you will have to study the needs of the audience. For example, in a business public, you can sell watches, and geeks will love discs, toys, and souvenirs with their favorite characters. You can buy all of these products at low prices from online stores like Monitoring discounts and promotions will increase your income at times!

Choose oversized items that can be easily mailed. These can be souvenirs, piggy banks, jewelry, sunglasses, and other small goods.

In addition to reselling things from other stores, you can start producing and selling your own, unique goods... Young people will willingly pay for T-shirts, covers, and mugs with the logo of their favorite band.

Popular entertainment public store

Public sale

Suitable for those who still did not understand how to make money on a group in contact, and decided to change the field of activity, or simply found a more profitable and interesting job. Commoners, on the other hand, should not use this method of earning: it is too risky:

  • The sale of the group is prohibited by social rules. networks - if any attempt is detected, you and your creation will be immediately banned. Buyers will have to look for third-party resources and sites.
  • Honesty is not the best side of people. The buyer may simply not pay, leaving you with nothing. In order not to run into a scammer, demand an advance payment from a potential buyer.
  • To get at least some profit, the group must be well promoted, and this will take a lot of time and effort. The one-time fee isn't worth it!


So we figured out how to make money on a group in contact. Let's summarize:

  • Choose topics that cover as much as possible large quantity of people.
  • The title should not be a set keywords: it is enough to choose one of them - light, beautiful, and memorable. Use the rest of your queries as hashtags.
  • Do not use spam to promote your community - this is fraught not only with blocking your account, but also the group itself.
  • Don't overdo it with automated subscriber recruitment - you still need active users to sell ads.
  • Create unique content that will interest your target audience and make them subscribe to your public.
  • Don't make too many advertising posts - subscribers will automatically start ignoring them, and some will even unsubscribe. Enough 1-2 posts per day.
  • Place ads for products and services that will interest your audience. Do not forget about accessibility - subscribers to "Preparing for the Unified State Exam" certainly will not buy an expensive super calculator with delivery only in Singapore.

You will learn how you can earn VKontakte ( without initial investments, how much you can earn through the VK network and how to withdraw the money you earn.

We welcome our readers to the pages of the business magazine! The founders of the resource Vitaly and Alexander are with you.

Today we will again talk about ways to make money through the Internet. The topic of the article is getting a stable income through the VKontakte social network.

This topic will be of interest to everyone who wants to start their own business from scratch or wants to find additional income in their free time.

So, make yourself comfortable - we're getting started!

1. Earnings VKontakte - how and how much you can earn through the social network

Statistics show that every third inhabitant of the planet is registered in one or more social networks. The audience of several billions consists mainly of young, capable and energetic people with financial wealth.

You can use the VKontakte network exclusively for entertainment, correspondence with friends, search for new acquaintances and interest groups. There is another opportunity - to spend your time more wisely, namely, to use VK to make money.

Think for yourself: you are still sitting on VKontakte - if instead of chatting with friends and watching news, you engage in a more profitable activity, this will bring you not only moral, but also material satisfaction.

You can earn even more in VK if you take special courses on business promotion in social networks and Internet marketing.

He managed to build a remote business through internet marketing opportunities and visited 32 countries in 2 years, combining business and travel.

Thanks to the knowledge gained on the free course, we increased the income of our HeatherBober project.

If you decide to earn on VKontakte from 50,000 rubles a month or engage in Internet marketing in any other form right from home, we can confidently recommend this tutorial to you.

Working through VK does not require intellectual effort and complex actions... You also don't have to get up to work on an alarm clock: you can make money in VK at any time of the day.

2. Ways to make money on VKontakte - TOP-5 popular

In this publication we will talk about five ways to make money, but in reality there are many more. Perhaps you personally will be able to create your own, even more effective and profitable method of making money through VK.

We will consider the simplest and most affordable options that even a high school student can use if he has free time and a desire to try himself in commercial endeavors.

Group organizers can take part in a variety of projects: with payment for an action, for an order, for registering in a service, a game, filling out a purchase order, for each visitor attracted to the partner's website.

You just have to attach affiliate programs to your group in VK and make money on them automatically.

Step 5. Withdraw the earned money

When working through affiliate programs, an accumulation system operates with a certain minimum for withdrawal to the wallet (Qiwi, YandexMoney, WebMoney). Conditions for withdrawing money from each account affiliate program different.

If the group's attendance is low, it is logical to choose those systems where the withdrawal amounts are small. In addition, in many affiliate programs there is such a concept as "hold" - the initial period of work, during which payments are not available.

4. Services for making money on VK groups

Now in more detail about the services for making money in VK. To get started, we will list the most popular ones, and then compare their pros and cons in the final table. - a serious site for making a profit for community owners;

  • - a service that allows you to make money on advertising posts on your personal page or in the community;
  • - a resource that allows you to make money on advertising not only on VK, but also on Odnoklassniki and Twitter;
  • - a project to make money by posting videos in groups.
  • Experts advise to start working with several services at the same time, in order to own experience compare their advantages and disadvantages.

    For group owners, we recommend the services Blogun or Plibber. These are very solid and reliable partners for earning money, allowing promising novice moneymakers to develop and experienced merchants to increase their working capital.

    The blogger offers his partners more stringent conditions than in other systems, but the earnings here are quite decent. The project carefully chooses sites for work, but if your community suits it, the income will be stable and high.

    Plibber is an ideal start for beginners: there is no minimum wage and, in addition to VKontakte, accounts of all popular social networks are served.

    For ease of comparison, we will present the characteristics of the main services in the form of a table:

    5. Where it is FREE and with high quality to learn how to make money on VKontakte

    It is best to take advantage of special courses in which you will have a mentor. Personally, we passed free education Dmitry Chevychalov's course "".

    This guy himself has been traveling the world for more than 2 years, organizing a successful business on the Internet - his own marketing agency.

    During the training, Dmitry examines in detail the topic of earning VKontakte from scratch and other options for making a profit using Internet marketing tools.

    6. Conclusion

    It's time to take stock, friends! Now you know that making money through the VKontakte network is available to everyone. The main thing is to take the first step towards organizing a very profitable and far from the most tedious business.

    We would like to wish speedy success and successful promotion to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to all those who want to start work or are already earning money to everyone those who want to get started or are already making money through social networks!

    How to make money in social network Odnoklassniki ( - detailed manual for beginners with illustrative examples + an overview of popular services for making money

    Hello friends! The first summer month is coming to an end, but the heat in the blogosphere is not decreasing, but only growing every week! So, on my blog, some readers have already left more than 1000 comments and are guaranteed to receive a prize of 500 rubles in addition to winning the TOP commentator's competition and receive another 350 rubles. And all this is earnings without investments, earnings at contests with cash prizes. These contests are run on many blogs and give readers the opportunity to earn good money to get started.

    Some readers admitted that participating in contests and winning them is their main income in the network, which sometimes reaches 10,000-15,000 rubles a month. This is participation in competitions for the best commentator, anniversary commentary, in some kind of competitive marathons, etc. Do not neglect this type of earnings, as there is always an opportunity to earn a couple of hundred rubles without straining too much. True, if you want to earn more than 1,000 rubles, then you have to work - spend your time and effort writing comments.

    But where to write these comments, on which blogs? Where are the best conditions? In order to make your life easier, I decided to create a list of all possible blogs and sites that host various contests. And so, as the most popular contests are “ Best Commentator”, Then the list was compiled precisely according to him.

    This will help you find blogs or sites that have great contests with cash prizes more quickly. The list will be updated once a month until the 5th day. New blogs, new contests, new cash bonuses will gradually be added to it, so that you would always be aware of what is happening.

    In principle, anyone can make such a list, but for some reason, almost no one makes it. In addition, many people have no desire to monitor the relevance of competitions every month. I will undertake all this routine work. You just have to add the competition list to your bookmarks and update it once a month. Thus, you save your time, which you can spend on writing additional comments in order to win the competition.

    To view and bookmark the list of competitive blogs, open the competition table:

    Blog contests 06/28/15

    As you can see, the relevance of the blog database is 06/28/15. Thus, you will know how relevant the database is at the time of viewing. As soon as I update it, I will also change the date in the title, so that I would always understand how fresh the information is in the list.

    The list of contest blogs consists of the following sections:

    Blog Title- Information about the name of the blog is displayed here with an already embedded link to home page blog. All that remains is to follow it if you are interested in the blog itself.

    Page with contests- this is a link to the page itself with a description of the contests. Since it is sometimes very difficult to find a complete description of all the current contests on some blogs, I decided to post a link to such pages so that you would not waste time and search for them. Just go and read the rules of the contests.

    Next are the columns with the cash prizes for the first, second and third place. It is also very informative - you can see on which blog the best offers, bonuses and prizes. In addition, at the very bottom of the table is displayed total amount for each place (1, 2, 3), so you can see the amount that you can earn if you win on all blogs. It is difficult and almost impossible, but information for general development, in order to understand how much money is spinning in the prize pool of all blogs.

    If you want to add your blog to this list, write to my support service and if everything is fine, then within 2 days it will appear in the list, thus, you get additional traffic to your blog and new commentators who didn't know about you or your competition yet! You can do it here - write to support!

    This project is beneficial to two parties - readers-commentators who want to make money on contests and the authors of blogs that are placed on the list. If you have a fairly large database of such blogs, we will create a separate contest page on our blog, so as not to bother with tables online.

    Guys, I'll tell you that making money in contests by commenting on articles is not as easy as it seems, but absolutely real. I myself won more than 1000 rubles last month on various blogs without being very active. On only one of them, on the last day, I fought for the first place and won 300 rubles, in the rest I just wrote comments on articles that were interesting to me every other day, responded to comments from other readers.

    On some blogs, I won with ten comments left. It's even funny, since it takes only 5-10 minutes to write 10 comments. And for this I received 200 rubles.

    Yes, the money is not big, but choose 10 blogs for yourself and set a goal - to win all the contests that are held there. Thus, it turns out already a good amount. For example, on my blog, the winner gets 350 rubles for the first place, somewhere around 500 rubles, and somewhere around 200. On average, 300 rubles for the first place. Winning 10 blogs and get 3000 rubles plus a bunch external links to your blog or resource and a little traffic from these blogs, as most readers become interested in who this person is, who so zealously comments on the author's blog.

    In general, I think you have already understood all the benefits of participating in commentator contests, as well as the benefits of the base of such blogs where these contests are held. Please look at the table and, if you wish, send me the addresses of blogs that are not in the table. I understand that no one wants to compete for themselves, but still - if possible - write. I'm not doing this for myself, but for all of you, my readers!

    I ask the blog authors to also look at the table and check the correctness of the data entered. If you have any comments - write to the support service. If you did not find yourself in the list, but would like to get there - just write to me in the support service!

    Let's create together a single database of all possible blogs with contests. Let's help each other! That's all for me today! Hope you like the idea. In addition, if you have any suggestions for what else to add to the table, useful information, links, formulas, etc. - write in the comments or to the support service!

    On this note, I finish the article and wish you excellent earnings on the net, so that you feel like a free person and can afford to live the way you would like it, and not as your salary allows !!!

    Blog contests. 06/28/15

    And lastly, the Kryakozyabra competition. Today a word with 16 letters:

    m p t i o r a t v e rmo o k

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