
How can you make real on the Internet. Destroy the myths on your own experience: Do you really earn on the stock exchange? Let's tell you how Andrei, my friend, gets profit in instagram

Every year the influence of Internet technologies on the lives of people is becoming more and more tangible. So, now many people prefer to earn money through the use of worldwide cobweb resources.

And even on the Internet still gets the income of a small part of the working population, it is already possible to say that this is a very promising platform for the development of its talents, the promotion of ideas, the sale of goods and services for the purpose of monetary profit.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of earnings in the network? What are the main types of earnings exist on the Internet? What should be a novice when searching for earnings in the network and initial stages of work? This article will tell about all this and many other things.

As in almost any business, in real Internet earnings There are pluses and cons. The benefits of this type of activity include the following facts:

  1. It is possible to work only on yourself, not depend on the bosses and not pay taxes - this statement applies not to all types of earnings, but to many;
  2. The ability to independently compose your work schedule;
  3. The ability to work in a convenient and cozy place - at home;
  4. Exceptionally mental work, not involving large physical costs;
  5. You can work, being at any point in the world, where there is access to the Internet;
  6. Experience, age, the presence of a military ticket and other requirements are not important here;
  7. The huge market of potential customers - in the world over a billion Internet users;
  8. When opening your own business, there is no need for a complex procedure for design;
  9. Work on the Internet can be successfully combined with the main work.

Sites where you can earn, presented in this video:

Minuses of operation online

Unfortunately, work on the Internet has its own minuses:

  1. There is no control from the bosses, which is why freelancers often arise an insurmountable laziness;
  2. Isolation from society, since most of the day will have to spend without leaving the house;
  3. Impaired vision and defective physical development due to small activity;
  4. Lack of social guarantees;
  5. The lack of confidence in the "tomorrow" - one can never accurately predict what will be the income on the Internet in the coming weeks, and even days;
  6. It is impossible to take a loan in a bank, since the FRRISTER official is obliged to be unemployed.

It is noteworthy that for registration on Yandex.Money, you must have a passport of the Russian Federation. You can use any passport to create an account in webmoney.

Job search on the Internet

You can find the place of work on the Internet through special bulletin boards. There are two ways - search suitable job At the left-handed employers' applications or send their own resume in the ad.

When making a summary, you should indicate your truthful data, experience and special skills, skills. Some recommendations for compiling Summary:

  1. Do not make it too big - enough 1-2 pages indicating the most important qualities of the employee;
  2. It is advisable to place in your resume Personal Photo, weathered in a business style;
  3. It is better to focus on professional skills (the ability to work in a team, criticism resistance, adaptability to different working conditions, etc.), and not pay attention to personal traits.
  4. Try to learn an interesting activities interesting to you and make a summary that is able to interest exactly those employers who are in it.

How not to get into the hands of scammers when searching for work

Fraudsters try to find inexperienced users every day, take advantage of their trust and lack of experience to pick up their personal money or make you work for free.

We present to your attention advice, how to avoid scammers on the Internet:

  • Do not trust those employers who offer cooperation and payment for work only e-mail, without regulation by any resources;
  • If the Customer offers too much task with good payment, it is better to ask him to split the work and payment for several stages - so, after performing the first stage, you can check the solvency of the employer and continue cooperation;
  • When writing coursework, diplomas, creation of sites and other projects, it is better to submit a demo version of the result to the customer, and after the prepayment send the entire order;
  • Check the name of the sites where you are working - many fraudsters create resources with a similar name to well-known projects and enjoy the inattention of people;
  • If the customer proposes to transfer any amount of money to him to his account, after which he will be able to make a task with good payment, then in 99% of cases it ends with a deception of the artist.

How to make money without investments, see this video:

How much can you earn on the Internet

Only getting acquainted with work on the Internet, it is very difficult to immediately find a good project or a niche for a major earnings. However, after some period, you can achieve great success.

What is a coworking center and what you need to open it, read in the article.

At first, earnings can be calculated only by several dozens of rubles. A month later, you can increase your income up to 1000-3000 rubles per week.

And if a person is engaged in the Internet for a whole year and more, then it is completely able to earn a month from 20,000 rubles and higher. Creating your own business will significantly increase this amount that can reach from 100,000 rubles and higher.

It is noteworthy that large entrepreneurs in the network have income of several million rubles per month.

Coming on the Internet in order to find a job, one should not agree on the first proposal. It is necessary to clearly appreciate your abilities and find an interesting area of \u200b\u200bwork. Perhaps, any case you can learn independently in a short time and move from regular clicks and viewing advertising, let's say, writing texts or creating websites.

In any case, for good earnings On the Internet, you will definitely be patient, the ability to follow the trends and the successful implementation of any new and current ideas.

When we buy a new shampoo in the hope that it will help get rid of dandruff, we can no longer affect its quality and efficiency. The manufacturer has all already decided for us, but we are not afraid to risk and try.

In the trading market, everything is somewhat different: we offer tool to receive income, but its efficiency we can control yourself. So - to solve the level of earnings will be yourself.

Why can't earn money?

Perhaps because you have not tried.

Most makes otherwise. You open the starting deposit and start to dive into the world of numbers, graphs, analysts and plans for a bright future. Euphoria passes after a few days, and from the starting deposit, either miserable crumbs remain or the sad digit "0".

It passes every novice. After all, it is impossible to take $ 10 and try to make a fortune of several hundred thousand dollars in a couple of evenings. You must understand that the big size of the portfolio gives you great opportunities. But it carries great risks.

Trading requires hard excerptotherwise you risk entering the list of these guys:

Nick Liston. This guy managed to go bankrupt English Barings Bank, whose history numbered over 230 years. Trade was traded by Fühchers on the Nikkei index. A big position and constant loan from the bank led to the transfers of the bank's reserves.

Losses: $ 1.3 billion

Jerome Kervel. A trader from France, who managed to bring losses to the Bank of Societe General (in which he worked) in the amount of $ 6 billion. Jerome managed to bypass the accounting and control system, making illegal transactions. But, "Something went wrong" and the mistake cost the trader of everything.

Losses: $ 6 billion

Yasu Khamanaka. This trader is known under the nickname "Mr. Copper", because he was engaged in Metal trading in Sumitomo. Artificially dried prices through the London Metal Exchange, Yasu raised the impressive amounts. But at one moment the copper collapsed, Hamanaku accused of fraud and the trader lost several billion dollars.

Losses: about $ 5 billion.

Toshihide Iguchi. 30,000 unauthorized transactions over which Toshihide worked for 11 years, turned into significant losses. Iguchi was sentenced to four years in prison, and after his release he wrote several books, including the bestseller "My Multi-Stillion Education".

Losses $ 1.1 billion.

« Drain of deposit"- the mandatory stage, which is held by any, even the most successful trader. Move to the "place under the sun" without losing the primary starting capital, it is impossible.

At the initial stage of trading make absolutely everything. This is an axiom.

But why then traders do not stop trade?

Just trading is a thin thing. Take a simple and banal statistics. Of 5,000 people who read this post, only a small part will try to start trade right now. And that's why:

  • trading is a complete divorce;
  • i have no starting capital;
  • i am not friends with numbers, mathematics and analyst I am alien;
  • where guarantees that I work with real data and quotes.

From 5000 will remain 100, which will try, and only one will be successful. These are realities.

The stock exchanges will not suffer "now will go", "I'm a refinery", "Well, come down" - and this alignment immediately leads to a rapid devastation of the deposit.

A successful trader is a person who owns and fully controls his emotions. Cooling in financial transactions - the main key to success. And it is the coolness that lacks a newcomer.

Is it worth trying and how to start trade

Someone is very clever (I do not know whether this person is alive) said: "In life you need to try everything." He did not have time to finish this phrase, since 99 out of 100 people fled everything to "try everything" and only one listened to him to the end: "... but in moderation and not immediately."

One of the most famous traders of modernity Michael Marcus to his "Star Chasu" was about 20 years. Starting with the sum $ 30,000, he managed to earn $ 80 million. According to Makrus, the main secret of win-win trade is the ability to maximize the favorable conditions for making a transaction.

Speaking about the potential opportunity to make money on trading should not be remembered by the legendary trader Larry Williams. For one year, the total income of Williams amounted to 11,000%. And I started Larry with a modest (according to the standards of trading) the amount of $ 10,000.

These guys simply knew the essence of trading, because to explain the principles of proper trade is easy. A few weeks and everything becomes clear. Why did they achieve stunning results? They just learned comply with the studied principles And hard to follow them.

We have repeatedly wrote about trade in binary options in conjunction with the Brokerage company IQ Option. In one of the articles were given. I think everyone who tried after this option earning with IQ Option, accused the company in fraud.

But the main question is that: do you comply with all 7 points? It is impossible to play football, not knowing the rules. Rather: You can roll the ball, score goals, but will never become a professional.

In the case of trading binary options IQ Option, everything looks simple: no one is trying to deceive you, you independently make decisions and determine your income level.

And someone it turns out like this ( do not look the movie in the office and in the presence of children):

Video 18+

Just lucky to those who try. Before you a platform that allows receive profits up to 86%without having to delve into all the subtleties of trading at the initial stage.

In the world of trading, everything is also exactly - without trying and not by contacting the market, it is impossible to judge that it is impossible to earn money. Tens of thousands of people screamed the state on trade and many of them, starting with banal operations on euro / dollar pairs, they remain true to today. The main thing - a wish.

Playground IQ Option Noteworthy in that you can trade from anywhere in the world if there is an Internet connection. It's impossible to get confused in the terminal interface. And start you can now .

P.S. While others thought, the founder of Tesla Ilon Mask decided to act. A month ago, he bought 20% of the shares of his own company on $ 100 per piece. Now their cost is $ 200, and Mask doubled its condition. But you, of course, can further wait for Manna Heaven;)
# for advertising rights

Guys hello! With you Sanya Borisov in touch! How to make money online? If you are looking for an answer to this question, you are new to the world of online earnings, then you are very lucky that you have fallen on this article, because now you will learn that on the Internet in 80% of the probability, you will never earn money, all your attempts Earn to turn out for you failure, all your efforts will go to the cat under the tail and end up you plun on all these earnings on the Internet and you will calmly live well as they say and good up like most people on Earth ...

Before reading the article further, I definitely recommend you to sign up for a live online webinar, which we will spend with my colleague Ruslan White and tell on it, what ways to make money today at all exist and what are relevant for you this moment Regardless of your age, gender and status.

In the webinar, we will tell you about how you can after 9-12 months normally earn from 30-50 tr. per month thanks to my site or blog. Explain everything on your fingers, once, two, three ... I will even understand the kettle ... do not miss such a chance to visit such an event ...

We spend such events only 1 time per year ...

I am not the one who wants to go to you now, Lohan, noodles hang on the ears, to propose to earn it, etc. I am the person who earns money on the Internet and knows what grave labor they are earned. I know that a guy or a girl is 14 years old, a student, middle-aged man, a pensioner, etc., which only today came to the search engine and scored the phrase "how to make money on the Internet" in the search string will never be able to earn money online if he Do not even know how it is done and what you need to know, be able to and to earn.

Information today is just a mountain, only where to start where to go, what to explore and in what direction you need to move to make money on the Internet know not many know. Of these not many knowledgeable, they still earn units, the rest are played with electronic virtual money, which never fall into their account in the bank, followed by the conclusion on the hands ...

In short! Read what I am writing and you will be happy. I will write the whole truth, I'm tired of this lie at every step. "Earn here, earn here, quickly, just, in 2 weeks 1000 $, a million, two, three, on the machine, without anything ........", etc. In general, one lies ...

From this article, you will learn all the ways of real earnings on the Internet, as well as what you need to learn and how many hours on the day to run and verify your health from the monitor screen to earn at least 20-30 thousand rubles per month !!!

I remember myself when I started to master the Internet in March 2009. At that time I needed before starting to study the possibilities of earning the Internet, first examine the rules for using the computer, as I knew not many buttons in it. "Start - Programs - Standard - Games - Solitaire Kosyanka." If you know more, then you are more lucky than me. Will go faster if you do not be lazy.

It has been more than 2 years. What I knew then and what I know today about the topic of earnings on the Internet is the sky and the earth. Now I remember myself 2 years ago and it is ridiculous to become, such plans did not build real, I wanted to earn a lot there and here and here and here ... aaaa ... In short, it's like something like it was ...

By the way, because of this syndrome, most people will not be able to earn money on the Internet. This passion for big money, which seems to them, they can soon earn and destroy them. Naive, not a sober look, not considered actions and not correct evaluation of real possibilities.

- All this is what eventually makes zombies from people who go wrong, go go, and when they stop, inspect around and see where they found themselves and that they did not achieve anything, give up, spitting on everything and sending to Damn mother all these earnings, financial independence, success and other ... \u003d)

Okay. Well, let's already have a matter. If you really want to know how to make money on the Internet, then read on. All tin still in progress.

So! To begin with, you must clearly understand and understand for yourself 3 simple Law Earn money online. It is very and very important if you don't want to be among those who do not just work money on the Internet, killing a bunch of their time and health at the computer, but also among those who are of money, not small all sorts of scammers, fraudsters and sweatshirts and will remain with the nose.

First - « Free cheese It happens only in a mousetrap "
Second - "If the work is simple - it's not to earn big money in it"
The third - "If you want to get something, get ready to give something"

About the first. If you are called somewhere, something to do for free, for free, etc. And cut down money - 99% sure you are deceived. Example - Monelik and Unlimus. No comments.

Second. If somewhere it is proposed to make money with what is particularly not tightening, easily and without risks - 99% sure you are confident or deceived or if they do not deceive, then you will not earn big money in this matter. Good money is not earned easy and simple. It should be buried on his nose!

Third - if you want to get some kind of tangible result from some reason in earnings on the Internet, then you, if neither twist will have to donate something or your precious time or the investment. This is a fact, I think no one will argue with it.

Here! Three golden laws on the Internet, who wants some other laws to add, please write in the comments.

Well, okay, the most interesting and sad is still ahead.

Let's consider the basic ways to make money on the Internet, where you can make a good earning and what work will need to do a simple person, who, as they say, is not a boom boom in earnings on the Internet, but which I would like to correct your financial situation with additional 20-30 -40-50 TR per month.

I list the most profitable ways to make money:

1. Earnings on your website or blog
2. Earnings on affiliate programs
3. Earnings on file sharing
4. Earnings in network companies
5. Earnings on your project on the Internet
6. Earnings of freelancer
7. Earnings on its information products

Here they are 7 ways to make money on the Internet, on which people really earn. All other ways, such as, for example, earnings on clicks, on polls, on forums, on watching advertising, reading articles, etc. - These are the methods of earnings on which you will not earn a lot of money, although ...

Maybe earn, but sorry for the expression, die at the computer ... \u003d) Yes, and more, "a lot" - the concept of tensile. Someone can and 1000 p. a month a lot, and some one $ 3000 is not enough \u003d)

So. Newbies writing for you.

Method number 1 - Earnings on your website or blog.

Do you have a website or blog? If not, you will have to create it. Create a site today is not a problem, video courses of the Educational Mountain on the Internet. Buy, swing, stay and forth. Learn and sites create and blogs, etc.

There is one but! Almost all video courses will give you only the basic information on the creation of a site or blog, everything else (how to do something on the site, how to make it, that's it, and still how to install this is the same plugin on the blog, like How, like ...) You will have to learn yourself !!!

Search in Google or Yandex, asking for experienced webmasters, experiment, psychic when something does not work and rejoice, jumping from happiness, when all the chiki-buffs ...

In short ... honestly. This is a complete ... very hard, and otherwise neither ...

After you make a website or blog, it will need to be promoting (increase traffic attendance and quality indicators). If the blog is zero, then, as Artemy Lebedev said, you can only earn on it on a sandwich. \u003d)

The promotion is a case that is several times more difficult than creating a site or blog. You will also need to study various information, you will need to sit at the computer and search, read, absorb various information. By the way there is a way out. You can do everything much easier, order the promotion of the site to some kind of guys or to the office, they will unwind your brainchild, only the money will be hooked by a mother ...

The newcomer to unwind the resource itself is very and very difficult. I know by myself. Start from scratch, when there is no something in my head, when you even put the counter to the site do not know how, this is a pipette ... so I immediately want to tell you a dear beginner.

If you want to create a website or blog and live in hopes to make money on them - get ready to plow as damned. You will break your back sitting on a chair behind a computer, the vessels in the eyes will sometimes burst out of the tension, maybe you will begin to bargain, etc ... I feel sorry for me ...

But I want to delight you, if you go to the end and do not fall on the floor or even earlier, then you will be much easier. Do your hand and trample ...

When your website or blog becomes a mega steep and popular, then you can make money on it not bad money, but as long as it is zero or medium quality, then I will repeat the words of Artemy Lebedev, earn a sandwich.

On the Internet there are many different resources that make money, but honestly, then interest 60-70 (in my opinion) only pretend that they earn, but in fact it is a simple cycle. Earned $ 100 - spent on advertising, hosting, buying links, work freelancers, etc. ... not in plus shorter ...

And yes even a small moment. For example, if you blog, it needs to write articles. And what to write? Here's here ... To write, you need to write something, you need to have some kind of experience in some kind of area. If there is no experience - very bad. It will be hard to write ...

And now to earnings on the site or blog. How to make money on them:

You can not describe in detail here:

How much can you earn depends on your site or blog and from you of course, than you experienced and literate the better.

Method number 2. Earnings on affiliate programs.

I included it as a separate earnings, because in affiliate programs you can earn without having anything, nor your site, nor blog, nor initial capital, etc.

It seems to be cool, but ... \u003d) To make money well in the affiliates, you again need to study a bunch of varying information, seek profitable affiliates, to be able to be among the first who will be engaged in promotion, any product or service, etc. . I gave you a link to you above, read.

The whole truth of earnings on affiliate programs is that they really earn them the guys who have a huge base of subscribers. I wrote about this in my article - "". Read sure. If there is no subscriber base, yes, in principle, both your site, then it is difficult to earn on affiliate programs, it is very difficult ...

If you have a well-visited site or blog, then profit from affiliates is a cool way to earn!

Method number 3. Earnings on file sharing.

The essence of earnings. We go for example on file sharing load some file if you download 1000 times - you get 5-7 $. Without your help about this file, no one will know, so you need to tell about it on your site that you have to be.

Talk about the file. Like a prog, swing, use ... People swing, you flow money.

The whole truth about earnings on file hosting lies in the fact that - to earn at least $ 1000 per month, you need to have uploaded files about 1000, and better 5000, and better 10,000 and attendance of the site about 20,000 -30,000 visitors per day . \u003d) But then the rules will go! But for now there are no such indicators, I'm sorry ...

Method number 4. Earnings in network companies.

Everything is very hard here. You can't even help yourself like. Here read:

Method number 5. Earnings on your project on the Internet.

I have one good acquaintance who constantly told me. Sanya, it is not necessary to suffer, blog news, affiliate, advertising, etc., but to open your project in a network of type SmartResponder, Rotapost, blogun, Sape, Linkum, Seopult, etc. Only, he says, you have to come up with something new. \u003d) That's all and money.

Damn, cool idea! Especially when you do not understand in this whole topic ... \u003d) In principle, it is not bad, give a bunch of money, which are calculated by hundreds of thousands of rubles, programmers and they will make you the stock exchange any or service type Seopult, SmartResponder, etc. or something else -Theless. And what then?

How to deal with competitors? How to organize the work of your project, how to find real clever guys who will work professionally and move the project forward? Not everything is so simple as it seems. It all starts with small.

First, it is necessary to become a pros in some area, to understand in your business from and before, to establish connections with the guys who move in this topic and then you can already think about your project. As an auto mechanic, he will not open his dental clinic and a simple person, from scratch, without a heap of dough and knowledge will not launch his project on the network ... 000.1% of 100.

Method number 6. Earnings by freelancer.

Well, I think everything is clear here. Freelancer - a man who performs some kind of determined for money. It can be sites for promoting sites, some designer work, development of some programs, scripts, website development, copywrites, rehyt, etc. etc. In order to earn money here, you should be able to do something.

On the network there are various services for this, please register on the site for example. and offer your services. What do you know how?

The whole truth is that ... yes what to explain, you want to earn a lot of money - you should be a pro, you have to have a cool experience in the fact you are engaged in, portfolio. You should be well reviewed about you, people who have already enjoyed your services should recommend you to another ...

I think everything is clear. Do your job better than others and you will get more ...

Method number 7. Earnings on your information products.

This way of earning is very profitable. But in order to earn a lot of money in it, you need to be a professional in some area. I know several such professionals in the network - Evgeny Popov, Azamat Ushanov, Yusuf Gubaidullin, Evgeny Smirnov ...

These guys have invested years of work in order to become those whom they are now. Years of study, years of creating a huge subscription base, years of fruitful and serious work ...

The whole truth is that in order to earn here, you need a bunch, just a bunch of experience and free time, creating information products is not a simple, I know. It's one thing to make a product, another thing to sell it, you know how in Russia people are trying to get one or another material - go to Google and drive "download .................. " \u003d)

Let's summarize! Is it possible to make money online? Yes! Can. BUT! You need to work a lot! Work, work and work again !!! If you decide to make money on the Internet from scratch, then get ready to give this at least several hours a day (I lately Pasha almost 8-10 hours, or even more).

First of all, you need to learn. Study, absorb the information, think, and not run forward to the praying head, analyze the situation, etc.

Make yourself a plan of your actions, put goals what you want to learn on the Internet, what skills to master how much to earn, etc. And follow the plan. Do not boil porridge in your head, do not score large quantity information.

If you are generally a novice, I advise you to start with what to study the basics of site buildings. To help you, my video course - "", then you can make a blog and write to it. What to write and what topic? Yes, anything, I do not believe that you have nothing to write about.

Well, if you are unique and you really have nothing to write about, then learn something and write about it. I heard somehow about a blogger, who started my blog and started writing to him from scratch. From the very beginning, from the first article he focused on his readers, that throughout the year, every day he will study something new and write about it.

On the first day, he learned to make a salad in French, wrote to the blog, on the second day he learned to do from the balls of animals - I did notify the blog, on the third day he learned how to make a screenshot through the Snagit program - wrote to the blog, etc. During the year, he published 365 articles and all readers of his blog simply awesome from this guy ... Here is an example to you !!! Respect !!!

As soon as your blog is gaining momentum, put the Google Adsense advertisement for example, here's the first penny go. Further more ... Learn, learn, act ... The more you know and know how you're more than experience you are standing ...

Well, now all on it. I think I reported to you the idea of \u200b\u200bthe article - to make money on the Internet very hard !!! I just did not earn money, and the sites did to order and computer help At home I was engaged in a taxi and boards saw on the sawpoint at 12 o'clock a day and the berries collected for surrender and I can safely declare - all this is a passage compared to what efforts need to be applied to make money on the Internet.

Why many guys do not earn in the network? I know the answer to this question. Because many do not understand that in order to go good income from business on the Internet - there must be time ... no on the Internet fast earningsAnd until the people who went online and wanted to wage, will be on the Internet the pyramids, whims, Kidalov, etc. ...

I wish you success and big earnings on the Internet.

By the way, can anyone write in the comments that it is easy and just earns money on the Internet? Did he earn so simple or worked a lot? Thank you! It will help with newcomers who will read this article when Google has been driving - "The whole truth about earnings on the Internet" ...

Sincerely, Alexander Borisov

Hello, friends! At a certain point, most network users are asked as a question "Is it possible to make money on the Internet?". Therefore, today we will detach how to make money online! 😀

The main presented ways do not require financial investments, and thus suitable for almost everyone, regardless of age and social status. Perhaps even the lazy can earn small amounts without investment.

For achievement good incomeOf course, you will have to try. The amount of the amount will depend only on your own effort. If you want to make a decent money, then get ready for a difficult but interesting way.

Honestly, the list of options earnings turned out not so small - but we tried to cover all the most in detail the best ways: beginning from simple tasks And finishing creating your business in the Internet!

Closer to the end of the article we will also present to your attention Top 10 Earnings ! We are sure everyone will pick up something for himself! ☝️

Well, arrange more comfortable, we have prepared for you the most popular types of earnings on the Internet.

Why can I make money on the Internet?

And you knew that curves huge money spin on the Internet - billions of dollars? 💰 We only need to make efforts and reach them!

Many people (before and I was among them) just do not understand where the money on the Internet can take! In fact, everything is simple - you need to have a certain value for which other people can pay you!

For example, it is possible to receive income on the Internet in the following basic ways:

  • perform certain tasks (from the simplest to complex);
  • work through the stock exchange or directly with customers;
  • place advertising (links) and earn on it;
  • work with partner programs;
  • invest money;
  • create useful canals On YouTube, Publications, Sites and Services;
  • open your business online.

Many sites for earnings on the Internet offer small remuneration, which is enough for the payment of the Internet, mobile phone And buying pleasant little things. This is usually traces, questionnaires and similar resources.

But you should not be limited to them. Today on the Internet there is a lot of decent options for earnings, which we will analyze in detail below. And specific sites (services) for earnings and their reviews you will find a little further!

The main thing is that you can make money on the Internet - only your desire and desire! 😀

Option number 1: Earnings on Android and iOS mobile applications

One of the lightest and simple ways Earnings are earnings on Android and iOS applications. This method is suitable absolutely to everyone who has a phone!

What is needed for earnings?
You just need to have a smartphone under your hand, a stable Internet connection and a couple of free hours per week.

Most tasks offer the user to establish a specific software (application and games) on their device, for this and charge is charged. After payment there is no need to leave installed application On the phone - if you do not need it, you can just remove it.

But besides downloading, many pay for feedback, appraisals for applications, advertising browsing and other different actions. Usually developers are aimed at increasing the popularity of their software, so they are ready to pay remuneration to those who contribute to this.

Option number 2: Writing texts

This method is known to almost every freelancer, and quite in demand. Writing articles is not suitable for everyone, but someone can try.

All that will be required of you is the ability to properly state your thoughts, competently draw up proposals, it is also necessary to know good knowledge of the Russian language. Also you must have preferably and attentiveness.

Copywriting - this is full work, only remote, therefore requires the relevant attention, but is even available to the beginner.

The principle of work on the stock exchanges:
1. You are looking for a special section of the order that suits you, submitting an application And after approval you can proceed to writing text. The costly tasks of beginners are usually available not immediately, but trying to not waste time on low-paid work. If there is no experience, you can try to fulfill a simple order. Usually there are a lot of stock exchanges.

2. The text of the task is provided by the conditions that the result must match. After checking its customer, the funds come to your account balance. And then you can easily withdraw money on any electronic wallet or bank card.

Of course, you can not use the stock exchanges, but look for work on the expanses of the network, but then the risks will increase, because the scammers always grabs. But on the other side you can find more highly paid orders!

The cost is mainly determined by the number of characters. For example, for newcomers it is about 30 rubles / 1000 Symbols. In this case, for an article in size of 7000 characters you will receive 210 rubles. With long-term work and troubleshooting, the rate increases significantly and often reaches several hundred rubles.

Option number 3: Earnings on social networks

Ideal for all who love spend a lot of time in various social networks. Time a lot of such earnings does not take away, and each can earn it absolutely easy.
  • Voting.
  • Repograph.
  • Entry into the community.
  • Likes and much more.

In general, how you understand no difficulties - click on the buttons in social networks and earn money.

Website number 1 in RuNet for earnings for today is. Excellent site for beginners. It publishes a fairly large number of tasks every day.

This is important:
The number of tasks available for you mainly depends on the "quality" of attached accounts, for example, the more friends you have, the more tasks will be available. Also in order to avoid possible locks, it is worth starting separate accounts.

You can register on CTARGET.

Large amounts of money cannot be earned in this way, but a good amount for small purchases, the payment of the Internet and replenish the balance of the mobile phone is quite real. Here is my example:

An example of earnings on accounts with the help of the service.

Option number 4: Earnings on simple and simple tasks

If you are looking for simple and easy earnings without attachments that do not require any skills, skills and knowledge, then surely this option is just for you! 👍

Of course, the point has its drawbacks, for example, it would be worthwhile to raise payment for the tasks. But even despite all the flaws, Yandex Different is a definitely worthwhile resource, which for many newcomers on the Internet is a good source of income!

Option number 5: Earnings on YouTube and your video

This method is ideal for those who are enjoying video filming. Video hosting provides an opportunity to earn good for all users. Placed rollers are able to bring significant income to authors, but for this you first need to work hard.

Rice to shoot a video and hope to immediately earn the fabulous amounts. To begin with, it is necessary to study all the subtleties on which income depends on. The subject of the roller can be any, the main thing is that the target audience is interested.

Here is an example of a popular channel on YouTube " Amazing facts", In a short time, managed to gain more 2 million subscribers:

Channel "Amazing Facts" with more than 2 million subscribers

An important point is the promotion of the channel, because even very interesting video may remain unnoticed. The number of rollers also affects the size of earnings. What they are interesting, the better channel.

Monetizing the channel can be different ways. The most popular is Google Adsense. Profit directly depends on the number of views.

Also, you probably noticed that even before the start of the roller on YouTube the owner of the channel inserted a small partner videoin which you offer to log in in the description on any site and buy something. This is also an advertisement that is capable of bringing good income !

Option number 6: How to make money online on polls

This is another pretty popular online earnings on the Internet with the output of money - these are polls! For earnings on questionnaires, enough registration, after which you will be sent to the specified mail to send invitations to filling the thematic questionnaires.

Option number 7: Earnings on reviews and comments

Earnings on writing comments and reviews are available absolutely to everyone, even schoolchildren. Especially interested in such a type of earnings of those who love to share their impressions about goods, services and many other things.

Most webmasters pay for the fact that the user will leave good review About the site or store, especially on a third-party resource. It turns out that you can earn on expressing his opinion , the main thing is to learn how to formulate it correctly.

For example, this will help you the site and (its review we also led in this article)!

Earnings on the site of the female theme with attendance of 7,000 people

How can I monetize your own website? There are several options:

  • Publication of promotional articles - In this case, you will not have to look for content, only post on your resource.
  • contextual advertising - Even sites with low attendance today can use this method. It is the most popular and is able to bring a stable income. You simply insert a special code to the site page and advertising is automatically selected depending on the target audience.
  • Sale of links - In this case, you will have to place references to other sites on the resource. For sale and purchases there are special exchanges that facilitate webmasters to search such offers - for example,
  • Partnership programs - Filver and simple. Your partner will list the funds for advertising its site on your, including the percentage of sales, if any.

Option number 10: trade in goods from China

Recently, this kind of earnings began to gain popularity. Everything happens remotely, it is only important to organize the process correctly and constantly control it. The income at the same time it turns out worthy, besides, such a business is always profitable.

The scheme of earnings is simple - bought cheap, sold much more expensive. To order goods from China, you can use such online platforms as Aliexpress , Alibaba , Taobao other!

But before starting to work, it is worth consider some moments, and what products you will sell and develop a sales strategy.

At one time, for example, flying toys were popular - Fairy, Engri Birds, etc. There are such toys in purchasing in China about 250-350 rubles (in Russia are a bit more expensive), and sell them for 1290-1490 rubles.

Option №16: Earnings on a group in social networks

One of the most popular communities in VKontakte "Laugh to Tears" - more than 10 million subscribers

First you need to create a thematic community and start filling it. interesting contentwhich does not contradict the rules. It is worth thinking carefully what you will publish. If the group is uninteresting, it is unlikely to come out of it.

It is desirable to choose the topic in which you are well versed. Then it is worthwhile. Many for this hire moderators who guarantee successful promotion.

About promotion!
You can promote a group and for free, and for a fee - 2 excellent promotion services will help you: .

After the group gains a sufficient number of subscribers and the activity will be good, advertisers may be interested. From this, the first earnings begin.

You can also use special services with native advertising, which provide video from pay for views, or various affiliate programs. In the second case, the income depends on the amount of sales / registrations / downloads ...

The main factor affecting the size of earnings is the number of subscribers, theme and activity.

Create really interesting and high-quality communities and you will always have many subscribers, and as a result and good income.

💡Example from personal experience!
So two guys from a small town have already created about 3 communities in VKontakte, each of which has about 1 million subscribers. They have long understood how much a profitable niche is and, accordingly, do not need money for a long time! 💰

Option number 17: Earnings on blogging

Create your blog can now without much difficulty and difficulties absolutely any person as a schoolboy and a pensioner!

You can write articles practically on any subject - and yet it is desirable to choose those that you like more!

Well, of course, on the site you can post partner links For useful projects, online shopping and other online services! Income with affiliates sometimes even exceed the total income from advertising!

Benefits contextual advertising that there is the ability to customize advertising under the design of the site, so it does not spoil the overall appearance. Search engines to such a method are good because they are in most cases fully comply with the subject of the site.

To achieve a worthy earnings, you need to make your blog maximum interesting For the target audience, as you attend such resources mainly to read.

It is quite real and accessible to each way of earning online! 👍

Option number 18: Earnings on affiliate programs

Affiliate programs are such a tool for earnings, which generally provides for sale.

The bottom line is that you must interest potential customers so that they move on an affiliate link (posted on your resource or on other sites on the Internet) and ordered any product, registered, downloaded something or fulfilled another specific action.

Audio Decoding to Text - Examples from Freelance Exchange

Now, with regard to payment. Everything is not so unequivocal here, it all depends on the customer, duration and quality of recording, etc.

But mostly the price of one minute of translation fluctuatesfrom 5 to 15 rubles (average price - about 7-10 rubles.). So for example, for the decoding of a half-hour recording, it is usually possible to earn about 200-300 rubles.

As a result, transcription can be a good temporary alternative for beginners (schoolchildren, students), which have not yet yet have any specialized skills (for example, to create sites, design development ...), but they want to start making money on Freelance stock exchanges! 🙂

Option number 22: Earnings on writing course

This is a look at the copywriting type of earnings, in this case you can also use special exchanges (eg

Students usually become customers, therefore the demand for coursework, abstracts and graduates are more seasonal. For work it is necessary to be a prepared person, with good thinking and high levels literacy.

Cost of work

The cost depends mainly on the complexity of the task - may fluctuate from 300 to 20 000 rubles. In some works, laboratory studies are needed, respectively, their price will be much higher.

You can also place ads on various resources. Over time, with a large flow of orders, many create entire teams.

Option №23: Work Designer

Around the world, designers are now especially in demand. If you already have experience with the designer, then you should not discard this option, since it is possible to work remotely, at a convenient time for you and get decent money.

In order to start, it is enough to have creative veil , internet access , laptop or computer and special software which will be needed to create projects (it can be downloaded for free).

Designer services are in demand in many areas - from the creation of projects of sites to various fashion accessories.

Earnings of a qualified specialist on average rated $ 1000 per monthBut this is not the limit.

Option number 24: Earnings on site creation

Site creation can literally anyone else! In fact, create simple sites can be learned with minimal learning in just 2-3 days!

Option №26: Trading through an online store or one-page

To make money on your online store, first need to create it. You can try to do it yourself, if there are certain website skills, but most fast option - Order him with specialists.

It is also possible to make an online store with a designer yourself in 30 minutes . For example, I can recommend one of the best designers for online stores -

If you want to create a one-page for free, then the site will fit for these purposes - Advertising store is necessary, therefore, in some cases, small investments will be required, which will further compensate for sales. Income can achieve large sums, it all depends only on your approach to business.

Option №27: Development of mobile applications

If you have the developer skills and want to earn a decent amount - then this way for you.

But it is worth considering that it is necessary to spend a lot of time and effort. Compensates the costs of the prospect of serious and constant income.

If the application becomes popular, then it is easy to monetize - for example, with the help of the same advertising, suggestion full version or additional paid services.

About promotion of the application!
For the growth of the rating will have to independently engage in advance. Special services for promoting applications in the top on requests in Google Market. and App Store. (for example, one of the market leaders -

Websites for money on the Internet - List of 10 best sites

So, we looked at our ways. It's time to get acquainted with those sites that have proven themselves as bona fide platforms for freelancers. We present to your attention a list of ten best resources For earnings.

Service 1: vktarget

Provides the opportunity to earn anyone who is registered on social networks, such as: VK, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter.

From my own experience I can say that this is one of the best online sites for entering newcomers! The benefits of vktarget are very much compared to similar sites for earnings!

About tasks and their cost!
The tasks are simple and on their execution takes a little time. They are performed in seconds! The cost of one varies approximately from 0.20 to 1.5 rubles.

This type of earnings can be compared with the letters, only remuneration here is an order of magnitude higher.

Tasks are different, basically you need to place an entry on your page, leave a comment, join the group or deliver a like.

Earnings are small, but for payment of the Internet and replenishing the mobile balance is enough.

Those who want to get more actively use affiliate program and invite referrals. From their earnings are accrued 15% mainly here you can find work on writing textsbut also there are orders, under the terms of which should be reviewed,

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