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Microsoft is finally ready to start the official distribution of the final version of Windows 10. The release will be held on July 29, 2015 and, unlike other releases, will be free for devices on Windows 8 and Windows 7. Windows 10 is a very important step for Microsoft and try to correct all those errors which were made. Microsoft returns the classic Start menu, brings Cortana, Continuum and a number of other useful features and features. In addition, Windows 10 is a single "piece" of software, which with small modifications can operate on various types of devices - PC, tablets, telephones, consoles, and so on.

On the eve of the release of Windows 10, we have collected the whole of the most necessary information that you need to know about this update.

Windows 10 is the name of the new operating system, which follows after Windows 8.1 Update 2. With the new version of Windows, the company skips Windows "9" and notes - there are so many changes in the OS that Windows 10 is considered as the "Project10" release. Unlike other editions, developing Windows 10, Microsoft was carefully listened to the opinions of users by making the Windows Insider program. It allows registered users to download preview version of Windows and send testing reviews.

The Windows Insider program offers to receive updates in two modes - fast and slow. A fast cycle allows you to get the newest assemblies with the most recent changes. But they may contain more bugs and instability. The slow cycle provides updates not as fast, but they are more reliable, and also come with ISO files for clean installation.

When will the official release take place?

Microsoft officially announced that Windows 10 will be launched on July 29, 2015. The operating system will be available in 190 countries in 111 languages.

How many editions of Windows 10?

In May 2015, the largest SoftOll in the world announced that Windows 10 would have the following publications:

  • Windows 10 home.
  • Windows 10 professional.
  • Windows 10 corporate.
  • Windows 10 for educational institutions.
  • Windows 10 Mobile.
  • Windows 10 Mobile corporate.
  • Windows 10 Iot Core (Internet Things).

Although all editions of Windows 10 will have a single core and similar features, Microsoft will start Windows 10 first for computers and tablets. Windows 10 Mobile will be launched later this year.

What is the difference between Windows 10 home and windows 10 professional.

Windows 10 home created for home users and will have overwhelming majority of functions from Windows 10. However, in the home edition there will not be a number of functions that are aimed at professional and business users. In Windows 10, professional has all the functions from Windows 10 HOME and so on. Professional Windows 10 includes Hyper-V to create virtual machines, improved application management and devices, enlarged data protection and additional cloud technologies. Windows 10 Pro will also offer users the ability to control the receipt of updates.

What are the minimum technical requirements for Windows 10?

Windows 10 will be able to work on all devices that support Windows 7 SP 1 or Windows 8.1 Update. If you fold the computer "from scratch", you need to pay attention to the detailed requirements:

  • Processor: 1 GHz or faster.
  • RAM: 1 GB for 32-bit Windows 10 or 2 GB for 64-bit.
  • Hard disk: 16 GB for 32-bit or 20 GB for 64-bit.
  • Graphics: Video chip with DIRECTX 9 support.
  • Screen: 1024x600 or higher.

May I use all the functions of Windows 10 if the computer meets specifications.

Not. If the overwhelming majority of Windows 10 functions are available on all devices, there are a number of possibilities that will require a special iron:

  • Windows Hello requires an infrared chamber for face recognition, an eye scanner of an eye or fingerprint sensor.
  • The number of applications you can attach to the home screen will depend on the screen resolution.
  • To support gestures requires a screen with multitouch.

What countries will Cortana be available?

Windows 10 update will be free?

Yes, Windows 10 will be free for the appropriate devices on Windows 7 or Windows 8 (a corporate edition is not included in the campaign). Note that the action is valid only until July 29, 2016, so after this time you have to pay for updating with Windows 7/8 to Windows 10.

How much will the separate edition of Windows 10 cost?

For those who collect new computer himself or wants to make a DualBoot computer, Microsoft will offer a separate purchase version of Windows 10 for the full price:

  • Windows 10 home - 119 dollars.
  • Windows 10 Professional - 199 dollars.
  • Update with Windows 10 home to Windows 10 professional - 99 dollars.

How will update to Windows 10?

Users will be able to get Windows 10 through Windows Updates. To do this, you can also reserve the update now.

June 1 Microsoft has opened the renovation reservation. Windows 7 and Windows 8 users saw a special icon in the system tray. It opens a small application where you can reserve an update and check your computer for compatibility with Windows 10.

I want to reserve an update, but I do not see the icons of the application

  • Make sure you enable the Windows Update Center.
  • Make sure you have the update of KB 3035583 installed. Update can be downloaded manually on Microsoft.
  • If the application does not start, try manually run it, Win + R - C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ GWX \\ GWX.EXE.
  • Try reinstalling the update KB 3035583 from the Windows Update Center.

If all these items do not work, the problem may be as follows:

  • Your computer does not install Windows 7 SP 1 or Windows 8.1 UPDATE.
  • Your copy of Windows is not genuine.
  • Your computer is not compatible with Windows 10.

I have not reserved an update, can I get an update?

Yes. After the release of Windows 10 July 29, Microsoft will start notifying users about the availability of free update. Through the application "Get Windows 10" you can schedule an update.

What happens after reserve reservation?

You only need to sit down and relax. If you reserved an update, it will automatically be loaded after the start of the mailing.

Can I cancel the update reservation?

Yes. Open the "Get Windows 10" - "View Confirm" - "Cancel Reservation".

How long does the update process take?

The update time will depend on your iron and Internet connections. Microsoft reports that the update can take from 20 minutes to an hour.

I want to buy a computer now. Will I be able to update it to Windows 10?

Yes. Any computer you buy on Windows 7 or Windows 8 with an OEM license will be able to upgrade to Windows 10 for free ..

Will ISO files of the final Windows 10 be released?

Microsoft has not yet reported officially details about the ISO file of the final Windows 10, but there is a high probability that users will be proposed to install an ISO file on the boot drive.

Is it possible to make a clean installation of Windows 10 for free?

Yes. But for this, you will first have to do the update from Windows 7/8 to Windows 10. After that, you will be able to install the installation of the OS "from scratch" without losing a license.

What edition of Windows 10 will I get after the update?

Users will receive the equivalent version of Windows 10 of the current Windows 7 or Windows 8.

  • Windows 10 Home - Windows 8.1, Windows 8.1 WITH BING, Windows 7 Initial, Windows 7 Home basic, Windows 7 home extended.
  • Windows 10 Professional - Windows 8.1 Professional, Windows 7 Professional and Windows 7 Maximum.
  • Windows 10 Mobile - Windows Phone 8.1.

What functions from Windows 7 and Windows 8 will be missing in Windows 10?

  • Windows Media Center.
  • Native support for DVD playback.
  • Widgets on the Windows 7 home table.
  • Windows 10 home users will not be able to disable automatic updates, but this feature will be present in Windows 10 professional and corporate.
  • Games from Windows 7 will be deleted, but users will be able to download similar versions from the Windows Store store.
  • Drivers for floppy disks will be deleted. If the user has a need for such, they will have to download separately.
  • Windows Live Essentials and OneDrive will be deleted from Windows and replaced with the appropriate ondrive integration.

Will all my files and programs be saved after the update?

Yes. Applications, files and settings will be moved from the previous version of Windows on Windows 10. But some applications and settings may not move. You may have to delete some applications in order to avoid problems with the migration of files. Application "Get Windows 10" will help you detect these applications and remove them.

Will my current antivirus work on windows 10?

Most probably not. Microsoft recommends removing antivirus before upgrading and then go to one that will be compatible with Windows 10. If you do not delete the antivirus before upgrading, the system will check it on Windows 10 compatibility and if it is not compatible, the antivirus will be deleted.

Is it possible to use a free license for installing Windows 10 to another computer?

Not. If you want to get Windows 10 for free, the installation should occur exclusively over Windows 7 or Windows 8. Even a clean installation after receiving the license is possible on one computer.

Can I update Windows 10 Insider Preview to Windows 10 in the final edition?

How to roll back from Windows 10 to Windows 7 or Windows 8?

You can roll back to the previous version of Windows in the update settings. Open the recovery section and there you will find the rollback option. This feature will be available only on those computers that are updated with Windows 7 or Windows 8.

What happens to the old version of Windows after the update?

After upgrading, your computer will download immediately on Windows 10, but the old version of Windows will be saved to the Windows.old folder on the hard disk of the computer.

Windows 10 is completely free or will I still have to pay for some functions?

If you update your Windows 7 or Windows 8-computer in the first year of mailing, you do not have to pay more for updating or using the operating system. Windows 10 will remain free on the entire life cycle of the operating system. This is not a demo version, but a full-fledged OS, which will further receive updates and new features.

Optionally, you can upgrade your home version to a professional for $ 99.

Why for free?

Microsoft wants as much users to go to Windows 10 as soon as possible.

Is this the latest version of Windows?

No one claims that after Windows 10 there will be no new versions or editions of Windows. But Windows 10 is the last big release in the near future. Now Microsoft changes the approach to Windows and considers the OS as a service. This means that there will no longer be large releases. Instead, the company will issue regular updates that bring new features and functions. Microsoft argues that users can view Windows 10 as the largest Internet service on the planet in the next couple of years.

What fate is waiting for the device on Windows RT?

These tablets will not receive the official version of Windows 10. However, the company reported that it plans to release an update that brings a number of Windows 10 functions in Windows RT.

Despite the fact that Windows 10 has been on sale for quite a long time, it is still considered a "young" operating system. Developers work every day over its improvements to make users more comfortable. All changes made, no matter how beneficial they are, carefully pack and come to the computer in the form of permanent updates, so it is important to know that they carry them and how to install them correctly.

Do I need to update Windows 10

The question of the need for Windows updates has always stood acutely, and that is, well-founded causes. There is no uniform opinion so far, so to decide whether to update the system, it is necessary to consider all the arguments for and against.

Why not update windows 10

The meaningful of updates for the Windows operating system line has always been in question.

If we talk about Windows 7, 8 and 8.1 operating systems, then almost all updates did not carry anything new or made changes in the functions that were unclaimed for ordinary users. With the release of Windows 10, this tradition is partially preserved. Most of the updates of this OS add only new corporate, server and other mounted functions, and also correct the old and add new minor errors.

Windows 10 updates are set for quite a long time and require computer reboot. There would be nothing terrible in this if they came out less often than every two weeks. For the most part, the corporate policy of Microsoft is to blame for such a frequency, thanks to which everything newly dates and go to work without careful checking and testing.

Windows 10 updates are installed for a very long time and at the most inopportune moment.

Windows 10 does not ask users, you need to update or not, and installs everything automatically when rebooting the system. It can catch the user's surprise that has decided to quickly restart the computer. Installing some Windows 10 updates can occupy up to two hours depending on the characteristics of the device. In addition, their download can eat all the traffic of the Internet, and sometimes the computer resources.

Also in Windows 10 there is such a thing as advertising. And on free versions of the system, it is often accompanied by a forced installation of unpopular and base software from Microsoft. Service updates responsible for advertising are also included in the Windows Update List.

Why you need to update windows 10

Install the first update immediately after installing the system must be necessary. The fact is that Windows 10 varieties exists much more than it may seem at first glance.

First, the total non-loyalized version of the system is set. After installing the drivers and the first OS update, it changes to the version that most corresponds to the equipment configuration, which allows you to improve the overall performance of Windows 10 and its compatibility with the computer.

Now let's talk about the advantages of the regular update of Windows 10. Surely you heard about the spy functions of this system. Largely similar services work with a single goal: collecting and sending statistics to the technical support center. This allows developers to monitor Windows 10 on different computers and in different conditions to regularly improve the system by issuing updates. It is thanks to the active collection of information that some Windows 10 updates are really valuable and allow you to make users more comfortable.

Separately, it is worth saying about the update of the security system. Each second update of Windows 10 carries an improvement in the protection of the system from viruses and other external threats.

Taking into account the high activity of encrypters and cybercrossments Recently, the update of protective systems is relevant. Even if there is a good antivirus on the computer, which you fully trust, it does not give guaranteed protection against threats aimed at the vulnerability of Windows itself.

The overall update of Windows 10 includes troubleshooting and security update

Windows 10 updates are especially important for owners of old iron.After installing Windows 10, most drivers are automatically downloaded: such a procedure often includes some compatibility improvement activities in order to further ensure the best performance of the computer. Unfortunately, the Microsoft database is far from complete, which is especially affected by outdated "hardware". But such information is collected very quickly, and with the next update it can come a package designed exclusively for one of the components of the computer.

All types of Windows 10 updates and misconceptions associated with them

Under the "operating system update", many users sometimes understand completely different things. To avoid confusion, to begin with, it is worth it to disassemble a couple of moments in more detail: what is the update, how can it be, and what can not.

The confusion in the types of updates is quite serious. It originated because of the inaccurate translation of English-speaking words into Russian. For example, Version - version, Edition - version, build - version and the like.

Table: What is called "update Windows 10"

Switch to Windows 10 (Version Update)Also, this procedure is often referred to as "update to Windows 10" or "Windows Update", which sounds very much significant. The transition to Windows 10 implies a Update with Windows 7 (or 8, or 8.1) on Windows 10. This is the only procedure that is literally translated as a "update version".
In Windows 10, there is also an internal separation on version, for example, version 1607. Updating such versions occurs through the Windows Update Center. In fact, this is an assembly update, which is called a version for beauty.
The transition to Windows 10 can be performed through the Windows10UGRADE utility, which is described below.
Change of publication / edition of Windows (Edition Update)Microsoft also refers to this procedure as "Windows Update". It is literally translated as a "edition update." The change of publication implies, for example, an update with Windows 10 HOME on Windows 10 Professional or another "Change tariff".
Below in the article is told how to do it.
Windows 10 Assembly Update (Build Update)The correct name of this procedure is "Build Update". However, when many users say "Windows 10 update," they mean it, so in the future we will call this procedure for this.
The assembly update implies Windows 10 update. The main way is to automatically update Windows through the "Update Center". However, there are others who will be discussed below.
Updating additional Windows resources It implies everything that is important applications to the system, but is not officially part of it. This includes security, components, some services, embedded programs, etc.. When Windows 10 says that it is updated, in most cases it is meant to update resources. In Windows 10, it is practically inseparable from the assembly update, so it should be considered part of the "Windows 10 update".

What should be understood under the "update of Windows 10"

For updating the system in Windows 10, the Windows Update Center is responsible. When it starts, automatic checking begins for new assemblies and additional resources, and if anything is found, immediate loading and installation will begin. There are also other ways to start an update, but the procedure itself is always the same.

"Windows 10 Update" is a "Windows 10 Upgrading Updating" plus "Updating additional Windows resources". This procedure is indivisible and the only possible option to actualize your system.

Windows 10 update implies the actualization of the operating system and some of its components

What updates do not happen

Because of the various delusions and memory of users about Windows 7, you can very often meet the references to the methods of updates that do not actually exist.

Selective update

Many users mistakenly believe that in Windows 10, a selective update of the system is permissible. Once upon office, there was information that Microsoft will make such an opportunity for the release of the release of Windows 10 Professional. However, this idea did not receive the continuation, and no choice of choice for users in the near future is not foreseen.

All updates for Windows 10 are loaded with a single package, and it is impossible to separate the desired from the rest. There are also special programs or utilities that allow you to implement this feature. And although there are methods that allow you to update the system to a specific version, excluding the next, but choose that it will not be possible to install from this update.

All updates for Windows 10 are packed in one package, which can not be divided into

Manual update

Windows 10 manual update can be considered synonymous to selective: it is this that it implies. In Windows 10 there is only an automatic update that can be started manually.It simply either runs itself, or at the request of the user, and Windows 10 is always updated equally.

Manual update You can name the offline update through the MSU file downloaded from Microsoft update directory

Upgrade to game mode

Game mode is activated in the settings:

  1. Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear icon to open the "Parameters".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to open the "Parameters"

  2. In the window that appears, click on "Games".

    In the window that appears, click on "Games"

  3. In the left part of the window, click on the game mode and activate the only switch.

    In the left part of the window, click on the game mode and activate the only switch

If you do not have the game mode in the settings, just update the system to any of the proposed ways and try again.

Installing a specific update

It is recommended to upload only the latest update of Windows 10, which makes the system itself. Any update package is installed completely and includes changes in all previous OS updates. Skip some definite update will not work.

Update packages include changes from all previous ones if they were not excluded more new. Also, if problems arise after upgrading to the latest version, you can upgrade to any previous one. How to do this, described in the "Upgrade to a specific version" chapter. However, remember that any subsequent updating of the system will return all changes back.

How many updates weigh and how much time it takes and install

The update center loads only the latest update, which is enough to actualize the operating system. Several packages are downloaded simultaneously only if the internal version of Windows 10 is changed. In this case, their weight is summed up. The updates themselves do not accumulate in any way, but simply replace each other. Their sizes are approximately 500 MB for X86 and 1 GB systems for x64.

After applying the changes, the update package itself is deleted, but the size of the free scene on the hard disk will change:

  • the size of the operating system may change within 1 GB in a large or smaller direction (the weight of the update itself does not affect this);
  • on the disk C will remain an update cache, which in its weight is 50-80% of the update itself.

Cash updates is designed to restore the system in case of failure. Usually it is removed independently after a while when there is a shortage of free space on the disk. Updates' cache is on the path C: \\ Windows \\ SoftWaredisticsTRIBUTION \\. This is the only left trace. To delete it, you need to disable the "Update Center" and start the system in safe mode. How to do both, and the other is written in the chapter "How to Stop Windows 10 Update".

Removing the update cache will not hurt the system

The time that the system will spend on an update, it is difficult to predict, as it depends on the capabilities of the computer and the speed of the Internet. The update can get away from 15 minutes to two hours.

If you start checking updates yourself, the update weight will be shown before downloading it. If the system lays the process itself, and there will be little space on the computer, it will notify the user about it. The table below shows the dimensions of the latest packages of updates of all internal versions of Windows 10, which will load the system.

Table: Package Weight Windows 10 Updates

Version Windows 10.Update packageWeight for x86, MBWeight for x64, MB
1703 KB4034674.498,1 862,2
1607 KB4039396.612,8 1150,8
1511 KB4034660.577,5 1092,9
First version of Windows 10KB4034668.450,5 852

How to update windows 10

Usually, Windows 10 update is started without a user's knowledge. Either the system comes a message about the appearance of something new, or it checks the presence of timer updates on its own. If information about the availability of updates is confirmed, their background load will begin, and the user learns about it only after the computer overloads.

However, you can also request update check on your own.

Main method

The easiest way to start checking through the Windows Update Center, which is located in the "Parameters" window.

  1. Click on the Start button and open the "Parameters" by clicking on the icon in the form of a gear.

    Click on the Start button and open the "Parameters" by clicking on the gear

  2. In the window that opens, click on "Update and Security".

    In the window that opens, click on "Update and Security"

  3. Click on the "Update Availability" button.

    Click on the "Update Verification" button

Video: How to check availability updates in Windows 10

Through the "Command Line" (forcibly)

Checking the availability of updates can be prohibited through various system settings. If this is a place to be, you will not be updated with a general way. In this case, it is worth using the "command line" so that the search for updates has begun forced.

Through utilities

Windows 10 can also be updated through special programs designed just for this purpose.

Special features utilities will not provide. They do not contain updates themselves, but only redirect the system to the Microsoft server to search them.

Both applications described below are on the official Microsoft website in the Software Loading section.

Utilities for Windows 10 update can be downloaded from the official site Microsoft

Media Creation Tool.

Windows10UGRADE (+ Go to Windows 10)

It's still easier, since the application itself will have to press only one button, but it will be installed on your computer. It also allows you to go to Windows 10 from version 8.1 and earlier.

Download the application from the official Microsoft website, run it on behalf of the administrator and click "Update Now."

Run Windows10UGRADE on behalf of the administrator and click "Refresh Now"

Upgrade to a specific version

These methods can also be viewed as an update without connecting to the Internet.They differ from the previous ones that now the search for the current version of Windows 10 will be carried out on the Microsoft server, but on the Windows 10 or a special file.

Through the image of ISO.

Video: How to download the official image of Windows 10

Through the Cab or MSU file

CAB and MSU files are special Windows 10 updates that are designed to actualize systems that do not have access to the Internet. You can download them from the official site of Microsoft. Update files must open as the usual format files .exe, but if this does not happen, you can run them through the "command line".

Run the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator and enter one of the following commands:

Changing the Windows 10 edition (without reinstallation and data loss)

Changing Windows 10 edition is possible only on a more "expensive" version of the system. If you want, for example, change Enterprise on Professional, only a complete reinstalling system will help you: Enterprise is the most expensive edition. But from the HOME version, the transition is more than possible.

  1. Click on the Start button and click on the gear to go to "Parameters".

    Click on the "Start" button and click on the gear to go to "Parameters"

  2. In the window that opens, click on the "Update and Security" section.

    Click on "Update and Security"

  3. In the left part of the window, select "Activation" and click "Change Product Key".

    Select the Activation tab and click "Change Product Key"

  4. Enter one of the following keys (Conditional keys: they allow you to change the version, but do not activate it):
  5. If the update does not start automatically, in the left side of the window, select the Windows Update Center and click "Checking the availability of updates".

    Select the WinODWS Update Tab and click Update Checking

How to Stop Windows 10 Update

If you need to urgently interrupt the starting update of Windows 10, quickly tear off the Internet. Now you need to run a "command line" on behalf of the administrator and enter the following commands alternately: NET STOP WUAUSERV, NET STOP BITS and NET STOP DOSVC.

Open the Start menu, enter in the search "CMD", click on the "command line" with the right mouse button and select "Run on behalf of the administrator"

If you want to prohibit downloading updates, the easiest way to do it through services.

  1. Open the Start menu, enter "Services.msc" and start the found utility.

    Go to "Parameters"

  2. Go to "Update and Security".

    Open the "Update and Security" section

  3. Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select Your Problem. Further instructions The system will give you myself.

    Expand the Troubleshooting tab and select Your Problem

Regular updating Windows 10 is a useful thing, but not always comfortable. Nevertheless, periodic updates for this system are a practically vital necessity. It is better to force the clock update of the system better than then try to cope with more serious problems of the computer.

Auto update function Free use of the need to look for updates on the Internet and worry due to the possible absence on the computer's critical updates on the computer.

Windows automatically follow the latest updates for the computer. Depending on the selected Windows Update service settings, Windows can install updates automatically or only notify any availability.

How much time is the download of automatic update

It depends on the type of Internet connection, size and quantity of the necessary updates. Updates are automatically loaded in the background while connecting to the Internet and do not affect other updates. In case the connection is interrupted, the download will continue in the background with the next Internet connection.

How Windows defines the necessary updates

The Windows Update service contains software that verifies computer data (model, Windows version) and other Microsoft software that is used on the computer. Microsoft uses this information to install only the updates required for the computer.

When automatic updates are downloaded

Updates are loaded in the background while connecting to the Internet and do not affect other updates. If the Internet connection is interrupted before the download is complete, the process will continue when you connect.

When updates are installed

It depends on the selected automatic update parameters. If recommended parameters are selected, updates are installed at 3:00 or in the schedule you are installed. If you turn off the computer before, you can set before shutting down.

If the computer is connected to a power source during the scheduled installation time and translated into power saving mode (sleep mode or standby), Windows will wake up the computer for the time required to install new updates.

If the computer runs from batteries, Windows does not set all updates. But Windows will try to set them during the next scheduled installation session.

Can I choose automatic updates

Yes. You can choose the installation of only important or important and recommended updates. Optional updates are not automatically installed. You can configure their installation while viewing available updates using the Windows Update service on the control panel.

iOS 11 is a major update of the operating system for the iPhone and iPad, but its installation does not take a lot of time, if you know what to do. Yesterday, Apple released the first publicly available beta version that everyone could install. To participate in the program, just go to the Apple website and register in the system.

iOS 11 contains many innovations, including improved Virtual Siri Assistant, Support Video Recording from Screen, Customizable Switches in Control, New File Manager, Advanced Docking Panel on iPad, etc. All this is available on iPhone smartphones starting with model 5S, iPad tablets from Mini 2 (iPad 4 and younger game) and iPod Touch 6G.

It is worth noting that this is a test assembly, and many users report errors and performance problems.

Those who plan to install the beta version of iOS 11 are usually interested in how much time goes to its installation. In most cases, it depends on the user and device. There are several tips that will speed up the installation process.

Preparation for installation iOS 11

Before installing iOS 11 on the iPhone, iPad or iPod Touch, you must prepare the device. First of all, you should go a short registration in the testing program. Then it is worth finding additional information about the update: user feedback, possible malfunctions and ways to eliminate them. It is also worth familiar with the process of kickback from iOS 11 on iOS 10, in case something goes wrong.

The size of the Beta version of iOS 11 depends on the device model, on average it takes about 2 GB.

The high-speed Wi-Fi connection will help avoid downloading problems, and the whole process will take no more than 5-10 minutes. With slow Wi-Fi, it may be needed a little longer. Loading can slow down the peak hours when Apple lays out a new release.

Installation iOS 11.

Despite the size, the installation of the beta version does not require too much time. On the iPhone 7 and iPhone 6S it takes only 10 minutes. But just in case it is better to foresee a little longer - 20-30 minutes. In this case, the device can reboot several times.

Completion and configuration

All stages of the installation may take about an hour. In inexperienced users, this process can take a little longer.

Considered the issue of updating mobile operating system, but today we will raise two generations of users: those who use iOS without jailbreak procedure and those who can't live without Cydia shop And we will try to solve the error occurring when updating.

Note. If you are familiar with the update procedure, editors website I am genuinely happy for you and asks for the opportunity to take advantage of the manual to users in need.

Before the start of the update, I would like to make a little clarity for those who encountered the need to update the i-device for the first time:

    Update - Download process and install the latest version of the operating system while saving all data.
    Restoration - update and reset all settings to factory (state of a new pure IOS device with the last topical version of the firmware).
    Restoration from a copy - Restoring settings, download applications, notes and contacts to the state of the last created backup without changing the current firmware version.

Very often inexperienced users who enjoy the store Cydia And all the advantages of Jailbreka, overnight decide to refuse to install applications and tweaks from third-party stores, to become "on the right way" and upgrade to "clean" iOS. Simple update through Settings Menu - Basic - Update by - Download and update After a few minutes, it may end up with an eternal reboot. Do not rush, but slowly understand!

Update device without jailbreak

Conditions: The device supports the last relevant firmware, the stable Internet is connected, the jailbreak procedure was not performed.

Observe all the steps consistently and the update process will be "dry and comfortable."

Item 1. Pay attention to compatibility.

At the time of the update, make sure your iOS device supports the latest current firmware version. You can always learn about compatibility on the company's official website and this is the only significant source. As for iOS 8, it is compatible with it:

  • iPhone: from 4S and newer;
  • iPad mini: all models; iPad: from iPad 2 and newer;
  • iPod: iPod Touch 5Gen.

If everything is safe and your device is supported, go to point 2..

Item 2. Update iTunes. We free the place.

Before any update, Apple strongly recommends updating the current version of the iTunes application. You can perform it from the application itself ( iTunes - updates), so downloading it re-from the official site with a further replacement of the old version.

Before you start updating, make sure that you have a sufficient amount of free space on your MAC or computer. Its size depends on the size of the backup, which you plan to create. The required minimum - about 8-9 GB (106 applications on my iPhone pulled at 6 GB). Make sure that free memory is enough on the iOS device. Memory status can be found by going to Settings - Basic - About this device.

If on the iPhone, iPad or iPod less 400-500 MBIt is strongly recommended to delete several applications or video, increasing the amount of free space at least 1.5 GB.

All of these memory release operations will help avoid problems and suddenly emerging errors when updating.

Item 3. Backup and recharging.

Remember, always always make backup data! Do you plan to update your iPhone or not, teach yourself to periodic backup. This will allow you to protect your nerves and the state of a deep disorder, when the IOS-gadget refuses loading on the white apple.

Connect the iOS device to the computer, open the icon with its image and select where to create a copy. If in Cloud Storage ICLOUD. You have a sufficient amount of remote disk space - boldly create a copy of it. Periodically, I strongly recommend making new stand-alone copies on the computer.

Selecting item Create a copy nowDecide whether you need copies of installed programs or you will start life from the "clean sheet". Backup size with applications can be much biggerthan without her.

Depending on how much your iOS-device is uploaded, how many cups of coffee do you have to drink, proking time. To kill two hare to one shock, back up and in iCloud and on the computer. It will take a little longer, but with further restoration of the spent minutes of waiting you can return.

Before proceeding with the key step - update iOS, make sure your gadget is charged more than on 50% . This figure is rather symbolic and many experienced users are updated and from 20-30%, but to predict how actively will be the battery your device during the update can not anyone.

Point 4. Update.

Here the paths of many users are diverged. Someone prefers a more stable and reliable update "on the shoelace" (at the time of the first few hours after the release of the new firmware, this option is more preferable), someone is updated "by air".

Each option has the right to life and, subject to all the above items, there will be no problems with restoration.

To update "By air" open Settings - Basic - update And download the latest topical firmware version.

When updating using iTunes, it is enough to connect iOS-device and select item Refresh.

Item 5. Restoration of purchases and applications.

After the iPhone update is successfully updated, it will offer to select a system language and connect to Wi-Fi network. Next point - data recovery.

If you have a good internet speed, you can restore data from copies icloud.. If not - choose copy iTunes.. The second option is somewhat faster. IOS-device will immediately require connection to iTunes, and the application itself will switch to recovery mode.

By default, the most recent backup will be selected. Choose item Restore And wait for the end of the process. Do not disconnect the cable until the complete transfer of applications and data. After the recovery is completed from the backup, the device will restart and require the entry into account Apple ID.

Follow the login, select Mail and phone number to use iMessage. You will meet the usual springboard with native wallpaper and location of the icons. Now the iOS-device will download all applications from a digital backup. Wait for the download and the device is fully ready for operation.

Update device with jailbreak

For the ability to be not as everything: to install tweaks and download free applications, a small board will be required - a slightly different update procedure. However, it is extremely harder.

Attention! If your iOS device succumbed to the jailbreak procedure, in no case are not updated by air or through the usual update via iTunes. A high probability of obtaining an eternal reboot or recovery loop.

Item 1. Prepare iOS-devices.

Surely after using the iPhone or iPad with a jailbreak on the device there are many several applications loaded from alternative stores. It is strongly recommended to delete them.

For further operations, repeat all operations listed in paragraphs 1 - 4. During the backup creation, be prepared for the possible error appearance. Everything that remains to you - kindly agree that iTunes cannot postpone the purchase, or purchase a paid version of the application (do not shove, because the jailbreak helped save several dozen rubles :)

Item 2. We restore and update the device

So, the backup is created and the time has come to "return everything as it was." we reset smartphone settings to factory. Select item Restore iPhone. iTunes will require you to disable the function Find iPhone. You can perform it on iOS-device, opening Settings - ICloud - Find iPhone and turn off the use.

Apple will once again warn about the possible loss of not transferred applications and will offer to load the latest version of the operating system. We agree and go to another cup of coffee.

After a successful update, Restoration Shopping and downloading applications from a backup is carried out in exactly the same way as in the case of using a "clean" device without a jailbreak procedure.

If something went wrong

In the digital world, as in life, not everything goes smoothly and so, as you want. If your iPhone has stopped pleased with the usual screen during the update SpringBoard, and displays a lonely white apple on a black background, things are not quite good. What to do in this case:

Option 1. Click the key Power and HOME. Continue to hold for 10 Seconds. The device will restart and you will have a chance for successful download.

Option 2. If a option 1did not help, forced to upset you - you got into the so-called loop recovery. You can get out of it, but for this you will need the victim - the full loss of data and update to the latest version of the firmware (however, if you obediently performed Point 3 - You can not worry).

Output of the device from the restoration loop:

    1. Connect the iOS device to the computer with running iTunes..
    2. In iTunes, select item Restore.
    3. Wait for the end of the recovery. When Icon appears, you need to translate iPhone to DFU mode. The transition to DFU is as follows:

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