
New in housing and communal services from January 1. New federal laws in the field of housing and communal services. Including information in GIS Housing

Faster, citizens will notice the traditional increase in tariffs for housing and communal services. So, from July 1, in Moscow, the tariff for cold water by 7.2% will grow up, to 35.40 rubles / cube. m. Today it is 33.03 rubles. per cubic meter. The cost of hot water will increase by 10.6% and will be 180.55 rubles per cube. m. also increase retail prices on gas by 3.9% (6.40 rubles / cubic meters). In addition, the minimum contribution of the overhaul in Moscow to 17 rubles will grow. per square meter area of \u200b\u200bthe room instead of 15 rubles, charged on this moment. In addition, a number of innovations come into force, which will change the usual mechanisms of work in the housing and communal services. Already at the end of 2016 a number of bills were prepared, which can also significantly affect the industry.

"The coming changes in the field of housing and communal services in 2017 are very contradictory. On the one hand, part of the legislative initiatives is related directly to ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of the owners of the premises, the improvement of their social guarantees. On the other hand, the fact of an indispensable increase in prices for housing and communal services creates significant financial difficulties for many categories of tenants and ultimately becomes a serious burden for low-income citizens, "says Ilya Shamesester, lawyer Heads Consulting.

The head of the project "School of Literate Consumer", also acknowledged that the work goes in two directions: on the one hand, consumers go to meet, on the other, the responsibility is prescribed both for consumers and for service providers.

"The main thing is not that fines are introduced, but what will be the inevitability of punishment, nothing should go down on the brakes,"

- noted the expert.

New lines in payments

If we talk about changes that should protect consumers from arbitrariness, then the following innovations can be distinguished. From January 1, the cost of the maintenance and repair of the house passes into the board for the maintenance of residential premises and expenses for the payment of utilities used to maintain a common property in an apartment building (MCD). Recall that earlier it was planned to be done in April 2016, but transferred for this year.

As Alexander Kozlov explained, the transfer of the row in the payments will allow you to start governing the accrual of fees for generalic needs (OND). This includes a fee for utilities (for cold and hot water, electricity and heat, gas supply and drainage), which go to the maintenance of places common use In the house (lighting in the entrance, etc.).

"If earlier the fee was charged almost uncontrollably - there are cases when the management organizations have exhibited bills for the maintenance of the house, superior accounts for individual consumption in apartments, now all this will be regulated within the communal sphere and rates will be held back," the expert notes.

Another line will move from the housing service to the communal - garbage collection.

It is worth noting that the authorities have long been trying to clean up and clear the ruins in this area. According to Federal Law No. 458-FZ, solid household waste has already been retracted into solid utilities, and with them, respectively, have been prescribed new work methods. It is assumed that the tariff will be paid both according to regulations from each resident and the volume of garbage. Thus, it is planned to stimulate a separate garbage collection: the more garbage can be recycled again, the lower the fee will be. In addition, it is assumed that the regions will create their own operators, which will regulate the sphere of garbage processing.

"While this is not a mandatory nature, the regions that are ready to receive this year the opportunity to start working in a new way, to create new work schemes, appoint operators. It is known that this sphere is extremely opaque, many unauthorized landfills, etc., a total audit has long been required, "says Kozlov.

This year is also scheduled for a full-fledged launch of the GIS Housing System. This is one information resourcewhich will allow the tenants to make payments online, follow information on the activities of their managers, the cost of services, payables, tariffs, etc. However, it is worth noting that the timing has been repeatedly transferred. As Kozlov noted, after the launch of the "GIS Housing Hospital" in the communal services system "there will come a coup" and all processes will be much easier to control.

Overhaul benefits are not a hindrance

In addition, a number of encouraging bills have been put forward.

"So, the government has placed a bill in which it is proposed to make licensed energy sales, as well as to create a special register of energy-free companies with which the consumer will be able to familiarize themselves on the official website of the department. According to the government, these changes contribute to improving the quality of the work of energy-free organizations, "says Ilya Shamester.

As the lawyer told, the other legislative initiative came from one of the deputies, which

it offers from January 2017, not to take into account the fees for the residential premises to capital repairs.

"This bill does not at all provide for the abolition of compulsory contributions to the overhaul of the house. According to the parliamentarian, the main purpose of the bill is to prevent the practice, in which the owners who have debt on postage of overhaul cannot receive benefits to pay for residential premises and utilities, "the lawyer explains.

Tariffs housing and communal services in 2019 will grow twice. The appropriate order was already signed by the head of government of the Russian Federation Dmitry Medvedev.

These measures are associated with an increase in the value added tax rate (VAT) from January 1, and therefore, therefore, the costs of the municipal complex will grow by 16 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Economic Development offers indexing housing and utilities rates from January 1, 2019, and not from July 1 to synchronize with increasing VAT up to 20%.

At the same time, the ministry worries the amount of tariff indexation so that the total tariff change in 2019 did not exceed 4%. This was reported in the press service of the mayor.

"The Ministry suggests in 2019 to synchronize the change in taxes and tariffs in time - that is, to increase the tariffs [housing and communal services] from January 1, 2019. This will allow you to take into account the growth of VAT and level the additional increase in tariffs since the mid-year. At the same time, the ministry additionally works in the amount of tariff indexing in 2019 so that the total change in tariffs in 2019 does not exceed the target value of inflation (4%), "the ministry reported.

The Ministry of Economic Development recalled that, according to the adopted law, the amount of VAT increases from January 1, 2019 from 18% to 20%. "In accordance with the existing regulatory framework, this increase will be relayed in the payment for the LCA. At the same time, the actual increase in tariffs according to legislation may occur only from July 1, 2019. As a result, in addition to the increase in VAT in 1.7%, in accordance with current legislation, the costs of VAT will also be laid in the tariffs for the first half of 2019, which will further increase their growth, "the position explained in the ministry.

Previously, the newspaper Izvestia reported that the Ministry of Economic Development proposes to take into account the increase in VAT when calculating tariffs for utility services. As the newspaper explains, the cost of services of the LCD will remain the same, but the final amount will increase due to the value of the tax included in the payment. Compensation options for resource-supplying companies, including at the expense of relevant tariff changes since January 2019, are discussed.

The growth of housing and utilities services is limited, so citizens should not worry due to the influence of VAT increases at the relevant tariffs. This was stated by the head of the Ministry of Taking RF Vladimir Yakushev, answering the question of journalists.

According to him, currently studying with the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, the issue of how increasing VAT will affect the cost of utilities. "But if you specifically ask the question of whether it will affect citizens, then we know that citizens we are protected [restriction] of the growth of the board, therefore, even if it is [the increase in VAT] will affect the tariffs, then the citizens do not need to disturb citizens "Said the Minister.

He explained that the fee of citizens for housing and utilities services is limited "regardless of the tariff." "This [VAT growth] for payment [for housing and communal services] will not affect, it may affect tariffs. The tariff for the payment does not affect, the payment is limited to the law, "the minister drew attention again, stressing that the corresponding costs would take on the budget.

Previously, the newspaper Izvestia reported that the Ministry of Economic Development proposes to take into account the increase in VAT when calculating tariffs for utility services. "Changes in tax legislation from January 1, 2019 significantly increase the risk of falling income from resource-supplying organizations, which, in turn, can lead to a deterioration in their financial condition. Therefore, the Ministry of Economic Development offers to take into account the corresponding changes in the tariffs, "the ministry's press service reported.

As the newspaper explains, the cost of services of the LCD will remain the same, but the final amount will increase due to the value of the tax included in the payment. Compensation options for resource-supplying companies, including at the expense of relevant tariff changes since January 2019, are discussed.

Earlier, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law providing for an increase in value added tax (VAT) from 18% to 20%, as well as new social contributions rates. The document was adopted by the State Duma on July 24 and approved by the Federation Council on July 28.

President Vladimir Putin signed a law providing for an increase in value added tax (VAT) from 18% to 20%, as well as new social contributions rates.

According to the calculations of the authorities, this innovation will increase the budget revenues by 620 billion rubles per year.

Who pays VAT?

This tax is paid by Jurlitsa at all stages of production and sales of goods or services. The amount of the tax paid is laid in the final price of products or services, and in fact, consumers are paid.

Why is it decided to raise a bet?

The tax increase is due to the loss of income of the federal budget due to the reduction of oil prices since 2014, the head of the Accounts Chamber Alexey Kudrin said. In early 2014, oil prices were $ 110-100 per barrel, and today they are $ 76, that is, the income from oil fell on the third, the expert explained.

In addition, "the share of the oil economy in our common economy falls, we now grow faster the non-oil industries, non-relief. And the share of oil revenues to GDP is somewhat less, he noted. To keep the level of costs of infrastructure, education, health care, you need to find additional income.

The Cabinet promises to send funds from increasing VAT for social needs, primarily on health care.

Will preserved benefits?

Yes, it will be saved.

"So that this load falls on people, all the benefits for the value added tax on the main socially significant products will be preserved for basic services," Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev promised.

Now the VAT rate of 10% is valid for food products of essential necessary (bread, milk, etc.), children's and medical goods.

The zero tax rate is applied on internal interregional air transport. In the second reading, the State Duma approved the amendments extending the effect of this bet before January 1, 2025 during passenger transportation in Crimea and back and if the point of departure or arrival is located on the territory of the Far Eastern Federal District.

The preferential VAT rate will retain a third of the goods basket of standard consumption, calculated in the Ministry of Finance.

How does the raising raise affect inflation?

Anton Siluanov said that the increase in VAT can accelerate inflation in 2019 from the expected 3% to 4-4.5%.

The head of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP) Alexander Shokhin hopes that the Government and Central Bank will be able to keep inflation within 4%.

The growth rate of VAT may dismiss inflation in 2019 and thereby encouraging the Central Bank to raise the key rate, says the Managing Director for Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting the Expert RA rating agency Anton Tabach.

"As a result of this solution, inflation is practically guaranteed. When increasing rates of two percentage points, you can expect an increase in inflation by 0.5-0.75 percentage points. In 2019, "said the expert. According to him, this year we will almost guarantee you will not go beyond the target level of the Central Bank of Inflation 4%, but in 2019, after increasing VAT, it is extremely likely. "If the tariffs of natural monopolies grow, then inflation will be higher than the goal. In this case, the regulator will most likely be forced to raise a bet, including taking into account the experience of other countries, "he said.

VAT is chosen primarily because it is easiest to collect, the FTS has learned well to administer, including radically improving the collection and depth of data processing, added tobaches.

Alexey Kudrin said that increasing the tax will accelerate inflation in 2019 by 0.4 percentage points, inflation will remain at 4% this year.

Will the procedure for VAT reimbursement change?

The government plans to reduce the timing of the camera (that is, in the tax service office, without visiting the enterprise) checks during VAT reimbursement.

It is also intended to expand the number of enterprises that VAT will refund in an expedited manner. Now this procedure can take advantage of companies that have been transferred to the budget for 7 billion rubles of taxes in the budget. In the future, this threshold will be reduced to 2 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation proposes to increase the utility rates due to increased VAT from 18 to 20% in 2019, reports the news "Izvestia" with reference to the press service of the Office.

The officials explained that due to the growth of VAT, the financial condition of the resource-supplying organizations could worsen. To prevent this, you need to adjust the utility rates.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, journalists confirmed that the authorities discuss the possibility of increasing tariffs from January 1. Representatives of FAS also reported consideration of the issue of indexing prices for utilities.

Recall, on August 4, President Vladimir Putin signed a law on increasing VAT from 18 to 20%. At the same time, all preferential rates will be saved.

Will the "communal" rise after increasing VAT?

The State Duma adopted the bill to increase VAT in the first reading. From January 1, 2019, the tax rate will be increased from 18 to 20%.

As a result, most of the goods and services will rise in price, many experts say. And what will happen to the "communal"? Will we expect even greater growth of housing and utilities tariffs?

Svetlana Roslagtneva, the first deputy chairman of the Commission of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation on housing and communal services, construction and roads: - Of course, the increase in VAT will directly affect the tariffs. They will become more. And they will lie with additional cargo on the wallets of our citizens, which are already perturbed by the constant growth of the fee for the LCA. Some utility enterprises did not pay VAT at all, working on a simplified tax system. But soon everything will change. The municipal sphere in the place of small companies (boiler rooms, small water channels) is actively coming by concessionaires that will have to pay VAT in the amount of 18%. And if the bill is to increase the tax increase, then all 20%. It will be very sensitive. In addition, this year the whole country will turn on new system Waste handling. And if earlier trash was taken out of small firms sitting on "simplified", from 2018-2019. This is done regional operatorsIn addition, it is forced to pay for VAT. In general, the VAT theme for housing and communal services is extremely heavy. The industry is chronically underfunded. This affects the quality of services, and on the salaries of employees. In such conditions, any additional financial load can lead to a bankruptcy of a number of enterprises that are already breathing incense. But from them depending millions of ordinary people who need warmth, light, water, sewage ... Because "communal" is a socially oriented business.

On the one hand, the government is trying to restrain communal tariffs, introduces limit indices. And on the other, it makes additional conditions like an increase in VAT, which lead to an even greater increase in payments. It is clear to whom the public utilities will hang their expenses. On the population. Or the state itself ... In many regions, local budgets compensate for the difference between real tariffs and those for which the population pays. It turns out that the state in one pocket is putting money, but gives out of another ... And why do you need it? I am convinced that, discussing the law on increasing VAT, it is necessary to approach various sectors and enterprises very differentiated. If the state is interested in the salvation of housing and communal services, if it does not want a galloping growth in payments, then the amount of tax for housing and communal services should be reduced.

Russians are waiting for the growth of utility tariffs

Losses of public utilities from increasing value added tax were offered to compensate for ordinary Russians, reporting "Izvestia".
According to the publication, the corresponding proposal was announced by the Association "Housing and Urban Wednesday" in a letter to the Minister of Construction Vladimir Yakushev. In the Associations are confident that increasing VAT up to 20% will be the cause of 100 billion losses of public utilities in 2019, and asked in connection with this, increase the rates of housing and communal services by 4%.
The press service of the Ministry of Internal Affairs confirmed that there were already discussing the growth of tariffs from January 1 of next year, since the conjugated conjunction was real.
Colleagues agreed with the Ministry of Economic Development, and the General Director of the Association "Housing and Urban Wednesday", Alexey Makrushin stressed that the "services themselves" do not rise in price, because only the tax included in the payment receipt will grow.
Macrushin added that the "size of the payment" will still grow by 2%, but the public utilities will not earn anything at it.

In the tariffs for housing and utilities services, the size of the increase in VAT for 2 percentage points offers the Ministry of Economic Development. This is necessary in order not to deteriorate the financial condition of the resource-supplying organizations, informed Izvestia in the press service of the ministry. At the same time, despite the increase in the amount of payments for the LCA, the services themselves do not rise in price, and their suppliers will not receive any additional funds - only the value of the tax included in the payment will increase. Earlier, the State Duma and the Federation Council approved a government bill providing for increasing VAT from 18 to 20%.

The Association "Housing and Communal Services" sent an email with a similar proposal and a request to initiate a discussion of the issue in the Government to the head of the Minister Vladimir Yakushev. Otherwise, utility losses for 2019 can reach 100 billion rubles, and the volume of debts in the industry will grow to 1.5 trillion rubles. In the Ministry of Energy "Izvestia" confirmed that the issue of raising tariffs from January 1 is discussed.

Changes in tax legislation from January 1, 2019 significantly increases the risk of falling income from resource-supplying organizations, which, in turn, can lead to a deterioration in their financial condition. Therefore, the Ministry of Economic Development offers to take into account the corresponding changes in the tariffs, "reported Izvestia in the press service of the Ministry of Economic Development.

The Association "Housing and Urban Wednesday" at the end of June sent a letter to the head of the Ministry of Pressure Vladimir Yakushev (Izvestia familiarized with the document), which states that with increasing VAT in the organizations of housing and communal services, providing consumers in the amount of 4.5 trillion rubles, for the first Send direct losses in 45 billion rubles. They will lead to a multiplicative growth of debts in the industry to 1.5 trillion rubles. Compensation of drop-down costs due to the growth of tariffs from July 1 will require an additional increase in utility tariffs by no 2%, but by more than 4%. Most simple way Solving the problem of the author of the appeal, the Director General of the Association Association Alexei Makrushin, seems to increase tariffs for the level of VAT increase since January 1, 2019.

In the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Izvestia stated that they shared expert concerns. If you do not consider increasing costs in the tariff, resource-supplying companies will endure direct losses. Preceded possible options Compensation for resource-supply organizations, including at the expense of appropriate changes in tariffs since January 2019, added to the ministry.

Energy saving measures can reduce heat heating costs by 40%

The cost of the services themselves will not change. Only the value of the tax is swapped, which is included in the payment. Thus, the amount of payments for consumers will increase by 2 percentage points. But at the same time, the Organization will not earn no ruble, "Alexey Makrushin explained to Izvestia.

If such a measure is not to introduce, per year, the losses of resource-supplying organizations can reach 100 billion rubles, calculated the expert.

In the FAS, which makes decisions about tariff indexation, refused comment, referring to the fact that there is still a discussion of this issue.

The increase in VAT belongs to the uncomplicated costs of utility enterprises, noted Professor HSE Sergei Sivaev. Their investment and operational programs were compiled without taking into account such tax burden.

The consumer, of course, will not be delighted, because he will have to pay more. But the increase in tariffs was expected, "said Sergey Sivaev.

According to him, the spheres in which tariffs are governed by the state need compensation measures. This is especially true of the housing and utilities industry. According to Izvestia, in the first quarter of this year, the debts for LCK in Russia increased by 5.3%, to 1.4 trillion rubles compared to the same period of the past. According to Rosstat, the volume of unpaid bills for water supply is 86 billion rubles (+ 5.7%), water disposal - 63.9 billion rubles (+ 6.6%), electricity - 247.5 billion rubles (+ 9.7%) . Non-payment for housing services increased by 14.6%, up to 234.3 billion rubles, for heat - by 6.7%, to 569.3 billion rubles.

The Ministry of Economic Development was offered to increase utility rates by 2% due to the growth of VAT from 18% to 20%. This is written "Izvestia".

It is noted that such changes are necessary to prevent "the emergence of drop-down income" in resource-supplying organizations, which can lead to the deterioration of their financial condition.

According to the publication, the Ministry of Economies also confirmed that the compensation options are currently being discussed for resource supply companies.

As it is specified, with such changes, the cost of services utilities will not change, but the final amount will increase due to tax included in the payment.

Earlier, Russian leader Vladimir Putin signed a law that approves an increase in the value added tax rate from January 1, 2019 to 20% from 18%.

Tariffs housing and communal services from July 1, 2018 in Moscow, the table, the official site of informs.

The Moscow authorities from July 1 increase tariffs for a number of utilities, the maximum was the growth of the tariff for cold water supply and water disposal - by 7.5%, "Interfax" was told in the city administration.

"According to the Order of the Government of Moscow, the average growth of utilities for the population should not exceed 5.5%, but the tariffs did not increase at all," the agency's source said.

For Muscovites, the maximum was the growth of cold water supply and water disposal - by 7.5%. Now the cost of a cubic meter of cold water is 38.06 rubles, a cubic meter of drainage - 27.01 rubles. The cubic meter of hot water for residents of the "old" Moscow rose by 4.4% to 188.53 rubles per cubic meter. At the same time, the growth of the heating tariff was from 1.5% to 3.7%.

The cost of the cubic meter of gas for the population increased by 3.6% to 6.63 rubles. The price of electricity with a single-time tariff in houses with gas stoves has not changed and remained at the level of 5.38 rubles per kW / h. The cost of 1 kW / h in a tariff, differentiated over two and three days of daytime, was also not changed, and at night will grow by 7.3% to 1.92 rubles.

In houses with electric stoves, electricity at a single-way tariff has risen by 6.4% - up to 4.3 rubles per 1 kW / h. The cost of 1 kW / h at a tariff, which was differentiated for two days of day during the daytime, did not change, and at night increased by 7.1% - to 1.35 rubles; When tariff, differentiated in three days, the price of one kW / h in peak and semi-touch time increased by 6.4% to 5.16 and 4.3 rubles, respectively, at night - by 7.1% - to 1.35 rubles .

In addition, from July 1, a number of tariffs for housing and communal services are adjusted for residents of "New" Moscow.

At the same time, the amount of contributions for overhaul from July 1 did not change and remains at the level of 17 rubles per 1 square meter. m per month.

In July, tariffs for housing and communal services are traditionally increasing in Russia. Before the tariffs grew from January, and thus, since the beginning of the year, inflation began to accelerate.

The government has undergone an increase in the value of utility services for the summer, when inflation slows down due to seasonal factors, and for the economy, the growth of tariffs occurs less painful. What are the new utility rates from July 1, 2018 in Moscow - what information contains the official website of the city hall and communal service providers.

  • How much will grow electricity rates from July 1, 2018 in Moscow
  • How much will rise in the cost of cold water and drainage in Moscow from July 1, 2018
  • New tariffs for heating and hot water in Moscow from July 1, 2018

How much will rise utility rates in Moscow from July 1 for the population

On average housing and utilities services in Moscow from July 1, 2018 will rise in price not more than 5.5%. At least, it is this figure that is contained in the ruling of the government of the country, which appeared at the end of 2017. This resolution registed the maximum percentage of tariff growth for all regions of Russia.

Comparatively low against the background of previous growth rates of housing and utilities services The percentage of raising tariffs in 2018 is simply explained. Official inflation last year amounted to only 2.5%, in the current year it is expected at 4%.

Despite the fact that the press funded from the budget presents 5.5% of the growth of tariffs as a certain achievement of power, in fact this percentage is quite large.

Last year, Medvedev Prime Minister said that utility tariffs should not grow higher than inflation growing. In fact, in the same Moscow, housing and utilities services from July 1, 2018 will rise in price by the percentage, which exceeds inflation twice.

Does the official website of the Moscow City Hall on the official website of the Moscow City Hall from July 1, 2018

Unfortunately, the official website of the Moscow City Hall is new utility rates, which will begin to act in the capital from July 1, 2018, until it leads. Moreover, there is even no information on the relevant decision of the Moscow Government with the transfer of new tariffs.

Thus, search for information on how much utility services in Moscow starting from the middle of the year are on the websites of utility providers.

For most residents of Moscow, the cost of one kilowatt-hour electricity from July will not change at all. We are talking about the inhabitants of the so-called old Moscow, which use gas stoves and pay electricity on a single-tariff counter without breaking over the time of day. For them, one kilowatt-hour of electricity will cost 5.38 rubles, as well as now.

As for those living in the old, or the main, Moscow, who has established multi-tariff counters, then for them weanly will rise in price the night tariff - instead of 1.79 rubles a night kilowatt-hour energy will cost 1.92 rubles. Peak and semi-touch zones for two and three tariff counters will cost the same as today, without the growth of the tariff.

But for those inhabitants of the new Moscow, which are used by electric stoves, kilowatt-hour will rise in price up to the following values:

  • According to the one idarization meter - up to 4.30 rubles (now 4.04).
  • On the two-time counter:
    • for peak zone - up to 4.95 rubles (now 4.65),
  • On a three-time counter:
    • for peak zone - up to 5.16 rubles (now 4.85),
    • for a semi-color zone - up to 4.30 rubles (now 4.04),
    • for the night zone - up to 1.35 rubles (now 1.26).

But for the inhabitants of the so-called new Moscow (Trinity and Novomoskovsky district of the capital) growth will concern everyone.

For most people living in these districts, electricity will cost the same as for the residents of the old Moscow, reports the portal But to use multi-tariff counters in New Moscow will not be so profitable as in the old - tariffs will be higher.

For residents of Moscow, which live in houses with gas plates in localities, not equated to rural, new tariffs look like this:

  • According to the one idarization meter - 5.38 rubles (now 5.24).
  • On the two-time counter:
    • for peak zone - 6.19 rubles (now 6.03),
  • On a three-time counter:
    • for peak zone - 6.46 rubles (now 6.29),
    • for a semi-color zone - 5.38 rubles (now 5.24),
    • for the night zone - 2.41 rubles (now 2.24).

For those who use electric stoves, new tariffs for electricity look like this:

  • According to the one idarization meter - 4.30 rubles (now 3.93).
  • On the two-time counter:
    • for peak zone - 4.47 rubles (now 4.41),
  • On a three-time counter:
    • for peak zone - 4.93 rubles (now 4.59),
    • for a semi-color zone - 4.11 rubles (now 3.83),
    • for the night zone - 1.70 rubles (now 1.58).

Finally, for residents of the new Moscow, which live in the terrain equivalent to rural, new tariffs from July 1 are the following:

  • According to the one idarization meter - 3.77 rubles (now 3.67).
  • On the two-time counter:
    • for peak zone - 4.34 rubles (now 4.22),
    • for the night zone - 1.70 rubles (now 1.58).
  • On a three-time counter:
    • for peak zone - 4.52 rubles (now 4.40),
    • for a semi-color zone - 3.77 rubles (now 3.67),
    • for the night zone - 1.70 rubles (now 1.58).

On the official website of Mosvodokanal, information on new rates for cold water and drainage in Moscow is provided.

Similar to electricity tariffs, the cost of these services is also different for residents of old and new Moscow.

Within the limits of the old Moscow, new tariffs for the population, taking into account VAT, the following:

  • cold water - 38.06 rubles per cubic meter (now 35.40),
  • water disposal - 27.01 rubles per cubic meter (now 25.12).

For the new Moscow, tariffs depend on specific districts and settlements.

Cold water

Urban district Shcherbinka

Moscow settlements, Vnukovo, Voskresenskoye, Desen, "Mosrentgen", Pine, Filimonovskoye

Schupovskoe settlements, Klenovskoe

Settlements Voronovskoye, Krasnopahorskoe (with the exception of the village of Subsidic Farm Ministry), Mikhailovo-Yantseva, Rogovsky

Establishment settlement of the Ministry of List of the settlement of Krasnopahorskoe

Settlement Ryazanovskoye

City District Troitsk

Settlements Kiev, Pervomayskoye, Novofedorovskoye, Kokoskino, Marushkinskoye

As for heating and hot water, the tariffs for these services are also known, a simple resident to calculate the cost of these services is much more complicated. Tariffs are the cost of heat Gcal, which go to heating and heating water to provide hot water supply services.

Moreover, the tariff depends on whether the consumer is connected to a thermal point or after it. It is practically unrealistic to understand all this ordinary Muscovites.

Nevertheless, new tariffs are known, and we will help you to navigate:

  • if now Gkal heat for you costs 1742.92 rubles, then new tariff - 1806.89 rubles,
  • if you are paying for Gcal of heat 2199.24 rubles, then the new tariff is 2279.95 rubles.

You can clarify the current tariff you can easily in any payment for heating or hot water.

Tariff growth in both cases - 3.67%. It is for this percentage that it is easiest to navigate in the case of the growth of the tariff for hot water and heat.


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December 16, 2019, the turnover of drugs, medical devices and substances About changes in the system of state registration and re-registration of marginal vacation prices for drugs included in the list of vital and most important drugs Resolution of December 16, 2019 №1683. In particular, the rules of mandatory re-registration in 2019-2020 of the registered marginal vacation prices of manufacturers for drugs included in the LVLP list were approved. The procedure for calculating the maximum selling price of the drug during its re-registration is determined in order to reduce it.

December 16, 2019, Monogorod It was decided to establish the territory of the outpacing development of "Tulun" in the Irkutsk region Resolution of December 16, 2019 №1682. The creation of Tulun Torong will contribute to the diversification of the city's economy, a decrease in dependence on the city-forming enterprise, an increase in the investment attractiveness of the city, the creation of new jobs, attracting investments.

December 16, 2019, general issues of industrial policy About state support for research and development work on modern technologies As part of the implementation of innovative projects Resolution of December 12, 2019 №1649. Subsidies from the federal budget will be provided in order to encourage innovative activities based on R & D on modern technologies directly related to the subsequent creation and adaptation for the requirements of individual markets, the production and implementation of competitive industrial products in the framework of innovative projects.

December 16, 2019, Housing Policy, Housing Market Features of payments in 2020-2022 for cash compensation for hiring residential premises to certain categories of military personnel are established Resolution of December 16, 2019 №1681. In order to strengthen the social protection of soldiers, sergeants, sailors or elders and members of their families, it is envisaged to pay them monetary compensation for hiring residential premises by analogy with the size of the payout officers, ensigns and Michmanam.

December 16, 2019, Mediasfer. the Internet Approved the rules for choosing the municipal compulsory public television channel and the procedure for its broadcast Resolutions of December 10, 2019 №1630, №1631. Decisions will contribute information support The population by programs covering local issues are interested in and broadcasters of municipal mandatory public television channels, and telecom operators.

December 14, 2019, General Cultural Policy Questions On improving cultural bonuses system Resolution of December 11, 2019 No. 1640. From 2020, six Awards of the Russian Government will be awarded annually for a significant contribution to the development of Russian culture to creative workers and cultural workers, Fedor Volkov Prize for contribution to the development of theatrical art, five "Soul of Russia" awards for contribution to the development of folk creativity, seven prizes named after A.V. Lunacharsky for a significant contribution to the development of Russian culture.

December 14, 2019, disabled. Burry medium Approved list specialized products food for children with disabilities for 2020 Order of December 11, 2019 №2984-p. The list includes 76 specialized products for dietary therapeutic nutrition of children with disabilities, patients with orphan diseases. In 2016, such a list included 54 products, in 2017 - 69 products, in 2018 - 71 products, in 2019 - 75 products.

December 13, 2019, issues of organization and quality of services in the social sphere The implementation plan of the II stage of the National Strategy of Action In the Interests of Women Order of December 7, 2019 №2943-p. The plan includes a 21 enlarged event aimed at solving the priority tasks set in the National Action Strategy for Women.

December 12, 2019, National Program "Digital Economics of the Russian Federation" On state support for digital transformation of priority sectors of the economy and social sphere Resolution of December 5, 2019 №1598. The procedure for providing subsidies from the federal budget as part of the support of projects for the transformation of priority sectors of the economy and the social sphere is established on the basis of the introduction of domestic products, services and platform solutions created on the basis of "cross-cutting" digital technology, with the use of preferential lending.

December 12, 2019, the State Program to Promote Voluntary Resettlement to the Russian Federation of Compatriots Resisting Abroad Approved implementation plan State program to assist voluntary resettlement in Russian Federation compatriots living abroad for 2020-2022 Order of December 4, 2019 №2917-p. The implementation of the Plan will create conditions for voluntary relocation to Russia in 2020-2022, 197.5 thousand of compatriots.

December 12, 2019, Social support for families with children The list of subjects of the Federation, in which in 2020, will be co-financed by expenditure obligations to support families in connection with the birth of a third child or subsequent children Order of December 10, 2019 №2968-p. Allows the regions with an unfavorable demographic situation to continue in 2020 support for families at the birth of a third child or subsequent children aimed at creating conditions for raising the birth rate.

December 12, 2019, Shipbuilding and Marine Equipment Installation of the provision of subsidies for the construction of large-tonnage courts Resolution of December 4, 2019 №1584. The decision makes it possible to form new growth points of the domestic industry, will contribute to the loading of enterprises, increasing the volume of competitive products, meet the needs of the domestic market in large-tonnage courts and creating favorable conditions for the development of shipbuilding as a whole.

December 12, 2019, Migration Policy The need for the involvement of foreign workers in 2020 Resolution of December 3, 2019 No. 1579. The need to attract foreign workers in 2020, arriving in Russia on the basis of a visa, is 104,993 people - 72.6% of the need defined for 2019.

December 11, 2019, It was decided to transform the State Natural Reserve "Gydansky" (Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug) to the National Park Resolution of December 10, 2019 №1632. In the boundaries of the "Gydansky" reserve, indigenous small peoples live - Gydan Nenets and Enzi. In order to ensure their traditional economic activity, the reserve is transformed into a national park, which provides for the zone of traditional extensive environmental management, in the borders of which fisheries are allowed, hunting, bodies and mushrooms.

December 11, 2019, Quality of Regional and Municipal Administration 5 billion rubles are sent to encouraging regional and municipal management teams of the subjects of the Federation, which reached the best values \u200b\u200bof the performance of regional executive authorities in 2019 Resolution of December 7, 2019 №1614, the disposal of December 9, 2019 №2960-p. 5 billion rubles are distributed among the subjects of a federation of the seats from the 1st to 71rd as a consolidated assessment of the achievement of the values \u200b\u200bof the indicators and to achieve the values \u200b\u200bof the indicators grouped into economic, social and domestic policies, separately.

December 11, 2019, National Project "Ecology" It was decided to establish the National Park "Koygorodsky" (Komi Republic) Resolution of December 7, 2019 №1607. On the territory of the Komi Republic will be created by the National Park "Koygorodsky" with a total area of \u200b\u200b56700.032 hectares. The decision will create legal grounds for ensuring the regime of special protection of natural complexes and facilities included in the borders of the National Park, and will also contribute to the development of natural-oriented, educational and sports tourism.

December 11, 2019, Nature Conservation. Reserves, National Parks Expanded the territory of the Land Leopard National Park in Primorsky Krai Resolution of December 3, 2019 No. 1578. The National Park includes land plots with an area of \u200b\u200b6928.28 hectares on the Gamov Peninsula, which are typical habitats of the Far Eastern Leopard, are of great importance for the preservation of the biological and landscaped diversity of the southern part of the Primorsky Territory.


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