
Novoslobodskaya 45 building. Passport and Visa Center on Novoslobodskaya. Ufms office for the northern izmailovo district

We have already written that the reception of documents for registration of a temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship in the Moscow branches of the FMS will no longer be carried out. Now citizens should contact the FMS at Novoslobodskaya, 45, building B. How to get there, you can find out by reading our previous article, and today let's find out how everything is organized there, is there enough space, time, and most importantly, can is the connection of all district branches of the FMS in one place a good solution?

Related article: How to get to the Federal Migration Service on Novoslobodskaya?

FMS building on Novoslobodskaya, 45 (passport and visa center)

Working hours of the Federal Migration Service at Novoslobodskaya 45B

After you have reached the building of the passport and visa center, you need to go up to the third floor (there is a department for work with foreign citizens) and get an appointment ticket at the terminal.

To avoid getting lost, follow the directions on the signs

The surname of the applicant is indicated on the coupon, so you need to approach the terminal with a passport. On the morning of December 1, the queue stretched to the first floor, because many visitors arrived early - by six in the morning, although the FMS office began working at 9:00. Despite this, people were allowed into the building; there was no need to wait on the street.

This is what the terminals look like where you can get a ticket

The queue for the delivery of documents. Photo: Roman Chmelev

You can track your queue number on special monitors... They are located throughout the center.

The building houses not only the department of the Federal Migration Service. You can pass a medical examination *, take an exam and even get a paid consultation from the employees of the passport and visa center. The prices (they are higher than we expected) can be found on the official website. The document preparation department works from 8 am to 6 pm.
* Medical examination is carried out by LLC "Medical Diagnostic Center-Special MDC-S" (Licenses for the implementation of medical activity No. LO-77-01-004563 dated 25.01.2012, No. LO-77-01-008233 dated 14.05.2014, No. LO-77-01-010873 dated 04.09.2015).

A comprehensive exam in Russian as a foreign language, the history of Russia and the fundamentals of the legislation of the Russian Federation is conducted by the State Institute of the Russian Language named after A.S. Pushkin. Payment for a comprehensive exam for a temporary residence permit or residence permit, as well as the registration of directions for the exam and the issuance of certificates is carried out in the reception windows on the 3rd floor. You can view the prices here.


RVP exam schedule
from Monday to Friday from 09.00 to 11.00, from 11.00 to 13.00, from 15.00 to 17.00.

Residence permit exam schedule:
from Monday to Friday from 13.00 to 15.00.

Consultation and exam of RVP and residence permit:
on Wednesdays from 17.00 to 20.00 (from 09.12.2015).

The center is very different from the branches of the Federal Migration Service, to which foreign citizens are accustomed. It has a dining room, a room for mothers and children, toilets, coolers with drinking water. You can wait for your turn, sitting on comfortable seats.

Mother and child room

Currently, the work of the department for registration of temporary residence permit, residence permit and citizenship is being adjusted. An increase in the number of issued coupons is expected soon. We strongly recommend that foreign citizens DO NOT CREATE any lists, do not arrange night shifts and other remnants of the past. By doing this you harm yourself. It is much more convenient to come to the center in the morning, get a ticket and get an appointment. Spending the night in the cold is unhealthy. If you didn’t arrive in the morning and the coupons are out, don’t worry. New ones will be issued tomorrow.

In May 2012, the capital center of the Federal Migration Service was opened - the Passport and Visa Center on Novoslobodskaya. The main task of this department of the FMS is to relieve the regional passport offices, as well as to increase the level of service in the field of processing foreign passports.

Since 2014, the city service "Document-Service" has been an accredited partner of the Passport and Visa Center.

Many of our clients prefer to be served there. Our organizations are within walking distance from each other. And the range of services rendered by Document-Service is successfully complemented by the services of the Passport Registration Center on Novoslobodskaya. City service"Document-Service" will help to prepare full package documents for registration of a passport, and then you can submit them to production at the Center on Novoslobodskaya 45.

Also, only for our clients, the Passport and Visa Center offers special rates for urgent registration of foreign passports.

At the Passport and Visa Center on Novoslobodskaya, you can apply for a passport regardless of your place of residence or registration. In this organization, citizens can be served without any registration - i.e. simply by the fact of Russian citizenship. The opportunity to obtain a passport for actual residence has become a real gift for many thousands of guests of the capital. Now, those who study or work in Moscow do not have to go to their "small homeland" for a passport.

It has become more convenient for Muscovites too! If earlier you were required to be served only in your district branch of the FMS, now you have a choice - to apply at the place of registration or come to the Federal Migration Service Novoslobodskaya 45. This is very convenient for those who are registered on the outskirts of the city, but in fact live or work in the center Moscow.

The very procedure for obtaining a passport and the set of documents provided are standard. Therefore, the requirements for the registration of forms at the Passport and Visa Center are the same as elsewhere. "Document-Service" on Novoslobodskaya will help you prepare for your visit to the FMS - regardless of your registration and place of submission of documents. Our main services are filling out an application for a foreign passport and assistance in urgent registration of a foreign passport at special rates!

The passport processing center on Novoslobodskaya allows you to obtain both an old-style passport and a biometric passport.
For Muscovites, the production time is 1 month, for visitors - from a month to 4. For those who are not ready to wait for a passport within the standard time frame, Visa Center offers special rates for the expedited registration procedure. Let us remind you that only for our clients the prices will be lower than when you independently apply to the Passport and Visa Center.

For more information about prices and the procedure for issuing passports through our organization, read the sections:

  • Registration of a passport for residents of the Moscow region

In addition to foreign passports, they help to issue Russian passports and visas to any country.

The throughput capacity of the Passport and Visa Center is more than 3000 people per day. The queue is electronic, coupons are issued early in the morning. As a rule, all coupons are sorted out by noon.

ATTENTION! Only those who draw up a passport through our company do not have to worry about receiving coupons and queues. Our clients are served skip the line and by appointment - at a convenient time for you!

Those who go to submit documents on their own should take into account that only the visitor who presents a fully prepared package of necessary documents, including a correctly completed application form for a passport, can receive a coupon for submitting documents. We think that this is a completely justified limitation - thus you are relieved of "queue resellers". And since the coupon is issued by an employee of the passport and visa center, you can be sure that the principle “one coupon - in one hand” works.

Therefore, we remind you that before visiting the Center on Novoslobodskaya, be sure to prepare all the documents for a passport. For the service, we recommend that you contact the employees of the City Service "Document-Service" at the address: st. Suschevskaya, 19, building 5. Here you quickly, correctly and according to affordable prices will help you fill out a passport application form, take copies of documents and provide a receipt for paying the state duty. In addition, we provide assistance in obtaining a turnkey passport.

Kick-ass in Sverdlovsk .. but it's a sin for us to complain:

"Beware, scammers! The Sverdlovsk FMS was seized by dishonest intermediaries. They re-paste photos, use personal activation codes and create queues

22.07.2013 14:46
The queues for coupons for the issuance of passports at the Federal Migration Service in the Sverdlovsk Region are created by people who can be called “intermediaries”. Their activity creates a stir and prevents law-abiding citizens from obtaining foreign passports.

Over the past few days, several residents of Yekaterinburg have applied to URA.Ru at once, who could not get coupons for the issuance of passports. “I went on Wednesday at about 13-00, the terminals were turned off,” says Anastasia. - I went to the guard who sits at the counter, asked how I can get the coupons, he explained: on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays, from 8-00 to 10-00 ”.

This, indeed, may have been confirmed by Tatyana Lepeshonok, the representative for interaction with the media of the FMS in the Sverdlovsk region. But the reason for the queues and disconnection of terminals two hours after the start of work is not an increase in the number of people wishing to get a passport and not a lack of FMS specialists. The main problem is the intermediaries who take the queues from the early morning, and bring with them relatives, neighbors and acquaintances, each of whom receives not only a ticket, but also a certain payment for the time spent in the queue.

FMS employees issue about 200 passports every day. “Of course, the load for recent times increased, - explains Tatiana Lepeshonok. - Firstly, in connection with the emergence of biometric passports, where children cannot be "entered", they need to receive a separate document. Secondly, the fact of internal migration is important for Yekaterinburg, when people registered, for example, in Perm, can obtain a passport from us. "

Nevertheless, the FMS is in no hurry to talk about a catastrophe, increased demand or a seasonal peak: according to them, a person who has stood in line and left without a ticket can still count on receiving a long-awaited document. “The head of the department for the issuance of passports in any case goes out and appoints the time of reception,” the FMS says. When asked why the department abandoned the online version of the queue, the answer was: "If a live queue is 'captured' by intermediaries, then imagine what will happen on the Internet ?! In this case, the very process of issuing passports (which, accordingly, is reflected in the coupons) is carried out on the basis of "1 person - 1 minute". During this time, the FMS officer must find the required document in the card index, unblock it and enter the data on the issue on last page Russian passport. In this mode, you need to serve at least 200 people a day.

The actions of intermediaries not only create morning queues at the approaches to the building on Krylova, 2. Representatives of travel agencies, in order to get foreigners for clients, also go for obvious violations of the law. For example, you can see how some of them paste their photographs into the Russian passports of their clients. Well, the transfer of activation codes on the website of state services to unfamiliar people who promised to facilitate obtaining a passport for an appropriate fee is explained by the eternal carelessness of Russian citizens. Apparently, doing so, few people think that the resulting code can be used for a variety of purposes.

In general, the work of the FMS, like that of any Russian structure that provides services related to document circulation, is not without drawbacks. Objective ones, among which, for example, the lack of premises. Recently, the department has lost several buildings that used to be kindergartens (they were returned to the children again). The space provided in exchange is often located in semi-basement and semi-dilapidated premises, where it is difficult to make normal ventilation or carry out the necessary communications. There is also not enough staff and equipment - the demand for the same passports is growing, but there is no opportunity to increase the number of issued documents. Subjective factors include the activities of intermediaries and failures in the operation of the system itself. At the same time, the FMS emphasizes that recently there have been no bright seasonal peaks - summer, winter holidays and May holidays, the year-round opportunity to recover to warm regions has leveled the surges in demand for passports that were earlier. "

Moscow, Novoslobodskaya street 45, building B - the address at which the passport and visa center was previously located, which was a multifunctional complex with high level service.

Since November 21, 2016, this center has ceased its work. And by the specified address hosted the Main Investigation Department of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in Moscow.

Both the newly established Office and the Passport and Visa Center, which existed at Novoslobodskaya 45, have their own official websites, which contain the most relevant and useful information for users.

Among other things, the official website informs about contact numbers, departments and divisions, service management, reception schedule and other information.

In general, the official website of the Main Investigation Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow is part of the official Internet resource of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for Moscow, which can be accessed by following the link "Office Structure", where a list of all relevant divisions is presented.

Therefore, those who are interested in the work schedule, as well as the schedule for the reception of citizens by the leadership of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow (including the Main Investigation Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow), should contact the section "For Citizens" of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, where the link "Schedule for the reception of citizens" contains information regarding the name and position of the head, days and time of reception of citizens.

Reception schedule

You can also get acquainted with the same information with the link "District subdivisions" in the tab "Main Directorate of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow", where, among others, the positions and names of the deputy chiefs of the service are presented, as well as their contact numbers are posted.

Novoslobodskaya 45 of the Federal Migration Service, the official website, despite the significant amount of information offered, still does not provide for review, and therefore it will not be possible to get an idea of ​​the days and hours of the Office's work on the Internet resource.

However, on the website of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow, you can familiarize yourself with the opening hours of the Office for Migration Issues of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for Moscow (formerly the FMS).


Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:


Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-18: 00


Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours:


Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours:


Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Znamenskie Sadki, 7, building 1
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 123098, Moscow, st. Gamalei, 23, building 1
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 115409, Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 76, building 6
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 111672, Moscow, st. Saltykovskaya, 16a
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 115142, Moscow, st. Kolomenskaya, 11
Phones: ; ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 119618, Moscow, st. Domostroitelnaya, 2a
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Phones: ; ;
Working hours:


Address: 107143, Moscow, sh. Open, 21, building 15
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 107113, Moscow, st. Malenkovskaya, 42
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Suvorovskaya, 25
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Zagorievskaya, 10, building 4
Phones: ; ;
Working hours:


Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., 128, building 1
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 127434, Moscow, st. Timiryazevskaya, 8, building 1
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Alexey Dikogo, 3a
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 127282, Moscow, st. Wide, 3
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 127349, Moscow, st. Muranovskaya, 15b
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 105122, Moscow, bul. Lilac, 3, building 4
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 14: 00-20: 00; Tue 09: 00-15: 00; Thu 14: 00-18: 00; Fri 09: 00-15: 00; Sat 10: 00-12: 00


Address: 127287, Moscow, Petrovsko-Razumovsky pr-d, 24, building 5
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours:


Address: 117209, Moscow, Sevastopolskiy prospect, 51, building 5
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45


Address: 109544, Moscow, st. Rogozhsky Val, 13, building 2
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00




Address: Moscow, st. Krasnoyarskaya, 5/36
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. 3rd Vladimirskaya, 9a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, Vostochny settlement, st. May 9, 9
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Alexey Dikogo, 3
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Bolshaya Semenovskaya, 23a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, bul. Nut, 57
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 109052, Moscow, st. Novokhokhlovskaya, 27
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00


Address: 117570, Moscow, st. Chertanovskaya, 45, building 1
Phones: ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 123308, Moscow, prosp. Marshal Zhukov, 35, building 1, fl. 3
Phones: ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45


Address: Moscow, st. Fruit, 18
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 109377, Moscow, st. Academician Scriabin, 4
Phones: ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: 117452, Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., 47, building 4
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Borisovskie Prudy, 18, building 3
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, Varshavskoe sh., 47, building 4
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Vasily Petushkova, 13, building 1
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45


Address: Moscow, st. Medikov, 1/1, building 3
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Avtozavodskaya, 17, building 3, floor. 1,3
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Address: Moscow, microdistrict Lyuberetskie Fields, st. Rozhdestvenskaya, 21, building 6
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00


Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 30-17: 00


Address: Moscow, st. Shosseynaya, 86
Phones: ;
Working hours: 08:00-20:00


Address: 115551, Moscow, st. Domodedovskaya, 22, building 2
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Registration of a residence permit in the Russian Federation for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Citizen of the USSR

Address: Moscow, st. Yuzhnoportovaya, 5, building 1

Address: Moscow, Simferopolskiy blvd., 29, p. 1
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 14: 00-20: 00; Tue 09: 00-15: 00; Thu 14: 00-18: 00; Fri 09: 00-15: 00

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

5. Passport and Visa Center

Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Registration of a foreign passport

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Passport and Visa Center

Address: Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 45
Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-18: 00

Address: 107564, Moscow, st. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 13a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Address: 105215, Moscow, st. 5th Parkovaya, 60a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 148, building 1
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue-Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45

Registration and extension of a Russian visa for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Passport and Visa Center

Address: Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 45
Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-18: 00

3. Citizen of the USSR

Address: Moscow, st. Yuzhnoportovaya, 5, building 1

4. Department in the VAO of the Office of the FMS of Russia for the city of Moscow

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

5. Passport and Visa Center

Address: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 16/2, bldg. 2
Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Registration of a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Passport and Visa Center

Address: Moscow, st. Novoslobodskaya, 45
Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-18: 00

3. Department of the Federal Migration Service for the Bogorodskoye district

Address: 107564, Moscow, st. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 13a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

4. Department of the Federal Migration Service for the Severnoye Izmailovo District

Address: 105215, Moscow, st. 5th Parkovaya, 60a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

5. Department of the Federal Migration Service for the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye district

Address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 148, building 1
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue-Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45

Registration of an invitation for the entry of foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

Address: 107564, Moscow, st. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 13a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Address: 105215, Moscow, st. 5th Parkovaya, 60a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 148, building 1
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue-Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45

Address: Moscow, st. Lower Pervomayskaya, 67a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Registration of a work permit for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Citizen of the USSR

Address: Moscow, st. Yuzhnoportovaya, 5, building 1

3. Department of the Federal Migration Service for the Tsaritsyno district

Address: Moscow, st. Bekhtereva, 13
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

4. FMS of Russia

Address: Moscow, st. Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya, 4, building 1
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 30-17: 00

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

Obtaining Russian citizenship for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Citizen of the USSR

Address: Moscow, st. Yuzhnoportovaya, 5, building 1

3. Office in the Southern Administrative District of the city of Moscow on issues of registration of citizenship of the Russian Federation, temporary residence permits and residence permits

Address: Moscow, Simferopolskiy blvd., 29, p. 1
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon 14: 00-20: 00; Tue 09: 00-15: 00; Thu 14: 00-18: 00; Fri 09: 00-15: 00

4. Department in the VAO of the Office of the FMS of Russia for the city of Moscow

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

5. Passport and Visa Center

Address: Moscow, st. Neglinnaya, 16/2, bldg. 2
Working hours: Mon-Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Registration of citizens of the Russian Federation

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. Department of the Federal Migration Service in the Bogorodskoye district

Address: 107564, Moscow, st. Krasnobogatyrskaya, 13a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

3. Branch of the Federal Migration Service for the Severnoye Izmailovo District

Address: 105215, Moscow, st. 5th Parkovaya, 60a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

4. Department of the Federal Migration Service for the Orekhovo-Borisovo Yuzhnoye district

Address: Moscow, Kashirskoe sh., 148, building 1
Phones: ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Tue-Thu 11: 00-20: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45; Fri 09: 00-16: 45, break 14: 00-14: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00, break 14: 00-14: 45

5. Department of the FMS for the Vostochnoye Izmailovo district

Address: Moscow, st. Lower Pervomayskaya, 67a
Phones: ; ; ; ;
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-13: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45; Sat 09: 00-16: 00

Services for the examination of applications for temporary asylum for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

Working hours:

Working hours:

4. FMS of Russia

Address: Moscow, st. Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya, 4, building 1
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 30-17: 00

5. Department in the VAO of the Office of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

Asylum processing services for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2. FMS branch for the Gagarinsky district

Address: Moscow, st. Vavilova, 81, building 1

3.FMS department in the North-Western Administrative District

Address: Moscow, Karamyshevskaya nab., 14
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 09: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-18: 00; Thu 09: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45

4.FMS of Russia, branch in the Arbat district

Address: Moscow, Krivoarbatskiy per., 14
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-18: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-18: 00

5. Department in the VAO of the Office of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

Refugee application processing services for foreign citizens

1. Migration practice

Address: Moscow, st. Shabolovka, 34
Working hours: 10:00-20:00
Social network:

2.FMS department in the North-Western Administrative District

Address: Moscow, Karamyshevskaya nab., 14
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 09: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-18: 00; Thu 09: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-16: 45

3.FMS of Russia, branch in the Arbat district

Address: Moscow, Krivoarbatskiy per., 14
Working hours: Mon 09: 00-18: 00; Tue 11: 00-20: 00; Wed 09: 00-18: 00; Thu 11: 00-20: 00; Fri 09: 00-18: 00

4. FMS of Russia

Address: Moscow, st. Verkhnyaya Radishchevskaya, 4, building 1
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 30-17: 00

5. Department in the VAO of the Office of the Federal Migration Service of Russia for the city of Moscow

Address: Moscow, st. 8th Parkovaya, 14a
Phones: ; ;
Working hours: Mon-Fri 09: 00-18: 00

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