
MGTS Internet Reference service Phone. MGTS city phone does not work. Contact center contact with mobile phone

Technical support of the telecommunications provider MGTS is a 24-hour service service service that works through a universal contact center. The list of its functionality includes the widespread consulting of the company's clients on a wide range of issues relating primarily by financial and technical aspects. In addition, hotline operators accept applications for connecting additional services, as well as real-time process calls with complaints of Muscovites regarding the quality of communication.

About technical support service

The Universal Contact Center was opened by PJSC "Moscow City Telephone Network" in 2006, combining the scattered service providers into a single whole. At its base, MGTS has implemented a system of operational service of calls using a tone set developed by the largest SITRONICS IT company. This mechanism allows you to optimize subscriber appeals, distributing them in separate areas: connecting services, financial issues, repair work, etc.

In 2012, as part of the replacement of hardware and the subsequent abandonment of copper wires in favor of fiberboard, the contact center was upgraded. This made it possible to significantly reduce the waiting time of the response employee from 1 minute to 15-30 seconds. Moreover, today for the services of the contact center, more than 50 thousand MGTS clients are resorted daily, among which Internet users, stationary telephone owners, mobile subscribers, as well as fans of digital television.

List of phones

To contact MGTS Support, you need to call one of the proposed rooms:

  • from the city - (495) 63 - 60 - 636;

  • from mobile - 0636.

In addition, the provider was assigned a pair of hot lines, thanks to which you can:

  • learn the balance of the personal account - (495) 70 - 74 - 455;

  • inform the operator about the quality of the services provided - (495) 70 - 07 - 777.

For MGTS subscribers, all calls to the contact center, including round-the-clock hotline, completely free.

Back call

Customers of Moscow city telephone networks that use digital television and the Internet are not fixed or mobile subscribers, can order a callback service operator on the official website.

  1. Go to the address -

  2. Leave your contact phone number.

  3. Decide on the subject matter.

  4. Made in detail in detail the question you are interested in.

  5. Confirm that you are a person, not a robot by choosing a color-based color.

  6. Click on the "Send" button.

Subscribers of any Russian operators can also be used, which will need consultation of MGTS specialists.

Reviews about MGTS technical support

Egor - 24 years old (Moscow):

For the past two years I work in the contact center. Frame fluidity is pretty large-scale, which is not the most favorable way affecting the quality of service. However, in the light of the last events - the collapse of the course, the situation has changed dramatically. Many employees began to truly go out to their workplace.

Requirements here are very high, conversations are recorded. So if someone comes to the operator, then he will have to report to the bosses, and there before dismissal.

Finally, I will share one little secret. If you want to speed up the process of resolving your question, do not agree to the standard phrase "we will call you back, and demand to remain on the line up to the clarification of all the circumstances of the established problem.

Andrey - 28 years old (Chekhov):

Coordination of MGTS support service leaves much to be desired. When I ordered the Internet using GPON technology, I asked to additionally connect digital TV. But after an hour I changed my mind, respectively, I reported to the operator. The specialist who came to the challenge brought with him a TV tuner and began to force me to accept this "gift" in aggressive form. In general, I had to call back to the contact center, whose specialists later made clarity to our conflict with the installer! European quality quality standards here and does not smell.

Svetlana - 23 years (Lyubertsy):

In general, I am pleased with the technical support service of Moscow city telephone networks. But, on the basis of the experience of numerous appeals, I got the impression that there were some passing people along with high-class specialists.

Once I had to order online settings on a Chinese mobile phone running android. By calling the operator, he informed me that there is no automatic settings for such a smartphone model. Consequently, all the necessary configurations I made myself under the dictation of this employee, but I did not work. After 30 minutes, by contacting another specialist of the same contact center, I did not send automatic settings without any difficulty. In order for you to understand, such cases occur with enviable regularity.

Lyudmila - 19 years old (Moscow):

I call the support service - everyone understands there, complaints are accepted. And a sense, if I'm already sitting with a broken modem for a second week?

There are also answers to operators, they have for all cases of life or "We have technical failures", or there are no free specialists. At the first opportunity, we will contact you. " And so already 10 days in a row.

Thus, the quality of service of the MGTS contact center, taking into account all positive and negative parties, is still necessary to improve. And if there is no questions in the hardware, then the human factor definitely spoils the picture. Therefore, raising the qualifications of subscriber support staff - the priority task of the management of the telecommunications giant.

If you use telecommunications services, then at least once come across the situation when the phone stops working. The causes of failures can be the most different - both mechanical (associated with a separate unit) and large-scale, for example, damage to lines of gear. Let's talk about the reasons, because of which malfunctions may arise, as well as what to do in cases where MGTS city phone does not work.

What to do if there was a problem

Not all subscribers know what measures to do if the telephone connection unexpectedly disappeared. First of all, specialists of the Moscow City Telephone Network are recommended to check the integrity of the device and cable directly indoors with the device. It often happens that the wires are listed with the leg and are pulled out of the nest, or damaged by their teeth of pets. In the first case, it is enough to restore the connection by inserting the cord into the device port, in the second - you have to replace the cable.

Didn't find the causes of breakage on the territory of the apartment / house and are sure that the problem is outside the housing?

  • Contact the number of the hotline of technical support subscribers - 8-495-636-03-63. No access to the stationary apparatus and the call is made from the mobile device? The combination of numbers you need is a short number 06-36. The contact center functions around the clock if you could not get through the first time, try again
  • Explain to the dispatcher in the most detail, which is the problem (there is no beeps, the connection disappears, the extraneous noises in the tube are distributed). The more information receives a specialist, the sooner he will understand the cause of the breakdown and decide it. Confirm the lack of damage directly to your device or cable. Technical officer MGTS will try to solve your trouble remotely, by phone.
  • If the reason for the breakdown remains unexplained, the operator issues an application for departure of a specialist. It is very important to leave a collector specialist accurate address and its contact details so that you can maintain feedback. It is also necessary to determine the date and time of the visit that arrange both sides.

It is possible that the reasons why the MGTS urban telephone does not work are not lumbered in your device. Cliffs of lines, adverse weather conditions, overload of networks and breakdown of basic equipment at the station - the reasons may be very much. In this case, the specialist should voice the approximate troubleshooting time, after which it remains only to wait.

If the equipment needs to be repaired

If the reason why the MGTS urban phone does not work remains unexplained, a technical specialist leaves for your home. Keep in mind that the departure is carried out by the employees themselves by the Moscow City Telephone Network, but by the contractors with which they cooperate. Based on this, you will have to pay a visit for a separate tariff grid established by MGTS partners. If you want to make sure that the company works efficiently, refer to worldwide web reviews. Surely you are not the first one who needs repair or adjusting equipment.

Further actions are simple - you need to be at home at the appointed time. Upon arrival, the master will diagnose your phone and will determine where the breakdown came. If you need to repair the device or change the phone cable, you will have to pay for this to the subscriber. Rates depend on the remoteness of the place, complexity, etc. Course is outside the dwelling? Eliminate it is obliged without the financial participation of the user.

It happens that the user service does not have the ability to make a call to support service. The situation is corrected by the information containing the addresses of MGTS offices. In Moscow and the area of \u200b\u200bsuch salons are more than 20. The exact location of each representative office can be found on the official website of the communication provider. There are also marked hours of operation and location scheme.

When going to visit the office, do not forget that you will need a document confirming the person. In addition to the passport, it is necessary to have a contract for the provision of telecommunication services. If you have this package, you can contact any of the MGTS working salons and leave an application for the departure of the specialist.

Important information for legal entities: If a prisoner is corporate, all emerging issues should be sent only to certain five offices located: on Vernadsky Avenue, Arbat, Timiryazevsky, Zelenograd and Proletarian.

We looked at the actions that need to be taken if the MGTS urban phone does not work. If you can not contact the contact provider by phone - Boldly, head to the salon, you will help you.

Interesting video - new home phone life.

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