
Remove password from memory card. How to set a password on a flash drive: software and manual ways. Software methods unlocking flash media using special software

A flash drive is an incredibly convenient way to store information.Currently, this is the easiest option to endure gigabytes of information, sometimes very personal or even confidential.

The main advantages of flash drives are:

  1. vibration resistance;
  2. ease of use;
  3. compactness;
  4. non-volatility.

Why protect flash drive

Compactness - undoubted plus! However, with the non-religious sizes of the flash drive, the chances of its loss increase. Is it possible to put a password on the USB flash drive? Sure! In order to protect its confidential information on a flash drive and not allow it to read it to read and use for personal purposes, of course, you need to install a password on it.

Program Review

BitLocker program

Starting from the Vista operating system, microsoft. Granted users tool to protect data. This program to protect the name BitLocker. Deliveries of this program are carried out only on operating systems focused on corporate users, such as WindowsVista / 7 editions of Enterprise, Ultimate and Windows 8 of all variations other than RT.

Photo: Encryption program BitLocker

BitLocker is a worthy, although an imperfect program for encrypting data on logic disks, which will help make a password on a USB USB flash drive. Enchanting information is complete, that is, all data on the media is exposed to encryption. BitLocker is a much more flexible program, unlike standard software To install passwords.

BitLockertogo - in stock Only windows users 7 and older, designed specifically for removable media, can also be installed on Vista / Windows XP.

To set a password to a USB flash drive, you need to connect it to the computer and in the context menu (right-click on the flash drive label in the My Computer window) and select "Enable BitLocker". In the window that appears, select Security using a smart card or password.

After you set a password, the system will display a proposal: save or print a special recovery key that performs the response function to security Question. That is, when you decide to change, change the password, the program will request the same key.

To open the BitLocker setup menu again, you can open the "Parameters to control BitLocker" at any time in the context menu of the Flash Drive.


This small and absolutely free program absolutely does not require administrator rights, but at the same time it does not set the password for the entire flash card.

The ROHOS Mini Drive program creates a password-protected sector with a total volume of no more than 2 GB. Like most analogues for protection uses encryption using the AES algorithm using a 256-bit key.

Photo: Flew Protection Rohos MINI DRIVE

Rohos Mini Drive also has the ability to provide access to non-encrypted data by the entire local system. That is, this data can easily access the system from another computer.

TrueCRYPT program

TrueCrypt is an excellent free program for encrypting and storing data. With it, you can create an encrypted container on an unlimited number of GB. After creating such a container, you can dump it all the data you need, and encryption will automatically happen.

Photo: data encryption TrueCrypt

When creating a volume (encrypted container) you can also choose file SystemThe default in the program uses FAT. In order to work with the container, you will need it myself. trueCRYPT program. Opening it, specify the location of your classified archive, and then entering the password, open the archive itself. Everything is simple enough.

You can copy this container with a password from one computer to another, open from flash cards, transmit it to e-mail. And even if he turns out to be in foreign hands, it is almost impossible to decipher it, not knowing it.

How to put a password on a flash drive 8 GB, 16 GB, 32 GB

There is no special difference, what volume has your drive. In any case, you can use one of the following advice:

  1. if your drive is not more than 2 GB, then you can take advantage trial version USBSAFeguard, Rohosminidrive, or use the same BitLocker, you can also archive files.
  2. if the drive has large volumes, for example 8, 16 or 32 GB, then recommend either to purchase a USBSAFeguard license, or use the same BitLocker if you have Windows or use free program To encrypt TrueCrypt data.

Working with Memory Device

Especially for those who work with such a device as a flash drive, for the first time. When working with flash drives, at first glance, transparent, anyway, there are some nuances.

When you connect your device to the connector, carries out the autorun window (applicable to Windows).

Choose what you need when connecting a flash drive to a computer:

  1. open folder to view files. This will lead to the start of the conductor. It may not be discovered due to viruses or malfunctions. In this case, information from the flash drive can be obtained using the Explorer program;
  2. use this disk to archive. This means that you can use this media to reserve and archive important files;
  3. accelerate the system. This feature is designed to solve the problem of memory shortage on a computer using a flash drive.

And do not forget about the safe shutdown. The notifications panel contains a special icon with the name "Safe extraction of devices and disks". By clicking on it, you will be able to extract the drive you need without harm to the system.

Video: how to remove the protection from writing from a flash drive

If you want to delete the password

A small flash drive is easy to steal or lend on time, protection against other people's hands and the eye does not have it at all, of course, if you do not think over in advance and block the removable media from strangers.

You can install a password on the USB flash drive using specialized programs, such as USB SAFEGUARD.

Famous manufacturers of flash carriers produce their devices with already "sewn" cryptographic applications. In any case, to remove the password from the flash drive, it is better to remember it, and then, printing it into the appropriate field of the program used to protect the data, remove it.

With USB SafeGuard, deleting a password takes place through the Decryptall button with the AndDelete checkbox. Applications for the named Brand Transcend have the item "DeletePassword".

Photo: password on USB USB USB program

Absolutely all such programs have a similar interface, to deal with which will not be difficult even to a child.

But they will answer the popular question: "My password forgot how to remove and put a new one?" If the password is lost, read or format the flash drive for further use is not possible. (What is wonderful, since otherwise there would be no sense in the password).

Of course, you can resort to the services of people who really know how to handle similar embarrassing situations with a password. Or you can hack free with special programsBut this is done on your fear and risk, the computer can pick up unwanted viruses.

Unfortunately or fortunately, for flash drives with sewn software protection in 95% of cases, it is impossible to access data.

Of course, the only working way is not to get into a similar situation in the future, try to come up with a password more reliable, which you will not be able to forget.

When connected requires a password

This means that a password is installed on the flash drive. If you are not installed, then the chances of finding out what is stored on the flash drive, negligible. If you installed it, you remember either find an entry with a password to unlock.

Photo: Installation and Password Removal from Flat


Why format a flash drive:

How to format a flash drive. Types of formatting.

There are two types of formatting:

  1. fast formatting. The data you deleted can be restored. With quick formatting, the system does not check the disk on errors and will not fix them, therefore the process will happen faster than complete;
  2. full formatting. Data can not be restored.

It will be checked for errors and if you wish you can fix them. If you have overweight about 1-2 minutes, choose better full formatting, if not - fast.

Most easy option Format the USB flash drive is to click on the label of the removable disk with the right mouse button and select the item "Format ...".

After performing this action, you will see the window "Formatting Removable Disk (G :)" window.

Password without software

The easiest reception is, of course, setting passwords on files. To do this, you will need only archivers, such as Adobeacrobat, Winrar or 7Zip.

They are the most popular archivers with which files easily can be protected and saved. If there is a desire and the corresponding knowledge, they can, of course, can be hacked, but it is almost impossible for average users.

If you want to remove a password from a flash card, open the previously previously file USBSAFEGUARD.exe and in the window that opens, enter the password of the lock procedure must be repeated each time you want to block the disk, so try to remember which status is the drive unlocked or blocked.

Video: USB SAFEGUARD 4.0 - Password Installation

Of course, in this feature of the USB SAFEGUARD program has its own plus. Now you will have the opportunity to change the password at each occasion.

Also in the settings you can specify after the expiry of which time the media will be blocked. That is, after the specified number of idle minutes, the password will again be installed on the USB flash drive.

Password on the flash drive sometimes is very useful. It will save you from unpleasant disappointments in the form of lesters of important documents. You can use both standard archivers for files and protection programs, such as USB SafeGuard.

Thanks to this article, you also learned how to format, nuances in working with flash media, you know what to do with a password. Good luck to you in this simple matter!

Currently, more and more people prefer to use a flash drive for storing information. But what to do if you want to write a document on it, and instead a message is issued: "You do not have access to the target folder" or "You have no permission to save files." Let's start to understand: how to remove the protection from the flash drive. (How to put a password on the USB flash drive)

Move the switch

To begin with, check if there is no small mechanical switch on the flash drive. If it is present, check that it is not in the "Lock" position - in this case, there is a write protection on the flash drive. We put the switch to the open position and everything should earn.

If there is no such switch on the flash drive - we turn to more radical ways.

Using the command line

Using this method will allow you to remove the protection from the flash drive and save the information on it, and it is not difficult to work with the command line.

In the "Start" menu in the search box, enter "CMD" and at the top open the command line.

Now, on the site of the cursor, we prescribe the DiskPart command and click "ENTER".

Now you need to check which disk number corresponds to the flash drive. You can check the memory of the flash drive. I have this disk 2. I remember the number "2" and move on.

In the command prompt, enter SELECT DISK 2, you put the number that is defined above and click "ENTER".

To exit DiskPart write EXIT - "ENTER". Close the command line window.

Now you need to restart the computer, and then try to write something on the USB flash drive.

Using formatting

This way with ease will return the performance of your flash drive, but it should be used only if it is not a pity to lose the information stored on it. We will not perform formatting using the tools of the operating system, but using the utility hard Disk Low Lewel Format Tool.

The program will perform "Deep formatting" - That is, at the physical level, each bit of memory will join and they are given "0". Zeros are assigned to those cells that are responsible for protection.

Download a program to remove protection from a flash drive and install it on your computer (Download Hard Disk Low Lewel Format Tool), connect a USB flash drive to a computer, which will be formatted. Run the program on behalf of the administrator. In the next window, select the device you want to format. Click "Continue".

Then you can format a flash drive tools by the operating system. As a result, all data is erased, and you can copy files to a USB flash drive, change them, rename.

Also I advise you to read the article :. It describes four more ways to solve this issue.

Use one way to remove the protection from the flash drive and start using it 100%.

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Webmaster. Higher education in the specialty "Information Protection" .. The author of most articles and computer literacy lessons

    Good afternoon, dear readers of my blog! Let's discuss the topic how to unlock the micro SD card on your smartphone, computer or a camera. I, Rostislav, I recommend reading the article completely so that you no longer have any questions in this topic, as well as read and write a review and write your feedback.

    Recently, the problem with blocking flash drives on the phone arose from my girlfriend. I was away, my friend wanted to record a video, but stumbled upon an obstacle - the map requested the password, although it was not there. That time it was not possible to shoot it, and I, returned from the business trip, passed a lot of time until I found in what the snag. I share with you tips, what to do if the memory card is blocked.

    What could happen

    Before you begin to solve the problem, try to determine what caused Micro SD blocking. The reason may be in the program or purely mechanical.

    • It is often impossible to access files on the flash drive due to the virus.
    • Some cards bought not official manufacturers (fakes) are automatically blocked with maximum memory filling. Please note if the device is calculated on 2 GB, its real volume is often 1.7-1.8 GB. That is, it seems to you that there are still enough memory on the phone, and it is already filled and the flash drive stops working.
    • Sometimes the program is knocked down and the micro SD requires a password. If suddenly you forgot it, you will need a special utility to unlock the accessory.
    • The simplest and easily removing the reason - the lever moves the card to the lock state.

    There is a lawsager question - how to understand which of the specified reasons is related to your case? Usually, if the flash drive is blocked by mechanical path, you can view the files on the camera / smartphone, but you cannot make new pictures or remove old.

    When the case is in a virus or failure in the program, a device that reproduces information from the card starts to "bug", spontaneously reboot when you try to view files.

    Remember whether you did not drop the device from a high height, so as to damage the inner details, did not give someone else's people and did not download any suspicious sites on the USB flash drive. This information will help more accurately determine why the memory card is blocked in the camera or the phone and how to eliminate it.

    When the password is lost

    My situation was connected with forgotten password. It turns out that a friend without my knowledge set the code, and then I forgotten it safely. I could not remember, so I had to format a flash drive.

    These two simple Council Always work, except when the card is mechanically damaged.

    Often information on the flash drive is the road to its owner. There is a way to unlock the card without formatting even if you forgot the password. Some prudent users save a special electronic key, recommended by the BitLocker function (provided in Wist and Windows Windows Operations) when creating a cipher code. If you are among them, remove the blocking from the card will be very simple.

    • Insert the media to the computer (the laptop is suitable and even the tablet with Windows).
    • Go to the "Computer" menu, where you will see the USB flash drive - usually its designation "Removable Disk F".
    • Right-click on the memory card by selecting "Unlock Disk".
    • In the pop-up window, enter the saved key (usually a set of numbers and characters).

    Note that the flash drive is unlocked temporarily only while it is on the computer. As soon as the accessory leaves the card reader, the block will be turned on again. To this not happen, install new passwordAccording to further system prompts. Do not forget to save a new key.

    How to remove the block when protecting

    In my practice there were several cases when buyers came to the store to return only yesterday the acquired camera, as he does not remove. It almost always turned out that the case in the mechanical blocking of the memory card - the moved lever did not allow you to take photos and videos. One of my friend bought Canon and in a hurry on the same day went to the celebration. What was his disappointment when he could not make a single picture. The next day I just took out the flash drive and moved the lock lever up. The problem was solved. Know him about this trick initially, would have filmed a holiday.

    If the case is not in the device, unlock the card protected from recording can be using special programs. For example, diskpart.

    1. Remove the USB flash drive and connect to a computer using a USB cable or Card Reader.
    2. Enter the "Start" menu and enter the DiskPart in the paging line.
    3. Right-click on the name and in the dropping menu, find the "Startup from the administrator" item.
    4. Sequentially enter the following commands in combination: DiskPart\u003e Enter\u003e List Disk\u003e ENTER.
    5. After that, before your eyes there will be a list in which you need to find the number of the flash drive. Focus on the amount of memory. For example, if the memory card is 8 GB, it will be designated as "disk N" with a volume of 7444 MB.
    6. Click to disc command "SELECT", clearing sections responsible for reading information. They are usually indicated as "Attributes Disk Clear Readonly".

    Flashki, created before the implementation of the Android system, for example, for Nokia technology, are protected from recording somewhat differently, therefore diskpart program may not work. In this case, use the editor of the local group Policy For windows. Run it is very simple: enter the Win + R combination on the keyboard and in the window that opens, type gpedit.msc\u003e ENTER.

    Thanks for attention! To new meetings on my blog. Sincerely, Rostislav Kuzmin.

    Cause of the problem

    IN lately More and more people use such a device as a miniature device for storing various information - a flash drive. Often you caress this information as Zenitsa Oka, like the heroes of spy films, that is, put a password for USB devices or flash drives for the phone. And then, as usual, the trouble happens - forgot the password, the device incorrectly removed from the computer, failed in the FS. Access to secrecy information is lost. What to do? How to remove a password from a flash drive and see cool pictures from a party?

    What is the password for the USB flash drive

    In specifically, this case will consider the question of how to remove the password from the flash drive installed in mobile phone. Note that initially all information storage devices used in mobile phones are passable for security purposes. If you do this procedure yourself, then take all possible measures to prevent the occurrence such a problem. After all, unlock devices can be both in one way, but most of them are designed for formatting the drive and, accordingly, all information stored on them will be lost.

    Formatting using a mobile phone

    We will review some methods, how to remove the password from the flash drive. First of all, of course, you need to clear the memory of the flash drive, although it will be removed from it. To do this, it is not necessary to delete separately each data element, and we are looking for "Formatting" in the menu and run it.

    Formatting with a computer / laptop

    Not always after the above procedure, the password is removed. Most often, he is requested again. In this case, we connect the drive using a cartriderator to personal computer. What are our further actions to remove the password from the flash drive? In the "My Computer" section, we find her icon, click on it with the right bushes and choose the item "Formatting". Install necessary parameters The process, taking into account that it is only necessary to use a file system supported by your drive and telephone. Almost always fat32. Click to "start" and wait for the end of the procedure. Then I remove the storage device, be sure to use the "Safe Removing Devices" feature. After that, we reiterate to the computer. Almost always reached the effect. Memory card is operational.

    Application HP USB Format Storage utility

    Sometimes all formatting methods do not end with a positive result. How to remove the password from the flash drive in this case? Use the HP USB Format Storage program. We establish the program to the computer, run it and connect the device that is already irrigated. We choose our drive in the Divace field, set up the parameters. In this case, in contrast to the previous one, specify the unused file system format. Remove a tick from Quick Format and start. Once again, the formatting process will go, but with changing the file system. We wait for the completion of the procedure, remove the flash drive and insert it into the phone. The question of how to remove the password from the flash drive, resolved! Unfortunately, all the data from it is lost. You can try to choose a password using Brutus programs. But this is a completely different story.

    How to remove the protection from writing from the flash drive - instruction! Error "Disk is protected from recording" or "flash drive is protected from recording" as a rule happens at the most inopportune moment. If you started reading this article, it was one of those "lucky", which at one fine moment decided to throw something on their USB flash drive, and eventually received the message of the system that it was impossible to write data to the disk and now this very defense It is necessary to remove. In a person who has encountered this for the first time, complete bewilderment appears. Let's try to find out the reasons why you can not write files on the USB flash drive and understand the methods of eliminating this problem.


    Causes of errors "Disk is protected from recording. Remove the protection or use the other disk. "

    It is quite logical that such a problem occurs if operating system Interrogates the disk, but the recording rights does not receive. In this case, it is not possible to record files, although at the same time the data can be read completely without problems. The reasons for such behavior are different, but are clearly divided into two groups:

    1. Software crash.
    2. Hardware failure.

    It is important to understand that both types of malfunctions can happen both on the flash drive and on your computer.

    Record Protection Types

    By analogy with the causes of the error, the "medium is protected from the entry" can also be divided and recording protection methods. A classic example of hardware protection can be the presence of a special switch (on the flash drive housing), including and disabled the ability to record on the USB flash drive.

    Software protection is a different kind of software complexes designed to prevent unauthorized use of the drive.

    Solving the question of how to remove the protection, if the "disk is protected from recording," the first thing to check is wrong on the case of a special small switch. It is always present on SD format cards, it is somewhat less common on ordinary USB drives. It is not uncommon to switch when the flash drive is worn in your pocket.

    Also be sure to check the performance of the flash drive in other USB ports, and even better, on another computer. If you are owner desktop computer with the system unit, it is preferable to check the USB flash drive, connecting to the ports on the back wall system Block. The problem may be bad contact, low-quality wires, USB controller failures.

    Record Software Removal

    Making sure that there is no mechanical protection problem, proceed to checking software.
    The standard USB flash drive is formatted using the FAT32 file system. Small users know about the restriction in this file system on maximum size File in 4GB. There is a two-way situation, formally there is a write permission, but the message about the impossibility of execution appears. Having the need to carry large files, format the drive using NTFS - a system where there are no such restrictions. To do this, open the "My Computer", right-click on your removable disk and select "Format". In the window that appears, select NTFS in the "File System" row, click "Start".

    Important! Before removing the flash drive from the connector, it is always better to use the "safe extraction". Due to some features regarding flash drives formatted in NTFS, it must be a mandatory rule.

    Blocking can be installed in the Windows registry. The shortcut of the Windows + R keys will call the "Run" window, enter the Regedia click OK.

    In the Editor window you need to go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CURRENTCONTROLSET \\ CONTROL \\ STORAGEDEVICEPOLICIES section, where you will see the WriteProtect parameter on the right. Double click on the parameter Call the parameter change dialog, the installation of 0. The StorageDevicePolicies section may be absent and will have to create it. To create the right mouse button, the CONTROL click-key section, choose "Create\u003e Section", the name must be StorageDevicePolicies. In an empty area of \u200b\u200bthe right part of the window, just created by the section again, right-click on the "Create\u003e DWORD parameter" in the menu, select 64 or 32, depending on the bit of your system. Name the WriteProtect parameter and assign a value of 0 as described above. Be sure to reboot and check the result.

    Make sure that the recording on removable devices is not prohibited by group policies. Similarly, with the launch of the registry editor, run the gpedit.msc, which will call the "Local Group Policy Editor". Pass on the branches "Computer Configuration - Administrative Templates - System - Access to removable memorable devices." Right check the parameter " Removable discs: Prohibit the record. " It must be disabled or not specified. If the option is enabled, click on it twice, select "Disable" and apply the selection. Before checking, do not forget to reboot.

    Check the system good antivirus with fresh bases. There are some number malicious programsblocking the possibility of normal operation with connected portable storage devices.

    A significant number of Windows users prefer file manager Total Commander offering extensive features and convenience. It is important to understand that Total Commander is at its essence just a convenient superstructure over Windows, respectively, everything described in the article applies to it. However, there are nuances. Try copying your files in Wındows explorer if there are no problems with copying in the conductor, in Open "Configuration\u003e Settings: File operations" and select "Automatic Copy Mode". The authors of some assemblies of this manager are setting up settings that cause similar failures.

    Remove the protection from writing in a command line (CMD)

    How to remove protection from a flash drive protected by recording using the command line. The method is slightly more complicated. Find the "Start" menu app Command line"And run it with administrator rights. Next, in series, enter the following commands, confirming the entry each pressing ENTER.

    Attention! All the contents of the flash drive will be removed permanently!

    1. Diskpart. - launches the disk management utility;
    2. lIST DISK. - Display all discs connected to the system must be determined which one is your flash drive, for which you can navigate the size of the disk;
    3. sELECT DISK X. - targets the program to disk, instead of X, specify the number of the desired disk;
    4. detail Disk. - Show detailed information About the selected disk to make sure that the choice is correct;
    5. aTTRIBUTES DISK CLEAR READONLY - reset the "read only" attribute;
    6. clean. - all volumes and partitions on the disk will be deleted;
    7. cREATE PARTITION PRIMARY. - re-creating the main section;
    8. formatfs \u003d Fat32. - formats section using the FAT32 file system (you can select a file nTFS system commandFS \u003d NTFS);
    9. eXIT - completes the program.

    Recovery protection programs

    Manufacturers of flash drives care about solving all sorts of problems arising from their products, releasing branded utilities for recovering problem devices. Do not forget that you want to run any of the similar utilities is necessary with administrator rights. These useful programs can be freely downloaded on the relevant sites of manufacturers. In Transcend, it is called Silicon Power -, ADATA -, Kingston -. Their use is pretty simple and does not cause difficulties even with newcomers.

    The listed programs are designed for an advanced user and before use should be familiar with the documentation. Independent developers produce their own universal programs that are not tied to any vendor, but possessing similar functionality.

    Popular representatives: , Alcormp.

    The latter works only with drives on the controller of the same name, but all the task is one to help restore the problematic device. Faced with the search for the solution of how to remove the protection from the flash drive, as the last measure, should try to reflash it. Full information On the type of controller, memory used and even the date of production will tell Flash Drive Information Extractor

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