
An example of the rules for converting objects. Example of the rules for converting objects The cost of standard data transfer

And show how it is to strongly simplify the solution of its tasks

Today we will analyze how literally for 10-15 minutes to configure and make a simple transfer of reference books and initial remnants.

And this is - mass and regular taskwhich is almost inevitable for most launched new configurations.

Therefore, call colleagues, they will also be very useful.

Especially if they have already seen CD 3 and managed to get frightened :)

Yes, when you see it for the first time - there is neither the fig is not clear.

But in fact - everything is very simple. So just that you will be even bored :)

What exactly in today's video

These are 4 video exchange videos through universal Enterprisedata Exchange Format.

In addition, we will show an example. modifying typical exchange rules in 1C: data conversion 3.0

Total duration - 34 minutes. Content:

  • Exchange Setting on Example 1C: Accounting 8 and 1C: ERP
  • How to make download typical rules and universal format Exchange in data conversion 3.0
  • Transferring Metadata Structure in CD 3.0
  • How to perform the first exchange of data
  • Refinement of rules Conversion
  • How to download new rules without changing the configuration ( with support from support)

noteWith solving this task, the download rules change only in the receiver configuration. And the source configuration works according to the standard rules.

If such a task was solved in the conversion of data 2.0, the changes would have to contribute to the rules and sources, and the receiver.

These video tutorials are relevant for BSP editorial 2.3.2 (For any build over

If you use the older version of the BSP, 0 Make a "amendment" to the changed interface and advanced functionality. To do this, repeat the example from the video.

Video 1:
Loading the exchange rules between typical configurations to the data conversion 3.0

In this lesson, we will perform preparatory actions when making changes to the exchange rules between typical configurations:

  • Loading in the CD sharing format structure (
  • Creating conversion
  • Unloading rules from typical configuration
  • Unloading the exchange manager module

Video 2:
Refinement of the exchange rules in CD 3.0

In this lesson we will show how to complete the details of objects when loading data.

The task will be solved - when loading objects from the source configuration, set a comment "Uploaded from BP 3.0.

To solve the problem, you will need to make changes in the rules of conversion of objects, in the event "before recording the data received."

Developed rules will be saved in the form of external processing for further use.

Video 3:
Setting up a universal exchange between typical configurations

In this lesson we will show how to configure new exchange Between typical.

Settings will be made in the source configuration and then uploaded to the receiver configuration.

Also in this video we will show how without configuration configuration Upload new exchange rules.

Video 4:
Transfer of initial remnants using the exchange rules

In the lesson, we show a typical functionality of the transfer of initial residues.


Yes, exchanges through TXT / DBF / OLE, etc. have the right to exist. In some special cases, such as docking with a web server or transfer from the finished format of an external application.

However, for standard exchanges - standard Methods And faster and very simpler.

And if someone invents the bike when there is a ready-made universal solution - it's how to write to your forehead "I don't own a tool, I don't want to study, I will build crutches for your money" .


We want to show that data conversion 3.0 is not difficult.

Unusual - yes. Not everything is immediately clear - yes. There are very ambiguous moments - yes.

But with the help of ready-made instructions and video, it can be mastered literally in 1-2 weeks.

1. Entry.

2. What you need: Configuration 1C: Conversion of data 2. * and processing from the package. For example, we take the configuration 1C: Trade Management 11 and 1C: BP 3. *.

So, to develop data unloading rules in 1C, 1C configuration will be required: Conversion of objects 2, as well as processing included in the package.

For example, we have already deployed the base of conversion and running.

We will write the development of the exchange rules between the configuration of 1C: Trade Management 11 and 1C: Enterprise Accounting 3 (UT / BUCH exchange rules).

3. We will need processing to unload the structure of metadata and exchange.

The first thing to get for development is files with the metadata structure. This is done using the processing of the upload structure of the metadata included in the object conversion package.

Actually, in the unpacked configuration directory for configurations on managed formas We are interested in processing MD83Exp.epf. If unloading needs to be made from configurations on ordinary forms, then the MD82Exp.epf processing is used. This is if, for example, you need to obtain a structure from such configurations like 1C: UT 10, 1C: Production management 1.3, 1C: Comprehensive automation 1.1, 1C: ZUP 2.5 and so on.

Next, to unload-loading data in 1C with the help of our rules, you will need processing " Universal exchange Data in XML format »V8Exchan83.epf for configurations on managed forms such as 1C: Trade Management 11. *, 1C BP 3, 1C: ERP 2. * and the like. And accordingly v8Exchan83.epf - for configurations on ordinary forms.

4. Unloading the Metadata Structure of Configuration 1C: Trade Management 11.3 and 1C: Company Accounting 3.0. *

Let's start with the unloading of the metadata structure from the 1C configuration: enterprise accounting 3.
Open processing MD83Exp.epf.

In the form of processing additional settingswhere we can enable or disable the parameter to unload registers and moves in 1C. There is also a choice where unloading will be: on the server 1C or "on the client." Indicate the name of the file where the data structure is unloaded. Similarly, we make unloading the structure of the metadata configuration control of the trade 11.

Now you need to download the configuration to the conversion database. This item can come from the list of configurations, and from the list of conversion. We will make it easy to load from the desktop:

In the dialog box, load the structure of BP:

And in the same way - the structure of trade management.

At the end of the download, a dialog box appears where you can specify a convenient name for you.

6. Creating conversion rules in 1C specific example tasks.

Next, go to "Setting the Object Rules", where we create a new setting.
In the Conversion Creation dialog box, select the "Source" configuration and the receiver configuration (which previously downloaded) and click OK.

Since this article planned to show the creation of "from scratch" and "without garbage", I remind you that you do not automatically create anything. No prototypes.

In this dialog box, we will not perform anything, just click - "Close".

Create the rules for unloading not one document in one, but one view in another, for example, a document of realization of service from UT 11 with the necessary reference books to the document Adlaimetovarovatov services in BP 3.

So, create a new PKO (a rule of conversion of objects in 1C)

We choose the source of the implementation of the service and the receiver of the admirement industry and click OK.
At the same time, a dialog box appears, where again we refuse automatic creation PKS (Property Conversion Rules). Next, choose only the necessary.

But on the proposal to create a PVD (data unloading rules) respond to "yes".

Created PVDs, which will be reflected in the processing of the universal XML exchange to select:

The same rule conversion rules will be created with empty properties conversion rules.

Moreover, it can be seen that the default PKO is invited to search for an internal object identifier. This indicates a magnifying glass near PKO. We will make our search, and make it by document number and date at the beginning of the day.

Remove the search by UIO:

Now let's start making the necessary properties of the object. For this, click "Synchronization" (label "1" on the screenshot). We remove the recursive creation of the rules ("2"). Remove all marked details ("3"). And choose yourself what we need.

For example, choose the necessary:

I draw attention to the fact that we will make a PCS counterparty in the organization, and the organization in the counterparty, and still compare some details that do not coincide by name, for example, the "currency" and "document currency".

Where we see that there is no conversion rules.

Let's start by details to pass and describe. First, we configure the document's search as I wrote earlier, making unloading and searching for the date of the date, and we will make the numbering substitution. The first three characters will be replaced by your prefix "UTB". And since in the BP and UR numbering of 11 characters, we make a composite number: our prefix and 8 characters from the source. Example on the screen below.

Unloading documents, we always do not spend and without movement. We assume that the documents will be in the receiver after checking the user.

For this PKS, installing, as not taken, 0 or 1, we use as Boolevo.

On the example of the currency, we create an object conversion rule for PCS. At the same time, we believe that in both currency bases there are, and they should synchronize in the code. Therefore, in PKO currencies will not create all the PCS, but only add the code to search. Those. From the proposal to create a PKS for the facility - we refuse.

The PKO document for the PKS stated the created conversion rule. And the default rule itself is offered by the unique identifier. Correct, make a search by code and set the property to not create a new object.

As a result, we get the option:

Further, by analogy, we create PKO and PKK and PKS for the remaining details. And the search for the organization according to the counterparty and, on the contrary, set the INN It looks like this with minimal details (you can add if necessary).

For PCU Contractor treaties, we make a search on the PCS counterpart, name and owner.

Let's see how to specify in the PCS the desired value in the type of listing. For example, the requisites "Vision". Here you can use different conditions and substitute the values. For example, we need to "the type of operation" unloaded always "goods", in this case enough to write the desired value of the string in the "forehead".

Below is shown how to install without difficulties and in most cases PKS for multiple via considerations, termocamounties, accounting accounts.

For PKO Nomenclature Let's leave a search by an internal unique identifier. But pay attention to how you can override your group. For example, we agree that a new nomenclature from the 1C configuration will be unloaded: Commerce Management 11, but it is necessary that the nomenclature is assembled in a specific group "Nashigroup".

To implement this task, create another PKO. We will call it the "nomenclature", which will indicate the PCS of the parent in the conversion rule.

We establish two search: by name, where the name is harshly specify our group, and the mandatory feature of the "etco group" is in truth.

Since we decided that we have the whole nomenclature falls into our group, then there is no need for unloading to unload groups from UT 11. To do this, in PKO the nomenclature in the handler of the "Before-length" events, we put the filter that you do not need to unload the failure groups \u003d source. This group;".

In PVD (Data Upload Rules) Realizer Filter, add a filter to not be unloaded marked for deleting documents. To do this, in the PVD in the handlers of the events "Before the device", the filter "Refusal \u003d Object. Presentation;".

Save the developed rules to the file.

7. Let us sum up: unloading and downloading data using the developed data exchange rules.

Open in 1C: Managing Trade 11 Processing "Universal Data Exchange in XML format" V8Exchan83.epf.

The unloading passed, now we make the load in 1C: the company's accounting 3.

Loading passed. Check what booted. So, the document is loaded, as we achieved - our organization is loaded into the counterparty, and the counterparty in the organization. Accounting accounts All downloaded and installed. The document number has turned out with our prefix and at the beginning of the day. All details that are prescribed are filled.

Check the download of the nomenclature. We see that everything turned out as we planned.

We have created and filled in details as we thought it. There are many subtleties in conversion and some simple but necessary things that help accurately write conversion. And this allows you to minimize errors, do not spoil existing data and get rid of excess garbage. This is one of the most simple examples. You can also make conversion of one object in many or vice versa, in one.

Now there is a data conversion 3, it solves other tasks. Therefore, the conversion 2 is also needed. Good luck to everyone in learning and learning.

Of course, if you are a programmer and this is the main job, you can try to write conversion. But if not, it is worth appreciating your time in your field of activity, and this task is asked to perform professionals.

Migration of data between different configurations - the task is not trivial. Solving ways as always, but not all of them are optimal. Let's try to understand the data transfer nuances and choose a universal strategy for solving such issues.

The problem of data migration (we are purely about the products of the company 1C) from one decision to another appeared yesterday. The company "1C" perfectly understands how difficulties developers are facing during the creation of migrations, so it is trying to help tools in every way.

During the development of the platform, the company introduced a number of universal tools, as well as technology simplifying data transfer. They are built into everything typical solutions and the problem of migrations between identical configurations In general, I decided. The victory once again confirms the close integration of typical solutions.

With migrations between non-typical solutions, the situation is somewhat difficult. A wide selection of technologies allows developers to independently choose the problem of solving the problem from their point of view.

Consider some of them:

  • exchange via text files;
  • use of exchange plans;
  • etc.

Each of them has its pros and cons. If we summarize, then the main minus will be variety. Independent implementation of algorithms for migration is fraught with significant temporary costs, as well as a long debugging process. About further support such solutions I don't even want to say.

Complexity, high cost of escort, pushed the company "1C" to create a universal solution. Technologies allowing to simplify the development and support of migrations. As a result, the idea was implemented as a separate configuration - "data conversion".

Data conversion - typical solution, self-configuration. Anyone who has a subscription "ITS: Prof" can completely download this package from the user support site or ITS disk. Installation is executed standard method - Like all other typical solutions from 1C.

Now a little about the pluses of the solution. Let's start with the most important thing - universality. The solution is not sharpened to certain configurations / platform versions. It works equally well with both typical configurations and self-written. Developers are available at universal technology and a standardized approach to creating new migrations. The universality of the solution allows you to prepare migration even for different from "1C: Enterprise" platforms.

The second bold plus is visual funds. Simple migrations are created without programming. Yes, yes, without a single line of code! Only for this is worth it once to spend time on learning technology, and then use priceless skills repeatedly.

Third advantages I would noted the lack of restrictions on data distribution. The developer itself selects the method of delivering data to the receiver configuration. Two options are available from the box: unloading to an XML file and direct connection to the information base (COM / OLE).

Learning architecture

We already know, the data conversion is able to work wonders, but it is not entirely clear that the technical advantages are expressed. The first thing to learn is the basis of any data migration (conversion) of the exchange rules. Exchange Rules - Normal XML file with a description of the structure into which data from IB will be unloaded. Service processing that unload / loading data analyzes the exchange rules and on their foundation performs unloading. During the download, the reverse process takes place.

Configuration "CD" - a kind of visual designer, with which the developer creates the exchange rules. It does not know how to unload data. For this, additional external service treatments are responsible for the CD distribution. Their several (xx in the file name - platform version number):

  • Mdxxexp.epf. - Processing allows you to upload a description of the information database structure in an XML file. The description of the structure is loaded into the CD for further analysis and creation of the exchange rules.
  • V8exchanxx.epf. - loads / downloading data from the information base in accordance with the exchange rules. In most typical configurations, processing is present from the box (see the menu item "Service"). Processing is universal and is not attached to some specific configurations / rules.

Well, now on the basis of the foregoing, we will define the stages of the development of a new conversion:

  1. Definition of the task. It is necessary to clearly understand what the data is required to be transferred (from which configuration objects) and most importantly to transfer.
  2. Preparation of the description of configuration structures (source / receiver) for subsequent download to the CD. The task is solved by the MDXxExp.epf service processing.
  3. Loading prepared descriptions of structures in IB.
  4. Creating exchange rules using visual CD visual funds.
  5. Performing / downloading by the data created by the data conversion rules by using V8Exchanxx.epf processing.
  6. Debugging the exchange rules (if necessary).

Simplest conversion

To demonstrate, we need two detailed configurations. I decided to stay at the version: "Managing Trade" of the 10th edition and a small self-written decision. The task will be to transfer data from the typical configuration "UT". For brevity, let's call the self-conducting decision "Receiver", and the management of trade "source". Solve the problem Let's start with the transfer of elements of the Handbook "Nomenclature".

The first thing is to take a look at the data conversion scheme and reread the list of actions that you need to do. Then launch the "Source" configuration and open the MD82Exp.epf service processing in it.

The processing interface does not shine abundance of settings. The user only needs to specify the types of metadata objects that will not fall into the description of the structure. In most cases, these settings do not have to change, because Special meaning in unloading movements on accumulation registers (as an example) is not.

Movement is correct to form during documents at the receiver. All movements will be made by the document independently after transfer. The second argument in default settings is to reduce the size of the file with unloading.

Some documents (especially in typical configurations) form movements along a variety of registers. Unloading of all this farm will make a resulting XML file. All big. This may make it difficult to subsequent transportation and download to the database receiver. The larger the data file, the more you need random access memory For its processing. For my practice I had the opportunity to face indecent big files Unloading. Such files completely refused to understand with standard means.

So, leave all the default settings and discharge the description of the configuration to the file. A similar procedure repeat for the second base.

Open the CD and select the main menu "References" -\u003e "Configurations". The Handbook stores the description of the structures of all configurations that will help to be used to create conversion. We download the configuration description once, and then we can use it repeatedly to create various conversion.

In the directory window, click the button " Add"And in the window that appears, select a file with a configuration description. We celebrate the checkbox "Download in new configuration"And click on the button" Run the download ". Similar actions We do with the description of the structure of the second configuration.

Now everything is ready to create exchange rules. In the main menu of the CD, select "References" -\u003e "Conversion". Add a new element. In the New Conversion Creation window, you must specify: Source configuration (Select UT) and receiver configuration (select "Receiver"). Next, open the "Advanced" tab and fill the following fields:

  • the file name of the exchange rules - under the same name, the created exchange rules will be saved. The file name can be changed at any time, but it is more profitable to set it now. In the future, this will save time. I called the rules for the demonstration example: "Rules-UT-to-Priemnik.xml".
  • name - the name of the conversion. The name can be absolutely any, I limited the "demo. Ut to receiver. "

All, press "OK". Immediately before us appears a window with the question of creating all the rules automatically. Consent to such a tempting offer will give a master to the command to automatically analyze the description of the selected configurations and independently generate the exchange rules.

Immediately put the point over "and". Nothing serious will be able to generate. However, it is not worth discounting this opportunity. If you need to make the exchange between identical configurations, then the wizard services will be quite by the way. For our example, preferably manual mode.

Consider a detailed window "Settings of the Exchange Rules". The interface may seem slightly confusing - a large number of tabs, stuffed controls. In fact, everything is not so difficult, you begin to get used to this madness after a few hours of working with the application.

At this stage, we are interested in two tabs: "Object conversion rules" and "Data Unloading Rules". On the first we must configure the rules of compliance, i.e. Match the objects of two configurations. On the second, identify possible objects that will be available to the user to unload.

In the second half of the "Object Conversion Rules" tab, there is an additional panel with two tabs: "Conversion of properties" and " Conversion of values". The first will select the properties (details) of the selected object, and the second is necessary for working with predetermined values \u200b\u200b(for example, predefined elements of reference books or enumeration elements).

Excellent, now create conversion rules for reference books. You can perform this action by two options: Use the object synchronization wizard ("button") or add compliance for each object manually.

To save space, we use the first option. In the wizard window, remove the checkboxes from the group " Documentation"(We are only interested in reference books) and reveal the group" Directories". Carefully scroll through the list and look at the name of reference books that can be compared.

In my case, these reference books are three: nomenclature, organization and warehouses. There is still a reference book Clients performing the same semantic load as " Counterparties"From the configuration" UT.". True, the master could not compare them due to excellent names.

We can fix this flawlessness alone. Find in the window " Compliance of objects»Handbook" Customers", And in the" Source "column, choose the" Counterparties "directory. Then set the checkbox in the "Type" column and click the "OK" button.

The object synchronization wizard will propose to automatically create the rules for converting the properties of all selected objects. Comparison of properties will occur by names and for our demonstration it will be quite enough, agree. The next question will be the proposal to create the rules of unloading. Agree to him.

The basis for the exchange rules is ready. We chose objects for synchronization, and the rules for converting properties and the unloading rules were created by a machine. Save the exchange rules to the file, then open the IB "Source" (in my case it is UT) and launch the service processing in it V8Exchan82.epf..

First of all in the processing window, select the exchange rules created by us. The issue of downloading rules respond positively. Processing will analyze the exchange rules and build the object of objects that are available for unloading. For this tree, we can install all sorts of selection or exchange nodes, which you want to select data. We want to unload absolutely all the data, so there is no need to install the filters.

After the data unloading process is completed into the file go to IB " Receiver". It also open processing V8Exchan82.epf., Only this time go to the "Download Data" tab. Select a file with data and press the "Download" button. All data was successfully transferred.

Tasks from the real world

The first demonstration example could be misleading. Everything looks fairly simple and logical. In fact this is not true. In real work, tasks arise, to solve which one visual means (without programming) is difficult or completely impossible.

In order not to disappoint into technology, I prepared several real tasks. With them, you will definitely come across when working. They do not look so trivial and make it look at the conversion of data under a new angle. Carefully consider the examples presented, and boldly use both snappets when solving real problems.

Task number 1. Fill missing details

Suppose we need to postpone from ut a directory " Counterparties". In the receiver for this there is a similar reference book "Clients". It is fully suitable for storing data, but it has requisites " Organization", Allowing you to separate counterparties on the ownership of the organization. By default, all counterparties should relate to the current organization (it can be obtained from the Constant Simony).

Solutions for the task are several. We will look at the option of filling the requisite " Organization"Right in the database" Receiver", I.e. At the time of downloading data. The current organization is stored in the constant, therefore, there are no obstacles in obtaining this value. I will discover the object conversion rule (hereinafter PKO) " Customers"(Double click on the object) and in the setup wizard we move to the" Event handlers "section. In the list of handlers find " After download”.

We describe the code for obtaining the current organization, followed by the assignment of props. At the time of the handler after downloading, the object will be fully formed, but not yet recorded in the database. No one forbids us to change it at its discretion:

If it is not an object. The factory is then the object. Organization \u003d constant. Costorganization. Pour (); Ended;

Before filling in the props " Organization»Be sure to check the value of the props" This group" For a reference book " Customers»Installed a sign of hierarchy, so the group check is necessary. Similarly, the filling of any details. Be sure to read the certificate for other parameters of the handler " Overload" For example, among them there is a parameter " Renouncement" If he is assigned the value of "truth", then the object in the database will not be recorded. Thus, it appears to limit objects to record at the time of loading.

Task number 2. Details in the information register

In the directory " Counterparties"UT configurations, there are details" Buyer"And" Provider". Both requisites have the type " Boolean"And serve to determine the type of counterparty. In IB " Receiver", Handbook" Customers"There are no similar details, but there is a register of information" Naturals". It performs a similar function and can store several signs for one client. Our task is to transfer the values \u200b\u200bof details into separate records of information.

Some visual means here, unfortunately, also not cope. Let's start with the small, create a new PKO for the information register " Naturals". Do not specify anything as the source. From automatic creation of unloading rules, refuse.

The next step will form the rules of unloading. Go to the appropriate tab and click the button " Add". In the Adjustment Rules window, fill:

  • Sample method. We change to the "arbitrary algorithm";
  • Conversion rule. Choose a register of "Speed";
  • Code (Name) Rules. Write down as "discharge-binders";

Now you need to write code for the selection of data for unloading. Here we will help the parameter " Sweemed". We can put a collection with a prepared set of data. Parameter " Sweemed"May take different values \u200b\u200b- the result of the request, sampling, collection of values, etc. We initialize it in the form of a table of values \u200b\u200bwith two columns: client and client type.

Below is the event handler code " Before processing". It initializes the parameter " Sweemed"With the subsequent filling of data from the directory" Counterparties". It is worth paying attention to the filling of the column " Tipcalent". In "UT", we have signs of "Boolean", and in the recipient listing.

At this stage, we cannot lead them to the desired type (it is not in UT), so I will still leave in the form of rows. This can not be done, but I immediately want to show how to lead to the missing type in the source.

Elected \u003d new table signs (); Sampled. Cuttings. Addly ("client"); Sampled. Cuttings. Addly ("Tipcalent"); SweeseprantsPravenchik \u003d References. Protectors. Clear (); While the sampled is the surrender. The next () cycle, if the sampledizer is a self-line. Then continue; Ended; If the sampleproof is a spa. The foamer then the newstream \u003d elected. Add (); New Stall. Cly heaten \u003d sampledInapychnik. Link; Newstroke. Typcleate \u003d "Buyer"; Ended; If the sampledizer is an enforcement. The supporter then the newstream \u003d elected. Add (); New Stall. Cly heaten \u003d sampledInapychnik. Link; Newstock.Templant \u003d "Supplier"; Ended; EndCycle;

Save the data unloading rule and return to the tab " Rules for converting objects". Add for information information " Naturals"Property conversion rules: client and client type. The source will leave empty, and in the handler of the events "before unloading" write:

// For the "Client" property value \u003d source. CLINENT; // For the properties of the "Picturent" if the source. Cleate \u003d "Buyer" then expression \u003d "transfers. Lispuits. The source" Inspected the source. Clement \u003d "Supplier" then expression \u003d "transfer. Lispirates. Ended;

Listing the details are filling on the basis of the data sampled. Client We pass simply in the form of a link, and the type of client is written to the " Expression" The data of this parameter will be interpreted in the receiver, and when performing the props will be completed with the correct value from the listing.

All, the exchange rules are ready the considered example turned out to be quite universal. This approach is often used when transferring data from the configurations created on the platform 7.7. A bright example is the transfer of periodic details.

Task number 3. Tricks with tabular parts

Often, tasks come across, requiring the lines of one table part into several. For example, in the original configuration of the service and the goods are drawn up in one tabular part, and the receiver storage of these entities is divided. Visual means, the task is again not solved. Here, as a basis, it is convenient to take the solution of the second task.

We make the data unloading rule, specify an arbitrary algorithm and in the "Before Disload" handler, write a request to obtain data from tabular part.

To save space, I will not give the code (you can always refer to the source) request - there is nothing unusual in it. The resulting sample is swore, and sorted results are placed in the already familiar parameter " Sweemed". As a collection, it is convenient to use the table of values \u200b\u200bagain:

Elected \u003d new table signs (); // There will be another table part of the sampled. Cuttings. Add ("Goods"); // Here, too, there will be a table part of the sampled. Colonges. Addly ("Services"); Verdannovy. Cutouts. Addly ("Link");

Task number 4. Data transfer to operation

If several accounts are used in the organization, sooner or later there will be a data migration, followed by the formation of wiring.

In configuration " Bp"There is a universal document" Operation"And it is perfect for forming more wiring. That's just one is not a task - the document is made by cunning, and so simply the data is not transferred to it.

An example of such conversion can be found in the source code to the article. The volume of the code turned out to be quite large, so there is no one sense to publish it to the article. I will only say that unloading again uses an arbitrary algorithm in data unloading rules.

Task number 5. Synchronization of data on multiple details

We have already considered several examples, but still did not talk about the synchronization of objects during the transfer. Here we will imagine that we need to postpone counterparties and some of them are certainly available in the database. How to transfer data and prevent the advent of the oak? On this account, the CD offers several ways to synchronize portable objects.

The first one is on a unique identifier. Many objects have a unique identifier that guarantees uniqueness within the table. For example, in the directory " Counterparties"There can be no two elements with the same identifiers. CD makes it calculated and for all PKO created immediately by default, the search for the identifier is activated. During the creation of PKO, you had to pay attention to the image of the magnifying glass near the name of the object.

Synchronize on a unique identifier - a way reliable, but it is not always appropriate. When combining reference books " Counterparties"(From several different systems) It is not enough than it will help.

In such cases, it is correct to synchronize objects in several criteria. The counterparties are correct to search for the Inn, gearbox, name or split the search for several stages.

Data conversion does not limit the developer in determining the search criterion. Consider an abstract example. Let us need to synchronize reference books " Counterparties" from different information bases. Prepare PKO and in the settings of the rules for converting the object to set the checkbox " Continue searching for searching fields if the receiver is not found on the identifier". With this action, we immediately defined two search criteria - according to the unique identifier and arbitrary fields.

Fields we have the right to choose themselves. Noting the Inn, PPC, we immediately point out several search criteria. Conveniently? Quite, but again this is not enough. And what do we want to change the search criteria? For example, first we are looking for an Inn + PPC bundle, and if we find nothing, we begin to torture happiness with the name.

A similar algorithm is fully implemented. In event handler " Search fields"We can specify up to 10 search criteria and for each of them to determine their composition of the search fields:

If the number canvaspiece \u003d 1, then rowing-names \u003d "INN, PPC"; Invalited to the number of the phone \u003d 2, then the rowinglessness \u003d "Name"; Ended;

Solutions are always a few

Any task has several solutions and data transfer between different configurations no exception. Each developer has the right to choose its solution path, but if you constantly have to develop complex data migrations, I strongly recommend paying attention to the configuration "". Let first have to invest resources (time) in training, but they will pay off at the first more or less serious project.

In my opinion, the company 1C is undeservedly bypassing the application of data conversion. For the entire existence of the technology, only one book came out: "1C: Enterprise 8. Data conversion: exchange between applied solutions." The book is old enough (2008), but it is still desirable to familiarize yourself with it.

Knowledge of platforms is still necessary

»- Universal tool, but if you plan to apply it to create data migrations from configurations developed for the 1C platform: Enterprise 7.7, then you will have to spend time acquaintance with the built-in language. The syntax and ideology of the tongue is very different, so you have to spend time on learning. The rest of the principle remains the same.

The task of this exchange rules to transfer the remains of mutual settlements from BP 2 to UT11.

The phased creation of the exchange rule using the configuration "Data Conversion" (Metadata must be downloaded):

1) Create a rule unloading rule To do this, go to the "Data Upload Rules" tab, click Add. In the window that appears, select the sample object. We will have an exemplary register. The sample method is changed to an arbitrary algorithm.

2) Go to writing the code itself. In UT, there is no commercial register, we must convert it. First, we need a request that will return residues on mutual settlements by our parameters. In the event handler "Before processing" write the following query:

Text request \u003d "Select
| HoshRechnostakostaki.P.P.
| HozherTeetetakes.Subkonto1 as subconto1,
| There isnull (sum (co-estatetomatki.summostattail), 0) as the total value,
| There isnull (the sum (co-wornostakytakes.summaostokact), 0) as the total increase,
| Maximum (HoshRechnyostkatki.Subkonto2.Data) as Daturevantry,
| Maximum (HoshReschetnayaTochki.Subkonto2.Number) as a number of manifold
| Is
| Registerbuchelling. Source. Sustaines (& Nadatat, Account \u003d & Account,) Like Hozher
| Where
<> & Group I.
| HoshRechnytostaki.Subkonto1.Rodel<> & Group1
| Grouped by
| HoshRechnostakostaki.P.P.
| HoshRechnostakostki.Subkonto1,
| HoshReschetostaki.Subkonto2.
| Sort by
| Subconto1
| Auto order ";

In my task, there were restrictions on groups of counterparties on which mutual settlements are unloaded.

Determine the values \u200b\u200bof the variables that will be used in the future.

Nadat \u003d Date ("20130101");
TD \u003d currentData ();
Group \u003d Reference books. Protectors. Intertionation ("Buyers");
Group1 \u003d Reference books. Intrargents. Intepponation ("Returns from individuals");

Create a table that later will be transmitted to the conversion of the values.

TK \u003d new table signs ();
TK.Colonki. Addly ("counterpart");
TK.Colonki. Add ("sum");
TK.Colonki. Addly ("total");
TK.Colonki. Addly ("calculation");
TK.Colonki. Addly ("Datraschenoganogyment");
TK.Colonki. Addly ("Comething County Dog");
TK.Colonki. Add ("partner");
TZ.Colonki. Addly ("Currency AuthorityCounts");
TK.Colonki. Addly ("DataPlay");

Set the parameters, call a request, fill the table. Call the conversion rule.

request \u003d new query (text);
Request. Installation parameter (group ", group); Request. Installation parameter (" Group1 ", Group1);
Request. Installation parameter ("Nadat", Nadat);
Request. Installing parameter ("Account", Playing. Sorry.
Sampling \u003d query. Fill (). Select ();
TK.Com ();
While sample. Next () cycle
If the sample. Summostatokact \u003d 0 or sample. Summagostokact \u003d "" then
If sample.Summaostokact< 0тогда
Report ("+ sampling. Supconomy1 +" negative meaning "+ sample. SummagAostokact);
Strontium \u003d TK.Dad ();
Strontase. Contract agent \u003d sample. Suberto1;
Strictz.Summa \u003d sample. Summagostokact; // Sample. Summagaostokact;
Strictz.Summaregl \u003d sample. Summagostokact; // Sampling. SummagAostokt;
Strontase. Datarachny tree \u003d sample. Dataradatrum;
Strictz.NumberRatrum \u003d sample. Practitioner;
Strontase. Dataplate \u003d TD;
Excessive \u003d new structure;
Outbredded. Enter ("Date", currentAndata ());
Outgoing. Put ("Calculationsparter", TK);
Excessive. To hold ("Type Operations", "residue is alloplasts");
Excessive. To hold ("Comment", "formed on credit account 76.05");
Report ("76.05 Credit Beginning");
Unloadedpopher (, outbounded, "keystavodnikovzimorahimetami_7605Credit");

Similarly, we do the same operation for the rest of the necessary accounts (their description, as well as a ready-made rule, is in the investment).

3) Go to the creation of rules for conversion of objects, for this open the tab "Rules for converting objects". Add a new rule with the name "Enterprise Camers_7605Credit", the Object Source will leave empty, the receiver object set the "Enter remnants" document, the flag in the Settings tab will remove the "Search the receiver object to the internal source object identifier".

In the event handler "Before loading", write the following code:

Generating systemerikodesalinea specimen \u003d truth;

In the event handler "After download", write:

perform (algorithms. Sexloads);

it will execute the algorithm with the following content:

currency \u003d Constants. Wayarteblamented. Pouring ();
object. Responsive \u003d parametersSeans. Textual user;
object. Organization \u003d Parameters. Alternating;
for each page of the object. CycleStnets
Page Document \u003d References. ReportsTragments. Power supply ();
P.ValyutavAimoochetov \u003d currency;
if it is filled (p. Prottlement.Partner) then
pagePartner \u003d p.conagent.
Partner \u003d reference books. FarTerer .Nightyponiament (p. Prottrargent. Name);
If the party<> Undefined and party<> Directories. FarTers. Power roll () then
pagePartner \u003d part;

Object2.Partner \u003d Watch;
Object2. recruit ();
Perform (algorithms. AddlyPartner);



This algorithm will be executed on the side of the receiver (BP). In addition to transferring remnants to mutual settlements, the task of transferring counterparties is worth the transfer of counterparties, but partners are used in UTs. Therefore, after the formation of the document, we check whether all the counterparties and partners are available in the database of the receiver, if for some reason they are not we add them.

Adding the counterparties will convert the "Contracts" reference reference rule. It can be created in exactly as well as the previous rule, but allow the system to compare the necessary fields to the system itself.

For partners, the algorithm was created which is performed on the side of the receiver.

In order to perform the algorithm on the receiver side, it is necessary in the right upper corner The window of the algorithm (when editing it), put the "Used when loading" flag.

Below is the code for the add partner algorithm:

nPratorNer \u003d Directories. FarTers. Create element ();
NetroNer.Name \u003d p. Prottlement. Name;
NetroNer.comment \u003d "Created when loaded from BP";
NetroNer.NamePolna \u003d p. Prottrargent.NamePole;
Doctornetner \u003d? (Find (p. Prottle agent. Additional information, "Supplier")\u003e 0, truth, lies);
NetroNer.Client \u003d? (Find (p.Contragent. Additional information, "client")\u003e 0, truth, lies);
Regulations \u003d? (Find (p. Prottrargent. Additional information, "Other")\u003e 0, truth, lie);
NetroNer.Shipify ();
pagePartner \u003d NetroNer.Link;
Counterparty \u003d References. Protectors. Intertyponiament (p. Prottrargent. Name);
Object2 \u003d counterpart.
OBJECT2.Partner \u003d BanClotner;
Object2. recruit ();

Return back to the object conversion rule. Now we need to establish the correspondence of the source fields and the receiver, it could be done immediately before writing the code. In order to compare the fields in the bottom tabular part, there is a button for calling the "Property Synchronization" wizard. In this wizard, we can either compare the fields or leave both without a source and without a receiver. In our case, all fields and PM we leave without a source.

After the fields are needed, it was selected in the lower PM for each field. I put the flag in the "Get out of incoming data" column. This flag suggests that the system will search for this field in incoming data. It is important that the field name matches the name in incoming data, otherwise the message will be displayed that the field is not found.

The text is not described all the nuances of the process.

Currently, the headache of accountants began to transition from 1C: Enterprise 7.7 at 8.3 (similarly and 8.2). It is desirable as quickly as possible and without errors. If you are a programmer for 1C: Accounting and you need to convert data from the seventh version to the eighth, then this article is for you.

Make just a few steps, and your data transfer problems will be solved. Read this instruction To the end, and you will find how to do it. To begin with, you must prepare workplace On your computer for the necessary manipulations. First, your hDD Must be a volume of at least 100 GB. This is necessary, since the transfer of residues is multi-level. And you will need to work with several configurations 7.7.

If you need a fast and high-quality transition from 1C Accounting 7.7 to 1C 8.3, contact us! The average cost of the turnkey transition is 6600 rubles.

Data transfer from 1C 7.7 in 1C 8.3 Accounting 3.0

So, before working with data transfer to version 1C 8.3, you need to prepare this data in version 7.7. To do this, you must do the following. Suppose you have a working database "Accounting for an enterprise", with which your accountant work. Using the EXPORT77 processing, unload all the necessary documents into the text file and from this point on, do not return to the main working database. Further your manipulations will occur with other configurations.

Install in the new catalog of the fresh release of 1C: Enterprise 7.7. (The package includes standard empty (without data) and demoment). We will work with a standard version. Now run this database and using the IMPORT 77 processing, download from text File Data from your main base.

When converting data, some documents may not be conducted. It is not scary. The chip is that you are easy to fix it after the transfer, as in the standard base you work with the main standard account plan. Therefore, whatever the subaccounts were not focused, it is easy to fix it in about 3 hours, entering each unwanted document and changing the accounts in the counting fields that you have in your configuration.

Naturally, before transferring, you are given a standard configuration account plan in accordance with the account plan of your main working base. Options are purely individual depending on the specifics of your organization. Having done this work, you get standard configurationfilled with data from your working base.

Now you need to make another data transfer. To do this, make the installation of a standard zero configuration again in a new directory. And already there to transfer data from the standard configuration standard with your data. In the result, you will have the perfect base of 7 version ready for transfer to version 8.2.

The fact is that the data directly to the eighth version is transferred exclusively from the "untouched" standard version 7.7. And you just have such a configuration. But now she is not empty, namely with your working data.

Everything! We launch 1C: Enterprise 8.2. Select "data transfer from version 7.7." And we enjoy the way the program itself transfers data from your processed 7.7., I reproach documents and gives up a comparative table of the operating station of versions 7.7 and 8.3.

Of course, 100% will not be the result. But percentage of 70-80 you will get a match. And then your work will be made only in version 8.3.

Possible inaccuracies are fixed easily. This is another hour 3-4. You enter into the logbook and either corrective accounts, or fields (for example, "contract" or "Basic Cassa"). It depends on the degree of difference of your database 7.7. from standard. As a result of all these actions, your working configuration of version 8.3 will be able to issue accounting data through a reverse saldant statement in perfect form.

After the transition, you will be useful to learn how to work in new program. To do this, we have prepared a section of training 1C Accounting 8.3.

By the way! If you need the finalization of 1C programs, you can contact us!

Transferring a database 1C 7.7 to 8.3, how to make?

Many typical (and some sectoral) eight solutions already have or built-in port means of transfer from 7.7 or in the form of additional files in the template installation directory.

If you carry yourself yourself, then on the ITS disk (as well as in many places of the Internet - Google to help) is the processing "Loading from tabular document"Which allows you to download arbitrary tabular data into directory / documents / registers. At enough high level Qualifications can be used by combat artillery - a special configuration "data conversion 2" (not to be confused with 3.).

Do not tell why this error goes? In the documentation for 1c, everything is too confusing - they have to receive a salary, so they do not understand their manuscripts at all, the war and the world make it easier than their tutorials to use them far from a complex system.

Maxim Kravchenko, well, because everything is written by the Russian language 🙂

In my experience, the most common reasons may be the following:

1) The wrong path is specified in the exchange settings from 7.7 here or simply typos or the path is not specified to that directory. Either the local path on your computer is specified, and the exchange occurs on the 1C enterprise server side and this server does not see anything on your way (a common problem).
2) On the side of the computer, which is trying to exchange from 7.7 (local or server) there is no full-fedly installed platform 7.7. Those. There is no registered COM object, and 7.7 is traditionally connected to the database using a catalog with a hacked platform that neither key nor any system data is needed.
3) There are no access rights to the directory with the base 7.7 (especially relevant when working on a server where the RPHOST workflow is working under the service user, and the database catalog 7.7 is open for specific people).

Maxim Kravchenko, and why not through IRC or chats on the Peoples' "damn culs"? 🙂
No, I'm already re-ones and the same rake will not step up. Already one ungrateful gave his Skype and he sat down on her neck.

If you have common questions, answers to which can help the rest - ask. Together we will make a good deed. No secret negotiations.

P.S. What people would have disappeared the desire to give answers on this resource, it would be nice to mark solutions or press the "Like" button on the most adequate responses, even if they directly and did not help.

Maxim Kravchenko, FAQ is impossible since the net 7.7 does not exist in nature. There is a whole palette of typical / sectoral solutions, there is different versions The same specific configuration, but none of this set covers the "out of the box" of the needs of companies and all sold 7.7 after installation were completed. Taking into account the fact that the massively selling 7.7 has stopped even more than ten years ago, in particular your database from typical functionality could not stay.

It's one thing if you take the standard transfer mechanisms about which I wrote in my answer, and transfer realizing that the responsibility for the shoals on you and all the inconsistencies you will plant the Girls. A completely different attract a specialist for the money. You need to describe all reference books for transfer, the amount of information for transfer (articles, barcodes, INN, etc.), from where to take the missing information and so on. I am not ready to take your project now. I propose to register this task on the sites of freelancers and spend the tender between them.

Migration rules 1C 8

Transferring data from Programs "1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0" in "1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0"

Designed first of all for finalized configurations 1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0 (Possible names on the Internet of BP 2.0 or BP 8.2) as the basis for developing original transfer rules to the configuration 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0 (Possible names on the Internet of BP 3.0 or BP 8.3) is suitable for the transfer of data between typical configurations.

With possible transition strategies with 2.0 on 3.0, you can find here.

Transition S. 1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0 on the 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0 It is recommended to perform at the beginning of the new period (year, quarter, month) after the completion of the regulatory operations of the last period.

Data transfer is performed using universal processing that unloads data from the information base. 1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0 To a file in XML format. The resulting file is loaded into the information base. 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0 Using universal data loading processing.

For data transfer, the following files are required:

ACC20_30.xml - data conversion rules.

From information base BP 2.0 in BP 3.0 transferred:

information on current balances on accounting accounts of the information base "1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0" at the date of conversion of the information base

documents of information base BP 2.0 For the selected period

needless reference Information From the information base "1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0"

- Data from the information base 1c BP 8.2. Unloaded B. separate file (data file);

- The resulting file is loaded into 1C information database BP 8.3..

Installations are not required, as machining machined in typical configurations are used in 1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0 and 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0.

(About the possibility of using specialized processing Read below)

In a programme 1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0 You need to open processing (Menu: ServiceOther data exchanges), Select a folder in which the transfer rules are located (see Fig. 1) and download the exchange rules. I recommend to download the exchange rules each time, even if they are automatically loaded when the processing starts. To do this, you need to either take away the rules file or press the button. Re-read the rules of exchange. No need to include all rules of transfer. Only those that are needed to transfer residues and (or) documents should be used. All reference books are transferred according to the links, as needed, i.e. Only those involved in the remains and documents. This ensures the lack of "garbage" in the new information base.

If you need to unload the remnants at the end of the year, for example, at the end of day on December 31, 2014, i.e. It is more correct to speak at the beginning of 2015, the period of unloading should be 01/01/2015 - XX.Hh.hhhh. Documents input residues in BP 3.0 Will be dated December 31, 2014. From 01/01/2015 B. BP 3.0 You need to create documents reflecting current operations. If only the remnants are needed, then you must enable data unloading rules from the section Incoming residues (See Fig. 1). Data unloading rules from the section Documentation In this case, turn off (see Fig. 3). The discharge period for example 01.01.2015 - 01/31/2015 means that documents will be postponed January 2015. Data unloading rules from the section Documentation In this case, must be included.

Fig. one . Processing for uploading data

First of all, we recommend to postpone the organization's accounting policy (reference book Organizations It is transferred by reference). When transferring data, you can additionally set the parameters (see Fig. 2). To return to the default values, you should restart the exchange rules.

Fig.2 Setting parameters

Parameter Do not take into account the register of VAT batches determines first of all will be filled in BP 3.0 When entering residues TMTS. table Establishment data received. Also it affects how subconto will be filled Party: according to BOO or by register residues VAT on purchased assets.

Setting the parameter allows you to control the discharge of residues for organizations using USN. When registered, if not compliance with the register data Expenditures at Usn. Accounting register is perhaps it is possible to unload the remnants according to accounting only, without registering the register USNwhich can add a lot of errors. In this case, in the input documents of the initial residues in BP 3.0 requisites Reflection in usn and Flow status Filled by default values.

When setting the parameter to the value Yes Simultaneously with documents, register sets associated with these documents will be transferred. Otherwise, the contents of documents are transferred, and to obtain movements, documents should be held in the database BP 3.0 After transfer. It should be understood that not for all the movements of documents existing in BP 8.3., there are conformity in BP 8.2.. Therefore, even if you choose an option to transfer documents with movements, for some types of documents, it may be necessary to conduct in order to create all the necessary sets of registers.

Fig.3 List of documents that are transferred to BP 3.0

The list of references and information registers to the transfer is shown in Fig.4. If someone is interested in expanding this list, refer to the author. Object transfer rules are for many reference books. It is clear, because most different reference books are present in many documents and are unloaded accordingly on the links. Make from them the rules of unloading is not much difficult, you can do it yourself. The upload rule is necessary if there is a desire to transfer the entire directory, and not only by reference.

Fig. 4 List of reference books and information registers

Features of transfer of residues on accounts 76.Av and 76.V.

When set to value Yes Parameter Correction auction for calculations with counterparties You can correct the errors allowed. What is a redundancy clear from Fig. 5.1: according to the counterparty, the balance is equal to zero, but on the second subconto sums are not zero. Such residues will not be transferred.

Fig.5.1 Summit in the remains

If set to Yes parameter Messages detailDuring unloading, explanatory messages will be displayed (see Fig. 5.2).

Fig.5.2 Messages when expanding in residues

Features of transfer of residues on the accounts of accounting of the TMC

Similarly, the algorithm for the correction of bugs of the unit type in the balances TMTS.. It works this algorithm when installing the parameter Fix the auction on the remnants of the TMC In value Yes. An example is shown in Fig. 5.3. Accounting on account 10.03 is conducted in the context of the nomenclature, warehouses and parties. Rest of nomenclature Gasoline AI-92 on the warehouse number 4. It is zero, but if you deploy the remnants of parties, there will be many of them. The algebraic amount of residues by parties is zero, this is a portiment. Such residues should not be transferred, because it is an explicit error. They will not be postponed when the parameter is set.

Fig.5.3 Preliminary in the remains TMTS. In the database source BP 2.0

Worse things are with the remnants of warehouse number 6.. The remainder of nonzero, so the fixing algorithm will not work, the remnants will be transferred. And how to postpone, let's look at. Sum -155,29 in the transfer will not fall, because such a residue in BP 3.0 It is impossible to enter, it is impossible to enter a zero amount and a non-zero amount, the document input document will not be carried out, so do not unload. As a result of B. BP 3.0 The remaining two amounts will fall (see Fig. 5.4). The residue was moved like a mistake. In fact, no transfer error here is certainly no, but there are accounting errors.

Fig.5.4 Transfer results in BP 3.0

Use or not described by the fixing algorithm auction, to solve the user. It is only necessary to remember that the remnants with zero number are never transferred. According to the author, this is the most correct behavior, at least it allows you to conduct a document to enter residues and start reconciliation. For more quick search positions of divergence of residues between BP 2.0 and BP 3.0 According to the results of the transfer, it can be recommended to select such problem positions in the source by adjusting the operating statement appropriately. How to do it see Fig.5.5.

Fig.5.5 Selection of positions with zero

After graduating from unloading It is necessary to run the program 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0. Downloading both initially and during data transfers or additional transfers should be performed using typical processing Universal data exchange in XML format (See Fig. 8.1). You can open it through the menu: All functions - processing - universal data exchange in XML format. If there is no position in the menu All functionsthen you need to go to Service -Prameters and install the checkbox Display command all functions.

After downloading data to the 1C database: Accounting 8 Red.3.0, it is necessary to conduct initial balance input documents to obtain all the necessary movements. You can use processing Group rearness of documents (See Fig. 8.2) or conduct documents in the log (Menu: All functions - Documents - Entering residues). If the documents were transferred without movements (parameter Unload the movements of documents Installed in value Not), To obtain postings and records in registers, it is necessary to conduct documents.

Data conversion technique.

Conversion, if necessary, can be performed in several steps, for example, first reference books, then documented remnants, then other documents. Repeated information is possible. Between the transfer, you should not make corrections to the transferred data in 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0Otherwise, these corrections may disappear during repeated transfers.

Remains are transferred through documents Enter the initial residues.

More details with the methods of entering residues can be found in the article on the ITS website of the company 1C.

Important! Before entering the initial remnants, accounting policy parameters must be specified. The organization's accounting policy parameters are read on the date following the dates of the input of residues. For example, if the date of the residues of December 31, 2013 is taken into account the accounting policy parameters established on the date 01.01.2014, this makes it possible to take into account the parameters of the current accounting policy (for example: if the organization has applied a simplified taxation system, and from 2014 . Moved on general System - then when you enter balances on December 31, 2013, the parameters of accounting policies 2014 will be taken into account). That is why, as indicated above, first of all we recommend transferring the organization's accounting policy.

Important! If you decide to start working in 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0 earlier than the remnants were transferred there, then it is necessary before working in 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0 Transfer directory. Otherwise, when transferring residues to a non-empty base, errors are possible.

Important: It is possible to solve the synchronization problem when loading into a non-empty database - comparison of objects.

Procedure for working with specialized data transfer processing.

Processing is used only in mode File. Processing Enchanged_iz_bp20_v_bp30.epf. It should be launched in the information base, where data is transferred, i.e. in 1C Accounting company Red.3.0. In the first window (see Figure 9), you should specify the option of downloading data from the information base on the 1C platform: Enterprise:

Download data directly from the information base

Fig.9 Starting Data Transfer Window

In the next window (see Fig. 10), you must perform the transfer setting:

    Select the information database from the list (the list is the same as when the application is started 1C Enterprise).

    Specify username and password

    Specify which information should be transferred

    Additionally, you can check the data in the source for the correctness of the transfer

    When transferring reference books, data from the directories of the selected information base, for which there are rules for unloading. Directories in this case are transferred entirely. If the checkbox is not installed, but any other transfer option is selected, then the reference books will also be transferred, but only in the volume that is required to fill data in the transferred wiring and documents. When transferring data, you can transfer directories, documents and balances at the beginning of the year. Transfer options can be selected in any combination. During the transfer of residues, data on the balances on account accounts will be transferred as of January 1 of the selected year according to the rules specified in Fig.1. In 1C: Accounting 8 will create documents "Enter the initial balances" on December 31 of the year preceding the selected one.

    Fig.10 Transfer parameter window

    If the data verification option is selected, then before downloading this check will be made and the scan result will be displayed (see Fig. 11). If errors will be detected during the verification process, the transfer process will be suspended, in order to enable the error. If you need to unload and load data, despite errors, remove the checkbox Check the data before downloading or click Proceed. The list of verification rules is constantly updated.

    Fig.11 Data verification result Before downloading

    In the process of transmitting data from the source to the receiver, the picture will be updated on the screen, which indicates the current stage: Connecting to the information base, upload data, data load, etc. Moreover more detailed information It is displayed below as a string, for example, "Data Unloading: Documents (3/3)". Upon completion of downloading data, the process of conducting downloaded documents is started and then checking the downloaded data. If errors occur during documents or data verification, then after completion, messages will appear in the messages window. Error messages can also be viewed in a separate window by clicking on the hyperlink. Error information (For example.12).

    Fig.12 Indication of the data transfer process

    A fragment of a table containing error records is shown in Fig.13. First, the table displays error messages encountered when conducting documents, then errors when checking. Checking the downloaded data consists in comparison of the operating statements formed on the dates of the input of the residues, in the source and receiver. In case of incomprehension of the balance, an entry is created on some account. Double-click on the records in the error table, you can open a problem document to correct and manually. The same can be done in the messages window.

    Fig.13 Fragment of a table containing error recordings

    After making fixes in the database, it makes no sense to carry out the transfer of the same information from the source base, because when repeated transfer, this data is recovered with errors. Therefore, try to make corrections in the source, and not in the receiver, or not repeat the transfer of the same information. For example, after transferring the initial remnants and correcting all documents input of the initial balances in the receiver with further transfers, do not install the flag Remains at the beginning of the year.

    Updates are free within 6 months after purchase. At the end of the free update period, you can receive a paid-based updates (see below). At the same time, if you purchased several software products, as part of kits or separately, you have the right to count on a discount. You can read more details with the discount system.

    Rules created by technology Data conversion: Easily editable.
    Fully open, there are no licensed restrictions except ban on replication.

    File Recipient 20_30.xml is unloading from the base obtained by the transfer of the BP 2.0 demo base distributed by 1C, to the BP 3.0 base. Create an empty BP, can be from the 1C template or using configuration file. Set the accounting parameters in Setting up account plan Accounting stocks in warehouses and parties. Download Demo Base File Recipient 20_30.xml using processing Universal data exchange in XML format. The demo-database shows the transfer of residues to 01.01.2009 and documents for the period from 01/01/2009 to 12/31/2009.

    Rules are regularly updated under new releases, suitable for Releases of BP and later. You do not need to search and choose the desired transfer rules, they are suitable for any source release in the specified range. If you need rules for earlier releases, refer to the author. Release Release must be exactly as in the rules.

      08/29/2018 Allocated to a separate rule unloading residues by section Loans (accounts 66, 67), previously it was as part of Other accounting accounts

      08/20/2018 Upgrade to and

      06/03/2018 Documents transfer added Reflection of salary in regulated accounting

      05/18/2018 Upgrade to and

      02/23/2018 Upgrade to and

      01/18/2018 Upgrade to and

      12/22/2017 Upgrade to and

      11/03/2017 Upgrade to and

      09/26/2017 Upgrade to and

      06/14/2017 Upgrade to and

      05/05/2017 Upgrade to and

      04.04.2017 - Added the creation of invoices obtained when in BP 2.0 there is only the number and date. You need to set the parameter Conversion invoices (Create new, if the source is only the number and date)

      02/06/2017 Update to BP

      01/26/2017 added documents Reflection of accrual VAT and Reflection of VAT to deduct

      11.01.2017 Update to BP and BP Excluded the registration of the register Ndspoosinma. In earlier versions, where it is in the configuration, it will not be transferred.

      12/14/2016 Update to BP

      12/07/2016 added transfer of documents Correction debt

      12/01/2016 Parameter added Do not take into account the register costs when weptwhich allows you to manage the unloading of residues for organizations using USN

      11/21/2016 Uploading a reference book Users A separate rule with the creation of IB users at the receiver (details here). Added transfer of residues by PC Employees organizations (personnel data). When transferring balances on accounts 76.Av and 76.V. It is possible to check and correct the auction on the second subconto.

      08.11.2016 Extended list of documents.

      10.28.2016 Added the transfer of documents. The transfer demonstration is added, this is the result of the demo-base of BP 2.0.

      10.26.2016 Fixed the creation of empty documents for entering residues in the presence of account balances 10.07

      09.09.2016 Update to BP

      03/23/2016 Improved transfer of data on invoices received (when transferred to TMC residues)

      11.01.2016 Added the transfer of contact information to individuals. Litz, citizenship, subscription, information about disability, the statuses of fiz.litz. Added rules for transferring the bank. Accounts and accounts for accounting of the nomenclature.

      12/23/2015 Update to BP Added the transfer of contact information of counterparties and their contact persons.

      12/14/2015 Rules for BP 3.0.42

      The package includes: transfer rules "ACC20_30" and processing Tin_iz_BP20_V_BP30.. If your organization does not have a full-time programmer for working, we are ready to offer our specialist services (a programmer connects to your computer via the Internet, by means of special Program For remote work and makes the necessary work). If you can provide a working database "1C: Accounting 8 Red.2.0", we can transfer the data yourself and transfer the file " 1C: Accounting 8 Red.3.0"With the residues transferred. The cost of this service is not included in the total cost of the package.

      Important. Not all documents are transferred (for compatibility with old releases of BP 2.0). Before buying, carefully read the list in Fig.3.

      Transferring data from "1C: Accounting 7.7" and "1C: Usn 7.7" in "1C: Accounting 8"

      A few words about how data is transferred from a typical configuration " Accounting", Edition 4.5 for 1C: Enterprises 7.7 or configuration" "(hereinafter referred to as a source configuration) to a typical configuration" Accounting company", Edition 3.0 for 1C: Enterprises 8 (version 3.0.52), hereinafter referred to as the" Recipient Configuration ".

      IMPORTANT! Data transfer is possible from configuration Accounting Edition 4.5 for 1C: enterprises 7.7 versions of 7.70.569 and later or from the configuration " Simplified taxation system, ed. 1.3.»Versions 7.70.219 and higher.

      The transition from the configuration-source on the recipient configuration is recommended to perform at the beginning of the new period (year, quarter, month) after the completion of the regulatory operations of the last period.

      Data transfer is made using a specialized processing that unloads data from the source configuration information base to a file in XML format. The resulting file is loaded into the recipient configuration information database using universal data loading processing.

      ACC_ACC8 .ERT - external treatment Unloading data to an external file from the configuration " Accounting, Ed.4.5»;

      USN_ACC8 .RERT - external processing of data unloading into an external file from the configuration " Simplified taxation system, ed. 1.3.»;

      ACC_ACC8 .xml - data conversion rules.

      USN_ACC8 .xml - data conversion rules.

      From the information base, the source configuration in the recipient configuration is transferred:

      - information on current balances on accounting accounts information base Configuration-source at the date of the information base conversion date;

      - Current documents with the date more than the date of the conversion of the information base.

      Conversion is performed in two stages:

      - Data from the information base The source configuration is unloaded into a separate file (data file);

      - The resulting file is loaded into the recipient configuration information database.

      To install the data transfer processing, use the setup.exe installation program. After starting the program (if the number of information databases 1C: the enterprise is large, after some time) a dialog box appears in which you need to note the information bases where data transfer processing will be installed. The window has the appearance as in Fig. 1. If the number of information bases is more than seven, then use the "up" and "down" buttons to navigate. If several information databases are selected, then the location of only the last selected base is reflected in the "path" line. This information is auxiliary and is used as desired for additional control by the user for the result of the installation of the installation program, do not pay special attention to it, the program itself will determine where the information bases you have selected are set.

      Fig.1 The selection window of information bases during installation

      Additionally, you can specify the folder into which the data transfer process will also be installed, to do this, use the folder selection window (by pressing the button with three points). The full path for the selected folder will be reflected in the selection string. After clicking on the "Install" button, an installation will be made. file required In the selected information bases and (or) in the selected folder. After completion, you can press the "Details" button and see the detailed installation protocol, which files and which folders were recorded. As a result, in the selected folder there should be approximately the following picture, see Fig. 2.

      Fig.2 Files installed in the selected folder

      In subdirectory Extforms. Mounted processing and transfer rules. It should be borne in mind that the processing of unloading ACC_ACC8 .rt. And the data unloading rules are replaced by typical processing and rules. If you want to save a typical transition mechanism, set a new processing into a separate directory, and not in the information base.

      More The installation process is described in the example of installing the report " Express checking for keeping accounting for configuration "1C: Accounting 7.7«.

      In a programme " 1C: Accounting 7.7»Need to open from additional features Processing " Transition to 1C: Accounting 8, ed. 3.0", Select a folder in which the transfer rules are located (see Fig. 3) and upload the exchange rules. No need to include all rules of transfer. Only those that are needed for example, for example, to transfer residues, or residues and documents should be used. For example, in the Handbooks group, not a single rule can be included, because all reference books are transferred according to the links, as necessary, i.e. Only those involved either in the remains or in the documents. This ensures the lack of "garbage" in the new information base. Documents also do not need to include everything. For example, if there are no documents in your database, or you do not want to transfer them, you do not need to include this rule.

      Fig.3. Processing for uploading data

      I recommend the name of the data file name "C: \\ v77_v8 \\ exp77_80.xml", it is this folder that is often used by default in the program " 1C: Accounting 8»When downloading data from the programs on the platform" 1C: Enterprise 7.7". If necessary, set the parameters on the page " Parameters«.

      In the process of unloading data from the configuration " Accounting 7.7.»Could meet various errors. The transfer rules presented here differ from the model in that the data unloading stage is searching typical mistakes. Consider those of which messages are displayed.

      Zero quantity and non-zero amount of TMC. Enter the residue in the recipient configuration so that the amount of material is equal to zero, and the value of the material is not equal to zero, it is impossible, and it is meaningless, because it is a mistake. Therefore, when transferring residues, such positions (with zero quantities) will be absent in the interference documents. Consequently, if the errors do not fix the data transfer, then the amounts in the source and receiver of the data during the transfer of residues will not coincide that it will cause additional difficulty reconciliation. Therefore, in the process of unloading data from the configuration " Accounting 7.7.»Displays messages about encountered errors (see Fig.4). Additionally, to search for errors, you can recommend using the processing "Express checking of accounting", namely the rule "Lack of nonzero amount at zero quantity on materials."

      Fig.4.1 Messages about encountered errors

      Non-zero balance on subconto second (third) levelWhile the balance on the first (second) level is zero. This is a fairly common situation of erroneous accounting. A typical example is shown in Fig.4.2. There is such a state as the result of "Preliminary" in analytical accounting. For example, in cash flow documents, the contract is specified, and in the documents of the posting of the TMC there is no agreement, or vice versa, or contracts are also different. In all these cases, there is a nonzero balance under contracts, despite the fact that the balance according to the counterparty is zero. A similar picture may arise in the accounting of materials, the nomenclature (when the amount of storage is included in the storage places): auction between warehouses, especially if warehouses are materially responsible persons.

      Fig.4.2 Example of error in accounting

      It is clear that this is a mistake, and it is clear that it does not make sense to carry such residues. In order to exclude the transfer of this kind of residues, there is a parameter "Do not unload the residues, if the zero balance is at the top level." If this parameter is set to one, then the messages shown in Figure will be displayed. 4.3 (Compare Fig. 4.2), and the remnants of such positions will not be unloaded. You can use various combinations of this parameter with the rules of transferring different residues. If you are transferred not all remnants immediately, but according to the accounting partitions, you can transfer remains for various accounting partitions with different parameter values.

      Fig.4.3. Error messages

      Empty values \u200b\u200bof contracts or other people's contracts. The problem is similar to the described above, the reason for the same - auction in analytical accounting under contracts (see Fig.4.4). But the balance of the counterparty is not zero, so the verification rule described above will not work. When transferring data, an error occurs when the residual input document is performed, because The empty value of the contract is not permissible.

      Fig.4.4 Report showing error

      To eliminate such errors before transfer, error messages are issued at the data unloading stage (see Fig.4.5). In the same figure it can be seen that another error met: the contract does not correspond to the counterparty, i.e. The owner of the contract is another counterparty. Such errors are often found in modified, i.e. Nepical configurations or in long-established bases, when in typical configurations there was no sufficiently strict verification for compliance with the contracts when completing the documents.

      Fig.4.5 Accounting error messages

      Checking on empty values \u200b\u200bof contracts and other people's contracts are made if the parameter " Check contracts for empty value and compliance with the counterparty". Additionally, for the search for errors, you can recommend using the processing "Express checking of accounting", namely the rules "No empty analytics under contracts" and "compliance of counterparties and contracts".

      There are other error checks, contact us (contacts at the bottom of the page).

      We show how you can transfer data parts, and not entirely, on the example of unloading of documents of a separate type or even individual instances of the documents of the selected view. Give only one data unloading rule " Payment order"(See Fig. 5). This will allow you to unload documents only Payment order". If you press the button with such parameters Unload", All documents of the species will be unloaded" Payment order", Located in the time interval with" the date of the beginning" by " expiration date". Click the button " Install PVD.", After that there will be an inscription" Selection of data for payment order«.

      Fig.5 How to set a rule unloading data of a certain type

      Next, click the "Add Condition" button, the ability to select the selection props (see Fig.6.1), most often it is " Testocument", That allows you to choose a separate document from the list of documents of this species. You can, using other selection details, get a sample by group of documents, for example, to select Date Date. In all cases, the selection of documents is made inside the time interval, specified parameters « the date of the beginning"And" expiration date«.

      Fig.6.1 How to choose a separate document

      Important! "1C"), Which in some configurations does not allow selection of documents when unloading for selection details. This is due to the fact that model Rules Selection of documents is made by the query without specifying the period. Such queries are not always working.

      You can simultaneously unload directories, not entirely the directory, and by selecting the selection according to any details. First, select the required data unloading rule, then press the "button sequentially Install PVD."And" Add Condition". For example, in Fig.6.2, it is shown how you can unload only those employees with whom at the time of transition from the program " 1C: Simplified taxation system, ed. 1.3." on the " 1C: company accounting, revision 3.0"(Or, as users often say, the transition from accounting 7.7 by 3.0) employment relationships.

      Fig.6.2 How to choose a group of reference elements

      Important! In the proposed data transfer rules, typical rules error (from the company "1C"), which leads to an incorrect selection of directory elements when unloading in periodic details of the reference book, i.e. So that various values \u200b\u200bare installed on different dates. This is due to the fact that in the standard rules, the selection of the directory elements is made by the query without specifying the period.

      Selection in periodic details of the reference book is made on the date of the parameter " expiration date«.

      You can use a combination of rules for unloading data and selections. The rules for which the selections are installed will be marked as "[selection]". In order to see or edit the selection of a specific data unloading rule, you need to double-click on this rule in the list of rules or by selecting it, click the " Install PVD.«.

      Important! If the unloading of objects is empty or incomplete, it is necessary to check whether the synchronization mode is set to 1C: Accounting 8. If this is so, only objects modified after the transfer will be unloaded (reference book. . Full work In synchronization mode it becomes impossible. Synchronization mode check is performed after downloading the exchange rules. If the mode is set to the Warnings window (see Fig. 6.5) and will be prompted to disable synchronization mode.

      Fig. 6.5 Synchronization mode warning window

      Additional differences from typical rules

      Fixed a bird transfer error with old types of arrival: if the documents of the admission of 2 (outdated value) and there is no invoice invoice, erroneous conversion of this document in BP 3.0 to the return document from the buyer.

      Fixed a bug when transferring manual operations with a subcontom unit to the BP version of prof. Such an operation is not recorded in the BP, an error occurs: "The field the unit must be empty." This is due to the fact that the rules are designed to work with the versions of the Corp, however, in the profile of the divorce and the subdivision of the accounting register should be empty.

      Fixed a bug leading to duplicate group groups Contracts And, as a result, to duplicate items of this directory (because the search for download is made with regard to the parent). Illustrated by Figure 6.6.

      Fig.6.6 Referral transfer result Contracts typical rules

      Here in the column Parent (group of directory) with name 2015 There are two different groups of the reference book with the same name (in the source group one), therefore the contracts are duplicated.

      Fixed a bug transfer of bank documents when transferring money from one current account to another. IN BP 3.0 In this case, the document creates Credit account With the type of operation Translation to another account of the organization, which is not carried out due to the fact that the requisition is not filled Recipient account. In addition, the details are incorrectly filled Account account and Debet account. This will manifest, if they are different, for example, 55 and 51, then they need to be swapped. Fixed a bug not filling in requisition Type of commitment In tax transfer documents. All of the above belongs to the release

      It is transferred requisite main contract Director Counterparties.

      Changed the reference rule of the reference NomenclatureNow the method of data selection is a standard sample, which allows you to select the elements of the directory for details (in the Model Rules of USN 7.7 - BP 3.0 is impossible). When transferring reference book Nomenclature, I. Prices Nomenclature According to the links, i.e. Prices of only portable elements of the nomenclature. To enable such an opportunity, you need to install a parameter value Unload prices when unloading the nomenclature.

      Fixed a bug in typical rules "USN 7.7 - BP 3.0" when transferred balances by calculations with counterparties: the type of contract was always established to Other. Now - depending on the type of balance, by the accounting section " Calculations of adversaries»Treaty of contract \u003d" With supplier", By section of accounting" Calculations of scavenkathers»Treaty of contract \u003d" With buyer", In other cases, the type of contract \u003d" Other«.

      Fixed a bug in typical rules "USN 7.7 - BP 3.0" when transferred balances by calculations with counterparties: the amount of mutual settlements was recorded in two details of the initial balance input document Sum and Amount. Because of this, the entry document was not conducted.

      ScoreSpoiler"(In typical rules" Other"). Set the value of the props " Payment State", It is important for right choice Accounts for payment to the buyer in bank payment documents in the recipient configuration.

      When transferring documents of the form " Payment order"The type of contract is set to" Snoversman"(In typical rules" Other«).

      Fixed a bug in typical rules "USN 7.7 - BP 3.0" when transferring storage sites: the props will not be filled Type of warehouse«.

      Added parameter " Exchange with regulatory authorities included": If its value is 1, then props VindobmenascontrollampoomyMamnaya Element of the reference book " Organizations"Is set to" Exchange and Formate", Otherwise in" Exchangeable»As in typical rules. This is important when repeated (regularly) transfer, not to spoil the EDO setting.

      Changed the search rule loaded elements for the reference book " Counterparties": First, the search is made by Inn and KPP (if these values \u200b\u200bare filled), then only by Inn And finally Name. In all three cases, a sign of a group (etco) and the group (parent) participate in the search. This is important when repeated (regular) transfer, so as not to create a duplicate for counterparties with the names changed after loading.

      When transferring counterparties, the requisition is filled Country Registration The meaning "Russia". This is necessary in order to after loading the handbook of counterparties in the program "1C Accounting 8" did not have to manually fill in the mandatory props Country Registration. If it is not filled, then in the form of an element of the reference book " Counterparties"Details will be available" Tax number"And" Reg. number", And details" Inn"And" KPP»Will be hidden.

      In the rules of transfer "USN 7.7 - BP 3.0" added the upset of data unloading to transfer the "Employees" reference book (only a directory of individuals is transferred in the sample rules).

      The rules for the transfer "USN 7.7 - BP 3.0" corrected the rule of transfer of the information of the information of the current estrifanystavkasdniks.


      {!LANG-5ffcc90d73f67290dcc5978f6be84eb8!} {!LANG-2d7a34f52a1843a45fa6f6591b383b5b!}{!LANG-a66fa1af83e6840d906f7ac140be7ab3!} {!LANG-388036ef236b5be2f7939b6853af530f!} ({!LANG-85a0855579a7e5ea2fcfbd3af501490c!}{!LANG-2a86c332104b89f1062438fdbedd0d0e!} BP 3.0{!LANG-259b83c523ae896a649dd088fdbcbdb1!} BP 3.0{!LANG-f2de204f7e2b5f732f0ea596d533d7e7!} {!LANG-63cf28cfd16f028003a21936c2b9ab53!}{!LANG-e8bd5a7a9705323c4a2b59edf15eb571!} {!LANG-63cf28cfd16f028003a21936c2b9ab53!}{!LANG-505c9a6b1b07dde819a660b619d19f00!} {!LANG-3134db116d8fef0d369e53bde4e86217!}{!LANG-1b75a9157790ea69159ce89712669639!} {!LANG-63cf28cfd16f028003a21936c2b9ab53!}{!LANG-bac61ece5c067dd5e8d6981cd033eb86!}


      {!LANG-70610a0cd7aab7397e73513f83b76174!} Enter the initial residues{!LANG-4868a89c4018eec40b26eaef7d7c3a95!} {!LANG-b136937b2ddec27549e13af1d378f8fd!}{!LANG-e1fdcb54b1dfabe605bd154af54866a4!}

      {!LANG-5cba9f26ccd61942759e68deebfe2bdb!} Enter the initial residues»

      {!LANG-71ebbb7e7586adb7826b34ce49b25259!} Enter the initial residues{!LANG-01a051984ab59c0b04ec20fda798bdf9!} Enter the initial residues{!LANG-2a5994a3c2d6da3347cdf88143cf056d!}

      {!LANG-abc31ba8e9986d3bc4af7239d0aa30ea!}{!LANG-71cf855eeceae9584efae5f3193f97c7!} Enter the initial residues{!LANG-a6ce0fb610c6ac39e3d27d79a02d4d84!}


      {!LANG-abc31ba8e9986d3bc4af7239d0aa30ea!}{!LANG-a3dddb409c4319e6a9acdc22fdb56f22!} Enter the initial residues{!LANG-00aded3c499d86e7b6192242505fa99d!}

    • {!LANG-6fae4c074d059f49bf4c2068622d90bd!}
    • {!LANG-e069cb6dcf15368e95c00370bd356878!}
    • {!LANG-85d72203b0784e8f8dcf5fe434c85224!}
    • {!LANG-6e75b188522039767107a900546bbf27!}
    • {!LANG-bdc0e95fc9d2ded24e5a3b8c804cf217!}
    • {!LANG-f7620bded4a52b43bbdc1aef01d3cea1!} {!LANG-0f6c81e4227c1e8367494f546542d7ec!}{!LANG-f15f79682d417230898e7cf7dc5336a2!}
