
1c introduction BSP users in their configuration. Introduction "1C: Library of standard subsystems. Protection of personal information

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Instructions for the implementation of the Library of Standard Subsystems

The library includes a set of universal functional subsystems,
intended for use in applied solutions on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.3"

Delivery files contain

1. - library delivery file. Not intended to create
Information databases on the template.
2. 1cv8_demo.dt - Demonstration base.
3. - the delivery file of the demo base.

The first introduction of the library subsystems to the configuration and updating the version of the already implemented library differ markedly. After loading the file into an empty configuration, you need to configure the library objects as described in section 2.2, otherwise the message will be issued when starting in the enterprise mode

When I first introduced BSP, I used the file, where everything is already configured and loaded it into an empty configuration, and then turned it on the ability to change the configuration and methodically deleted I did not need the added objects in the configuration file and prepared another CF file that you can download to empty Configuration without configuring transferred library objects.

In general, the implementation process consists of the following steps:
Stage 1. . Transferring metadata objects from the library delivery file to the configuration.
Stage 2.. Configuring transferred library objects.
Stage 3. . Use the library objects when developing a configuration.

All functional subsystems that are part of the library belong to the parent subsystem "Standard subsystems" in the configurator metadata objects. Subsystems intended for configurations designed to work in the service model are subject to the "Work in the Service Model" subsystem.
For the task of the initial implementation and subsequent updates of the version of the library in the applied solutions in the distribution, a special tool is an assistant implementation assistant ( external treatment First refereebsp.epf).

Its functions include supporting the decision-making on the implementation of the library in the configuration, as well as automatic control of the actual implementation result. Since making decisions on the implementation and control of their implementation do not require immersion in the technical details of implementation, the design, implementation and control can be carried out by different specialists and at different points in time

Stage 1 Transferring Metadata Objects from File
library delivery to the configuration.

First implementation

Step 1.To perform the transfer of the library objects to your configuration, you need to select the Configuration menu command in the configuration mode in the configuration mode - compare, combine with the configuration from the file. In the dialog box, specify the library delivery file and confirm the request for it on support.

Step 2.In the comparison and configurations window that opens, you decide all the checkboxes, put the "Enable subordinate subsystems area" and mark the tolerated objects using the action command to note on the Supplier Configuration Subscribments.

From the group subsystems, the standard subsystems choose:

  • mandatory subsystems : Basic functionality, update version of IB, users, contact information. Note that when implementing the "Users" subsystem for use in the service model
    Subsystem "Contact Information"
  • subsystems that need to be implemented in your configuration, for example, service subsystems, regulatory background and
  • if configuration is assumed in the service model, you need to include additional subsystems, mandatory transfer to the configuration to work in the service model

Step 3. Additionally, you need to install or uncheck the flags for individual objects of the library and their properties and select the merge mode to take from the file (actions - set the mode for all ...) and click the Run button. In the window with a list of dependent objects, click the Continue button.
Step 4.. After completing the comparison and merge, go to the second stage - setting the library objects. Depending on the number of subsystems introduced, this step can take from one to several hours.

Updating library version

This section describes general scheme Updates on new version Libraries. Separate features of updating each specific version of the library are given in the accompanying document. updatessl.htm.included in the delivery of the library. As a rule, when moving between the editors, the simulation and releases of the library (the first,
The second and third digits in the version number) are required to perform additional update steps, and when moving between the library correctional releases (the fourth digit
In the version number), as a rule, no additional actions are required. In rare cases, when additional actions are still needed when updating the library's correctional release, the corresponding instructions are contained not only in updatessl.htm, but also in the readme.txt file in the section Important. To update the library version, select the Configuration menu command - support - update the configuration. In the Specify Options dialog box, select the update file, set the path to the library delivery file and confirm the request for
Update the Supplier Configuration version.
Step 1. Pre-prepare to delete from the configuration outdated library metadata objects. To do this, in the comparison window that opens, displays all flags opposite the metadata objects, then set the comparison filter and merge to show present only in old configuration Supplier in group New configuration Supplier<- Старая конфигурация поставщика, как указано на рисунке.

Next, mark all the objects of metadata checkboxes, select the merge mode to take from the new Configuration of the Supplier (Actions - set the mode for all ...) and click the Run button.
If there are references to outdated library objects from other configuration objects or from other library objects, the continue button is not available. You should manually clear all links from other configuration objects and go to step 2 (while links from library objects will be removed automatically in step 3).
If the links to outdated library objects were not detected and the continuation button managed to put a configuration to support, then it should be canceled to support, returning to the original database configuration (database configuration menu - return to the database configuration).
Step 2. Re-execute the Configuration command - Support - update the configuration, specifying in the option Selecting the update file path to the library delivery file. In the comparison and configurations window that opens, remove all flags and mark the tolerated objects using the action command to note on the subsystems of the new supplier configuration. From the group subsystems "Standard Subsystems" Select:
● mandatory subsystems;
● Additional subsystems, mandatory transfer to the configuration to work in the service model;
● All previously embedded subsystems, as well as subsystems that additionally need to be implemented in your configuration;
● Subsystems on which the subsystems decided above are dependent

Then note the transfer flags the same set of subsystems (the object of the subsystem metadata), as well as the administration subsystem (if it has been implemented or scheduled for implementation) in the comparison and configuration associations.
Select the merge mode to take from the new configuration of the supplier (actions - set the mode for all ...).

Then you need to note all obsolete library metadata objects from the configuration. To do this, set the comparison filter and merge into the value to show those present only in the old configuration of the Supplier in the New Supplier Configuration group<- Старая конфигурация поставщика, как указано на рисунке.

Next, mark all the objects of metadata checkboxes and click the Run button. In the window with a list of dependent objects, click the Running button.
Step 3.. After completing the comparison and merge, go to the second stage - setting the library objects.

Using the editorial board of BSP (1C 8.2 platform), I will consider the basic functions, subsystems and examples of using this configuration.

The configuration of the "Library of Standard Subsystems" is one of the few configurations from the company 1C, which is created for developers, and not users. The configuration itself is a set of subsystems that can be used in any configurations. Also, the BSP includes a whole development technology based on 1C 8.2. The library of standard subsystems allows you to standardize solutions and achieve maximum similarity of various solutions from different developers. All type configurations 1C 8.2, where controlled forms are used (2.0, BP 3.0, UT 11, UNF), written on the BSP base.

In the BSP subsystem, as a rule, features such as administrative databases, installation of data rights, attaching files, viewing objects, tasks to employees, email messages, questionnaires, sending SMS, standard background information (organizations, currency classifier,) and other service Functions that can be included in any configuration based on 1C 8.

The configuration of the Library of Standard Subsystems has a special deployment assistant, which allows to significantly reduce labor costs in developing a new configuration. With the help of the assistant, you can step by step to specify the necessary subsystems and get the workpiece for the future configuration:

Below, I will briefly describe the subsystem of this configuration, their purpose, and how can you be used. In total, the "Library of Standard Subsystems" 52 subsystems. Some are interconnected, some independent. To consider the implementation process of each subsystem, it is best to refer to the configuration documentation.

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1. Basic functionality

The Basic Functionality subsystem contains a basic functionality, mandatory for all application solutions that use the library. The basic functionality includes procedures and functions of general purpose, the subsystem of the arbitrary header of the program window, a universal form for selecting metadata objects, a number of universal treatments, as well as standard roles: full-hand, administrators, UpgradesFigurance Based, Basic Frame and others. The system contains a functionality to set the session parameters.

This subsystem is mandatory for installation in the case of using any other subsystem.

2. Work in the service model

The "Work in Model" subsystem contains basic functionality, mandatory for all application solutions designed to work in the service model, as well as a number of subsystems that expand other subsystems to work in the service model (for example, "currency in the service model", etc.) .

3. Addressible classifier

The subsystem is designed to download, storing, obtaining address information. Loading comes from (bracing). The subsystem is strongly related to the "Contact Information" subsystem, but it can be implemented autonomously.

4. Analysis of registration log

Contains a special report to more informative viewing of registration log information.

5. Questioning

Designed for surveys and analysis of survey results. It is possible to conduct polls via the Internet by the web client.

6. Banks

The subsystem is designed to download, storing, receiving information about banks. Loading occurs from the RBC site, it is possible to configure the regulatory task and manual loading.

7. Business processes and tasks

Designed to work with tasks as part of the business process. Tasks can be addressed to the performer or group of performers as personally (personal addressing) and using the roles of performers (role-playing addressing). The subsystem includes five functional blocks: configuring role-playing, creating, execution, control and automatic monitoring of tasks.

8. Currency

The subsystem is designed to load, storing, obtaining information on currencies and currency courses. Possible selection of the desired currency from the table document. Downloading currency exchange rates occurs from the RBC website, it is possible to set up a regulatory task and manual loading.

9. Reports

The subsystem is expanding the user interface of the report settings.

10. Versioning of objects

The subsystem is designed to save and further analyze the elements of reference books and documents. The subsystem retains each version of the object in the value repository, after which it places it in the resource of the information register. The subsystem includes special reports that allow you to quickly see the default history of the user with the object.

11. Interactions

The "interaction" subsystem is intended for planning, registration, ordering interactions and work with the results of interactions. Interactions include e-mail corresponding, calls and meetings. The subsystem provides selection and creation of new contacts of interactions.

12.Gruple change of objects

The subsystem allows us to produce a mass change in data in the database. Reminds similar processing from 8.1.

13. Dates of prohibiting change

Allows you to set the date that users are blocked in documents, reference books, etc. It is widely used in typical configurations - with it you can close to edit the objects of the last period.

14. Additional reports and processing

The subsystem "" is an absolute analogue of the old library of standard subsystems, gives to connect external processing and printed forms.

15. Completion of users

The subsystem allows you to complete existing connections with an information base (very useful if the session hung) and set the blocking of new connections with an information base for a certain period of time, for example, for the time of regulatory procedures.

16. User notes

The "User Notes" subsystem is intended for storing personal notes (various unstructured information, which is not available to other information base users). Notes can be marked with color, put on the desktop and combine into groups.

17. Prohibition of editing property details

Allows you to turn off the editing of arbitrary details of the object. This is what lacked so much in 8.1.

18. Protection of personal data

The "Protection of Personal Data" subsystem is intended to meet the information system based on the configuration, the requirements of Federal Law No. 152-FZ dated June 27, 2006 "On Personal Data".

19. Information Center

Essentially connect to the ITS system. Integration of the application with the service solves the task of a quick transition to other subscriber applications and display the name of the application as the subscriber asked it.

20. Information when starting

Displays the page with different information (for example, advertising) when starting the HTML system. Pages are contained in processing layouts. INFORMATIONSPORK. Each layout contains a start page, and may also contain other pages that are listed in the start page.

Library of standard subsystems (BSP) - a set of subsystems for configurations on the 1C platform: an enterprise implementing basic functionality and individual functional blocks. Let's try to figure out what it is.

What was the BSP created

The first version of the BSP was released by 1C in distant 2010 for the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. 1C offers to use this library (or individual subsystems) as a basis for creating their own applied solutions. Also, all type products produced by the company 1C are based on the BSP.

The use of uniform modules made it possible to achieve greater standardization of applied solutions, and this in turn made it possible to reduce the time for their study (and programmers, and administrators, and end users).

For programmers developing applied solutions "from scratch", BSP allowed to save a bunch of time, because There was no need to independently develop basic functional blocks included in the BSP. For the programmer, the development and testing performed 1C firm. From the programmer now it is only required to deal with the already developed functionality and learn to implement the BSP.

How the BSP is distributed

BSP is a configuration for 1C platform: Enterprise. Moreover, the configuration is not an independent applied solution, it is just a toolkit for the developer. All configuration or part of the subsystems can be used when developing applied solutions.

The delivery of the BSP includes a demo base with an example of implementation. This demo base is available for review on 1C. How to get access to it can be read in the article.

BSP is not for sale. Distribution BSP can be obtained for free if you have a subscription to information and technological support (ITS). To use the applied solution developed on the BSP base, ITS subscription is not required. Also, the BSP can receive partners of 1C.

The official BSP documentation is located at and available in the presence of an ITS subscription.

BSP composition

BSP consists of a variety of subsystems that are divided into:

  • self. To implement, it is enough to transfer all objects to the target configuration and output objects into the interface. Examples of similar subsystems: "Analysis of registration log", "Currencies", "Completion of users".
  • integrable. Designed for close integration with other configuration objects. To implement such subsystems, you must perform additional settings. Examples of similar subsystems: "Leverage of objects", "Filling objects", "Prohibition of editing of object details".

At the moment (July 2017) is available BSP version 2.4.2, which supports the following functionality:

Administration and maintenance tools Analysis of registration log
Additional reports and processing
Programs settings
Configuration update
Evaluation of productivity
Search and remove a double
Safety profiles
Regulatory tasks
IB backup
Removing marked objects
Management of output and aggregates
Administer Users and Access Rights Finishing users
Access control
Integration with other programs and systems External components
Download data from file
Integration with "1C-Bucon" ("1C-Connect")
Data exchange
Sending SMS.
Getting files from the Internet
Mailing work
Mailing reports
Technological mechanisms and software interfaces Basic functionality
Filling objects
Prohibition of editing object details
Upgrade IB version
Connected commands
Prefixing objects
Work in the service model
Monitoring Center
Applied subsystems and user jobs Questioning
Business processes and tasks
Report options
Working with files
Current affairs
Message templates
Regulatory background and classifiers
Work schedules
Calendar graphics
Service subsystems Versioning of objects
Group change of objects
Dates ban change
Note of the user
Protection of personal information
Information at startup
Contact Information
Reminders of the user
Setting the order of elements
Full text search
Checking the legality of receiving updates
Declination of objects of objects
Structure of subordination
Electronic signature

More specific subsystems will be described in separate articles.

Introduction BSP

Before deploying the library of standard subsystems to its configuration, it is necessary to determine the list of subsystems implemented. In the simplest case, all subsystems are being introduced. Regardless which functionality is needed, there are mandatory subsystems that are always implemented:

  • Basic functionality;
  • Update version of IB;
  • Users.

The overall implementation scheme consists of the following steps:

  1. Transferring the necessary metadata objects to the target configuration;
  2. Configuring transferred objects;
  3. Use of BSP objects when developing a new functionality.

To assist in the implementation of the BSP, the library includes processing PropelnerSp.epf. . It is located in the configuration template directory. The processing is a brief description of all subsystems and identified interdependence of subsystems from each other.

To check the correctness of the implementation of the BSP in the configuration directory, there is a report ValidationBSP.erf..

How to find out the version of the BSP Applied Solution

There are several ways to find out which version of the BSP is used in a specific applied solution:

  • Software: Call the function StandardSystemServer. Version Biblike() ;
  • Interactively: In the information register "Version Subsystems", see the value of the version for the subsystem "Standard Systems".

"1C: Library of Standard Subsystems" (hereinafter BSP) is intended for development based on "1C: Enterprise". The initial version of the BSP, created in 2010, was developed to configure the solutions of 1C itself. Thus, the basis of all type products produced by 1C is based on the BSP.

The use of BSP made it possible to solve such tasks as standardization of application programs and saving time programmers. Since the entire basic functionality is laid in the BSP and remains only to be implemented, it has not been the need to develop standard functional blocks.

Installing BSP. Supplies files

BSP is not a solution, it is just a tool for a programmer. It is not on sale, it is received by subscription to ITS Customers or Franchisees 1C.

Installation of the library


Following the installer, we pass the steps and click "Finish."


Fig. 3.


Add a new information base by the "Add" button and select "Creating a new information base", and further - before pressing "ready".







Delivery of BSP includes a demo base with the installation option and the following files:

  • Library delivery file not intended to create an IB on a pattern;
  • The supply file of the international version of the library is also not designed to work with templates;
  • 1cv8_demo.dt. demobaza;
  • Delivery file.



This example is considered using version Configuration files are located in the \\ 1c \\ ssl \\ 3_0_1_240 \\ subdirectory. Please note that this version is used with 1C 8.3 platform not lower than version

When installing the library, you can encounter an "SDBL error. The ConfigVersion table is not contained in the FROM section.


This problem is solved by unloading and loading the DT file (the demo file from the delivery kit has been loaded from the scratch.


Assistant introduction of the BSP.



PropelnerSp.epf. - External processing, whose name speaks for itself. With it, you can select the subsystem for the implementation, considering their relationship, leave the settings for comparison (association), remove excessive, unused fragments of the subsystem code.

Step-by-step assistant is available from the Developer Tools-first BSC.


Using the assistant, a blank is also created for the configuration created. On the right can be familiar with the description of each selected subsystem.




We prescribe additional options for each subsystem selected.

We carry data according to our setup, to the created, empty configuration. In the "Configurator" mode go to it.


For clarity, we rename it into "My_Configuration".

For the first time in the configurator mode, you specify "Configuration-Compare, combine with a configuration from the file", specifying the library delivery file in the dialog and confirming the support request.


To the question "Complete full configuration download?" Answer negatively.



We see a comparison of two configurations - "My_Configuration" and "Standard Subsystem Libraries".


In the comparison window, you can download the settings from the file previously saved using the "Actions-download settings" from the file.


In the window that opens, select our previously saved file with the Assistant file - "File Distribution".


We note that the subsystems will be allocated, depending on which the assistants were determined when configuring. So, if you allocate only the basic functionality (Fig.28), the configuration window will look like this:



Those. We see that not all configuration objects are highlighted.

Now we will configure the subordinate subsystems, noting the portable objects, through "actions, note on file subsystems." Activate "Include the subordinate subsystems area."



By default, all subsystems are being introduced, so it is necessary to remove all the checkboxes, leaving only the necessary (before implementing the library of standard subsystems to your configuration, it is necessary to study the list of subsystems implemented).

From the "Standard Subsystems" we select compulsory, no matter what functionality is needed. Among them are the basic functionality, updating versions of the base, users, contacts.

There are also requests that are required to transfer to work in the service model, and optional, assuming a selective installation. You can define their connection on the tables by reading the article on the ITS website.


By selecting subsystems, click the Install button.

Also, individual elements can be selected by the merge mode - "take from the file" or "merge with the primary configuration priority" (to do it with the right mouse button on it).


These actions can be applied to all elements by setting through the "Actions-Set Mode for All" menu.






Before updating the configuration, you must install the version number of the configuration created in its properties, otherwise you will receive an error that is not filled with the configuration version property.



Please note that at the completion of the processes, metadata objects are transferred, but not yet configured. Therefore, you need to start setting BSP objects.

"announced the release of 12/21/2010 new edition 1.1" 1C: Libraries of the standard subsystems 8.2 "(BSP). The editors 1.1 is the next stage of development of the toolkit for the developer of applied solutions on the platform" 1C: Enterprise 8.2 ".

Edition 1.1 BSP provides a set of universal functional subsystems, ready sections for user documentation and technology for developing applied solutions on the 1C: Enterprise 8.2 platform. With the use of BSP, it becomes possible to quickly develop new configurations with already ready-made basic functionality, as well as the inclusion of ready-made function blocks into existing configurations. Using the BSP in the development of applied solutions on the platform "1C: Enterprise 8.2" will also make it possible to achieve greater standardization of configurations, which will reduce the time for learning and implementing applied solutions through their unification of the set of standard subsystems.

New in the editorial office 1.1 BSP

The formation of 1.1 includes a number of new subsystems, part of the previously created functionality is highlighted in separate subsystems, significant changes have been made to some existing subsystems, the "Assistant Implementation" of the BSP has been implemented.

The "File Working Web Services" subsystem provides operation with attached files that are physically located in another information database (file library). As a file library, any configuration with the "Working with Files" subsystem may appear, which is published as a web service. The subsystem provides the user with a basic set of operations with files: View a list of attached files, add new files, delete files and open files for viewing.

Using the new "interaction" subsystem, planning, registration and streamlining of interactions can be organized in the configuration: Correspondence by email, calls and meetings. All interactions, as well as information on contacts of interactions, is stored centrally in the information base. For example, this subsystem is actively used in the editorial board 11 of the "Trade Management" configuration.

The subsystem "Dates of change of change" allows you to block a change in any data (documents, register records, reference books, etc.) for a previously defined date. It is possible to configure both one common date for the entire information database as a whole and several dates by partitions and / or individual objects of accounting partitions.

The subsystem "Attached files" allows you to store (attach) files to arbitrary configuration objects. Unlike the "Working with Files" subsystem, this subsystem is focused on how many different types of file owners without loss of operation in the speed of operation of users at the entry levels. According to the composition of the functions and appearance of the subsystem, approximately the "Working with Files" subsystem: collective file editing, support for full-text search by attached files, electronic digital signature, encryption.

In the "Backup IB" subsystem, the file information bases implements the ability to back up on demand, as well as a schedule setting. Built the assistant restoration of the information base from the copy. For client-server mode, a notification is provided about the need to set up the backup of the standard DBMS.

The "Electronic Digital Signature" subsystem provides an applied developer software and user interface to work with cryptography: electronic digital signature and signature check.

As an independent subsystem: "Group change of objects", providing universal service for a group change in properties and details of arbitrary reference type objects (reference books, documents, etc.), as well as the "File Functions" subsystem. The "File Functions" subsystem is a technological subsystem that can only be used in a bundle with the "Working with Files" subsystems and / or "Attached Files". It implements common functions for both subsystems and basic user interfaces working with files, storing files in disk volumes, functions to support RIB and creating an initial image of an information base.

In the "Basic Functionality" subsystem, a new software interface appeared for a batch recording of events from the client code to the registration log, as well as for verification, is it included in the log registration of certain types of events included. Added functions for checking the correctness of regulated data (INN, PPC, etc.).

In the subsystem, "Business Processes and Tasks", new functions have appeared, significantly expanding the scripts of the application of business processes in the configurations: a stop of business processes, a hierarchy of business processes and tasks for execution.

For configurations with a small number of users in the "Users" subsystem, a functional option is provided that turns off the configuration of user groups and external users in the configuration.

The "Data Exchange" subsystem provides data exchange developers a new mode of unloading objects "unload, if necessary," as well as the ability to switch to the unloading of objects in "1C: Enterprise" mode. In addition, the data exchange administrator can now configure all links to match objects that migrate between information bases, including those that have been created by the administrator himself or formed automatically.

The "Working with File" subsystem uses the full-time features of the electronic digital signature subsystem. In addition, when scanning documents, it was possible to configure the compression ratio (for TIF), the quality (for JPG) and the method of saving to PDF (using an external program).

In the "Access Control" subsystem, a simplified interface is added to configure access rights. This mode is intended for applied solutions with a small number of users, each of which has a unique set of rights and restrictions. In addition, configuring user access rights, user groups, external users or external users are now possible directly from the forms of elements of these objects. From the User Rights Settings, a complete list of allowed actions (roles) are available on the basis of user entry into certain access groups. To get a full picture of user rights, user groups, an external user or external user group, a detailed report has been developed. As an additional feature, its "implicit" participants are now displayed in the list of participants: participants in users of users (groups of external users), as well as user managers.

In the subsystem "individuals" implemented verification of the filling of the series and the number of the document of the individual (military ID, a military ticket of an order officer, a diplomatic passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation, etc.).

Together with the subsystems, the BSP offers individual methods for developing applied solutions. In the editorial board 1.1, the developer provides ready-made documentation sections for inclusion in the description of the configuration developed on the basis of the BSP.

For the initial implementation and subsequent update of the BSP versions in the applied solutions to the editors 1.1, a special tool is included - "Assistant Implementation". This assistant provides support for making decisions on the implementation of the BSP in configuration, as well as automatic control of the actual implementation of the introduction of the BSP. Since making decisions on the implementation of the BSP and the control of their implementation now does not require "immersion" into the technical details of the implementation, the design, implementation and control can be carried out by different specialists and at different points in time.

Transition order from the previous version

Revision 1.1 is provided to registered users of the system "1C: Enterprise 8", which has an existing subscription to information and technological support (ITS).

To update BSP to editor 1.1, version 1.1.1 is released, compatible with the version of the platform 8.2.13 and above.

Version 1.1.1 BSP is published as part of the February issue of ITS for 2011, on the website support users and on the ITS website (access to these sites There are only ITS subscribers).

The general procedure for updating in the configuration of the already used BSP to version 1.1.1 is given in the documentation included in the delivery of this version. Features of the update from previous versions 1.0.7, 1.0.6, beta version 1.0.5 and Introduction Version 1.0.4 are described in the Update.htm file, also included in the delivery version 1.1.1.

To update the VESIs of the BSP in applied solutions, it is recommended to use the "Assistant Implementation", which is included in the distribution in the form of external processing.

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