
Description of the real object and process. Formalized description. What is the essence of formalization

Today, many people often come across the incomprehensible term "formalization", moreover, in various fields of science and technology. For those who want their knowledge, it is desirable to understand what formalization is. The article will discuss the essence of this term and practical use process.

What is formalization from a scientific point of view in the general sense?

Let's touch on the scientific aspect. We will proceed from the fact that the word formalization comes from the word "formality", that is, it is a conditional, and sometimes even an abstract concept that allows us to explain the nature of a non-existent object or phenomenon and predict its properties in a certain environment under given initial conditions.

The linguistics of any modern language absolutely does not coincide with the expression or nature of thinking. Thus, logic itself is forced to use some abstract concepts to describe this or that phenomenon. This is how the relative concept of the formality of what is happening appears.

As it is already easy to guess, the essence of formalization is to describe or predetermine certain properties of an object or process (even one that does not exist on this moment) and predict its application if it appears in the real world. But this general idea... The very concept of formalization is much broader. First, let's dwell on computer technology, consider how this concept is used in the world of electronics.

Computer formalization

When it comes to computers, this type of formalization method is more like processing the initial given conditions, which make it possible to determine the further behavior of an object or process with a sufficiently high degree of accuracy.

Almost all meteorological services work according to this principle. Having a computer model of a cyclone, it is possible to predict its cycle and power over land or over water.

Remember the movie "The Day After Tomorrow", in which a scientist predicted global warming based on just such a method. He developed a computer model that made it possible to predict further events with a certain degree of probability.

These examples clearly explain what formalization is.

Principles of modeling objects and processes

The main formalization methods are forecasting and modeling. Such technologies are used exclusively for obtaining final data about objects or processes that are not known, but they can be assumed and calculated with high accuracy.

If you look at the types of formalization, almost all of them boil down only to logical inferences and calculations. It will not be difficult for the reader to draw a parallel between computer modeling, theorem proving, etc. based on axioms and postulates.

Look, the same can also be interpreted as a formalization method, because in practice it is not possible to check the proof. In particular, this concerns the constant of propagation of light, the slowing down of time on the threshold of its achievement, the increase in the gravitational mass of the object and the curvature of space. As they say, you cannot touch it with your hands and you cannot see it with your eyes.

Once upon a time, these were only bold conclusions of a scientist based on the simplest experiments. Today, all this is confirmed by official science based on the same computer simulation.

Formalization stages

Considering computer systems, then the first stage of formalization is the description of the process. But the tools of common language (letters, words, phrases, sentences) are not used here. You can create a specific one only using some algorithm based on the selected programming language, but only after setting the general problem.

In other words, when modeling the behavior of an object or process, the essence of what is happening must be described with purely mathematical symbols, using a mathematical algorithm.

The result of formalization is to obtain an analysis of an actual predictable event that will follow after the technology under study is applied in practice or a certain natural process enters the stage of real manifestation.

This is followed by the conceptualization of the task at hand. There are two options here: in the first case, it is the definition of the approach in the form of using attributes and features; the second option involves the use of cognitive analysis, not to mention the formulation of the problem, collection of the initially used data, conditions, etc.

After the initial conditions, the existing relationships between objects and processes are studied, as well as the so-called semantic relationships, implying the use of the local representation technique.

This is followed by the processing of the initial data based on the selected algorithm, after which the result is given with an indication of the percentage of error. As a rule, it does not exceed 5%, and in most cases the result of the probability reaches 99%. Any person or machine still leaves a "margin of safety" because absolutely everything is impossible to take into account.

Why is all this needed?

If you look, such principles allow you to analyze the behavior of objects and processes. In other words, you can predict how this or that process will develop.

Now it is already clear what formalization is. Let's take a look at the simplest example.

Application of formalization in practice, the simplest examples

Let's say some specialist has developed a new aircraft design. Taking into account the high cost of the project, building a model of the original size without a preliminary forecast of its behavior in the air is a completely inappropriate task. Moreover, testing in the same wind tunnel of an aircraft the size of a Boeing is absolutely unrealistic.

Formalization makes it possible, with predetermined characteristics of the future aircraft (air resistance, crosswind, altitude and parameters of the wind tunnel itself and other characteristics), to simulate a flight without building a model of an aircraft.

Another example is testing of new cars by automobile concerns. The main formalization method in this case is that first they all pass a virtual test, and after receiving positive results, prototypes are launched into production for testing in real conditions.

Main results

The result of mathematical modeling in many ways (if not one hundred percent, then with a probability of up to 95%) can become a weighty argument in favor of the release of modern technology, help predict the weather, even predict social behavior as a reaction to events in the world.

Yes Yes! in the world also obeys its own laws. It is enough to influence it in the right direction. Today, many programs have already been created that make it possible to predict the reaction of society to this or that event. And these are not all examples of formalization. Digging deeper, we face this every day.

One of the most striking examples of formalization is the detection of elementary particles in collisions at the Large Hadron Collider. But before it was believed that the existence of this particle is pure theory, and it is absolutely not proven by real experiments.


As you can see, the concept of formalization, despite the scientific complexity of the essence of the process, is easy to understand using examples. In most cases, it boils down to the use of some logical chains that predetermine the final result.

Basic definitions :

Model - some simplified semblance of a real object, which reflects the essential features (properties) of the studied real object, phenomenon or process

Modeling is a cognitive method that consists in creating and researching models. Those. research of objects by building and studying models

Formalization is the process of building information models using formal languages

An object- some part of the surrounding world, considered by a person as a whole. Each object has a name and parameters

Parameter- a sign or quantity that characterizes any property of an object and taken different values

Wednesday- condition for the existence of an object

Operation- an action that changes a property of an object

System- a set of interconnected objects, perceived as a whole

Structure- the composition of the system, the properties of its elements, their relationships and connections with each other

Simulation steps:

Problem statement: description of the problem, purpose of modeling, formalization of the problem

Model development: information model, computer model

3. Computer experiment - experiment plan, research

Analysis of simulation results

Models and the surrounding world Man in his activity constantly creates and uses models of the surrounding world. 1. Models allow you to visualize objects and processes that are inaccessible for direct perception: Physics: engine models; Geography: globe - model of the earth (real size is very large); Chemistry- crystal lattice models, molecules (real sizes are very small); Biology- we study the internal structure of a person's dummy. 2. When designing mechanisms and devices, buildings, electrical circuits, we use models - drawings and layouts. Maths- study of volumetric figures 3. Theoretical models (for the development of science) - theory of laws, hypotheses, etc. Sometimes the creation of such models radically changes a person's ideas about the world around him: Copernicus - the heliocentric system of the world, the Rutherford-Bohr model of the atom, the human genome) 4. Artistic creativity - the transfer of reality to the canvas, sculpture, theater, fable - relationships between animals - relationships between people The same object can have many models: an object"MAN" his model: 1) chemistry - BIOCHEMICAL COMPOSITION 2) anatomy - skeleton, structure of internal organs 3) physics - MATERIAL POINT

Model classification

Signs of model classifications: 1) by area of ​​use;

2) by the factor of time;

3) by branch of knowledge;

4) by presentation

1) Classification of models by area of ​​use:

Instructional models - used in teaching;

Experienced are reduced or enlarged copies of the designed object. Used to research and predict its future performance

Scientific and technical - are created for the study of processes and phenomena

Play - a rehearsal of the behavior of an object in various conditions

Imitative - a reflection of reality to one degree or another (this is a trial and error method)

2) Classification of models by the time factor:

Static- models describing the state of the system at a certain point in time (a one-time cut of information on this object). Model examples: classification of animals ...

Dynamic- models describing the processes of change and development of the system (changes in the object over time). Examples of: description of the movement of bodies, the development of organisms, the process of chemical reactions.

3) Classification of models by industry is a classification by industry human activities: Mathematical, biological, chemical, social, economic, historical, etc.

4) Classification of models according to the form of presentation:

Material Are subject (physical) models. They always have a real embodiment. Reflect an external property and internal organization original objects, the essence of the processes and phenomena of the original object. This is an experimental method of cognition environment. Examples of: children's toys, human skeleton, stuffed animal, model of the solar system, school aids, physical and chemical experiments

Abstract (intangible)- have no real embodiment. They are based on information. it is a theoretical method of knowing the environment. On the basis of implementation they are: mental and verbal; information

Mental models are formed in the imagination of a person as a result of thoughts, inferences, sometimes in the form of some image. This model accompanies the conscious human activity.

Verbal- mental models expressed in a spoken form. Used to convey thoughts

Information models- purposefully selected information about an object, which reflects the properties of this object most essential for a researcher.

Types of information models:

Tabular - objects and their properties are presented in the form of a list, and their values ​​are placed in rectangular cells. The list of objects of the same type is placed in the first column (or row), and the values ​​of their properties are placed in the following columns (or rows)

Hierarchical - objects are distributed by levels. Every element high level consists of lower-level elements, and a lower-level element can be included in only one higher-level element

Network - used to reflect systems in which connections between elements have a complex structure

By the degree of formalization information models are figurative-symbolic and symbolic. For example:

Figurative and symbolic models:

Geometric (drawing, pictogram, drawing, map, plan, volumetric image)

Structural (table, graph, diagram, diagram)

Verbal (description in natural languages)

Algorithmic (numbered list, step-by-step listing, flowchart)

Iconic models:

Mathematical - represented by mathematical formulas that reflect the relationship of parameters

Special - presented on spec. languages ​​(notes, chemical formulas)

Algorithmic - programs

Signs of model classifications: Classification of models by area of ​​use

Management process models

Management process information models are models that describe information processes management in complex processes

Open loop control system - does not take into account the state of the controlled object, the control goes according to direct channel

Closed loop control system - the control object receives information via the channel feedback about the real state of affairs, and the direct channel is used to control


    give students a general idea of ​​the formalization of the object;

    to form the concept of formalization;

    develop the research competence of students in the formalization of the model, logical thinking, broaden their horizons;

    develop cognitive interest, educate information culture.

Didactic software

Computer type IBM operating room Windows system, RFP MS Office XP and higher,

Presentation Formalization . pps .

Theoretical material

Formalization as the most important stage of modeling

Slide number 1

In his activity - artistic, scientific, practical - a person very often creates some image of that object (process or phenomenon) with which he has to or will have to deal - a model of this object. The creation of this image always pursues a certain goal. The model is not important in itself, but as a tool that facilitates learning or visualization.

In the process of learning about the world around us and communicating, we are faced with formalization at almost every step: we formulate thoughts, draw up reports, fill out all kinds of forms and forms, transform formulas. When studying a new object, first, its descriptive information model is usually built in a natural language, then it is formalized, that is, it is expressed using formal languages ​​(mathematics, logic, etc.).

Thus, before building a model of an object (phenomenon, process), it is necessary to single out its constituent elements and connections between them (conduct a system analysis) and "translate" (display) the resulting structure into some predetermined form - formalize information.

Slide number 2

Formalization is the process of highlighting and translating the internal structure of an object, phenomenon or process into a certain information structure- form. Modeling any system is impossible without preliminary formalization. In fact, formalization is the first and very important step in the modeling process.

Formalization is the replacement of a real object or process with its formal description, that is, its information model.

Slide number 3

By constructing information model, a person uses it instead of the original object to study the properties of this object, predict its behavior, etc. Before building any complex structure, for example, a bridge, designers make its drawings, carry out calculations of strength, permissible loads. Thus, instead of a real bridge, they deal with its model description in the form of drawings, mathematical formulas... If the designers wish to reproduce the bridge in a reduced size, then it will already be a full-scale model - a model of the bridge.

Slide number 4

Natural languages ​​are used to create descriptive information models. Numerous descriptive information models are known in the history of science; for example, Copernicus' heliocentric model of the world was formulated as follows:

    The earth revolves around its axis and around the sun;

    the orbits of all planets pass around the sun.

Slide number 5

Formal languages ​​are used to construct formal information models(mathematical, logical, etc.). One of the most widely used formal languages ​​is mathematics. Models built using mathematical concepts and formulas are called mathematical models. The language of mathematics is a collection of formal languages.

Slides number 6-8

The language of algebra (algebra of statements) allows one to formalize functional relationships between quantities. Thus, Newton formalized the heliocentric system of the world by discovering the laws of mechanics and the law of universal gravitation and writing them down in the form of algebraic functional dependencies. In the school physics course, many different functional dependencies are considered, expressed in the language of algebra, which are mathematical models of the studied phenomena or processes.

The language of logic algebra allows you to build formal logical models. With the help of propositional algebra, one can formalize (write in the form logical expressions) simple and complex statements expressed in natural language. Building logical models allows you to solve logical problems, build logical models of computer devices (adder, trigger), and so on.

The encyclopedic dictionary provides the following interpretation of this concept: “ Formalization- This is the presentation and study of any meaningful area of ​​knowledge (scientific theory, reasoning, search procedures, etc.) in the form of a formal system or calculus.

Slide number 9

In the context of modeling under formalization we will understand the process of translating the task description into general view(the general formulation of the problem) into the language of formal representation in order to create a computer model and study it. From the point of view of information processing, it is necessary to define the initial data (what needs to be processed) and describe the processing rules (how to process).

Slide number 10

Formalization is one of the main tools of mathematics. Because mathematics operates with really non-existent entities, abstract concepts, describes laws, theorems, rules, hypotheses and so on, then it is impossible to do without agreements on the representation of all this.


Class: 9

Item: computer science

Theme of the event:« Formalization of the description of real objects and processes.Types of information models. Tabular Models ".

Event form: lesson.

Methodological support of the lesson: on the basis of information and communication, personality-oriented, developmental learning technologies, conditions are created for the formation of cognitive, regulatory, communicative and personal ECD in order to form students' concepts of formalization, information model, teach how to build a tabular information model using spreadsheets and visualize the model ... To develop the research competence of students while formalizing the model through structuring educational material using spreadsheets.

For weak learners: Awaken interest in the modeling process through the use of feasible tasks, educational software tools allowing the student to work in accordance with his individual abilities.

For secondary students: Develop a sustained interest in the subject through the construction of tabular models.

For strong learners: Develop a strong interest in the modeling process through solving various problems in Excel.

Contribute to the enrichment of the inner world of students, increase interest in the study of the subject, foster a culture of behavior and computer literacy.

Lesson type: Lesson in the formation of initial subject skills, mastering subject skills.

Means of education: multimedia projector, Power Point presentation.

Techniques for the formation of general educational skills: frontal conversation, independent individual work, self-control, group reflection.

During the classes

Stages of the lesson. Goals

Teacher activity

Student activities

Planned results

I. Org. moment.

Purpose: Formation of the skill of the scientific organization of labor

1. The teacher checks the readiness of the class for the lesson.
2. Together with the students formulates the purpose of the lesson.
3. Adjusts the class for productive activities

1.Prepare for work: organize workplace.
2. Together with the teacher, formulate the purpose of the lesson, based on the formulation of the topic.

Regulatory UUD (universal learning activities) based on the ability to organize the workplace

Communicative UUD based on proactive cooperation in the search for information, the ability to express one's thoughts

II. Updating previous knowledge:


Motivation of students for the upcoming activity.

Frontal discussion of the material learned in the last lesson.

In the last lesson, we got acquainted with the concept of model, modeling, formalization.

So what is a model? ( Slide 1 )

Match the original and the model.

What is the relationship between the number of models and the number of originals?

Why study and consider many models? What determines the choice of model?

They answer questions, reproducing the material learned from the previous lesson, establish cause-and-effect relationships between objects.

Model Is an object that has some of the properties of another object (original) and is used instead.

(Slide 2 )

(Slide 3 )

Cognitive UUD based on the ability to extract necessary information from heard and seen information, the ability to determine the main and secondary, to establish causal relationships

Target: 1) primary check of the assimilation of the passed material, necessary and sufficient for the assimilation of new

Organizes individual independent work in a test form. Questions are demonstrated on an interactive whiteboard.

Slide 4-8

Students answer test questions. Check the correctness of the work

Cognitive UUD based on the search and selection of the necessary information and ways to solve problems. Self-assessment and introspection of one's own educational achievements.

Communicative UUD based on the control of each other.

III. Primary perception and assimilation theoretical material

2) Provide students with information on Tabular Models

Introduces new material in the form of reference charts, illustrative material.

Slide 9-11

Cognitive UUD based on the ability to extract the necessary information from the material listened to. Communicative UUD on the basis of proactive cooperation improve the mastery of the dialogical form of speech

I V. Application of theoretical provisions

Purpose: primary application of technology for solving problems for the compilation of tabular models

Organizes the consolidation of educational material, demonstrates a presentation with technology for solving problems for structuring text, presenting information in tabular form... Poses a problem about the results of solving the problem.

Instructs on the safety rules when working at a computer

Organizes student activities to fulfill independent work at the computer with the compilation of a table in a tabular environment Excel processor.

Performs gymnastics for the eyes

They perceive the information received, work according to the model proposed by the teacher, ask questions, understand the main stages of the technology for solving problems at the computer when creating and implementing a mathematical model

Slide 12-14

Correct reproduction of samples of assignments, error-free application of algorithms and rules when solving learning objectives

Regulatory ECDs through the assimilation of standard solution technologies, cognitive ECDs based on understanding the essence of solving problems at a computer in an Excel spreadsheet processor environment, communicative - communication with a teacher based on the ability to ask "smart questions"

V. Consolidation of knowledge and methods of activity

Goal: self-assessment and self-analysis of performance

Checks the results with / r, reveals the level of knowledge of students on the topic. Organizes correction based on individual work with students using technological cards

Carry out analysis and self-analysis of the results of s / p, correlate the result of their achievements with the sample, perform tasks on individual cards

Cognitive UUD - the formation of solid knowledge and skills to structure the text, draw up a tabular model, a diagram. Personal UUD based on self-esteem and introspection of one's own educational achievements

VI. Summing up, homework

Goal: summing up and self-assessment of the result

Advises students on how to solve homework ( Slide 15 )

Conducts intermediate reflection.

Homework is written down, comments are made, recommendations are recorded.

Formulate their attitude to the lesson using the proposed statements.

Regulatory LALs - Self-reflectively identify knowledge gaps and plan to address these gaps


Since ancient times, the formation of human civilization is inextricably linked with modeling, that is, with the construction, study and use of models of various objects, processes and phenomena. For example, in a conversation, we kind of replace real objects with their names. And nothing is required from the name, except to unambiguously designate the required object.

In his activity - in the practical sphere, artistic, scientific - a person always creates a kind of mold, a substitute for that object, process or phenomenon with which he has to deal:

    it can be a full-scale copy - a painting or a sculpture;

    it can be a model of an airplane (for example, to study its aerodynamic characteristics);

    it can be a mock-up of any product, according to which the original will be made in the future;

    a mathematical formula describing a certain process (for example, the law of gravitation).

Thus, from childhood we come across the concept of "model". The model gives us an image of a real object or phenomenon, that is, the model is a representation of the object in some form, different from the form of its real existence. The model is a powerful cognitive tool.

Modeling is used when the object under study is either very large (model of the solar system) or very small (model of an atom), when the process runs very quickly (model of an internal combustion engine) or very slowly (geological models), the study of the object can lead to it destruction (airplane model) or the creation of a model is very expensive (architectural model of the city), etc.

Each object has many different properties. In the process of building a model, the main, most essential, properties are identified that are of interest to the researcher. This is the main feature and the main purpose of the models.

Thus, by the model we mean some object that replaces the real object under study while preserving its most essential properties

There is no just a model, “model” is a term that requires a qualifying word or phrase, for example: a model of an atom, a model of the Universe. In a sense, a model can be considered a picture of an artist or a theatrical performance (these are models that reflect one or another side of a person's spiritual world).

The main goals of modeling are:

1.understand how a specific object works , what is its structure, basic properties, laws of development and interaction with the outside world (UNDERSTANDING).

2. learn to operate an object (process) and determine the best management methods for the given goals and criteria (GOVERNANCE).

3. predict direct and indirect consequences implementation of the specified methods and forms of impact on the object (FORECASTING).

Once again, we note that any model is not a copy of an object, but reflects only the most important features and properties that are essential for the object, neglecting the rest of the object's characteristics, which are insignificant within the framework of the task at hand.

There are models:

1... material (natural) - are based on something objective that exists independently of human consciousness (on some bodies or processes). They are divided into physical (for example, aircraft models) and analog, based on processes similar in some respect to the studied one (for example, processes in electrical circuits turn out to be similar to many mechanical, chemical and other processes and can be used to simulate them). The border between physical and analog is conditional.

2... ideal - are inextricably linked with human thinking, imagination, perception. Intuitive models can be distinguished - theater, literature, painting, etc. Unified approach to classification ideal models no. You can do this:

    verbal (text) models - use sequences of sentences in natural language dialects to describe a particular area of ​​reality. For example, the police protocol.

    mathematical models - a wide class of models using mathematical methods.

    information models - a class of models that describe information processes (the emergence, transmission, transformation and use of information) in systems of a diverse nature.

The division is again conditional - informational can be a subclass of mathematics. Informatics is most closely related to information and mathematical models, since they are the basis for using a computer in solving problems of a different nature (nuclear winter).

As for computer modeling - the computer does not "think" - it is able to implement programs compiled by a person. Therefore, in order to use a computer for their own purposes, a person needs:

    clearly state the problem;

    develop a model of the initial data;

    define a model for the presentation of results;

    develop an algorithm for solving the problem;

    write a program;

    enter the program and initial data into memory;

    debug the program, run it and print the results to a printer or screen.

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