
Computer language. Computer Programming Languages: Views, Description, Application and Reviews With What Formal Programming Language

1. Introduction

The introduction of computers in all spheres of human activity requires specialists of a different profile mastering the skills of the use of computing technology. The level of training of university students increases, which, from the first courses, are involved in the use of computer and the simplest numerical methods, not to mention that when performing course and diploma projects, the use of computing technology becomes the norm in the overwhelming majority of universities.

Computing equipment is now used not only in engineering calculations and economic sciences, but also traditionally non-imaging specialties as medicine, linguistics, psychology. In this regard, it can be stated that the use of computers has become massive. There was a numerous category of computer users who need knowledge to use computers in their industry - skills to work with already available software, as well as creating their own software adapted to solve a specific task. And here to help the user comes descriptions of programming languages.

2. What is a programming language

Programming language - a formal sign system designed to describe algorithms in a form, which is convenient for the artist (for example, a computer). The programming language defines a set of lexical, syntactic and semantic rules used in compiling a computer program. It allows a programmer to accurately determine what events will react to the computer, how data will be stored and transmitted, as well as which actions should be performed on these under different circumstances.

Since the creation of the first programmable machines, humanity has already invented more than two and a half thousand programming languages. Each year their number is replenished with new ones. Some languages \u200b\u200bcan use only a small number of their own developers, others become known to millions of people. Professional programmers sometimes apply more than a dozen different programming languages \u200b\u200bin their work.

Creators of languages \u200b\u200bare in different ways programming language. Among community seats recognized by the majority of developers are the following:

· Function: The programming language is designed to write computer programs that are used to transmit instructions to the computer to perform a particular computing process and organizing the management of individual devices.

· A task: The programming language is different from natural languages \u200b\u200bby what is designed to transfer commands and data from a person to a computer, while natural languages \u200b\u200bare used only to communicate people with each other. In principle, you can summarize the definition of "programming languages" - this is a way to transfer commands, orders, clear leadership to action; While human languages \u200b\u200balso serve to exchange information.

· Execution: The programming language can use special designs to determine and manipulate data structures and control the calculation process.

3. Stages of solving an computer problem.

The most effective use of W found when conducting labor-intensive settlements in scientific research and engineering calculations. When solving a task on a computer, the main role still belongs to a person. The machine only executes its tasks on the developed program. The role of a person and machine is easy to understand if the process of solving the problem is divided into the steps listed below.

Formulation of the problem. This stage lies in the meaningful (physical) formulation of the problem and the definition of finite decisions.

Building a mathematical model. The model should correctly (adequately) describe the basic laws of the physical process. Building or choosing a mathematical model from existing requires a deep understanding of the problem and knowledge of the relevant sections of mathematics.

Development of the World Cup. Since the computer can only perform the simplest operations, it "does not understand" setting the problem, even in mathematical formulation. To solve it, a numerical method must be found that allows you to reduce the task for some computational algorithm. In each case, it is necessary to choose a suitable solution from the already developed standard.

Development of the algorithm. The process of solving the problem (computing process) is recorded as a sequence of elementary arithmetic and logical operations, leading to the final result and called the problem solving algorithm.

Programming.The problem solving algorithm is recorded on a clear machine language in the form of a precisely specific sequence of operations - programs. The process is usually made with a certain intermediate language, and its transmission is carried out by the machine itself and its system.

Take a program.The compiled program contains a different kind of error, inaccuracies, etc. Debugging includes program control, diagnostics (search and definition of content) errors, and their elimination. The program is tested on solving control (test) tasks to obtain confidence in the reliability of the results.

Calculation. At this stage, the initial data is prepared for the calculations and calculation is carried out according to the debt program. At the same time, to reduce manual labor on the processing of results, you can widely use convenient forms of issuing results in the form of text and graphics information, in a person's understandable form.

Analysis of the results.The results of the calculations are carefully analyzed, scientific and technical documentation is issued.

4. Why need programming languages

The process of working the computer is to execute the program, that is, a set of well-defined commands in a completely definite order. Machine view of a command consisting of zeros and units indicates which action must perform a central processor. So, to set the computer to the computer, which it must perform, you need to specify the sequence of binary codes of the corresponding commands. Programs in machine codes consist of thousands of commands. Writing such programs - the occupation is complex and tedious. The programmer must remember the combination of zeros and units of the binary code of each program, as well as binary data addresses used in its execution. It is much easier to write a program on some language, closer to the natural human language, and work on the transfer of this program to machine codes to charge the computer. So there were languages \u200b\u200bdesigned specifically for writing programs - programming languages.

There are many different programming languages. In fact, to solve most tasks, you can use any of them. Experienced programmers know which language is better to use to solve each specific task, since each of the languages \u200b\u200bhas its own capabilities, orientation to certain types of tasks, its own way to describe the concepts and objects used in solving problems.

All many programming languages \u200b\u200bcan be divided into two groups: long levels and high level languages.

Low levels include assembly languages \u200b\u200b(from the English. Toassemble - collect, compose). In the assembler language, symbolic symbol designations are used, which are easily understandable and quickly remembered. Instead of the sequence of binary command codes, their symbolic symbol designations are recorded, and instead of binary data addresses used in the execution of the command, the character names of this data selected by the programmer. Sometimes the assembler language is called mnemokode or autocode.

Most programmers use to draw up programs with high-level languages. As well as the usual human language, such a language has its own alphabet - a variety of characters used in the language. From these characters are the so-called keywords of the language. Each of the keywords performs its function, as well as in our usual language, the language of words composed of the alphabet letters of this language can perform the functions of different parts of speech. Keywords are associated with each other in proposals for certain syntactic rules of the language. Each sentence determines some sequence of actions to perform a computer.

The high level language serves as an intermediary between a person and a computer, allowing a person to communicate with a computer more familiar to humans. Often this language helps to choose the right task solution method.

Before writing a program in a high-level language, the programmer must compile algorithmtasks solutions, that is, a step-by-step action plan to be performed to solve this problem. Therefore, the languages \u200b\u200brequiring the preliminary compilation of the algorithm are often called algorithmic languages.

Yesterday, informatics believed in the Soviet Union Lzhenauka. And today the governments of some countries complain about the attacks of Russian hackers.

And even in Russia, so far there are few high-tech devices and devices, smart programmers are enough and from us.

Today we will tell about computer languages, their classification, essence, opportunities and prospects for future use.

Let's start considering the topic with the theory. First of all deal with the concept.

What are computer languages?

This is a system of signs, symbols, which is designed to "communicate" a person with a computer. After all, we can not just take it, approach the computer and starting it to explain to him. To do this, there are special codes and vocabulary words from which computer languages \u200b\u200bconsist. And they are already talking to a computer in his mind.

To date, there are more than 8 thousand different languages \u200b\u200bto communicate a person with a computer. Of course, you can not know everything. Someone creates a language for themselves, and someone is engaged in this on a commercial basis.

But a good programmer should know at least somewhat basic of them.

What programming languages \u200b\u200bare the most popular?

The world of computer technologies is constantly improving: new developments appear, the past is brought to mind. Along with this, computer programming languages \u200b\u200bappear or streamline. The most popular of them, which are used globally, can be attributed:

Of course, languages \u200b\u200bare actually even more, but we have chosen the most basic on which more than 90% of all computer applications are written. Next, consider in more detail each of them.

Procedural C / C ++

Languages \u200b\u200bC and C ++ can be called two brothers. There are statements that these are two absolutely different programming languages, which is incorrect. C ++ is some improvement of the previous language that facilitates the writing of the programs and retained the former syntax.

From developed from the seventies of the last century, in the eighties they started creating C ++. To date, the latter can be called one of the most popular. It is so multifunctional that with it you can create an operating system, drivers for devices, games and more.

Speaking about the advantages and disadvantages of this language, you can not do unambiguous conclusions. There are his supporters, and there are merciless critics. The basis for disputes is that there is nothing in this programming language.

His creators can, so to speak, combined the functions and capabilities of several programming languages \u200b\u200bto one. As a result, it turned out a comprehensive and large-scale programming tool. But if you disassemble it according to individual functions, it is inferior to highly specialized languages.

Independent and secure java

This English computer language was developed at Sun Microsystems. Due to the fact that the written program is broadcast to a special byte code, it is capable of working independently of the type of operating system or computer architecture.

This made Java language the most popular. It can be found absolutely in all appliances, ATMs, city automata and practically throughout that is associated with computer technology. It is on Java that most popular applications are written for smartphones and phones.

Also this programming language has a fairly high level of security. The implementation of the Action Program within the framework of its authority is monitored which transmits the command to the device. Therefore, when trying to perform any other task, the program work immediately stops.

If we talk about the simplicity of the tongue, it is worth noting the studies that showed that similar operations are written 1.2-2 times longer than in C ++. Also several times more resources are required to execute commands. But the manufacturer's team constantly releases many updates that minimize all the shortcomings of this programming language.

Conquered Internet PHP.

Do you want to create your website or engage in web programming? This will help you with a great PHP language, which is able to create dynamic pages. It is perhaps the most popular when creating websites and writing web applications.

Due to the fact that this programming language was created by the open source developers, it was possible to bring it to perfection, and he scored mad popularity. PHP easily interacts with the most different databases - from MySQL to Access.

The most popular Internet sites, such as Facebook or Wikipedia, are written in this language.

It's easy to write on it simple. There is even statistics that more than 60% of the world programmers who work on the PHP code are quite limited (at the basic level) English. Computer literacy in this case is limited only to the knowledge of the necessary functions and procedures.

You can not get around the face and criticism of the language. Despite the fact that the ratings of the most popular languages \u200b\u200bof 2015 PHP took the 6th place, discontent is often expressed in its address.

First of all, this language was not created by one group of programmers, but a few. Because of this, the syntax of the language is not unified and does not have a single architecture. There are different procedures that need to be described in a special, and not according to a standardized template.

Also one of the main problems can be called the lack of compatibility between different versions of languages. Earlier versions are absolutely refused to work with updates, which often creates problems with the transfer of code from one version to another.

The relevance of knowledge and understanding of programming languages

The theme of the ability to "talk" with the computer in the last decade is gaining more turns.

And this is not surprising, because information technologies are restlessly introduced into our lives and even a toothbrush can not do without "brains". Program the code and maintain devices should a specialist. Therefore, the demand for competent programmers is always there.

Another reason why many are learning computer languages \u200b\u200bcan be called the decline in the country's economy. A person who knows how to write professionally on Java may remotely work for a foreign company to create applications and make money for a month, which in their country will have to save for decades.

But if you think, it is quite difficult to start successfully engage in programming and write computer programs. English is the main barrier for beginners. After all, most programs and languages \u200b\u200bare written precisely with the vocabulary of this international language.

Learn languages \u200b\u200bcan online

So you have to study a foreign language at least at the base level, until the Russian computer language has not come up with.

But do not worry, the world does not stand still. Today you can study without leaving home. The main thing is to have a computer and the Internet. There are many sites that conduct computer learning languages. The most popular of them are Codecademy, Code School and Udacity.

Almost every day we use computer technology in our daily life. Even if you do not use the Internet or mobile gadgets, various computer programs surround you everywhere - at the shop in the store, at the crossroads with the traffic light, in ATMs and in many other daily affairs, when we do not even think about it. This is how completely unnoticed modern technologies have become part of our life. And if you often use a computer or are the owner of a smartphone, then all the more well know that everywhere and everywhere uses various programs or applications for completely different needs of a modern person.

Perhaps you never thought that these programs are also created by people - programmers, and they are written in a special language. Moreover, it is important to note that the programming languages \u200b\u200btoday there is a great set. This is the same as in each country they speak in their own language and in computer technologies in different places used its language - for mobile applications for Android, one language, and for iPhone is already different, to create web sites the third language, and for Computer games fourth and so on.

"What are they needed for?" - you ask. Everything is very simple. Programming languages \u200b\u200bcontain commands given to the computer so that it performs these or other functions. You see, the computing machines also have a special language, or in another code, on which they have to communicate with them. To ask the computer to do something, he needs to write the appropriate team, after which he will treat it and give out the result. That's how it is simultaneously simple and difficult.

One of the most basic languages \u200b\u200bis called C ++, he leads its history since the 80s. At the dawn of computers, each developer created its own operating system and programming language for it. With the growth of various companies and their developments, it became clear that it's time to introduce some uniform standards, because More and more problems of equipment and software compatibility issues. So the first common operating system was UNIX, and it is the first C ++ programming language.

Since then, much time has passed, new languages \u200b\u200bappeared and disappeared (not everyone was widely used), and another popular language was Java, having some common features with C ++, but essentially being completely different. The language of Java (or Java) is especially used in the development of a variety of web applications, ranging from simple sites, ending with complex web interfaces. Despite the fact that in recent years there has been a huge number of benefits on how to learn to program, after all, experts recommend to finish profile universities. Or at least visit specialized courses.

But the "elderly" programming languages \u200b\u200bare increasingly and more often criticized for the complexity and bulky. The experience of the last decade and the boom of new devices has shown that the commands for computers can be much simpler and shorter. Therefore, the process of developing new languages \u200b\u200bdoes not stand still. In the past few years, such programming languages \u200b\u200bhave appeared as Scratch (Scratch) and Python (Python), which are learning to "go" even children. For example, Scratch in foreign schools begin to study from primary classes. And Python allows high school students to independently create various new features for the famous game of Main Kraft. Easy of new languages \u200b\u200band a fascinating feed format attract more and more schoolchildren to such a complex science as programming.

On the Internet, benefits are increasingly emerging for studying various computer languages, because anyone can find something and start trying their strength, creating simple applications or games to begin. Just do not forget that before the launch of your new program, it is necessary to test it. For these purposes there are specially trained people who are called testers. They check the performance of all application functions and detect the existing errors that inevitably appear in the first steps of the developer.

After checking, you can safely post your programs on the Internet. Moreover, both for free download and to get income. Although at the initial stage, of course, it is not worth a dream about a big profit, but over time the accumulated experience will allow creating really large unique software products that will be in demand and buy interested people. But still, the main thing in programmers is enthusiasm. After all, it is thanks to him that the extraordinary ideas that acquire a new life in the virtual world are born, affecting the real one. Therefore, Programming should be engaged only to those people who really love to build and dream of making the world of the future better and more interesting.

Computers appeared for a long time. The first of them were lamps and occupied a lot of space. In order to manage such a machine required a lot of service personnel. Over time, the lamps were ousted by electronic components, and computers have become much smaller. Now the system blocks of computers occupy very little space, and their performance has become much higher.

However, the basic principles of the computer, laid during their birth, are still valid. The data is given using the signal using the signal or not. So "Bit" appeared. Bit is a unit of information that can take a value of 0 or 1. Eight bits are combined into bytes, one byte is 8 bits. The number 8 appeared due to the fact that the first computers were eight-bit and could work simultaneously with 8 discharges, for example, 01011001. The first zeros can be removed.

In one byte, you can write any number from 0 to 255. The specified range of numbers is very small, so more often use larger ranges: two bytes \u003d word, two words \u003d double word.

The computer began working in a binary number system. Any decimal number can be written as binary. We will not consider a detailed transformation if someone is interesting, write in the comments - I'll tell you.

The computer is made in a binary or hexadecimal system. The second began to be used when computers have become 16-bit. When writing programs onDelphi. we will use the usual decimal system, because the compiler itself will translate all the numbers in the desired processor, but to understand what numbers the processor works, it is very important.

The hexadecimal system looks different. Each category contains sixteen states. Therefore, one category can take values: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C,D, E, F. The letter "A" corresponds to the figure 10 in the decimal system, "B" - 11, etc.

For example, number 1B. In the hexadecimal system is 27 in decimal.

Throughout all materials, we will sometimes meet with a hexadecimal calculus system. In this case, to distinguish a hexadecimal number from decimal, it will stand a sign #, for example, # 25, so accepted inDelphi.

With the floating point numbers, the work goes completely wrong, we will not consider it.

Now we will deal with negative numbers. If it is provided in advance that the number may be negative, its length is reduced by one bit, which is given under the sign of the number. If the first bit is 1, then the number is negative, otherwise positive.

In fractional numbers, one byte can be assigned to the whole part and one for fractional. Due to this, fractional numbers will always occupy more memory, and operations with them will be held longer.

1.2. Machine language

All data on the disk, including text files, is stored in binary form. Similarly, any program looks like, only it is called machine code. Consider it in more detail.

Any program is a sequence of commands called processor instructions. During the program startup, the computer downloads its machine code into RAM and starts to execute the command for the command. The task of the programmer is to write these instructions so that the computer understand what they want from it.

The real program that the computer performs is a sequence of units and zeros. Such a sequence is called a machine language.

For example, team of addition Two registers in the hexadecimal system looks like this: $ 03c3. This little about what he says, and remember such a team very hard. It is much easier to write "folded the number 1 and number 2".

First, the programmers wrote programs in machine codes, then the first compiler appeared - a program that translated the text of the programs into the machine code. Thus, users began to write programs more meaningfully, and the entire routine work to translate the text of the program to the machine byte code began to perform the computer itself.

1.3. History of programming languages

The language in which the program is written is called programming language.

The first compiler wasAssembler. (translated as "collector"). It is almost as difficult to write on it, as in the machine codes, but now not numbers were already used, but a person understandablethe words.

The text in the picture can be divided into three columns:

· address instruction;

· machine code instruction;

· code in the assembler language.

For example, the copying command of the registers looked like this:mOV.eaheBX. In this case mOV.- This is a programming language command, eah.andeBX- The names of the registers.

In Assembler the program is easier to write, but the program written in machine codes worked faster and more flexibly. When writing a program in the machine codes, the programmer is not limited, and when working with assembler, there are limitations. It is not always possible to affect the result.

After creating an assembler, programming languages \u200b\u200bbegan to appear one by one. So appeared with,ADA, FoxPro., Fortran, Basic., Pascaland others. Some of them were intended only for training, others were focused on professional programmers.

Assembler currently mainlyit is used only as inserts for high-level languages, and machine codes are used to write the fact that the compiler cannot do.

Then received the development of object-oriented programming. Language C turned into C ++,Pascal B. Object.Pascaletc.

The last major revolution occurring in programming is considered to be the transition to visual programming. This transition is currently happening. Visuality gives even more convenient development tools for quickly writing code, but loses the OOP by speed. Some of the frequently used languages \u200b\u200bsupporting visual programming areDelphi and C. # Although progress does not stand still and visual components appear for many other languages.

Select the best language is impossible. Each of them is suitable for a certain circle of tasks, and the programmer must choose the most convenient language for itself.

1.4. Execution of machine commands

Besides byte, there are other dimensions:

· 1 kilobyte \u003d 1024 bytes;

· 1 megabyte \u003d 1024 kilobytes;

· 1 gigabyte \u003d 1024 megabytes.

· 1 terabyte \u003d 1024 gigabytes.

· etc.

In the computer, most values \u200b\u200bare the degree of number 2, because the computer operates the binary system, and thus you can most effectively use its capabilities. It is because of this, when calculating dimensions used 1024 (2 to degree 10).

Consider some concepts.

Segment- This is the area of \u200b\u200bthe internal memory of the computer.

When operating systems were 16-bit, the processor could not work with a memory of more than 64 kilobytes, because this is the maximum size of the memory area that can be addressed using the address in two bytes length to these purposes. Therefore, the memory was divided into segments in size and for its intended purpose. At the moment, 32-bit OS are used, which can add up to 4 GB of RAM and 64-bit OS. Therefore, we can say that the memory has become solid. However, its division is still left.

There are following segmentss s memory:

· code segment - the memory area into which the machine code is downloaded, which will be then performed by the processor;

· data segment - memory area for data storage;

· segment stack - The memory area for storing time data and return addresses from procedures.

Each started program is given to your code, data and stack segment. Therefore, the data of one program cannot intersect with the data or code of another program.

Register - Code of memory in the processor. Its size depends on the bit. In 32-bit processors, cell 32-bit, but there are 64-bit. There are several processor such registers, and each of them is intended for certain purposes. There are also general registers that the program can use at its discretion.

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    Assembler language, computer language for writing computer programs in a form that the computer can perceive directly. Such languages \u200b\u200bare called low-level languages. Each command that the computer must do, ... ...

    - (Basic, or Beginner s Ann Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code), computer programming language, easy to study and containing many words of everyday speech. It is widely used both lovers and professional programmers. For start… … Scientific and Technical Encyclopedic Dictionary

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