
The concept and components of the Elements of the PS Information System. Information systems, concept composition and structure. The concept of information system

The information system is a mediumThe components of which are computers, computer networks, software products, databases, people, various kind technological and software. And the information technology is a set of operations and actions on the data. All information conversion processes in the information system are carried out using information technology. As a result, the information technology is a more sensible concept than the information system. The implementation of the information system functions is impossible without knowledge-oriented information technology. Information technology can exist outside the sphere of the information system.

The information system (IP) is a combination of information, technical, software, mathematical, organizational, legal, ergonomic, linguistic, technological and other means, as well as personnel intended for collecting, processing, storing and issuing information and making management decisions. The functioning of IP in time is to collect, storage, processing and dissemination of information on the activities of a kind of economic object of the real world.

The set of these functions defines the processes in the information system:

Entering information from external and internal sources;

Processing of incoming information;

Storage of information for subsequent use;

Output information in a user friendly;

Feedback, that is, the use of recycled information for comparison with the initial, in order to adjust the incoming information.

If earlier information systems Perceived as a means of automating the auxiliary activities of the enterprise, now information systems have become a means of obtaining a competitive advantage.

The structure of each information system consists of functional and subsystems providing (Fig. 1.9).

Functional subsystems IS. Information serviced certain types of enterprise, characteristic of the structural divisions of the enterprise and management functions. The functional subsystem is a complex of economic tasks with a high degree of information exchanges (connections) between them. At the same time, for the task, we will understand some process of processing information with a clearly defined multiple input and output information (for example, salary accrual, ordering, reservation, etc.). The composition of the functional subsystems is largely determined by the peculiarities of the economic system, its sectoral affiliation, the form of ownership, the size of the enterprise's activity.

The functional subsystem is Subsystem that implements one or more interconnected functions. The appointment of the subsystem, its main tasks, objectives and functions are determined by the activities of industrial and economic facilities: production, personnel, financial, marketing. Specified activities and determine the typical set of functional subsystems of IP.

Providing subsystem is The environment in which funds are used to convert information regardless of the scope of application. Integrationthe functional subsystems into a single system is achieved through the creation and operation of providing subsystems, such as software, technical, organizational, legal, information, ergonomic, linguistic and mathematical subsystem.

1. Subsystem "Software" - this is a set of programs implementing IP functions; Instructive and methodological materials on the use of software tools; as well as staff engaged in the development and maintenance of programs for the entire period of the life cycle of IP.

Software is divided into two complexes: System-wide (operating systems, operating shells, compilers, interpreters, software environments for software development, DBMS, network programs, antivirus programs, test and diagnostic programs) and application software (a set of application programs developed for specific tasks within the framework of functional subsystems , and control examples).

2. Subsystem "Technical Provision"- this is a complex of technical means intended for data processing in IP; Methodical and guidelines, technical documentation; serving these technical means personnel. The complex includes computers, collecting and registering information, data transmission tools over communication channels, tools for accumulating and storing data and issuing results, auxiliary equipment and organizational machinery (Fig. 1.10).

Means of computing equipment are intended Mainly for the implementation of integrated technology processing and storage technologies and are the basis for the integration of all modern technical means of supporting information resources:

Personal computers, all the resources of which are fully aimed at ensuring the activities of one employee;

Corporate computers (Main Frame), the provision of many employees in the framework of one organization, one project, one field of information activities when using the same information and computational resources;

- supercomputers - These are computing systems with the limit characteristics of computing power and information resources (military, cosmic areas of activity, fundamental scientific research, the global weather forecast).

Means of communication technology provide one of the main functions of management activities - the transmission of information within the management system and the exchange of data with the external environment, assumes the use of various methods and technologies.

Communication equipment includes:

Means and systems of stationary and mobile telephony;

Tools and systems of telegraph communications;

Means and system of facsimile information and modem communication;

Means and systems of cable and radio communications, including optical fiber and satellite communications (computing networks).

Office equipment are intended For automation and mechanization of management activities. Storage technologies, submission and use of information, as well as to carry out various auxiliary operations in various information support technologies for management activities are being implemented.

The entire totality of office equipment can be represented as the following groups:

Information carriers;

Means of manufacturing text and tabular documents;

Reprigue and operational printing facilities;

Document processing tools;

Tools for storing, searching and transporting documents;

Banking office equipment;

Small office equipment;

Office furniture and equipment;

Other office equipment.

3. Subsystem "Organizational Provision" It is one of the most important subsystems of the IP, on which the successful implementation of the objectives and functions of the system depends. In the composition of organizational support, four groups of components can be distinguished.

The first group includes the most important methodological materials regulating the process of creating and operating the system:

General industry guidelines for the creation of IP;

Typical design solutions;

Methodological materials on the organization and conduct of pre-project surveys in the enterprise;

Methodological materials on the creation and implementation of project documentation.

The second component The structure of organizational support of the IP is a set of funds necessary for effective design and operation of IP (standard application packages, typical enterprise management structures, unified documents, system-wide and sectoral classifiers, etc.).

Third component The organizational support subsystems is the technical documentation obtained in the process of examination, design and implementation of the system: a feasibility study, technical specifications, technical and working projects and documents that make up the stage of commissioning.

Fourth component The organizational support subsystems are personnel, which presents the organizational and staff structure of the project, which is determined, in particular, the composition of the main designers of the system and specialists in functional subsystems management.

4. Subsystem "Legal support" Designed to regulate the process of creating and operating IP, which includes a set of legal documents with a statement of regulatory relations for the formation, storage, processing of interim and response information of the system.

Legal documents operating at the system creation phase include: Agreement between the developer and the Customer; Documents regulating relations between the participants of the system creation process.

The legal documents created during the implementation phase include: the status characteristic of the system being created; legal powers of IP units; legal powers of certain types of information processing processes; Legal relationships of users in applying technical means.

5. Subsystem "Information Provision" It is a combination of design solutions in terms of volumes, placement, forms of organization of information circulating in IP (information flows). It includes a totality of indicators, reference data, classifiers and information codifiers, unified documentation systems specifically organized for service, array of information on the respective media.

The subsystem includes two complexes. These are components of the emerable information support (classifiers of technical and economic information, information codifiers, reference data, unified documentation systems) and components of intramaneshine information support (Layouts / screen forms for I / O information, the structure of the information base). It also includes personnel, ensuring the reliability of storage, timeliness and quality of information processing technology.

The central component of the information support is the database through which data is exchanged for various tasks. The database provides integrated use of various information objects in functional subsystems.

6. Subsystem "Ergonomic Provision" - This is a combination of methods and means used at various stages of the development and operation of the IP, intended to create optimal conditions for the highly efficient human activity (personnel) in IP, for its rapid development. It contains a complex of various documentation that regulates ergonomic requirements for working places, information models, staff activities, as well as ways to implement these requirements and the implementation of ergonomic examination of their implementation.

7. Subsystem "Linguistic provision" Includes a set of scientific and technical terms used in the process of developing and operating IP, and other language tools used in information systems. Language funds are divided into two groups: traditional languages \u200b\u200b(natural, mathematical, algorithmic languages, modeling languages) and languages \u200b\u200bintended for a dialogue with a computer (information and search languages, DBMS languages, operating environment languages, input languages \u200b\u200bof application packages).

8. Subsystem "Mathematical Provision" It is a combination of mathematical models and algorithms for solving problems and processing information using computing technology. It also includes a complex of funds and methods used to solve economic problems and in the process of designing information systems; technical documentation (description of tasks, tasks for algorithmization of the economic and mathematical model, tasks and specific examples of their solution); Personnel (specialists in computing methods, IC designers, management tasks, etc.).

All providing subsystems are interconnected with functional subsystems. The organizational support subsystem defines the procedure for developing and implementing the IP, the organizational structure of the IP and the composition of the employees, the legal instructions for which are contained in the legal support subsystem.

The functional subsystems determine the compositions of the tasks and setting problems, mathematical models and algorithms, solutions of which are developed as part of the "Mathematical Provision" subsystem and which, in turn, serve as a basis for developing application programs that are part of the Software subsystem.

Functional subsystems, components of mathematical and software define the principles of the organization and the composition of document classifiers, the composition of the information base.

The development of the structure and composition of the information base allows you to integrate all the tasks of the functional subsystems into a single information system, which is functioning in principles formulated in the documents of organizational and legal support.

Volume data flow data Together with the calculated data regarding the degree of complexity of the developed algorithms and programs allow you to select technical support components. The selected technical equipment makes it possible to determine the type of operating system, and the developed program, information support allows you to organize information processing technology to solve the tasks included in the corresponding functional subsystems.

In accordance with the nature of the processing of information in IP at various levels of management of the economic system (operational, tactical and strategic), the following types of information systems are classified accordingly: data processing system, management information system and decision support system.

IP is ideal, which includes all three types of listed information systems.

In fig. 1.11 presented Classification of information systems for professional signs, taking into account the levels of management and qualifications of specialists on the basis of the line of information systems for the hotel and restaurant business provided by Libra (

The base of the pyramid is made Information systems with which executive staff are engaged in data processing, and the low-level managers are operational management. The Epitome PMS hotel management system is integrated with the Squirre-Lone restaurant control system, the automation systems of the production, warehouse accounting and control of prostore enterprises, Libra F & B and accounting systems. The Premier SPA system is used to control both separate SPA-centers and as part of hotels and resorts.

In the top of the pyramid At the strategic management level, information systems change their role and become strategic, supporting the activities of top managers. The Mozaik Business Intelligence (BI) business analytics system is used by managers to implement multidimensional analysis and strategic business planning within the entire enterprise. The optional Libra Control Panel module allows the hotel's leadership to compare the planned performance indicators of the hotel with actual results, allowing you to control the execution of the budget and receive visual information on real-time hotels.

At the tactical level Management (in the middle of the pyramid) Middle managers using the Core Corporate Governance System can manage the hotels network, providing them with direct integration with local and international sales channels. The Karyon system presents for them a new provider service designed to promote the hotel through many international sales channels. And with the help of the Libra OnDemand CRM system available by subscription, managers manage sales, events and customer relationships.

As follows from fig. 1.11The higher the level of management, the less the scope of work performed by experts using information systems. However, the complexity and intellectual possibilities of the information system are increasing, its role in decision-making by experts.

Any control level needs information from all functional systems, but in different volumes and with varying degrees of generalization. Depending on the coverage of functions and control levels, corporate (integrated) and local IPs are distinguished.

Corporate (integrated) IP automates All control functions at all levels of management are a multiplayer system and functions in a distributed computer network. As an example, the IC "Edelweiss" of REKSOFT (, Saak A.E.), which provides full automation of hotels (Fig. 1.12). The system is implemented by the client-server architecture, all information is kept on the central server system, ever-listed. The perimeter contains workstations that are client users of users. In fig. 1.12 They are associated with specific departments, and the number of jobs in each department is set to necessity.

Arrows are shown Main information flows flowing between workstations and server. The specific distribution of functions between departments, names and the number of structural units may vary from the hotel to the hotel. This may also change the number of necessary workstations, and the list of features performed.

Local IP automates Separate control functions in certain levels of control, may be single-user, functioning in separate control system units.

Ministry of Education and Science of Russia

FGBOU in the "Ural State Forestry University"

Faculty of secondary vocational education

N.V. Kharlova

Information technologies in professional activities

Methodical instructions and control tasks for students - Voirs, students on the specialty 02.23.03 "Maintenance and repair of road transport"

Reviewer - Bushigina N.A., Teacher of Informatics and Information Technologies, Higher Category

A teaching manual is drawn up taking into account the requirements of the federal state educational standard of secondary vocational education.

purpose- to assist students of correspondence form of training in organizing their independent work on the study of the material.


Currently, information technologies are used in all spheres of human activity. The effective application of information technologies is largely determined by the level of qualifications of specialists creating and using these technologies in their practical activities.

The purpose of the study of discipline - To form students from learning knowledge and skills to apply software for effective processing of information of various types when solving professional tasks.

As a result of studying the discipline, the learning should:

Have a presentation:

On the tasks of educational discipline,

About the components of information systems,


Information technology software and its capabilities,

Technical support of information technology and its capabilities.

Be able to:

Use the capabilities of software and technical support in professional activities.

The educational discipline "Information technologies in professional activity" is associated with the content of practical training of specialty disciplines: "Car device", "Rules and safety of the road", "Automobile transport".

The main form of studying the material of the course studying is independent work on the recommended literature. During the session, when conducting overview classes, the material studied is systematized, summarized, the most difficult issues are dealing. Further, the material studied is fixed during practical training, which are provided for by the working program of discipline.

The study of the discipline "Information Technologies in Professional Activities" Students begin with the study of literature recommended at the installation class teacher. To systematize the material being studied, it is necessary to conduct a summary of the specified teacher themes. The compiled abstract will allow you to quickly navigate in the material necessary to perform practical work, home test work and will facilitate the preparation for the handling.

Before doing home control work (DKR) The student needs to become familiar with the content of the working program of the discipline, to work out theoretical material, check the presence of the necessary computer program to perform tasks.

When performing DKR, the following requirements must be followed:

1. DKR is performed by options and surrenders to the teacher for verification. The number of the option must correspond to the last digit of the personal case number. Work performed on another option will not count.

2. The tasks of the DCR are provided to check in electronic form, on any available media information, by email and in printed form. on the sheets of A4 format.

3. DKR for printing is performed in a text editor. On a title page of a specific form (Appendix 1), specify the name, name, patronymic, the name of the discipline, the number of the test work, the number of the option

4. DKR in printed form should contain:

Questions on the topics of the discipline "Information technologies in professional activities", and answers to the questions of the option,

Terms of tasks

Tables with source data and calculation results,

Under the tables give an explanation to the calculations performed, to derive the calculated formulas.

At the end of the work, sign and give a list of references used, indicating the initials and surname of the author, the name of the textbook and the year of publication.

5. Only DCR tasks are given in electronic form, made in spreadsheets. The task solution is carried out in accordance with the methodological instructions.

6. After receiving the proven work, you must perform all instructions of the teacher, correct errors, add additions to the texts of the answers, prepare a test work for the session.

Form of final monitoring on this discipline is offset.

Working program discipline

Section 1. Information Systems. Classification. Components of information systems.

The concept of "modern information technologies". The main objectives of information technology. The concept of "information system". Information system as an environment of information technology. Classification of information systems. The concept of Arm. Components of information systems (software, information and technical). Types of software.

Questions for self-control

1. What is information technology?

2. Components of information technology?

3. Types of modern information technologies?

4. Main appointment of information systems?

5. The main tasks of information systems?

6. List the types of software, bring examples.


One of the main properties of IP is a division on the subsystem, which has advantages in terms of its development and operation:

· Simplify the development and modernization of IP as a result of the specialization of groups of designers on subsystems;

· Simplification of the introduction and supply of ready-made subsystems in accordance with the priority of work;

· Simplification of IC operations due to the specialization of the subject area.

Typically allocate functional and providing subsystems. However, the organizational subsystem can be distinguished as the third subsystem. It includes:

· Determination of the procedure for the development and implementation of the EIS, its organizational structure, the composition of workers;

· Regulation of the process of creating and operating the EIS, etc.

The structure of the economic information system, from the point of view of dividing it on the subsystem, is presented in Fig. fifteen.

Fig. 15. Decision EIS on subsystem

Functional subsystems

Functional subsystems IS. (FP IP) - a set of economic tasks with a high degree of information exchanges (links) between tasks (some process of processing information with a clearly defined multiple input and output information. For example, calculating a piecework wage, taking into account the arrival of materials, registration of the purchase order, etc. d.

FP IP information serviced certain types of activity of the economic system (enterprise) characteristic of its structural units and (or) management functions. The integration of functional subsystems into a single system is achieved through the creation and operation of providing subsystems, such as:

· Information;

· Technical;

· Software;

· Mathematical;

· Linguistic.

The composition of FP is largely determined by the peculiarities of the economic system, its sectoral affiliation, the form of ownership, the size, nature of the enterprise.

IP functional subsystems can be built on various principles:

· Subject;

· Functional;

· Problem;

· Mixed (object functional).

Subject principle The use of IP in the economic processes of the industrial enterprise defines the management subsystem of production and financial resources: material and technical supply; production of finished products; personnel; Sales of finished products; Finance. At the same time, the subsystems considers the solution of tasks at all levels of management with the integration of information flows by vertical.

For the implementation of control functions, functional subsystems are distinguished, which are implemented at various levels of management and combined into the following controls (marketing, production, logistics, finance):

· Forecasting;

· Rationing;

· Planning (technical and economic and operational);

· Analysis;

· Regulation.

As an example of the application of a functional approach, consider a multi-user network complex of the full automation of the Galaxy Corporation (JSC "New Atlant"), designed to automate the entire spectrum of financial and economic activities of medium and large enterprises. Complex "Galaxy" may have different configurations. One of the most important configurations can be considered "Management of the Production Enterprise". This configuration is a comprehensive solution covering the main contours Management and accounting at the manufacturing plant, which allows you to organize a unified information system to manage various aspects of the enterprise. Below is a list of contours that make up this IP:

● production management; ● Financial management; ● Warehouse management (stocks); ● Sales management; ● procurement management; ● Customer relationship management; ● Personnel management, including salary calculation.

In more detail, the "Galaxy" complex will be studied in the following parts of the manual.

Problem principle The formation of subsystems reflects the need for flexible and prompt adoption of management decisions on individual problems within the framework of SPPR, for example, solving business planning problems, project management. Such subsystems can be implemented in the form of foxes importing data from kitty (for example, a Project-Expert business planning system), or in the form of special subsystems within the ride (for example, the head of the head).

In practice, most often applies mixed (sample functional) approachAccording to which the construction of the functional structure is the division of it on the subsystem by the nature of the economic activity, which must correspond to the structure of the object and the management system, as well as the control functions (Fig. 16).

Fig. 16. The structure of the functional subsystems of IP allocated by the functional and subject principle

Using this approach, you can select the following typical set of functional subsystems in the overall structure of the IC of the enterprise.

According to the functional principle:

· Strategic development;

· Technical and economic planning;

· Accounting and analysis of economic activities.

According to the subject principle (resource management subsystems):

· Technical preparation of production;

· Basic and auxiliary production;

· Product quality;

· Logistics;

· Marketing;

Subsystems built according to the functional principle cover all types of business activities (production, supply, sales, personnel, finance). Subsystems built on a subject matter include mainly to the operational level of resource management.

Providing subsystems

Providing subsystems Are common to all IS regardless of the specific functional subsystems that use certain types of provisions. In the work, providing and organizational subsystems are combined into one providing subsystem. An rationale for such a decision can be considered that their components ensure the implementation of the objectives and functions of the system.

The composition of providing subsystems does not depend on the selected subject area and has (Fig. 17):

● functional structure;

● informational support;

● Mathematical (algorithmic and software) provision;

● technical support;

● organizational provision;

● recruitment,

and at the stage of developing IP, additional collateral:

· Legal;

· Linguistic;

· Technological;

· Methodological;

· Interfaces with external IP.

Fig. 18. Functional structure IP: 1–6 - Functions

Under the function of IP is a circle of action of IP aimed at achieving a private management goal.

The composition of the functions implemented in IP is regulated by the state standard and is divided into information and control functions.

Information functions:

· Centralized control:

o 1 - measurement of parameter values;

o 2 - measurement of their deviations from the specified values;

· Computing and logical operations:

o 3 - testing of health care;

o 4 - preparation and exchange of information with other systems;

· Control functions must be carried out:

o 5 - search and calculation of rational control modes;

o 6 - Implementation of the specified control modes.

Information Support - This is a combination of funds and methods for building an information base (Fig. 19). It determines how and the form of displaying the status of the control object in the form of data inside IP, documents, graphs and signals outside the IP. Informational support is divided into external and internal.

Fig. 20. Mathematical support

Algorithmic association It is a combination of mathematical methods, models and algorithms used in the system to solve problems and process information.

Software consists:

· From the total software (OS, translators, tests and diagnostics, etc., that is, all that ensures the operation of hardware devices);

· Special software (application software that ensures automation of control processes in a given subject area).

Technical support (Fig. 21) consists of devices:

· Measurements;

· Transformations;

· Transmission;

· Storage;

· Processing;

· Display;

· Registration;

· I / O information;

· Executive devices.

Fig. 21. Technical support

Recruitment - This is a combination of methods and means to organize and conduct personnel training techniques with IP.
Its purpose is to maintain the health of the IP and the possibility of its further development. Personnel support includes training techniques, courses and practical training programs, technical means of training and rules for working with them, etc.

Organizational support - This is a combination of funds and methods for organizing the production and management of them in the conditions of implementing IP.

The purpose of organizational support is: the choice and setting of management tasks, analysis of the management system and ways to improve it, the development of solutions to organize the interaction of IP and personnel, the implementation of management tasks. Organizational support includes methods of work, requirements for paperwork, job descriptions, etc.

This provision is one of the most important IP subsystems, on which the successful implementation of the objectives and functions of the system depends. It includes four component groups (Fig. 22).

Fig. 22. Organizational support

Major Methodical Materials first group governing the process of creating and functioning the system:

· General industry guidelines for the creation of IP;

· Typical design solutions;

· Methodical materials on the organization and conduct of pre-project surveys in enterprises;

· Methodical materials on issues of creating and implementing project documentation.

A combination of funds necessary for effective design and operation of the secondGroup :

· Control task complexes, including typical application packages;

· Typical enterprise management structures;

· Unified documents of documents;

· System-wide and sectoral classifiers, etc.

Technical documentation thirdGroup obtained in the process of surveying, designing and implementing the system:

· Technical and economic substantiation;

· technical task;

· Technical and working projects and documents that make up the stages of commissioning).

Organizational and staff schedule fourthGroup Determines in particular the composition of specialists in functional subsystems of management.

Legal support It is intended for regulation of the process of creating and operating IP, which includes a combination of legal documents with a statement of regulatory relations for the formation, storage, processing of intermediate and resulting information of the system.

Linguistic provision(LO) is a combination of scientific and technical terms and other language funds used in information systems, as well as the rules for formalizing a natural language, including compression methods and text information disclosure to improve the efficiency of automated information processing.

The means included in the LO subsystem (Fig. 23) are divided into two groups:

· Traditional languages \u200b\u200b(natural, mathematical, algorithmic, modeling languages);

· Designed for dialogue with computers (information search, DBMS, operating environments, input languages \u200b\u200bof application packages).

Fig. 23. The composition of linguistic support

Technological support (ELECTRONIC DATA PROCESSING - EDP) of IP corresponds to the separation of IP on the subsystem for technological stages of processing various types of information:

· primary information. Stages of the technological process:

o transmission;

o accumulation;

o storage;

o processing primary information;

o obtaining and issuing results;

· organizational and administrative documentation. Stages:

o obtaining incoming documentation;

o transfer to execution;

o formation and storage of cases;

o compilation and reproduction of internal documents and reports;

· technological documentation and drawings. Stages:

o input to the system and actualization of product patterns;

o input of the source data and the formation of project documentation for new types of products;

o issuing the drawings on the plotter;

o actualization of the Bank of State and Industry Standards, Technical Conditions, Regulatory Data;

o preparation and issuance of technological documentation for new types of products;

· databases and knowledge. Stages:

o formation of databases and knowledge;

o input and processing queries for solving a solution;

o issuance of the solution and explanation for it;

· scientific and technical information, guests and technical conditions, legal documents and affairs. Stages:

o formation of search images of documents;

o formation of the information fund;

o keeping thesaurus directories of keywords and their codes;

o encoding a search query;

o performing and issuing a document or document storage address.

Technological support of developed IP includes subsystems:

· OLTP- operational processing of transactional type data, which provides a high transaction rate of a large number of transactions focused on fixed algorithms for the search and processing of information database;

· OLAP.- Operational data analysis to support management decision.

OLAP technology provide:

- analysis and modeling of data in operational mode;

- work with subject-oriented data warehouses;

- implementation of queries of an arbitrary type;

- formation of a knowledge system of the subject area, etc.

At the expense of the Application Program Interface, API and access interfaces, interfaces with external information systems (Interfaces) provide data exchange, expanding application functionality to the following objects:

· Microsoft Jet objects (dB, spreadsheets, requests, records, etc.) in Microsoft Access Basic programs, Microsoft Visual Basic - DAO (Data Access Object);

· Relational database running WOSA (Microsoft Windows Open Standards Architecture) - ODBC (Open Database Connectivity);

· Component model of objects - COM (Component Object Model) supporting the standard access interface to objects and methods of processing objects, regardless of their nature, location, structure, programming languages;

· Local and remote objects of other applications based on Automation manipulation technology (OLE Automation), providing server and client interaction;

· ActiveX objects (OLE and OCX controls) to enable them in a web application while maintaining complex formatting and animation, etc.

The information system supports the work of the following categories. users (User):

· end users (End Users, Internal Users) - management personnel, specialists, technical staff, which, by the nature of their activities, use information technology management technologies;

· iS. administration, including:

o Designer or system analyst (Analyst) - provides management efficiency management determines the prospects for the development of IP;

o Application Administrator (Application Administrator) - is responsible for formalizing the information needs of business applications, managing the efficiency and development of business applications;

o Data Administrator (Data Base Administrator) - performs the operation and maintenance of the quality characteristics of the IB (DB);

o computer network administrator (Network Administrator) - provides reliable network operation, manages authorized user access, establishes network resources;

· system and Applied Programmers (SYSTEM PROGRAMMERS, Application Programers) - Create, maintain and upgrade IP software;

· technical staff (Technicians) - provides maintenance of technical data processing;

· external users (External Users) - Consumers of IP output information, counterparties.

89. Organization of information search.

As part of corporate information systems, two relatively independent components can be distinguished:

computer infrastructureorganizations presenting a set of network, telecommunications, software, information and organizational infrastructures (this component is commonly called corporate network);

interconnected functional subsystems,ensuring the solution of the tasks of the organization and achieving its goals.

The first component reflects the system-technical, structural side of any information system. In essence, this is the basis for the integration of functional subsystems, which fully defining the properties of the information system, its successful operation. Requirements for computer infrastructure are united and standardized, and the methods of its construction are well known and repeatedly verified in practice.

The second component of the corporate information system is entirely related to the applied area and largely depends on the specifics of the tasks and goals of the enterprise. This component is fully based on the company's computer infrastructure and determines the application functionality of the information system. Requirements for functional subsystems are complex and often contradictory, as they are put forward by specialists from various applied areas. However, ultimately this component is more important for the functioning of the organization, as the computer infrastructure is also built for it.

End of work -

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The optimal management of the production process is a very laborious task. The main mechanism here is planning. Automated solution of such a task yes

Providing information about the company
The active development of the Internet has led to the need to create corporate servers to provide various kinds of information about the enterprise. Almost every self-respecting company is now

Flexibility, the ability to adapt and further development implies the possibility of adapting an information system to new conditions, new needs of the enterprise. Performing these conditions in

The reliability of the information system implies its operation without distorting information, loss of data on "technical reasons". Requirement requirement is provided by backup copies.

The system is effective if, taking into account the resources allocated to it, it allows you to solve problems assigned to it in the minimum time. In any case, the effectiveness assessment will produce

Security, first of all, is meant the property of the system, by virtue of which unauthorized persons do not have access to the organization's information resources, except those that are intended for them.

Information Systems Lifecycle
Development of a corporate information system, as a rule, is performed for a completely defined enterprise. The features of the subject activity of the enterprise will definitely affect the page

The concept of the project
The project is a time-limited targeted change in a separate system with initially clearly defined goals achieving the completion of the project.

The main phases of design information system
Each project, regardless of the complexity and volume of the work required for its implementation, takes place in its development of certain states: from the state when "the project is not yet", to the state when "

Conceptual phase
The main content of the work on the conceptual phase is the definition of the project, the development of its concept, including: the formation of the idea, the formulation of goals; The formation of key

Preparation of the Technical Offer
The main content of the technical proposal preparation phase is to clarify the technical proposal during the negotiations with the Customer to conclude a contract. The total content of the work of this phase:

At the commissioning phase, tests are carried out, testing of the system in real conditions is carried out, negotiations are underway on the results of the project and on possible new contracts.

Processes flowing throughout the life cycle of the information system
The concept of life cycle is one of the basic concepts of the methodology for designing information systems. The life cycle of the information system is a continuous pro

The development of an information system includes all work on creating information software and its components in accordance with the specified requirements. Development of information

Operational work can be divided into preparatory and main. Preparatory include: Configuring a database and user jobs; security

Technical support services play a very prominent role in the life of any corporate information system. Availability of qualified maintenance at the stage of operation of information

Auxiliary Life Cycle Processes
Among the auxiliary processes, one of the main places occupies the configuration management. This is the auxiliary process that supports the basic life cycle processes of the information system.

Organizational processes
The project management is associated with the planning and organization of work, the creation of developers and monitoring the terms and quality of work performed. Technical and organizational condition

Information System Life Cycle Structure
The full life cycle of the information system includes, as a rule, strategic planning, analysis, design, implementation, implementation and operation. In general

initial stage
At the initial stage, the scope of the system is established and the boundary conditions are determined. To do this, it is necessary to identify all external objects with which the score should interact

Study clarification
At the stage of clarification, an analysis of the applied area is carried out, the architectural basis of the information system is being developed. When making any solutions relating to the system architecture,

Information System Life Cycle Models
The model of the life cycle of the information system will be called some structure that determines the sequence of processes, actions and tasks performed onto

Cascade Information System Life Cycle Model
The cascade model demonstrates a classic approach to the development of various systems in any applied areas. To develop information systems, this model was widely used in the 70s and first

The main stages of the development of a cascading model
For the decades of the existence of a cascade model, the partition of work at the stage and the names of these stages changed. In addition, the most reasonable techniques and standards avoided hard and unambiguous attribute

The main advantages of a cascade model
The cascade model has a number of positive parties, thanks to which it has proven itself when performing various kinds of engineering developments and gained widespread. Consider

Disadvantages of a cascade model
The list of shortcomings of the cascade model when it is used to develop information systems is quite extensive. Initially, they simply list them, and then consider the main of them in more detail:

Each iteration is a complete development cycle, which leads to the release of the internal or external version of the product (or subset of the final product), which is improved from iterations.

Advantages of a spiral model
A spiral approach to software development allows you to overcome most of the drawbacks of the cascade model and, in addition, provides a number of additional features, making the process

Disadvantages of a spiral model
The main problem of the spiral cycle is to determine the moment of transition to the next step. To solve it, it is necessary to introduce temporary restrictions on each of the stages of the life cycle. Otherwise, the process is rav

Methodology and technology for developing information systems
The methodology for creating information systems is to vagonize the process of building an information system and in managing this process in order to guarantee execution

RAD Methodology
At the initial stage of the existence of computer information systems, their development was carried out in traditional programming languages. However, as the complexity of the developed systems and the recording increases

The main features of the RAD methodology
The methodology for creating information systems based on the use of rapid application development tools has recently received widespread distribution and acquired the name of the methodology

Object-oriented approach
RAD funds allowed to implement perfectly different compared to the traditional application creation technology: information objects are formed as some acting models (prototypes), whose function

Visual programming
The application of object-oriented programming principles made it possible to create fundamentally new tools for designing applications, called visual programming tools.

Event programming
The logic of the application built by the RAD means is an event-oriented. This means that each object included in the application can generate events and respond to events.

Phase analysis and planning requirements
At the analysis phase and scheduling requirements, the functions that the information system must execute are defined; The most priority functions requiring

Phase design
In the design phase, the necessary tool are CASE tools used to quickly obtain running prototypes of applications. Prototypes created with the help of CASE, and

Phase Building
At the construction phase, the appropriate development of the application is performed. At this phase, the developers produce an iterative construction of a real system based on the previously obtained models, as well as

Phase introduction
The implementation phase is mainly reduced to the training of users of the developed information system. Since the construction phase is sufficiently short, planning and preparing for implementation

Restrictions Methodology RAD.
Despite all its advantages, the RAD methodology (as, however, and any other methodology) cannot claim universality. Its use is most effective when creating comparatively

Open Information Systems Profiles
Creation, support and development of modern complex information systems is based on methodologies for building such systems as open. Open information systems with

Information System Profile Concept
When creating and developing complex, distributed, replicable information systems requires flexible formation and application of harmonized sets of basic standards and regulatory documents

Principles of the formation of the information system profile
Information System Profiles are designed to solve the following tasks: Reducing the complexity of projects; improving the quality of information systems components; Ensuring RA

Information System Profile Structure
The development and application of profiles are an organic part of the processes of design, developing and maintaining information systems. Profiles characterize each specific information system

Applied software profile
Application software is always problematic oriented and determines the basic functions of the information system. Functional system profiles must include coordinated

Information System Medium Profile
The information system profile of the information system should define its architecture in accordance with the selected data processing model. Application Interface Standards with Environment (API) must be

Information Protection Profile
Information Protection Profile must ensure the implementation of information security policies developed in accordance with the required security category and security criteria specified

Tool profile
The profile of instrumental means embedded in the information system should reflect decisions on the choice of methodology and technology of creating, maintaining and developing an information system. In this P.

Standards and techniques in information systems
One of the important conditions for the efficient use of information technology is the introduction of corporate standards. Corporate standards are an agreement on unified Rules of Org

Types of standards
The existing standards today can be divided into several groups: on the subject of standardization. This group includes functional standards (standards

Oracle CDM CDM Method
One of the current activities of Oracle's activities was the development of the methodological basis and the production of instrumental tools for the automation of the development processes of complex butt

General structure
The life cycle is formed from certain stages (phases) of the project and processes, each of which is performed for several steps. CDM technique determines the following phases of life

Features CDM technique
We note the main features of the CDM technique, which determine its application and the limitations inherent in it. The degree of adaptability of CDM is limited to three models of the life cycle:

General structure
The ISO 12207 standard does not provide any steps (phases or stages) of the life cycle of the information system. This standard defines only a number of processes, and compared to CDM standard

Basic and auxiliary processes of life cycle
The ISO 12207 standard describes the five main processes of the software life cycle. The acquisition process determines the actions of the buyer's enterprise that purchased

ISO 12207 Standard Features
All of the above allows you to formulate some features of the ISO 12207 standard. The ISO 12207 standard has a dynamic character due to the procedure for determining the sequence

Concept and components of information support

IO is a set of design solutions for volumes, structure and storage of information. It is intended to reflect information characterizing the state of the managed object, and is the basis for making management decisions.

IO is divided into:

INTERMINE - INFORMATION FUND (input. Primary, operational, regulatory, reference, result and other files), automated databases (local, network, multiplayer database, database control systems);

Emaceous - Systems of Indicators, Documentation and Document Management, Classification and Coding Information.

Characteristics of the Emacent Information Support

Emacent information support includes: the system of classification and encoding information; management documentation systems; The system of organization, storage, making changes in the documentation.

The Emacey Information Base is a set of messages, signals and documents in the form perceived by a person directly without the use of computing equipment.

In the Mistaric Sphere, in the process of management, the exchange of information is implemented as the movement of documents between managed and managing systems: documents containing planned information (orders, orders, planned tasks, schedule plans, etc.) follow from the management system (orders, orders, scheduled tasks, schedules, and t.); According to the feedback line - from the object to the control authority, there are documents containing accounting and reporting information (information about the current or past state of the control object). Emacey information support allows you to identify the control object, formalize information, submit data in the form of documents.

Characteristics of intramaneshine information support. The concept of database, DBMS.

Intramine information support contains data arrays that form an information base of the system on machine carriers, as well as a system of programs of the organization, accumulation, maintenance and access to information of these arrays. INTERMINE - INFORMATION FUND (INTO. Primary, operational, regulatory, result , automated databases (local, network, multiplayer database, database control systems);

The database is presented in an objective form a set of independent materials (articles, settlements, regulations, court decisions and other similar materials) systematized in such a way that these materials can be found and processed using an electronic computing machine

The DBMS is a special program or a set of programs with which you can administer or monitor any data. In fact, the DBMS is designed to manipulate data. The DBMS can be: network, hierarchical, relational - it all depends on the type of database.

Characteristics of database development stages.

Infological design

The main objectives of the infological design are the determination of the subject area of \u200b\u200bthe system and the formation of a view on software from the positions of the Community of Future BD users, i.e. infological model software.

The infographic model of software is a description of the structure and dynamics of software, the nature of the information needs of users in terms of the user who understand the user and not dependent on the sale of the database. This description is expressed in terms of non-individual objects of software and bonds between them, but their types associated with them restrictions on the integrity and those processes that lead to the transition of the subject area from one state to another.

Logical design of database

At the logical design stage, the logical structure of the database corresponding to the logical model of software is being developed. The solution to this task is significantly dependent on the data model supported by the selected DBMS.

The result of this phase is the schemes of the BD conceptual and external architecture levels, compiled in the data definition languages \u200b\u200b(DDL, DATA Definition Language) supported by this DBMS.

Physical design of database

The physical design stage is to link the logical structure of the database and the physical storage environment in order to make the most efficient placement of data, i.e. Displaying the logical structure of the database in the storage structure. The issue of placing stored data in the memory space is solved, selecting effective access methods for various components of the "physical" database. The results of this phase are documented in the form of a storage scheme in the data definition language (DDL). The solutions adopted at this stage have a decisive effect on system performance.

The basic concepts of the relational data model

Relational data model - developed by E. Coddom in 1970. Logical data model describing:

Data structures in the form (varying in time) sets of relationships;

Theoretical and multiple data operations: association, intersection, difference and decartian work;

Special relational operations: selection, projection, compound and division; as well as

Special rules providing data integrity.

Attribute - in databases - the name or structure of the recording field. The attribute characterizes the size or type of information contained in the field.

Domain - in databases - the set of all attribute values \u200b\u200bin some respect.

Recording - in relational databases - a row of a data table, consisting of fields of different types.

The key relationship is the attribute of the relationship, unambiguously identifies each of its tuples. The composite key consists of several attributes.

The ratio is a two-dimensional table containing some data. The lines of such tables correspond to the records, and the attribute columns.

Relational algebra is a formal system of manipulating relations, the main operations of which are: projection, connection, intersection and association.

The structure of the database is the principle or procedure for organizing entries in the database and links between them.

Relational algebra. Operations of restrictions, projection of association and intersection


The projection of the relation R by attributes R1, R1, R1 ... Rn, where each attribute belongs to R, is called a relationship with the title (R1, R2, R3 ... RN) and the body containing a plurality of the species of the form (R1, R2, R3, ... RN). At the same time, the duplicates of the cortex are removed.

The projection is called a vertical cut relationship.

Syntax R.

An association

The combination of two relatives compatible with the type of relationship is called the same heading as R1 and R2, and the body, including all the cortices of the operands, with the exception of repeated.

Syntax R1 Union R2




Syntax R1 Minus R2

Cartesian work

Cartesian works of two relations R1 (R11, R12, R13 ...) and R2 (R21, R22, R23, ...) called the relationship, the title of which is clutch headingrelationship R1 and R2:

(R11, R12, R13 ... R21, R22, R23, ...), and the body consists of tuples that are a clutch of tuples of relations R1 and R2

(R11, R12, R13 ... R21, R22, R23 ....), such that (R11, R12, R13 ...) belongs to R1, A (R21, R22, R23 ....) Belongs to R2 /

Syntax R1 Times R2


Usually consider several varieties of the compound operation.

Total connection operation


Equiva connection

Natural connection

Total connection operation:

Connection of relations R1 and R2 by condition is called the ratio (R1 Times R2) WHERE C, where C is a logical expression in which attributes of relations R1 and R2 and / or scalar expressions may include.


(R1 Times R2) WHERE R11QR21 - Q-connection of the R1 ratio by attribute R11 with R2 ratio by attribute R21. Record I.

Equiva connection

Natural connection

Let the relations R1 (R11, R12, R13, R11, R12, R13, ... R1N, Z1, Z2, ... Zn) and R2 (Z1, Z2, ... Zn, R21, R22, R23, R21, R2M). Then the natural connection of relations R1 and R2 is called the title relation (R11, R12, R13, .. R1N, Z1, Z2, R23, R21, R22, R23, R21, R22, R23, .., R2M) and the body containing a set of tuples (R11, R12 , R13, ... R1N, Z1, Z2, Z3, ... Zn, R21, R22, ... R2m), such that (R11, R12, R13, ... R1N, Z1, Z2, Z3, ... Zn) belongs to R1, A (Z1 , z2, z3, ... zn, r21, r22, ... r2m) belongs to R2



Syntax R1 DivideBy R2

DBMS functions

1. Data management directly in database

2. Data management in computer memory (data caching)

DBMS works with a large database, when buffering, the user receives only part of the database for its specific task

3. Transaction management

Transaction - imposed from the point of view of action on the database Sequence of data manipulation operators (insertion, removal, reading, etc.).

Transaction is performed in RAM. If it is successful, the DBMS contributes the corresponding change on the disk. In the opposite case, changes do not affect the state of the database.

4. Support Languages \u200b\u200bBD

5. Management of changes in the database and logging (journalization). This function ensures the reliability of data storage and the ability to restore the state of the database in emergency situations. In the change protocol (transaction log) before the manipulation is recorded. To restore the database, after a failure, the protocol (log) and archive copy of the database (full copy of the database at the time of filling the protocol).

DBMS components

1. Data and metadata- contain system tables, custom tables, field names, procedures, etc.

2. Memory block:

File block controlling file location on disk

Buffer buffer buffer from main memory

3) Compiler Requests- Processes Appeal to DBMS

5) Modification of data change data changes

6) Modification schemes for changing the structure of database, tables, representations

7) Data scheme - ALL TOTAL TABLE

8) The transaction unit is responsible for the integrity of the system, interacts with the queries compiler and memory block.

Classification of DBMS

Classification of DBMS

Sign of classification DBMS type Key features
By number of users 1 - Custom At a specific point in time, 1 user works with the database
Multiplayer database working group Number of users less than 50 people
Multi-user bd of companies Number of users more than 50 people
At the placement of the database Centralized DB on one machine
Distributed DB is distributed in a computer network
According to the data model Network Coodasyl (Codasyl (English Conference ON DATA Systems Language - Conference on data processing systems) - Organization (the name is pronounced "Codasil"), who has actively participated in the evolution of information technologies in the 60-80s of the XX century. Founded in 1959 to develop a standard programming language, this language was called COBOL. Currently, the conference is disbanded) hierarchical IMS relational multidimensional object-oriented
According to the method of application and field of use Transactional (Operational) OLTP - Systems (Online Transaction Processing) The DBMS works with a database in which the transaction is given to the minimum time. Database requests should be displayed in the shortest possible time.
OLAP System Data Warehouse (On Line Analytical Processing) The DBMS works with a database designed to obtain the necessary information when developing strategic or tactical solutions. To analyze information.
Architecture Client-server. The server provides the main functions of the DBMS, the client supports the user interface with the server

Types of SQL commands

Types of language commands

DDL- data definition language


DML - data manipulation language


DQL - Data Request Language

DCL - data management language, or data administration commands

CREATE DATABASE, ALTER DATABASE, DROP DATABASE, GRANT (Providing access rights for action on specified bd objects), Revoke (deprivation of access rights for action on specified bd objects), etc.

Data administration commandsprovide the ability to audit and analyze operations inside the database. Can be used when analyzing the performance of the data system as a whole.

Start Audit, Stop Audit

Transaction Management Commands -allow you to perform information processing united in transaction

COMMIT, ROLLBACK, SAVE POINT, SET TRANSACTION (Purpose of the transaction name)

Procedural language


19. SQL data types. SQL functions.

Data types

Some of the most common built-in features:

ABS * Calculates the absolute value of the number
ACOS. Calculates Arkkosinus
ASIN. Calculates Arksinus
ATAN Calculates Arctanens
Ceiling. Perform rounding up
Cos. Calculates cosine corner
Cot Returns Cotangenes angle
Degrees. Converts an angle value from radian to degrees
Exp Returns exponent
Floor Perform rounding down
LOG * Calculates natural logarithm
Log10. Calculates decimal logarithm
PI Returns the value "PI"
Power Early a date
Radians. Converts an angle value from a degree in radiances
Rand Return a random number
Round * performs rounding with a given accuracy
SIGN. Determines the number of numbers
Sin * Calculates sinus corner
Square. Performs the erection of the number in the square
SQRT * Retrieve square root
Tan. Returns Tangent Angle
ASCII. Returns the ASCII code of the left symbol string
Char. The ASCII code returns a symbol.
CharIndex. Determines the sequence number of the character from which the entrepreneurs begins in the string
Difference Returns the matching indicator
Left * Returns the specified number of characters from the beginning of the line
Len * Returns the length of the string
Lower * Translates all string characters to Lower Register
Ltrim * Removes gaps at the beginning of the line
Nchar. Returns the Unicode symbol by code
Patindex. Searches for substring in a row by specified template
Replace Replaces the entry of the substring to the specified value
Quotename Converts a string to Unicode format
Replicate. Performs replication of the line certain number
Reverse Returns the string, the characters of which are recorded in the reverse order
Right Returns the specified number of characters from the end of the line
Rtrim. Removes spaces at the end of the string
Space. Returns the specified number of spaces
Str. performs conversion of a numeric type value to character format
Stuff Removes the specified number of characters by replacing a new substress
Substring Returns for a line of a substring of the specified length from a given symbol
Unicode. Returns Unicode-code of the left line symbol
Upper. Translates all string characters to the top register



An association


The intersection of two ratio compatible relations R1 and R2 is a relationship with the same heading as in relations R1 and R2, and a body consisting of tuples belonging to both relations R1 and R2 at the same time.



The subtraction of two relatives compatible with the type R1 and R2 is called a relationship with the same heading as in relations R1 and R2, and the body consisting of tuples belonging to the ratio R1 and not belonging to R2.

Syntax R1 Minus R2

Cartesian work

The capacity of the work is equal to the product. If the attributes R1 and R2 have attributes with the same names, before performing the Cartesian work operation, such attributes must be renamed. Type compatibility is not required.

What exams should be passed by students who have completed the school year R1 [semester<=2*курс]R2

Equiva connection This is a connection when Q is equality.

Natural connection

The connection is made according to the same attributes.


The division operation has two operands binary and unary. An efficient relationship consists of single-position tuples, including the values \u200b\u200bof the first attribute of the tuples of the first operand attribute, such that the set of second attribute values \u200b\u200bcoincides with the plurality of the sole attribute of the second operand-ratio.

Syntax R1 DivideBy R2

Concept and components of the information system

Information system (IP) as a whole - an automated system intended for organization, storage, replenishment, support and presentation by users of information in accordance with their requests.

The information system has two components: software and electronic information storage.

1. Information provision is a set of a unified system of classification and encoding information, unified documentation systems, information flow circuits circulating in the organization, as well as a methodology for building databases.

The appointment of the information support subsystem consists in timely formation and issuance of reliable information for making management decisions.

2. The equipment is a complex of technical means intended for the operation of the information system, as well as the relevant documentation for these means and technological processes

3. Mathematical and software - a set of mathematical methods, models, algorithms and programs for the implementation of the objectives and objectives of the information system, as well as the normal functioning of a complex of technical means.

4. The organizational provision is a set of methods and means regulating the interaction of employees with technical means and among themselves in the process of developing and operating the information system.

5. The management is a set of legal norms that determine the creation, legal status and functioning of information systems regulating the procedure for obtaining, transformation and use of information.

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