
Information processes Storage and transmission of Bosov information. Summary of the lesson on the topic: "Information processes: storage and transmission of information. Questions for repetition

Summary of the lesson Information processes Processing information (grade 8, lesson 6, Tutorial Bosova L.L.). At this lesson, the disciples get acquainted with the concept of information process - information processing.

Planned educational results:
subject - general ideas about information processes and their role in the modern world; The ability to give examples of collecting and processing information in human activity, in wildlife, society, technology;
metaPermet - skills analysis of processes in biological, technical and social systems, the allocation of information component in them; General information processing skills;
personal - Understanding the significance of information activities for a modern person.

Decisible training tasks:
1) consolidate the skills for determining the information weight of the symbol of an arbitrary alphabet and the information volume of the message consisting of a certain number of characters;
2) introduce students with the concept of the information process;
3) consider examples of collecting information as an information process;
4) Consider different types and methods of processing information.

The basic concepts studied in the lesson:
- information processes;
- information activities;
- collection of information;
- data processing.

ICT tools used in class:
- Personal computer (PC) teacher, multimedia projector, screen;
- PC students.

Electronic educational resources
- Presentation "Information processes. Data processing";
- resources of federal educational portals:
1) Animation - Simulator "Interactive Task. Measuring information ";
2) Animation "Information in Human Society";
3) Animation "Creating Information";
4) Animation "Concept of Information".

Features of the presentation of the content of the lesson
1. Organizational moment (1 minute)
Greeting students, message topic and lesson purposes.

2. Repetition. Check d / s (10 minutes)
1) checking the studied material on issues 1-3, 5 to §1.4;
2) checking the performance of homework in the Republic of Tajikistan (No. 42, 46, 47, 49, 50, 54);
3) consideration of tasks that caused difficulties when performing a homework;
4) Working with an interactive task (section "Measurement of information") in the "Control" mode.

3. Study of the new material (22 minutes)
The new material is presented as accompanied by a presentation "Information processes. Data processing".
1 Slide - the name of the presentation;
2 Slide - keywords;
- Information processes
- Information activities
- collection of information
- data processing
- information storage, information carrier
- Transfer of information, source, communication channel, receiver
3 Slide - the concept of the information process;
Information processes call processes associated with changing information or actions using information.
Basic information processes: information collection, information processing, information storage, information transmission.
The information activity of a person is called activities related to the processes of collecting, submitting, processing, storing and transmitting information.

View and discuss the animation "Information in Human Society"

4 Slide - collection of information;
The solution to almost any task begins with the collection of information. (examples of information collection)

View and discuss the animation "Creating information"

5 Slide - information processing scheme;

View and discuss the animation "Claimability of Information"

6 Slide - task (logical reasoning),
Five classmates: Anya, Sasha, Lena, Vasya and Misha became the winners of school olympiads in physics, mathematics, computer science, literature and geography. It is known that:
The winner of computer science teaches Anyu and Sasha to work on the computer;
Lena and Vasya also became interested in computer science;
Sasha has always been afraid of physics;
Lena, Sasha and the winner of literature are swimming;
Sasha and Lena congratulated the winner of mathematics;
Anya regrets that she has little time on literature.
Answer: Anya Mathematics, Sasha-Geography, Lena-Physics, Vasya-Literature, Misha-Informatics.
7 Slide - the most important thing.
- Information processes are processes associated with changing information or actions using information.
- From collecting information, a solution to any task begins.
- Information processing is a targeted process of changing the content or form of information presentation.

Further, with students should discuss the task of collecting information about their school, for example, to prepare an information sheet. Questions should be discussed about which information should be collected (the year of foundation, history pages, number of students, information about school graduates, about the achievements of school students, etc.), where it can be found (who has it), how can it be Fix the found information (text, drawing, diagram, photo, audio record, video).

In the presence of time on this basis, you can organize the project "Virtual Information Stands".

4. Practical part. Solving tasks (10 minutes)
Perform tasks number 56, 57, 59 in the Republic of Tajikistan.
8 Slide - Questions and tasks, RT №56, №59.

5. Summing up the lesson. Message of homework. Estimated estimates (2 minutes)
9 Slide - reference abstract;
10 Slide - d / s.

§1.5 (p. 1, 2, 3), questions and tasks 1-8 to the paragraph;
RT: №56, 58, 60.

All material to the lesson is in the archive.

Archive includes:
- Abstract,
- Answers and solutions for tasks in the working notebook,
- Presentation "Information processes. Data processing",
- Animation - simulator "Interactive problem book. Measuring information ",
- Animation "Information in Human Society",
- Animation "Creating Information",
- Animation "Concept of Information".

Download (4 MB, RAR): Lesson Abstract


  • information processes
  • information activities
  • collection of information
  • data processing
  • information storage, information carrier
  • information Transfer, Source, Communication Channel, Receiver

1.5.1. The concept of information process

A consistent change of states (change) in the development of something is called the process.

The following main information processes can be distinguished: information collection, information presentation, information processing, information storage, information transmission.

Considering the map of the terrain, reading the poster, looking through the TV shows, measuring the air temperature, making new entries in the weather calendar or in the phone book, we collect and save the information. Trying to solve the problem occurring, perform homework, answer the question, we always process well-known information. We send a telegram, write an SMS message or talk on the phone - we pass and get information.

Earlier, we have already reviewed the process of presenting information. Now consider other information processes in more detail.

1.5.2. Collection of information

The solution to almost any task begins with the collection of information. For example, in order to know which televisionils you can see during the holidays, you need to collect relevant information from the programs of the TV channels. To prepare a message about the attractions of the native land, you need to ask adults, visit the local history museum, explore the reference literature. To choose a book as a gift to a friend, you need to know what it is interested in and what books he already has.

The special value of the collected information is that it is the source of new knowledge about the world around us.

You can cite examples of collecting information involving the use of various measuring devices. Thus, the task of drawing up the weather forecast involves the collection of information about temperature, precipitation, atmospheric pressure, air humidity, speed and direction of wind.

Many professionals interested in specialists leak very quickly and can be associated with a danger to life. For example, such situations may arise when collecting information about aerodynamic characteristics in the development of a new car model, about its possible damage when colliding with an obstacle, etc. In such cases, complex automated measuring complexes are used to collect information.

Task 1.. 128 athletes participate in Velocross. A special device registers passing by each of the participants in the intermediate finish, recording it with a chain of zeros and minimum length units, the same for each athlete. What will be the information of the message recorded by the device after the intermediate finish will be 80 cyclists?

Decision. Rooms 128 participants are encoded using a binary alphabet. The required binary code bit (chain length) is 7, since 128 \u003d 2 7. In other words, a message recorded by the device that the intermediate finish passed one cyclist, 7 bits of information bears. When an intermediate finish is 80 athletes, the device will record 80 7 \u003d 560 bits, or 70 bytes of information.

Answer: 70 bytes.

1.5.3. Data processing

Information about the environment, collected directly through the senses or with the help of measuring instruments, a person must process a timely manner. For example, when moving the street, it should be very quickly handling information about the traffic lights, about the movement of cars, etc. Significantly large information flows should process a specialist serving the control panel of a power plant or other complex technical system.

When a pedestrian goes the street, the student answers the question about history, solves the geometric task or translates the text from the Russian language to a foreign language, and the pilot decides on the height set or changing the flight speed, they all process the input (received) information. From this information, after its processing, output information is obtained.

You can select two types of information processing:

  1. processing associated with obtaining new content, new information;
  2. processing related to a change in the form of information representation without changing its content.

The first type of information processing includes: transformation according to the rules (including calculations by formulas), the study of objects of knowledge on their models, logical reasoning, generalization, etc.

A task. Five classmates: Anya, Sasha, Lena, Vasya and Misha became winners Olympiad schoolchildren in physics, mathematics, computer science, literature and geography. It is known that:

  1. the winner of the Olympiad on the computer science teaches Any and Sasha to work on the computer;
  2. Lena and Vasya also became interested in computer science;
  3. Sasha has always been afraid of physics;
  4. Lena, Sasha and the winner of the Olympiad in the literature are swimming;
  5. Sasha and Lena congratulated the winner of the Olympiad in mathematics;
  6. Anya regrets that she remains little time for literature.

Winner What Olympics became each of these guys?

Decision. The tasks of this type are solved using logical reasoning, which are conveniently fixed in the table.

Below is a table, which reflects information about the winners of the Olympiad, contained in the condition of the problem. For example, from paragraph 1, it can be concluded that neither Anya nor Sasha is the winners of the Olympiad in computer science. This is reflected in the table signs "-" in cells at the intersection of rows and columns with the corresponding names of schoolchildren and the names of the Olympiad.

The information available in the table is enough to conclude that Misha became the winner of the Olympiad on computer science. We note this sign "+" in the corresponding cell. Since each of the guys became the winner of the same Olympics, Misha could not be the winner of the Olympiads in physics, mathematics, literature and geography. We reflect these signs "-" in the respective cells. By continuing reasoning, we get:

Answer: Anya is the winner of the Olympiad in mathematics, Sasha - in geography, Lena - in physics, Vasya - in literature, Misha - on computer science.

To the second type of information processing include:

  • structuring - the organization of information on some rule that binds it to a single whole;
  • coding - the transition from one form of information presentation to another, more convenient for perception, storage, transmission or processing of information;
  • selection of information required to solve some task from a large information array.

So, most of the information in school textbooks is presented in the form of text in a natural language. Present the material studied in general, main features, structure it, showing links between individual parts, allow graphic schemes. One of the varieties of such graphics schemes is the graph. The graph consists of vertices connected by lines. The vertices of the graph may be depicted with circles, ovals, dots, rectangles, etc. Lines connecting vertices can be directed (with an arrow) or non-directional (without arrow). In the first case, they are called arcs, in the second - ribs.

For example, information processing types can be represented using a graph depicted in Fig. 1.10.

Fig. 1.10.
Count containing information about information processing types

The main assistant person in the processing of large information flows is a computer. For example, a scientist is difficult to analyze the measurement results - dozens and hundreds of thousands of numbers collected using some automatic devices. For information on the properties of the objects studied, the measurement results must be interpreted. Computers allow based on the measurement results to construct diagrams and graphs that give a visual idea of \u200b\u200bthe ratios of values \u200b\u200band dependencies of properties in the subjects studied, processes, phenomena.

In the lessons of computer science and ICT, you will get acquainted with the capabilities of computers in processing information of different types.

1.5.4. Data storage

In order for the information to become the property of many people and could be transmitted to subsequent generations, it must be saved. The history of mankind knows various ways to store information. These are drawings on the walls of the caves, and clay plates with clocks, and manuscripts on papyrus, and texts on parchment, and bark gramists, and all sorts of documents on paper. With the help of a tape recorder, you can write a conversation of people or bird singing, using a camera or camcorder - save the image.

Information storage is always associated with its carrier - a material object on which it is possible to record information in one way or another.

The main carrier of information over the course of several centuries remains paper, which is associated with its properties as: the relative cheapness of manufacture; strength and durability; Ease of applying signs and drawings with the help of multi-colored paints.

You can learn a lot of interesting on the carriers used in the distant past, from the article "Paper and other painting materials" encyclopedia "Archesvet", posted on the site

Nowadays, electronic information media, magnetic disks, optical discs, flash cards, etc. received widespread. Information stored on electronic media can be played and processed using a computer.

An important storage of information for a person is his memory. Indeed, each person has some information keeps "in the mind." We remember your home address, names, addresses and phones of close relatives and friends. In our memory, build tables and multiplication tables, main spells and other knowledge gained in school are stored. But the man is so arranged that if you do not fix knowledge with permanent exercises, the information is very quickly forgotten. Avoiding information losses, notebooks, reference books, encyclopedias and other long-term information carriers help us.

Warehouses of information for humanity are libraries, archives, patent offices, art galleries and museums, video music and phonotheki. Giant information storage is a computer network Internet.

1.5.5. Information transfer

We constantly participate in the process of information transfer. People convey to each other requests, orders, reports on the work done, publish advertisements, send telegrams, write letters. The transfer of information occurs when reading books when watching a telecast, when talking on the phone and communication in the computer Internet.

Consider the information transfer process in more detail (Fig. 1.11):

  1. information from the source enters the encoder;
  2. in the coding device, information is converted into a form convenient for transmission;

Fig. 1.11.
Information transfer circuit

  1. encoded information comes from the source to the receiver (recipient) on the corresponding information channel - communication channel;
  2. the receiver contains a decoder; In this device there is a conversion of encoded information received by the communication channel, to the source form.

In the process of transmission, the information may be distorted or lost if the communication channels have poor quality or interference has interference.

The universal means of information transfer are computer networks. With their help, you can transmit any information (text, numbers, sound, image).

1.5.6. Information Processes in Wildlife and Technology

Information processes are a necessary condition for the vital activity of any organism. Here are some examples of environmental information processes:

  • flowers and inflorescences of some plants during the day turn after the sun;
  • bees dance transmit information about sources of feed;
  • many wild animals by fragile labels give it to strangers that this territory is already busy;
  • trelli Solovna serve to attract females;
  • pets feature familiar people from strangers;
  • animals in the circus execute training teams.

Information processes are characteristic of technical devices. For example, an automatic device called a thermostat perceives information about the room temperature and, depending on the temperature specified by a person, the temperature mode includes or turns off the heating instruments. Programmatically managed machines work, guided by the information laid in them - the program of their work; Autopilot controls the aircraft in accordance with the program laid in it, etc.

On the site posted animated videos "Information in Wildlife" and "Information in Engineering". Acquaintance with them will help you expand your ideas about the diversity of information processes.

The most important thing

The processes associated with changing information or the use of information are called information processes.

The human activity associated with the processes of collecting, submitting, processing, storing and transferring information is called information activities.

The solution to almost any task begins with the collection of information.

Information processing is a targeted process of changing the content or form of information presentation.

Information transmission is carried out according to the scheme: the source of the information is the coding device - the communication channel - the decoding device - the receiver of information.

Questions and tasks

  1. Give examples of human information activities. Give examples of professions in which the main activity is working with information.
  2. Pick up examples of situations in which the information:
  3. What, from an information point of view, is the goal:

      a) work with the library catalog;

      b) work with the dictionary;

      c) studies at school?

  4. The meteorological station is monitored by air humidity. The result of one measurement is an integer from about up to 100 percent, which is recorded by a chain of zeros and minimum length units, the same for each measurement. Station made 8192 measurements. Determine the information volume of observation results.
  5. What is the value of measurement results performed by an automatic space station?
  6. What input information should be processed to:

      a) calculate the area of \u200b\u200bthe rectangle;

      b) make a decision to buy a new mobile phone model;

      c) make a message about basic information processes in biological and technical systems in the lesson?

  7. Give examples of situations in which information is processed leading to:

      a) obtaining new information;

      b) change the form of presenting existing information.

  8. Boria, Vitya, Grisha and Egor met at the All-Russian Olympiad on computer science. The guys arrived from different cities: Moscow, Omsk, St. Petersburg and Kirov. It is known that Boria lived in one room with a boy from Kirov and none of these two boys was never in Moscow or in St. Petersburg. Grisha played in one team with a boy from Moscow, and a friend from Kirov visited them in the evenings. Egor and the boy from Moscow were fond of playing chess. Who of the guys from where came from?
  9. Give examples of information known to you.
  10. What function does the table of contents in the textbook, the signage system in the dictionary, the library directory?
  11. The tribe of the cloth uses a 32-symbolic alphabet. The core of the basic laws of the tribe is stored at 512 clay signs, for each of which exactly 256 characters are applied. What amount of information is contained on each carrier? What amount of information is concluded in the entire draft law?
  12. The power of the alphabet is 64. How many memory kilobytes will need to save 128 pages of text containing an average of 256 characters on each page?
  13. You send a friend SMS message with a homework in mathematics. Consider this situation from an information point of view, specifying the source of information encoding the device, a communication channel, a decoding device and a receiver of information.
  14. The tribe of the Malti writes the letter, using the 16-symbolic alphabet. The tribe of the cloth uses a 32-symbolic alphabet. The leaders tribes exchanged letters containing the same number of characters. Compare the information volumes of the messages contained in the letters.

Informatics lesson in grade 7
On the topic: "Information processes: storage and transmission of information"

Kanunnikova Ksenia Mikhailovna


Technological card lesson

Thing: Computer science

Class: 7th grade

Theme lesson : Information Processes: Information Storage and Transfer

Type of lesson: lesson "Opening" of a new knowledge

The purpose of the lesson: Organization of mastering material on the topic: "Information processes: storage and transmission of information"; Improving the ability to use EOR, allocating and structuring information; ideas about information as the most important strategic resource for the development of the personality, state, society; Awareness of the value of the possibilities of storage, transmission and processing of information by man.

Subsection: knowledge of examples of transmission and storage of information in human activity, in wildlife, society, technology.

Meta-remote results: Basic universal informational skills: setting and formulating the problem; Search and selection of necessary information, applying information search methods.

Personal results: possession of primary analysis skills and critical assessment of received information; The formation of a holistic worldview.

Objectives of our lesson:

organization of mastering material on storage and information transfer tools;

improving the skills to work with information: allocation and structuring;

awareness of the value of the possibilities of storage and transmission and information by man.

Equipment: Computers with Internet access, projector.

Motivation for training activities

(1-2 min)

Welcomes students, creates an emotional attitude to a lesson, motivates them to lesson

Welcome teachers, configure on the lesson.

Actualization of knowledge, formulation of the topic, setting goals, trial educational action

(3-5 min)

Puts a problem question (asks to fill the column "I know")

Remember the well-known material, fill the first column, demonstrate the result to each other.

Thick and subtle question

identifying the place and reason

(5-7 min)

Conducts parallel with already known material, and puts forward a problem (asks for filling the column "I want to know")

Fill the column "I want to know" discussing the result in pairs, choose the most interesting questions

Problematic question

Phys. Minute

The teacher conducts Piz. MENT

Perform physical. MENT

Building a project of exit from difficulty

(10 min)

Records the questions selected by schoolchildren on the board, asks students to answer them independently with the help of the textbook and Eor.

Students work with a textbook and eor, make a note near those questions that managed to find answers.


primary consolidation in external speech (1-2 min)

Creates a situation of success. Organizes independent work and work in pairs for self-esteem.

The teacher asks the guys to exchange received information.

And also suggests to tell, which is especially interested, surprised and that the new guys learned

Orally students share the information received


Basket of ideas

independent work with self-test (3-4 min)


inclusion in knowledge and repetition

(5 minutes)

reflection of training activities in the lesson

(5 minutes)

The teacher proposes to return to the list of questions, and find out whether all the questions have been found answers, as well as ask new issues that arose in the process of working with information

Students write the final summary text, starting with the words: "It turns out that ...".

"I am writing to understand what I think", "Telegram", "Sinwen"

Homework (2 min)

The teacher offers multi-level tasks for work at home

I write down your homework

Abstract of informatics lesson in grade 7


During the classes:

I. Challenge.

1. Guys, at every lesson you ask your homework, in Russian, literature, geography, mathematics, and so on. And in order to fulfill it, you need to be able to perform various actions with information. What do you understand under the phrase "action with information"? (Collect, process ...) How can we generalize these concepts? (information processes)

At the last lesson, we talked about such information processes ascollection (search) and processing of information.

What do you think,what other actions do you need to work with information? (storage and transfer)

Well done guys, and now let's tryformulate theme Our lesson? (Information Processes: Storage and Transfer of Information)

Wonderful and now let'sdenote the purpose of the lesson, Having answered the following questions:

We must:




2. And so, find out what is the processes of storage and information transfer, and for this I ask you to remember everything you know about storing and transferring information and fill out 1 Count "I know" in the tablewhich is located on the blanks lying on your tables. I also ask your attention to the assessment and self-esteem table, to which we will return at the end of the lesson. We write in the Count "I know", all that can remember the storage and information transfer, you have 2 minutes, proceed.


I want to know

Found out

3. Guys, and now in pairs, introduce each other with the content of your records.

2-3 students at the request of the teacher report well-known information about the means of storage, transmission and processing of information in the whole class, the rest, if necessary, contribute additions and clarifications.

The teacher records the basic information on the board.

4. And now, I suggest you fill the second column of the table"I know - I want to know - I learned (ZhU)" And for this, formulate questions about the means of storing and transferring information to which you do not know the answers.

As a support, I offer a list of question words:

what, what, how, how much, where, why, when (fat questions)? You have 3 minutes, proceed!

5. Guys, and now discuss questions about your questions and choose the most interesting and most important to understand this topic. After that, write them.

The teacher also writes them on the board.

Questions set by students:

    What information storage facilities exist?

    How is the information transmitted? ...

6. Phys. a moment (1-2 minutes)

II. Stage of content.

1. Find answers to the questions set, it is possible in different ways.

What sources and ways to search for information do you know?

Students list sources and search methods: you can contact the textbook to any search engine system.

Well done guys, and we will use some of them, turn to the textbook and the Internet, and for this we will split into two groups:

The 1st group should familiarize yourself with the information on the page 18-19 of the textbook, P 1.2.4, and after using "Annex 1", which is located on the desktops of computers, contact Eor

The 2nd group to get acquainted with the information on the 19-20 textbook page, P 1.2.5, and after also using "Appendix 1", which is located on the desktops of computers, contact Eor.

Your task, in the course of working with the textbook and Eor, make marks in the tutorial of the pencil, and fill out 3 columns of the table"I know - I want to know - I learned (ZhU)" And also make up new questions that you can find answers in the textbook and Eor. You have 10 minutes, start!

A strong class student is proposed to perform an individual task using EOR, and a weak learner to task on the card.

2. Students get acquainted with the content of the textbook on this topic, sit down for computers and turn to EOR, according to the link from "Appendix 1" to EOR, the material is studied.

3. Students turn to the list of questions and highlight those of them to which the answers were found then formulate and write new questions, information on which can also be found when studying information.

4. Good guys, and now let's exchange information you received! Sound that you recorded in 3 Count Tables, one representative from the group reads, and the parallel group fixes information in the 3rd column of the table.

    Tell us about what you have already been known ....

    What new learned by studying the information in the textbook and with the help of EOR?

    What attracted your attention in this information, what was remembered?

III. Reflection stage.

1. Guys, let's remember what purpose we worked. Everything turned out?

Take your hands in your hands and in the assessment and self-esteem table. Check out the lesson in the Count Self-confinement, then exchange forms with a neighbor on the desk and put a neighbor as you evaluate it for work in the lesson. I fill the third graph after the lesson and the average value, this assessment and will be logged.

2. And now I suggest you write a telegram that begins with the word "turns out ...". Briefly write the most important thing that you have understood from the lesson with the wishes of the neighbor on the desk and send (exchange)

This is one of the techniques used at the stage of reflection.

Students write the final summary text, starting with the words: "It turns out that ...". The meaning of this reception can be expressed by the following words: "I am writing to understand what I think"

3. Let's listen to what they wrote some of you (2-3 people)

4. And now I suggest you record your homework:

1. p. 22, No. 8, solve the problem - estimate 3;

2. Build a "information processes" scheme - estimate 4;

3. Draw a drawing, having studied the material § 1.2.6, and using EOR, reference to page 20 - score 5.

"Appendix 1" to the lesson abstract plan

Information processes

Table 2.

The list of EOR used at this lesson

To follow the link, hover the cursor on it, press the key. Ctrl and click on the EOR opened click the "View Resource" button

Data storage. Memory

Appendix 2.

Determine the source and receiver of information transfer (one-sided or bilateral).

Appendix 3.

List of used documents and sources of information


Bosova L.L., A.Yu. Bosova A.Yu .. Informatics. Program for basic school: 5-6 classes. 7-9 classes. - M.: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2014.


    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Computer science: textbook for grade 7. - M.: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2013.

    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.B. Computer science: Workbook for grade 7. - M.: Binom. Laboratory of Knowledge, 2013.

Methodical manuals:

    Borodin M.N. Informatics. CMD for basic schools 5-9 classes. 7-9 classes. Toolkit. - M.: Binom. Lab Knowledge, 2013

Electronic manuals:

For information and computer support of the educational process, it is assumed to use the following digital educational resources:

    Bosova L.L., Bosova A.Yu. Electronic application to the textbook "Informatics. 7th grade".

    A set of digital educational resources (COR) from a single collection of the COR.

    Computer presentations.

The process is the course, the development of some phenomenon; A consistent regular change of states (change) in the development of something.
Information processescall such processes that are associated with a change in information or the use of information.

There are some basic information processes:

  • information selection;
  • presentation of information;
  • data processing;
  • data storage;
  • transfer information.

Recognizing the new phone number or address from the phone directory or notebook, we collect and save information. With a direct conversation with people, through correspondence, using the phone, radio or computer network, we transfer and receive information. Trying to solve any task, for example, in mathematics, we thus proceed Famous information.

Information activities call human activity that is associated with processes collection, representation, processing, storage and information transfer.

Consider now these information processes.

1) Information collection is carried out through observation, reading, communication, measurement, etc. From the collection of information, the solution begins almost any task.


In order to know what kind of performance you can go on your output, you need to find out the author and the name of the play. To choose a profession associated with the production and use of computers, you need to find out what professions, in which educational institution and what faculty can be purchased such a specialty. That is, collect relevant information.

To collect information often use various measuring devices.


In order to know what the air temperature is on the street, we need a thermometer.

Fig. one.

In order to know, at what speed the driver of the car is going, a speedometer is needed.


2) Data processing- information process, during which information varies in contentment or in form.

When the student answers questions on biology or solves the mathematical task, the car driver decides on changing the velocity of the car, they all process input information. After processing this information, it turns out output. Processing the information is carried out by a specific rules. The performer may be a person, a team, an animal, a car.

Fig. 3.


Schoolboy who was contractor, received input information In the form of the condition of the problem, processed information In accordance with certain rules (for example, the rules for solving mathematical tasks) and received output information in the form of a desired result.

Information processing is divided into two types:

  1. obtaining a new content, new information: transformation according to the rules (by formulas), the study of objects of knowledge on their models, logical reasoning, generalizations, etc.;
  2. changing the form of representationinformation that does not change its content: structuring (organization of information on some rule that binds it into one), coding (transition from one form of information presentation to another, more convenient for perception, storage, transmission or information processing), selection (required to solve some task, from the information array).

For processing great information, the main assistant man is a computer. The computer allows on the basis of measurement results to calculate quite large numbers, build diagrams and graphics.

3) Data storage It is carried out using its transfer to material carriers. Fix the information in some way means save information.

Information is stored in the memory of people or on any external media.

For several centuries, the main carrier of information is paper. Nowadays are also very common. electronic media information - Flash cards, disk, audio and video tape.

Fig. four.

But the most important storage of information for a person is his memory. In fact, each person remembers her name, last name, home address, addresses and phone numbers of relatives and acquaintances. And if a person can not remember the desired address or phone, the notebooks, telephone directories or others help him long-term media information.

4) Information transfer - The process of spatial transfer information from the source to the recipient (addressee).

Dissemination of information between people occurs during its transfer. The transfer of information occurs through reading books, when talking on the phone, when looking around TV shows and communication in a computer Internet.

With information processes in the art, we are constantly confronted, the child when plays with a managed car or a ship receives the first acquaintance with information processes in the technique. In some cases, a major role in the management process is carried out by a person (for example, a car driving), in other controls the technical device is assumed (for example, air conditioning).

The purpose of the lesson : formation of information culture, understanding the role of information processes in human life.


  • Educational:
    • reveal the essence of the concept of "information processes";
    • explore the types of information processes;
    • teach to bring examples of obtaining, transmitting and processing information;
    • expand the idea of \u200b\u200ba computer as a tool for storing, processing and transmitting information;
    • teach students to solve practical tasks for the use of studied concepts.
  • Developing:
    • develop mental activities;
    • develop cognitive interest;
    • develop the ability to analyze and summarize the knowledge gained;
    • develop speech and logical thinking of students.
  • Educational:
    • raising information culture;
    • education of activity and independence;
    • education of culture of communication

Type of lesson:studying a new material.

Forms of students:frontal, individual

Necessary technical equipment:computer class with collaborators and students who have access to the Internet; Multimedia projector, interactive board.

Basic textbook:L.L.BOSova "Informatics and ICT: Tutorial for grade 5" M.: Binin. Laboratory of Knowledge 2008.

Table 1.Structure and course of lesson

Stage lesson

Name of used eor
With the sequence number from Table 2

Teacher's activities
(indicating actions with EOR, for example, demonstration)

Activity student

(in min.)

1 Orgmoment Finds out missing, checks the readiness of students to the lesson Report missing, check their readiness for lesson 1
2 Actualization of reference knowledge Presentation "Action with Information" Demonstrates a presentation, coordinates and directs the work of students, if necessary, assesses the leading issues Perceive information, respond to questions;
Perform practical tasks.
Watch presentation
3 Theme lesson Creating a problem situation Formulate theme lesson 2
4. Work on the lesson Classification of information processes Forms questions Listen to the explanation of the teacher, viewing the material Eor, answer the questions of the teacher 8
5. Fixing the material studied Issues tasks in the working notebook, controls the course of solving the problem Decide tasks 10
6. Performing practical work Explains the practical work on the computer assists in the performance of practical work. Perform practical work 13
7. Summing up the lesson Asking questions Answer the questions of the teacher 5
8. Homework Records on board homework Record in diary homework
9. Reflection Tests reflection cards Fill the reflection cards

Plan-abstract lesson

This is the first lesson of the III quarter. On vacation it was set to repeat the theoretical material passed.

Pupils respond to questions. For clarity, questions are presented on presentation slides ( Attachment 1 )

Questions for repetition:

  1. What is information?
  2. How does a person get the information?
  3. What does a person use to get more accurate information? (I try to give each student to call your device, device)
  4. Name the media known to you.
  5. What is needed in order to take place the transfer of information?
  6. Give examples of situations in which information is transmitted. Specify the source of the information, the information receiver and the type of communication channel (one-sided or double-sided).

Here, after all the answers I give the overall characteristics of the level of answers to questions. I highlight those who were more active.

- Okay! You have now answered my questions. These questions were not as chance.
I put an information task: "Find out how my students learned the material passed?"

To successfully solve any task (for example, in mathematics), it is necessary to find out what is given in the Terk Condition and what is required. Those data that are defined in the condition of the problem will be called the original (initial) data. The result that is required to find when solving the problem will be called the result of the solution.
So, back to the information problem I put.

- Tell me what is for this task source data? (It is important to call students for discussion, find out most of the opinions).
- How is this task solve?
- What is the result? (The main thing here is to once again celebrate those who are well ready for the lesson who pull up).

Output: Based on the answers, I concluded that the material is learned (or not). I solved the information task. In this case, they say that information processing has occurred.

Definition. Information processing is a solution to some information problem. (Next I use the presentation materials ( Appendix 2. )

Example 1.. The perimeter of the square is 40 cm. Its parties increased by 2 cm. What will be the perimeter of a new square?
When solving this task, special attention should be paid to finding the source data, the principle of solving and result. We note that the condition was set by numerical information. And the result was the number.

Example 2.There is text: Muscovites love pets. According to polls, dogs contain 57% of the inhabitants of the city, 38% have cats, 25% take care of parrots. Often recently exotic animals: iguana (5%) and spiders (3%).
Change the method of presenting information, submit text in tabular and graphic form.
See how interesting, in the second example: the source data was the text, and the result is a table and diagram. What happened? Information processing has occurred, more precisely, a change in the form of information representation has occurred. The content of the information remains the same.
What can be said about the first example? (It is important that the children themselves conclude that in the first example we simply received the result - new information, without changing its content).

Thus, there are two ways to process information:

  • Processing of information related to obtaining new content, new information
  • Processing information associated with changing the form of information presentation, but without changing its shape.

Question: Give examples of various methods of information processing. Specify the source data and result. (We listen and discuss 3-5 examples).

Solving tasks

1) Workbook: No. 12 p. 16. (In each case, pay attention to the available source data and the result you want to receive)

2) Workbook: No. 13 p. 16 (except for the source data and the result, we neglect in each case the method of information processing).

So, today in the lesson we met with the concept of "information processing" and two types of processing. Answer the following questions:

  • What is information processing? Give example information processing.
  • What are the types of information processing? Give examples.

Explanation of homework:

  • How to determine what terms should be written?
  • RT: No. 8 p. 15: In the task, you need to connect objects in the left column with the corresponding objects in the right column. Use the text of the textbook or the materials of the Wikipedia website.
  • RT: № 10 p. 16: Be careful when reading the number.
  • Task * optional. The presentation can be placed on the forum on the topic "Information processes" in a single information shell.

Practical part: (Handout)

Practical work on the topic "Information processing"


  • Restore the earlier work skills in the Word text editor (create and edit tables);
  • Purchase primary calculation skills using the Calculator program.

Formulation of the problem:

  • Submit text information in tabular form
  • Fill empty table cells.

Original text:

After each visit to the MOM store records food costs in a special notebook and counts daily expenses. Help mom, organize an electronic cost counting. Records for three days of the month are known:


  • Create a MS Word file "Power Expenses".
  • Subscribe in the form of a table by sample:
Products Month December
1 2 3 4 5
  • Calculate the spent amounts (using the Calculator program)


(Sheet with criteria It is distributed to the guys during practical work).

  • Evaluate the relevance of the lesson theme on a 5-point scale.
  • What moments of the lesson caused difficulty (check box in the appropriate window):
  • Reiteration
  • Bringing examples on the topic
  • Finding the source data
  • Definition of the problem of solving the problem
  • Determining the type of information processing
  • Practical part

Practical work on the topic "Processing of information".


  • Restore previously gained work skills in the MS Word text document (create and edit tables).
  • Purchase computing skills using the program Calculator.
  • Purchase work skills with multiple windows.

Formulation of the problem:

  1. Submit text information in tabular form.
  2. Perform calculations using the Calculator program.
  3. Fill empty cells.
  4. Edit table cells.


1. Read the text carefully:

After each visit to the MOM store records the cost of products into a special notebook and counts the amount spent daily. Help mom, organize an electronic accounting of expenses, if over the past three days there are the following entries:

2. Create a MS Word file. Name the created file "Products"
3. These source data in the form of a table according to the sample:

Products Month DECEMBER
1 2 3 4 5 6 7

4. Counting the spent amounts using the Calculator program.

1. Evaluate the relevance of the lesson's topic on a 5-point scale
2. What points of the lesson caused difficulties (on 5-point scale):
- Repetition
- bringing examples on a new topic
- Finding the source data
- Determination of the problem of solving the problem
- Definition of type processing type
- Practical part

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