
⇡ Haswell Refresh processors

Core processor i5-4590, the price of the new on Amazon and eBay - 18,092 rubles, which is $ 312. Markled by the manufacturer as: BX80646I54590.

Number of nuclei - 4, produced by 22 nm technical process, Haswell architecture.

The basic frequency of the core i5-4590 core - 3.3 GHz. Maximum frequency B. intel mode Turbo Boost. Reaching 3.7 GHz. Please note that the Intel Core i5-4590 cooler must cool the processors with TDP at least 84 W at standard frequencies. When overclocking requirements rise.

The motherboard for Intel Core i5-4590 should be with the FCLGA1150 socket. The power system must withstand processors with a thermal package of at least 84 W.

Thanks to the built-in video catalog Intel® HD Graphics 4600, the computer can work without discrete video cardSince the monitor is connected to the video output on the motherboard.

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Test Intel Core i5-4590

The data is obtained from user tests that tested their systems both in acceleration and without. Thus, you see the averaged values \u200b\u200bcorresponding to the processor.

Numerical operations

For different tasks Requires different strengths of the CPU. The system with a small amount of fast nuclei is perfect for games, but will give way to the system with large quantity Slow nuclei in rendering scenarios.

We believe that for budget gaming computer Suitable processor with minimum 4 nuclei / 4 threads. At the same time, individual games can load it 100% and slow down, and performing any tasks in the background will lead to FPS drawdown.

Ideally, the buyer should strive to minimize 6/6 or 6/12, but to take into account that systems with more than 16 threads are now applicable only in professional tasks.

The data is obtained from user tests that tested their systems both in acceleration (maximum value in the table) and without (minimum). A typical result is indicated in the middle, a position among all tested systems is indicated in the color strip.



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  • ASRock H170 Pro4.
  • HP OMEN by HP Laptop
  • Gigabyte GA-X150M-PRO ECC-CF
  • MSI MS-16P5
  • Dell Poweredge T410.
  • Sony SVT11215SGW.

Video card

  • There is no data


  • There is no data


  • There is no data

We collected a list of components that users most often choose by collecting a computer on core database i5-4590. Also with these components are achieved the best results in tests and stable operation.

The most popular config: motherboard for Intel Core i5-4590 - Dell Latitude E6530.



Manufacturer Intel
Description Information on the processor, taken from the official website of the manufacturer. Intel® Core ™ i5-4590 Processor (6m Cache, Up To 3.70 GHz)
Architecture Code name generation of microarchitecture. Haswell.
Date of issue Month and year of the emergence of the processor on sale. 12-2014
Model Official name. i5-4590.
Kernels Number of physical nuclei. 4
Threads Number of threads. The number of logical processor cores that the operating system sees. 4
Basic frequency Guaranteed frequency of all processor cores at maximum load. It depends on the performance in single-threaded and multi-threaded applications, games. It is important to remember that the speed and frequency are not directly connected. For example, a new processor at a lesser frequency can be faster than old on more. 3.3 Ghz.
Turbo-regime frequency Maximum frequency of one core processor in turbo mode. Manufacturers allowed the processor to independently increase the frequency of one or more nuclei under the strong load, so that the speed of work increases. He strongly affects the speed in games and applications demanding to the CPU frequency. 3.7 Ghz.
Cash volume L3. The third-level cache works buffer between the operational memory of the computer and the CASH 2 of the level of the processor. Used by all nuclei, the speed of processing information depends on the volume. 6 MB
Instructions 64-bit.
Instructions Allow you to accelerate the calculations, processing and execution of certain operations. Also, some games require support for instructions. SSE4.1 / 4.2, AVX 2.0
TechProcess The technological process of production is measured in nanometers. The smaller the technical process, the more advanced technology, below the heat dissipation and energy consumption. 22 nm
Tire frequency The rate of data exchange with the system. 5 GT / S DMI2
Maximum TDP. Thermal Design Power is an indicator that defines the maximum heat dissipation. The cooler or water cooling system must be calculated on an equal or greater value. Remember that with acceleration TDP grows significantly. 84 W.
Cooling system specifications PCG 2013d.


Integrated graphic kernel Allows you to use a computer without a discrete video card. The monitor connects to the video output on the motherboard. If earlier integrated schedule allowed just to work at a computer, today it is capable of replacing budget videos and makes it possible to play most of the games on low settings. Intel® HD Graphics 4600
Basic frequency GPU. The frequency of operation in 2D mode and in a simple. 350 MHz.
Basic frequency GPU. Frequency of 3D mode under the maximum load. 1150 MHz.
Intel® Wireless Display. (Intel® WIDI) Support Wireless Display technology, working according to Wi-Fi 802.11n. Thanks to her, equipped with the same technologies monitor or TV, does not require a cable for connecting. Yes
Supported monitors The maximum number of monitors that can be connected simultaneously to the built-in video card. 3


Maximum volume random access memoryThe volume of RAM that can be installed on motherboard with this processor. 32 GB.
Supported RAM type Its frequency and timing depends on the type of RAM (speed), availability, price. DDR3-1333 / 1600, DDR3L-1333/1600 @ 1.5V
RAM channels Thanks to the multi-channel memory architecture, the data transfer rate increases. On desktop platforms are available: dual-channel, three-channel and four-channel modes. 2
RAM throughput 25.6 GB / S
ECC memory Memory support with error correction that is applied on servers. It is usually more expensive than usual and requires more expensive server components. Nevertheless, the distribution received used server processors, Chinese motherboards and ECC memory planks, relatively cheaply sold in China. Not. Or we have not yet managed to note support.

Intel supplies efficient, technological and universal processors. Among the most popular lines of chips produced by the American brand - Intel Core I5 \u200b\u200bare among the world market. For many users, the optimal solution becomes the installation of the processor 4590 operating on the basis of the Haswell microarchitecture. What is the specificity of this chip? How product is this hardware component of the PC?

General information about the processor

Core i5 4590 refers to the 4th generation of the Core line. It is based, as we noted above, on the Haswell microchitecture, which appeared as a result of the further development of technology Ivy Bridge.. This chip implies installation on the motherboard when engaging the LGA 1150 connector. Thus, it can be considered as compatible with motherboards, designed to place Intel processors, also related to the 8th series. The microcircuit has 4 kernels, supports 64-bit mode. The Intel Core i5 4590 chip is produced within the framework of a 22 Nm process process when using FINFET transistors. An indicator of the clock frequency of the chip is 3.3 GHz with a multiplication ratio of 33. It can be increased to 3.7 GHz through the processor technology has a 3-MB Cash memory 3. Cash 2nd level in chip - 1 MB, 1st - 64 Kb. The chip is equipped with a graphic module 4600, capable of functioning at a frequency in the range of 1.15 GHz.

In the structure of the processor there are 4 kernels. The chip has its own memory controller. i5 4590 functions when involved system Tire DMI type. The heat generation level of the chip is about 84 W. The main type of supported RAM modules - DDR3 PC3 in various modifications. The maximum value of RAM when the processor is used - 32 GB.

Unlike Core i7, do not support Hyperthreading technology - with the exception of models such as Intel Core i5 4570T, as well as i5-4570TE. Also, the chips have a smaller volume of level 3 cache.

Supported standards

Consider what technological standards supports the Intel Core i5 4590 processor.

Including those:

AMD64 / EM64T technology;

NX BIT standard;

Concept of virtualization technology;

MMX, SSE instruction set - in the basic version, as well as 2, 3 and 4;

AVX extensions in version 2.0.

It can also be noted that the chip is implemented hardware support for AES encryption, Intel VPRO technology, as well as Intel TSX-NI.

Processor microarchitecture

By examining the basic information on the Intel Core i5 4590 processor, we turn to a more detailed consideration of its characteristics.

The chip operates on the basis of Haswell microarchitecture. This technology Considered as the result of the development of the concept of Ivy Bridge. Both microarchitets, at the same time, were made within the framework of the same technical process - 22 Nm, as well as when involving transistors with a three-dimensional shutter scheme. Intel chips are produced on the basis of Haswell technology related to 8 series installed on motherboards with LGA 1150 connector.

The new microarchitecture is characterized by more efficient power consumption, support for a number of useful standards - such as, for example, reading technologies through serial interfaces within 4 streams.

Another remarkable fact about the Haswell microarchitecture is Intel, developing the appropriate standard on which processors are based, shares the range of chips into 2 categories:

Processors adapted for "desktops" and laptops;

Chips optimized for installation on "Ultrabooks".

Thus, Haswell-based processors are presented on the market in the widest spectrum of modifications.

The advantages of Haswell microarchitecture

Key technological advantages of Haswell microarchitecture:

Updated cache design;

Optimized energy saving mechanisms;

Having support for Thunderbolt standard;

Equipment to the built-in coprocessor belonging to the vector category;

Support for new instructions - such as AVX in version 2, FMA, as well as BMI and BMI2;

Compatibility with TSX commands used in order to support transactional memory support;

The presence of a memory of the type EDRAM volume of 64 MB, located on a separate crystal.

It can be noted that the level of energy consumption of processors based on the Haswell microarchitecture is about 30% lower than the corresponding indicator for the chips based on Sandy Bridge. At the same time, in some modes of operation of the microcircuit, the difference is up to 20 times.

Graphic module

The Intel Core i5 4590 processor is equipped as we noted above, HD Graphics 4600 graphic module. This hardware component is designed specifically for the Haswell microarchitecture.

The peculiarity of this graphic chip is that its frequency can increase when using Turbo Boost technology - as well as in the processor itself. However, depending on the specific chip model, a large chip is based on the Haswell architecture, the nominal frequency of hardware components and actual may vary. As a result, there may be indicators of PC performance during graphics processing.

The HD Graphics 4600 module supports a number of advanced technological standards - such as Direct X in version 11.1, OpenCL in Modifications 1.2, as well as Open GL 4.0. In the number of other notable characteristics of the video card from Intel - the presence of an optimized decoder for the video stream translated in 4K format. It can also be noted that the graphics adapter under consideration supports the Quick Sync standard.

In the structure of the HD Graphics 4600 module there are 20 executive devices. For comparison: in the previous modification graphic adapter - HD Graphics 4000, there were only 16 relevant hardware components. As a result, performance this modulewhich is equipped with the Intel Core i5 4590 processor, increases in comparison with the preceding models by about 20%.

If you compare the speed of the work of the graphics core under consideration with individual video cards, then this becomes comparable to the performance of the device GEFORCE GT 525M, manufactured by NVIDIA. The presence in the processor structure of a powerful graphics processing module, which is comparable to a separate video card, is a huge chip advantage in terms of market promotion. Such chips have very large demands, in particular, in the laptop segment, in which the video cards are not intended as an independent hardware component.

Another noticeable technological advantage of a graphic module, which is equipped with the Intel Core i5 4590 processor - in its structure there are transistors made using 3D Tri-Gate technology. The corresponding hardware components cause high energy efficiency of the graphics processing module. Thus, the total TDP of the corresponding hardware component does not exceed 57 W.

The HD Graphics 4600 graphic module supports Shader Model standard in version 5.0. RAMDAC graphics core indicator - 350 MHz. The required amount of memory The module takes from the RAM of the computer - within 1792 MB. The adapter is able to work with a picture of Blu-ray, as well as HD DVD. The module provides a PC with 3 monitors at the same time. Maximum resolutionwhere the graphics core can function included in the Intel Core i5 4590 - 4096 processor structure at 2160 pixels at 24 Hz and connecting the monitor operating in the HDMI standard.

Thus, the user is at the disposal - a modern and high-tech graphics module supplied with the processor.

Features of the LGA 1150 connector

It will be useful to pay attention to the characteristics of the LGA 1150 connector, which is installed in the Intel Core i5 4590 processor. This slot, referred to as Socket H3, is optimized, again, for processors based on the Haswell microarchitecture. Another connector with which the Intel Core i5 4590 - S1150 chip is compatible. It is installed on some models of motherboards. The standard under consideration is the further development of LGA 1155 technology, also called Socket H2. In turn, on the basis of LGA 1150, a modern standard LGA 1151 has been developed, optimized for the latest processors from Intel based on the Skylake microarchitecture.

The LGA 1150 connector design provides for the use of soft contacts with the processor. It is noteworthy that the parameters of the mounting holes used in the installation of cooling systems - on the LGA 1150, 1155 connectors, and, in particular, LGA 1156 are the same. This allows you to use the same coolers for different PCs, and also makes it easier to update the hardware components of the computer in order to ensure its compatibility with the latest processors.


Consider another remarkable aspect of using the Intel Core i5 4590 processor - overclocking. According to many IT experts, the corresponding mode of operation of the chip is optimally testing in comparison with the performance of similar solutions. As the microcircuit test results, the Intel Core i5 4590 processor operates by about 2.3% faster than the Intel Core i5-4570 chip, but, in turn, is inferior to senior models - Intel Core i5-4670 and I5-4690. Specialists note that the Intel Core i5 line processors are ahead of many competitive decisions in terms of operation speed, however, not much - as a rule, by about 3%.


So, what conclusions can we do, examining the basic information about the Intel Core i5 4590 processor? The characteristics of this chip can be attributed to the most competitive solutions on the market. The processor is made within the framework of a 22 Nm machine process, includes a high-performance graphic module, supports the main modern technological standards. At the same time, the chip shows not too outstanding the speed of operation during acceleration. Generally, intel performance Core i5 4590 Haswell - at the level of models that coexist with it as part of the Core i5 line. The difference between the corresponding solutions is predetermined mainly, the frequency indicators of the microcircuit.

Thus, the processor under consideration can be described as a powerful highly competitive solution from Intel, which can be involved in solving the widest range of the tasks of the modern user.

    The optimal processor for reasonable money (to the jump of the dollar), fresh model. Very cold.
    On the this moment Honor, as otherwise, everything else is the crisis! The only drawback is a percentage sold in a green polyethylene bag, no protection.

I bought to the rise in price twice, the first is not successful - buying already in the evening, when you examine at the receipt rack, because of not very good vision, I did not notice the absence of several hinged trace elements on the processor (soda). Houses well reviewed through the magnifier, everything saw everything and the next day was lucky. We looked at, photographed, wrote a claim, did not take a percent, they said wait for a response. After 10 days a letter came with a refusal to replace. Prove anything is not possible. I had to buy again, by the time the second purchased processor, the decay and the number of hinged trace elements was different from the first - they had fewer them and it was packed in a blister. So be very careful when buying, do not sign the paper while you should not inspect the product. I will not receive feedback.

115 3

    And cold and hot at the same time.
    Performance (relative to S775).
    Good single-threaded performance.
    Price due to Intel Monopoly

Prior to that was E2220 @ 3.3GHZ and the increase in the performance of the colossal for me! So if you have a LGA775 / LGA1156 processor, then boldly change and get an increase from 40% to a huge 500%, as in my case.

About the temperature and fairy tales of AMD stoves and ice silicon intel will say this: the nominal here 84W TPD, but under the boost comes to 160W - Max. 20 seconds and up to 140W - Max 5 minutes while AMD FX-8XXX even under TC (analog boost) is all within 125W. Well, the processor from this in general is very hot on cheap coolers, but with DeepCool Ice Wind Pro with min. revolutions (I have 460 min.) Not hot 49graduts, which is very good.

Let's summarize: if you are a person playing in the game, then this is a golden middle and enough of him for 5 years, but it needs a decent cooler here (from 1000r) and good nutrition both from motherboard and high-quality BP.

Complain Review Help? 22 12

    Fast, cold. Above 40 degrees in the load has not yet seen. (I do not know what kind of problems from the bottom of the guy, maybe marriage). In the Games, the FPS growth is very large.
    There is none of them.

Brought the day after the order, it's just fine. In the evening I ordered, and take away in the morning. Well done.
He stood yes of him an old 4-core Q6600 (775 socket) The difference in the sky and the earth. I took MSI B85-G41 PC Mate with him and DeepCool Gammaxx 300 cooler. Everything works fine. Take you won't lose.

Complain Review Help? 6 4

    Good and fast processor. In stress tests, the temperature turned out to be slightly lower than that of a similar older processor, which is simply Haswell, and not Haswell-Refresh. For the server for which it was bought - the performance turned out to be even redundant.
    Error in TSX-NI instructions. It turns out that this bug exists in all Intel processors of the Haswell line (in those models that support them), including the servers Xeon, and is fixed only in the next generation processors. The last Microcode from Intel - disables these instructions completely. It is because of this, the jacket also had problems with KVM \\ QEMU virtualization (QEMU developers released patch). The processor was bought precisely to try to use new instructions in software (own development + qmu \\ kvm). Honestly, I did not expect such a jacket from Intel.

    There were also problems when installing a processor on maternal asus board H87i-Plus: To support the processor, the BIOS is required, and it turned out that the update must be installed only with a special utility from Windows. When installing an update from a flash drive or in any other way, the BIOS is successfully updated, will show the correct version, but the processor will not work at the same time. It is noteworthy that on the ASUS website, there was no word about this feature anywhere.

Intel is known for its effective, versatile and technological processors. The most popular lines of chips manufactured by this American brand - Core i5 is most popular in the global market.

The optimal solution for many users is the installation of the Intel Core i5 4590 processor, which operates on the basis of Haswell microarchitecture. What is the feature of this chip? What performance demonstrates this component of a personal computer?

Core i5 4590 processor: general information

Core i5 4590 refers to the fourth generation of the Core line. The processor is based on the Haswell architecture. It appeared as a result of the further development of IVY BRIDGE. This chip assumes installation on the motherboard when using the LGA 1150 connector. This processor can be considered as compatible with motherboards designed to host Intel processors that belong to the eighth series. The microcircuit has four kernels and supports 64-bit regimen.

Core i5 4590 is available as part of the technological process of 22 nm when using FINFET transistors. The clock frequency of the chip is 3.3 GHz with a multiplication ratio of 22. You can increase the value to 3.7 GHz when using TURBO BOOST technology. Core i5 4590 has a third-level cache with a volume of 6 MB. The amount of second-level cache on the chip is 1 MB, the first - 64 Kb. The processor is equipped with an Intel HD Graphics 4600 graphic module, which is capable of functioning at a frequency of 1.15 GHz.

The processor has 4 kernels. Also, the chip is equipped with its own memory controller. The Core i5 4590 processor operates only when using the DMI system bus. The heat generation level of the chip is approximately 84 W. The device supports DDR3 PC3 RAM modules in various modifications. When the processor is activated, the maximum amount of RAM is 32 GB. Unlike Core i7 Core i5 processors do not support Hyper Threading technology. Exceptions are only the Intel Core i5 4570T models. Intel Core i5 chips also have a smaller third-level memory.

Core i5 4590: Supported Standards

Let's see which technological standards support Core i5 4590. This refers to:

- NX BIT standard;
- AMD64 / EM64T technology;
- concept of vitrualization technology;
- Set of MMX instructions;
- AVX extension to version 2.0.

The chip also implements support for the AES encryption algorithm, Intel VPRO and Intel TSX-NI technology.

Core i5 4590: microarchitecture

After studying detailed information on the Core i5 4590 processor, we turn to more detailed consideration of its characteristics. There is a chip based on Haswell. This technology is seen as the result of the development of the concept of Ivy Bridge. These microchildes are made within the framework of one technological process of 22 nm. Transistors with a three-dimensional shutter system were also involved. Haswell technology is also used to Intel chips that belong to the eighth series.

They are installed on motherboards with LGA 1150 connector. The new microarchitecture is characterized by the support of a number of useful standards, as well as low power consumption. The chip supports reading technology through serial interfaces within 4 streams. Another interesting fact about Haswell is that Intel, developing a standard on which processors are based, shares the entire range of available chips into two groups: processors that are adapted for desktop modifications, and processors optimized for installation in ultrabooks. This means that the processors made on the basis of Haswell microarchitecture are presented on the market with a wide range of modifications.

Advantages of Haswell.

The technological advantages of Haswell are in the updated cache design, optimized energy saving mechanism, support Thunderbolt., The presence of a built-in coprocessor relating to the vector category. Also, the Haswell microarchitecture supports new instructions such as AVX version 2, BMI and BMI2, as well as FMA. The microarchitecture is compatible with TSX commands that are used to provide transactional memory support. On a separate crystal there is a memory of type EDRAM with a volume of 64 MB. It should be noted that the level of energy consumption in processors that are based on Haswell is about a third lower than the same indicator of chips performed on the basis of Sandy Bridge. In some modes of operation, the difference in power consumption takes up to 20 times.

Core i5 4590: Graphic Module

As already noted above, the Core i5 4590 processor uses the HD Graphics 4600 graphics module. This component is designed specifically for the Haswell microarchitecture. The main feature of this graphic chip is that when using TURBO Boost technology, the frequency may increase. However, depending on the specific model of the chip on the Haswell microchitechitecture, many microcircuits are based. The actual frequency and the nominal frequency of hardware components are different. The performance indicators of personal computers can also differ in terms of graphics processing.

HD Graphics 4600 makes it possible to use advanced technological standards, such as OpenCl 1.2, Direct x 11.1, Open GL 4.0. To other notable characteristics of the video card from Intel include the presence of an optimized decoder for a video stream in 4K format. It should also be noted that this graphics adapter supports Quick Sync. The HD Graphics 4600 module has twenty additional devices. To compare previous model The graphics adapter used only sixteen appropriate hardware components. The performance of this module in the Core i5 4590 processor was increased by 20% compared with previous models.

Compare the speed of the work of the graphic nuclei under consideration with different video cards. It is comparable to the performance of the GeForce GT 525M video card from NVIDIA. The fact that there is a powerful graphics processing module in the processor structure, is a huge advantage in terms of device promotion on the market. Such devices today are especially in demand in the laptop segment. These devices do not assume that the video card will be placed as an independent hardware component.

Another technological advantage of the graphic module is the presence of transistors made using 3D Tri-Gate technology. These hardware components allow you to achieve high energy efficiency graphic module. The total TDP of this hardware component does not exceed 57 W. HD Graphics 4600 supports Shader Model 5.0 standard. The value of the RAMDAC indicator of the graphics core is 350 MHz. The required amount of memory Graphic module takes from the computer's RAM.

This value does not exceed 1792 MB. The adapter supports working with Blu-ray and HD DVD formats. The graphic module supports three monitors at the same time. The maximum value of the resolution in which the graphic kernel can function - 4096 at 2160 at a frequency of 24 Hz when connecting a monitor operating with HDMI standard. The user turns out to be a high-tech modern graphic module supplied with the processor.

Features LGA 1150.

Special attention should be paid to the LGA 1150 connector on which the Intel Core i5 4590 processor is installed. This slot is also called SocketH3. It is optimized for the use of processors based on Haswell microarchitecture. S-1150 - Especially one connector with which is compatible with Core i5 4590. This connector is used on some Motherboard models. This standard It is the development of LGA 1155 technology, which is also called Socket H2. The LGA 1150 is based on the LGA 1151 standard, which is optimized for the latest processors built on the Skylake architecture.

In the LGA 1150 connector, soft contacts are used with the processor. Parameters of mounting holes that are used when installing cooling systems are identical for LGA 1156, LGA 1155, LGA 1150 connectors. This makes it possible to simultaneously use the same coolers for different computers. It also makes it easier to update the computer hardware components to ensure compatibility with the latest processors.

Core i5 4590: overclocking

Another remarkable feature of the use of the Core i5 4590 processor is overclocking. Many IT experts note that the corresponding mode of operation is optimally compared with similar software solutions. The results of the tests of microcircuits demonstrate that the Core i5 4590 processor works by about 2.3% faster than Core i5 4570. However, in turn, Core i5 4590 is somewhat inferior to senior models, such as Core i5 4670 and Core i5 4690. Also, experts are noted, What Core i5 processors in terms of operation speed are ahead of many competitive solutions by about 3%.


So, what conclusion can be done after studying the basic information on the Core i5 4590 processor? Specifications this device Allow it to be attributed to the most competitive solutions presented in the market. In the manufacture of the processor, the technological process of 22 nm was used. The device includes a high-performance graphic module. The processor supports all modern technological standards.

However, at the same time, the chip demonstrates not too high speed when overclocking. In general, the performance of Core i5 4590 is kept at the level of models adjacent to this processor as part of the Core i5 line. Basically, the difference is determined only by the indicators of the frequency of these microcircuits. The considered processor in this way can be characterized as a rather productive and competitive solution from Intel. The Core i5 4590 processor can be used to solve a wide range of tasks.

Core i5 4590: reviews

Now let's see how the owners of personal computers are assessed by Core i5 4590, in which this processor is used. All reviews of owners using this chip can be divided into several types. In some users talk about the stability and performance of the processor when using the standard mode. In other reviews, you can find an assessment of the quality of acceleration of the processor. Some responses are revealed by the opinion of users about the ratio of characteristics of this chip and its value. Let's pay attention to these reviews.

It seems that this year, Intel decided to deviate from his Tick-Tock strategy when "Tick" occurs a change in the technical process, and on the "Tock" - microarchitectures. New processor family Intel Haswell Refresh. It falls out of this concept, as they are built on the same 22-nm technology as the Intel Haswell models and use a similar microarchitecture. The only difference is slightly increased clock frequencies. In fact, the Intel Haswell Refresh processors are the same Intel Haswell only on the new stepping. Therefore, for now a new generation of CPU Intel Core, it is, of course, does not. In fact, we just got the extension model Row Solutions for the Socket LGA1150 platform. Not so long ago, the same "trick" also tested AMD, releaseing AMD Richland APU, which were optimized versions of APU AMD Trinity.

However, in contrast to its competitor, Intel approached the issue of updating the processor line with a much larger scale. It was immediately announced more than 40 new models: 27 of them for desktop configurations and 17 more for mobile solutions. First of all, we are interested in desktop versions. Their brief specification and the recommended cost are submitted below:


Number of nuclei / streams

Clock frequency, GHz

Cash memory L3, MB


Price, dol. USA

As can be seen from the table, all CPU categories, ranging from budget Intel Celeron and ending with "top" Intel Core I7, received several new models. It is assumed that for some time they will exist in the market in parallel with existing Intel Haswell processors, and then they will gradually replace them. Let's hope that this process will eventually affect the negative way at the cost of the CPU.

Attentive readers probably noticed that there are no solutions with a unlocked multiplier in the list of new products. And this is not a mistake, but thoughtful marketing stroke from the manufacturer. Optimized models with a free factor (in Generation Intel Haswell are denoted by the index "K") will appear on the market, but only a little later and in the form of a separate family called Intel Devil "S Canyon. Anticipating the indignation of users in connection with such a division, Intel immediately It stated that the optimization of overclocker versions of the CPU will affect not only the frequency formula, but also the thermal interface. After all, it was he who aroused many enthusiasts, because he limited the possibilities of overclocking processors. As for solutions Intel Haswell Refresh, then nothing has changed, and between the lid and The thermal paste is still a crystal.

The novelties are fully compatible with the Socket LGA1150 platform and motherboards equipped with the Intel 9th \u200b\u200bchipsets and the 8th series. In the latter case, you will have to simply update the BIOS.

Describes in detail the features of the microarchitecture Intel Haswell Refresh there is no need, since it is identical to the one that is used in Intel Haswell models. Therefore, we turn right to the practical part of the question. We will get acquainted with the new CPU family on the example of a model that belongs to the energy efficient series with a reduced TDP level.

Appearance and technical specification

A test (engineering) copy of the processor without packing and cooling system was hit to our laboratory, therefore there is no description of the data of the components.

The processor does not differ from its predecessors from the Intel Haswell series. On the heat dissipation cover there are information about its marking, clock frequency and the country-producer. Also here you can notice the phrase "Intel Confidential". In samples for retail, it will be replaced by the model name.

Since the processors from the Intel Haswell Refresh family are compatible with the Socket LGA1150 platform, the location of the contacts on the back completely corresponds to this connector.



Processor connector

Clock frequency (nominal / in turbojym), MHz

Multiplier (nominal / in turbojym)

Reference frequency, MHz

The volume of the first level of the first level L1, KB

4 x 32 (instruction memory)

4 x 32 (data memory)

The volume of the second level cache L2, KB

The volume of the third-level cache memory L3, MB


Intel Haswell Refresh.

Number of computing kernels / streams

Support instructions


Supply voltage, in

Maximum calculated power (TDP), W

Critical temperature, ° C


Technology support


Built-in memory controller

Maximum memory, GB

Types of memory

Maximum frequency, MHz

Number of memory channels

Built-in graphics core Intel HD Graphics 4600

Unified shader conveyors

Modules rasterization

Textural blocks

Nominal frequency GPU, MHz

GPU Frequency B. tURBO mode Boost, MHz

Maximum number of supported displays

Support for instructions and technologies

Shader Model 5.0.

Intel Quick Sync Video

Intel Clear Video.

Looking at the table with the specification, once again we are convinced that Intel Haswell Refresh processors are only slightly optimized versions of Intel Haswell. Indeed, we are actually a complete copy technical characteristics Intel Core i5-4670T models. The difference lies only in the frequency formula.

In the usual mode of operation ( intel technology Turbo Boost 2.0 is off) The speed of the Intel Core i5-4690T is 2500 MHz, with a support frequency of 100 MHz and the "X25" multiplier. At the time of removal of indications, the voltage on the kernel was 0.933 V.

If you use the dynamic frequency increase mode using Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 branded technology, the multiplier increases by as many as 10 points to the value of "X35". The clock frequency of the processor increases to the mark of 3500 MHz, and the voltage to 1,201 V. Such a big difference in frequency and supply voltage in different modes is due to the manufacturer's desire to reduce the power consumption of CPU when performing irreter-use tasks.

At maximum loads, the processor core operation scheme is as follows:

  • 1 kernel - the multiplier "x35";
  • 2 nuclei - the multiplier "x34";
  • 3 kernels - multiplier "x32";
  • 4 kernels - multiplier "x31".

The frequency of the processor itself changes in the range of 3100 - 3500 MHz (the supply voltage, respectively, is also lowered below the mark of 1,201 V), but most of the time it spends at the speed of 3100 - 3200 MHz. Again, all this is done for the sake of reduced energy consumption and reduce heat dissipation.

In idle mode, the multiplier decreases to the value of "x8", thereby the frequency falls to 800 MHz. The voltage is 0.688 V. From this it follows that in terms of the work of the energy saving mechanism also has not changed anything compared to CPU Intel Haswell. The lower velocity threshold of the processor cores is still 800 MHz (with a standard reference frequency value).

Intel Core i5-4690T cache memory is distributed in the same way as 4-core models from the Intel Haswell family:

  • the first-level cache memory: each of the 4 cores is allocated 32 KB for data with 8 channels of associativity and 32 KB for instructions also with 8 channels of associative;
  • second-level cache memory L2: 256 KB with 8 channels of associativity are given for each core;
  • the third-level cache memory L3: 6 MB for all nuclei with 12 channels of associative.

The DDR3 RAM controller operates in two-channel mode and is guaranteed to support modules with a frequency of up to 1600 MHz. The maximum amount of memory is 32 GB.

Intel Core i5-4690t installed video cards under the code name Intel HD Graphics 4600. According to information obtained using the GPU-Z utility 0.7.8, it uses: 20 universal sheer conveyors, 4 rasterization blocks and 8 textural modules. The nominal frequency of IGPU is 350 MHz, and the dynamic can increase to 1200 MHz. If the speed of the processor cores in Intel Core i5-4690T compared to Intel Core i5-4670T has been subjected to some optimization, the IGPU characteristics are completely identical, including the frequency formula. From this we can conclude that the performance of the Intel HD Graphics 4600 graphics processor at the representatives of the Intel Haswell Refresh family remains at the same level.


When testing, a stand for testing processors No. 2 was used

Motherboards (AMD) ASUS F1A75-V Pro (AMD A75, Socket FM1, DDR3, ATX), Gigabyte GA-F2A75-D3H (AMD A75, Socket FM2, DDR3, ATX), ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX (AMD 990FX, Socket AM3 +, DDR3, ATX)
Motherboards (AMD) ASUS SABERTOOTH 990FX R2.0 (AMD 990FX, Socket AM3 +, DDR3, ATX), ASRock Fatal1ty FM2A88X + Killer (AMD A88X, Socket FM2 +, DDR3, ATX)
Motherboards (Intel) ASUS P8Z77-V Pro / Thunderbolt (Intel Z77, Socket LGA1155, DDR3, ATX), ASUS P9x79 Pro (Intel X79, Socket LGA2011, DDR3, ATX), ASRock Z87M OC Formula (Intel Z87, Socket LGA1150, DDR3, MATX)
Motherboards (Intel) ASUS Maximus VIII Ranger (Intel Z170, Socket LGA1151, DDR4, ATX) / ASRock Fatal1ty Z97x Killer (Intel Z97, Socket LGA1150, DDR3, MATX), ASUS Rampage V Extreme (Intel X99, Socket LGA2011-V3, DDR4, E-ATX )
Coolers Scythe Mugen 3 (Socket LGA1150 / 1155/1366, AMD Socket. AM3 + / FM1 / FM2 / FM2 +), Zalman CNPS12X (Socket LGA2011), NOCTUA NH-U14S (LGA2011-3)
RAM 2 x 4 GB DDR3-2400 Twinmos Twister 9DHCGN4B-HAWP, 4 x 4 GB DDR4-3000 Kingston Hyperx. Predator HX430C15PBK4 / 16 (Socket LGA2011-V3)
Video card AMD Radeon. HD 7970 3 GB GDDR5, ASUS GeForce GTX 980 STRIX OC 4 GB GDDR5 (GPU-1178 MHz / RAM-1279 MHz)
HDD Western Digital Caviar Blue WD10EALX (1 TB, SATA 6 Gbps, NCQ), Seagate Enterprise Capacity 3.5 HDD V4 (ST6000NM0024, 6 TB, SATA 6 Gb / s)
Power Supply Seasonic X-660, 660 W, Active PFC, 80 Plus Gold, 120 mm Fan
Operating system Microsoft Windows. 8.1 64-bit

Select what you want to compare Intel Core i5-4690t Turbo Boost on

During testing, we used the Gigabyte GA-Z97X-Gaming G1 WiFi-BK motherboard based on the Intel Z97 Express chipset.

Before proceeding to Intel Core i5-4690T with other processors, we want to say a few words about the impact of the operation of Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 technology on system performance. Deactivation of this function reduces the performance of the novelty on average by 17%. For resource-intensive applications, this difference will definitely affect the speed of their work and will be noticeable, as they say, on the eye.

Compared to the similar energy efficient model Intel Core i5-3570T from the past generation, the Intel Core i5-4690T processor turned out to be better. However, the average difference of 10% is unlikely to be so essential to begin to think about changing the platform.

Despite the fact that the possibilities of new items are strongly limited to energy-efficient technologies, it still is ahead of the "top" 4-nuclear APU models AMD from the family AMD Kaveri.. The average lag of AMD A10-7700K from Intel Core i5-4690T in 23% is a good confirmation. However, it is worth considering that in this case we estimate only the processor part. If you compare the performance of the built-in graphic cores of both solutions, then the novelty from Intel has already remained far behind with more than a two-time difference in the results.

The truly real competitors among the "red" for Intel Core i5-4690T are 6-nuclear and 8-nuclear models from the AMD FX series. For example, AMD FX-8350 is on average ahead of the test solution by 18%. And from the point of view of the cost, the advantage will be on the side AMD FX-8350. True, you should not forget that the Intel Core i5-4690T is a "cold" and energy efficient solution, and compared to it the AMD FX-8350 model is different as the "stove" you cannot call.


Since all Intel Haswell Refresh processors have a blocked multiplier, it is not worth the special achievements in terms of overclocking. Although optimization of parameters can be tried to produce at the level of the reference frequency.

In our case, it was possible to raise it by 3.5 MHz (from 100 to 103.5 MHz), which in turn made it possible to increase the speed of the novelty from 3500 to 3620 MHz (increase of + 3.4%). Further change in the reference frequency led to unstable operation of the system. Also note that during the experiment, the voltage on the processor did not rise, the Intel Turbo Boost 2.0 technology was disabled, and the processor multiplier was recorded manually at the level "x35".

In this configuration of Intel Core i5-4690t, a stress test was held without errors. However, with energy-saving technologies included, there was also a "swimming" clock frequency, only already within 3208 - 3620 MHz. During the experiment, the maximum fixed temperature was 66 ° C (when using a bench cooler).

On computer performance, optimization of parameters affected as follows:

In nominal mode

With acceleration

Growth, %

Computation Suite.

Sisoft Sandra 2012.


General performance, Gops

Dhrystone whole, gypsum

Whetstone double floating point, gflplops


General Multimedia Performance, MPIXEL / C

Multimedia whole, MPIXELS / C

Multimedia FP32 / FP64 floating point, MPIXELS / C

CPU (Single Core), PTS

Fritz Chess Benchmark 4.2, Knodes / s

Batman Arkham City.

DirectX 11 (FPS)


DirectX 10, Smoothing X8 (FPS)


The average performance increase was only 2.28%, which is explained by rather low acceleration of the processor itself. IN real Annexes This increase will remain unnoticed and practically will not affect the speed of the overwhelming majority of tasks. Exceptions are only synthetic tests, however, to conquer world records in these benchmarks, energy-efficient solutions cannot be called the best choice.

Also, attempts to disperse the built-in graphics core Intel HD Graphics 4600, but they did not lead to anything. When raising the IGPU frequency from the BIOS menu of the real change, the video card parameters did not occur.


Long before the official announcement it was clear that nothing is fundamentally new family of processors IntelHaswell.Refresh. will not bring. By and large, they are slightly optimized CPU versions from Intel Haswell generation. And the increase in the extra 100-200 MHz (depending on the model) practically did not affect the speed of the entire system, in which we could see personally in the example Intel Core i5-4690T.. The average difference in speed compared to the Intel Core i5-3570T model from the past generation (Intel Ivy Bridge) was at the level of 10%. The lag of the same Intel Core i5-4670T from the novelty will be even smaller.

From all this we can conclude that to update the processor on the model from the Intel Haswell Refresh family, it makes sense only in the case of buying a CPU class above or if your CPU has been released 5 years ago and is simply morally outdated.

ASUS. , Gigabyte , Scythe , Sea Sonic. Elecronics. and Twinmos Technologies. For provided for test stand equipment.

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