
How to clean Skype from old messages. We delete the story in Skype. How to delete a message

I'll show you how to clear the correspondence in Skype on Windows, Android, iOS. All devices are removed slightly different, show the entire process of cleaning the message history.

1. Clean the message history in Skype on Windows.

Open Skype and click Tools\u003e Settings.

Opening settings Skype. Click on Chats and SMS. (This is left below).

Opening chats and SMS\u003e Chat settings Click Open Advanced Settings.

All chat settings and also correspondence in Skype will open. There is an opportunity to put taking chats from anyone or only from my contacts. There is also a item to save the story in which you can set the correspondence save settings. Also here you can press Clear the story and then your entire correspondence in Skype will be removed.

There are also points here:

  • when you press Ctrl + V, the copied message is inserted as a quote or message inserted as ordinary text.
  • enter key makes a line transfer or sends a message.
  • show i'm typing
  • automatically correct and highlight words with an error
  • upon receipt each time you choose a folder to save files or save all files to My Skype Received Files

After the changes made, do not forget to click Save.

Delete history? All records of previous communication, including instant messages in sms chat, calls, voice messages And the filed files will be removed from the history. In this case, all open chats will also close.

Click Delete to confirm the deletion of the message history in Skype.

Also, in the chat settings, you can install "not save" so that the correspondence in Skype is not preserved at all or install "2 weeks", then the message history in Skype will be stored only 2 weeks.

In Skype, you can simply hide the conversation, while the correspondence will not be deleted, but will hide. Click on the right mouse button and select "Hide Talk".

Skype tells us that you can show hidden conversations. To show hidden conversations in the list, in the main menu, select View\u003e Show Hidden Conversations.

Click OK.

To show hidden conversations click the view\u003e Show hidden conversations.

2. Clear message history in Skype on iOS.

To remove the Skype correspondence on iPhone or Aipade, open the Skype application on your iPhone or iPade. Next, open the latter tab, running my finger from left to right. In the Last tab, all your last correspondence in Skype are displayed.

Press and hold your finger on the contact of the correspondence with which you want to delete.

The menu will appear with items:

  • mark as unread
  • remove chat
  • cancel

Select Delete Chat to remove correspondence with the selected contact in Skype.

Also, the correspondence with the selected contact can be deleted in the Contacts tab. Click the correspondence with which you want to delete.

In the current correspondence, press 3 points on the bottom from the bottom.

And select Delete Chat.

Chat removal. Do you really want to remove this chat?

Select delete.

3. Clear the message history in Skype on Android.

To remove the Skype Catch on Android you need to open the settings of your smartphone or tablet. Then go to the Application Manager. Find there Skype app and click on it to open the application information.

In the Skype application information, click on Clear Data.

Delete all application data? All data of this application will be finally deleted. This includes all files, parameters, accounts, databases, etc.

Press yes. At the same time, your correspondence in a jump with all contacts will be deleted. When you open a Skype, VM will need to again enter your username and password. It is equivalent to the fact that you deleted the application and again and installed it.

Now all messages from the correspondence history are removed. Your Skype as new.

You can also delete the contact and correspondence with it from the recent tab, but it does not delete your messages, but only removes this contact from the recent ones.

Press your contact and hold the finger until the menu appears with actions add to favorites and remove from the recent one. We choose to remove from the recent one.

Do you really want to remove this chat from recent?

Click OK.

4. Delete the latest messages in Skype.

Also in Skype you can delete newly sent messages. If you wrote and sent a message, then you have time to delete your message. To do this, press and hold your finger on your message in the correspondence until the action menu appears. Actions will appear on iOS: copy, delete, edit.

Choosing Delete You Delete your recent message you sent, but changed my mind to send it. The interlocutor on the device will also be displayed as "This message is deleted" and he will not see him if he did not have time to read it before you deleted it.

If you click and hold your finger on your message on Android device The action menu appears: Copy the message, quote the message, edit the message, delete the message. On Android, as you can see, you can even edit the selected message and change it completely. Well, you can simply delete how you didn't write anything.

Here is a video lesson on how to delete correspondence in Skype.

That's all. Now you can calmly flirt with everything in a row and your husband / wife / friend / friend does not recognize anything. We continue to live in lies.

It is difficult to say in advance why the user may need to clear the correspondence and the perfect calls in Skype - perhaps, just tired of watching the journey of the lists in the window, and maybe he quarreled and wants to do on the principle "from the eye, from the heart of Won" or for purposes conspiracy - in any case, a man one day can think about how to remove the story in Skype

Features of removing history in Skype

If in many other programs to communicate the whole story is stored on the hard disk of the computer, then with Skype not so simple. And that's why:

  • it is stored on a remote server;
  • it can be cleaned if you know where and what is located in the settings;
  • you can quickly delete it for all contacts immediately, but as remove the story in Skype For one contact - everything is not obvious with this question.

How to clean the story of Skype for all contacts

So, is it? You can make it quickly from the program itself. To do this, choose the main menu " Instruments» — « Settings»,

and in the dialog that opens - " Chats and SMS.» — « Additional settings».

Here in the drop-down menu you can configure the settings for the rewriting.

For example, make the story not recorded at all. Then it will not have to clean anything.

Or select the screen button "Clear the history". Now all text messages, calls and other will be cleaned from the server.

How to clean for one person

Suppose there is history in Skype. How to deleteit, but not completely, but only for one contact?

"Official" way - in no way.

And this is the obvious disadvantage of the program. It's hard to say why the developers did not provide for this feature. However, there are special utilities that, according to those who wrote them, will help to clear the correspondence with one contact. But you can use them only at your own risk. In addition, not all of them cope with their task, but the risk of becoming "infection" on a computer under the guise of such utilities is great. Moreover, Skype programmers categorically do not recommend using them.

Nevertheless, here are some of them:

  1. Skype History Cleaner;
  2. Skype Chat Helper;
  3. Skhistory.

Based on everything that was mentioned above, it can be concluded that the very best and reliable method will be the very first one - the official one. At least it is guaranteed to cleanse the story. Though the whole whole.

Hello everybody! If you use Skype, it happens so that it may be necessary to remove the story in Skype (for example, so that no one else can read it). Just, how to remove the story in Skype we will talk in this article.

There are several methods that can be used to remove correspondence. The history of sent and received messages is stored on a computer in Skype profile. Can be demolished all profile but perform this action It is not recommended, as the normal functionality of the program may violate. Personally, I did not come across such, but there are such conclusions in the Internet users.

Removal through Skype.

To remove the story in Skype, you can use standard means programs. To do this, go to Skype, click "Tools", and in it go to "Settings".

In the left menu, click "Security".

After that, you will see the "Clear Story" button on the right. Here by pressing this button and delete all the correspondents that were before.

The program will give a request for confirmation of the action performed. In the dialog box, click on the "Delete" button. So your Skype Correspondence History has been removed.

If you do not want to save the correspondence story with any contact, then you can turn off this feature at all. skype program. To do this, in the same window, next to the "Clear History" button in the drop-down menu you need to select the "Do not save" item.

Remember that when changing any settings in the program, you should confirm your actions with the "Save" button, which is located on the right at the bottom of the settings window.

Now when performing correspondence, all messages will not be recorded in the local user profile.

Removal using the program

This could be completed on this, because the essence is revealed and I was already ready to do homework. But if not one nuance.

What if it was necessary to remove the story, only multiple contacts? Or maybe you thought how to remove the story in Skype one contact?

On the Internet there are many programs that can be "cleaned" history. Here are two of them: SKHISTORY and SKYPE CHAT HELPER. Also to avoid unpleasant consequences it is recommended to do backup Skype profile. At any time you can then restore it and do not lose important data. To create a copy, it is enough to go to required folders and copy data:

C: \\ Documents and Settings \\ Username \\ Application Data \\ Skype \\ Skype_userName \\ - If you have installed Windows XP

C: \\ Users \\ Username \\ APPDATA \\ Roaming \\ Skype \\ Skype_userName \\ - If you have Windows 7

UserName is a name account Computer user, and Skype_userName - username in Skype program. The folder with the profile is required to copy to any other place so that you can restore it back if this is required. I hope all your operations will be successfully.

Attention! If you do not make a backup, then restore the history back will be impossible.

There are also opinions on the Internet that programs do not delete messages, respond to developers software products I will not. Now I will install and check if I get to delete the story of one contact in Skype on my computer. I have never deleted messages only for one contact, so all risks, as always I take on J.

If anyone knows, then you need to pay attention to, click on the right mouse button on the program icon and select "Exit".

Run installation file. Programs to remove history. We click "Next".

We agree with the license. Select "I AGREE", then click "Next".

In the next window, leave everything by default, click "Next".

Confirm our desire to install the program, "Next".

We go to the C: \\ Program Files \\ Pril \\ Skype Chat Helper folder and launch the SkypeChatremove.exe file. I would like to mention a certain glitch. When I started the program, I did not immediately appear the window that you need. After the closure I. re-launch Programs, went as it should. So have it in mind.

A window will open, where in the "UserName" field, you enter your Login Skype, and in the CONTACT field we enter the user login that needs to be removed.

After clicking on the button appeared a message below:

To check performed actions, I launch Skype and see if messages disappeared. Everything was removed. I checked another contact with which I did not delete the story, everything remained there. So, the program has fulfilled its functions.

Remember, if after executing these actions, Skype stopped run - just copy the backup profile back and return to the place. I can not promise, but I want to believe 😉.

About another program, I think I will not tell, since the basic principle of such programs you understood.

IMPORTANT: Divening the story from your computer, it does not mean that the story is also removed from the contact, with whom the correspondence led.

P.S.: Wrote the article can be said together. The daughter, which was 8 months old today, was played, and next to her was sitting her dad and wrote an article, that is, I. So I say goodbye not only me, but also my daughter.

So far so far!

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Despite the fall in the popularity of such a service as Skype, for the throne of which Telegram, Whatsup, Viber and others are now fighting, its client base is still measured by millions of users around the world. For such a long existence, the functionality of the application significantly expanded and not everyone is familiar with some of its manifestations.

In this article, we intend to satisfy the requests of those who do not know how to remove the message in Skype. The process is not so complicated as it seems, but the knowledge of all possible solutions This problem will help you to achieve the desired results the most optimal methods.

Removal on the computer

It is no secret that the first ovations and recognition worldwide Swedish development received just thanks to the launch of the service on Windows. Surely you started our experience in using Skype on a computer, and perhaps use it to a PC to this day.

The user account stores data on all the perfect calls and correspondence, which ever occurred to be. Not all of them we need to this day, and therefore it will not be superfluous.

All right away

Availability of removal of the whole story with concrete person Convenient if you do not intend to return to the conversation perfect with him, but you do not want to lose it as one of the contacts. Erase the user correspondence data is simply simple, however, the interface and method describing this process for different versions on the different systems It has differences. We will analyze them.

Old version

It is in this version that users have the ability to delete all messages for all the time immediately from all contacts. To begin with, open the Skype itself. At the top of the window, you can watch the "Tools" item. By clicking on it, call the menu, and then click on the "Settings ...".

After opening a new menu, in the left part of it, select the "Chats and SMS" tab, and click on the Chat Setup item. On the right side of the window, find the "Open Advanced Settings" button. Oleguser

Here you can observe the setting of chat parameters. Having found the "Clear History" command and clicking on it, you will permanently get rid of all the information and messages with all your interlocutors. In addition, here you can export this story or configure the transfer / delete data according to a specific mode. By selecting the necessary operations, click "Save" in order to change the changes.

A new version

For those holding a hand on the pulse of updates and is the owner the newest system From Microsoft, Skype developers have added the ability to install the application through the built-in Microsoft store. The application downloaded from the store already has an updated view. All other users (who has a dozen not installed), will also gradually go to new interface Messenger. It differs from the one who is accustomed to many of us, but it looks much more interesting.

We are also interested in the possibility of removing chats, and the owners of this version will be disappeared, since the cleaning of all these data is impossible. In addition, the path of control of chats with a specific person has changed. Carefully study the remaining methods.

Despite the absence of a key cleaning key, we can delete all the correspondence with one specific interlocutor. To do this, we need to enter the person's profile, in removing correspondence with which we are interested. This is done by pressing PCM on the nickname of the interlocutor in the list of friends. In the context window that appears, select "View profile".

At the bottom of the opened panel, click on "Chat Settings".

Select "Removing Skype conversation".

Confirm the selected action.

Separate messages

In case you wish to partially delete a correspondence story (for example, writing a few messages), Skype has not yet been able to remove messages, both at your own interlocutor (recently sent). This can be done as follows.

  1. Go to the dialog window and select the necessary message to simply guide the cursor on it.
  1. Three vertical points should appear in the right corner. Click on them LKM. In the context menu, select "Delete".
  1. Confirm deletion.

We wash messages in the phone

Ease of using Skype on the phone is not questionable. This is also due to the fact that mobile versions", For incurability of conventions, saved the paths to the parameters management menu similar to their" senior brothers ". For example, consider the ability to delete specific messages in the Android application.

  1. Select a dialogue with the interlocutor by being on the main page.

Skype is the very first and progressive way for negotiators Using a webcam or microphone on the Internet. Almost every person knows what this program is and what functions it performs. But in addition to calls, there is an opportunity communicate written, such negotiations will be stored In Skype, until the user decides to get rid of them forever.

How to delete a message

Often there are situations when you need to remove only one separate message. To do this, move the cursor to the message you want to erase, and then click on right mouse button And choose the corresponding item.

Next will pop up the window where you need confirm Performed action.

The broken message will look like this:

Such removal is possible only in one hour After sending. You can clean the information sent from your Skype account.

How to remove the correspondence of one contact

Unfortunately, removing correspondence with one contact impossible. It is explained by all the features and closeness of the Skype protocol, due to which third-party applications Do not help do the desired action. Just clean it is possible only recent chatwhich is stored in the journal. The use of programs to remove correspondence is not the best solution, although in some cases it simply does not remain other options.

Most such programs need to download, then set direction to file.opening access to the application. Then selects Contact with which you need to remove correspondence and confirm act. But before starting manipulation with native files, best cook Saved copies so that in any case it was possible to return everything to the previous state. It should be understood that all messages will remain on Account The interlocutor, the chat with whom was removed.

You need to be extreme carefulSince most programs such a functionality tries to overeat information about account, correspondence, infect the device with a virus and so on, even if the necessary procedure was carried out. But Skype allows you to clear the whole story.

How to Clean the whole story

To clean, you need to go to the main menu, hover the cursor on the menu " Instruments"And go to" Settings…».

The settings select " Chat settings"Where you need" Open Advanced Settings».

Now the user will have access to the "button" Clear the history».

Last step - confirm your action.

Now the history of the account is performed completely. Restore it it is impossibleBefore such a radical action it is worth thinking whether there is a need to carry out full stripping. This method allows you to clear all messages, while contacts Will be in your journal. Cleaning does not give the right to invade other accounts, records will be untouched against the addresses. And this rule refers to any of the above methods for deleting a separate message or chat with separate contact.

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