
How many amps of the clock in iPhone 7. Work time or how much keeps the iPhone charging. WHAT ARE WAITED WORKS.

How to note the fans of iPhones, when the new device is released by the company, the company EPPL in the specifications of the battery capacity of the battery can always store persistent silence. Usually everything is limited to common phrases that the battery capacity has been increased, and what it is not reported.

Meanwhile, how much is the charging battery iPhone - one of the most important characteristics of the gadget, based on the indicators of which many users make a choice in favor specific model "Apple" phone. Of course, other parameters are important - the power of the processor, the quality of the camera, design and many others. However, saying that everyone is worried about how much charging is enough, we will not be mistaken.

What is the capacitance of the iPhone 5S battery - one of the most sought-after models of smartphones from the epple, and how much it holds an iPhone charge 5 without additional recharging, as well as a lot of each other - learn from this article.

On the resource of the Federal Commission of America, the connection says that the fifth iPhone version S has a larger capacity batteries than previous version phone from epple. In addition, it can be similar to the model 5c, although it is younger in the line.

Note that a public overview of the characteristics of new devices is the mandatory conditions for the emergence of them on sale in America. The iPhone 5S, according to the information that was presented on the site mentioned above the organization, is 1570 mAh, and the charge level from the iPhone 5C is 1507 mAh.

By comparison, the five was equipped with a 1440 mAh battery. Thus, the capacity of newer models of iPhones was increased by a manufacturer by 5 and 10%, respectively.

According to the published data provided by the manufacturer before emissions of new products on the market, the charge of these devices can hold the following time:

  • Both models (5S and 5C - up to ten o'clock during conversations of the 3G network).
  • While working in wireless networks - Also up to ten o'clock (the same indicator of both gadgets).
  • Up to ten o'clock while listening to audio files and watching video - as well as 5S, and 5C.
  • In idle mode, the period of operation of gadgets, when they are not required to be charged additionally - 250 hours (25 hours more than the simple five). Is it really a very significant improvement?

The start of sales of the five S and five C, as usual, caused an excitement among those who wanted to acquire a novelty from EPL. And, as always, the first to take into hand, evaluate the appearance and test the device, including the battery power, were residents of America and Europe. And only in long 3 months the devices of these models appeared from our citizens. Most buyers in the first weeks of testing new devices were noted that the batteries of these devices were justified by their expectations, and the level of charge is enough for a whole day active use Device.

But there are such moments when the battery built into the gadget housing can not do, and it is required to purchase external battery. How to do it right, and what criteria to consider when choosing, tell me next.

Choose an external battery for iPhone: Capacity

  • Capacity.
  • Dimensions (weight).
  • Circuit current.

Other insignificant characteristics - brand, design, form, etc. - Case of personal preferences.

Capacity is the battery property to collect and give electricity. Than this figure above large quantity Charging will be able to make a user. But this property is relative.

Yet the battery selection should be based on the capacity of the built-in battery. A similar external element must have a capacity of at least 50% or more higher than the built-in. Suppose if the capacity of the mobile device's internal battery is 1500 mAh, then the external element must be selected with the indicator at least 2200-2300 mAh. But in this case, the owner of the iPhone will be able to charge his gadget only 1 time. If you need a double charging, respectively, you need to buy a battery with a capacity of approximately 5000 mAh and so on.

A, actually, why do you need this stock by 50%? The answer is logical - to compensate for the natural discharge of the battery, which over time will only grow, since energy-saving parts are not eternal, and gradually wear out.

And, of course, when choosing an external element for charging the "apple" phone, you need to take into account the degree of wear of the built-in battery. What it is higher - that is, of course, the external battery will need a greater container.

Dimensions of external elements: what is better to choose

Unfortunately than more powerful battery, the bigger it has dimensions. Surely every user of an iPhone when buying an external element wants him to be able to charge a gadget at least 5 times and more. Rarely who seeks to buy a battery for one-time recharging of the device.

But, alas, the law of increasing the size of the battery is proportional to its container will be maintained until innovative technologies for the accumulation of electrical energy invented.

Thus, choosing an external charge element, the user is better to focus on personal needs. If the recharging of the device is needed in order to take it into long-term travel, hiking, etc., of course, better to give preference to elements with increased capacity, let them not be very attractive design and have a large dimensional dimensions. However, there are also light batteries with decent power, for example, Zeus YB-666, without difficulty, fit in a small handbag or pants pocket. True, their price is significantly higher than on other batteries.

External Battery: Charging Current

Along with the above-considered criterion, such a characteristic of the external charging element for iPhone, as a charging current (or discharge current), has no less important. You can find or first, or the second name, but the essence remains alone. This indicator indicates about the strength of the current, which the element can provide a mobile gadget.

The most common values \u200b\u200bof this indicator are from 0.5 to 2 amps. How to choose a battery with this characteristic so that the charging current is maximum? And you just need to watch the charging marking coming with the "apple" telephone.

Suppose if this indicator is equal to the 1st ampru, then the external element must be purchased with a not less indicator, and even a bit big. But even if you buy an item with a smaller indicator. It will not lead to any critical consequences - just a gadget will be charged a little longer than usual.

A number of models external batteries maximum capacity Equipped with connectors with different current power. These are universal elements that will be worn out in any situation and are not suitable for one, but to several iPhones with different source characteristics.

Finally, I want to remind you that you need to pay attention to the charging current indicator and the external element itself. How this characteristic is higher, the faster your iPhone will be charged.

Such a thing as a battery, today has become one of the main criteria for iPhone and generally phones in general. The battery sometimes becomes our headache.

This happens after several years of use and so that it was not there, we are immediately interested in what battery capacity of a particular iPhone model.

It is clear that every year the figure of Ma · h smartphones is growing, but the characteristics of the phones are growing. Noticeably the number of hours of work unfortunately does not increase.

How much battery on iPhone

To simplify the task with the choice of phone model, I prepared for you the indicators of all modern models. In addition, I will remember interesting facts.

I want to start with a model under numbers 4, no one buys 3 or 3Gs. They will soon turn out to be in the museum if some of them are no longer there.

If you remember the characteristics of these phones and combine them with the number of Ma · h from modern smartphones, the phone would probably work for a week.

The years of these smartphones were unforgettable and each owner of one of these devices remembers them only with a smile. And notice, then we did not even think about the battery.

  • 4: 1420 ma · h;
  • 4s: 1430 mA · h.

As you can see, compared with today's indicators, the numbers are incredibly small. But buying this device, do not think too much about charging throughout the day.

Many believe that generations with 4-inch screens is successful. In Apple, too, do not forget about it and the result of this IPhone SE.

Of course, many still use these devices, but when they begin to use the phone of a new generation, then the love of 4 inches slowly evaporates.

  • 5: 1440 ma · h;
  • 5S: 1560 ma · h;
  • 5C: 1520 mA · h;
  • SE: 1642 MA · h.

Figures compared to the old 4 and 4s grew not essentially, because all the characteristics did not grow too globally. SE has already added, but taking into account his filling from 6s - it is probably not enough.

As soon as the screens began to grow significantly in size, the iPhone battery was also the same in the same situation. Energy consumption has grown and without larger digits here can not do.

The big plus becomes the development of processors for the better. After all, besides increasing power, Apple tries to reduce power consumption.

  • 6: 1810 mA · h;
  • 6 Plus: 2915 ma · h;
  • 6s: 1715 ma · h;
  • 6S Plus: 2750 mAh.

It is clearly noticeable in this case, when s versions are significantly better characteristics At the same time, the battery capacity decreases.

In this series, we see only significant improvements in the filling and the appearance of moisture protection, we say goodbye to 3.5 yield. The design simply took 6s and made it as he should have been initially.

The camera is now druiting not so rough, and the antenna lines are neatly placed on the borders of smartphones. The PLUS version is still ahead of the sizes identical on the screen smartphones.

  • 7: 1960 ma · h;
  • 7 Plus: 2900 mA · h.

The phone rose pleasantly in all his senses. Now the processor has 4 kernels and the camera both front and the rear received many new features.

Writing about each model separately, I will not. If you buy new smartphone, it will be enough for you exactly on the day of active use.

Just before going to bed you will think about putting on charging. It's just some more percent of 30 or 40 still remain, but still you have to put it, because tomorrow you need to use it.

Significant increase in time you can notice only in Plus versions. They have a very good battery and will keep noticeably longer than models with a smaller screen.

When you buy a used smartphone, you can prepare that in the near future you will need to change the battery. Although this factor largely depends on the past owner and its manner of using the smartphone.

When choosing a smartphone, everyone relies on its criteria - for someone an important camera is important for someone's power of the processor, for third -. But the majority converges that time autonomous work It should be sufficient. Alas, modern phones do not differ in the duration of the battery, and this also applies to such popular brands like an iPhone, including. But to return to the old devices that could work without recharging the week, of course, I do not want anyone. Therefore, potential buyers when buying iphone Pay special attention to.

The difference between the batteries "Semyon" from previous models

It is no secret that a small battery capacity is the problem of Apple smartphones. After the iPhone 6S and 6 plus the battery volume was reduced compared to the last generation, the battery life of the iPhone was not enough to many users. Therefore, the manufacturer has increased the volume of built-in lithium-ion batteries at the "seven" to:

  • 1960 mAh with iPhone 7;
  • 2900 mAh with iPhone 7 Plus.

As a result, the time of work was longer:

  • 7 per 1 hour more than 6s;
  • in 7 Plus 2 hours more than 6 Plus.

Perhaps, at first glance, it seems not too much gain, nevertheless it is completely noticeable if you use the device every day.

What did users wait?

Rumors that the autonomous work of seventh iPhones will be longer, went long before "Sevenka" went on sale. But then it was about 1735 and 2810 mAh, that is, about increasing the capacity by 1 and 2%. At the same time, it was mentioned that the service life of charging before charging would be increased by the newest energy consumption algorithms. This was added that a processor that consumes much less resources will be installed in new smartphones. In the network, photographs periodically appeared, where it was possible to see allegedly new batteryBut even on these photos it was possible to understand what to wait for a special increase in capacity battery iPhone 7 is not worth it.

Real battery power seventh iPhones

When, finally, Apple officially announced the characteristics of the new smartphone, in comparison with previous generations, the battery capacity was as follows:

It is immediately clear that the battery really became more powerful in the last generation of iPhones, which makes it possible to hope that the manufacturers have finally achieved the normal battery life of the device.

It is worth noting that the capacity of the battery is an important characteristic of the smartphone, but nevertheless it is more important how the device consumes energy. For example, the first generation "Sixok", possessing a large volume of batteries, lost at the energy consumption of the second - where a special chip was installed, which ensured economical energy resources.

Therefore, for the consumer, it will be more significant that will be not so much the scope of the iPhone 7 battery, how many indicators of his work with it. But the manufacturer fully realized energy optimization, so the parameters are more than worthy:

Of course, such parameters immediately questioned. Thus, specialists from Vietnamese Internet publications said they disassembled the 7 plus model and found a battery with a real volume of 2675 mAh - that is, even less than 6 Plus. but service center Ifixed denied this message, since, according to its estimation, the capacity of the battery of the same 7 plus was the corresponding 900 mAh stated.

Undoubtedly, the manufacturer had to donate something in order to establish enlarged batteries into new models. Saving pretty big display And the thin case, I had to abandon some of the components and inputs. But this is along with greater battery power - compensated also by a faster processor, an improved camera, a good embedded and RAM.

Therefore, in the director buyers of seventh iPhones should not be doubted - work time in offline mode They will delight them, and at the same time will be preserved and even improve characteristics that distinguish a really good smartphone.

Characteristics of batteries of all iPhone models.

Not all the criteria for choosing smartphones are the same. Someone needs a high-quality chamber, someone cares more about the power of the processor, but the third only the autonomous work of the device was at the height. We decided to collect together information about the batteries of all iPhone models, so that when choosing in potential buyers, the smartphone did not arise.

iPhone 2G.

Released in the already distant 2007 original iphone. 2G It is unlikely to like someone as the main smartphone, however, for the completeness of the picture, we still specify the capacity of its battery.

Battery: Built-in lithium-polymer battery 1400 mAh.

iPhone 3G.

To meet the owner of the iPhone 3G is becoming more complicated, but the smartphone, judging by the statistics published on the network, is still actively used. Yes, and why refuse to refuse people who are inexperienced last technologies?

Battery: Built-in lithium polymer battery 1150 mAh

iPhone 3Gs.

iPhone 3GS is an improved version of the Troika, which at one time was considered the standard among smartphones. And the capacious battery played not the last role.

Battery: Built-in lithium polymer battery 1219 mAh

iPhone 4.

"Four" is still used everywhere - the smartphone, although it does not support iOS 8, but with its main tasks copes perfectly.

Battery: Built-in lithium polymer battery 1420 mAh

iPhone 4S.

Starting with the iPhone 4s, Apple began to pack smartphones by lithium-ion batteries. And at least many users, especially smartphones under android management, criticized the time autonomous work iPhone, with each new model it only increased.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1430 mAh

iPhone 5.

iPhone 5, although he was ascended at one time over the "four", flashes stunning technical characteristics, its battery has not become much better than the predecessors.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1440 mAh

iPhone 5C.

Plastic and multicolored iPhone 5c did not leave the iPhone 5 or the power of the processor or by the battery capacity.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1510 mAh

iPhone 5S.

The former more recently flagship Apple iPhone 5S includes a very capacious battery. Add to this the wonderful work of Apple engineers to optimize the use of mobile operating resources iOS system And we get from 8 to 250 hours of autonomous work.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1560 mAh

iPhone 6.

Finally, we got to the "big" apple smartphoneswhose batteries are in perfect order. Users, who are not even fans of the iPhone, note on the network how long they work "six" without recharging. "Vina" this:

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1810 mAh

iPhone 6 Plus.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2915 mAh

iPhone 6S.

Apple flagships have become thinner, and at the same time "looting" and their batteries. However, despite the fact that the volume of batteries from the iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus is less than the predecessors, they can work as long as long. Salt lies in a working multiple M9 coprocessor and even more improved IOS optimization.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1715 mAh.

iPhone 6s Plus.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2750 mAh.

iPhone SE

iPhone SE - perfect copy iPhone. 5S P. appearance. But the battery from the iPhone SE has a large capacity than the "older brother". The difference cannot be called substantial, but the battery life of the iPhone SE is still higher compared to the iPhone 5S.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1624 mAh.

iPhone 7.

Unlike iPhone 6S and iPhone 6 Plus, the batteries of which decreased compared to the previous generation of the iPhone, in the "seven" batteries obtained increased volume. Due to this, the battery life of the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 plus has grown. Smartphones work longer iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus for 1 and 2 hours, respectively. The increase can be called insignificant, however, with daily use, it felt quite strongly.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1960 mAh.

iPhone 7 Plus.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2900 mAh.

iPhone 8.

In case of iPhone 8. and iPhone 8 Plus The situation is reverse the previous one. Smartphones are thicker than the iPhone 7 and iPhone 7 Plus, but the volume of their batteries has been reduced. Nevertheless, the battery life of the iPhone 8 and iPhone 8 Plus has not changed compared to the preceding models. This allowed to make energy efficient apple processor A11 Bionic.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 1821 mAh.

iPhone 8 Plus

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2675 mAh.

iPhone X.

Flagship Apple Sample 2017 has gained the biggest display for all history of iphone. For its time - 5.8 inches, but the capacity of its battery is not a record. However, Apple had a serious need to seriously increase the battery capacity. The iPhone X has an OLED display and an A11 Bionic energy efficient processor, which allows it to work without the need to recharge longer than any other iPhone. In particular, the battery life of the iPhone X is two hours more than the iPhone 7 Plus and iPhone 8 Plus.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2716 mAh.

iPhone XS.

Direct iPhone X, 5.8-inch iPhone XS. , surprised the volume of its battery, which turned out to be less than the predecessor. However, it is important to note here that the battery life of the iPhone XS has increased. The smartphone works for 30 minutes longer than the iPhone X. All thanks to the more energy efficient A12 BIONIC processor.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2658 mAh.

iPhone XS Max

Huge 6.5-inch iPhone XS Max I installed several records at once. The smartphone not only got the biggest display in the history of Apple smartphones, but also the most clean battery. Thanks to a noticeably enlarged battery capacity, the iPhone XS Max can work for as many as 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours in talk mode.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 3174 mAh.

iPhone XR.

Less expensive compared to the flagships 6.1-inch iPhone XR. Equipped with a battery, the container of which is between the iPhone XS and iPhone XS MAX. Despite the fact that the iPhone XR battery capacity is noticeably less than that of the iPhone XS MAX, the battery life of smartphones is identical. The iPhone XR also works for 1.5 hours longer than iPhone X or 25 hours in talk mode. Moreover, the testing of the smartphone has already proven that in real conditions iPhone XR and is at all a record holder in battery life.

Battery: Built-in lithium-ion battery 2942 mAh.

iPhone 11.

The 6.1-inch iPhone of the Sample 2019 received a slightly enlarged battery compared to its direct predecessor. Nevertheless, the battery life of the smartphone increased due to the more energy efficient A13 BIONIC processor. iPhone 11. It works for an hour longer than iPhone XR - up to 25 hours in talk mode.

Battery:built-in lithium-ion battery 3110 mAh.

iPhone 11 pro.

Battery capacity iPhone 11 pro. It increased markedly compared to the preceding 5,8-inch iPhone X and iPhone XS models. The increase in the capacity directly influenced the time of the smartphone without recharging. It increased at once to four (!) Hours compared to the iPhone XS. The most powerful improvement that has made iPhone 11 Pro by one of the most long-lived smartphones among the flagships.

Battery:built-in lithium-ion battery 3046 mAh.

iPhone 11 Pro Max

6.5-inch iPhone 11 Pro Max Received a battery with a record container for Apple smartphones. A double battery with an L-shaped form has a capacity of 800 mAh more than in iPhone XS MAX. Due to this, the battery life of the smartphone increased by as much as five (!) Hours compared to predecessors. iPhone 11 Pro Max is able to work for up to 30 hours in talk mode!

Battery:built-in lithium-ion battery 3969 mAh.

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In the modern world, no person can live without a mobile phone, but it is difficult to stay in touch when the battery of your favorite iPhone is discharged. It is worth understanding that the mobile phone acb is a fundamental criterion for this device, and its unexpected discharge will definitely lead to a mass of problems.

In order to avoid these troubles, you should specify the exact capacity of the battery corresponding to models iPhone.. As a rule, problems with the mobile phone battery start no earlier than several years after the start of use.

With each new year, the capacitance of the iPhone battery, expressed in ma \\ h, is growing, as well as the other characteristics, but this number of working hours does not increase.

Before choosing a model of a modern iPhone, a potential buyer will simply be obliged to familiarize themselves with its technical characteristics, including the battery container. At the same time, it is not worth paying attention to the model below than the iPhone 5S, as they are not popular, and the third generation is already worthy of entering the museum.

Learn Charging Time Your Battery

The most successful, according to user reviews, are mobile phones iphone. 5 in various modifications. They are characterized by four-linguistic screens and a good capacity of batteries.

Not so long ago, Apple issued another modification of the fifth iPhone generations SE, the battery capacity of which was 1642 mAh. In this case mobile devices Conservatives are most often used, since those who have tried later models are rarely returned to four-dimensional options.

So, the capacity of the battery of the fifth generation models is (in ma \\ h):

  • 5 – 1440;
  • IPhone 5S - 1560;
  • IPhone 5 C - 1520;
  • IPhone SE - 1642.

If we consider that the fourth-generation iPhone battery capacity was no more than 1420 or 1430 mAh, then it is possible to argue with all confidence that this indicator in the mobile phones does not increase too much. However, the owner of such a model feels protected for a whole day, because may not think about where to recharge the device.

At the same time, the iPhone SE slightly added in the capacity of the battery, but not yet able to catch up with the model of the sixth generation, although reliable, safe and stable for the beginner and budget user.

Battery Capacity iPhone 6, 6 Plus, 6s, 6 Plus

Capacity iPhone battery 6 increases directly in proportion to the size of the screen of the device, this is due to rapidly increasing power consumption.

Apple This hour hurried to report that 6 generation mobile devices will be finalized in order to improve processor capabilities, increase power and significantly reduce energy consumption.

It is worth noting that the capacity of the iPhone 6-generation batteries has changed for the better and is in ma \\ h:

  • IPhone 6 - 1810;
  • IPhone 6 Plus - 2915;
  • IPhone 6S - 1715;
  • IPhone 6s Plus - 2750.

The capacity of the sixth generation batteries has increased not too compared to the previous option, but the rest specifications Improved noticeably.

Battery Capacity iPhone 7

The owners of the next-generation mobile apparatus with all confidence report that while the capacitance of the iPhone 7 battery rose not too much, but its technical characteristics have become more improved. At the same time, special attention was paid to filling and protection against moisture, smoothed chamber and move the antenna on the borders of the apparatus, as indicated by photos made from different angles and laid out on the Internet.

The design of this model almost completely repeats version Plus. sixth generation, but is characterized by the battery capacity in Ma \\ h:

  • IPhone 7 - 1960;
  • IPhone 7 Plus - 2900.

The seventh-generation smartphone has become much better and more reliable, since it became quad core. Front and rear-type cameras have become more advanced, so shooting requires large energy costs, and Apple's mobile phone professionals promise to equip a more powerful rechargeable battery.

IPhone 8 Plus Battery Capacity Indicators

The capacitance of the iPhone 8 battery is already much more than in previous generations of smartphones, so its ability is extensive, and the technique itself becomes more reliable.

Capacity of AKB mobile phones The new generation is (in Ma \\ h):

  • IPhone 8 - 1821;
  • IPhone 8 Plus - 2675.

It is thanks to refinement complete charge The batteries of the new Certified iPhone 8 should be enough for no less than a day of intensive use. Before charging the model of the tenth or eighth generation, including the iPhone x or iPhone 8 Plus, you can make sure that the charge remained at a level of thirty or even forty percent. At the same time, such a level of residual charge does not allow to actively use the gadget over the next day without additional recharging.

By the way, iPhone 8 Plus and earlier models with a Plus sign allow you to work for longer thanks to some energy savings. It is worth remembering that all the above data will be concerned with only new and certified models, but for smartphones acquired from hand will soon have to acquire a new battery.

Smartphones of the tenth generation iPhone X has a capacity of 2716 mAh, which proves the problem with the further development of the company's products.

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