
How to make the screen rotated the iPhone. What to do if the iPhone or iPad screen does not rotate. WHY DO NOT WORK WORKING WORKING TABLE OF IOS PLUS versions iPhone

How to disable automatic screen rotation on mobile devicesoh? Sometimes this episode when using smartphones or tablets begins to annoy. In this article we will tell you how

How to disable automatic screen rotation on mobile devices?

Sometimes this episode when using smartphones or tablets begins to annoy. In this article, we will tell you how to forcefully disable this parameter so that the screen does not unfold at the most inopportune moment.

Turn off the screen of the screen for Android devices

In smartphones and tablets based on operating android systems The operation of blocking the screen is quite simple, through the quick settings panel.

To get to it, you need to spend your finger from the top edge of the screen down. In this way, you will open the quick settings panel in which you will need to find the option of turning off the auto turning. In this article for an example taken smartphone Samsung. Galaxy S3. But on other smartphones, the algorithm is absolutely identical.

After turning off the automatic rotation option, the screen will be constantly in portrait orientation. When you turn the display by 90 degrees, the image on the screen will not change the orientation.

To turn on the auto-rotation back, do the same actions as to disable this function.

For newer devices, this item looks and called "Auto-rotation".

Auto traffic Galaxy S7.

Turn off the screenwort of the screen for iOS database

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Apple smartphones and tablets, whether it is an iPhone or iPad, an automatic screen orientation transaction operation is also extremely simple, the algorithm almost completely repeats the principle of disconnecting the screen of the screen on Android devices.

With iOS 7 output, and in the subsequent and iOS 8, the procedure for disconnecting the automatic shift orientation change has been significantly simplified for users. Recall that running this operating system Everyone is now working iPhone devices (starting from the iPhone 4S and ending with the new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus), as well as all iPad devices (starting with versions iPad. 2).

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How to enable / disable auto-rotor on iPhone?

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To find the shutdown point of the screen, users of devices running iOS 8 - iOS 10 must be reached to the so-called "control point". To do this, you need to spend your finger from the bottom edge of the smartphone up. "Management item" appears with the quick settings panel. In the "Management Point" you will see the Avtoblock icon on which you should click to activate this feature. To disable it, do this algorithm Repeated

With a locked screen at the top of the screen next to the display of the battery charge status, an icon will be displayed, indicating the activated state of the screen of the lock screen.

Turn off the screen of the screen for Windows Phone database

In this article, we consider the lock algorithm for the screen of the screen for devices based on latest version This operating system for mobile devices, Windows Phone 8.1.

To enter the device settings, you must select the "Settings" item in the application list, and select the "Screen Rotation" item.

There is another way, simpler and more convenient. To use it, you must add the "Rock Lock" item to the notification center as a quick action. To access the notification center, swipe from the top edge of the screen down. The quick settings panel will open, almost similar to Android, in which it will be possible to disable one or another item. In our case, the point "blocking turning".

If this item is not there, you can add it. To do this, select "Settings", and then "Notifications + Actions". In the list of fast actions, select the "Rock Lock" item.

Note that some quick actions in Windows Phone 8.1 are available in the locked screen, including the item we need.

Starting with the firmware iOS 4.0, in iPhone.and iPad. A function of blocking the screen coup, a very useful chip, which will help, for example, having rolled on the sofa, to fully use the device and do not suffer with unexpected rotation when viewing photos or writing SMS.

To temporarily prohibit the screen rotation, press 2 times and throwing the lower line you See Lock iconSuch as shown in the image above. The lock means - the block, in this mode the screen will not turn over.

In previous versions of the firmware, to perform the screen lock, it was necessary to perform jailbreak and install sourid app. If Apple's policy will go in the same direction, then soon (with the advent of new versions of the firmware), the need for the jailbreak procedure can also disappear.

Screen rotation lock in iPhone with iOS 7 firmware

If your iPhone does not turn the image, be it photo, video, contacts or browser, it means that the display of the phone is blocked. In this case, the lock icon in the circle will be displayed in the iPhone statusbar string.

Revive the display, i.e. Turn on the screen rotation in iOS 7 simply, pull the widget of the control point below and turn off the lock using the same icon on which the lock in the circle is depicted. An inscription will appear on the iPhone screen (in the control point):

Block. Book orientation: Off.

Now the iPhone can again turn the photo or video - both in horizontal and vertical plane. The coupling screen will also be distributed to other applications, for example - contacts, Safari and others.

The only inconvenience of the new rotation blocking screen iPhone and iPod Touch. The fact that the display lock is mainly performed only for book orientation, i.e. Block the display with Safari in horizontal mode does not work, the display with the browser will turn over and blocked vertically. Accordingly, lying on the side climb on the web pages in horizontal mode for iPhone and iPod will not work. But in the iPad you can, lock the screen in the tablet works.

In some situations, the iPhone screen may hang and not reorienate with a book format into the landscape. In this article we will look at the instructions if does not rotate the screen on iPhone.

Before moving directly to the instructions, we want to remind that some applications use only the book or only the album content mapping format. Therefore, first of all you need to check the screen rotation on the iPhone in regular applications, for example in a calendar or calculator. If you do not rotate the iPhone in these applications, then follow the following instructions below.

How to make the screen rotate on the iPhone

Stopped rotating the iPhone screen

You must turn off the orientation lock on the iPhone. In this case, the icon will be displayed in the notification string.

Make the following actions:

  1. make a swipe from the bottom of the screen in up,
  2. the tab with the "Management Point" in it will open in it. You will see the icon with a lock in a mug, squeeze it.

Also, if stopped rotating the iPhone screen, you need to disable the display of the display for rotation. home Screen (Springboard):

  1. Go to the Settings application
  2. Log in to the Screen and Brightness application
  3. Next, in the "Enlargement of the Display" section, you need to enter the subsection "View".
  4. Switch the "Increase" function in the format "Standard". Next will be rebooting the device.

If above the proposed actions screen still does not turn on the iPhoneTry to restart the device again. If the problem is still relevant, then the problem lies not in the settings and directly in the very hardware. The best option will contact the service center to diagnose malfunction.

Reading time: 5 minutes

Now we will deal with you for the reasons why the iPhone does not turn the screen in applications, video, watching a photo or in the browser. It should be borne in mind that not all applications support the rotation function of the screen.

This article is suitable for all iPhone models 11 / XS (R) / X / 8/7 / 6 and Plus on iOS 13. On older versions may differ or missing the menu items and hardware support specified in the article.

Damage to the gyroscope sensor

In the iPhone, the gyroscope is responsible for obtaining data on the position of the device in space. It is he who determines that the gadget turned and a picture is required to adjust the screen (album or portrait).

You can damage the sensor during the incidence of an iPhone, impact or after entering the moisture. In this case, you need to visit service center To replace the broken module to the new one.

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Disable screen rotation lock

Turn the iPhone to the right or left by 90 degrees. This should make the screen to come in the same way. If a running program The rotation of the screen supports, then it will appear in the landscape mode.

Turning the gadget, it needs to be kept or sideways (landscape orientation) or vertical position ( book orientation) And the screen to yourself. If in the landscape mode you prohibit the rotation of the screen activate again, the screen will return to the vertical mode automatically.

Through AssistiveTouch.

Open the "Settings" - "Main" - "Universal Access" - "AssistiveTouch".

This option allows you to perform actions that are often removed by the mechanical buttons (for example, the screen lock buttons). Another AssistiveTouch allows you to rotate the screen to various sides in applications that such a mode support. Before using this feature, turn off the rotation of the gadget.

Near the row "AssistiveTouch" click on the switch. It will become green, pointing that the function is now included. A gray square will appear on the iPhone screen. Initially, it is small and translucent, but when you click - it will unfold.

We leave from the settings, and then open any program. Suitable "Notes" and "Photo", as they support the guaranteed screen rotation.

Click on the gray square. The menu is displayed with the options of the control type, "apparatus" and "Notification Center". Select the "Home" option at the bottom of this section. Selecting this feature corresponds to clicking on the HOME mechanical button.

  • Select the function "Apparatus". The C tab will be displayed additional parameters.
  • Select the "screen rotation". While the screen rotation is turned off, this feature You will allow in any direction to rotate the screen.
  • Click "Left" or "Right" to switch to landscape orientation mode. If the running program supports rotation, the image will turn the gadget. To reduce the AssistiveTouch menu, you must click on any screen screen.

Disable zoom

If the iPhone screen has stopped turning, you will turn off the display of the display for turning the home screen:

  • Go to "Settings".
  • Select "Screen and Brightness".
  • In the "Increasing Display" item, you must select the subsection "View".
  • Switch the "Zoom" option to the "Standard" position. Then the iPhone is rebooted.

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