
How to configure time on the phone BQ. How to set time on the tablet? Transparent clocks and weather

After the firmware, many users of smartphones android may encounter the fact that the clock disappears from the main screen. As a rule, setting hours and dates on the main screen takes no more than a few minutes. The proposed material describes the actions algorithm, how to return the clock to the screen android smartphone and the installation of similar new hours with Google Play..

How to add a clock?

  1. Hold down on the free plot of the main screen;
  2. In the drop-down menu, click "Widgets";
  3. By clicking on the widget, hold down;
  4. Available main characters will appear, drop the clock on the main screen.

In addition to adding hours, you can also change their size. This can be done as follows:

  1. Click on the clock and hold down a couple of seconds until you see the markers around the numbers;
  2. It remains to resize the clock, changing the position of markers.

We will also consider a way to move and remove clocks:

  1. On the main screen for a couple of seconds to hold pressing on the clock;
  2. If there is a need to change their location - drag the clock to the right place;
  3. To remove the same, pull the selected clock to the "Delete" mark.

Popular clock applications

Widgets with graphic modules in addition to time, as a rule, carry many more additional information, such as weather, for example. Below are the most common programs for the main screen.

Transparent clocks and weather

Common free widget. The application takes an insignificant memory volumes, has flexible settings. The main capabilities of this software are:

  1. Informative widgets different options for every taste;
  2. More fonts, topics;
  3. Information is displayed not only about time, but also about time, humidity, state of the battery, events in the calendar, etc.

In the event that some information is not interesting to the user, you can easily select what the place is on the main screen, for this you need to do the following:

  1. Hold your touch on the clock until the settings menu appears;
  2. We go to the "Design" tab, after which they select "Extended Settings";
  3. We remove the ticks opposite those items that we are not interested.

Sense Flip Clock & Weather

This application watch lovers in the style of Flip Clock.

The main features this application are:

  1. The choice is given such sizes of widgets as: 4x1, 4x2 and 5x2;
  2. Animation of flipping is represented in several versions;
  3. Thanks to a wide choice of topics, you can put the one that you want to taste;
  4. The user's location is automatically determined, which will allow the application to provide more accurate information on the forecast.

Weather information here can also be disabled.

Among similar utilities also will be curious options:

  1. Sense Flip Clock & Weather is a program that boasts modern and bright design;

  1. Retro Clock Widget - Retro Utility with Overflowing Pages. It is suitable for those who prefer to see only the clock on the main screen.

  1. Digi Clock - a widget with many settings, thanks to which your main screen Plays new paints.

How to set the clock on the lock screen

The clock on the lock screen is practical and actual solutionbecause Allows you to find out that now an hour without unlocking the phone. The current utility here will be "glowing chest of drawers". It has a number of such advantages as:

  1. The application is absolutely free;
  2. Lack of advertising;
  3. No need for additional settings.

In order to output the clock on the lock screen, you just need to download the application on Google Play and install. Running on the phone, check the box next to SET AS Default.

Setting the date and time for Android. It seemed that it could be easier than to take and change the date and time in Android, but unfortunately there may be problems here. In this article you will learn everything you need to know about the exact dimensional date and time!

Why do you need exact time and date?

Have you known that if your Android will be installed not the correct date and time can be strongly affected by the system? For example, data synchronization will not work correctly, GPS will spend a lot of time to connect to satellites, applications for interrying messengers can send data, and many sites will ask certificates or indicate that they are outdated, using Internet turn into torment! So that this does not happen to always set the exact time date.

Instruction How to change the date and time in Android?

To do this, you will need to go to the Android settings menu:

If you often have problems with an incorrect date or time, then pay your attention to two parameters " Date and network time"And" Time zone network"If they are turned on, then disconnect them:

After that, you will have the opportunity to personally change the time and date.

Change the date:

We change the system time:

Also do not forget to expose " Timezone"Since later this will help avoid problems with clock transfer for summer and winter time:

That's all! If you have root rights to Android installed, then you can ease your life, performing autosynchronization of time.

  1. The "Automatic Setting Date and Time" option. It is commonly used in mobile devices on the Android operating system with an internet connection. It allows you to synchronize the clock mobile device With clocks located on the server of the Internet provider. When you turn on it to change the date and time manually it will be impossible. Therefore, a tick with this option must be removed.
  2. In many devices on Android there is a function of automatic selection of time zone (network or GPS synchronization). To get access to manual setting It must also be turned off.
  3. Choosing a time zone. When you click on the button opens a list of cities with different time zones. If there is no settlement in which you live, you just need to choose the location located closer to your place of residence.
  4. Set date. When you click on this item will open the calendar. To change the date, you just need to choose a specific number in it, month and year. Press the "OK" button ("Finish").
  5. Display format (24- or 12-hour). When using a 12-hour format, the time of afternoon will be counted, starting from the unit (instead of 13 to 1 hour, etc.).
  6. Setting time. This option allows you to set the time by selecting the corresponding values \u200b\u200bfrom the columns indicating the clock and minutes. Then click on the "Finish" button.
  7. To return to the desktop after completing the procedure, it is enough to click on the arrow directed upwards. It is located at the bottom of the page.

It seems that such a simple action, as setting up the date and time on Android, should not cause difficulties. Indeed, for experienced smartphone owners or tablets, this is a banal operation. However, for those who first keep the device under the control of this operating systemThe setting of these parameters can cause questions. Below will analyze how to configure the date and time on Android.

Change the date and time manually

To adjust the time and date manually, you need to enter the device settings. You can do this in two ways:

  1. Vertical from the status string push the curtain and tap on the icon depicting the gear.
  2. Log in in the application menu, taping on the icon depicting six points located in the dock bar. Find the icon with the image of the gear and the short one to open the section " Settings».

Locate the open list below. date and time"And short touch on it, open this tab. In some gadgets, the settings menu may look different, and the time settings and dates must be signed in the section " Options».

Manual time setting and dates will be available if the checkbox is removed from the option " Auto Determination of Time" or " Date and network time»It is in the position off (depending on android version).

  • To change the date, choose the item " date" or " Set the date"Where choose the number, month and year and confirm the tap on the" OK "button.
  • To change the time, you need to choose the item " Time" or " Setting Time"Where install right time And confirm the tap on the "OK" button. Here you can set the time format - 12 hour or 24 hours.

Automatic dates and time setting

Android can expand the time and date in automatic mode. In this mode, the information is synchronized from the operator's network. Naturally, the SIM card must be installed in the device. For automatic installation time and dates need to install a tick at the point " Auto Determination of Time». Manual installation This will be unavailable.

Suppose you have long been using Android, and therefore it may seem that it is perfectly coping with the tasks of time synchronization - the alarms are triggered on time, there are no obvious time deviations and so on. However, you are completely confident in where Android actually gets the data on the exact time and time zones? If you have at least some doubts about how it works - Welcome to Cat.

In Android, there are two problems with time: it is its unpredictable synchronization and the need to actualize data on time zones even in the most recent version of the OS.

Background: Android is a mobile OS based on the Linux kernel, it connects to the Internet and, of course, it can be assumed that time synchronization is carried out using NTP, however, it is not. Historically, Android was intended for use exclusively in mobile phones (Remember version 1.6). At the same time, only 3 major versions, it got an interface for tablets and other moves began to unify the interface and the OS fillings. However, even version 4.4 and Android L receive the exact time signals with the same methods that Nokia 3310 received them and other, earlier GSM / 3GPP phones, i.e. from the tap cellular communication When registering on the network (when connected to the tower). In this case, tablets or other devices without a communication module, in principle, are not able to synchronize time automatically.

To the great regret, to teach Android to sync time fully automatically with NTP we need root access For the API for accurate time setting in Android is now missing.

Let's proceed. The first thing you need to do is turn off time synchronization with mobile network. At the same time, I recommend setting the time zone in automatic mode, and it is worth disconnecting it only if there is a guarantee that the device will work in the stationary mode.

Screenshot of the settings "Settings -\u003e Date and Time" version of Android 4.x:

Next, you need to install the ClockSync application, which will act for us an alternative time synchronization daemon using NTP.

Screenshots of the ClockSync program window to synchronization (left) and after (right):

In the screenshots it is clear that the difference with exact time turned out to be quite small, however, there are different situations, Some time on the device may even swim there and here as the operator did not bother to bring order in his BS.

Making sure that everything works, configure automatic synchronization in the ClockSync program. To increase the accuracy, I recommend to enable the "High Accuracy Mode" and "Wi-Fi only" options. If with the first option, everything is clear from the description in the program (see Screenshot below), then I recommend the second option to include first of all for saving considerations mobile traffic, and due to the fact that mobile Internet It is not able to guarantee any stable delays.

Little more about accuracy:

Still common mobile Internet 2nd (GPRS / EDGE) in principle is not able to provide stable delays in transmission. Even the Internet 3rd (3G) and, to some extent, the 4th (LTE / LTE-Advanced) generations with a strong load of the network or communication channels between the BS, which is a typical situation for large settlementscannot guarantee stable delays. Therefore, even with approximation, the final time setting accuracy may be worse than the share of seconds and even easily reach a few seconds.

Screenshot of automatic synchronization settings in ClockSync:

In connection with large-scale changes in time zones in the Russian Federation in the fall of this year, it is necessary to think about actualization of information about them on all devices and if there are no problems with supported desktop OS, then even the most fresh version The OS contains outdated data. In order to make sure that the TimeZone Fixer is installed and watch an unsightly picture.

Screenshot of the TimeZone Fixer program running on Android 4.4.4 ( cyanogenmod firmware From August 4, 2014), which clearly shows that the data in the firmware is irrelevant:

A little sensitive concern and care for users:

The TimeZone Fixer program author warns us that updating the time zone data files can completely "break" the device and even gives recommendations on how to protect yourself from additional problems, at least cases of single and very specific problems are really good concern for ordinary users.

Only therefore I have made this piece to the article, he doesn't have a direct relationship to the problem, but it really good example Care of users. At the same time, a warning about versions of 4.3+ is caused only by a small number of reviews about the program for devices with new versions of the OS, so please, after use, be sure to write a review about this application.

After updating the time zone zone data, the program will prompt reboot, however, I recommend reloading the device yourself through system menu Since the program performs a reboot actually equivalent to RESET, which, even with a low probability, can lead to problems and data loss.

I am pleased to answer any questions or add-ons that the community considers the necessary, however, I want to avoid the overload of the article for more informationIn order to adhere to the compact manual format for solving a specific problem.

UPD: This instruction fully solves the problem of time zones only for versions under 4.4. With version 4.4, an additional patcher is needed until the question is at the stage of studying opportunities to create user-friendly solutions.

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