
What you need to pass on information security. Specialty "Information Security" (undergraduate). Will be shy at the interview

Information Security automated systems - This is a profession (and specialty), which gives graduates and applicants many problems and issues. Basically relative to further employment. And this is understandable - few can give some particular definition of this profession. It can be said vague. And therefore many doubt whether to come here. But now we will try to understand who you can work after the end of the "Information Security of Automated Systems". Universities, as a rule, are promised to applicants "Golden Mountains", but to give a specific definition of the profession are not capable. Therefore, you will have to carefully examine possible alternatives to work.


The main task of a graduate of this profession is a comprehensive provision of information security of automated systems. But often such employees are arranged to work with the most ordinary engineers. And it suits them.

Often this career choose men. They are more suitable for the work of the engineer. Only here you can not see the golden mountains here. Of course, if we are talking about Russia. To find a decent place of work will be very difficult. Only in some enterprises, engineers pay good wages. Plus everything this work It is not distinguished by a stable work schedule and lack of tension.

If you think about the question: "Information security of automated systems - what is the profession and who to work after the end of the university?" You can really work as an engineer. Only for this immediately prepare yourself for what you have to work a lot in voltage. And in constant.

Means of communication

But it is not necessary to choose such a career. Many graduates who entered the direction "Information security of automated systems often go to work in different communication services. And very often employers are Internet providers.

To be honest, then you can meet the graduate specialists of our today's specialty at different jobs - from the usual consultant operator to the installer. And just the second profession is the most popular. Especially among men.

What to do here? Monitor the performance of the equipment on the main server, eliminate failures and malfunctions on the line. Also connect Internet subscribers and configure it. In general, if you studied well in the direction of "information security of automated systems", then there will be no problems with the duties here. The working schedule here, however, is not particularly pleasant - you can "call" from legitimate leave or tear off from the weekend. But the salary of installers and operators in communication services is very good. Sometimes it is possible to accept such a schedule if it is adequately paid.


You graduated from the direction of "Information Security of Automated Systems". Who to work on the release, if the perspective of the installer or engineer you do not really like? In truth, such graduates can be found anywhere. But often they appear in ... schools.

Why? The thing is that our today's profession gives a lot of knowledge about computers and techniques. And therefore such an employee can easily fulfill the role of teacher computer science. This is a completely normal and usual phenomenon. Only now the prospect of working at school is the most ordinary teacher not very attractive young professionals. And they can be understood - the responsibility is huge, the working schedule is intense, the full workload of the day (and not only the worker), and the salary is meager. Plus, there are few people want to learn 5-6 years in the university, then to get working for a penny. But at first you can be a teacher of computer science at school. For example, if you really need work, or at least some experience is needed.

Plus, if you graduated from the direction of "Information Security of Automated Systems", you can always find an elite lyceum or educational institutionWhere you like "computer science" will pay adequately. There are such places, but very little. If you manage to get enough, then, most likely, it is no longer wanted to change the job. After all, the main indicator in employment is nothing but the salary you will receive.

Sales Manager

Information security of automated systems is a specialty that allows you to work in many places. For example, students and graduates of this area are very often arranged as a sales manager. But this position can go to work without a diploma.

As a rule, "informationons" sell equipment and electronics. Especially computers and components. After all, such graduates know about the "hardware" PC quite a lot. Enough to convince the buyer to purchase one or another product.

But this is not the best career. After all, you do not see any growth. Maximum that "shines" is to become a senior manager. The difference is small here. Therefore, you can work as a seller until you find a more suitable vacancy. Especially if you just released, but there are no other vacancies to ensure our own life.

Security system

Information security of automated systems - what kind of profession is this? With it, you can be an ordinary manager or engineer! But there is one more very interesting placeWhich is often chosen by graduates. This is security services. In other words, the work of the guard.

But not at all, as in the supermarket or store. We are talking About work in special services that install and plug in security equipment. Just with this you will have to do. Plus, sometimes just follow the order through the cameras sitting in the office. In case of violations - or call the usual security guard and call it, or take some actions yourself. The first version of the development of events is usually selected.

As a rule, the work schedule is rather loyal here, and the income is very good. Therefore, many are trying to conduct no information security of automated systems, but simply monitor the safety of a particular enterprise. This is considered a prestigious profession to which, as a rule, many seek. But the competition is very big here. Therefore, it will have to be pretty to try to arrange a "warm" place on such.


But the female half of graduates is usually experiencing more problems with employment. After all, those who have chosen the direction "Information Security of Automated Systems" will have to pretty try to find a job. Everywhere or have employees, or need men.

Therefore, many are arranged to work with the most ordinary operators. Depending on the activities of the company will have to or provide advice, or sell goods and services. Plus, many operators are required to call customers (including potential) to alerts them on the shares and bonuses.

In fact, this is quite normal place of work for a young girl. But not for a man. After all, the earnings here are medium, and the working schedule is quite tense. But there is no fully physical activity. So graduate specialists can meet here in such, not even the most prestigious places of work.

Own business

Information security of automated systems - What is this profession in which it is so difficult to find an answer to the question of employment? In order not to break your head, many just open their job. And this is a pretty popular way to build a career.

To be honest, it can engage in an individual graduate of our direction can anything. But only there are the most popular directions. For example, opening your own service computer help Or a specialized store technology and components. Competition is quite high here, but there are many techniques that can make you a worthy businessman.

In general, individual entrepreneurs are found in graduates of different directions. The main thing is to come up with a decent idea and realize it. Your income, of course, will depend only on their own success. Therefore, if you want to work on the result, this direction will be perfect for you.


To be honest, then often people who can not find a job for a long time, It is arranged to work by writers. That is, they just begin to write texts and books based on the knowledge gained. AND information Security Automated systems here is considered a very popular topics.

Thus, you can start writing to order information texts of this direction. Or specialized literature and methods. True, the writing is rather a vocation, not a profession. And therefore, while you are not popular, it is better to combine this direction with some more familiar job. And the writing activity to tie with part-time.

System Administrator

This is a multifaceted career to build our information security of automated systems. Colleges, by the way,, like many universities, help such graduates become the most real system administrators. To be honest, many applicants and students love this profession.

You will have to connect the equipment, follow it and configure. Plus to all, on your shoulders will be responsible for the performance of computers. And even a schoolboy can cope with this task. The system administrator salary ranges from the middle level to high, and the work schedule is very loyal. Often free. This allows you to work somewhere else.

The main thing is to find a worthy place of work. Sometimes, of course, it will have to stay in the office for a long time and work behind computers. But in general, such a workload is extremely rare.


Fortunately, in the graduates of information security of automated systems there are still a lot of alternative approaches to building a career. Only think about this during admission to the university or college. After all, you will have to develop any additional skills.

What is it talking about? For example, you can easily make a programming bias and become a programmer. Or seriously do modeling - will become 3D-designer. In the end, learn how to handle multimedia files and become the creator of the games. In general, everything that is only connected with computers may be your profession. The main thing is to find your own vocation. Now you know what information security of automated systems, who to work on release, as well as possible difficultieswith which you may encounter in employment.

For admission, the exam is taken in mathematics, as a profile subject, Russian language, and physics or computer science and ICT to choose from.

The passage point, according to a survey conducted by HSE and the Analytical Department of the RAEK, the average passage of the EGE in the regions varies slightly, and between different specialties of information security is significantly different.

The maximum passage point in universities varies from 45 to 86.

You can choose a specific specialty, we can consider the nuances and specifics of the directions: Specialty 10.03.01 "Information Security" - here are the basic knowledge of the installation and operation of the components of the IB security system.

  • Specialty code - you can get applied technician protection skills.
  • The specialty code gives the skill to identify the channels of information leaks and prevent cases.
  • The specialty code is the development of threat models for databases and creating programs to protect them.
  • The specialty code is the programming and safety of operating, tax, financial, budget systems.

It can be trained in person, after 4 years, passing training at a specialist. There are magistracy and graduate school in some specialties of information security. The correspondence form of training is provided not everywhere, its deadlines vary in different universities. In the sowas, the passing score is significantly lower, but the choice of specialties is narrow.

Specialty Information Security - Universities and Colleges

In which universities there is a specialty information security?

Training of specialists in Russia is conducted in all regions of the country. The distribution of them, however, is unevenly.

Most a large number of IT specialties in Ugatu, they are 19. Next go MSTU them. AD Bauman and Spbniu ITMO. In general, to get an education in the field of information security in 145 universities in Russia. More than 30% of them are located in the Central Federal District.

Specialty Information Security - Universities in Moscow:

1. Academy of FSB of Russia
2. MFU.
4. Financial University, Financial
6. Miigaik
7. FGBOU in Moscow State Engineering University (Mami), University of Engineering (Mami), University of Engineering
8. National Research University MIET; NiU MIET; MIET.
10. Niauia Mafi.
11. Academy of GPS Emergencies Ministry of Russia
12. MSTU G.
13. FGBOU IN RGAU-MSHA named K.A. Timiryazev
14. FGBOU VO "Russian State Geological Exploration University named after Sergo Ordzhonikidze", MGRI - RGGRU
15. Motusi.
16. MSTU them. N.E. Bauman
17. Military Academy of RVSN named after Peter Great or WA RVSN
18. Moscow University of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya, Moscow Moss of Russia named after V.Ya. Kikotya
19. Miera, MGUPE

Students study the multi-level Cisco and Oracle security systems, gain skills to work with specialized equipment, blocking information leaks, practice search for hidden camcorders and radio layers, blocking information transmitters using various Sonata complexes, Curtains, Barhan.

Specialty Information Security - who work

Where to work with specialty information security?

Work in the specialty information security with the acceleration of their knowledge and implementation of the capacity for both students and graduates can be offered in IT companies, government agencies, in operators of telecommunication systems, as well as participating in international tournaments. Large players The IT market is sent to such events Hed Hunters, and subsequently make suggestions to participants.

Gregory Bakunov, Director of Dissemination of Yandex Technologies and Dmitry Voloshin, Director of the Department of Research and Education Mail. GROUP, are jointly the fact that there is a personnel hunger.

Since August 2016, Cisco has launched a scholarships in which 10 million dollars invested invested. It is designed to increase the number of specialists with the preparation necessary for this area. The program will be implemented in conjunction with authorized training partners, among which there are many Russian universities.

According to the results of a survey conducted by apkit and the WTCIOM, only 13% of IT-university graduates confirmed that education in the university can be applied in real work. But, as Alexey Sokolov told, Deputy Minister of Communications and Mass Communications, the number of budget seats increased by 70% for 2 years, and it is planned to achieve larger increase control digits of reception.

There is hope that the quality of education in this area will also increase, although, in REC, it is believed that, despite the increasingly active support for IT-education by the country's leadership, the problems of insufficient competence of IT specialists, inertness of curricula, incompetence of theoretical teachers are still relevant.

The most common exams when admission:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - profile subject, by choosing a university
  • Informatics and Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) - on the selection of the university
  • Physics - on the selection of the university

Who owns information, he owns the world. Therefore, the specialty 10.03.01 "Information Security" is very popular. It combines knowledge that relate to the entire spectrum of problems from the area of \u200b\u200binformation security.

This is a relatively young profession, which implies not only the ability to define resources that need protection. Such specialists are able to calculate possible threats and prevent information leakage. Today they exist special technical, hardware and softwarethat help cope as efficiently as possible with the goals.

Conditions of receipt

The main task of the direction is the training of a specialist who will have a great luggage of knowledge will not stop in its development, because with the emergence of new technologies, more and more serious tasks come to him. Professional activity requires knowledge of accurate sciences, therefore exams that need to be handed over to applicant when admission, are as follows ::

  • mathematics (profile),
  • russian language,
  • informatics and ICT or physics.

Future profession

A graduate of the undergraduate can solve a whole range of tasks:

  • warn information leakage, detect threats for data;
  • evaluate vulnerability and risks;
  • choose optimal means of protection;
  • manage protection and control systems;
  • properly use regulatory documentation;
  • work with technical means: perform their installation, configuration, maintenance.

Where to do

This in demand profession can be obtained by learning in the best universities of Moscow:

Training period

To master the course on full-time enough for 4 years.

Disciplines included in the course

To obtain a bachelor's diploma to learn many items that are related to accurate sciences and computer sciences:

  • programming languages,
  • technologies and programming methods,
  • providing information security
  • information protection methods,
  • fundamentals of information security,
  • information and network transmission systems,
  • technical means to protect information.

Acquired skills

Upon completion of training, each graduate will have the following competencies:

  1. Collection and analysis of source data to solve any task from the area of \u200b\u200binformation security.
  2. Search possible channels Draft information.
  3. Taking participation in the development of new funds intended to protect information: technical, hardware, software.
  4. Drawing up the documentation necessary for the work: rules, instructions, positions.
  5. Installation, Setup, Maintenance of different types Information protection tools, as well as testing their performance and efficiency.

Employment prospects for profession

The graduates of the direction are in demand in state structures, private companies, in manufacturing enterprises and organizations that are engaged in research activities. A professional will be able to find work in the FIU, the Federal Treasury, FSB, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the UFMS, Ministry of Emergency Situations. Also, specialists of this plan are needed in medical institutions, financial and credit organizations.

The circle of positions that will be able to take a graduate with a bachelor diploma, great enough:

The level of income of a young specialist is predetermined by the place of work and the direction of activity. It can be an operational, design and technological, organizational and managerial, experimental research. For a graduate with a bachelor's diploma, a salary may be 40 thousand. If a professional proves his consistency and becomes an indispensable specialist, he is willing to pay from 100 thousand rubles.

Advantages of learning in the magistracy

Learning master's program Let us deepen your own knowledge. The course of study involves practical experience: it will be specific tasksaimed at preventing threats or search for possible leaks of information. Not theoretically, but almost a specialist will try its strength in defense computer Systems, automated and informational and analytical resources.

The master's program is a good step for a professional start. The volume of information that needs protection is constantly growing. The technologies of its protection are improved, but risks increase.

Specialty "Information Security" appeared in russian universities Approximately 15 years ago - its significance and popularity is constantly increasing in connection with the development of digital and telecommunication technologies. In business, economics, politics, armed forces and society, computer and information security is a critical area of \u200b\u200bknowledge. The development of the Internet and the concomitant technologies and its penetration in almost every aspect of society, business and government management opens up great opportunities for cybercriminals in their desire to break the usual lifestyle. The task of educational programs for information security is to prepare modern Specialists in the field of IT, security to cyberspace operations for various sectors of the economy and management.

In 2103, all costs in the world of information security exceeded $ 25 billion, and every year this figure grows by 7%.
Today you can allocate three main areas in the specialties block "Information Security":

1) recognition and access control (solutions for identifying users in the system and control their access to system resources),
2) Content protection and threat management (development of virus products, spyware, spam, hackers and unauthorized access or use of confidential information),
3) protection of systems sensitive to external factors (a complex set of solutions that allow companies to determine, interpret and develop risk strategy).

The need to develop, implement and manage information security decisions will grow from year to year. You can add a skill to work with monitoring technologies (for example, tracking hacker programs), content classification, content filters and data loss prevention tools.

All these prerequisites are due to rapid changes in the work of companies - an increase in mobility, a reference to the consumer, the development of cloud and social types of communications. All this closes clients, employees, suppliers, partners and other parties, which negatively affects the vulnerability of companies to cyberatics.


Regardless of which specialization is chosen within the direction of "Information Security", on the undergraduate program, students are given general courses on computer science and methods and methods of information protection. Next, depending on the university and curriculumStudents get more specialized knowledge. In the magistracy there is an opportunity to choose the directions of specialization.

On a typical undergraduate program for information or computer security, students receive multidisciplinary training in their field, which also includes cryptography, safety of hardware, protection software. Sometimes the same courses are included in the program. By the way, information security is one of the most sought-after.

Learning in undergraduate in the direction of "Information Security" lasts 4 years and includes a whole range of scientific and practical knowledge of computer, automated, information and telecommunication systems. Students study the basics of providing information security systems or system objects.

Sometimes such programs have some additional bias in accordance with the specifics of the university. For example, in the Moscow State Linguistic University, give excellent language training, which is then very useful for work in a large international company. In the Moscow State Industrial University, the program is built with an emphasis on the automotive industry. The program "Economic Safety" in Ra them. G.V. Plekhanov also practically perfectly combines these two in demand areas of knowledge. The program is also interesting at the Faculty of National Security of Ranjigs.
Students also teach programming in several languages, for example C, Java, PHP, etc., legal aspects Protection of information and a lot.


Talk about the practical orientation of information security specialists is overcome. Such specialists will not be left without work, perhaps never. Undergraduate graduates of information security provide information protection, telecommunications, satellites, etc.


The profile exam upon admission to the specialty "Information Security" is mathematics. In addition to the exam on this subject and in the Russian language, universities usually require another exam - physics or computer science and ICT.

Universities and directions

Russian universities offer two main undergraduate programs - Actually "Information Security" (MTCU, MGLU, RGSU, MGIU, MGU, MGUP, MEPI, RGGU, MGUG, FINANCIAL UNIVERSITY, MHPU, MESI, MIET, MEI, MFU), and " Computer security"(NiU" Higher School of Economics ", MIEM Division, MSTU N.E. Bauman, Academy of Federal Security Service, MFU). There are also more narrow specializes, for example, "Safety information technologies In the law enforcement sector "(RSU, MAI, MGUPI, MEPI, IFU)," Information Security of Telecommunication Systems "(MGUI, MGUPI, Academy of Federal Security Service)," Information Security of Automated Systems "(MSTU. N.E. Bauman, MGIU , MGUPE) and "Information and Analytical Security Systems" (MGUPI, MEPHE, Academy of Federal Security Service), "Economic Safety" (RGSU, MEPI, RAU. G.V. Plekhanova, Ranjigs (Faculty of National Security), Mami, MFU ). Almost all of these universities can also be obtained

The portal's research center Website in November 2008 examined the offers of employers and expectations of applicants to the "Information Security Specialist" position in 9 cities of Russia.

Modern companies are increasingly faced with the need to ensure the confidentiality of the data, prevent leakage or unauthorized access to information. Task to ensure complex defense information lies on the shoulders of an information security specialist, which should conduct an audit existing system Security, analyze information risks and in accordance with this to develop and implement activities to ensure the information security of the company, in particular, select, install and configure technical information protection tools. The process of information protection is accompanied by an active compilation of regulatory and technical documentation. The responsibilities of an information security specialist also include constant monitoring of the information security system and support. technical means Her protection. In addition, the employee responsible for the security of information has to train other employees to comply with the basics of information security. Of course, the list of requirements is quite serious, but the benefits of such a difficult profession are obvious - the high demand for such specialists: in Moscow, for example, one for information security accounts for only 2 resumes, in St. Petersburg - 4; In the rest of the cities there is a balance of demand and suggestions.

The average wage of information security professionals in Moscow is 55,000 rubles. per month, in St. Petersburg - 43,000 rubles, in Yekaterinburg - 33,000 rubles, in Nizhny Novgorod - 28,000 rubles., in Novosibirsk - 30,000 rubles, in Omsk 24,000 rubles, in Rostov-Na- Don, Samara and Ufa - 26,000 rubles.

In order to become a specialist in information security, you need to make a good technical side of information protection. For a career start in this area, incomplete higher or higher technical education, knowledge of the English language at the level of reading technical literature, understanding the basics of information security. Often the responsibilities of preventing unauthorized access to information and the development of technical protection measures are performed by system administrators and engineers. Therefore, to start a career of an information security specialist is best practicing in this field and having received the skills of administration of various operating systems, settings and support for antivirus software. The earnings at first are for Moscow specialists - 25,000-40,000 rubles, for St. Petersburg residents - 20,000 -30 000 rubles, for residents of Rostov-on-Don 12 000-17 000 rubles, Samara - 12000 - 20,000 rubles .

Working in the specialty from 1 to 3 years and having received deep knowledge network Protocols and methods of their analysis, improving the knowledge of international standards for information security and modern software and hardware for information protection, information security specialist earns at least 40,000 - 65,000 rubles. In Moscow, 30,000 - 50,000 in St. Petersburg, 25,000 - 40,000 rubles. In Ekaterinburg. Data on other Russian cities participating in the study are presented below (see Tables).

You can safely count on a higher payment if you work as a specialist in information security for more than 3 years, you have experience independently developing and implementing a system of information security or participation in projects to create a security system for large-scale information systems, Experience with Cisco Equipment, and also if you are supported in the preparation of regulatory and technical documentation. An experienced specialist working in Moscow may claim a salary from 65,000 to 100,000 rubles, in St. Petersburg - from 50,000 to 80,000, in Yekaterinburg - from 40,000 to 60,000 rubles.

A typical representative of the Profession Profession Specialist is a man with higher education. Representatives of strong sex are 93% of applicants. 92% of candidates for this position received higher education. In such a work, not only the enthusiasm of youth is important (candidates under the age of 30 are 60%), but also the experience of maturity (specialists aged from 30 to 40 make up a quarter of applicants). The work of an information security specialist may be associated with frequent trips, 75% of candidates have the driver's license of the category "B".

You can learn from information security specialist in Moscow in the following universities:
-, Faculty of Information Security.
- MSTU them. N. E. Bauman, Faculty of "Informatics and Management Systems".
-, Faculty of Information Security.
-, Institute of Business Safety Nou Mei
- Russian State Humanitarian University, Institute of Information Sciences and Security Technologies.

Two professional holidays are connected with the work of an information security specialist in November: November 26 - World Information Day and November 30 - celebrated already 20 times - International Information Protection Day.

Regions Research: gg Moscow, St. Petersburg, Ekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod, Novosibirsk, Rostov-on-Don, Omsk, Samara, Ufa.
Study time: November 2008
Unit of measurement: Russian ruble.
Object study: Offers of employers and expectations of applicants for the "Information Security Specialist" position.

Typical functionality:
- Audit and monitoring of the information security system of the company
- Analysis of information risks
- Development and implementation of information security activities
- Installation, setup and maintenance of technical information protection
- Training and advising employees on information security
- drawing up regulatory and technical documentation.

Position requirements: Type of employment - full time.

The level of remuneration of a specialist is determined by the welfare of the company, a list of job responsibilities, experience in the specialty, level of development of professional skills.

Analysis of information on the level of remuneration of a specialist:
(excluding bonuses, additional benefits and compensation)

Region Minimum Maximum Fashion Median Lower quartile Upper quartile Average Establishment index
(Summary / vacancies)
Moscow 25 000 100 000 50 000 55 000 40 000 65 000 56 200 2
St. Petersburg 20 000 80 000 40 000 43 000 30 000 50 000 43 700 4
Yekaterinburg 15 000 60 000 30 000 33 000 25 000
40 000 33 600 1
Nizhny Novgorod 13 000 50 000 25 000 28 000 20 000 35 000 28 100 1
Novosibirsk 14 000 60 000 30 000 30 000 23 000 37 000 31 400 1
Rostov-on-Don 12 000 50 000 25 000 26 000 17 000 30 000 26 900 1
Omsk 11 000 45 000 20 000 24 000 17 000 28 000 24 100 1
Samara 12 000 50 000 25 000 26 000 20 000 32 000 26 500 1
Ufa 12 000 47 000 25 000 26 000 19 000 31 000 26 300 1

Explanation to the table "

Investigation of the data array on wages In the studied regions, it allows you to distinguish several basic salary ranges, each of which is characterized by a certain typical set of requirements and wishes for the candidate. Each subsequent salary range includes requirements formulated for previous ones.

Region Range I. Range II.
Range III
Moscow up to 40,00040 000 - 65 000 over 65,000
St. Petersburg up to 30,00030 000 - 50 000 over 50,000
Yekaterinburg up to 25,00025 000 - 40 000 over 40,000
Nizhny Novgorod up to 20,00020 000 - 35 000 over 35,000
Novosibirsk up to 23,00023 000 - 37 000 over 37,000
Rostov-on-Don up to 17,00017 000 - 30 000 over 30,000
Omsk up to 17,00017 000 - 28 000 over 28,000
Samara up to 20,00020 000 - 32 000 over 32,000
Ufa up to 19,00019 000 - 31 000 over 31,000

Explanation to the table "
Salary range Requirements and wishes for professional skills
1 I. - Higher education / incomplete higher (technical)
- knowledge of English at the base level or at the level, sufficient, for reading technical texts
- knowledge of the basics of information security
- Operating System Administration Skills (Windows / UNIX)
- Skills of configuration and support for antivirus software
- Experience in the field of IT on the technical position ( system Administrator, engineer)
2 II. - Profile higher education
- the presence of qualifying certificates is welcome
- Deep knowledge of network protocols and methods of their analysis
- Knowledge of international information security standards
- Knowledge of modern software and hardware information protection
- Experience in the specialty 1-3 years
3 III - Experience with Cisco Equipment
- Experience in the development of regulatory and technical documentation
- Experience independent development and implementation of a system of information security or participation in projects for the creation of a security system for large-scale information systems
- Experience in the specialty from 3 years

Statistical data:
  • Age range of the most demanded by the labor market for information security specialists 25-50 years; Specialists in the protection of information under the age of 30 account for 60% of the total number of specialists; aged 30 to 40 years - 25%, aged 40 to 50 - 12%;

  • 93% of information security specialists are men;

  • 78% of information security specialists own english language at the basic level and at the level sufficient to read specialized literature; in colloquial and in free levels - 17%;

  • 92% of information security specialists have a higher education, 5% - incomplete higher;

  • 16% of information security specialists have passed specialized courses or qualifying certificates;

  • 75% of information security specialists have the driver's license of the "B" category.
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Information security specialist

The SUPERJOB.RU Research Center in November 2008 examined the offers of employers and expectations of applicants for the "Information Security Specialist" position in 9 cities of Russia. Read more ...

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