
Monocular with great magnification. The most powerful binoculars in the world. Monocle against binoculars and visual pipe

Hhtcleo. 25-02-2014 01:43


So what I wish:
1) Definitely monocular.

3) Waterproof

6) Weight up to 200 gr.
7) Budget from 2 to 10 thousand.

Waiting for your advice, friends.

mKRK. 25-02-2014 01:57

Suitable. I also have a similar interest. Can cornery that will be prompted. TKNA TEEEXQAYS Rylch.))

Alexsandr1977 25-02-2014 08:20

For tourism, the binoculars compact, the weight is a little more, but look much more convenient.

Ffrei. 25-02-2014 09:15

The increase of more than 10 may be uncomfortable: jitter, suitable only for good lighting. 7-10 Normal Diamazon. If you watch up to 35 mm, it is possible to really see the binoculars-klmpacts. Weight up to 400, while both eyes are involved.

Yours faithfully,

Alexsandr1977 25-02-2014 13:11

The refinery is already like an optical sight if the metal body will be decent, more binoculars compact. Optolit is already another matter, weighing less than 100g., But TTH is not known.

Hhtcleo. 26-02-2014 04:33

Yes, you are right TTH I could not find. While I hesitate between the Optolitis, Zeis and something for 3-5 thousand.

Alexsandr1977 26-02-2014 08:39

I'm for Cees)))

Hhtcleo. 26-02-2014 09:34

so do I. Not cheap it infection. What is better to take 10 or 8?

Alexsandr1977 26-02-2014 09:47

If we are talking about binoculars, then the dimensions of the ministers from the Tseissa are two: 8x20 and 10x25. There is as a conquest, he cheaper, and there are Victoria. 10x will be lightweight, due to 5mm lens, but the field and less than the flu.

311md. 01-03-2014 18:41

application - tourism

Objectives determine the means.
What tourism speech: By bus on Europe or mountain?
How will you use: attached to the eye, considered up to 5 - and everything is already clear, or long observation?

Hhtcleo. 02-03-2014 12:19

tourism mountain, forest. Although it may take a bus somewhere and took a bus.
Observation is not long.
I was in principle identified:
1) Case 10x25
2) optolitis 10x28

At the first price is not very.
The second at all there is no information that and how little on sale.

Chernomor 02-03-2014 10:04

quote: Originally Posted by Hhtcleo:
Help determine the device.
So what I wish:
1) Definitely monocular.
2) Compact (25-35 mm in diameter)
3) Waterproof
4) an increase from 8 to 15 (15 probably Ilyusy for this size?)
5) Application - Tourism (without grid)
6) Weight up to 200 gr.
7) Budget from 2 to 10 thousand.

I liked Carl Zeiss 10x25, but a little expensive.
Are there any "analogues" similar in quality?

On Ebey, I saw Chinese monoculars at a price of 300 rubles (), as I understand it - only to give a child to PREGAH - all lenses are cast from plastic (my guess).

There are still monoculars at a price of 2-5 thousand, nothing is clear here. I think this is the lowest price range with relevant quality.

And in general, how much can be the "normal" wholesale. Device with a lens of 25 mm?

Waiting for your advice, friends.

For many years I use it, pleased.

311md. 02-03-2014 11:40

qUOTE: I use many years this, pleased

From the inside fogging due to the lack of nitrogen filling?

Chernomor 02-03-2014 13:20

From the inside fogging due to the lack of nitrogen filling?

I have never paid attention to such a problem. I do not exclude that there were no significant differences, but still.
The picture is yellowish, but clear. Compact, lightweight and excellent combination price-quality device IMHO.

Tropic 02-03-2014 14:35

i also used for many years to them and now there is good, while I don't see something normal ...

Chernomor 03-03-2014 12:29

qUOTE: Originally posted by tropic:
i also used for many years to them and now there is good, while I don't see something normal ...

Yep. But the budget is critical for many

Tropic 03-03-2014 06:40

I agree

KR_OLL. 03-03-2014 18:22

I join the question of choosing half binoculars !!!
I came today looked at him (I didn't like too fierce settings, lacking third hands).

KR_OLL. 03-03-2014 18:30

Then I decided to look at this (as for the newbie in this matter, I liked everything, but I would like an increase more).

Tropic 03-03-2014 19:10

more than eight Tremmmorm will be felt, the edge of a dozen, but on a light monica IMHO 8-ka limit.

Hhtcleo. 04-03-2014 06:32

And Tseyis 10x25 is normal?

Alexsandr1977 04-03-2014 09:22

If binoculars, then, yes, it is convenient to keep it.

fugu01 05-03-2014 21:31

quote: Originally Posted by Hhtcleo:

I liked Carl Zeiss 10x25, but a little expensive.
Are there any "analogues" similar in quality?

If CC liked, but a little bit expensive (it was slightly), then it's better to strain, step over it "slightly" and buy a canoe mono-20. It is the best among the monoculars of this form factor. KC Conquest is significantly inferior to Monovida.

Hhtcleo. 06-03-2014 12:02

Can you tell me what parameters is it specifically better?

fugu01 06-03-2014 16:12

quote: Originally Posted by Hhtcleo:
Can you tell me what parameters is it specifically better?

It can be seen in Monovo better. Cz is made according to the Gallilee scheme, Monovo is a full-fledged ruff. Configured Monovo is easier. With an equal or comparable price, I highly recommend Monovo. Monovoid 8x20 at Watering Watering is the only monocular, and, IMO, it is the best among all the monoculars in this form factor.

Alexsandr1977 06-03-2014 16:16

And I am for binocular 8x20, 10x25, the size is a little more, but look comfortable)))

fugu01 06-03-2014 17:01

qUOTE: Originally posted by alexsandr1977:
And I am for binocular 8x20, 10x25, the size is a little more, but look comfortable)))

Watching the binoculars is more comfortable, but monocular is more efficient, if you need to quickly see. Monocular can be carried in hand and, if necessary, instantly put to the eye. Even HC 8x20 is inconvenient in hand (and even more so in his pocket) "unfolded."

311md. 07-03-2014 02:56

The main thing to decide whether a person wants to "look and remove", or something more. For example, enjoy the view)
I, for example, more comfortable watch In not very expensive binoculars 10x25 than a decent monocular of 7x50. Binoculars are better stabilized from a jitter, the image looks more and a little closer, objects and groups of objects are easily recognized as a non-obvious at first.

fugu01 07-03-2014 14:40

qUOTE: Originally posted by 311md:
The main thing is to decide whether a person wants to "look and remove", or something more ...

quote: Originally Posted by Hhtcleo:
So what I wish:
1) Definitely monocular.

311md. 07-03-2014 18:48

So what I wish:
1) Definitely monocular.

Yes, for God, I also first unequivocally wanted a monocular. And even sometimes I use.

Hhtcleo. 08-03-2014 02:24

bought Tsey

Alexsandr1977 08-03-2014 21:01


311md. 09-03-2014 12:39

And why not Leica? Compare opportunities did not introduce?

Hhtcleo. 09-03-2014 02:42

monocular. The decision is considered. Prior to that, there was half a military binoculary 8x40. But it is heavy and bulky.
Why not a watering can ...
increasing 10x8 I want more than 10.
Price. Zeys took for 13, the wheel itself cheaply with delivery came out at 18.
Compare opportunities no way - ordered on the Internet.

311md. 09-03-2014 12:51

Dandr. 11-03-2014 15:51

The choice of optics the process is quite difficult.

If you want to use the apparatus at twilight, it is better to choose the multiplicity of 7x or 8x when the lens diameter is 40 mm or 50 mm with the Porro prism. True, in this case will have to sacrifice compactness.

If a compact device is needed (binoculars or monocular), it is better to limit back to multiplicity of not more than 8x. The jitter will interfere and the viewing angle is small.

If you need a universal binoculars with a sufficiently good magnification, then go on 10x50 or, in extreme cases, 12x50.

Again, is it necessary with all the above water protection and filling with inert gases? If so, the most inexpensive waterfront devices have a levenguk manufacturer. This is one of the few manufacturers, which guarantees the appropriate quality and gives a lifelong warranty.

As for the cessis, I compared somehow Conquest and Bresser are equivalent in characteristics. With the price difference in almost 11 tr. Bresser a little inferior to enlightenment, did not notice the rest of the same difference. So you think about whether it is worth chasing the brand.

Leica did not see living, but I heard a lot of good sources from trustworthy.

jim Hokins 11-03-2014 21:04

As for the Cases, I compared the conquest and Bresser are equivalent according to the characteristics. With the price difference in almost 11 tr. Bresser a little inferior to enlightenment, did not notice the rest of the same difference.

Wange sneakers / tubarets / rotten vegetables.
qUOTE: Originally posted by Dandr:

Help pick up monocular

qUOTE: Originally posted by Dandr:

If you need a universal binoculars with a fairly good magnification, then

qUOTE: Originally posted by Dandr:

Levenguk. This is one of the few manufacturers, which guarantees the appropriate quality and gives a lifelong warranty.

Hmm ... What are your evidence (c)?

Dandr. 13-03-2014 17:01

About the evidence ... Levenguka revised, prompted the entire lineup. Of course, there are devices with jambs, but if you approach the choice of competently, then cheaper the water-proof binoculars with a lifelong warranty and high-quality optics you will simply not find.

If you need a universal binoculars with a fairly good magnification, then ... in this case, I meant the choice of multiplicity and the diameter of the binoculars lens, and not manufacturers.

Believe me or not to believe your right. I advise you to go to any store where they are sold by the brands called me and personally compare trays and bressieres (starting with the Montana series) or just see the same lewnergi (well, I have not seen binoculars in the Russian market that are not afraid of diving in the water cheaper).

I will be glad to hear constructive criticism.

KGS. 13-03-2014 20:15

qUOTE: Originally posted by fugu01:

It can be seen in Monovo better. Cz is made according to the Gallilee scheme, Monovo is a full-fledged ruff. Configured Monovo is easier. With an equal or comparable price, I highly recommend Monovo. Monovoid 8x20 at Watering Watering is the only monocular, and, IMO, it is the best among all the monoculars in this form factor.

Looking at the fall in the fall at the exhibition in the living room and reading your post - I decided to buy.
Began to look for. Found a two-year announcement on this forum for $ 450, despite this clarified the person.
Stilated Western sites who send to Russia\u003dItem417De82871
Then our, and saw the lowest price of 16400.
Not particularly believing in the relevance of this offer, still ordered.
And as it turned out to be on the point. Monocular cost $ 448. True, after my order, the price was raised.

fugu01 14-03-2014 12:02

qUOTE: Originally posted by kgs:

For a long time looked at the monoculatory. Need to mostly on the hunt. Lately I used 8x20 binoculars, but despite the fact that it is small - you will not put in my pocket. On the chest, there is always a radio and nvigagator, so if you add binoculars, there will be a bust. Monocular in this plan can be simply put in pocket.
After watching the watering can in the autumn at the exhibition in the living room and reading your post - I decided to buy ...

Correctly done, congratulations. After I "selected" HC 8х20, turning it into theatrical, I decided to replace it in hiking by monocular. Compared KC Conquest 8x20 and Monovo 8x20. The choice is unambiguous and clear - Monovo. Kz is easier, but in all the rest heavily loses to the leak. Monovo threw in his pocket and do not remember him until he needed.

momotych. 18-03-2014 13:42

I like my Taisss 6x18 BT * P * fabulous deviss. Sharp and without distortion 95 ... 98% of the field. Focuss from 25 centimeters (in museums and stores healthy helps!))), And weighs only 58 grams, always in your pocket. Convenient adjustment of the harsh: It is not necessary to twist anything, but simply move the front part to the front part (it is damping it smoothly and goes smoothly. Soft barehouse, you can even wrap it, if in glasses. The only minus is a narrow field of view for such a multiplicity. And so - recommend!

ZMEY1976. 21-03-2014 19:34

Excellent offer, I think it will be quickly. I always have it in the car, when - 35 Metal Case Bodrit

If you are planning to get to the World Cup, hurry to buy a monocular with a phone holder so that in detail to consider everything that will happen on the field.

As soon as in service with humanity, high-quality optics appeared, designers of the whole world sought to create a powerful, but at the same time mobile and compact optics. As a result, monocular appeared.

Externally, the device really resembles binoculars with the difference that it is possible to look at it only with one eye. The technical gadget combines modest dimensions, while it can boast serious optics with a good field of view. The multiplicity of increase in different devices varies from 4 to 18 times, there are models with several lenses, in which this indicator reaches 25.

Montoculars are used where there is a clear coherence of actions at a high distance, for hidden surveillance, during hunting when you need to accurately trace where you fell to game. On fishing, the device will help coordinate the actions when collecting and laying networks at a high distance. It is worth saying that the monoculars are used by military and private detectives. Special services are especially popular with night vision features.

Monocular is used in golf, bullet shooting, archery. Where you need to see something on a great distance. Very often, with a monocular, you can see the walking tourists who study the famous world buildings and structures in the smallest details, especially those that are fenced with a fence. Watchmakers and jewelers love this tool, since additional lenses will easily turn the magnifying device into a telescopic magnifying glass.

Dignities and disadvantages of monoculars

Monocular - the device is truly universal. For the military, he can replace an optical sight, travelers will probably enjoy his ability to turn comfortable gadget For fastening on the helmet together with the camera "Go Pro". Monocular compact any other optical device this typeIt is easy to fit in a small handbag or jacket pocket. He is the easiest to us binoculars and much stronger. Many models are equipped with a special moisture resistant and shockproof coating.

An important advantage of this device is its price. Instead of one binoculars, you can purchase two monocular good qualitywho will have a different purpose. Among the minuses, perhaps, you can only select a congenital defect - monocularity, you will not be able to observe too long. But it did not lose the device at all.

What is better: binoculars, monocular or pickle pipe

Choosing optics, each of us will look for something your own. One is important for convenience, another - compactness, the third - multiplicity. Consider the main advantages and disadvantages of each type of optics listed by us.

Type of opticsBenefitsdisadvantages

Ease of use, no need to squint and strain sight. Good viewing angle. Additional options: Compass, rangefinder, etc.High price, considerable dimensions, extra weight.


Large multiplicity with modest weight.Little angle of view, cumbersome.


Compactness, high multiplicity, the presence of additional "chips": the possibility of night vision, anti-vandal and moisture-resistant coating, a night vision based on infrared illumination, there is a fastening for a tripod and under the head helmet, some models are equipped with additional optics, others have dual lenses, which allows changing Multiplicity as needed.Weight is greater than that of a pickle pipe, less convenience with long-term observation than binoculars.

After studying the table, you can draw the following conclusion: if the price of the device does not play a decisive role, but you are important to you a wide viewing angle, it is better to buy binoculars. Otherwise, a monocular will be more suitable, which will ensure the same increase, but it will be cheaper and more compact.

How it works and functions a monocular and its main characteristics

Before you go to the description of specific manufacturers and models, it will be useful to stay in detail on the instrument device.

Consider the lens device (in the photo above). The lens (1) is placed in a tube (2) connected with the housing (4). In the housing, which is closed with covers, (3.6) is the prism of the wrapping system (5). With a housing (4), a tube (7) is torn (7), according to which the coupling (11) of the eyepiece rotates (11). The rotation of the coupling (11) leads to the axial movement of the eyepiece (8), which is necessary for the mounting of the monocular to the sharpness of the image. The coupling (11) causes a diopter scale 12, and on the tube (7) there is a fixed mark corresponding to this scale (13). The coupling has an elastic or hard eyecup (10). The eyelet (14) serves to attach a flexible belt handle used for carrying a monocular. And the monocular suggests two types of prisms in the case:

  1. Sequential location on one axis: Roof. This technique is more compact.
  2. Location on different axes - Porro.

Prism Prism Options in Montocular

Briefly tell about the peculiarities of these two styling systems Prism:


Some models of monocular make it possible to change the lenses. A set of such devices includes several lenses with appropriate tubes.

For monoculators, the same characteristics are relevant as for pickle pipes, telescopes and even microscopes. Aperture - lens diameter. It depends on the line and the angle of view of the device. Measured in millimeters.


The presence of anti-glare spraying on lenses is at times improves image quality. There are four degrees of lenses coverage: coated, Fully Coated (FC), Multicoated (MS), Fully Multicoated (FMS) - (from the worst to the best).

The focal length is a parameter that determines the increasing ability of the device. Also measured in millimeters.


So that the lenses do not stove, the space between them is filled with colorless nitrogen or argon. The picture does not distort it. But the appearance of moisture droplets on the lenses is excluded. As in any binoculars, in the monocular you can adjust the device under your own eyesight.

Often instead of focal length, the manufacturer indicates the multiplicity of the device. The concept of "brow" is not a unit of measure, but serves as an indicator of the degree of increase. But do not forget that the more multiplicity, the stronger the appliance will be. Usually, two digits are specified on the monocular housing: the first is the diameter of the lens, the second is the multiplicity of the device.

Passive and active (night vision) Types of monoculars with great multiplicity

Passive devices are exclusively optical monocular, working only in the visible range of the spectrum, roughly speaking, from dawn to sunset. Active devices are equipped with an infrared sensor, therefore, in fact, are a night vision device. Such devices are the topic of a separate conversation. Montoculars of this type are most often used by the military, and such tracking systems with a simple man in the sustainer are not available. The effectiveness of such devices has an influence of a generation of an electron-optical converter.

On the market, we can buy simplified samples that work with the help of special infrared illumination. At the same time, often night monocular can also serve as early as the diaphragm.

Characteristics and technical features of monocular with a large variable multiplicity

Monoculars with variable multiplicity are modern devices with the possibility of increasing from 10x to 30x. Roughly speaking, these are monoculars with zoom, which allow you to consider landscapes or architectural structures in the smallest details at a high distance.

The adjustment of the multiplicity is carried out using the movable mechanism of lenses. Such monoculars with zoom provide high quality Images into a clear and sunny day. However, for evening surveillance, they are not suitable due to low levels of lights. When choosing a variable-variable monoculatory, do not save on the selection of the model with high-quality lenses. After all, it is precisely how clear the image will be as clear.

Leading trademarks of monoculars of Russian and foreign production

On the russian market There are about 10 major firms that offer proven optics with a variety of characteristics and functions. Consider the most popular of them. Among the Russian manufacturers of monoculars in the top of the leaders two:

Among foreign brands we call the following:

Carl Zeiss.

Carl Zeiss's company is already one and a half years old is one of the leading manufacturers of optics, and the quality of products manufactured by it meets all international standards. Carl Zeiss is engaged in both day and night monoculars for lovers and professionals. The cost of production of this company varies ranging from 5,000 to 15,000 rubles.


Sturman's monoculars are a budget option for those who need an inexpensive monocular for a hike, for example, in a zoo or theater. The cost of such devices does not exceed 1,000 rubles. And on my pocket to everyone. Moreover, there are inexpensive, but quite successful models with variable multiplicity.


"Veber" is one of the few companies in Russia, in the commodity assortment of which there are no "passing" models and obvious outsiders. The company has been working in the industry of optical equipment since 1994, and during this time its employees managed to achieve impressive results: the company covered the market most fully, creating two main trade marks - "Micromed" and "Weber". "Micromed" is one of the leaders of microscopy market. The devices manufactured under this brand use doctors, criminologists, scientists and production workers.


The company is one of the oldest and well-known firms, which develops and produce high-quality optics for more than 60 years. Products of the company enjoy high demand and respect throughout the entire life of the company. Such popularity, the high-precision optics of the company is obliged to continuously improve and implement newest technologies Optics. The price of a monocular can vary from 500 to 200,000 rubles, depending on the generation of an electron-optical converter used. Consider the most popular models of the most powerful monoculars in different price categories.

Popular models of the most powerful premium monoculars

The cost of monoculars may depend on the issuing company, multiplicity of increase, as well as the presence of useful functions: automatic brightness adjustment of the image, protection against illumination, adapters for the photo or video or a binocular nozzle.

Zeiss Monocular 10 × 25 T - 9,9/10 Point, according to the editorial office website. Excellent tool for "amateur" campaigns. A small, convenient in carrying, the field of view is sufficient, the quality of optics at the height. Moisture is not afraid. Excellent replacement binoculars. It is important that you can observe without removing points.

Main characteristics:

  1. Increase - 10x.
  2. Lens diameter - 25 mm.
  3. The diameter of the output pupil is 2.5 mm.
  4. Field of view at a distance of 1000 m 88 cm.
  5. Minimum focusing distance - 4.5 m.
  6. Twilight factor - 15.8.
  7. Diopter correction - ± 4d.
  8. Case: Melil, protection against moisture and dust.
  9. Price - 20,000 rubles.

Veber Monty 18 × 70 - 9,8/10 point, according to the editorial office website. One of the most powerful premium monoculars. An impressive device that has not only an outstanding degree of increasing, but also considerable weight - 800 square meters (which is quite understandable) is a tripod. Despite some bulky, the image quality is excellent.

Main characteristics:

  1. Zoom - 18x.
  2. Lens diameter - 70 mm.
  3. The diameter of the output pupil - 3.9 mm.
  4. The angular field of view is real - 3.6 °.
  5. Features Optics: Lenses Multilayer Coating.
  6. Construction Features: Fastening on a tripod.
  7. The price of the model is from 4 500 rubles.

ComS MP 15 × 50 - 9,8/10 point, according to the editorial office website. According to buyers, the model is perfect for running hunting, for example, on game in the fields. Well increases, placed in a bag or pocket.

ComS MP 15 × 50

By cons can be attributed not quite conveniently performed eyepiece, which rests on the eyeball instead of resting in the surrounding bone. The design of the device seems rustic. The minimum price is 3,900 rubles.

Popular models of monoculars with high multiplicity of the average price category

9,5/10 Point, according to the editorial office website. Very small and light monocular, with good power. Allows you to enjoy good image Even in the evening due to sufficient lights. Completed with a comfortable protective case.

Disadvantages: It will not be possible to consider distant landscapes - focusing does not reach further than 2 kilometers. The monocular is completely not designed for the fall - it is plastic and with a fragile lens. The minimum price is 800 rubles.

Sturman 10 × 40 Monocular - 9,7/10 point, according to the editorial office website. Very compact (only 17 cm long), but the device is powerful and easy to use. The body is made of aluminum and rubbering. By rotation of the eyepiece you can configure the focus.

The model is characterized by the fact that it gives very sharp image Not only static, but also moving objects. Based on optical scheme It is a ROOF-prism technology - this means that the image is projected in the straight, and not turned the form. The minimum price is 1 100 rubles.

Monocular Bushnell 95 × 52 - 9,8/10 Point, according to the editorial office website. Little reviews that exist on the network on the Bushnell 95 × 52 model, it is suggested that the device may well become one of the most purchased optical equipment on the market. The diameter of the front lens is 37 mm. The hull is rubberized, which may be saved from falling, as well as from moisture inwards. It is not afraid of temperature drops from -40 to + 50 ° C. Minimum focal lengthstated on the manufacturer's website, 5 meters. Bushnell monocular without increasing, manual focus - 95 × 52.

Main characteristics:

  1. The viewing angle is 22 °.
  2. Case: Metal (rubberized).
  3. Range of operating temperatures: from -40 to + 50 ° C.
  4. The field of view on the distance is 66 m / 8000 m.
  5. Multilayer optics coating.
  6. High-quality high-contrast image.
  7. Shockproof and waterproof rubberized housing.
  8. The price of the product is 1,200 rubles.

How to choose a monocular with a great magnification for hunting and fishing

If you choose the device for hunting, it is better to take a monocular of less multiplicity, but with a large viewing angle. Since in the forest, the line of direct visibility rarely exceeds a kilometer, and in this case a strong increase in the device for nothing. And, on the contrary, if you plan to explore the terrain on a great distance, for example, on the river, then, on the contrary, you should choose a monocular with greater thanxicacy.

Choosing advanced models, for example, with night vision feature, think, are you ready to sit at night in the doser.

How to choose a monocular for hunt. See in this video:

In order not to make a mistake with the choice, you need to look not only not the degree of increase, but also for each of the other possible parameters. And also some difficulties that may occur:

  1. Professionals consider optimal multiplicity 5-6, Because such devices usually stabilize well and we will not weigh too much. If the multiplicity of more than 8, there are already problems with stabilization of the picture. There are also monoculars with adjustable multiplicity, but here the question of the reliability of such a device arises.
  2. Diameter of lens. The parameter directly affects the degree of the instrument lights. The larger the main lens will be, the hardest weight of the monocular.
  3. line of sight. If you imagine that there is a fence of 1000 meters in front of you, then with a linear vision of monoculatory 113 meters from 1000, you will see a fragment of this fence with a duration of 113 meters. The greater the multiplicity of the increase, the less this figure will be.
  4. Gas forage. The parameter indicates whether the hermetic case is filled with any inert gas in order to prevent condensate.
  5. Optical enlightenment. This is the main criterion if you are important to the correct color reproduction and image brightness. The best monoculars are equipped with multi-layer enlightenment, and the most cheaply enlightened only one layer of lenses.
  6. Depth of field. The parameter determines how much the distance may change before you need to re-configure the focus.
  7. Removal of the output pupil. In other words, this distance is in millimeters between the eyepiece and the eye. It must be comfortable and do not worsen the quality of the visible image. Man wearing glasses must definitely pay attention to this criterion. There are two options - either shoot glasses while using the monocular or not. In the second case, a model is needed with more than 14 millimeters.
  8. Waterproof. Useful feature For those who need a device for hunting or use near water. If you plan to use the monocular only in everyday life, it is enough of the usual spray protection.

We hope that after reading this article, choose an optical device for you will not be a lot of work. If you have questions left to the author of the article, ask them below in the comments.

Not depending on what kind of rest in nature attracts you more - fishing, hunting, or just a hike, the optics will be very useful for you. Well, if you have the opportunity to bring full binoculars with you. But if there is no such possibility, do not be discouraged - the monoculars will be excellent out of the situation.

With the advent of lenses, and later, the designers from all over the world were sought to create a compact, but at the same time able to provide a good range of review, optics. It is this as a result and presented the world of monocular - small visual pipes.

What is a monocular? And what is his differences from binoculars and a pickle pipe?

Optical monocular is practically the same binoculars, but it only consists of one pipe. This type of optics has both positive and negative sides. And it is interesting that someone will consider this or that peculiarity of the plus, and someone is a minus.

When choosing optics, alone prefers binoculars, others - monoculars, and a subtle pipe for hunting is also suitable. Let's look at what they differ and what is better to each other.




large multiple weight

large dimensions

little angle of view


small dimensions

good optical characteristics

with the same characteristics, weight is more than a pickle pipe, but at the same time less than binoculars


good viewing angles

ease of use

availability opportunities (range finder, compass, etc.)

weight and bulky

As we see from this table, if you are not very important, the size and weight are not important, then we bind the binoculars, and if the turnover is a pipe or monocle.


The structure of the monoculatory is similar to both the structure of binoculars and from the pylon pipe. The difference is in size and form. Monocular is much smaller and more compact with a visual pipe, but at the same time it has less power and multiplicity. With binoculars, the main difference is that it is possible to observe using a monocular, only one eye, and his angle is less.

Monocular consists of:


  • gathering wrapping system

The compact structure of the monocular and low weight makes it an excellent assistant when there is a need for inspection of the terrain, but there is no possibility to take more cumbersome optics with you.

Main characteristics

Most often in everyday lifeUse a monocular for hunting, tourism or fishing. Choosing a binoculars or a monocle for a hike to rest at first, clearly decide which functions, it must perform and what parameters to match. Below we present the main characteristics to which you should pay attention to:

    Prism system


    Diameter of lens

    Possibility of diopter adjustment

    Anti-reflective covering lenses

    Protection of housing

These indicators are very important, because any visual tube for hunting or fishing should have high-quality lenses and, at least minimal protection of the case. Of course, it is rarely, when the model comes across with high indicators in all respects, and if it turns out such, then its cost is several times higher than others, but also agree to cheap optics there is no point. All this leads to the fact that the choice of monocular often pours to the deadlock of many hunters.

How to choose a monocular?

Many hunters and tourists, facing the choice wondering: "What kind of monocular to choose?". It is incorrect, not a model or firm manufacturer is important - the main parameters.

Let's look at the Read more:

    Prism - Roof (photo 1) or Porro (photo 2). Optics with ruff prism is more compact than with porre. This is due to the fact that the lens and eyepiece in the Roof system are on the same axis, and in the Porro system on different.

    The multiplicity is also very important, because this optics is purchased to observe large distances. But do not forget that the more multiplicity, the greater the pictures will be noticeably.

    ⌀ (diameter) lens affects the lights of optics. From this indicator depends on whether you can use a monocular in the evening day and under cloudy weather. Well, if you need to use it at night, it is worth paying attention to the night optics. For some time in Ukraine, the night vision device is not a problem. Especially it will be nice if you make an order in our store \u003d)

    Diopter adjustment should also be present, the choice is not done for a month or a year, but vision for this period may change. In addition, many people have a diopter difference between the right and left eyes.

    The presence of anti-glare spraying on lenses is at times improves image quality. There are four degrees of lenses coverage: coated (C), Fully Coated (FC), Multicoated (MS), Fully Multicoated (FMS) - (from the worst to the best).

    The latter and not unimportant, to which you should pay attention to when choosing is to protect. Your monocular must have a shockproof dust and moisture-proof case. It should also be filled with nitrogen to avoid fogging lenses.

The best monoclies in the ranking.

Choosing a monocular one should not save, because high-quality optics can serve you for many years. The best in the production of monocles are considered:

But not looking at the recognized world leadership, in the catalogs of other manufacturers you can also meet excellent models. And here are the best of them:


We tried to draw your attention to the main important points that should be taken into account when choosing monocular. And finally, we want to summarize:

    Each optics has its own pros and cons, which means that before choosing between binoculars, a monocular and a pylon pipe, you should familiarize yourself with them.

    Do not chase in multiplicity, remember that it affects the image quality.

    Choose anti-reflective lenses.

    Pay attention to the protection of the case.

Using these tips when choosing monocular, you can be sure - you are not mistaken!

Montocular with high multiple increases - the necessary device in a tourist campaign, fishing or on a hunt that resembles a miniature. It combines compactness with a good field of view. Some models allow you to observe almost in complete darkness.

Advantages of monocular

In its functions and characteristics, this device resembles binoculars, differing from it only by the device. You can only observe with its help with one eye. Due to this, the monocular is compact, stronger and significantly easier than binoculars. It fits freely in his pocket, allows you to more imperceptibly observation.

When shooting from a weapon, which does not have a monocular helps to adjust it. In addition, it allows you to estimate the distance of both the armed and naked eye when tracking the movement of the object.

An important advantage of this device is its price. Instead of one binoculars, you can buy two monocular of good quality that will have a different purpose.

All of them are divided into 3 groups, depending on the degree of increase. Monoculars with high multiplicity (10 times) belong to the third generation, with an average (8 times) - to the second, and to the first - devices that increase no more than 4 times.


The degree of object approximation is the main parameter of any in the model description, it is always indicated using the number facing the "X" icon. For example, 10x denotes a tenfold increase.

The diameter of the lens also plays a major role. From it will depend on some models are equipped with enlightened optics. A special reflective film is pasted on the lens. This allows much better to see the object.

Prevent fogging lenses helps filling the chamber between them with colorless nitrogen or argon. The picture does not distort it. But the appearance of moisture droplets on the lenses is excluded.

Dioptric adjustment allows people with vision problems, do not have discomfort during the operation of the device.

The military, as well as hunters, are in great demand for monocular with a large multiplicity of night vision. They are equipped with an additionally source of infrared lighting.

Scope of application

In addition to its main purpose, these devices are interested in improving the opportunity. So, a monocular, equipped with an additional lens, turns into a telescopic magnifying glass. You can create an observational device with an increase of 110, if you use the appropriate photo lens. Hunters often use monoculars with great multiplicity as a sighting device for their smooth-bore weapons. Fans of travel will find an interesting option to fix this device on the head, which makes it possible to free your hands using it.

Most popular models

  • The Monocular Veber Monthy 18x70 is made in a classic two-fold execution when focusing is achieved by a smooth motion of one pipe relative to the other. For the consumer, it is attractive for its body consisting of a metal alloy, and the textured rubber applied to it. Lenses with a multi-layer coating have a light-upper ability of more than 87%. The image is not distorted in the daytime, nor in the dark. Pretty decent weight of the monocular (800 g) provides its fastening on the tripod, which comes in the kit.
  • VEBER SPORT 12X25 BR is popularly among the fans at the stadium, participants in excursions due to their compactness. This is a pocket version of the monocular, the weight of which is only 100. Despite the small size, this model Equipped with enlightened optics and moisture-proof enclosures.
  • Comz MP 15x50 is produced in Russia. These monoculars with high multiplicity for hunting are the most suitable option. The axes of the outer lens and the eyepiece are separated, so that the picture, considered by one eye, will be centered correctly. This is especially true when hunting for waterfowl game, when the time spent on its search depends on the right definition of the center of falling a raised duck.
  • The Dipol D126H Pro model reminds that modern monoculars with great multiplicity are still the merit of military specialists. It is equipped with infrared illumination with the ability to connect an additional module to enhance the effect. The device meets all the requirements for military-type devices.

What to pay attention to when choosing

A huge range of monoculars offered by the domestic and foreign manufacturers, which allows you to select the instrument in accordance with any task. But the main criterion of each of them is high-quality optics. It is distinguished by characteristic multicolored flows on the lens, the feeling of multi-layered. It does not matter what material is made of their body, the main thing is that there are no cracks, scratches, traces of glue, etc.

MONOCULARS with great multiplicity (photos of some models can be seen in this article) will help solve observation problems not worse than binoculars, surpassing it in such parameters as low cost and compactness.

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