
Where in Russia from bacheloring quality to IT-Master? Top Master Programs in Information Technologies (in Russia and Abroad) IT Master

Hello all hobrovers.
Reread info about IT education, because lately It bothers me strongly: just a year stayed before I write (!!!) diploma, and then I will become a bachelor of mathematics. Here I came across here, just about me and I like the like written:
She burned for living. And I decided to roll my own on her, as a continuation of reflection - where to go to IT-bachelor. In my opinion, learning in IT-magistracy is a good prospect. But only, I think, not all the magistrants are equally useful, but only those that can give really high-quality training so that I still wanted to work.
It is reasonable that only good practices can give good practice, I went to the bunch of the global network to find in Russia (I have not really like to make you wish for a hill), magistracy supported by serious IT-offices.
For several hours honestly watched, which falls in search engines on requests: "IT Master", "Master IT" and similar keywords.
And I made such a sign from all I assembled:

We will discuss, briefly summarizing what I did.

Information management
I found this magistracy through the site of some "Ai Ti Academy", which is engaged in remote learning. It seems that everything is very tempting, but only courses are not about developing software, but about its sales, implementation, analysis of IT technology market. Organized on the basis of MISIS. By the way, do not consider PR, but on the site of this very MISIS, such a variety of varied magistrants in the most different scientific directions that I really wanted to try to learn there.
Information management - part Two.
The only one, judging by the site of the site, Rowjigs, the specialty here is the head of the information service. During the training, it is proposed to pass courses on research methods in management, management of the company's development, electronic marketing, IT strategy and business strategy of a company, after which, as self-confidently declare in the Academy, graduates become "business leaders", because it is not just "for Ticks, "and get knowledge, working.
Master in Moscow State University
Supported by SAP University Alliance. Promise paradise, but for 400 thousand. On the other hand, I practically do not doubt this educational paradise. From the third party, it is not entirely clear, by whom I still become a manager-implement, Ali developer? Disciplines a lot of both plans. Pleased with the presence of the "Employment" block with reference to different companies. Upset by the shipping cost of learning.
Mathematical and software computing machines
At the request of "IT magistracy" it was this first link. Announcement promises teachers and from Microsoft Innovation Center, SCB Contour, RAS. The system is this: the magistracy of computer sciences of Matmeach Urthu (Ekaterinburg) is taken, and all sorts of "competitive, multi-threaded programming" type are added to it, "development in conditions of changing requirements" and similar. And it seems, everything is free. There are two selection steps, but in general, the requirements are adequate. They are still my favorites, because, in fact, this is the only desired magistracy in the "capitals".
Magistracy from the company IBS
I drag from them. Really. Each direction of the magistracy is overseas by some department of the company, the 10 best internships are immediately being accepted, students pay a high scholarship, they receive up to the drawing of the dimensions that have real value and certificates. It is implemented on the basis of MIPT and MISIS, but alas and ah! I have no 300,000 rubles! And another specialty - IT-consulting and analytics - not quite desired ...
Independent Moscow Institute
Who does not know, "shame you and shame (as well as cons in karma!) Hmm is my old dream. Unfortunately, taught here still clean science, but at such a level that I was not sure, I could pass here at least one session here. And most importantly, this paradise for guys and nonsense is free.
School analysis of data
I am sure everyone knows what it is, but just in case, I repeat. Organizes Yandex, among the three directions there are basic: "Computer sciences", naturally, - "data analysis" and the desired - "Development software" Study is organized, as I understood, on the basis of MFTI, and at the end of Yandex certificates are issued. In person in Russia in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Is free. Some solid advantages, except that this is not a magistracy, and I still don't want to go to the army and I want a diploma to state.
Analysis of Internet data and artificial intelligence
Master from the same Yandex, on the basis of HSE, should solve the problems with the army. March 20, 2012 at 12:41

Where in Russia from bacheloring quality to IT-Master?

  • Educational process in IT

Hello all hobrovers.
I reread info about IT education, because recently it worries me strongly: just a year remained before I write (!!!) diploma, and then I will become a bachelor of mathematics. Here I came across here, just about me and I like the like written:
She burned for living. And I decided to roll my own on her, as a continuation of reflection - where to go to IT-bachelor. In my opinion, learning in IT-magistracy is a good prospect. But only, I think, not all the magistrants are equally useful, but only those that can give really high-quality training so that I still wanted to work.
It is reasonable that only good practices can give good practice, I went to the bunch of the global network to find in Russia (I have not really like to make you wish for a hill), magistracy supported by serious IT-offices.
For several hours honestly watched, which falls in search engines on requests: "IT Master", "Master IT" and similar keywords.
And I made such a sign from all I assembled:

We will discuss, briefly summarizing what I did.

Information management
I found this magistracy through the site of some "Ai Ti Academy", which is engaged in remote learning. It seems that everything is very tempting, but only courses are not about developing software, but about its sales, implementation, analysis of IT technology market. Organized on the basis of MISIS. By the way, do not consider PR, but on the site of this very MISIS, such a variety of varied magistrants in the most different scientific directions that I really wanted to try to learn there.
Information management - part Two.
The only one, judging by the site of the site, Rowjigs, the specialty here is the head of the information service. During the training, it is proposed to pass courses on research methods in management, management of the company's development, electronic marketing, IT strategy and business strategy of a company, after which, as self-confidently declare in the Academy, graduates become "business leaders", because it is not just "for Ticks, "and get knowledge, working.
Master in Moscow State University
Supported by SAP University Alliance. Promise paradise, but for 400 thousand. On the other hand, I practically do not doubt this educational paradise. From the third party, it is not entirely clear, by whom I still become a manager-implement, Ali developer? Disciplines a lot of both plans. Pleased with the presence of the "Employment" block with reference to different companies. Upset by the shipping cost of learning.
Mathematical and software computing machines
At the request of "IT magistracy" it was this first link. Announcement promises teachers and from Microsoft Innovation Center, SCB Contour, RAS. The system is this: the magistracy of computer sciences of Matmeach Urthu (Ekaterinburg) is taken, and all sorts of "competitive, multi-threaded programming" type are added to it, "development in conditions of changing requirements" and similar. And it seems, everything is free. There are two selection steps, but in general, the requirements are adequate. They are still my favorites, because, in fact, this is the only desired magistracy in the "capitals".
Magistracy from the company IBS
I drag from them. Really. Each direction of the magistracy is overseas by some department of the company, the 10 best internships are immediately being accepted, students pay a high scholarship, they receive up to the drawing of the dimensions that have real value and certificates. It is implemented on the basis of MIPT and MISIS, but alas and ah! I have no 300,000 rubles! And another specialty - IT-consulting and analytics - not quite desired ...
Independent Moscow Institute
Who does not know, "shame you and shame (as well as cons in karma!) Hmm is my old dream. Unfortunately, taught here still clean science, but at such a level that I was not sure, I could pass here at least one session here. And most importantly, this paradise for guys and nonsense is free.
School analysis of data
I am sure everyone knows what it is, but just in case, I repeat. Organizes Yandex, among the three directions there are basic: "Computer Sciences", of course, "Data Analysis" and the desired - "Software Development". Study is organized, as I understood, on the basis of MFTI, and at the end of Yandex certificates are issued. In person in Russia in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Is free. Some solid advantages, except that this is not a magistracy, and I still don't want to go to the army and I want a diploma to state.
Analysis of Internet data and artificial intelligence
Master from the same Yandex, on the basis of HSE, should solve the problems with the army. On the Moscow State Technical University. AD Bauman (MSTU them. N.E. Bauman) Moscow State University. M.V. Lomonosov (MSU. Lomonosov) State University of Management (GUU) Russian Economic University named after G. V. Plekhanova (REU) Moscow State University of Economics, Statistics and Informatics (MESI) Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation

Information Technology (IT)

In the age of global computerization of society, no organization or firm can successfully function, if there is no well-established information system based on advanced technologies. The need for specialists capable of collecting and processing information make life easier and more convenient, such as improving or automating production processes, grows every day. Now the right time to choose as a higher vocational education in the university innovative specialties in the field of information systems and technologies.

The range of professional activities of university graduates in the field of information technologies is extensive: from applied mathematics in the field of programming until high-tech software products to specific consumers. The object of professional activity of a specialist in information systems and technologies is their mathematical, information and software, methods and methods of design, debugging, production and operation of software in information systems in all areas of vital activity. The task of a specialist - to form such a complex of software and hardwarewhich will allow the company-employer to achieve competitive advantage On the market.

Specialty and specializations in information technology (IT)

The choice of training programs in this area in Moscow universities is quite large: the table presents the most common areas of training and specialty.

Room by Classify Cavator Oxo

Direction name / specialty

Life term (years)


Region professional activities

"Applied Mathematics and Informatics"

bachelor of applied mathematics and computer science

Mathematical and software of high-tech areas of science, technology and information technologies with a bias on effective programming; Construction of algorithms for solving optimization problems

master of Applied Mathematics and Informatics

mathematician, system programmer

"Business Informatics"

bachelor of Business Informatics

Information management in the field of modern business; Implementation, analysis and support of corporate information systems

master Business Informatics

"Applied Informatics" (by regions)

bachelor of applied informatics

Creation, introduction and support of professionally oriented information systems; Evaluation of the efficiency of software and databases in a specific area; Using advanced information technologies for obtaining and processing information

master of Applied Informatics

"Applied Informatics" (by regions: in economics, management, management)

informatik economist, manager, manager

"Informatics and Computing Technology"

bachelor of Technology and Technology

A combination of funds, methods and methods aimed at creating and using computer, systems and networks, automated information processing systems and management; Ensuring the functioning of all computer equipment

master of Technology and Technology

"Computing machines, complexes, systems and networks"

"Software Computing Technology and Automated Systems"

« Information Systems»

bachelor of Information Systems

Creation and support of modern information systems in all branches of production, commerce, science and education; Solving a wide range of tasks for the development of information and management processing systems using computer graphics methods, network information and multimedia technologies.

master of Information Systems

"Information Systems and Technologies"

"Information technology in design"

"Information Technologies in Media Industry"

"Information technologies in international business"

* Training in the magistracy after 4 years of undergraduate.

One of the most popular specialties in Moscow universities in the field of information technologies is "Information Systems and Technologies", since students who receive this education in high school are acquainted with programming, and with a computer device, and with data management, and also receive knowledge Specific sphere of future professional activities. In addition, this specialty has a number of interesting specializations in Moscow universities:

  • "Computer Graphics and Modern Programming Methods in Internet"
  • "Information technologies in the management of property, in international business"
  • "Telecommunication technologies, networks, complexes"
  • "Security of information networks and information protection"
  • « Information networks ecommerce"
  • "Corporate Information Networks"
  • "Banking Information Networks"
  • "Management of Information Systems"
  • "Information networks in specific areas of the national economy: instrument making, transport"

What is studying

Future information technology specialists and systems receive fundamental mathematical training at the university, knowledge in the field of system analysis, dynamic object management, design of intelligent databases is particularly important for successful professional activities. At the same time, students acquire the knowledge and skills of modern programming methods in the Internet environment, in the field of global management systems, providing information security, etc.

Since the designed and used ITs, as a rule, are focused on a specific scope of application, the specialist will need knowledge in this particular field of national economy, for example, in mechanical engineering, railway transport, e-commerce, advertising. Separate types of professional activities of a university graduate in the field of information technologies will require knowledge in the field of economics, finance, jurisprudence, management, marketing, project management.

Everything computer programs They are written in English, so the future IT specialist is obliged to own technical English at a fairly high level.

You can also become an IT specialist in the university one of the specialties in the table; It is important that you decide for yourself who you want to become: a brain specialist, the "gland" or "configuration" of finished products and models. Similar to the specialty-described specialty profile is provided by graduates of the university in the specialty "Applied Informatics", which are also designed to use advanced information technologies in specific areas of the national economy. In universities of Moscow, you can find interesting programs Training in the specialty "Applied Informatics" in the economy, management, management, tourism, medicine, etc. If you know in advance, in which area you want to specialize in the future, choose a university of a suitable profile, able to provide teaching in the proper volume of adjacent disciplines .

Where IT professionals work and how much they get

There are several options for the development of a career of university graduates in the field of information technologies: administrative, design and design and guidelines.

The administrative direction is represented by the Network Administrator, Network Administrator, Database Administrator. All these administrators are required to provide uninterrupted and safe operation of computers and their complexes on the network. Beginner administrators receive 25,000 rubles, each year of work adds 15% to the salary, additional knowledge, such as a foreign language, add another 10%. The presence of professional certificates, especially the international level, increase the salary by another 30%. Thus, the salary of $ 5,000 is not the limit for the administrator, moreover, additional earnings are possible for performing one-time orders.

The design direction is represented by the positions of the programmer, the host programmer, the developer of network applications, a Web programmer, etc. The average salary of the programmer is 1,500-2,000 dollars, it depends on the programming language, the level of knowledge of the English language (plus 20%), experience Work. Often programmers, especially in the Internet, are engaged in outsourcing, i.e. work on themselves; Their revenues are usually higher than that of full-time employees.

Steering work for IP specialists includes project manager position, project director, general director. About formation wages For the posts of this area, you can find out in the description of the specialty "Management of the Organization".

Graduates of universities, experts on IP can find work in all spheres of life, which uses computing techniques:

  • - in academic, scientific, educational institutions;
  • - in computing centers, development bureaus;
  • - in information centers, archives, foundations and libraries, state statistical bodies;
  • - in state and government agencies, state and municipal government agencies, taxation bodies, law and order and social protection, at customs;
  • - in the management bodies at enterprises and organizations of various shape of ownership;

IT - industry, not the charter to experience the technological boom and growth. In the coming years, according to NBC News, the demand for IT professionals in the labor market will increase by 27%. The most popular professions in the field of information technologies are the database administrator, software architect, system administrator, IT consultant and others.

Few knowledge can compete with information technologies for such an indicator as the applicability of skills in practice. It is precisely this that causes such popularity of IT-sphere and rainbow forecasts regarding the demand for graduates of magistracy programs on IT in Russia and abroad.

The degree of magistracy in the field of IT is very important for a successful career in this area, especially for work in foreign companies. According to the teacher of the Master's program in London School of Economics, Dr. Edgar Whitley, companies such as Accenture, Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein, Samsung Electronics and Shell International come to campus.

The most well-established and powerful scientific schools in the field of information technologies are primarily in the USA - this is, for example, UC Berkeley "S School Of Information Management and an interdisciplinary program of magistracy in Carnegie Mellon. These two programs are considered one of the best in the world in the area IT . Another American University, School of Information Sciencees in Claremont Graduate University, also among the world leaders for their scientific approach to computer science and information technology. Master's program in this area exists here already since 1983.

The first twenty of the best universities in the world in the field of information technology looks like this (according to TopUniversities):

  1. MIT (USA);
  2. Stanford University (USA);
  3. University of Cambridge (United Kingdom);
  5. Harvard University (USA);
  6. University of Oxford (United Kingdom);
  7. California Institute Of Technology (USA);
  8. University of California, Los Angeles (USA);
  9. Carnegie Mellon (USA);
  10. University of Toronto (Canada);
  11. ETH ZURICH (Switzerland);
  12. National University of Singapore (Singapore);
  13. Princeton University (USA);
  14. Cornell University (USA);
  15. Imperial College London (United Kingdom);
  16. Yale University (USA);
  18. University of TEXAS AT AUSTIN (USA);
  19. Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland);
  20. University of Chicago (USA).

Many Russian universities today offer Master Programs "Information Technologies" or by adjacent areas of knowledge, such as " Information Security", IT in banks and financial organizations." It is important to note that students can act as in person and on the correspondence or mixed program. The smaller the full-time courses, the longer the program will be in time, but the more opportunities do not interrupt work at the time of study.

Moscow State University M.V. Lomonosov
Faculty of computational mathematics and economics. The Faculty of the IMC has an old tradition of research and teaching cybernetics and information technology sciences. For students, Intel and Microsoft Research Laboratories, Cisco Regional Academy, Samsung Laboratory. The staff and students of the faculty have access to the three supercomputers of Moscow State University. The "Information Management Information Systems" program is considered one of the best in Russia.

MSTU them. AD Bauman.
When they talk about the best technical universities of Russia, then rarely who may argue with Baumanka. The university with a 180-year history keeps up with the times and closely connects undergraduate training with real projects in companies. At the Faculty of "Informatics and Management Systems", in addition to traditional IT programs, there are also several specialized, for example, "Designing and Technology electronic means"," Motion control systems and navigation "and others. There are also several MBA programs with "engineering" specifics.

At once, several popular master's programs in the field of computer science and information technologies attract applicants to the MEPI. The most sought-after business informatics program and several programs of the Faculty of Cybernetics and Information Security immediately.

This university has several standard full-time master programs at the Faculty of Information Technologies. And for the program "Information Systems and Technologies", almost 40 budget places are allocated annually.

Communication and informatics are asked for training on graduate programs in this university. The program "Infocommunication technologies and communication systems" produces some of the best specialists in the country to work on radio and television.

This university has a great opportunity to pass the remote course "Information Systems and Technologies"

Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation
Master's programs in this university are closely related to its specificity - "Automation and Informatization of Economic and Financial Activities", "Applied Informatics in Analytical Economics", "Strategic Management of Information Technologies in Business". From here there are some of the best IT Schnikov, ready to work in the financial sector.

Russian New University
The program "Information Systems and Technologies". The program is suitable for those who plan to career in areas such as telecommunications and communications. There is a choice of full-time or correspondence learning.

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