
Information and analytical technologies, their tasks. Title type technology

In Ukraine, appropriate information and analytical structures are already created, which develop their own information processing technologies, but they have been operating until a mansion, fractionally, without coordination and interaction

. Informational and analytical technologies in the field of management - this is a set of methods for collecting and processing information about research processes, specific processes of diagnosis, analysis and synthesis, as well as assessment of the consequences of making various solutions

There are various options for the classification of information and analytical technologies, but the most appropriate, according to scientists and specialists, is typology for four basic signs, given in Table 21

. Table 21. typology. Informational and analytical. Technology

Signs for typology

Types of technologies according to the appropriate features

Title type technology

1 According to the method of collecting information

Mass surveys (respondents survey)

Specialized surveys (expert interviews)

Survey of Witnesses or Testing Participants Content-Analysis of Mass Media or Official Documents

The totality of all methods for collecting information

Respondent Expert Test Factory Multi-Spring

2 according to the method of processing information

Manual (Traditional) Information Processing Automated Information Processing Automated Processing of Information (without human participation)

Automated automated

3 According to the degree of adaptation to solving a variety of tasks

Used when solving various tasks

Wide profile

Specialized, which implements a specific task

Universal flexible


4 in degree



Which implements one technological cycle which connects independent technological sections

The only one

Distinguish Monitoring, initiated and cumulative analytical studies. Monitoring studies are intended for long-term analytical monitoring of the development of a certain situation in order to ensure the possibility of the Riorn synthesis of management decisions that have a preventive or warning nature. The technology can especially well be developed for monitoring research, as they are quite clearly the regulatory stages of the processing of information.

. Initiated Analytical studies are carried out on previously unplanned guidelines or as a result of identifying new problem situations when conducting monitoring research. The initiated use will be considered as a separate type of research, emphasizes attention at the initial stages of new things.

. Cumulative Studies are characterized by high requirements for their operationalization (including the beginning and completion), the use of specialized methods for processing expert information

For all types of research, it is envisaged to conduct a multilateral analysis of the situation under consideration of the history of its development, research results of such situations, as well as the use of a wide range of adequate theoretical approaches and heuristic problems. Let us dwell in more detail on each of the above-trees.

. Monitoring analytical research As a rule, they are regulated by the stages of information processing, selected topics and a fixed set of sources. The main thing here is a harsh orientation for a specific formulation of the task, a group of analysts and experts, C provide targeted substantive processing of information.

. Monitoring - Continuous monitoring of the environment and management of it by timely informing about the possibility of an adverse, critical or unacceptable situations.

Monitoring studies provide for the receipt of statistical or meaningful indicators characterizing the observation object and that can be measured. The observation system is built on fixing the discrete quantitative characteristics of the object of observation, the accumulation of these information and on the possibility of the intellectual interpretation of the information obtained to draw conclusions about the qualitative state of the object. MO Noritoring is based on the observation of typical features in the behavior of observation objects and on timely fixation on their background of various deviations from the norms.

. Information and analytical monitoring - type of information related to the processes of analysis, synthesis of information using modeling methods, expert assessment, diagnosis and forecasting implemented in the permanent collection modes of traditional and non-traditional sources for the purpose of regular information support users.

Taking into account that in analytical services, several monitoring studies are being carried out at the same time, and sources of information can be quite a lot, the technology of organizing its collection and analytical processing M can be represented by the phased.

In the first stages in the analytical service, reception, registration and primary processing of information received. These steps, as a rule, are combined with the traditional process of receiving correspondence with the help of the automation tools of the office work. Incoming documents are registered, their main characteristics are introduced into the database, including the name and annotation. It is important that the abstract is containing in terms of research of research conducted by analytical service.

Next, it is necessary to ensure the binding of full texts of documents received in electronic form, and automatically download them to the information and search system, which allows you to quickly find the necessary fragments of documents of documents not only on registration data, but also in content. For this, software and hardware for this must be used that provide information provided in the ISOCOICICICINE information presented in textual, graphic or in tabular species.

If the documents are coming on paper, it is advisable to turn them into an electronic view using the scanner. In this case, the recognition of texts is not necessary - the information can be stored and in facsimile form (in the presence of memorable), since the recognition procedure is quite time-consuming, and the need for the further use of the entire starting material in the text format is not always obvious now on the world market, well-deservedly enjoyed Support support systems for facsimile proceedings that suggest the use of sufficiently unconventional for the Ukrainian P ink software and technical means.

At the next stage of analytical research, it is additionally thematic or problematic (with reference to a specific task) orientation of information received by its distribution on the relevant headings. As a rule, this work is performed by hand highly qualified specialists who are experienced and even participate in research. It is connected with a meaningful understanding of the received and determining the need for its use in a particular study. The main thing here is to provide the maximum completeness of the collection of information on each problem solved in the analytical service. Rigid thematic filtering of information is invalid. Each end user, the analyst should be able to promptly receive open information materials, even if at the first stages they were reebey to be adjacent for his interests thematic and problematic. Rubratubrik.

The search for an answer to the question of high-quality distribution automation (rubrication) of entry text information on thematic and problem headings has been continuing for more than a dozen years, but relative but Ukrainian-language full-text documents, in our opinion, has not yet been found. There are theoretical and practical studies devoted to ensuring high-quality search for full-text documents. In general, analytical materials in the monitoring process prepare experts analytics. However, there is a significant place here, especially at the final stage, occupy dialogue technological means of editing and visual graphical presentation of information. These technological components are used in any analytical study and deserve separate consideration)

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