
Samsung Galaxy explode. Causes of the Battery Barbecue and how to avoid it

The more on sale it comes out devices with lithium-ion batteries, the more often the networks appear on the network of exploding smartphones or tanning charging ports. Such a problem became relevant again after samsung company reported on messages and complaints about the problems with an exploding battery. Why it happens - read in our article.

First of all it is worth noting that the chance of explosion or inflammation of the battery in electronic device Extremely small, with the exception of cases when serious errors are made in the design of the device or the battery itself. Even in rare cases, when it happens, the battery itself is often not the main problem. We also note that in the article we are talking Basically only about the dangers lithium-ion batteries.

Causes of explosion or fire

There are two main reasons why the battery device can explode or light up. One of them - deformation as a result of fall or intentional damage. For example, if you hardly hit the smartphone to the part where the battery is located, then with more probability of the battery wall, there will be broken. This leads to the leakage of the insides and later to the short circuit and possibly an explosion. Often you could see it with funny crash tests, where the video is written as a person mocks the smartphone by all possible methods And at the end just dubbing him with a hammer.

GIF animation - what will happen if you hit the battery with a hammer

With a simple fall from the height of human growth, such an exodus is unlikely - the impact force is too small. But if you drop the device from a height of several floors, then the battery will most likely light up or explode.

Now - time when phones of little-known chinese manufacturers Maximum popular. This is another problem associated with batteries. Small companies do not buy high-quality batteries from Samsung or LG, as they are too expensive. To achieve low cost to the Chinese have to be purchased batteries are not themselves high Quality . Often there is no so-called fuse in such batteries, which turns off the charging at too high voltage. Either in such batteries due to production defects, microscopic metal elements are found. They react with the contents of the battery, as a result, there is a short circuit.

Was recorded at least 35 cases of battery explosion Galaxy Note. 7

Third and Samem frequent problem - selection too large number Heat when charging. Since the manufacturers of smartphones constantly want to reduce the charging time, then they have to install controllers that give a larger amount of current into the battery. Of course, the side effect of this is the release of additional heat. The temperature rises not only in the battery itself, but also in the controller, which is located next to the battery. Overheating leads to an effect when a certain battery area cannot quickly cool. As a result, the reaction is formed there when heat accumulates until an explosion occurs or fire.

In compliance with all rules, a quick charge with the issuance of a large amount of heat will not lead to some serious consequences. However, in the case of Galaxy Note 7, these are explosions and fire. Samsung has already recognized that these smartphones have batteries of different parties. Apparently, one of them was produced with defects, which leads to problems.

Not original charging and adapters - The second cause of overheating during charging. In the case of Galaxy Note 7, if you believe official data, the explosions are caused by defective batteries, then when using non-original charging devices and adapters, even a good battery may fail.

How to avoid problems with battery

So that your smartphone is not melted when charging, you need to follow simple rules:
  • Use only the original charger, including the block itself and the cable if they are separated. If the "plug" of charging does not fit (Chinese or British), then it is better to buy an adapter, and not another charger.
  • Use only original batteries. If your device is old enough and you decided to replace the battery in it, then buy only original. Alternative offers may be cheaper, but then they will cost you more.
  • It is not necessary to charge the battery to full - 50% enough if it is enough for you. Lithium-ion batteries do not have the so-called memory, so they can be charged often and not completely. But it is necessary to charge suitable deviceSince lithium-ion batteries are vulnerable to low voltage.
  • Do not use the device during charging and do not leave the device in a hot spot. Play or work in the browser during charging is not the most a good ideaSince this is already increasing the temperature inside the housing. Also, you should not leave a smartphone in a hot spot on charging.

Good day Dear my readers and visitors. Today I have on a blog, just unusual news that Nick is not related to the earnings on the Internet, and today I would like to talk on the topic of gadgets.

Not gadgets in general, but new products that have now come to the market and successfully become popular among people.

In particular, today we will talk about Samsung and apple Mobile phones.

Surely, many of you have seen on the Internet, or in the news of the first channel, terrible things that occur due to new expensive gadgets.

As literally a couple of weeks ago, Samsung's gadgets are often exploded quite often, and therefore the car's fire occurred, getting burns, fright and just unpleasant news for any of the owners of the exploding smartphones.

What phones often explode, this question has become quite popular on the Internet and now I will try to make some selection of gadgets and firms that have missed something in our developments and made a sufficiently large number of defective devices and let them go to the market.

Now, I just want to express my opinion on these problems and I would really like to listen to your opinion about the explosions of gadgets in your hands, pockets, or in charges of our owners.

If you look at the video, then it is clear that the guy paid a battery Samsung Galaxy S6 Active and this is not a single case.

If you watch videos in the same, YouTube, it becomes clear that such situations are just a sea.

Now, the situation of Samsung has worsened and their new Galaxy S7 began to explode in large quantitiesThat made the company to withdraw the entire series of sales in stores. Yes, a big blow on the company.

From the video, it is clear that even the replacement of batteries to new did not lead to some problems. Phones have exploded and explode.

What is their problem? Pure my opinion is low-quality nutrition controllers. But, as an option, this may be the defect of the firmware, not correct synchronization of the processor, and maybe it is just a marriage that every company has only a marriage percentage turned out to be catastrophic for a whole line of smartphones.

What do you think about it?

Same, lately With the arrival of new Apple iPhome 7 there were cases of explosions and this company.

From the video it is clear that new items are also susceptible to explosions in pockets and charging. To believe this video, According to one guy, the phone exploded from charging the adapter from the iPod, but was it that exactly the cause of the bang of the battery, or yet, something else?

Even, there is a case, as the schoolgirl exploded and began to melt the iPhone right in his pocket at the lesson, in the back pocket of her jeans. The girl was able to save from strong burns, but still what happens to the technique.

Also, during the writing of the article, I had another opinion.

Galaxy7 and iPhone7 combine waterproof. Perhaps this is one of what other explosions factors? Perhaps the battery is not ventilated, thereby causes overheating and the explosion in the future?

What do you think about it? Imagine you to shake into the plastic case, in which it just does not fall nor water nor the air, in general, nothing comes to you. How long can you stretch? I think no.

Well, I have several of my position on this. Perhaps the firm begins to save on its updates, because you need to be the leader and offer new affordable pricesMoreover, companies simply begin to save and buy wholesale components from dubious wholesalers.

It is possible that all these explosions really occur in new products due to a complete vacuum, because the batteries have a property to heat up, and if there is no air, they have enough to produce heat quickly. Accordingly, overheating the battery and explosion.

Also, there is a possibility that gadgets explode due to some mechanical impacts. An example may be long use, and we all know that if you use the gadget for a long time, it is very heated back cover Above the battery, after which the peak in his pocket, where the phone does not have enough heat transfer, as well as, gets some deformations, which because of its thickness is now very easy to get.

My dear friends. I would like to hear your opinion on such situations with new gadgets. Also, you can discuss which phones often explode, in addition to these devices, which were in today's article.

Well, that's all today. It was interesting to simply write your thoughts about this problem, which was publicized on the first channel of Russian television.

I wish everyone good luck with gadgets, long charges and reliable batteries. Thank you for your attention, waiting for your comments on the article.

And what company your mobile phone? I have an iPhone and probably this is the most reliable assistant who I had and surely I do not return to any windows Phone And even more so not on Android.

With respect, Sergey Vasilyev

Finally, the video, as it usually happens on my blog. Top smartphones 2016.

SAMSUNG Korean company is epic disgraced with the new flagship smartphone Galaxy Note 7: All the forces of developers seem to be thrown to abandon the name Note 6 (this is the sixth generation), but to draw a seven that the figure is no less than that of the expected 7 september iPhone. 7. But to construct a smartphone so that it does not explode during charging, it did not work.

History of the problem

History developed rapidly. For August in those countries where Note 7 went on sale earlier than others, 35 smartphones exploded.

On August 30, the company suspended the reception of preliminary orders on Note 7, explaining this in great demand, but accidentally punctured on the numbers. The fact is that at first Samsung cheerfully reported about 7,500 Russian pre-orders for the first week, and after three weeks - about 9,000, that is, in two weeks it was ordered five times less. In other countries, pre-orders were also suspended.

On September 1, it became known about the cessation of sales No. 7 in 10 countries and rumors about a large-scale review campaign appeared: not all sold devices will be replaced.

On September 2, Samsung officially announced the revocation of all sold smartphones. Everyone who ordered the device with prepayment (in Russia it is about 900 people), can return funds in full.

Why batteries explode

All this time, through a number of media, information was launched that smartphones explode only when using non-original charger or non-original cable- This is, however, conversations in favor of the poor, because the native device with the cable usually lies at home, and in the car, at work and friends have been used. And then, what does "non-original" mean? Samsung itself does not charge and cables, but orders them on the side. If the cable or charging released on the same factory is written, say, not samsung, and Sony, then this is immediately counterfeit? Actually, for the manufacturers in their time and agreed to use the standard USB connector so that charging was universal.

At the same time, all of them are standard: normal charging Gives a voltage of 5V and current to 2a. The current strength at a specific point in time is determined by the charge controller included in the smartphone chipset. Moreover, in a lithium-ion type battery, it is also usually its own controller, which protects the "bank" itself, firstly, from reloading, secondly, from a deep discharge - both are deepening for a lithium-ion battery. Fast charging uses increased voltage (9 V, 2 A or 9 V, 1.67 A or in some cases 12 V). The voltage increases, and not the strength of the current (otherwise it will take a much thicker wire). At the same time, in order not to burn a quick charge of a regular phone, a data exchange between the charging itself and the phone is used: it, roughly speaking, sends a request: "Do you support fast charging? ", - And if it receives the answer" Yes ", then includes an increased voltage, and the controller already charges the battery with a large current.

In the case of Note 7 for some reason, the charge controller in the smartphone first faced, after which the battery received too large charged. In this case, in the exploding batteries (all cases of explosions are associated with devices from the early parties) of the built-in controller, as they say, there was no. Charging is too long leads to the overheating of the battery, which includes a chain reaction: the electrolyte will boil with the release of a large amount of gas, the pressure inside the sealed body of the battery for the fraction of a second increases several times, after which the body explodes and the fascinated gases under pressure are broken out, and part parts The batteries or the phone are turning into the afflicting elements - it turns out such a kind of fragantive-fuzak bomb.

What is dangerous battery explosion

Explosion lithium battery Extremely dangerous. First, lithium is burning with a temperature of 1339 degrees - this is enough, even to burn concrete, while during the explosion fiery drops can sprinkle in different directions, which leads to serious fires and burns.

Secondly, the explosion can occur during a conversation by phone: in this case, heavy injuries and death are possible. For example, in 2007, the Chinese, the shards of the blowing phone Motorola pierced the heart, and at the Korean, in the same year, the exploded telephone LG broke the lungs and broke the spine, which also led to the death of the victim. Cases of death are also known from the cervical artery break, irrepustible limbs, etc.

How to protect yourself from the phone explosion

Lithium battery explosions - the reverse side of technical progress; Refuse them is how to give up airplanes, because they sometimes fall, and ride in Vladivostok from Moscow by train.

Nevertheless, the risk of suffering from the explosion will be much lower, if wearing a smartphone in a bag, talking over it through wireless headset, but important messages Display on smart clock. In the headsets and clock, however, there are also lithium batteries, but 10-20 times less container than in smartphones. Therefore, even if something happens to them, the consequences will not be fatal.

Moscow, 2 Sep - RIA Novosti. Last Wednesday, Samsung announced the suspension of sales of its newest Furniture of Galaxy Note 7, which from August 19 appeared on the shelves in 10 countries. The main reason for which the President of the Mobile Unit Dong Jin Ko (Dong Jin Koh) was already brought, - Batteries' explosions during charging.

Samsung can withdraw all of his Galaxy Note 7 due to battery problemsSAMSUNG is expected to announce the results of its investigation of the causes of batteries, and will also announce a number of comprehensive measures to solve this problem or within this weekend, or at the beginning of the next week.

Whatever it was, this attack pursues lithium-ion batteries for the third decade. And from April this year, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) even introduced a temporary ban on the provision Li-Ion batteries On passenger flights, if they are not installed in any device.

The essence of the problem

Lithium-ion battery, despite all its advantages, is a very capricious element. His charging passes by complex algorithm And always controlled by a special microcontroller, which constantly monitors the temperature and other parameters of the battery. The mass of restrictions also impose on its operation and storage. Such batteries do not tolerate deep discharge, work at negative temperatures and heating. Therefore, almost all devices with them have special controllers, tracking their operation and turn off the battery in case of exceeding its critical values.

However, make a lithium-ion battery safe is not so difficult. However, current trends towards reducing the size of the batteries and their forms, as well as experiments with the chemical composition, each time returns developers to starting positions. the main problem - this overheating of individual cells of the battery due to temperature increase or short circuit inside the cell. The overheating cell can run a chain reaction. And given the fact that lithium alkaline metal incoming accumulators is flammable, the consequences can be sad: a sharp bloating, fire, or even a thump.

Media: more than half a million gyroscurists respond to the USA due to the risk of fireUS State Commission for Consumer Goods (CPSC) decided to withdraw 501 thousand gyroscuters (self-balancing scooters) due to the high risk of fire.

But if at every step the battery work controllers tracks, why do they explode? There may be several reasons.

Among the mains there is a production marriage, in which the layer of the insulator between the cells turns out to be insufficient thickness.

Also dangerous blows or physical damage Battery, and banal overheating. For example, if the battery received minor damage from falling from a small height, the user may not pay attention to it, but the battery condition may worse. It can fail, without even reaching its temperature limit.

Solve the problem can be more stringent. But this will lead to the appreciation of all products and slowing the introduction of new technologies. What, in conditions of constant competition, the company simply will not go. Because consumers will have to come to terms with the fact that certain cases of fire can continue to occur with the products of the most famous brands, such as Apple, Samsung and any other.

Scientists have created batteries that do not explode when overheatedPhysics from Stanford created a new type of lithium-ion batteries, which are automatically disconnected when hazardous temperatures reach, thereby avoiding the explosion when overheating, and instantly turned on back after cooling.

However, at the beginning of this year, American physicists from Stanford announced the development of a special fuse for batteries. It consists of nickel nanoparticles inserted into a thin sheet of plastic and graphene and automatically turns off the battery without waiting for the reaction of the controller. Despite the seeming simplicity, the introduction of this development remains in question, because the batteries will not save the batteries in a hundred percent of cases, but will lead to its rise.

Releaseing a new device on the market, the manufacturer must carefully test it in all modes of work and intently examine all its nodes and components for reliability and adequacy.

Samsung company, which is considered one of the authorities in the global electronics market, apparently, has somewhat hurried with the release of the new flagship Galaxy Note 7. Such a hurry came out sideways and the manufacturer, and to those users who hurried to acquire a prestigious novelty.

The problem lies in batteries that can explode. Considering that the battery capacity this device Solid, the explosion of it in the hands of the user or in the pocket of the clothes can cause serious harm to health. In total, 35 cases were registered when the batteries of smartphones of this model exploded or light up, although, probably, such cases are much more.

What to do with the smartphone Galaxy Note 7?

Samsung company made an official statement in which it clearly states that she recalls everything (!) Sold galaxy devices Note 7. This is caused by concern about buyers who can become a victim of the factory fault. Samsung material damage is estimated by experts at least 1 billion dollars, and the damage of reputation is much larger.

Exchange promotions are launched in all markets where this smartphone started to be sold. Everyone who purchased the device can take its seller for free with a subsequent replacement for a smartphone with a safe battery. The company launched hot lineBy calling which, you can get answers on the topic of sharing or pre-order.

Concerning russian market, then official sales here have not yet begun. Their start is scheduled for the current autumn. This means that deliveries for Russian retailers will be conducted from new parties that are deprived of an annoying and dangerous defect.

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