
Android Alternative Keyboard. Swype - Alternative keyboard for quick text set on Touch Screen Displays. Our selection: Best Alternative Android Keyboards

Our selection: Best Alternative Android Keyboards

Welcome to all readers of our site. Today we want to present you a small selection dedicated to the best Android keys. During social networks and multiplayer online games, you have to print a lot, and that this process be more convenient developers made many interesting and functional keyboards.

Of course, the built-in Android keyboard is high-quality and with each new version improves, and various manufacturers pre-install various advanced keyboards into their devices, they are satisfied with all.

So, in today's selection you will find such alternative keyboards for Android as: Smart Keyboard, Go Keyboard, Swype Keyboard, Fleksy Keyboard and SwiftKey Keyboard. + Emoji..

Smart Keyboard.

  • Category: Instruments
  • Developer: Dexilog, LLC
  • Version: 4.9.4
  • Price: FREE version - Google Play
  • Full version 140.30 rub. - Google Play.

Smart Keyboard. - A program that will make the text input on your smartphone or tablet more convenient and exciting occupation. Therefore, if you like to write SMS messages, create notes and just use the keyboard often, then you should look towards this program.

The program is able to a lot. For example, you can easily change the template of the usual keyboard, on, something more interesting and beautiful (iPhone, HTC, etc.). Skins in the application a lot, besides there great amount alternative covers that can be downloaded as with Google Play.and install separately.

The application is fully in Russian and has the support of the automatic set of text. True, you first need to download an additional dictionary, after which the program will be able to prompt you words when entering. The settings in the program are really very much, you can change everything, for example, the number of rows in the Russian keyboard (3 or 4) from which the appearance of additional signs on the keyboard depends on.

The program is distributed in two versions: free version It differs from the full only by the fact that it has a banner about the request to purchase the PRO version application. You will have enough time to test the program and decide whether it is worth it - 140 rubles.


  • A huge amount of design.
  • Support for T9 mode.
  • Convenient English-Russian layout.
  • Signs support.
  • Button to quickly switch language.
  • Supports emoticons.


  • There is no function of the prediction of the next word.

Go Keyboard.

  • Category: Instruments
  • Developer: Go Keyboard Dev Team
  • Version: 2.26
  • Price: Free - Google Play

Go Keyboard. - Excellent alternative keyboard for Android, which has received a maximum of supported languages \u200b\u200band functions. The main feature of the program is to use several data entry methods at once. You will not just quickly recruit text using standard pressing and using prompts, but also do it with the help of familiar swipes. At the same time, each of the methods is implemented quite efficiently.

The program has several additional buttons that allow you to enable not just the screen with letters, numbers and characters, but also an additional formatting panel where you are familiar to many buttons and functions.

It is also possible to quickly enable / disabling the Russian language and predictions of words, which is useful as useful and interferes with the introduction of standard text. The program is distributed free of charge, but with advertising in the settings. It is possible to disable it for money, thereby thanking developers for so much a high-quality keyboard.


  • Many different topics support plugins.
  • More than 800 different emoticons with emotions.
  • Support gestures and pleasant sounds when set.
  • Safety when using (no personal information collection, etc.).


  • There were no minuses.

Swype Keyboard.

  • Category: Work
  • Developer: Nuance Communications, Inc.
  • Version: Depends on the device
  • Price: FREE version - Google Play
  • Full version 35.93 rubles. - Google Play.

Swype Keyboard. - one of the best Android keyboards on this moment in Google Play. The application has three layout options. Portrait mode was surprisingly compact. There is also a convenient mode for tablets, where the kit takes place with a thumb. For ease of use, the usual digital panel with arrows and additional featuresIt is activated after pressing the button on the left side of the display.

If you have a smartphone or a tablet with a pen (stylus), then you will enjoy the handwriting data entry. True, by default, it is disabled and you will have to activate it in the settings. Switching the language is carried out using pressing on the space and select the language you need, or by making the gesture from the SWYPE function button to the space.

The program pleases a set of interesting "chips". For example, after completing each of the words, the program automatically puts the space, and two pressing the space will put the point. For convenience in the program there is a synchronization of a personal dictionary through the SWYPE Connect service, so it is better to activate it immediately after starting the keyboard.

If you do not like the standard keyboard view, then in the settings you can choose one of the designers you like. The settings themselves in the program are not much, but they are grouped in a convenient way. The program extends to free basedBut there is a paid version with additional features.


  • Convenient input method using swipes.
  • Signs support.
  • Layout for tablets.
  • Pre-coming by the next word.
  • Handwritten text input.
  • Synchronization of the dictionary through a convenient service.


  • Not the most convenient way to switch language.
  • No cancel and return functions.

Fleksy Keyboard.

  • Category: Work
  • Developer: Fleksy.
  • Version: 5.3.3.t.
  • Price: FREE version - Google Play
  • Full version 124,96 rub. - Google Play.
  • Overview Fleksy Keyboard on our website

Fleksy Keyboard. - An interesting alternative to the standard Android keyboard, which received a completely new and unusual way to enter text. The main feature of the program is that it has a unique system recognition system. You can choose words, and even entire proposals, by clicking on the location of the desired button. Even if you made a mistake in the word, after a space, the word will be fixed.

After starting the program, you need to select it as the main keyboard, as well as if you wish, supplement the dictionary of frequently used words from social networks, SMS messages or mail.

The input method by approximate presses on the desired letters allows you to increase the set speed at times. It is also worth noting the support of gestures, for example, swipes right means space. Similar effect Only on the left side will erase the previous word. Convenient and practical.

Externally, the keyboard differs from most analogues. In the program settings you will find many different topics, and if you wish, you can give the keyboard transparency. The program is distributed free of charge, but in just a period of a trial period (28 days). During this time, you must decide for yourself, whether the keyboard is convenient to use and whether it is worth buying a full version for 125 rubles.


  • Accelerated set with gestures.
  • New text entry technique.
  • Synchronization with social networks.
  • Themes for choosing.
  • Fast adding new words to dictionary and convenient management of them.


  • There were no minuses.

SwiftKey Keyboard + Emoji

  • Category: Work
  • Developer: SwiftKey
  • Version: Depends on the device
  • Price: Free - Google Play

SwiftKey Keyboard + Emoji - Alternative keyboard with unusual and very in the original way Input text. Printing the word you will be offered options for the next. The program automatically analyzes how you wrote on social networks, Gmail and SMS.

Like any keyboard, after installation, you must configure it by specifying the languages \u200b\u200band input style. After the first installation, SwiftKey will offer you to immediately configure it by selecting the language and input style. If you want to be offered words from social networks, you will have to specify a login with a password so that the following word forecast was more accurate.

Language switching occurs using a gap gesture. Voice input Available, but only if there are internet. Gestures The application does not support, but there are convenient "chips", such as a dual-clicking point on a space or removal of a space before the punctuation sign.

Externally, the keyboard is not much different from most analogues, but it looks rather gloomy. If you are tired of dark colors, then in the settings you can change the color to more suitable. There are many settings in the program, but they are all grouped very comfortable. The program is extended free, and paid topics are used as a method of monetization.


  • Convenient way to set text.
  • Predicting the next word.
  • Several decorations.
  • Three types of layouts.
  • Many emoticons.
  • Convenient way to switch language.
  • Completely free.


  • There were no minuses.

Each application is unique in its own way. Here the choice depends on the cost full version Programs, functionality and appearance. Try to pick up the most optimal option for you and enjoy an alternative program, in any case, you can always return to standard Android -Klavia.


Everyone has its own truth.

One of the definitions of pluralism

You can not please the living person; How many wolves do not feed - still looks into the forest; How much is the rope do not twist, and the end does not be. Many still can be remembered by the wonderful Russian sayings about the continuous flow of life, about what worries every person, regardless of gender and age. And concerns it primarily the desire to change life for the better, save and relieve your work. With the appearance of first printing machines, and then computers, we are constantly searching for the most optimal set of set, every day has been invented new keyboards, which should facilitate the work of the photo, every day someone breaks his head over the question of the rationality of a one or another key, each A day someone does not give rest of the Lavra inventors QWERTY and YTSUKEN. Their work is devoted to this article.

The most famous, most popular, the most Russian layout, of course, Yatsuken! It is everywhere, it is supported on any computer, it is comfortable, she is familiar, she is almost perfect ... Here it is:

Isn't the soul of the soul already a simple mention of the turn and alge! After all, this is a classic! Each person who would want to learn to quickly recruit on the keyboard, it would be necessary in the first lesson a set I got acquainted with these magical words. This is not just words, it is a spell that, as an unusual key, can for each open the keyboard capabilities!

The figure does not specifically depict punctuation marks and numbers. Only letters. Despite the fact that the layout is one, there are several options that are characterized by the location of punctuation marks. For example, a widespread machine is convenient for their set. For a set of comma, points, points with a comma and other characters, it is enough to simply press one button in the fourth row of the keyboard, while under the usual Russian layout it is necessary to press two keys simultaneously, which is not entirely convenient. But by and large, it's all the little things - the location of the letters does not change. And layout essentially alone.

But there are complaints ...

The main - the layout is not balanced. What does it mean? The load on the fingers is not uniform. Some fingers run on the keyboard more kilometers than others, and this is generally not effective. It's no secret that the index fingers are working significantly more than others. And the meager of the right hand was not significantly lucky - it works more often than the Mizinz left. The load must be distributed evenly. In addition, it is desirable that the main row participated in the set - then it would not be so often bent to bend fingers, which would not only have affected when teaching the blind method, but also on the effectiveness of a professional set.

Many words fall in the layout of Yatsuken to gain one finger, for example, the word "grotto" is recruited by one index finger of his right hand. Not convenient. The word "MiG" The first two letters must be brought up again with one finger, but now already an index left hand. Unbalance. Of course, you can still come up with a lot of mistakes and the lowestreaming of the usual Russian layouts, it does not make sense to list them.

Taking into account all the wishes for improving the layout, the announcer layout was invented:

Can not understand anything! Especially if many years have been typing for the usual Russian heart layout Yatsuken. However, a number of benefits are obvious - the most "popular" letters of the Russian alphabet fit on the main keyboard. In addition, if in new layout Print the word "MiG" or "Grotto", it is easy to notice that with a set already involved not one finger. The load seems to be more uniform.

What about convenience? The question is actually controversial. And the thing is in habit. If a person constantly enjoys with youth by one tool, it is almost impossible to move it to another.

This is one of the most interesting and promising Russian layouts. But it is also impossible to mention the old good phonetic layouts:

They are built so that one and the same key simultaneously in the same time corresponds to both the letter of the English alphabet and the letter of Russian, for example, aa, S-C and so on. Of course, there is no rationality here. The layout for a large account was not even invented, but simply made by analogy with the QWERTY English layout.

Those times passed, so it makes no sense to talk about this layout.

But about another layout, it is necessary to mention. This is a typographical expansion of the layout of Yatsuken Ilya Burman:

In principle, no advantage for an ordinary set does not give. The main task is to simplify the set of special characters. So in the figure in blue, the characters that can be typed by pressing simultaneously the right alt and the corresponding letter appeared. So, if you need to dial% A9, then simply press alt + c. In all the rest of the old good ytsuken.

There are quite a lot of layouts, each of them seems to be effective, but it is not important that it is important to choose the most appropriate layout, master it and work at a computer with pleasure.


2009-12-12 07:52:44 - Akimov Igor Grigorievich

An interesting and useful article, but upset a large amount of typos - probably gained a blind method, but were not subtracted after the set: - (((for example, such a quote: "This is one of the most interesting and promising Russian layouts" somehow not Russian sounds, isn't it? There are other typos. Correct, please!

2010-04-07 08:11:25 - Petrov Petr Petrovich

The article is interesting, no doubt! But very limited on the subject, the feeling that the discussion of new versions is in advancely specified framework. As if you are sitting in the tunnel. Nevertheless, today there are many new versions. Dial in Yandex "keyboard models" or "New keyboard layouts". In Google "New Keyboard Models"

2010-12-03 17:40:20 - Alex Sokol

Damn with them with typos, but proverbs then to redo why ?? How many ropes do not go, and the end to be. !! To be! END!)) Respect the classics!

2011-03-21 23:00:30 - Captain Obvious

On the "Speaker" layout, there is no digit 4.

2011-05-19 19:48:46 - Shalimov Alexander

and now Troika is absent in the speaker)))

2011-07-06 12:59:19 - Zinkevich Viktor Borisovich

Hello! From alternative layouts, I would put on the first place on the screen keyboard Ladonnik2 - for OS Android. And because its original layouts are substantiated scientific! And because up to 90% of speech is recruited in the 16-key central block. And because the popularity of the keyboard is growing rapidly! For the solidity of the review, I think it is necessary to take into account and you! All the best!

2011-08-21 15:26:40 - AAA

Proverbs are still almost useless. No respect for them is required.

2012-01-19 09:04:15 - Alex

\u003e The load must be distributed evenly. Who said that? In general, there is a strange logic: "Some fingers work more than others, the layout is not balanced." And nothing that the little figures are generally weaker than other fingers and, in turn, the little finger of the left little Mizinz right? Therefore, the load is uneven: stronger fingers get a larger load, weaker - smaller. Make the load of the same to all your fingers - the little men will start to get tired faster and in the end it will turn out even worse.

2012-02-03 23:03:15 - Katya Simakova

The article is clearly flawed or this is a category on request. In fact, if we are talking On alternatives, why is the story silent about the development of our inventor Vladimir Schoblkin? Fully agree with Mr. Zinkevich

2013-04-25 13: 46: 01.784824 - Vladimir Schbedkin

Hello. Thank you Kate Simakova for mentioning my keyboards. I saw these comments in connection with the organization of the contest of all existing layouts. I am one of the organizers of this contest. It is assumed that the contest will be on tablets. Please inform if you can take part in it? For us, it is still important to learn about readiness. Details will discuss later. Sincerely, Vladimir Scheblikin, the author of the Ladonnik series keyboards. [email protected].

2014-02-15 17: 38: 54.122026 - Ererer

yes, a wonderful layout for the Russian language, everything is balanced and convenient. In the layouts shown a lot of shortcomings. But English, for example, does not correspond to for example, for example, the letter J is less likely, than our kommersant, but stands in the middle of the keyboard. We know that it practically did it from the lantern.

2014-02-27 07: 14: 22.028569 - EVA

Vladimir Davidovich! I am glad to see your name. Conducted several polls: new keyboard Ladonnik 2m1 is installed eagerly! But as for a multilingual module, many say: why is it needed here. But I think you need. Especially for users of the Russian Federation. (Message I duplicate on Sobiraem)

2015-09-21 13: 35: 05.210021 - Simeon

ladonnik 2m1 for narrow mob devices, more convenient. Of course, those who are accustomed to print on a printed machine, more convenient to Yatsuken-Klava. Provided, of course, if at the hands of a wide tablet or laptop. Do not argue. And if in hand your smartphone?

2016-01-20 13: 29: 28.30625 - Manynka

The third group layouts are also uncomfortable, since when typing in the national language, it is sometimes necessary to set a Russian word for which there is no alternative writing by letters of only the National Alphabet. This will require switching to Russian layout, which reduces print speed. In addition, the user needs to remember which letter is located on the same key on the national and Russian layout.

Apple's IOS 8 operating system carries much more innovation than new iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus gadgets. Significantly expanded opportunities for developers makes it possible to use smartphones in a new way, forming the impression that these models are much better than the iPhone 5S. However, it is worth noting that if you put the iOS 8 on the gadget of the previous generation, then it will not give up the iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus.

IOS 8 brought a huge number of new features such as: widgets, export panels, Metal technology, Health Kit and much more. In addition, the new Apple Operation appeared the predictive input text, QuickType technology, and most importantly - is Ability to use alternative keyboard From third-party developers.

We offer a selection of the best alternative keyboards on iOS 8, which for the most part well proven themselves on Android OS and were ported to the new Apple Operation.

SWIFTKEY keyboard for iOS.

It is considered one of the smartest keyboards for Android gadgets, a system of predictive text entry and autocorrection in 60 languages \u200b\u200bis used. SWIFTTKEY work on iOS 8 is no different, from the moment of installing the application on the iPhone or iPad, the utility remembers everything that is inserted, and automatically offers the most commonly used words or phrases. The most popular comment is that the users have an impression that the keyboard "guess" their thoughts and properly offers entire proposals since the beginning of the first words input.

Fleksy keyboard for iOS.

Fleksy Another popular keyboard moved from Android to iOS 8, which has a large army of fans, the application feature is that the word can not even enter correctly by making an error in each letter, the main thing is that their number and location approximately coincided with the correct word . Fleksy Keyboard Built-in gesture system that allows you to type text at high speed. A pleasant app of the application is the ability to apply different color schemes and change the size of the workspace.

SWYPE keyboard for iOS.

No less popular keyboard for Android and iOS 8, the word input principle of SWYPE is that the user needs to slide on the screen from the letter to the letter and tear the finger only between different words. The application is built into an error correction algorithm and a linguistic model of a particular language, in addition, there is an option predictive text entry (the proposal of the word in the first letter entered). In the Swype keypad for iOS, the main focus is made on the module that analyzes the path of the finger path across the screen and the word search system in the app.

Nintype or HipJot keyboard (keyboard + notes) for iOS.

Nintype / hipjot is a similar keyboard using the input key with the Swype keyboard, but the developers went even further into technology and improved it with the opportunity to use gestures simultaneously with two hands, which significantly increases the speed of the text set. So the developers claim that if the average word set speed on the Swype keypad is 50-60 words per minute, then the author nintype / hipjot managed to dial 120 words minutes, and the middle user is able to dial at a speed of 70-90 words per minute. The negative nintype / hipjot keyboard is that only English is supported.

Kuaiboard keyboard (first name Quickboard) for iOS.

Kuaiboard keyboard allows you to choose from three various techniques Text entry on iOS gadgets: TextBoard, Meboard and LocationBoard. Each methods are based on automation, the most repetitive actions, for example, you can add buttons to the screen with the most frequently used words and phrases, in addition, this feature You can also use for large text blocks (templates for answers to letters, contacts and more).

Minuum keyboard for iOS.

The Minuum keyboard is very different from other developments, first of all, its appearance. The standard QWERTY layout has a compressed vertical view, which significantly reduces the size of the keyboard itself on the screen. This feature is perfect for new models of smartphones with big screen: iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus. With this compressed location of the MINUUM keyboard, the number of errors will be much larger, therefore this problem is compensated by dictionaries and text recognition algorithms.

TextExpander keyboard for iOS.

Another keyboard with the original principle of work designed to automate the process of water text, as fast as it may be possible. The main method in the TexTexpander keyboard lies in the "Auto Translations" functions, i.e. The utility allows you to create large dictionaries with words cuts, phrases and large pieces of text, for example, after entering "TYVM", the phrase will be automatically replaced by "Thank You Very Much". You will need time to create a template database, however, subsequently entering text using TexTexpander may become the fastest and convenient.

Keyboard TouchPal for iOS.

Keyboard TouchPal allows you to select from two input methods. The first has the name TouchPal Curve, the words must be entered by moving the finger across the screen, moving from one letter to another. The second method is called TouchPal Wave, which is based on a predicative input method. It is possible to choose from several color schemes, in addition, there is a quick input option for additional characters.

All these and many other keyboards for iOS can be downloaded in the "Utilities" section of the store app. Store, they are only available for iPhone, iPad and iPod operating on the IOS 8 operating system.

Apple IMAC computers are completed with the Magic Keyboard branded wireless keyboard and Magic Mouse mouse that meet the needs of most users. However, there will always be those who are looking for something more. Especially for them, we prepared an overview of alternative keyboards for Mac.

Apple options

Despite the stable growth in the popularity of Mac computers, it is more difficult to choose accessories and periphery than for ubiquitous Windows-PC. Including keyboard. If necessary, you can connect almost any keyboard from the Windows computer, however, due to differences in the layout, many of the usual key combinations will not work (partially this problem can be eliminated by setting up the layout for yourself). But much more practical and more convenient to use the keyboard, which is certified for Mac.

At the moment, Apple transitions from the time-tested classic keyboard mechanism to new technology "butterfly". Old version The keyboard was designed for the first MacBook in a solid aluminum building, which was presented in 2008. At the same time, on the stationary computers, users could use the Apple wired or wireless keyboard, which were developed "with a loan" on laptop computers. As a result of unification owner computers apple I did not experience inconvenience when switching from iMac or Mac Mini on MacBook and back. Sitting sensations coincided.

For the first time the keyboard with the mechanism "Butterfly" was used in laptop MacBook. 12 '' presented in 2015. It did not fit the familiar keyboard, so Apple has developed an updated version with an enlarged area of \u200b\u200bkeys and a stroke depth of 14 mm against 17 mm in the classic version. In this case, the keyboard thickness decreased by 40%. When using it, the pressure is evenly distributed over the entire surface of the keys, which in theory to increase accuracy and increase the speed of the set (justice to note that not all users with delight accepted the rejection of the usual mechanism with greater movement depth).

Then the updated demon was presented. wired keyboard Magic Keyboard 2, which uses the butterfly mechanism.

In 2016, the light was the updated MacBook Pro. Compared to the series of the Pro-series of previous years, these laptops have become significantly thinner, as a result of which they also received the keyboard with the "Butterfly" mechanism, but already a second generation, in which a number of characteristics was improved. After their presentation, rumors appeared on the network, that the company will present a wireless keyboard with the touch bar, and the Touch ID touch ID touchpoint (not yet confirmed).

At the time of this writing, users who prefer the Apple branded periphery are limited in choosing three models.

Apple Keyboard with Digital Keyboard (MB110RS)

The model has a revered age (on the market since 2008), but it is fully compatible with last version MacOS looks good looks with modern models of Apple computers.

It is made of anodized aluminum and is equipped with function keys for quick access To frequent commands on Mac, such as adjusting the brightness of the screen, the volume level, as well as the launch of the Mission Control and Launchpad.

However, the main advantage of the model is a full-size digital block, which is especially important when working with large volumes of numerical data.

Connecting to a computer is carried out using a USB cable. On the side ends there are 2 USB-hub sockets that allow you to connect both the mouse and drives or digital equipment to the computer directly through the keyboard.

Apple Wireless Keyboard MC184EN / B

Standard Wireless Keyboard for Apple Computers without digital BlockHaving occupying on the desktop by 24% less space. At the same time, all function keys are saved to quickly access frequent Mac operations.

The case of the device is made of anodized aluminum in a single style with Apple appliances.

The radius of the keyboard is 10 m, so if necessary, it can be removed from the table and put on the knees, continuing to work as it is more convenient.

Island flat keys have a clear click and a tangible move, thanks to which the set of even large text does not cause difficulties.

Power is carried out using two AA batteries. Thanks to a small thickness and weight, this model is suitable for use with iPad as portable device input.

Price - about 120 USD in equivalent.

Apple Magic Keyboard (MLA22GU / A)

Updated Apple Wireless Keyboard, presented in 2015. It takes 15% less space on the desktop than the Wireless Keyboard and is equipped with a first-generation butterfly mechanism (as in MacBook 12 ''), thanks to which the keyboard profile managed to be made even lower.

The keyboard is equipped with a complete set of optional buttons to perform frequent action in the MacOS operating system.

The housing is made of anodized aluminum, buttons from a slightly matte polycarbonate.

One of the main features Apple Magic Keyboard - the presence of a built-in battery, the capacitance of which is enough for 4 weeks of operation at an average load. Then the charge can be restored by connecting the keyboard to the computer using the Lighting-USB cable, which is well-known to all owners of the iPhone, iPad or iPod.

The device weighs only 231 g and will be a good portable solution for iPad owners, which often work with text on the tablet.

Price - about 150 USD in equivalent (in the USA - 99 USD).

Matias Wireless Aluminium.

This accessory successfully filled out the gap existing in model row Apple keyboards. The company's portfolio has a wired keyboard with a digital block and two compact wireless keyboards without a digital block. But how to be users who want to use the benefits of a full-size keyboard with a separate digital area, but tired of wires?

Matias has come to the rescue, releaseing the Wireless Aluminium keyboard. This model is specifically designed to work on Mac. It can be traced not only in maintaining the usual layout, but also in using a single design language with Apple products, thanks to which the keyboard works organically next to Mac.

However, Matias designers went on Apple and, in addition to the usual silver-white option, presented the keyboard versions for the iPhone color, including dark gray and golden (both with black keys), as well as pink with white keys.

Laying function keys For driving frequent operations Mac fully corresponds to such on Apple branded keyboards. In addition to Mac, supported iOS, Windows and Android support. Matias Wireless Aluminium can simultaneously match with four devices, instantly switching between them with the help of special buttons over the digital block.

An additional advantage of the model is a built-in battery with a volume of 1,600 mAh, which is 7-8 times more than that of other wireless keyboards. Charging from 0 to 100% takes 5 hours, after which you can count on a whole year of work (with daily use for several hours).

Unfortunately, find Matias Wireless Aluminium on sale in the CIS is difficult.

Price - 99 USD in the USA.

Microsoft Sculpt Mobile Keyboard (T9T-00017)

Compact Bluetooth keyboard from Redmord Giant. The model is positioned as a universal input tool that can be connected to Windows computers, Android devices, iPad, as well as computers MAC.

However, first of all, the device is optimized to work with operating systems Windows family, as evidenced by a number of additional function buttons over digital next.

But Mac compatibility is also implemented, which the manufacturer did not forget to mention the box.

A slightly curved form provides improved ergonomics with a long set of text, and a thickness of less than 2 cm, low weight and dimensions allow you to use Sculpt Mobile Keyboard as a keyboard for a tablet.

Power is carried out using two AAA batteries. According to the manufacturer, the battery life at an average load is 40 weeks.

Price - about 60 USD in equivalent.

Logitech K810 Bluetooth ILLUMINATED KEYBOARD

Classic Wireless Keyboard for Apple Computers, iPad, as well as for PC and Android Devices. Made of practical plastic.

The model has a stylish design and is highlighted among other wireless keyboards for Mac the presence of backlight, which makes it particularly attractive to work in the dark or in conditions of insufficient illumination.

Brightness level can be adjusted.

Implemented the possibility of connecting to three various devicesBecause of which you can switch to one touch.

Charging is carried out using a standard USB cable - Micro USB. From 0 to 100% keyboard charges about 3 hours. The operating time with a fully charged battery is 10-14 days in mode mode (discharge time depends on the backlight brightness level).

Price - about 110 USD in equivalent.

Logitech K780 Multi-Device Wireless Keyboard (920-008043)

A stylish keyboard with a full-size digital panel, which implements the possibility of simultaneously connecting to three devices (all popular platforms are supported, including MacOS).

In addition to the frequently used Logitech chips - switch between different devices in one touch, this model is characterized by silent input, as well as the presence of a special rubber stand for mobile devices. It is easily placed smartphone and tablet, including iPad Pr. With a 12-inch screen. It provides the most comfortable angle of inclination, and the work desk remains unlocked wires and devices.

The lack of noise during the set is achieved through the use of the Logitech PerfectStroke ™ brand system. Closeup rounded key keys in combination with the usual Mac layout provide instant addiction and impressive ease of operation.

Power is carried out by two AAA power elements (according to the manufacturer's application, the keyboard will work up to 2 years) from one shift batteries).

Price - about 80 USD in equivalent.

Logitech Bluetooth Multi-DEVICE KEYBOARD K480

Wireless desktop keyboard for computer, tablet and smartphone. The layouts for MacOS, iOS, Android, Windows and Chrome OS are supported (on the keys with inappropriate functions in different platforms are notated through the line).

Like other Logitech models that support work with multiple devices, the possibility of instant switching is implemented. This uses a special Easy-Switch disk.

The top number of the function buttons completely repeats such in branded keyboards for Apple computers and when working in conjugation with Mac allows you to adjust the backlight brightness, volume, and manage the playback of multimedia files.

The keys have a slightly rounded concave shape, which ensures high accuracy and speed of the set. When switching to Logitech K480 with standard keyboard Apple. To the form of keys and the mechanism of pressing can be used in a couple of hours.

The built-in stand with a rubber guard reliably holds the smartphone and tablet at a convenient angle so that you can read the text during dialing and editing. On our site you can buy an iPhone.

For the most convenient use of the keyboard on the MAC from the developer's site, you can download an application that allows you to configure the keyboard according to your needs.

In addition to the gray version with salad inserts, a white version of the keyboard with light gray elements is available.

Food is carried out using two AAA batteries (time from one shift - about two years).

Price - about 40 USD in equivalent.

Logitech Wireless SOLAR KEYBOARD K760

An innovative keyboard with a built-in battery, the recharging of which the user can not worry at all, since the compound of charge is carried out due to solar cells. This is enough to stay a device in a room with a regular room lighting about six hours. The aspect of this keyboard is able to work in full darkness up to two weeks.

Like other keyboards from Logitech, optimized to work with Mac computers, Wireless Solar Keyboard K760 supports simultaneous connection to three devices. Switching between them is carried out in one press.

When you connect to Mac computers, the top number of the function keys allows you to perform the same operations as standard Keyboards for Apple computers, including adjusting the screen brightness, volume, open the Launch Pad and Mission Control panel.

You need software that can be downloaded from the manufacturer's website.

Price - about 70 USD in equivalent.


The mechanical keyboard from the famous Chinese company, which is known as the manufacturer of available and high-quality electronics in the CIS countries.

The keyboard is made of aluminum H32 and has a hexline design. Thanks to the procedure of the anode oxidation and additional sandblasting, the device obtained dopinal resistance to external damage and corrosion.

Caps of keys are made of high-quality ABS plastic and made in the style of the keyboards of old computers. But in fact it modern devicewhich can compete with the products of mastted peripheral manufacturers. TTC RED switches provide a working cycle of 50 million presses. At the same time, the keys are located as close as possible, which minimizes the possibility of falling between garbage and dust. The built-in 32-bit STICROELECONICS microprocessor provides instant handling of pressing, which will become a pleasant bonus for gamers and those who print a blind decadesset.

Connecting to a computer is carried out using a USB-Micro USB white cable.

The YUEMI Mechanical White keys have a soft LED backlight that can be adjusted in six gradations.

Special legs on the day provide a 6-degree ascent, which reduces the fatigue of the brushes during long-term work to the text.

Price - about 80 USD in equivalent. The model can be purchased in the CIS.

DAS KEYBOARD Model S Professional for Mac

Premium mechanical keyboard optimized for Mac. Equipped with Blue MX switches with gilded contacts that provide accurate triggering and tangible returns.

Built-in USB concentrator allows you to connect to a computer to two external devices. The elongated cable provides easy connection and the ability to conveniently locate the keyboard on the desktop.

Special SLEEP function is designed for instant Mac translation to sleep during breaks in operation.

Das Keyboard for Mac is equipped with special keys to quickly adjust the volume, disconnect the sound, control the playback of multimedia content, as well as screen brightness control.

On-site and familiar users of the MAC keys Option and Command. Supported up to 5 simultaneous clicks, making Das Keyboard Model S Professional for mac An excellent choice for gamers or people owning the blind printing method.

Price - 133 USD on the manufacturer's website.


Wireless mechanical keyboard made in retro design. Outwardly, it resembles a typewriter from the XIX century (this effect occurs due to the use of round keys that are tangible towered above the basis). However, while the keyboard does not lose the halo of futuristicity.

The manufacturer positions the Lofree keyboard as a mechanical input tool that is not suitable for as many gamers as designers, writers and journalists. That is, the usual users who are forced to work with large volumes of text.

Unlike most mechanical keyboards, Lofree comes with a familiar Mac Mac Mac Keyboard. Moreover, the upper key of the keys is auxiliary and allows you to adjust the brightness, volume and control the playback of multimedia files - exactly, as using Apple branded keyboards.

Lofree specifications are impressive:

  • ability to operate in a wired or migratory mode
  • compatible with Mac, iOS, Windows and Android
  • simultaneous connection to three different devices with the possibility of instant switching between them
  • built-in backlight buttons with adjustability in three graduations
  • up to 100 hours of battery
  • charging the built-in battery via the Micro USB wire
  • several color design options
  • reliable mechanical switches

The only disadvantage of the model can be called its inaccessibility in the territory of the CIS countries. The device can be purchased in the United States, after pretending it to Indiegog's crowdfunding. Unlike many other crowdfunding projects, the inventors of the keyboard managed not only to collect the desired amount, but also to improve production. Owners' reviews - full positive. We hope, in the foreseeable future, the keyboard will be on sale and here.

Price - about 80 USD in the USA.

IN everyday life Most iPhone or iPad users when virtual communication It is enough of the Russian and English keyboard, which are the default standard for Russian-speaking users. With iOS output 8 software developers have the opportunity to create their own keyboard options for iPhone or iPad, which could subsequently be used to enter any data in all sorts of applications. Be that as it may, accommodated, but playing an important role, the Virtual IOS keyboard attracted attention. Therefore, if you are interested in the question of setting the apple device keyboard, disconnect "Emodi", activating the keyboard in another language or add an alternative keyboard at all - this instruction for you.

How to configure the keyboard on the iPhone or iPad

Keypad removal

Ideally, for comfortable work with your smartphone or tablet, the list of active keyboards should not be overloaded with unnecessary, unused or extremely rarely used keyboards. It saves time at switching between them when entering any data.

In iOS 8, an EMOZI (EMOJI) keyboard (EMOJI), which provides access to a huge choice of smiles and other diverse pictures, was included in the general list of keyboards supported by default. Enable "Emodji" The list of active keyboards caused an ambiguous reaction from users: someone was pleasantly surprised to find it on its device, and someone hurried to climb into the settings in the hope of finding a cherished button, sending "Emodi" back to inactive state .

To edit a list, including shutdowns of the "Emodi" keyboard, we go to "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Keyboard"\u003e "Keyboards". Here, by clicking on the "Edit" button, you can delete any, more irrelevant keyboard or get rid of unnecessary emoticons offered by Emodi.

Adding a keyboard

The iOS system has a wide variety of keyboards that support text entry in many languages \u200b\u200bof the world, including Asian languages \u200b\u200band languages \u200b\u200bwith a letter from right to left. To activate one of the keyboards, you must go to "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Keyboard"\u003e "Keyboards" And tap on the button "New Keyboards". In the proposed list, find the language you are interested in and tap according to its name, after which the keyboard that supports the language you specified will be added to the general list of active.

Other settings

In the "Keyboard" section, the owners of the iPhone or iPad can detect a lot of interesting. For example, here you can replenish the list of contractions by adding words to it to increase the input speed of the text. For example, if you put the phrase "and so on" to the list, assigning "ITD" to it, then with the introduction of "ITD", the reduction will be automatically replaced with a complete phrase.

Here you can turn off the autotropsy, autocorrection, predictive text entry, offering the ending options for words and phrases, the split keyboard, spelling and quick key inserting a point with a space if you quickly touch the "Space" key twice.

How to add an alternative keyboard on iPhone or iPad

As already mentioned, IOS 8 presented the developers the opportunity to create alternative keyboards for iPhone or iPad and developers did not fail to use it. Already in the App Store there is a substantial application designed to replenish the list of already existing apple device keyboards with new ones, sometimes all the original alternative solutions.

Want to raise the text set speed? Then pay attention to Fleksy, Swype, Minuum, Touchpal and other alternative keyboard, with brief overview which can be found here. Or maybe you want to diversify communication with animated pictures and short videos - free app To help you.

Nevertheless, simply download the program from the App Store will not be enough, you must connect an alternative keyboard in your Daevais settings.

First you need to visit the App Store and download the alternative keyboard you are interested in on your device. Next, we go B. "Settings"\u003e "Main"\u003e "Keyboard"\u003e "Keyboards"\u003e "New Keyboards" Where we are looking for the name of your freshly installed program and taping on it, after which the alternative keyboard will be activated. To check, open, for example, iMessage and, using the button in the form of a globe, we switch the keyboard until the one appears that it was installed.

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