
Apple Tip: How to Clean MacBook Keyboard. How to clean the keyboard on the mappo how to remove the buttons from the Apple keyboard

Buttons are sometimes sticking out not only on new MacBook, but also on old. Usually, it is advised to disassemble the keyboard for cleaning, but in practice it leads only to - Mickey has already proven it.

We will tell how without vandalism Clean the keyboard with a pair of proven ways if the buttons on it are already sticking or only collected.

Five minutes every week and the buttons on my MacBook Pro 2017 work as a clock. Your will be no worse.

Why do MacBook keys periodically stick

The keys begin to shindle only due to the fact that foreign particles fall under them. There are no other options, and the buttons even with a broken mechanism do not behave.

If something fell under the button, it prevents it from clicking, and it seems to you that it tritely stuck to the base. Therefore, they say that the "Zalipla" key.

The problem began to actively write in 2015. The world saw a 12-inch MacBook with a "Butterfly" keyboard. The new mechanism turned out to be much smaller in size, so the cleanliness for him was critical than for the usual "scissors".

In 2017, the "butterfly" was updated to the 2nd generation, the problem began to manifest themselves less frequently, but remained.

However, in the services they say that they regularly address not only the owners of new MacBook, but also old ones. Why?

Food and dust remnants. Yes, these are the most frequent guests of your keyboard, which are glad to find secluded places under the keys and interfere with it to click.

If you eat near MacBook, already encountered or come across this problem in the near future.

If you do not eat near MacBook, dust falls on it, so you still do not cross the sticking.

Slices of skin and sweat. Microscopic parts of your body to a lesser extent, but can also cause keypads.

To minimize the effect, do not forget to observe hygiene - just make your hands more often with soap.

Tea and water with sugar. Liquids with sugar are critical for the keyboard. In this case, get rid of the sticking will not fully work out even after cleaning.

Even before the new year, I had tea with sugar on the keyboard of my MacBook - liquid was at least quickly deleted in the near service, but I could not save the keyboard.

The only correct solution was to replace the keyboard. That I did.

Officially, Apple did not recognize the problem with the MacBook keys. Yes, and it was meaningless, because it can be avoided by banal accuracy.

But a large thread of criticism to the company made it update "Butterfly", which became more practical - this is a step towards users.

And last year, the manufacturer has released a guide on cleaning the keyboard from dirt using compressed air.

Yes, Apple offers just to blow food residues and other foreign objects from under the keys with a special cylinder.

By the way, you will find such without any problems in any store of modern electronics or ordain online. Question price - 200-400 rubles.

Step 1. Take MacBook so that its keyboard is to you at an angle of 75 degrees - you do not need to put it vertically.

Step 2. Purp the entire keyboard or only the most problem keys first from left to right, and then right left.

Step 3. Put MacBook on the right side and make the same.

Step 4. Put MacBook on the left side and repeat the procedure.

Please note when using a compressed air cylinder, a small amount of fluid may be released from it. She is harmless, just erupt it from the keyboard with a napkin.

Our method of cleaning the MacBook keyboard from the pharmacy

To blow the MacBook keyboard from dirt, you can use not only compressed air. You can just pour on the mouth buttons, but it is not so effective.

It is better to use the "pear" type for the purge, from the nearest pharmacy. Do not laugh - the method is quite a worker. It for himself a couple of years ago Roma Yuriev.

Blow air from the device So that it gets under the keys. The faster you to squeeze the rubber part of the device, the more effective the process will go.

What kind of fringe to choose? I took the smallest option with a plastic tip for the prevention of blockages, which I spend once a week.

If the zoom is serious, better pay attention to the option more. With the help of it it will be easier to create a powerful jet of air.

How to avoid problems with sticking clavs 100%

To protect the keyboard from dirt and further sticking, you can use special linings that every taste is full on Aliexpress.

But working on MacBook is uncomfortable to horror. I do not recommend this option.

Sometimes it happens that the key of your laptop refuses to respond to pressing or simply insufficiently works sufficiently, causing a lot of irritation. Do not hurry to run to the service center, and familiarize yourself with the simple instruction that Apple itself shared.

Immediately note that this guide refers to the 12-inch MacBook, and to all newer models. To independently clean the laptop keyboard, you must first start getting a sphawed aircraft.

It is necessary to use the tube that guides the air flow with the cylinder. The end of the tubule from the keyboard must separate approximately one and a half centimeters. Also, when spraying, it is recommended to keep the canter as soon as possible.

Take your MacBook at an angle of 75 degrees to the surface and spray the air throughout the keyboard or only by non-working movements moves from left to right.

Then you need to turn the laptop to the right and spray the air again from left to right. Repeat the action by turning the MacBook left.

We hope that this method will save you too much time and money on a hike to a service center. By the way, you will probably want to ask why on the illustrations an angle of 75 degrees in reality is a 105-degree angle. We have no answer on this question. In addition to the assumption that someone in Cupertino regularly skipped geometry lessons at school.

This morning drank tea and leafed the news on the Internet, shed tea to the keyboard, quickly pulled the batteries, turned it over and shook over the sink, rubbed a towel (also leaving in the inverted state), I came from work in an inverted state), I came from work in an inverted) So smoothly, slowly return to the place when you press, get stuck, crunch, stick, etc.

Twalily twisted in his hands, I realized that the body was all-metal, and the rear plastic part was incurred, googled the forums and was convinced of his assumption.

I had to do everything "outside", the digital block works fine, only letters are buggy, so I did this

The buttons on the scissor mechanism are taken off with a nail (well, or a screwdriver), to remove the button, it is necessary to carefully hook it from above and pull up to click if the click does not occur, then pull the left and right upper angles, after the upper part of the button is disabled - carefully disable Similarly, be extremely careful, you can break the mechanism.

Buttons we put on the table with rows, so as not to confuse their location, we will put them in the place in the right side of the rows.

For washing, we will need a tube with a clean water or isopropyl alcohol, for example, liquid for wiping monitors is quite suitable.

It is necessary to evenly spray the liquid in open push-button mechanisms (when moving quickly with a quick hand), after spraying, we will wait 20-30 seconds after spraying, we move carefully each scissor mechanism and we gently wipe each hole (sticky tea is usually sticking), we wipe the entire keyboard, bluntly blow the hair dryer and Watch the keyboard does not heat up, otherwise you can damage plastic mechanisms.

Now we wipe each button around the perimeter and from the inside and install it back, you just need to put the button in the niche and gently press it on and sell across all the corners.

Special attention deserves the elongated tabs such as tabs, caps, the intention of the thDD, they need to first turn the lever into the holes, and then put the button and snap.

I do not advise you to remove the buttons once again, because Slightly they wear out of such operation and fall out themselves, so remove only problem buttons.

This method can also help if dust or wool crashed into scissor mechanisms, when the buttons clog the buttons, they begin to creak, shindle, lose the smoothness of the stroke, etc.

By the way, on the last keyboard, which I was treated to work - I slightly lubricated the perimeter of the space and the lever at the place of his contact with the metal, it saved me from the squeak.

It is worth noting that the keyboard turned out to be very stable to moisture, usually, when undermining the keyboard ceases to respond to pressing, and the contact tracks turn into a porridge.

But at the same time, I would advise Apple to make some better quality devices and stable operations, often reliability and ergonomics inferior to the appearance of devices (for example, a mouse).

Although the sake of fairness should be noted that all these apple gadgets in the United States cost almost as similar works from competitors, and the accessories of the Duck are very damped at all, in some stores, branded headphones can cost about 3000-4000 rubles, and in the US for about 3 times Cheaper, keyboards, too, on the same Avito, I found at a price higher than the new in the "special places", I just have friends who bring devices from various suppliers without extra charges)) When I bought a AirPort Express router for 3400, then Some "branded" stores of the city price reached 5,900.

Fair, not overpriced and not understated. The service site should have prices. Be sure! Without "stars", it is clear and in detail, where it is technically possible - the most accurate, final.

If there are parts up to 85% of the complex repairs can be completed in 1-2 days. On modular repair you need much less time. The site contains an approximate duration of any repairs.

Warranty and responsibility

The guarantee should give any repairs. On the site and in the documents everything is described. The guarantee is confidence in their forces and respect for you. Warranty at 3-6 months is good and enough. It is needed to verify the quality and hidden defects that cannot be detected immediately. You see honest and real terms (not 3 years), you can be sure that you will help you.

Half success in Apple repair is the quality and reliability of spare parts, so good service works with suppliers to direct, there are always several reliable channels and your own warehouse with proven parts of current models so that you do not have to spend your extra time.

Free diagnosis

It is very important and has already become a good tone rule for the service center. Diagnostics is the most complex and important part of the repair, but you do not have to pay a penny for it, even if you do not repair the device for its results.

Repair in service and delivery

Good service appreciates your time, so offers free shipping. And for the same reason, the repair is performed only in the workshop of the service center: the right and technology can be done only at the prepared place.

Comfortable graph

If the service works for you, not for yourself, then it is always open! absolutely. The schedule must be convenient to have time before and after work. Good service is also on weekends, and on holidays. We are waiting for you and working on your devices every day: 9:00 - 21:00

The reputation of professionals is made up of several points.

Age and experience of the company

Reliable and experienced service knows for a long time.
If the company has been in the market for many years, and she managed to establish themselves as an expert, they appeal to her, they write about it, they are recommended. We know what we are talking about, as 98% of the incoming devices in the SC are being restored.
Other service centers are trusted and transferred to us.

How many masters in directions

If you are always waiting for several engineers for each type of technology, you can be sure of:
1. The queues will not (or it will be minimal) - your device will take place immediately.
2. You give to the repair of the MacBook expert in the field of Mac repairs. He knows all the secrets of these devices.

Technical literacy

If you ask a question, the specialist should answer it as accurately as possible.
To make you imagine what you need.
The problem will try to solve. In most cases, the description can be understood what happened and how to eliminate the fault.

Under the keys in your computer, there is probably dust, crumbs, pieces of food, hair and other garbage. Even the most accurate Mac users are not able to protect the keyboard from pollution.

Buttons on Apple computers are clearly fitted, the holes in the housing have a minimum clearance, but even this is enough to regularly collect a batch of garbage.

Why clean the keyboard

FirstlyThis is useful from a hygienic point of view. Computer keys are the first shotger of microbes and bacteria in the house after the toilet. Not every one time my hands before printing something, and if it is a laptop, so it will meet the dirt from the office, a cafe and a travel bag.

Secondly, dirt and dust can help stick the buttons. Contacts on the board can be clogged and react to pressing not the first time.

Thirdly, Clean keyboard looks aesthetic. Mac looks like new.

How often clean the keyboard

It all depends on your desire and MAC operation mode. Home computers are recommended to be cleaned at least once every three months. Portable laptops are preferably cleaned every 30 days.

How to clean the keyboard

The cleaning of the keyboard is divided into two stages: external and internal. External cleaning of the keys can be carried out as they are contaminated or at the request of the user. It is directed only to remove dirt from the key surface and will not affect the operation of the device.

Internal cleaning is aimed at removing dirt and garbage under the buttons. This procedure must be carried out regularly to avoid contamination and sticking the buttons.

Outdoor cleaning

For external cleaning, it is not necessary to turn off the computer or turn off the outer keyboard. You can use the KeyboardCleantool for Mac utility. This free utility blocks the keys and prevents false pressing during cleaning.

Do not forget to give permission to the application on the way. Settings - Protection and Security - Privacy - Universal Access (The administrator password will be required).

After blocking, we are armed with microfiber, cotton chopsticks or discs. They must be slightly moistened with water or alcohol-containing substance. You can use special wet wipes to clean the keyboard and display.

Attention! Liquid should not drain from rags, wool or napkins. If you are worried about wetting, it is better to restrain and turn off the computer power.

Thoroughly wipe all the buttons from the front side and on the ends. Do not forget to wipe the surface of the keyboard, the bottom and legs (for external devices).

How to clean the keyboard from the inside

This is a painstaking and time-consuming process. Best patience and have at your disposal until the time of time. First, take a picture of the location of the buttons to your smartphone so that it is painfully not to remember the layout.

Be sure to carry out internal cleaning when the computer is turned off.

Toothpick or plastic tool Pattail the top corner of the keys and gently remove the mount from the groove (do not use screwdrivers or knives, they can damage the keys).

Now grab the entire button and remove the fastening from the second groove.

Attention! Excessive use of coarse power can lead to a key failure. Be careful.

If the mounting mechanism remains on the keyboard, remove it and secure on the key.

When all buttons are removed, you can clean the garbage using a vacuum cleaner. The remains of dirt and particles should be removed with a lounge slightly moistened with a cloth.

Buttons themselves wipe with wet napkins or eraser.

Clean buttons set in place. The key with the fastened fastening is put in place and pressed all over the perimeter until it clicks. Separate several times and make sure that all the attachments got into the right grooves.

Here is a cheat sheet, if you forgot to take a picture of your keyboard:

Wait for the complete keyboard drying and only then turn on the computer.

Do not forget to regularly monitor the state of the keys and clean it. Do it right now - and tomorrow you will say thank you yourself for it.

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