
The Windows 7 Language Panel is launched. What to do if not displayed (disappeared) Language panel. Using "Language and Regional Standards"

Language panel is an indicator that shows the included in this moment Computer keyboard language layout. Active english Displays in the form of reducing EN, Russian - RU. Language panel is usually located on the right side of the bottom menu on the desktop, in the so-called system tray. Very often, due to various reasons, it disappears from there and the users of the computer disappears the possibility of finding the keyboard layout before printing.

This, of course, is not very convenient and many begin to look for the opportunity to restore the language panel on the desktop. The easiest and most logical way in this situation check whether to configure the display of the language panel in the operating system settings. To do this, you need to perform the following actions:
After performing these steps in Windows Vista. You will have language bar In the system tray. For others versions of Windows The names of the windows and items may differ slightly, but general principle Settings are the same.

If the language panel appeared, but after rebooting or off and the subsequent power on the computer again disappeared, then you need to check whether the CTFMon.exe process is configured, which is responsible for the language panel.

This can be done in the following way:

If CTFMON is missing in msconfig, then for some reason has retired the desired key In the registry responsible for initialization this process. Therefore, it is necessary this entry Restore as follows:

  1. Click the Start button and in command line Enter the REGEDIT command, running registry editor.
  2. Find in the registry catalog on the left side of the key window

    HKEY_USERS \\ .DEFAULT \\ Software \\ Microsoft \\ Windows \\ Currentversion \\ Run

    In the right window, make the right mouse button right and select "Create" - "String Parameter". Name it ctfmon.exe After that, open it for editing. In the value field, enter

    "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe"

    (You need to write with quotes).

  3. If you do not want to rule the registry with your hands, then download (to the password request, enter the site), unpack and run the file on your computer. He will make the desired entry into the registry itself.
  4. Restart the computer.
If all listed actions do not help you, try installing the program for automatic switching Keyboard layouts during text entry called Punto Switcher. This program in background mode Watch that you enter from the keyboard and, if necessary, timely switches its layout.

Additional advice.
If you are installed as an operating room windows systems XP, before performing the steps described above, you need to check the availability of the CTFMON.exe file in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ folder responsible for the work of the language panel. This file can be deleted or renamed the virus, or by the user.

If there is no file, we are visible, go to folder C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ DllCache and copy the missing file from there.

In Windows Vista and Windows 7 security policy system files It is better implemented, since these files no one can change without receiving the right to them. Therefore, there are no problems with the CTFMON.EXE file itself.

Language windows panel Usually, by default, it is located in the right corner of the monitor and automatically appears in the taskbar immediately after installing the operating system. Language panel allows you to quickly switch between different keyboard layouts and select the required input language yourself. It can be "moved" to the most convenient place on the screen of your computer, "hide" in the taskbar or hide at all.

When this, it would seem that a completely insignificant element disappears without anything from your field of view, then work with most applications is immediately complicated. For people living abroad, for example in the US, this problem is NEMBOD, since they do not need to switch between different languages \u200b\u200bat all, but for Russian-speaking users, the disappearance of the language panel brings many inconvenience.

We solve the problem through the "Task Scheduler"

So, if after solving the problem described above, the language panel disappeared and does not want to appear, then we turn to the next method, namely, checking the service called "Task Scheduler". It is the "job scheduler" it is responsible for the launch of the CTFMon.exe utility, which in turn is responsible for the health of the language panel in Win 7.

Automatic making changes to the registry

This is done as follows:

Method 4: Moving from simple to complex (or making data into the registry manually)

Method 5: Non-standard (Punto Switcher)

Punto Switcher is a program that you can download for free, for example, from the site Actually, Yandex is a developer of this application and the owner of all rights to him, so when you will install it (Punto Switcher), look carefully for nonsense to disagree to the "bouquet" of all sorts of additions and special search strings that will automatically be built into your browser And there will be every way "corn eyes". The rest of the program is a fairly interesting product, perfectly optimized for Win 7 operating system.

The non-standard of this method is that the language panel is not returned directly to the taskbar, and its responsibilities takes on the Punto Switcher utility. It monitors the entire text entered and itself, if necessary, switches the language from English to Russian and back. That is, if you, for example, thought and printed in the search bar instead of " Washer"" CNBHFKMYFZ VFIBYF ", the program will automatically change the request and invite you about it using the beep.

Installing an application on win 7 special difficulties is not due to its simplicity and very friendly interface. In the right corner of the screen on the taskbar next to information about current date And the time will appear the RU icon (with blue backlight) or en (highlighted in red). By right-clicking on any of these icons, you will get into the menu in which you can configure the application for maximum convenience and comfortable work. Here you can also determine if the Punto Switcher is required to correct the abbreviations, capital letters, random press caps keys LOCK (if desired, it can be turned off at all) and independently debug the functions of the automatic symbol replacement.

Not the first time for me the mail on the mail comes with the topic " Disappeared the language panel in Windows 7! Help! " Therefore, I will try to help not only the addressee, but also to all who also disappeared the language panel in Windows 7.

First, let's remember what the language panel is. Language bar - This is a special toolbar that is automatically displayed on the desktop when the services are enabled. text input (Input languages, keyboard layouts, manual entry recognition, etc.). Language panel allows the user to quickly switch the keyboard layout or input language directly from the desktop. The user can place the language panel anywhere on the screen, you can also move it into the taskbar or simply collapse. The typical location of the language panel in Windows 7 is the right lower corner of the screen, next to the tray.

However, sometimes it happens that the language panel disappears. This may usually be the result of the operation of the virus, or on the contrary, too "smart" system optimizer or system cleaning program (use them with caution and understanding what is happening). You may occur, well, and that, because the keyboard layout can still be switched using the usual combination of the ALT + SHIFT or CTRL + SHIFT keys. However, in my opinion, it is not very convenient to work without visualizing the current layout.

We restore the Language Panel in Windows 7

How can I return the Language Panel in Win7? In general, I know several ways to restore it, each of which can help in a particular case (it usually depends on the cause of damage to this system setting). We list the methods of restoring the language panel known to me in Windows 7 in order to increase the complexity of their implementation.

1. Recovery by standard standards

Now the language panel should appear in the tray.

If it does not help, go to the second way.

2. Restoring the language panel using the Windows 7 scheduler

One of the features of the language panel in Windows 7 (in contrast to XP) is the fact that the system scheduler is responsible for the launch. Rather, the planner starts not the language panel itself, but the utility ctfmon.exe.(It is she controls the language panel in Windows 7) . Therefore, if the planner service for some reason is not running, then the language panel will not appear accordingly.

Make sure the planner service is running and the type of startup Auto.

3. Recovery through the Windows 7 registry

Go to more complex methods of combating missing language panel in Windows 7. We will try to add a language panel management utility. ctfmon.exe. In autoload. But first check that this file In principle, there is (it should be in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 directory). If it is not there - copy it from the working system. Then:

It seems to be all, I hope that if you have a language panel in Windows 7, this article will help you to restore it. If none of the proposed ways helped you, write in the comments, try to solve the problem together.

This element allows you to quickly switch between keyboard layouts. Even those users who are used to switching to the keys, everything that looks at the monitor, is looking for it visually.

In case of luggage panel windows 7 will help this brief instructions. Let's start with its definition. Language panel machine appears on the taskbar of the system-tray in case of launch of the text set service, for example, manual input recognition, layout, and the like. This panel is needed for promptly changing the text of the text set or keyboard layout. It is possible to place it on the desktop in any convenient user. Usually positioned in accordance with the settings for the default of Windows 7 at the bottom right, about three.

But it happens that it disappears. Possible cause No mapping can be a viral program, an infected computer, or it disappears as a result of the system cleaning wizard (so it should work with optimizers carefully, with knowledge of the processes performed). Of course, switching between languages \u200b\u200bis possible to perform simultaneous pressing on the ALT / CTRL + SHIFT keyboard. But, not seeing on the screen used in this time language settings, it is not comfortable.

Restore language panel

Recovery in windows 7 is performed by a variety of methods. All of them will restore the display of the disappeared icon depending on the cause that caused its loss. There are the following methods to include its display, give, starting with the easiest:

Using conventional Windows 7 functions

After executing the listed actions, the disappeared icon will begin to be displayed.

In the absence of a positive result, it is recommended to activate the lingu panel by an alternative method.

We use the Windows 7 scheduler

The main functional difference of the language panel in Win 7 from previous versions Window is that the Windows System Planner WINDOVS includes.

This scheduler is responsible for the start of the CTFMON.EXE process, which manages it. The loss of the icon is possible due to problems with the start of this service.

In order to determine the correct operation of the Scheduler service, execute the following:

We use the Windows 7 registry

This method is already more complex. In this way, you also need to enable the CTFMON.EXE utility in the autorun system. Before starting work, determine the availability of this file. Location in Windows 7 in the C: \\ Windows \\ System32 directory. In the absence, you should copy from any other computer that has a workable Windows 7.

The culprit of the disappearance of the icon is both viruses and various failures in the system, but sometimes the owner itself personal computer By negligence removes the display of the language to be transferred to the desktop. In this case, it is simply necessary by the drag-drop method to install it on the source place.

These techniques will help if the language icon disappears from the monitor screen in Windows 7.

Independent of which operating system You work, installing or restoring the language panel to a computer desktop occurs approximately equally. There are several ways that are described below in ascending order of complexity. Start S. simple action: If they do not lead you to the result, then go to the following options.

Recover language panel using language and language standards settings

The fastest and simple option to restore the panel. The following steps should be performed.

Enter the Start menu (Lower left button) In the control panel.

In the new window that appears, you need to go to the "Languages \u200b\u200band keyboards" tab and then click "Change Keypad".

Three tabs are located in the upper area of \u200b\u200bthe opened window. Open the Language Panel tab.

Install the checkbox in the "assigned to the taskbar" if you want your language panel to always be "at hand".

Second option: The panel can be located in an arbitrary place of desktop. Putting the appropriate "tick", you can subsequently drag the panel to your monitor and leave it where it will not interfere with you.

On the same tab you can choose external view Language panel: in inactive condition, it can be transparent. If you want to see what language is currently active, then set text tags to the language panel.

A keyboard switch is set to the keyboard shortcuts, with which it will be possible to switch the Latin to Cyrillic and back.

In the Select tab of the "Properties of the Taskbar and the Start menu" and in the part where the "Notification Area" is displayed. Click the "Configure" button.

The next window of the "Notification Area" icons "appears, at the bottom of which there is a command" Always display all the icons and notifications on the taskbar ". Put the "tick" to activate and confirm the action by pressing "OK".

It is the easiest and most visual clear way Fastening on the desktop of the language switching panel, if there have been some minor failures in the program.

Language Panel Restore Using CTFMON.EXE file

Using the Start menu search or in Explorer, find the CTFMon.exe software file. Copy it. Next, you should open the "Startup" folder. It is located on the "C" disk. In the Users folder, select the desired accountwith which you work on the computer. Next, the path is as follows: "AppDate" - "Roaming" - "Microsoft" - "Windows" - "Main Menu" - "Programs" - "Auto-loading". Opening the "Auto-loading" folder insert the file copied before the file. After performing such an operation, the language panel will again be loaded simultaneously with Windows loading.

Complex option: Changing registry settings

It is possible that the recovery options described above did not work and the panel remained inaccessible. Go to the registry settings.

Open the Start menu and sushrite the word regedit in the search string. Found program Click to operate registry editor.

In the editing sheet, find the branch (literally) "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE".

The next line of the RUN registry. Check whether the string "CTFMON" parameter is present, as indicated in the screenshot. If it does not exist, it is necessary to create it.

Step by step:

  • right key Mice Click on the RUN branch.
  • you need to make a choice "Create a string parameter" and set the name "CTFMON".
  • right-click on the "CTFMON" line and the Edit command.
  • make the value "C: \\ Windows \\ System32 \\ Ctfmon.exe"

The minimum set of knowledge gained will help you in a difficult moment to cope with the task of restoring the "lost" panels yourself.

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