
How to improve the company's rating in the results of the local Google search. I share experience - how to increase positions in search engines how to improve position in Google

Greetings friends. As the results of the survey of my readers - the most exciting mind and the hearts of the webmasters turned out to be the topic of site promotion and SEO acceptors. It is not surprising, why do we create sites in most cases? It is true to make money from them.

Earnings from the site directly depends on the number of visitors, which in 99% of cases it also depends on the site positions in the search for extradition.

Few of us wishes to buy money in contextual advertising And other similar tools is very expensive and fits a little. And even those who are suitable still dream of free traffic \u003d)

So, today I will share with you a few proven methods to bring your site for good position in search engines. They do not give 100% guarantees that you immediately get into the TOP-3 Yandex on RF keys, but will significantly increase your chances to make it at least 1 page and will definitely help improve positions by key requests.

7 methods to improve the site positions on the keys in Yandex and Google

To begin with, it is worth identifying the highlights. Sites we promote applying a certain set of events search engine optimization - The most SEO. It happens external and inner.

External optimizationsite This work on the side is a purchase of references, all sorts of runs, aiming promotion, various services, etc. As a rule, financial injections are needed.

Internal optimization This is, accordingly, work on the most promotable site, which often does not require investments, only knowledge and time are needed.

It would seem, where the money is spent and the effect should be more. But according to my observations, the internal optimization of the site has a crucial role, the external only successfully complements, but not vice versa, so I pay much more attention to it. Well, now closer to business.

Methods of promoting the site on keys in search engines

1. Care of the site code. You can not imagine how many projects, good, interesting, promising sites, suffers from the fact that people do not pay attention to technical details. What is not visible to the naked eye, but that definitely affects the site positions in the extradition. If you use a template template on your site at the same time never looked into his code, then rest confident - there are many mistakes and shortcomings, both minor and critical.

From the most common mistakes that met in my practice:

  • not a valid code. It is checked elementary, do not forget to put HTML5 in the settings and then terrible the number of errors \u003d)
  • overloading scripts, non-working or incorrectly working scripts
  • incorrect or outdated layout, layouts of layouts, styles table curves
  • no adaptation for mobile systemsthat recently also affects the positions of sites in the search
  • incorrect location of items in the code, for example, the Sidbar in the code above the content or the violated structure of the headers - the H1-H6 tags are used where it fell and as it fell, on one page can roll 3-4 headers H1, etc.
  • long loading speed, overload with heavy elements, scripts, lack of caching and code compression plugins, the use of heavy images or animation, slow hosting, etc. In general, I noticed that the site loading speed is one of the most important factors for the growth of its attendance and positions. Check how fast the site is loaded with the Google tool. You will also find tips on optimizing boot speed
  • malicious elements - both in the template itself and in plugins can sit malicious code, viruses, hidden links that can destroy the project for the root. I strongly recommend checking the templates to any dirtyness of specials. Type plugins and the entire site by antivirus services, such as Ai-Bolit.
  • incorrect adjustment of the engine - the absence of CNC, Cyrillic URLs, replytocoms and so on.

All this can occur even in the most expensive and cool templates. As a rule, templates are made in order to like everything liked everything, it was beautiful and interesting, but how it all works from the inside, few people think when buying.

2. Perelinka. These are the so-called internal links on the pages of the site, which distribute the weight of the reference mass on the site and drink the pages of the anchor references. At the expense, it is not bad to improve your position in extradition, especially by low-frequency keys. Due to illiterate can be done only worse.

For small sites you can use manual way - Spare 1-2 references in the text of the article on the subject of the page. For projects with a variety of pages, automated methods are used - this is special. Plugins or self-written scripts. But even in this case, manually added links will not be superfluous, among other things, such references give natural transitions of visitors within the site, which improves behavioral factors and also favorably affect positions. It works one hundred percent - checked on this blog by experiments with translets.

3. Content optimization. This is direct work with text and images. Perhaps the most important point. When creating content, it is important to understand that you create it not only for search engines, or not only for readers. Content is created for both readers and search engines at the same time, it is important to combine if you want pages to go to good positions.

Sometimes you have to look for compromises, such as articles headers, should they chain the reader or should first tell the search engines with accurate information about the essence of the article?)

The text you need to use headlines and subtitles, and in the correct order. You will need to use lists and selection. You will need to add pictures go video. And the whole of the other. Even if you think that all this is not important and will only distract attention from your ingenious scribbling, you still have to \u003d)

Do not forget about technical details - the content must be unique and high-quality, without errors and essentially, the size of the text is at least 1500-2000 signs, competent implementation keywords Without repaiming, using synonyms and dilution, correct headings and keys, use to prescribe Title and Description tags as the text and pictures etc. Pages should be easily read, the most important on the page should be somehow allocated ( headlines, font size, fat font, underscore, graphic elements, pictures, etc.) What would cling to the eye without allowing the visitor to float to other sites.

4. Robots, CNC and site cards. With the site maps, everything is clear - I installed the plug and he will all be done for you. Also to do short. With it also clearly - I copied inserted and here we already have links in themselves some semantics and not a random set of numbers and letters. But with robots.txt is not so unequivocal. First of all, this file is needed to combat unnecessary duplicate content, which in the WordPress is abused. But you can't just copy from another site and be 100% sure that it will work with you as it should. It is like to give all the people of the clothes of the same size to all people - it will hang on someone, it will not bearing on someone.

Why is this happening? Because the correct configuration of Robots depends on many factors - on what kind of template you have, how are CNC, which is the internal structure of the site and the nesting level of pages with content, will there be unique content on the pages of archives and directories or not, whether tags are used as You configured overgrinking, right up to individual plug-ins that will also have to be considered.

It is important to configure it so that it would exclude all duplicate content, while not to hook anything superfluous - not to close the indexing what should get into search engines. This applies not only to texts, but also the elements of designing pages and scripts responsible for setting up the page structure. For proper setting You can use an excellent intrusion - Google for webmasters, View like Google-Bot.There they will show you how to see your site search engine, and below will be a list of blocked items on the page. By the way, you can also send fresh pages to the Google index by one click.

I once looked at my site through the eyes of the robot, was horrified and turned on the style sheets in the Robots.txt lists allowed for indexing. On one of the young sites after that, traffic increased from 20-30 people per day to 100+ literally after a couple of weeks. Try to make it so that the search robot seems to see your site as the usual visitors see him, while having blocked everything too much. To do this, it may be necessary to manually connect each script up to the files of individual plug-ins, so that it is randomly accessing the robot to the doubles.

5. Social Promotion. A couple of years ago, almost no one paid attention to the social. Signals in the field of promotion, the search engines were neutrally related to the number of tweets and likes on the pages. However, everything changes today social. Signals have a direct impact on the position of the pages in the issuance. Besides social. Network is a promising source of large traffic for many topics.

Where to take tweets and huskies? To begin with, of course, it is necessary to install social. Buttons on the pages of your site. For this, there are many services and plugins, I stopped my choice on the buttons from Yandex. At least I can be sure that the statistics do not float somewhere on the side, and the block is loaded pretty quickly.

In addition, if you count on social. Promotion It is necessary to create a representation of your site in all popular social. Simply put to create groups of VKontakte, Facebook, to start working twitter, may even create a channel on YouTube. And engage in their development, add interesting content, arrange contests, just engage in the promotion and set of subscribers. At first, services can help services, such as those, which for money allow you to buy a retweet, subscribers, or publishing on the walls of your news and links.

Webmasters will have to think about Content, which will be primarily interesting to users of social. Networks, at least sometimes.

6. Silent weight. Yes, yes, the yard went on 2019 and the links still work, contrary to all the algorithms of new Yandex algorithms and forecasts of Ceesnikov during the last years of EDAK 10. But there is one big but. Only natural links or very similar to them \u003d) i.e. Links posted in articles and comments, links of nonsense or with the "here", "here", "on this site", etc., links for which is real Transitions of interested visitors, references thematic and posted in articles with similar subjects on trust resources.

The same references that are put on your site from links, repaired pages and sites with an active sales position \u003d), links located somewhere at the bottom of the pages or even in the footer, for which no one can never click, and if it clicks at once by chance and immediately also browsing the page, etc. All this only contributes to only the imposition of certain sanctions from search engines, and not at all kilotons of traffic. From such links, if any, you need to get rid of how soon.

It can also be your guest articles on other sites with your feedback.

And of course you can buy them. If you decide to buy, then I recommend not to fine and order at once the placement of your article with references, the effect will be much better.

A good option for external promotion is to use the services of sechars on the CCSC Exchange. There for 500 rubles you can find normal versions of reference profiles and runs.

7. Usability.Our sites are overloaded with a mass of unnecessary elements, incomprehensible advertising, which does not work and does not particularly bring income, all sorts of slides, for which no one pays attention to all sorts of decorates or links for which no one ever clicks, pages and banners that are not needed by anyone, plugins , without which you can easily do without it or can be replaced with one line of code and another bunch of every virtual trash. All that does not work should disappear. Everything difficult should be simplified.Getting rid of the excess code and unnecessary items you will speed up the download of the site and reduce the likelihood of errors and problems in these places.

The user must be a couple of clicks to reach the main goal - your goal, then for what you attract it to your site. If something interferes with him or distracts from this purpose, it means this too much.

In this regard, a tool helps very well Weblor, forms analytics, map of clicks in Yandex. metric. Analyze the behavior of users on your site, find weak points and eliminate them. This will help improve both conversion and behavioral factors, which will benefit on positions in extradition.

For example, you may seem that the picture on the floor of the screen is beautiful and very much like visitors, or what do you need a slider on the main page, or that without this video in Sidebar everyone will turn off your resource and say that he is not the one before. But you can get a real picture only after the experiments - measure behavioral factors in the metric, look at the time staying on the page, failure indicators, the number of internal transitions. Then remove and watch how the PF will change during the week. If the PF did not change or even grown, you can safely remove the item. If they worsened, then we return as it was and trying to something else.

And only after getting rid of all too much and delete will already have nothing to think about what to add something. All by the same scheme - with performance testing in the metric.

You may notice that this is not all ways to improve the site's position in search results, remember the cheating of behavioral factors, about the purchase of traffic, about any runs on trust sites, about the answers on the forums, about the seams in profiles, about the catalogs of articles, Satellites, etc. etc. But all these are particular cases, or almost does not work, or strictly punishable as manipulation with behavioral factors eg. I tried to list only the most important and still actual methods of search promotion.

No one likes to work more than it is. As stated in the famous saying: you need to work not 12 hours, but your head. Today we are talking about it.

Many companies make a lot of effort for, instead of analyzing and updating already existing articles or landing pages.

Most often, search engines (especially Google) are not predictable, and despite the perfectly, clear TK on the article, optimized pictures and a bunch of other nuances, still every time the prompt's promotion is a little lottery. It is impossible to say exactly what is the article on what kind of request and what time will go to the top google.

It usually happens like this: you post an article waiting until it is indexed, follow its growth dynamics in search results and sometimes this process takes more than one month before the result will seem satisfactory to you, and sometimes it may not happen at all.

It happens that having spent a week for collecting semantics in the depth and, you are surprised to find that in the results of the issuance of Google, the article bypassed the post of only 300 words.

This situation can be very accurate and useful if you know how to continue to work with these data.

Page Selection for Reftimizing Content

Not every publication on the site is suitable for reftitimization, let's figure it out how to select those articles, the effect of the reftamization, which will have the maximum effect.

  1. Go to Google Analytics
  2. Fall in the section "Traffic sources"
  3. We go to the section "All traffic" - "Source / Channel"
  4. And choose Google / Organic

Then choose additional parameter "Behavior" and "Input page"

Thus, we sort the most popular site pages that account for the main volume of Google search traffic.

View the top 100 selected pages. Selate the following pages:

  • Pages that contain a small number of text, but get a lot of search traffic
  • Pages that were published recently but already generate a large amount of traffic

Now answer the question if you can make an addition to the selected items in the form of instructions, extended information, reviews, etc.?

Those articles that are suitable for all the above criteria can potentially turn into a magnet to generate search traffic in Google.

How to edit articles to increase search traffic in Google?

Selection of the most popular login pages of the site is the first step. Now we will analyze in detail how to make it so that thanks to them to attract the most possible number of search traffic from Google.

Here are the three most effective ways:

Increase the scope of the article

If the amount of selected article is less than 2000 characters, then the easiest and most effective method Attract more traffic to it - it increases the number of words. Make sure that the added content also adds semantic value. Do not write "aqueous" paragraphs, add new sections to the text that fully reveal the subject of the article.

Adding new information sections to the article will be guaranteed to attract traffic on it additional list adjacent keywords.

Related key requests

By adding adjacent key requests to the article focus on additional queries with a "long tail". For example, you have an article about CTR, add paragraphs to it containing clarifying low-frequency requests like "which CTR is considered good" or "CTR on additional relevant phrases".

This will increase the density of keywords without the risk of overpotimization, and will also attract more traffic on the list of target low-freques.

Increase the number of keywords and their synonyms

Check on what position and for what requests in this moment The pages selected are displayed. This can be done using SERPSTAT services

If the article is on the 5th and below position, perform its additional optimization by adding keywords and their synonyms into text, metadata and subtitles, also do not forget to put contextual links containing key requests on thematically related articles in the blog, all this will allow you to raise the page in the issuance results .

Once in the top3 you can collect up to 80% of organic traffic on request!

It is much easier to advance the page from the top10 in the top3 than to immediately display a new article to the leading position.

Track the speaker of the growth of positions in Google!

In any Internet marketing strategy, it is important not to forget about the analytics! Monitor changes in the positions of reftimized articles. This will allow not only to watch the fruits of your efforts, but will allow you to select a few more topics for future posts for the site.

To adjust the promotion strategy, pay attention to the change in the following indicators:

  • Changing the volume of search traffic
  • Change failures for reflectimized articles
  • Time spent on the site
  • New keywords in ranking
  • Positions of key requests from reftimized articles

Ways to increase the position of the site in the Google search engine many But we consider the study of competitive sites, which have already been restored and have taken strong positions in the top on the niche market, or rather the key phrase in the client you are interested in. It's not a secret for which it is being done. Find out what know-how of competitors: how and what they did. Why do it? Improve competitors. It is written clearly and simply, but the fulfillment of all steps is not a simple lesson.

Sleep the desired key

Usually try to sharpen the page on the top key word Google to cover and attract a huge number of visitors. The correct solution, with one reservation - your key should not be high-frequency in the query. If you have strength, funds, the ability to defeat those who have invested billions and millions, then dare. And even with such investments every month, you have to have a trust site and a huge experience, how to promote the site in search engines. Therefore, leave the HF and find the sch or LF key phrases and promote the resource on them.

Key in the title - how to put

The title must be with the key. Direct entry is desirable, but in lately Search engines are focused on the convenience of visitors. Therefore, the coronal and complex keys can be changed. Particular attention is paid to the title tag. It is prescribed briefly from 3 to 5 words within the key phrase.

Follow the tag h1, h2

The key to implement in the H1 tag. For Google, this is an important condition. The search robot reads the page, starting from the top to the end of the text, and not vice versa. The H1 tag must be affixed as high as possible to the top of the page.

Use key synonyms

The number of tags H1, H2 is strictly regulated. The first is affixed only once. But the second can be set 2-3 times. Moreover, the H2 tag in the first part of the text contains a synonym or diluted key turnover.

To highlight and emphasize

By inserting links to the key phrase in the Anchor, be sure to use other tags - to highlight bold, underscore, another color of the word. But it works only on one vein, you should not shine in the text, as in a mosaic.

Use tags for infographics

Pictures, graphs, diagrams and any infographics should contain Alt and Titl tags. The search is carried out not only by textual filling. The system gets additional information About the picture, gives a link to the page with its placement.

Important indicator - nausea or density

Improve site position in Google on keys density. The parameter is tracked by B. online Services Advego. It must lie within 3-5%. Google is assessed by the site for utility, and the valid resources will lead to the ban.

Crossposting videos is when you publish your video on one video service, and it is automatically published on several other sites. There is a lot of time and your video will see much more viewers.

The fact that the promotion of videos is very promising and effectively in many topics can not speak - in the English-language Internet, this method has long been used to attract visitors and receiving customers.

I thought that the promotion of videos is perfect for attracting English-speaking visitors to the site promoting. Rollers will show tours in Moscow and the Golden Ring of much more visually photos. The Moscow firm ordered several videos for 3-7 minutes from professionals. As a result, cool rollers turned out. Then I began to search for a service that would provide the possibility of crossposting videos.

From several video services offering crossposting video, I chose, which allows you to organize a crossposting for services such as:

In addition, a crossposting video is supported on Standalone Blogs on engines WordPress. And MovableType and free bloggers on Blogger services, and Typepad. Imagine what exactly? More about crossposting on you can read.

🔥 By the way! I spend paid course The promotion of English-speaking SEO Solin sites. If you are interested, you can apply on its website.

Without purchased links, get to the top of this topic would not work, I felt it at the very beginning of the promotion of this site when I studied competitors. It is too lack of top of this topic in the English-language Internet, so to get into it with a young site without reference mass is unrealistic, especially in a short time. In any case, you need to subscribe to purchase links.

I will give the dynamics of the position of the promoted site in for the last 2 months on major search queries, the data are disclosed on March 27:

Inquiry Position Outcome
Moscow Tourism +134 top 7.
Moscow Golden Tours. +72 top 5.
Moscow Suburbs. +69 top 10
Moscow Travel +34 top 20.

English-speaking site for transportation in the USA

As I assumed, to promote this site, I was able to refuse to buy links to English-speaking bandages and Due to the fact that the WordPress Sponsorship of My Familiar Indian Web Designer began to give the required number Links and reference weight. In total, I ordered sponsored links in 12 WordPress topics (on average 1 reference in the subject cost $ 25-40). Of course, the links begin to appear not immediately, you need time. As a result, more than 900 blogs were installed with my links. Moreover, the links are cross-cutting - for Google is generally wonderful. Learn more about how to buy links in WordPress topics, you can read in post.

The remaining methods that I applied to promote this site - writing and publishing English-language articles in articles catalogs (4 articles per month in 240 articles catalogs), social bookmarks (1-2 pages 2-3 times a week via BPOSTER) and link exchange ( He exchanged with 23 sites-neighbors by

The dynamics of the positions of the promoted site in over the past 4 months. The data on the positions were filmed on March 27:

Inquiry Position Outcome
trucking Companies. +38 top 7.
interstate Motor Carrier +30 top 5.
freight Transportation. +22 top 10
interstate Freight Services. +19 top 10
interstate Trucking. +3 top 20.

Female online magazine

In the past two months, I decided to experiment and find out the moment of interest to me - how to influence the links in the form of the site address in position? After all, natural references are in most cases what? Site address Plus Near a small description, what is the site, that is, keywords. Search engines based on the logic of things must take into account the occasional text, even if the link in the form of the site address. Only how many symbols of the text they take into account?

I used paid articles ($ 100, the Exchange Exchange Excavation and Miralinks) and links from blogs via blogun ($ 80). I focused on links in the form of the site address - when the site in the top can be experimenting to further enhance the positions. Before and after the reference, there was a neighboring text using the desired search queries. That is, links were such a type:

You can visit an interesting female online magazine

Useful site for women - healthy image Life

I found out that the links in the form of the site address are well raised by the position, and Google takes into account 32 text symbols before and after reference, Yandex - 24-30. That is, if you put the desired keywords close to the link, then the positions will increase on these keywords. I myself did not change the link text, that is, everywhere I used the address of the site. In general, I plan to make 20-30% of such links and for other sites.

Regional portal building materials

On this site, the share of purchased sites on the Sap gradually reduced, as there has been a significant number of permanent links. I do not like to constantly pay for the links, so when promoting immediately I try to increase constant links, for which you do not need to constantly pay.

I spent quite a lot of time to collect links leading competitors through the SiteExplorer service and their bypass, if you came across catalogs and bulletin boards - it was added manually. Of course, you can easily roll out all the links of leading competitors and spread them with filters by type of page addresses, then configure automatic registration and go on the machine.

Manual registration is always more efficient automatic, the more not so many thematic directories and bulletin boards. The machine can simply "slip" some directories. If you came across purchased links (there were not so many of them) - collected their addresses and then collected list Inserted to the selected saules and bought references on them. As a result, the budget is saved and operating references are put in terms of growth of positions.

In fact, the site is now firmly held in the top of permanent links that I set as a result of manual registration.

Musical Blog

As in the past months, the English version of this musical blog moved. Links in the blogrities on musical English blogs gradually went to the past, as the effect began to give sponsorship links with the familiar Indian - I bought such links for the company for the company.

A good influx of target visitors turned out to be musical social networks:

($ 50), and also agreed with several musical communities on about the publication of two posts with a review of new albums with reference to Music Blog promoting - another $ 80. By the way, in terms of traffic, the effect turned out good.

Not everything turns out, of course. For example, I have not yet learned to get good traffic with Yahoo Groups and Google Groups. Well, nothing, I will learn 😉. It's so interesting!

Inquiry Position Outcome
lounge Music. +29 top 7.
chillout. +21 top 10
groovera. +2 top 10
dOWNTEMPO. +20 top 20.
easy Listening. +7 top 10

In general, I would say that the promotion of sites is far from everything is solved by money. The main thing is to creatively think and look for new ways to promote what I wish you!

Posted: Effective from "A" to "I"

Today, two desserts - in the first video you will see the simple effect of ferromagnetic fluid (so that the next roller is clearer):

And in this video will see ferromagnetic liquid in all its glory:

Often, making a site, you do not know where to start his promotion. Next, we will give you 10 tips, where can I start.

1. Start not in a hurry. If it is permissible, then start from the new site, which has never been registered in the catalogs and search engines. Find a suitable domain and proceed to optimize the main page.

2. Examine HTML. A large number of Optimization techniques contain editing HTML. Code. Your high positions can often depend on knowledge, which codes are needed, and which are not.

3. Prepare text from 250-300 words based on selected keywords. This is a decisive component of the achievement of significant ratings and create a good site. Search engines "read" text in which many keywords on your pages in order to correctly classify your site. More often use key phrases in the text - it contributes to the achievement of the best results.

4. Choose keywords gently. Keywords, perfectly suitable for your site, may differ from those that users actually are looking for. To find the right keywords you need to use WordTracker (Yandex.Direct and Rambler Association for Runet). Pick up 3-4 most target phrases for each site page. Try not to pay attention to general requests such as "rest" or "tourism".

5. Make appropriate Title tags. These tags are very important, since all search engines give them considerable importance. You need to place our keywords in this tag and try not to overload it with additional words. Do not use Title tag to write your company's name or phrases like " Main page" Try to think about it as a "key Title key" and make it appropriately. Add company name at the end of the tag if you need to use it.

6. META KEYWORDS tag is not as important as the meta description of Description. Contrary to the emerging opinion, the text that you put in this tag will have little in common with those according to which they come to the site, and Google does not pay attention to the contents of this tag at all. Use this tag, but do not hope so much that it will help.

7. Write the content meta tags. They can be quite useful. Add a description of the Description tag that will contain your keywords and characterize the site. The content of this tag is often present in the search results.

8. To raise the site in Google (Google) add additional "goodies". Elements such as headlines, ALT parameters IMG tags, header tags H1 ... H2, keywords in file names, links from other pages, keywords in hyperlinks can raise your position in search engines. Use what kind of want or all these items where they are suitable for the meaning for your site.

9. Gently register in directories, such as Open Directory Project (DMOZ) and Yahoo. The presence of the site in them is one of the criteria for successful indexing in Google. Errors that are allowed when registering in directories can then do it expensive, as you are very difficult to change the description in the catalog. Therefore, it is important to read the registration instructions offered by the directories themselves.

10. Do not count on rapid results. To achieve high positions, time is necessary, and nothing can be done here. As soon as your site has been added to the search engine or directory, its positions can be on a low level and only then it will be slow motion up. Some search engines take into account the "Click-Through Popularity", i.e. The more people go to the site, the higher its positions become. Do not worry and give your site to strengthen.

No need to constantly correct the site to achieve the best results. It will be better not to change the optimized pages about 4-6 months after registration. Often search engines spend a lot of time adding your optimized pages to the directory database. Register the site and leave it for a while!

If you follow these recommendations, wanting to learn how to raise the site in Google (Google), and still you can not find your site in search engines, the first one you need to work, these are texts of pages. Most likely, pages with less than 250 words of visible text are the cause of bad results. In addition, check the keyword density several times, and make sure that each page is optimized under 3-4 phrases. In the end, you will see the fruits of your work - your site will be in a dozen on many requests in Google and other search engines!

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