
Optimization of behavioral factors from Rookee. How to improve PF - practical advice as search engines collect statistics of behavioral factors

In the past, I wrote about different social factors when promoting the site, and today I want to talk about a similar direction - behavioral. Both those and other factors are among the most relevant now. This is due to the displacement of the accents of search engines towards natural promotion. In addition, this is not the first post Oh, and I have already considered several systems for improving / cheating PF. However, the automatic promotion service offers a slightly different concept of working with PF, which has nothing to do with cheating!

OPF technology OTRookee. It is to attract visitors to the site with the best indicators of PF through low-frequency queries (from search or RTB). You can include different keywords with small competition close to top 10, as well as those that have the values \u200b\u200bof the PF above the average according to your project. In fact, Rookee conducts additional automatic promotion of the most effective requests that will ensure the growth of behavioral factors. That is why OPF technology from Rookee does not contradict the rules of search engines.

OPF operation algorithm:

  • You connect the optimization service of behavioral factors.
  • In the process of analyzing the site and its visitors, a set of hundreds of rates of requests is formed.

  • Rookee purchases links from similar thematic sites. At the same time, in essence, the visibility of the site in the PS due to the dilution of the anchor sheet.
  • Every 2 weeks the system optimizes the list of requests: keywords are deleted without transitions, new more efficient changes are added, the promotion strategy is changing from some of them.

If you consider that we are talking About hundreds of requests, then you would have a few days. And all this for the sake of the key key, would you mess with it? I think no. Here in the rookee, everything is done automatically, and you can pay attention to HF and SC keys. After connecting the service, the optimization of behavioral factors you do not need to adjust.

When connecting the OPF in you can count on:

In general, just what is improved behavioral factors (Naturally!), So also get an increase in positions in issuing with parallel growth of traffic and attracting actually interested in the visitors.

The behavioral optimization service has launched relatively recently, but you can already observe the first results of its work. The rookee blog has two articles on this issue. The first was the results of the month of work of the OPF. Here is an example of a site: theme - dentistry, Moscow region, 4 years, 250 pages in the PS index.

Globally, the results are as follows.

  • For most sites, the transitions from the search increased by 20% (both from Yandex and from Google).
  • The average time views on the site grew by 15%.
  • The failure rate - has not changed.

In the second article information for analysis much more. More than 300 sites connected to the OPF (200 of them worked for 2 months). This is what happened:

As you can see, all the basic parameters of behavioral factors (depth of viewing, time on the site, re-visits) increased. At the same time, in the graph, the indicator of failures shows the number (%) of sites, for which this value decreased - that is, only 58% of the projects (a little more than half) were reduced. No wonder this is the most difficult indicator.

If we talk about attendance, then the sites with less than 100 unices per day it has grown quite seriously - 65% and 87% for the first and second month, respectively. At the playgrounds with more than 100 hosts per day, the increase is 15 and 19%. According to the developers of Rookee, it is quite normal growth after the start of promotion, which will look as much as possible in the eyes of search engines.

The growth of positions for the studied sites has also improved.

Updating behavioral factors for a specific site can occupy from 2 to 4 months, so it will be interesting to see the results after a while. In general, it is very unusual. This is a really nontrivial approach in the form of a cheating that many use. Pluses in this case are obvious: the dilution of Semiland and improved visibility in search engines, the growth of transitions from the search, well, and directly improve the behavioral factors themselves.

Not so long ago, a new service called the optimization of behavioral factors appeared on the market, which contributes to the growth of positions. But before you consider it, let's see how some experts resort to the cheating of behavioral factors:

  • the resource is added to the service involved in the cheating of PF;
  • further, the folder is selected: manual or automatic;
  • automatic - allows you to bring robots with search enginesthat perform specified automated processes.

In many cases, the site receives sanctions for cheating PF, to remove which is very difficult, and sometimes it is impossible at all. Search engines are easily calculated such a cheating, as the robots are "pourable" by IP addresses, identical browsers, screen resolutions and other similar characteristics and actions. Understanding this, some optimizers resort to a special cheating of competitors to reduce their positions. However, if you have never screwed up the PF, and all this is the work of your competitors, then over time the site restores its position.

As for the manual cheating, here all actions perform living people. They get tasks, for example, go to the site certain request From search, which is located on 20 positions and stay on it 3-4 minutes, making transitions in several internal positions. Many people think that manual way Search engines cannot determine. But in fact, it is enough to drive dubious IP to the base, which are actively moving through the sites of different topics, and the scheme is calculated. Most often, the user visits the same sites within a month, and, of course, such activity will cause suspicion of search engines. Against the background of boom behavioral factors, Yandex will also soon learn how to calculate such a manual cheating.

What are the creators of website promotion services offered by the site owners using the optimization of behavioral factors?

The essence of this method is as follows:

  • Your site comes with users who like it. It sounds, of course, funny. As a person who never happened on your site, can you know what he likes him? In fact, it is easy to determine. Prepared great amount LC requests, and periods are carried out.
  • People who are interested in these requests will definitely find on your site what they are interested in (if, of course, you write high-quality texts). Statistics services analyze those who came along these low-frequency keys, looks at which of them gave the maximum effect.
  • Based on the data obtained, the service determines which indicators are optimal for your resource. Surely you know that too for a long time Saying the resource, a large number of views is not always good indicators of PF. The user who enters the request "What a number today" will not be on your resource for 7 minutes and actively move between pages, reading articles for 3-5 thousand characters. He is enough to see the information providing the answer to his question. After he learned her, most likely the site will be closed. In such a plan minimum costs Time, the rapid receipt of the answer to the question is randomly positive.
  • The service allows you to analyze the benefit of your LF requests, and each month adjusts their list. So, only the most profitable for your resource remain. As a result, the site naturally increases its position.

Optimization of behavioral factors: important questions:

  • For that banyat? For such traffic, you will not be able to get a filter, because there is no artificiality here. Your resource is evaluated by real people, and you do not pay for them to go to it and "acclated". As a result, there is a natural growth of positions.
  • Why transitions on LF requests? Because it is cheap traffic. No high price, no competition. Yes, and the indicators of behavioral factors in the LF requests are quite stable.
  • How long to wait for the results? As practice shows, everything starts after the first month. The most serious effect is traced in 5-6 months. Let it longer than the cheating, but you do not risk your positions.
  • Is such a way of cheating sit? Today, behavioral factors are taken into account almost as external optimization. This method is equally suitable for both "young" sites and those created for a long time.

PF optimization is effective in promotion, subject to the following sites for the site:

  • in the Google and Yandex index should be at least 50 pages;
  • the site must have a meter "Yandex. Metric "so that the search robot noticed the visitor;
  • provide access to Yandex.Metric and Google Analytics so that the Rookee service can track and analyze the behavior of visitors on the site.

Attention! ROOKEE service on the background "Links" is also developing and offers a new service. Here is an innovation from the Exchange, which previously sold temporary links. In addition, it offers audits and SEO-optimized texts. In contrast to other services, they offer not just a cheat, but prefer natural advancement.

Hello everyone! Today we will talk about optimizing behavioral factors, the new Rookee service and learn how to use automated promotion in your work. Times are changing, you need to be in the trend and apply new chips, just this will be discussed today.

Let's start with the main one. Why do you even do, and what can we give it? The answer to this question is very simple. You get higher positions in search resultsSo more customers and accordingly more profit.

But at present, search engines drastically change their algorithms and high-quality texts not enough to promote. And the links should be treated with great attentiveness.

And here you need to apply more advanced ways. And one of these ways is the automated promotion from the service that allows us to automatic mode Optimize behavioral factors. The most important thing is that this system does not contradict the rules of search engines. There are no cheating there, there are no people and robots that perform certain tasks, everything happens naturally. Improving behavioral factors occurs through the attraction of targeted traffic for the promoted site.

How does the OPF technology work

The technology of the OPF is to attract the target traffic on the progressable resource low-frequency requestswho have the best behavioral performance. All this is achieved by connecting the ROOKEE service to the analytics system (Google Analytics or Yandex.Metric) of the site, thus identify the necessary LF requests.

Within the framework of this technology, the hardware will identify and promote the most effective requests. The OPF technology can attract good targeted traffic, as well as show search engines an increase in such indicators as the average time on the site and the depth of viewing. To do this, Yandex.Metrica must be installed on the site.

Immediately after connecting this service, the system starts a detailed analysis of the site and determines the behavior of visitors. Next, based on the data obtained, a list of necessary key queries And the promotion of these requests begins. You can download an example of requests that select the system in automatic mode.

For my part I want to try this system On your blog. Because I see here quite great potential. Everything is done almost naturally and in theory should give positive results.

Here is such new technologywhich is already available to anyone. Engage in promoting their sites and get new target visitors and of course maximum profit. On this, everything is always waiting for your questions and comments on this article.

Sincerely, Evgeny Vergus.

Optimization of behavioral factors (PF) From one of the leading services for automated promotion of - this is a reality.

ROOKEE specialist solutions - this is not a trivial cheating of PF software, not attracting students and high school students providing transitions to your site for a small fee.

it modern technology By attracting target visitors interested in receiving information on your site. They will come to familiarize themselves with information, to buy goods and services offered on your resource.

As a pleasant side effect, behavioral factors will also significantly improve and it will not remain unnoticed by Yandex and Google.

It should be especially noted that the actions to optimize behavioral factors from the service do not violate any norms and rules of search engines. There is no reason for concern that, as a result of such a promotion, your site can be suspected of manipulating issuance and expose search engine sanctions.

How influenced behavioral factors in the site position

Good indicators of behavioral factors are one of the main points that you have to spend time and money for the successful development and promotion of any site.

All these efforts occupy a lot of time and require serious knowledge and skills.

To speed up this process and obtain rapid and qualitative results, the Rookee service specialists have developed a service that allows you to automate an important and time-consuming process - an OPF or optimization of behavioral factors.

The technology for implementing the OPF (optimization of behavioral factors) is to attract users who are interested in information on your site.

For this service Rookee. Defines pages on your site, having good attendance and good behavioral factors. Also, these pages must be in the top10 or be close to them. Thus, the system determines the query block to promote and the corresponding pages.

This is the first stage of work.

Then the OPF ROOKEE system proceeds to promoting these pages in search engines. This happens by purchasing high-quality thematic references on reliable trust sites.

After two weeks of operation, the system analyzes the results obtained. Some requests are removed from the promotion block, as unprofitable, on the other, the method of promotion is replaced, new pages and requests are connected.

First results

The service for optimizing behavioral factors in the Rookee service in the first month of work ordered more than two hundred customers, the sites participated in various topics.

For all promoted sites, more than one hundred thousand requests were selected.
For the month of work, the average increase in attendance at progressive requests increased by 20%, and positively reacted both Yandex and Google.

It should be borne in mind that the optimization of behavioral factors gives the results not immediately, but through a certain time. This process is not easy and requires an integrated approach, so the effect is deferred.

Results of promotion after 2 months

Two months after the start of the provision of services for the OPF (optimization of behavioral factors), more than 300 sites were connected to the service, of which more than two hundred were moved two months. More than half of them improved their indicators of behavioral factors.

  • 80% of sites raised attendance
  • 68% raised the "depth of viewing"
  • 60% increased the time of finding visitors on the site
  • 58% increased "time of re-visits"
  • 50% reduced the "failures"

Improving these indicators pulled over and increasing positional positions. As a result, the number of target visitors has increased, conversion has increased markedly.

The natural growth of traffic with high indicators of behavioral factors does not cause a negative reaction from the search engines, even for those sites that have been very low attendance.

The Specialists of the service noted that projects promoted using the OPF system (behavioral optimization) show higher growth rates in search engines than other sites.

From this conclusion, you can make two main outputs.

  1. Search engines actually give behavioral factors, and improve these indicators should be done.
  2. Connect your projects to promotion in the system of automated promotion of using the system "Optimization of behavioral factors".

Successful promotion, high positions, good behavioral factors and high conversion.

Behavioral factors - these are all user actions on the site:

  • site visits;
  • spent time on the site;
  • clicks on the links on the site;
  • repeated return to the site;
  • depth of viewing (the number of transitions within the site);
  • the percentage of failures (care of users from the site after viewing one page);
  • page Clickability in search results (number of transitions from search engines).

These factors are taken into account by search engines when ranking. Simply put, on how active site users are active, its position in search results will be dependent. The idea of \u200b\u200bapplying behavioral factors when ranking is as simple as possible: provide users with content (articles, video, music files, pictures, etc.), which has passed a peculiar test for compliance with expectations. The introduction of behavioral factors into the ranking results made it possible to improve the quality of web resources, their overall utility and competitiveness.

Read more about behavioral factors and optimization

  1. Site CTR (Search Issue Clickability).
    The more transitions from search engines, the more profitable the site looks in the eyes of the latter. It happens that the site settled at the eighth place of search results has a CRT indicator higher than the one that is in the first place. It is useful for users more, and therefore the search engine can promote it for extradition above, despite the fact that competitors have a reference mass more.
    How to optimize?
    Here you need to work with snippet ( short description Site), title (meta tag title) and ul. The correct heading is as informative as possible, contains keywords and attracts attention. To create a high-quality snippet, it is recommended to use. With her, the page description will be as informative as possible for users, which will attract their attention, and therefore increase CRT. As for the URL, it must be the most understandable user (CNC). No addresses like\u003e33/stranica_1.html, should not be!
  2. Attendance.
    This is the total volume of resource visitors from all sources (from forums, social, blogs, bookmarks, thematic sites, as well as direct signs). Here the search engines take into account and how many people visited the site, and from what amount of sources.
    How to optimize?
    Here everything is simple: than more canals Attracting users to the site, the better. Therefore, if minimal traffic goes from any direction, then this is a signal to the start of active actions in this direction. Attendance optimization is the first step to the translation of users from the category "Visitors" in the category "Buyers".
  3. User behavior.
    • Failures. These are visitors who, after viewing one page, went from the site. Than this figure is higher, the worse.
    • Time on the site. The time interval during which the visitor was on the pages of the site.
    • Depth viewing. Here, too, everything is quite simple: the more pages a user visited, those more interested in the site.
    How to optimize?
    In order to minimize failures and increase the time of stay on the site / Number of pages viewed, you should satisfy the resource interesting content and services. If the links (links) are on the pages there are no transitions, it is an "alarming bell". Search engines can calculate such references unnecessary, which can lead to a decrease in the site in extradition. Internal transfer will help solve the problem (oh we). Links should be placed in the body of the content (in the text), in the "Related records" blocks. Links must be as clear as possible for users. If visitors will go on the links, the percentage of failure will decrease significantly, and the stay on the site will increase, as well as the number of pages viewed. References to other resources are also necessary: \u200b\u200bHowever, if there are no transitions on them, the search engine can calculate them "sales".
    In addition, you should pay attention to the speed of hosting (from this depends on the time of page loading) and on the usability of the site. Well, finally, it is necessary to simply post only high-quality and unique content that will be useful to users.
  4. Core audience.
    This is a special category of users who goes to the site regularly. The frequency of visits can be completely different: once a day or once a week. Such users come to the site most often from bookmarks.
    How to optimize?
    It should be paid to the special attention of the usability of the site, as well as a qualitative and relevant content. From how convenient and understand the resource, its popularity depends on users. Agree, even high-quality content will not save the site if it is elementary uncomfortable to use. Well, high-quality content (text and multimedia) is generally the most important "whale", which keeps the interest of constant or going to become permanent users. About how to write articles to people correctly, you can read here. At the same time do not forget about keywordsthat should be implemented in text as harmonious as possible.

Dishonest methods for improving behavioral factors

Some optimizers prefer not to mess around and use the services of special services. So, a certain fame acquired the website Here, web wizards can hire users for a certain fee, which will hold enough time on the pages of the right resource, will switch to it by links from other sites and from search engines, and will also actively lead themselves (not one, and many pages) .

Is it worth using this way to improve behavioral factors to increase positions in search results? Well, in fact, no one forbids. But only this is the method of black optimization, which the correct optimizer is taking advantage of.

Methods for accounting behavioral factors

So, how to track behavioral factors? How to understand what aspects of the site work and promotion are subject to refinement? Everything is very simple: you need to use one of the statistics tools. Consider the most popular - Yandex.Metric.

Tools "Yandex.metric":


Working on the promotion of the site, do not forget about behavioral factors. After all, the whole point is to make sites meaningful, convenient and useful for users. And the simplest method of solving this problem is to observe and analyze user actions on the site.

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