
Change the file system of the disk without data loss. How to change the file system. How to change the file system flash drives on NTFS

Hi friends! I continue to answer your questions and one of the latter sounded like this: - "How to change NTFS on FAT32 On the flash drive without losing data? ". You can naturally have a question: - "What for?" After all If the PC user has a flash drive, an external USB disk or any partition on HDD, formatted into an old file system FAT32, then a person will look like a man's desire to replace it with more modern and having incomparable advantages.NTFS. But if you understand this issue, you will come to the conclusion that FAT32 still has the right to life and retire her early. For example, our reader, who asked the question, explained that the flash drive he needs to store backups of the phone, and the program that creates backups is old and works only with FAT32. He could of course delete all the data on the flash drive and simply format it into a new file system, but there are many files on the flash and for it it would be an ideal optionconvert NTFS on FAT32 Without data loss.

How to change NTFS on FAT32 Without data loss

I want to say that more recently did not exist a program that could convert a new file system into old without deleting information on the drive and had to simply format it, but today there is a programAomei NTFS2FAT32 PRO EDITION 2.0 , From the famous Aomei Software developer, which will help us do it without such trouble.

So, we have a NTFS flash drive connected to our PC (32 GB), and we will convert it to FAT32 without losing data.

There are files on the flash drive.

Click Download Now and with swipe the Aomei NTFS2FAT32 Pro Edition 2.0 program.

Run the installer N2F_PRO.EXE

The Aomei NTFS2FAT32 PRO Edition 2.0 program has been established on our PC. Run it.

We mark the item "NTFS to Fat32 Converter" and click "Next".

We highlight our flash drive left mouse.


That's all, our flash drive is converted to FAT32 file system without deleting files.

If you need to change the file system FAT32. on the NTFSFor example, then the correct way will take advantage of your flash drive or disk. Of course, you need to transfer all the important data somewhere, because When formatting all files on media are erased. But sometimes there are such situations that you need to urgently change the FS (file system) from FAT32 on NTFS, and at hand there is nothing where to transfer data. Or you have an external gigabyte 500 or more / less completely "scored" files. Then you definitely need to search for so many files to copy, and then to transfer it again and at the same time lose a lot of time on all these operations.
In general, there is a way to "reformat" FAT32 in NTFS while maintaining all data on media. By the way, why exactly FAT32? Because on most standard-supplied hard drives and flash drives it is this FS, and NTFS is better compared to it.

So, in order to "convert" one FS to another, we need to run (preferably, but you can also "remake") and enter the following command to it:

convert (letter_Disk) / FS: NTFS

where (letter_disk) is the letter of your flash drive or disk to be converted. For example, you have its letter G, then the string will be like this:

convert G: / Fs: NTFS

this will look like this on the command line:

now press ENTER.

After that, a message on the name of the flash drive / disk can be released. You can change, you can not change, or you can even leave empty.

By the way, some users note that it is better when the label (names) has no flash drive / disk at all. Then conversion occurs without any problems and errors.

After that, the conversion will begin

You can then go and make sure that all files remained in their places.

Now about the nuances of this method.

1) Reformat this method NTFS in FAT will not work. In order for the similar method to change the FS, the command should "remake" and in the end it will be like this:

convert Letter_Disk: / FS: NTFS / NOSECURITY / X

2) It is very advisable to check your flash drive or disc before conversion. For example, the way, but also for other systems is also suitable. Main B. Properties Disk Find the desired item.
It is necessary in order not to have any errors like SRC and others.

3) At the same time, the method of fragmentation of files will be very large. It is understandable. This will make it first that the carrier speed is to decrease (read / write / copy, etc.), as well as it may be time-intensive or even impossible.

4) If on a flash drive or disk (most often) there are installed applications that require registration or an original disk with a distribution kit, it is likely that this register will disappear.

I think everything. Reformat NTFS in FAT32 and vice versa can be without loss of data, but I still recommend changing the FS by transferring files and normal formatting.

Greetings to all. If you do not know what file systemSo you have not carefully studied this site, since the site already has an article about, and if you read it carefully, then I certainly understood minus FAT32 and FAT16. The main one is that these file systems do not support large sizes and if you have any of these systems, you probably encountered about such an error: Your file system does not support files such.

And you probably know what change the file system with FAT32 on NTFS, It is necessary to format the entire disk into a new system, but I do not want to lose all the data that are on this disk. And there is a solution to this problem! After reading, you will find out how to change the file system with FAT32 on NTFS without data loss.

In order to carry out this, we will use the command line (by the way, an excellent tool for setting up the operating system).

So, the first thing we open the command line. To do this, click Start - All Programs - Standard - Command Line.

You should see such a window:

Now you have to enter the command, it looks like this: convert Disc: / FS: NTFS In this entry disk - This is the letter of the disk on which you want to change the file system. That is, if you set yourself a goal to change the file system on a Disk D, then you write so convert D: / FS: NTFS

After you entered this command, press Enter (ENTER). Attention! If you change the file system on the disc on which the operating system is installed, you will show a message that the file system will be converted after a computer reboot, press the Yes button.

After that, you will need to enter the TOM labever (this is something like a short name of the disk). In accordance with something and press Enter (ENTER).

All, you will see the following post: Transformation Completed.

But attention, various posts may occur during the transformation process:

This volume is used by another process, and it is impossible to execute the Convert command for it. To start the convert, you first turn off this volume. VCE Open Tom Descriptors will be more incorrect. Want to disable Tom?

This means that on a disk who are trying to convert applications that are now running. Save the changes in open applications, turn them off and press Y. Conversion to continue.

It fails to get monopoly access to the disk, so it will not be transformed. Perform its conversion automatically when you restart the system?

Enter Y and the disk file system will be changed after rebooting the computer.

Attention! The process of changing the file system with FAT32 on NTFS is irreversible! That is, it is impossible to go back to FAT32 with NTFS without data loss! There will have to format the disk in FAT32. But so fat32 in principle an outdated system, then I think you are about it after you go to NTFS you can simply forget!

P.S. If questions appeared, ask them in the comments.

In the modern world, Flash drives are very popular among users. You can buy a large or small volume flash drive, strict or in the form of a cartoon hero. It is also possible to use it for various purposes: to transfer information, storing files or photos, you can write files to it to install Windows or some movie.
An important parameter is also the type of file system: FAT32 or NTFS. In this article we will talk about this and talk. And if more precisely, we will understand how you can change the type of the file system of the USB drive.

What can it be needed for? For example, you want to record a 16 GB film on a device with a volume of 16 GB, but a message appears when copying that this operation cannot be performed. This means you have a flash drive with FAT32, and it cannot be recorded files, the volume is more than 4 GB. Or you connect it to a TV or home theater, and it is not read. This is due to the fact that your device cannot recognize the type of file system that is installed on the media, respectively, it must be changed.

How to change on NTFS

Now let's look at how everything is done in Windows 7 and 10 operating systems. You can do this using standard formatting that is in Windows, or by formatting by various programs, for example, HP USB Disk Storage Format Tool. We will use the capabilities of the operating system itself, that is, in the first way.

On Windows 7.

To change the type of file system in the built-in Windows features, you must format the flash drive. Considering that after formatting, all files from the device will be deleted, you must first save them to a computer.

To do this, go to the "Computer" folder and open the USB flash drive.

Select the necessary files on it if you want to select everything, press Ctrl + a. Then right-click on any selected file and select "Copy" from the context menu.

Now open the disc on which all files on the computer are stored, usually D:. Create a folder on it, go to it and press Ctrl + V. After that, all files will be transferred to this folder.

You can return to the flash drive and delete everything from it. Highlight the files - press Ctrl + A, click on it right-click and select "Delete".

When all the necessary files are safe, you can proceed to formatting. Open the "Computer" folder, highlight the flash drive, click on it right mouse button and select "Format" from the context menu.

In the next window in the File System field, select from the NTFS drop-down list. In the Tom Tagging field, you can give another name, check the "Fast (Cleaning Table" field "and click" Start ".

In the next window, press "OK", because all the important files we have already saved to the computer.

When formatting is completed, click "OK" in the corresponding window.

You can go back to the "Computer" folder. Highlight the USB flash drive and in the bottom in the corresponding field will be written NTFS.

On Windows 10.

In Windows 10, formatting is made like a way. Before that, save all important files and documents on your computer.

Open the "Computer" folder, highlight the flash drive, click on it with the right mouse button and select "Format".

Confirm the deletion of all files from the flash drive by clicking OK.

After the format is completed, press "OK" in the window that appears.

To see the parameter you need, in the "This Computer" folder, right-click on the flash drive and select "Properties".

On the General tab, you can make sure that everything was done successfully.

How to change on fat 32

On Windows 7.

Everything can also be done in a standard way in Windows. Make it all as described above, only in the "Formatting" window in the desired field select FAT32.

On Windows 10.

In Windows 10, everything is similar. In the Formatting window you need to simply select another type of file system.

How to change without loss of data

In order to change the file system on the device and save all the files that are recorded on it, you need to use the command prompt.

Note, change the type of file system by this method with FAT32 on NTFS. On the contrary, it will not work.

On Windows 7.

First of all, go to the "Computer" folder and see what the letter of the disk corresponds to the drive. In the example, it's M:

Further open the command line. Click on the Start button and type the CMD search string. The result will appear in the result, press it. To run the command prompt on behalf of the administrator, click on the CMD string right-click and select from the "Run on the Administrator" menu.

When the process is over, the "Conversion Completed" string will appear at the end.

On Windows 10.

In Windows 10, go to the "Computer" folder and look at the drive letter that matches the USB device. I have G:.

Enter the command: Convert G: / FS: NTFS, where instead G: enter your drive letter, and press ENTER.

FAT32 file system (FAT) is slightly outdated, although it has some advantages, especially when it comes to small files.

If you want to work with more than 4 GBB catalogs, then you only have one thing - change FAT32 to NTFS. This can be done free and quickly on all operating systems (XP, Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8).

If you haven't definitely definitely defined whether you should convert FAT32 to the file system of the disk or NTFS flash drive, I will bring its advantages.

The NTFS file system differs from FAT32 stability, data compression, quotation, security and other useful properties.

The most important argument in support for NTFS is a much smaller number of failures and the ability to store (download) more than 4GB files.

Change the file system of the hard disk or flash drive Fat32 in NTFS in different ways: to convert (reformat) or remake without losing data with built-in Windows.

Translate FAT32 to NTFS - the easiest way

Make the FAT32 file system in NTFS can be immediately in the installation of the operating system.

When you get to the place of choice of installation disk, you will have to format it. Here you can immediately choose instead of FAT32 - NTFS. Below in the figure you can see how this happens on Windows XP.

If you want to format simply partition, for example, a "D" disk, click, then on the right side, click on the computer, and by visoring the cursor on the "D" disk, click on it with the right mouse.

The menu appears. In it, click Convert by previewing the NTFS file system - if FAT32 is facing and click start. Everything, after a minute, two it will change. See below a picture.

How to change FAT32 in NTFS without formatting and data loss

It may happen that you want to download / install a large file, but due to the fact that your FAT32 file system does not make such a maneuver.

In this case, it is absolutely not suitable for standard formatting when the data is not saved.

Convert file storage system on a disk or flash drive, without formatting and data loss.

To do this, you just need to run - insert a command that is placed below and click the Enter key. Convert D: / FS: NTFS / NOSECURITY / X

At the same time, pay attention to the letter "D". This is a disc partition that will be transformed. You may have a completely different. It is also not necessary to prescribe "nosecurity / x".

That's all right. As you can see, you do not need to resort to additional applications - all tools are available in Windows. Successes.

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