
Linux Mint Acceleration. Penguin with reactive wound: accelerate the launch of applications in Linux. Accelerate the launch of heavyweights

Demon (eng. Daemon) - in the UNIX class systems - a service operating in the background without direct communication with the user. Demons usually start during system boot. Typical challenges of demons: servers network Protocols (Http, ftp, email, etc.), equipment management, support queue support, managing the execution of tasks on a schedule, etc. Depending on the tasks performed by the computer, some of these demons can be turned off and thus saved on System startup time and reduce the load on the system during operation. To do this, use the utility sYSV-RC-CONF. This console utility, but very simple and intuitive, therefore, it can even use people with panic fear of the terminal. Installation:

Sudo Apt-Get Install SYSV-RC-CONF


Sudo Sysv-RC-CONF

In the terminal, we obtain the following: Control is carried out by several keys: Space - put / remove the cross, + - - stop / start the process, Q - Exit.

Figures in the top line are levels of execution. To turn off the service, you just need to remove the cross from all levels.

    ACPI-Support - better leave the default level. That is: 2,3,4,5.

    ACPID - ACPI daemon. This and previous processes are responsible for power management and are very important for laptops, and for workstations, so it is better to leave them included. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Adjtimex is a tool for a fine tuning of the clock in the kernel. Usually there is no on the download list. In exceptional cases, if it is still in this list, it means there were good reasons and it is better to leave it included.

    ALSA - if the audio subsystem is used, then yes, the launch must be left. But if you have the ALSA-Utils service, then this can be disabled. Default: Disabled if Alsa-Utils is enabled.

    Alsa-Utils - In my system, this service replaces ALSA, so I turned off the ALSA and turned on this at S. -The check-in speaking, "turned off" I mean, I took off all "x" from all levels of execution. If you have them and not - wonderful. We continue the setting. Default: Execution S.

    Anacron - the CRON subsystem that performs any of its task that has not been completed on time. Most often it happens if, at the time of the task of the CRON, your computer was turned off. For example, UpdatedB is scheduled every day for 2 o'clock in the morning, but at that time the computer did not work. When you start a computer, Anacron will try to determine the missed tasks and execute them. I removed this service, because it's not so often turning off my laptop, but in most cases it should be enabled. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    APMD - this service confused me a little. I already have an ACPID, so why should I turn on the APMD? If your computer is not as old, so that not even support ACPI, try to disable this service. I turned off. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    ATD - scheduler, like Cron. I turned off. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    BINFMT-Support - support for the core of other binaries formats. I left. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Bluez-Utiles - I turned off. I do not have Bluetooth devices. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    BootLogd - Leave to run. Default: S.

    CRON - I also need to leave. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Cupsys - a subsystem for managing the printer. I have no printer, so I bravely disconnected, but you look in circumstances. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    DBUS - Message System (Message Bus System). Very important, leave the included. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Dirmngr - Certificate List Control Utility. Works at the same time with GNUPG. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    DNS-Clean - mainly serves to clean DNS when using Dial-Up connections. I have no dial-up, so I turned off. Default: S.

    EVMS - (Enterprise Volume Management System) - Volume Management System for Linux OS. EVMS offers single unified mechanisms for controlling discs, disk partitions, file systems, physical lVM volumes etc. I turned off. Default: S.

    Fetchmail - Delivery Demon email. I turned off. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    GDM - desktop manager (Gnome Desktop Manager). I already turned it off in any case when I decided to boot into the console. In this case, the case of preferences, so you can decide whether you want to load directly to the GUI. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    GDOMAP - I do not have the concepts, why this process should be launched. I have not seen this demon anymore in any system, so I turned it off and do not feel any loss. Are there any reasons for its use on laptops or workstations? Default: 2,3,4,5.

    GPM - Mouse Support for Console. If you feel that you can't do without a mouse in the console - put the level of execution 1 and 2. It's all that you need. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Halt - not change. Default: 0.

    HDPARM is a script to adjust hard disk. I disconnected the levels of 2,3,4,5, but set the level S. I believe that the DMA opening, 32-bit I / O, etc. will benefit the other processes. I also changed my native script on a very simple, which did it myself. I think you should not produce all these redundant checks, if I myself know what I do. Configuration file - /etc/hdparm.conf. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Hibernate - If your system supports sleep mode - leave the service to work. Otherwise, it is useless. Default: S.

    HotKey-Setup - This demon includes some specific hotkeys in laptops. There are factory support: HP, Acer, Asus, Sony, Dell, and IBM. If you have a laptop of these manufacturers, you can leave the service to start, otherwise it will be useless. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    HotPlug and HotPlug-Net - the inclusion of the HOTPLUG subsystems takes time. I would think, whether to include them at all. I made a few changes in my file / etc / network / interfaces. Instead of addressing your wireless card in the HOTPLUG process, I turned it on automatic mode. So I can disable these processes. I made sure that even when disabling, Ubuntu finds USB drivers, digital camera etc. So, I think, the disabling of these processes is quite safe. - Written- If after shutting down hotplug your sound card stopped working, you can turn it back. Or you can edit the / etc / modules file to add a sound card driver module. Later work faster, verified. Default: S.

    HPLip - HP printing and image processing subsystem. I turned off. Default: S.

    Hwtools - utility to optimize IRQ.

    IFrename is a script for naming network interfaces. Sounds beautiful, but I turned off. Need mainly to manage multiple network interfaces. Since I have two network cards - Wireless and wired - they are indicated by the kernel as Eth0 and Ath0, so the process is useless for me. Default: S.

    IFupdown and iFupdown-Clean - do not disconnect. These are scripts to enable network interfaces when loading. Default: iFUpdown - 0.6, S and IFUPDOWN-CLEAN - S.

    Inetd or inetd.real - Look into the /etc/inetd.conf file and comment out all the services that you do not need. If there are no active services after that, the daemon can be safely removed from the launch. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Klogd - do not turn off. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    LAPTOP-MODE - service for checking in the laptop: It is time to throw out the battery. Useless for a landline computer. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    LIBPAM-DEVPERM - daemon to restore access rights to devices after system failure.

    Linux-Restricted-Modules-Common - you need to see if non-free modules are not loaded into the system. These modules can be found in / LIB / Linux-restricted-modules. If such modules are not used - you can safely turn off the demon. Default: 0.6, s.

    LM-SENSORS - If the motherboard supports sensory chips, you can see their condition.

    LVM - I do not use it, therefore disabled. Leave if you have LVM. Default: S.

    MakeDev - do not turn off. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    MDAMD is a RAID device management tool. In most cases, you can turn off. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    MDAMD-RAID - RAID tool. Default: S.

    Module-init-Tools - loads additional modules from the / etc / modules file. You can see its contents for unnecessary modules. Usually included. Default: S.

    MOUNTVIRTFS - Mounting virtual file systems. Do not disable. Default: S.

    Networking - raises network interfaces and configures DNS when loading, by scanning a file / etc / network / interfaces. Disable not worth it. Default: 0.6, s.

    NTPDATE - synchronizes the time with the Ubuntu time server (or specified). By default: S. Proming- if the second system is Windows, it is better to leave the process enabled. Windows stores in BIOS not universal (Greenwich), and local time and when rebooting from one system to another they will try to adjust each other. In the latest versions, this problem seems to be corrected.

    Nvidia-kernel - I collected driver NVIDIA Alone, so I don't need a service. If you use the non-free NVIDIA driver - leave the service included. Default: 1,2,3,4,5.

    PCMCIA - activates the PCMCIA device. I put the level of execution at 0.6, S instead of the default 2,3,4,5, since, in my opinion, the equipment must be connected first. On the other hand, if the PCMCIA devices are not used, then the service can be turned off.

    Portmap - Demon to managing such services as NIS, NFS, etc. Default: 2,3,4,5,0,6, s.

    PowerNowD - Customer for CPUFREQ control. Need mainly for laptops with support technology for changing the processor frequency. Useful for laptops and on the contrary for stationary computers. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    PPP and PPP-DNS - I do not need. I have no dial-up. Default: PPP - 2,3,4,5 and PPPD-DNS - S.

    Readahaad - Looks like readahead This is a kind of "preloader". Loads when you start several libraries in rAMThat allows some programs to start faster. But increases the system load time for 3-4 seconds. Default: S.

    Reboot - not change. Default: 6.

    ResolvConf - automatically sets up DNS according to the network status. Default: S.

    Rmnologin - removes nologin if finds. I will not have this, I removed. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Rsync - RSync daemon. You can remove if you are not sure what you need it. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Urantom - random number generator. It is impossible to guess which application, especially in the chart, may be needed. Default: 0.6, s.

    USPLASH - picture when loading the system, with the download indicator. To complete shutdown, you need to edit the /Boot/Grub/Menu.LST file: Commit the SplashImage string and remove the Splash option from the kernel loading row. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    VBesave - utility for bIOS settings Video card. Default: 2,3,4,5.

    Xinetd - superdemon inetd to manage other demons. Include it makes sense only if there are demons under its control.

If you are not sure why the service is responsible, do not disconnect it. Disabling the necessary services can lead to complete or partial inoperability of both some programs and the system as a whole.

It is known that this technology is used in modern operating systems as a virtual memory developed for multitasking OS.

In OS family Windows file.serving to store unused RAM in the area hard disk, referred to as "paging file" (pageFile.sys).

His organization is not implemented far from the best way (to put it mildly!). In Linux OS, there is still a separate section of the swap - "swap", which is much better.

Windows and Linux-Swap swap file are located on HDD (hard disk). When RAM becomes not enough, there is a unloading of memory pages from RAM to hDDAnd when you appeal to the files located in the paging section (swap), they are downloaded again into RAM.

The whole problem is that the speed of read-write HDD hard disk (even the fastest) FACTOR OF Less speed of RAM. This is where the computer is slowed down to slower and reduce productivity as a whole.

There are two ways to solve this problem: to use large volumes of RAM or properly configure the system with a paging and swap file.

So, in Ubuntu there is such a parameter that controls the percentage of free memory, in which the reset of memory pages will begin in SWAP - vm.swappiness.

In Ubuntu by default, it has an equal value - 60. This means that at 40% of the busy RAM, active reset of the memory page in the SWAP section will begin, i.e. 100% - 60% \u003d 40%.

Check what the value of the parameter you can, as follows.

Open the terminal with key combination Ctrl + Alt + T And execute the command:

Cat / Proc / SYS / VM / Swappiness

This value of the parameter can be useful only for computers with a small number of RAM (512 -1024 MB).

If you have a modern computer or laptop with a large volume of RAM (4-6, or even 8 GB), then this is hardly suitable for you.

On many forums and blogs dedicated to Ubuntu, it is recommended to set the value of the parameter vm.swappiness \u003d 10 (i.e. 100% - 10% \u003d 90%). But, in my opinion personal experience, If there is a RAM of 6 GB of RAM and in more aggressive, setting a value of 0. In this case, the system will access the SWAP partition only as a last resort.

I recommend experimenting with this parameter in the current session (after rebooting everything will return to the default value), while not changing anything in the system configuration files in order to find the most optimal parameter. And here everything is already individually ...

You can do this.

Again open the almighty terminal key combination Ctrl + Alt + T And we carry out the following command in it:

sudo sysctl vm.swappiness \u003d

After the equal sign, set a value from 100 to 0 (depending on the volume of your RAM).

After that, try to "immerse" your system: open multiple browsers with a large number of tabs, smoke big files On external media (this, by the way, is a sick side of Linux-systems - the speed of copying to external carriers. But this is somehow next time) and the like.

After you selected for yourself the most successful value, you need to install a new value as a permanent one. Copy and execute the following command in the terminal:

Sudo gedit /etc/sysctl.conf.

In front of you will open configuration file. In a text editor gedit.. At the end of this file, insert the following two parameters without a lattice in front of them:

vm.swappiness \u003d 0 vm.vfs_cache_pressure \u003d 1000

Save the file. It should look like on the screenshot below:

Reboot your computer. After rebooting, perform in the terminal:

Sudo Sysctl -p.

I, as already noted above, chose a parameter to 0, actually disabling the SWAP section, since it turned out to be the most optimal to my computer with six gigabytes. You can choose the value of the parameter 10, as recommended for numerous forums.

As an example, I would like to demonstrate the download of RAM in Ubuntu 12.10 x64 with 6 GB of RAM.
So, I opened three browser - a regular Mazilla Firefox, Opera and Google Chrome. With a total of tabs about 40, Clementine audio player (by the way, quite demanding to computer resources), Skype, Torrent client qbittorrent.
And here is a screenshot hop. (This is a fairly advanced console monitor processes). We recruit in the terminal

Sudo Apt-Get Install HTOP

I think everything becomes clear: less than half of the installed RAM is occupied.
Therefore, if you have a lot of RAM, then use the paging section does not make any sense. It will only slow down the speed of the computer!
In conclusion, I can say that this is not the only thing that can be done to accelerate the work of Ubuntu. About this in the following articles. Subscribe to RSS - Channel!
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Linux gives many advantages to its users. For example, it can be considered free from viruses, since there are a very small amount. For many, it is very important that no one except you will control what you are doing in the system. Free software sounds very attractive, in the light of the latest events, when last year we learned that large companies like Microsoft and Apple follow their users.

Free software becomes very relevant if you do not want to pay for the use of the new version of the operating system.

Many remember that by clicking on a double-click on Windows, you need to wait long enough until the program starts. Here Linux is also an advantage - it is much faster. And this applies to all who uses a computer with a new eight-headed processor, and those who have old laptop last century. If you want a lot of speed in Linux, follow the instructions from this article. Then we will look at how to speed up Linux. We will focus primarily on Ubuntu, but all these tips can also be applied to other distributions.

Some of the tips below include the modification of system files on behalf of the user's root. With this method of editing, there is always a chance by chance something to break and make your computer inoperable. Therefore, it is better to back up all the files with which you will work to restore old settings if necessary.

It is even better to experiment first with a virtual machine. So you can do whatever you want, and then just roll back to the last work shift.

1. Acceleration of the GRUB loader

If you have two operating systems installed, then you are probably familiar with this download menu. But the fact that you most likely not noticed is the countdown at the bottom, under the input area. This time, during which the system will wait before you start downloading the default distribution.

For example, in Ubuntu is 10 seconds. Usually you can press Enter, but if you are far from the car, more prudent will put the interval shorter, for example, 3 seconds. This will be enough to choose OS.

To speed up Linux download, open the / etc / default / grub file on behalf of ROOT. Change the value grub_timeout \u003d 10, by 3. And then update the GRUB configuration. Here:

sudo VI / ETC / Default / Grub

sudo Grub-Update

sudo Grub2-mkconfig -o /Boot/Grub/Grub.cfg

2. Disconnect services

During system load, there is a huge difference between the loading of the kernel and the availability of the desktop. The fact is that the system loads very more services, and not all of them you need.

In the initialization system based on Sysvinit, all services are located in the /etc/init.d folder and you can stop those that you do not need. See the status of all services by the command:

service --Status-all

Disable the service by the command:

update-RC.D -F Remove service


Determine what services are needed, and which no, you can simply search on the Internet. In many distributions there are graphic applications To manage services, for example, in Ubuntu, you will have to use the SERVICE console utility, it will help to quickly speed up the Linux work. Also disabling unnecessary services, you can quickly speed up the Linux download.

3. Acceleration of the Nautilus file manager

The default GNOME File Manager when opening each folder performs a quick scan of all files to show thumbnails and additional information. In principle, this is a quick scan, but in the folder with large quantity Files, this process will be completely unprecedented.

To stop spending processor time on this task, go to the menu Edit, Preview in Nautilus. and change the parameter from Always or Only local files on the Never.

You will see that now Nautilus works much faster.

4. Load reduction

For old equipment, we tend to choose specially lightweight distributions. The reason that vectorlinux and other similar distributions are so good on weak equipment - the fact that they do not require many system resources.

Of course, if you want to speed up the work of Linux on your car, you can independently reduce its load, and you can simply install the finished distribution. If you are ready to experiment, try one of the lightweight distributions. They will work much faster.

5. Use a faster window manager

If you do not want to fully change the distribution, then many improvements can be made by integrating some functions of such distributions. Window manager is one of them. If you use heavy window managers like KDE or GNOME, try something simpler. This will give a significant increase in performance.

The most important task of the window manager is to control windows, and give you enough control over them. But they can perform much more functions than you need.

If you click on the top panel of the window in KDE, and see which options there are, then you will understand what I'm talking about. Another window manager can be faster and less distract.

Perhaps the most popular is OpenBox, and it can be installed on a large number of distributions.

After installation to start the window manager, type:

openBox --replace

After a few seconds you will see that the style of windows has changed. This is OpenBox. Using the context menu, you can move the windows, fix or set over the other. But nothing else. Your windows are now moving faster.

6. Accelerate KDE

If you use the environment of the desktop KDE, then you have an excellent chance to get the work of Linux. Although Plasma works pretty quickly if you have a modern machine, but this is a complex stack of software. Each KDE component can be configured for more efficient operation. We have already considered, read about this in detail in a separate article.

7. Block advertise

When watching web pages, you will notice that the site is not loaded immediately, it will wait until all components of the page, including advertisements, will be downloaded. Flash Animation is very annoying with a large number of blocks on the page, so you can block it (you don't need to do this on our website, we are white and fluffy).

For most popular browsers - Chromium, Firefox, Opera There is an Adblock extension, which perfectly copes with this feature. The program uses a database to block the most popular sources of ads.

8. Use key combinations

Someone may seem obvious. Work only with the keyboard is much faster than the movement from the mouse to the keyboard and back. Many functions can be done using the keyboard. For example, standard copy and insert commands from the Edit menu.

It is worth creating a keyboard shortcut for all frequently used actions. For example, switch between applications and desktops. You can go even further and use Vim and Emacs as text editors.

Application launch interface opened by Alt + F2 can make much more. For example, you can dial to turn off or block to lock the screen. You can perform simple calculations starting the expression from the sign \u003d. There are still many similar functions depending on plugins. Dial a sign? And click the right arrow to learn more.

9. Possible kernel

If you need the maximum software performance, then the set of fixes can be added to the kernel. The Linux kernel optimization can give an excellent effect. You can optimize the kernel yourself, but there is an easier way. You can use the core compiled by CON KOLIVA, it includes great amount Patches of performance. Patchset nucleus is called -KK and it was assembled with a focus on performance.

To install it, you need to download the source kernel texts, the version of which these patches are calculated. Then download the patch itself and execute the command in the coder source folder:

$ Patch -p1< patch-3.*-ck1

Now collect the kernel in accordance with the instructions from your distribution. It is easier to say what to do, but there are a lot of instructions on the Internet, including on our website.

10. Open the NVIDIA video card

This item is suitable only if you use the older video card. For new models it will not work. Here you can increase the power of your equipment.

No need to use BIOS, enough NVIDIA control panel. Before these parameters appear, you need to add a line to the X server configuration file. This file is no longer used in most distributions, but the utility nVIDIA settings May generate it.

Just run it, go to the tab Configuration x Server and click on the button Save to the configuration file X.

After the /etc/x11/xorg.conf file will be created, open it in the ROOT text editor, find the Device section that describes your graphic map And add to the end of the line: option "Coolbits" "5". Restart x server.

Now, after starting the NVIDIA setup utility, you will see an additional page with the clock setting. Press the ENABLE OVERCLOCING button and accept the refusal application. Now you can adjust the frequency of operation for 2D and 3D rendering. The best regulate them at the same time.

Each time you change the parameters, the heat dissipation changes. Make sure the temperature remains within reasonable limits. In addition, from the same page you can adjust the speed of rotation of the fan. As soon as you configure the desired configuration, save the settings and make sure the NVIDIA tool loads these parameters when you start the next start.

11. Overclocking equipment

Acceleration and various tricks with increasing parameters above recommended speeds and temperatures can damage your data and lead to breakage of your equipment and this is a very good acceleration of Linux. But many components are now developed taking into account the lags than their standard configuration. This stock leaves a lot of space for experiments.

Many motherboards Include default items to increase the speed of the system, without the need for large knowledge in the field of computer.

You can customize all this in your BIOS. To access it, use the F2 or DEL keys. You may find options there for accelerating the processor, increasing the frequency of RAM and T d.

12. Improving network performance

Linux has already supported IPv6 for a long time, but if you do not use it, it can turn it off, thus performing the Linux acceleration when working with the network. The easiest way to do is through NetworkManager.

If you use GNOME, open the applet network connections. And select Edit to connect you use. On the IPv6 tab, select Disable.

If you have a KDE without NetworkManager, you can set the global environment variable KDE_NO_IPV6 \u003d 1:

eXPORT KDE_NO_IPV6 \u003d 1

To save changes after a reboot, you can add a command to the / etc / profile file.

You can still turn off the kernel module that is responsible for IPv6, for this, add it to the file: /etc/modprobe.d/BlackList

The Firefox browser also allows you to disable IPv6. Just type in the address bar about: config and activate the \\ Network.dns.disableipv6 item.

If you are working on a small network, you can disable ARP in DHCP and configure static IP addresses. Add the NOARP line to the configuration file /etc/dhcpd.conf and restart the system. Now addresses should be heard faster.

13. Static Linkovka

Many programs load the library for their work dynamically during the program. It goes out of time, but if applications are large and loading many libraries, the static linking can give excellent Linux acceleration. This uses Preload and Prelink utilities.

Prelink converts executable files so that they load as many libraries as possible. Preload also monitors the system and keeps frequently used programs in memory. After a small calibration, Linux optimization is well felt.

First install Prelink:

sudo Apt-Get Install Prelink

Then start the utility for processing all executable files:

sudo Prelink --all.

For periodic launch PRELINK to optimize Linux for new files, open the / etc / default / prelink file and replace the PLELINKING \u003d Unknown line on YES:

sudo Gedit / etc / Default / Preline

Install Preload:

sudo Apt-Get Install Preload

This program is only enough to install, it does not require configuration after installation.

14. Use Zram

If you have not enough RAM, you can very simply increase its number by 25, or even 50% with. This is a kernel module that allows you to compress the contents of the RAM on the fly, thus the capacity of RAM remains increases, and the speed remains the same. It will give good acceleration of Linux for old computers.

15. Reduce hard disk activity

The system writes very actively and reads files from the / TMP directory. This is a directory for temporary files, and a large number of programs can simultaneously work with it. It will be better if the contents of this directory will be in RAM. To speed up the Linux work, so add the line to the / etc / fstab file:

$ Sudo VI / etc / fstab


First, make sure that the TMP folder is already scheduled to be configured by executing the MOUNT command. In many distributions, this Linux optimization is enabled by default.

But that's not all. Not all systems rationally use the paging space on the hard disk. By default, the value of VM.Swappiness is set to 60, so if (100-60) 40% of the RAM is occupied, the system will reset the data on the hard disk. This is true for systems with small quantity RAM, 1-2 GB, but if you have 10 GB, then load a hard disk when you are busy only 4 GB is non-serious. To change this to execute the command.

Linux users are used to determine a more productive system, in comparison with Windows. However, if you use the hardware environment of the desktop, such as Unity, for example, performance can suffer a few.

All prefer the programs and documents to be opened not in 10-20 seconds, but immediately. At the same time, it is desirable that the appearance of the work environment does not resemble early nineties, because we spend a lot of time in the interface of our system, which means we must be cozy inside.

It is not necessary to fall in extremes, completely refusing to the beautiful environment of the desktop in favor of ascetic window managers. Finding a compromise between performance and pleasant appearance - the task is completely not difficult.

In this article we will look at the acceleration of Ubuntu four simple ways. At least these tips are suitable for older releases, we will consider, in particular, the acceleration of Ubuntu 16.04.

A positive result will be well noticeable on old low-power computers or VirtualBox. Tips are relevant and effective, even if your Ubuntu is installed on SSD.

1. Remove unnecessary programs from autoload.

Ubuntu 16.04, during the start, loads a large number of diverse applications, many of which you most likely do not need. To speed up Ubuntu, you can simply disable them.

However, many automatically launched programs are hidden, and in order to see them, you need to execute the following command:
sudo sed -i "s / nodisplay \u003d true / nodisplay \u003d false / g" /etc/xdg/autostart/*desktop

Now open "Automatically launched applications" from Unity Dash ...

And just remove the checkboxes from unnecessary points.

Ubuntu 16.04 acceleration can be carried out by disabling unnecessary possibilities. Here is a list of those services and programs that you probably do not need.

Accessibility Profile Manager. (Special features).
Used to display special features icon on the login screen. If you do not need screen keyboard And voice assistant, just disconnect them.

Backup Monitor (Backup).
Creating backups using Deja-Dup-Monitor. If you do not plan to make backups of any data - boldly disconnect.

Desktop Sharing. (Remote control desktop).
Designed for incoming VNC connections. If you know, we can cope with your system without any help, then you can turn off. The ability to actually act as a remote assistant and manage other computers through the VNC does not disappear.

Gnome Software. (Software Center).
You can disable if you prefer to install programs through the terminal, without the help center with a graphical interface.

Personal File Sharing (File sharing).
You only need to leave if you need to transfer files via Bluetooth.

Update Notifier (Notification of updates).
If you do not want to receive notifications about available updates, then you can turn off.

2. Adjust Swappiness.

We all know that the rate of data exchange with RAM is significantly higher than with a hard disk. How to speed up Ubuntu, given this fact?

Let's carry out a small experiment: Run your system, open several programs, say: Firefox, LibreOffice, Mozilla Thunderbird., Evince ... And just leave them open, without performing any action. Do not translate the system in any sleep or in waiting regimes. Return in a few hours and pay attention to how bad steel running programsHow slowly they respond to our actions with the mouse. All because they switched to idle mode (inaction), and the system sent them to SWAP, that is, in a specially designated place on the hard disk.
Using System Monitor, you can find that Ubuntu uses SWAP, regardless of the presence of a large number of free RAM.
This is due to the default Swappiness settings. Swappiness is a kernel parameter that is responsible for how often Linux will send inactive applications in SWAP, that is, on a hard disk.

The Swappiness value can be set in the range from 0 to 100. Low values \u200b\u200bare prescribed to use the podachka less frequent, high - more often. The default value in Ubuntu is 60. This means that when the RAM flow rate is 40%, the Linux kernel activates the use of SWAP.

Check the current value using the command:
Cat / Proc / SYS / VM / Swappiness

How to speed up the work of Ubuntu? It is recommended to install a lower swappiness value so that the kernel uses the RAM in the maximum possible amount. For example, to set the value 10, you must execute such a command:
sudo sysctl vm.swappiness \u003d 10

Do not put spaces before or after the "\u003d" sign. This command indicates the kernel to use SWAP only when memory is occupied by 90%. This setting is valid before rebooting.

To the configuration action is permanent, you need to edit a special file.
Sudo nano /etc/sysctl.d/99-sysctl.conf.

At the end of this file you need to add a string:
vm.swappiness \u003d 10.

Save the file and close the editor (press Ctrl + O to save and Ctrl + X to exit). All these actions are applicable in Ubuntu Server 16.04.

Our goal is to accelerate Ubuntu. Would you still, who can like the running speed of Firefox or other heavy applications? There is a small software tool, known as Preload, who remembers the programs that you use most often loads in advance to the RAM of related library and executable files, so that the launch of these most heavy programs is much faster.

Install Preload on Ubuntu 16.04 using the command:
Sudo Apt Install Preload

Upon completion of the installation, the Preload daemon will start automatically, you can make sure that by executing the command:
SystemCTL Status Preload

If, for some reason, it will be invisible, execute the command:
Sudo SystemCTL Start Preload

Now just do your affairs - Preload will work without your participation.

4. Disconnect effects.

Effects, no doubt, please the eye, diluting themselves boring workspace. However, valuable system resources. How to speed up ubuntu 16.04? Using Compizconfig-Settings-Manager, the effects can be turned off, thereby increasing the performance.
You can install the COMPIZCONFIG-SETTINGS-MANAGER using the command:
Sudo Apt Install Compizconfig-Settings-Manager

Run it from Unity Dash, then select the "Effects" section on the left and disconnect those you do not need. If you want, you can disable absolutely everything.

You can also turn off the rear layout in Unity Dash using Unity. Tweak Tool.. This will make Unity Dash more responsive.

Installing Unity Tweak Tool:
Sudo Apt Install Unity-Tweak-Tool

By installing, open it and select the "Search" tab, then switch the "Background Blur" button to the "Off". (OFF).

In general, many people like a transparent background, and you?


Bonus Tip: Find the main culprit of slow downloads.

You can find out how long it is necessary to start each of the downloaded services by performing the following command:
SystemD-Analyze Blame

As can be seen in the picture above, the service MNT-PI.Mount and vboxadd.service are the most culpries. I know that MNT-PI.MOUNT is responsible for mounting NFS (network file System) On my Raspberry Pi, but I don't need it anymore, so I can painlessly remove it from the / etc / fstab file. I also know that the daemon vboxadd.service is only needed for virtual machine, that is, I, again, without need.

Turn off:
Sudo SystemCTL Disable Vboxadd.Service

Checking the download time:
SystemD-Analyze Time


Other ways to speed up Ubuntu 16.04

Do you know other ways to speed up Ubuntu 16.04? Share them in the comments.

While our gentle-head brothers will compile their system for weeks, we will apply a couple of councils and exactly overtaken the rapid penguin on the planet. Ubuntu and so walked almost in the Gentoo, but our changes will help break the victory from Pygoscelis Papua's paws. Fasten, we are accelerating!

Disable Compiz

COMPIZ -Composite window manager for X Window System using OpenGL to speed up 3D graphics. It provides many new graphics effects available in any desktop environment, including GNOME and KDE. If you have drivers for a video card, then most likely the manager is enabled. Remember that the COMPIZ video card included in the "Performance Performance" mode is constantly working on a full load and is not going to slow down the fan turnover. If you want silence from the video card or taking kilowatta, I advise you to simplify the effects of Compiz or turn it off at all. In the first case, you need to install the Compizonfig-SettingsManager package through a synaptic or in the terminal to command:

$ sudo attitude install

To access COMPIZ features and simplify the effects of your taste, pass along the route: Menu ("System" parameters "| COMPIZ Config Setup Manager. If you want to simply disable Compiz, then this can be done through the menu item" | System ћ Parameters R " Appearance, In the "Exterior" tab, the exhibition "without effects".

GTK delays decrease

In Ubuntu, the work environment is GNOME, where GTK plays an important role. By changing the settings of this tulk, we affect all applications using it. I propose to twist the parameters responsible for delays:

$ gedit ~ / .gtkrc-2.0
### Minimum time in milliseconds during which the pointer must remain at the menu item before the submenu appears
### Time in milliseconds before hiddening the submenu, when the pointer moves to the submenu
### Delay in milliseconds Before the submenu after the menu panel

Jewelry setting GNOME.

The GNOME settings are stored by analogy with the MS Windows registry, with the only difference that the "registry" GNOME is XML files. Access to them can be obtained via the GCONF-EDITOR configuration editor or via the GCONFTOOL-2 command. To speed up the response time of the Registry, take the following steps:

1. We point Metacity to not use animation effects, thereby reducing the consumption of resources:

$ GCONFTOOL-2 --Type Bool --Set / Apps / Metacity / General / Reduced_resources True

The only thing that will change - the contents will not be displayed when moving the windows;

2. Turn off the on / off animation of panels:

$ GCONFTOOL-2 --Type Bool --Set / Apps / Panel / Global / Enable_animations False

3. We will turn off the auxiliary technologies of the keyboard, mouse, etc., intended for people with disabilities:

$ GCONFTOOL-2 --TYPE BOOL --SET / Desktop / GNOME / Interface / Accessibility False

4. Let us set the speed of the animation of the "Fast" panels:

$ GCONFTOOL-2 --Type String --Set / Apps / Panel / Global / Panel_animation_speed Panel-Speed-Fast

If you have a mode set, at which the latter is put forward during the open application window, you can give the auto_raise_delay parameter, which controls the delay between the mouse hovering and the windows extension:

$ GCONFTOOL-2 --Type Integer --Set / Apps / Metacity / General / Auto_raise_Delay 100

XML optimization

In the structured XML files, many programs in Ubuntu store settings and data. It is possible to convert an XML from a "readable" format, understandable to a person, in a format, a convenient to computer. Converted XML files are loaded faster and occupy less RAM. This conversion will help scripts that can be downloaded at:\u003d1397. Unpack the received archive (Desktop-optimizations.tar.gz) and run the scripts from the usual account:

  1. rHYTHMBOX-QuickStart optimizes files music player RHYTHMBOX;
  2. evolution-Optimize optimizes Evolution mail files;
  3. gNOME-OPTIMIZE optimizes GNOME files;
  4. openOffice-Optimize optimizes files office package OpenOffice. ORG;
  5. doc-Optimize optimizes GNOME help files;
  6. gCONF-OPTIMIZE optimizes GNOME configuration files ("Registry" GNOME).

If there are several accounts in the system, then Rhythmbox-QuickStart and GConf-Optimize scripts must be run from each account. Nothing terrible will not happen if you run the scripts several times - the optimization of the "optimized" is not destroyed. It is advisable to rebound into the system after optimizing the XML in order for the changes to take effect.

Scripts optimize both files in the home directory and system filesBy requesting privileges through sudo. Scripts do backupsBut if with a long-term optimization procedure, you will restart the computer because of the power failure, the results may be ambiguous and deplorable. The presence of the UPS is welcome.

Accelerate the launch of programs using Qt

Traditionally, it is believed that GNOME is GTK, and KDE is a Qt, but nothing prevents the user to run GTK programs in KDE, and Qt programs in GNOME. Even more! The authors of GNOME and KDE did a lot to "other people's" programs outwardly looked just like "relatives". Now we will look at how to speed up the launch of programs written using Qt in GNOME. In fact, the QT "Shna program may not depend on the KDE, but use the capabilities of this environment. For this, at the start, it should get a" minimum KDE set ". How to find out which programs depend on KDE? In the terminal we give the team:

$ sudo aptitude search "~ i! ~ NLIB (~ DQT | ~ DKDE)"

Packages that are installed ("~ i") will be displayed and this is not a library ("! ~ NLIB") and depending ones are Qt ("~ DQT") or dependent is KDE ("~ DKDE"). Pre-launching "Minimal KDE Set" and holding the relevant libraries in memory, we will achieve acceleration when starting these programs. The trick is very simple: in the menu DE SYSTEM "T Parameters" 'Entering applications add the program / usr / bin / kdeinit under the name FastQT. Everything, after rebooting the computer, your Qt programs will start faster.

Accelerate program starts using Preload

Preload is a demon working in the background, which collects information about the most frequently used programs, caches them and the libraries used by them, which leads to an increase in the speed of downloading programs. You just need to install a preload team:

$ sudo aptitude install preload

Or launch a synaptic, find in it preload and install it. The default preload settings are suitable for most users, so you do not need to change anything in the /etc/preload.conf file.

Easy Optimization of SQLite Files

Many programs in Ubuntu keep their data not in text files, and in databases, and often as the latter are SQLite. Tools of such DBMS, you can clean empty records and create a database file indexes anew. First of all, install SQLite3 through a synaptic or dial in the terminal:

$ GEDIT ~ / BIN /
#! / bin / sh
### Optimization for Firefox
Find ~ / .mozilla / -Name "* .sqlite" -Print -Exec
SQLite3 () "Vacuum; Reindex;" \u003e / dev / null 2\u003e & 1 \\;
### Optimization for EpiPhany
Find ~ / .gnome2 / Epiphany -name "* .sqlite"
-Print -EXEC SQLITE3 () "Vacuum; Reindex;" \u003e
/ dev / null 2\u003e & 1 \\;
### Optimization for liferea
sqlite3 ~ / .liferea * / liferea.db "Vacuum;
Reindex; "\u003e / dev / null 2\u003e & 1

Using the "CHMOD + X ~ / BIN /" command, make the file executable.
Periodically, you can call this script when closed programs, whose database files we want to optimize.

Total SQLite File Optimization

In the previous section, we optimized SQLite-file data files Firefox, EpiPhany and RSS readers Liferea. Now a little complicate the task. We will find all SQLite files in the home directory and specify them to pay them :). What do we need?

1. Install Sqlite3 through a synaptic or in the terminal if you have not done this yet:

$ sudo setitude install sqlite3

2. Create a file ~ / bin / as follows:

$ gedit ~ / bin /
#! / bin / sh
Find ~ / -size + 100K -Type f -Print0 | \\
While read -d "" File; do.
ABS_File_Name \u003d $ (readlink -f "$ file")
Headfile \u003d `Head -c 15" $ abs_file_name "`;
if ["$ Headfile" \u003d "SQLite Format 3"]; Then.
file_size_do \u003d `du -b" $ abs_file_name "| cut
Dev / NULL 2\u003e & 1
file_size_posle \u003d `du -b" $ ABS_FILE_NAME "| cut -f1`;
Echo "$ abs_file_name";
Echo "size up to $ file_size_do";
echo "size after $ file_size_posle";
Echo -n "Percentage"
ECHO "scale \u003d 2; ($ file_size_posle / $ File_size_
DO) * 100 "| BC -L
Sleep 2.

3. Make ~ / bin / Executable through Nautilus or in the CHMOD + X ~ / BIN / SQLITE_SHRINK.SH terminal.

4. Now close the session in Ubuntu and go to the console by clicking . Log in console and command:

$ sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop
$ sudo /etc/init.d/kdm stop
$ ~ / bin /\u003e ~ / REPORT_SQLITE_SHRINK.TXT

5. Wait for the end of the script and reboot:

$ sudo shutdown -r +0

After the total file reindexing, all programs that use SQLite will benefit. And which one? Read ~ / report_sqlite_ shrink.txt, you will see file names, size before and after cleaning and reindexing. Lovers of Google Chrome and KDE will definitely be glad to this advice. Periodically repeat the procedure, and the refreshing effect is guaranteed.

Creating caches

GTK + can use the cache files created by GTK-Update-Iconcache to avoid unnecessary system calls and disk operations When starting applications. Since the cache file format allows multiple applications (MMAP () ED) to share them, the overall memory consumption is also reduced. It remains periodically to run a script that calls GTK-Update-icon-cache, and create caches that accelerate access to those icons. Call at the same time FC-Cache, which creates descriptions for fonts.

$ gedit ~ / bin /
#! / bin / sh
### Cache update icons in his folder
for d in ~ / .icons / *; Do GTK-Update-icon-cache -f $ d;
### Cache update icons in the system
for d in / usr / share / icons / *; Do Sudo GTK-Update-Iconcache
-f $ d; Done
### font cache update
Sudo FC-Cache -FV
FC-Cache ~ / .fonts

Make the file executed using the "Chmod + x ~ / bin /" command. If you add new fonts and the topics of GNOME to the system, then run the script ~ / bin /, which will build cache for them.

Caching symbol tables

Create an empty catalog

$ mkdir ~ / .compose-cache

Now your QT / GTK programs will be a bit faster to start and consume less memory, due to the fact that the LIBX11 will be created in ~ / .compose-cache cache-tolerant information and use it again.

Ubuntu swingup

In modern operating systems, the concept of "podging" is used. Recall that this is a process that, with a lack of RAM, withdraws unused memory pages to an area called the paging section. When the page is needed again, it is loaded back into RAM. Since the swap dwells on a hard disk, which is many times slower than the RAM, the active movement of the pages of the tudazyudu-back slows the work of the computer as a whole. Output? It is necessary that the computer has enough RAM for your tasks. Conclusion banal, but it is.

To top it all to change the behavior of Ubuntu in relation to the use of RAM and the paging area. There is such a parameter vm.swappiness, by default it has a value of 60 and serves to determine the percentage of free memory, in which the active reset of the pages in the SWAP section will begin. In other words, when memory occupied by 40% (100-60), Ubuntu will already start using the paging area. With a large number of RAM in the computer, it is better to reduce the value of the VM.Swappiness parameter to 10, thereby giving the penguin to not use SWAP, while the busy scope does not reach 90% (100-10). For such a change, the easiest way to start the terminal and command in it:

$ sudo sh -c "vm.swappiness \u003d 10" \u003e\u003e /etc/sysctl.conf

After rebooting, the smart Run will be used to be more efficient, and slow SWAP is less commonly involved.


You must understand that the settings are always able to determine the conservative, and the developer of the OS / program seeks them to work on a large spectrum of systems. Therefore, the Tuning Operations is not to press one button with the inscription "Make everything quickly". Understanding what is described in the Council, and analyzing what exactly the acceleration is achieved, you carefully apply the commands and carefully follow the behavior of the system. I hope that the tips were useful to you, and your penguin became more responsive.


  • Check the degree of responsiveness of the interface will allow GTKPERF:
  • Apply tips one by one, it is advisable to restart the system every time. Check the influence of the board of time, do not hurry.
  • Miracles do not happen. Tips or use free memory, or disconnect something to accelerate.

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