
TV presenters of Japan. Zhenya Davidyuk: the most famous Russian Sayy in Japan. Population of cultural ties

Japan is known for its richest culture and history. But the Japanese were able to stand out not only by this. Japanese TV shows are also known worldwide. Looking through the next edition, the average viewer from any point of the planet is simply surprised, as the thought came to do this and how people comes to participate in this. Residents of Japan in their television programs really love to mock each other.

Attention! For someone, the video may seem offensive and disrespectful.


This is an entertainment show in which girls from the popular Japanese group AKB48 take part. At first glance, nothing causes questions: lovely participants discuss various news and compete in funny competitions. For example, girls play ordinary knocked out, which we loved so much in childhood. The first 2 participants who leave the "battle" field, take part in a kind of duel: two girls should blow the beetle to the speed through the plastic tube. It is logical that the one that "tastes" insect lost.

Gaki No Tsukai.

Under such difficult for us, the name was 1000 episodes of one of the most famous and popular entertainment shows in Japan. 11 years old, famous comedians of the rising sun, entertain the viewers of non-trivial releases. We all know that the Japanese humor is specific and that it is funny Japanese - Russian will seem at least strange. This is how the Gaki No Tsukai is insanely popular to organize contests on bullying. Imagine: Your task to spell the patter and if you are stuffing or mistaken - a painful punishment does not make yourself wait. And there are many such competitions.

Human Tetris.

The name in fact in Japanese sounds quite different, but our liberty translation ideally describes the rules.

Did you love to play in childhood in Tetris? And now you can regroup the necessary element? Not? Then get ready to swim in the pool. On the other hand, such a game perfectly helps determine how much logical thinking and how things are with flexibility.

You taught mom in childhood not to pull in your mouth any nastyness? And if for the prize? The Japanese is so masterfully repeating the usual things from chocolate that a whole entertaining show was built on this striking similarity. Rules are simple: you just have to try to bite off a piece of something: door handle, hats, boot or logs. And even then understand - this is a real or not.


This quest game is quite simple in understanding. All that participants is required is to get out of the room earlier than they can "die". Having embarrassed by brains, participants can avoid the harsh fate to fall into the mine, be flooded, filled with sand or much more, depending on the room they chose. The rules seem simple enough: pass 3 rooms and earn money! Good luck and strong nerves to participants.

Spread Your Legs!

In Japan, there are a lot of entertainment shows with erotic subtext. As it is clear from the name, the main task of the participants is to dilute legs as wide as possible. The girl sits on special equipment (a peculiar torture instrument). The presenter begins to turn the drum and the "Prize Sector" shows how wide you have to, sorry, dilute the legs. The main thing is that the participants do not cease to smile.

Panic Face King.

Have we mentioned the Japanese a specific sense of humor? So here. One of the most popular Japanese entertainment shows is based on the feeling of fear. Imagine a potential sacrifice that finds itself in a situation close to the catastrophe and even death. When the victim says that it was just a draw - the presenter assures that the victim becomes happier than everyone happy. Do not repeat with your loved ones. Sange their nerves!

Troop of 100.

Who does not like Flashmoba? You know, we have to do something that you need to create a group in social networks And for a long time to organize! However, in Japan, everything is much easier. You can just walk down the street and sharply 100 people surround you, and you take part (you want it or not) in this flashmob.

In fact, unusual entertainment shows in Japan just darkness. However, censorship prohibits us to show more of them. Google to help you! And be careful, some Japanese TV shows will never erase from memory.

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« Do you know Zhenya? This is Russian Sayy, but it is better than some young Japanese" This is the first thing I heard in Japan and from the Japanese about the wife of Davidyuk, the first foreigner Sayy. She voiced the heroine in anime and cinema, filmed in telecasts, participates in theatrical productions and writes on the Japanese blog "from Russia with Love" and Twitter jenya_jp. who read 13,000 people. She performed the dream of thousands of fans of Japanese pop culture worldwide. We met with Zhenya to Sibuya in order to talk about her work, the secrets of studying the Japanese language and those changes that are inevitable for any foreigner in Japan.

You have a huge list of achievements. What points of your resume do you really consider meaningful?

At this stage, I have such a feeling that I have not achieved anything yet. This is an honest answer, I do not pretend. But if you choose the works that are most important for me, then it will be approximately such a list:

  • role in " Evangelion.»,
  • « Cheburashka" I first thought that my agency was published on the director, and then it turned out that he himself offered me to the role.
  • Series " Desperate Housewives" This is a completely different type of work, which is very different from the voicing of anime.
  • invitations for consultation. My name is if Japanese Sayy must say something in Russian, and I help to put a pronunciation. I really appreciate it.

From the blog:

Zhenya, and you often meet girls and young people from Russia, dreaming to become Sayy?

Sometimes, but I do not advise anyone to do it!

I guessed it. But the fact is that a few days ago I talked with different people and told about the upcoming interview with you. And the first question was certainly like this: "Ask the Zhenya, how to become Sayy?" Moreover, they asked even those who have long decided on the quarry and the profession is not going to change. I wonder how to get a pass to this unusual world. Can you give step-by-step instructions "How to become Sayy"?

There is a standard scheme, according to it, including foreigners. To begin with, the language school is needed if there is no good level of Japanese. We must merge at least up to level 2. This is about 1.5 years. Then Sayy School, this is another 2 years with payment, approximately 1 million yen per year ( approximately 10,000 US dollars - Then, perhaps there will be a chance to get into a good agency, but also there you will be within 3 years in beginners without special roles. At the same time it is necessary to take into account the fact that japanese language schools Rarely put a pronunciation, it is not accepted here. Therefore, it is not known what skills get at the exit. For example, I have a friend from England, which goes according to this standard scheme. But still the Japanese is not good for her, and it already overlaps many possibilities.

It turns out that only a long time is time.

Yes, if I decided to become a sway in this way, I would probably still study. Of course, if the student turns out to be outstanding, then it turns out faster. But most in the agency during the first three years the minimum rate is 15 000 yen. No matter, a lot or little you voiced, from 30% to 50% you must give the agency. Therefore, all novice Sayy have. If you are not famous, it is impossible to earn a lot of money. It all depends on the level of promotion of the agent, from your abilities. And if you earn 50,000 yen per month, it is already not bad.

Well, this is a standard scheme, according to which everyone will fall into the profession. How did you become Sayy?

I began to learn Japanese in Russia, on courses. I am not a Japan for education. He graduated from the university, tried to get a "usual work". But I quickly realized that life passes by, and I dream about something else. At the same time, one friend offered to come to Japan and try to break through this environment. By that time I visited Japan twice: first for 1 week to participate in the TV show, and then came. So I went to Japan just nowhere. I did not have any suggestions for work, no clear prospects. A couple of years I generally moved not in the direction of the idea of \u200b\u200bthe familiar "Producer" (he was not a professional, from there and quotes). Then she thought and began to do everything herself. I led the blog - I was found on him and called for the voice acting of the Korean TV series (as often happened to me - I needed a consultation on Russian pronunciation, and the role got a bonus). It was in 2007. I was periodically invited to TV (while the fan anime, which is also). I said to everyone in a row that I am looking for agency, and one manager took me. It so happened that I never went to a language school or Sayia school. But this is an exception, and I understand that I'm in many ways lucky.

From blog (2008):

"Per lately I get it on time:

  • meet Hayao Miyazaki, his son Goro and the producer of Suzuki
  • to visit the performance, where in one of the main roles of SCII Minor
  • to visit several Saye's parties, on one of which I met Minouro
  • and with others terrible in love and famous Sayia
  • first voiced in the Japanese afournet studio
  • although it was the Japanese voice of the Korean series, and the Russian heroine had to sound
  • to voice the heroine - a Russian spy and part-time singer - for the game (on Japanese)
  • and sing all 3 songs from there
  • and sing for the Love Solfege album, which will be sold in all Japanese music stores
  • celebrate the 3th anniversary of moving to Japan »

One day from Sayy

And what place at all occupies luck in your profession?

I think that good luck in the first place, and the ability on the second. No, the second will still be agency, and the ability is already on the third.

What else is important from non-obvious things?

Appearance, because Sayy in Japan is very public people. And age, so after 25 it is already difficult to break through. Between two contenders, the role of you can choose the role.

Zhenya, we have an idea of \u200b\u200bthe "average Japanese". These are the salaries, in suits and ties, which by 9 am are in a hurry to work in crowded trains. But anime, cinema is the media and the sphere of entertainment. What people do they work there?

If this is not a sway and not animators, they also look like, these are the same salaries. Animators come to noon and work until night or until the morning. Sayy - from 10:00 to 14:00, then from 16:00 to 20:00. This is the morning and evening voice. Teleporates are voiced in 11-12 nights. In general, successful Sayia is interesting, creative, comprehensively developed people, very pleasant in communication. Of course, a lot and people with oddities, it is difficult for them to be ordinary.

Zhenya, tell me how is the usual day of Sayy?

There are several projects in one day, it happens that there is nothing for weeks. But the usual day looks like this:

  • 11:00 - Lifting
  • 13:00 - the vocals then return home and read the script.
  • 15:00 - Anime sounding. We must come for half an hour. The smaller the role, the earlier it is necessary to come.
  • 18:00 - Consult of colleagues on Russian pronunciation.
  • 19:00 - together with dinner
  • 21:00 - I go home.

And in the interruptions between all this I am writing on Twitter. Probably, I have the real Internet addiction.

Tell me, what would you do if it were possible to change the profession?

If for money, it would work in the office. For example, in the advertising agency. If for the soul, I would like to be in sight, for example, leading TV. Waiting for a chance!

I understand that to be leading on TV is your today's dream?

I am now conducting the Russian language on TV on NHK and would like to work in other programs. I also want to sing. While still in Russia I recorded songs, then even YouTube was not. I have no special vocal abilities, and I understand that if you do not fit the vocals, I will be at my level to infinity. I often write words for songs, and there is also one project in which I regularly sing in Russian and in English - Love Solfege.

Imagine that before you a person who just came from Russia and dream to live and work in Japan. What 3 advice can you give him?

  • First:learn to listen, and not talk.
  • Second:mitigate all your phrases, smooth out the corners. The Japanese even refuses and criticism can say that she does not waste anyone.
  • The third: Before talking - to think!

I mean, think about how the interlocutor will react to what has been said. Russians have a habit of talking directly: what do you think, then you say. This is considered ignorance.

Here is a simple example of life: during a shopping with a friend, I suggest to try on a dress that she, in my opinion, is suitable. Familiar, barely looking, says: "Fu, shame what!" She expressed her emotions, but simultaneously questioned my taste, because I advised it to her. Japanese is so hardly done. And still need to learn punctuality. I'm still learning.

From the blog:

How was your impression about Japan and Japanese with time?

First, everything is fine. You are a guest, tea is served to you, they are convicted to the station, suggest and help. Then you study a lot, and in the end the surroundings forget that you are a foreigner and require you the same as from the Japanese. Later begin to doubt your foreign origin and think that you hafu (so in Japan they call "halves", children from mixed families - But there are things that sometimes do not depend on how many years you have lived in Japan. For example, a compliment from the series: "Oh, how good you are chopsticks!"

When I arrived at the very first time 11 years ago, I decided that I would live here. After 2 years, the permanent period was an unpleasant period, and I thought it was not too late, it was necessary to return to Russia, but it was such a crisis moment, and he quickly passed. Since then, I have no longer doubt anything. Now I have almost all friends in Japan, here all the possibilities and prospects, and in Russia I already have nothing. In Japan, you are one of thousands of Russians, in Russia - one of the millions. But I think that I'm in many ways lucky: it is convenient for me here, in many meanings. Here I am not reproached in what I look for the younger of my age, which is rude somehow not. Much can be written off that I am a foreigner. And despite the fact that at first it was not easy, now it's easy for me to communicate with the Japanese.

Do you have a life experience only in Tokyo? You have not moved anywhere for all this time?

Not. I love the capital, I begin to miss the province. Even in Russia planned to go to Moscow ( Zhenya from Novosibirsk - I like in Tokyo what I go out of the house, I drive a few stops on the subway and I turn out to be, say, on Shinjuku, where all the benefits of civilization. Many people, shops, entertainment. I do not plan to leave Tokyo anywhere.

What mistakes you can see in your first years in Japan?

Errors still happen! For example, there was such an episode. On the very first voice acting, I told Paku Romi: "I'm your fan!" Then they explained to me that it was impossible to say that at the very beginning of work. It seems that you came to have fun, and not work. I wanted to make a pleasant, and turned out quite the opposite. And recently met with Sixpay. I know that she also has cats, so I first asked about cats and only then remembered that I would need to ask how she was the case. If I lived in Russia, I would not even think about it.

"I am a fighter for the purity of pronunciation"

You somehow said that you want to write a book. What major thought are you going to transfer to readers?

Yes, I would like to write a book, half Fikshn. And the goal is to say readers that this is your life, so do what you dream about! But if you wanted to do something, then there should be a plan, and not just a desire. Yes, I left Russia to the unknown, but even I had a plan.

From the blog:

Tell me, what are your criteria for good language proficiency?

Clear pronunciation, lack of basic errors (for example, the use of particles な with adjectives, the correct formation of time-liabilities), the relevance of the use of Caigo and fluency of speech, the ability to support the conversation at the appropriate pace. Most often you can estimate your level and the reaction of the Japanese. If the Japanese is so-so, then the surrounding constantly say: "You say so well in Japanese!" If there really is progress, then you are already asked: "You grew up in Japan?" or you - hafu?”

From the blog:

I think that very many readers will be interested in tips on improving their level of Japanese from professional sey. What exactly does it seem important to you?

First, work on pronunciation. I am a fighter for the purity of pronunciation. If you have the right intonations, then the interlocutor is confident that you have a great Japanese and you understand everything. How much I met foreigners here - almost no one has a good pronunciation (but sometimes it happens!) I think they reason this: "I understand me, and okay." At this moment, progress stops. Secondly, reading. This is me and I advise himself, I spent the speech far away. Thirdly, refer to the language is not as if it is a school lesson. Japanese is interesting, so it is necessary to do what is interesting. People who often look anime, better speak Japanese, because they connect pleasure. Well, you need to be prepared for the fact that in 2 years I will not learn the language. Within 3 years you will get 80% of your knowledge, over the next 10 years - another 20%. Is not fast process. Therefore, it is necessary to surround yourself Japanese, connect pleasure and learn in this rhythm.

Thank you very much for the interview!

As I once wrote in one of the notes, I am not a big fan anime, I have not seen them a lot, but I know some Japanese cartoons, I saw and love very much. But this is all thanks to my daughters who have a collection of some very good cartoons. For example, "My neighbor Totoro", "Kiki's delivery service", "Heart Whisper", "Ghostly Gone" - Some of my favorite anime.

But I calmly treat those who are fond of anime and knows almost all modern cartoons and regularly monitors the release of new ones. Everyone has their own hobbies, and they can bring noticeable benefits in learning a language and country.

After all, many thanks to Anime began to get involved in Japan and Japanese. Many are studying the language on the anime, and then they already go to more serious courses. And I noticed that this category of students is very well a spoken language and perception of rumor. From which it can be concluded that certain benefits viewing anime in the original brings.

I also very much support and even partly envy (in white) those who can draw and try to draw a manga and anime. Also quite interesting, creative topic. And I had several students from different countries in Tokyo, who seriously decided to learn this direction in college after the language school. After all, in Japan, all conditions have been created for this.

Why did I suddenly decide to write on this topic now? And all due to the fact that we came across an interesting article in the publication of Russia Beyond The Headlines, dedicated to the only ethnic Russian girl who lives and works as a Seja in Japan. (Seyia is an anime audio actor or a different voice behind the scenes.)

She is also known as singer and TV presenter. Zhenya is one of the leading TV shows in Russian on the NHK channel. In general, Zhenya is actively working in social media, for example, leads his blog "from Russia with love."

Liked? Leave comments about this article below in the blog, let's share your impressions.

As you can see, Eugene has a very interesting and rich life in Japan. If you have a dream, the goal and you sincerely believe in it, I am sure that you will have everything too. Be sure to get!

And I, in turn, is ready to help you if you choose a way to go to Japan to fulfill my dream, through the study of the Japanese language in educational institution Japan. Write on [Email Protected] I'm ready to answer any questions.

P.S. By the way, when I lived in Japan, I was also invited to work the TV presenter to transfer to the Russian language on the NHK channel. But, unfortunately, because of his tight schedule and a trip to Russia (it turned out that the airline tickets did not booked at the right moment) I had to give up the interview. It was very sorry to reject the proposal to pass the interview, because it would be very interesting to try himself in such an unusual and exciting role.

Perhaps you if you go to Japan, will also invite such work? As far as I know, they try to change the leading every year. So take a note! Such opportunities and chances are rarely falling out :)

Modern media of Japan


1. Kamionko V. F. Masuki. Traditions and modernity of the Mass Communication of Japan. - Khabarovsk, 1991.

2. Kamionko V.F. Robots and samurai. Radio and television in modern Japan. - M., 1989.

3. Katasonova E.L. Japanese corporations. Culture, charity, business. - M., 1992.

4. Lazarev A.M., Polyakova N. A., Smirnov B. V. Print, radio and television of Japan. - M., 1974.

5. Firsov B.M. Mass communication of Japan in the context of the spread of culture and information // Japan: Culture and society in the Epoch of the HTR. - M., 1985.

The main issues that are considered in the lecture:

Japan's printing: national and local editions;

The structure of Japanese broadcasting and television.

A) Print Japan

Historically, there are two types of newspapers in Japan: national newspapers and local, which in turn are divided into regional and prefectural publications.

National newspapers

Asahi, "Iomiurn", "Miniti", "Nihon Caidzay Simbun" and "Sankone" can be attributed to national publications. The main editors of these newspapers are located in Tokyo, but they are not only printed in the capital, but also in other cities, such as Osaka, Nagoy, Fukuoka to Sapporo.

"Asahi Simbun" ("Rising Sun") is one of the oldest in the country. Her first room came out to Osaka on January 25, 1879. At that time, Japanese newspapers, depending on the circulation, were divided into two categories: large and small. Large newspapers specialized in the coverage and commenting of political problems, and small newspapers typically printed stories and daily chronicles. At first, "Asahi" belonged to the second category, but soon gained the characteristic features of the newspapers of both categories, which allowed her to expand the circle of readers.

Departments "Asahi" in Tokyo, Osaka, Kitakyusu and Nagoya are considered heading. Currently, the newspaper concern "Asahi" covers all Japan. Abroad, the newspaper has numerous bureaus of representation.

"Jomiuri Simbun." A little less than 130 years ago in Tokyo began to be published in princess A small leafle with messages about the most interesting events of the day, essays on social and domestic topics. The sheet was printed with the help of a clay cliché and distributed on the streets of the city as follows: the seller loudly read the headlines of articles and individual interesting paragraphs and sold the newspaper those who managed to interest. Such people began to call "Iomiuri" - "reads and sells." The same name received the newspaper. The initiators of its publication were members of the Tokyo literary society. The nationwide newspaper "Iomiuri" has become during World War II. Using personal connections In militaristic circles and police administration, the owner of the newspaper Matsutaro Serika managed to defend his newspaper in a military regime. Currently, Iomiuri is one of the influential newspapers, its circulation reaches 3 million copies.

"Mynithic Simbun" ("daily newspaper"), enters the "Asahi" and "Iomiuri" to the greater three of the newspaper in Japan and is one of the oldest in the country. In 1876, Osaka NIPPO began to enter Osaka (since 1888 - Osaka Miniti). In 1889, Osaka May-Niti owner Osama Watanabe reorganized the newspaper to a joint-stock company, which released "Miniti Simbun". The company had close ties with the ruling top of Japan. The ministry's shareholders were businessmen Tokyo and Osaka, unlike "Asahi", whose shares holders in the overwhelming majority were newspaper staff.

"Nihon Cadezay Simbun" (abbreviated "Nankan" - "Japanese economic newspaper") is another representative of the largest nationwide Japanese newspapers. For the first time, "Nihon Cadzai Simbun" came out on December 2, 1876 in Tokyo called "Tyugai of the Sympo" ("Bulletin of internal and external prices for goods"). The newspaper was founded by a private person. This foreman of trade information was published once a week and enjoyed in great demand, as it was the only one in Japan a specialized economic newspaper. From July 1885, the newspaper began to leave daily. In 1912, it was transformed into a joint-stock company. Since 1946, she has already come out under the name "Nihon Caidzay Simbun". According to the teary "Nihon Cage Simbun" is inferior to the three leading newspaper companies in the country. Its circulation is approximately 1 million copies. "Nihon Cadezay Simbun" is popular among readers with a high social situation and a high educational level. It is written out all Japanese government bodies and most large private entrepreneurs.

"Sanki Simbun" ("Industrial and Economic Gazeta") is the second on the importance of the Economic Newspaper of Japan. It is published daily in Tokyo and Osaka by Sanki Simbunya. The newspaper began to go out in 1933 in Osaka called "Nihon Koh Simbun" ("Japanese Industrial Gazette"). In 1950, the publishing center of the newspaper moved from Osaka to Tokyo. Today in many major cities of Japan there are newspaper branches.

Local editions

Local editions, as already noted, are divided into regional and prefectural.

Regional newspapers fill the niche between nationwide and prefectural publications. They spread their influence into several prefectures. Before World War II, in Japan, the system existed "in one prefecture is one newspaper", which after the end of hostilities was abolished. However, some of the United Companies remained. Using a rather powerful production base, they sought to spread their influence on neighboring prefectures, and when absorbing or subordinate to their influence, the publisher and in another area of \u200b\u200bthe country. Thus appeared three regional newspapers. One of them - Hokkaido Simbun was founded on November 1, 1942 by the owners of the II of local newspapers, which went on Hokkaido. Another, "Tuniti Simbun," appeared on September 1, 1942 as a result of the merger of companies "Sei Aiti Simbunya" and "Nagoya Symptus". And finally, Nii Nippon Simbun arose after the unification of the editors and the printing houses of several newspapers on the island of Kyusu on April 17, 1943

In the prefectures, the newspapers were published on the initiative of local municipal bodies with the financial support of trade and industrial circles of the area. Local newspapers in the middle of the 20th century were completely unrealized with national. All international information, they received not from the capital, but from American news agencies "United Press Internet" (Jupi) and Associated Press "(AP). The impact of these agencies on the information in Japan was so great that they actually monopolized all the information received by the Japanese province. It came to the point that due to the competition of news agencies among themselves, the local press in Japan was divided into "Jupi-Kay" and "Ap-Kay", i.e. Newspapers Clan Jupi and Clan AP. Very often in the same prefectures, newspapers belonged to different clans were published. So it was, for example, in Fukuoka, where "Kyushu NIPPO" ("Ap-Kay") and Fukuok Nitinati ("Jupi-Kay") were published.

It should also be noted that all Japan at that time was divided into spheres of influence of newspapers. In the eastern part of Japan, the newspapers of the Tokyo group dominated on Hokkaido and southern Sakhalin. Osakian press spread its influence on the western part of Japan, Kyushu, Sikoku, Korea and Taiwan. If a compare the content of newspapers overlooking Bershi Nippon ("Rear Japan" - the prefectures of the Western coast) and the Nippon Other ("Front Japan" - prefectures of the Eastern Coast), are noticeable some differences. The economy of the prefectures of the Pacific coast is much more developed than the economy of prefectures facing the Japanese Sea. Therefore, the newspapers of Nippon to a greater extent than the newspaper of the west coast, paid attention to the problems of the environment, and the printed organs of the URU NIPPON, in turn, many places on their pages were given under articles on the need for the further development of these areas.

Today, most local newspapers are published at the prefectural level, although, as a rule, the editorial office of these newspapers have a rather developed correspondent network and in neighboring prefectures, and some - and throughout the country. Local newspapers publish the news (and, which is very important, advertising) relating to their prefectures, much more and more promptly than the national or regional editions do. It is thanks to this, the local press withstands competition with national publications.

Examples of local newspapers are "Akita Sakigak Simo" - the first newspaper in the city of Akita, was published in February 1874; "Tyugoku Simbun" - began to be published in Hiroshima in 1892

Sometimes there are newspapers based in Tokyo and Osaka, such as "want", Osaka Simbun. These newspapers are sometimes called central, as they come out in large, metropolitan cities. The layout of their strips and the content are similar to the layout and the content of national and regional newspapers.

In addition to the general purpose newspapers, there are specialized publications (sports newspapers, agricultural, fishermen newspapers, for workers of the metallurgical industry, etc., including those who go out with rather large circulations of large industrial companies and concerns).

In Japanese newspaper statistics, very often appears the concept of "Joint Morning-Evening Edition" (Satto). The need for such issues is explained by the fact that they are designed for the periphery - small towns and villages. The usual morning release of newspapers falls into the hands of readers in these places only by noon, and the evening - late at night. In this regard, the peripheral readers are usually signed by a joint morning-evening release, which goes into the printing house for about 2 o'clock in the afternoon and after 2-3 hours it reaches the most remote corners. This joint release publishes news from the morning and from the evening newspapers.

B) broadcasting and television of Japan


A system of Japanese broadcasting includes a public joys-broadcasting corporation (Nihon Hoso Kekai - Nibon Hoso Yokai, or, abbreviated, En-Ach-Kay) and commercial companies.Public hanging - "En-Aich-Kay".

For the first time in Japan, the broadcasting of the Tokyo Corporation Tokyo Broadcasting Stayshn on March 22, 1925. This corporation was a public organization that had arisen with the support of the government, and financially depended solely on the listeners fee for the use of radio receivers. In the same year, such stations arose in Osaka (June) and Nagoya (July). All these three stations worked independently of each other. In October 1925, the Nagoya Station conducted the first in the history of Japanese broadcasting a deposit report from the event of an event: a report on a military parade.

In August 1926, the Ministry of Communications brought together these three stations, the Japanese radio broadcasting corporation "En-Ach-Kay". In 1928, its radio stations in Sapporo, Kumamoto, Sendai and Hiroshima took into account. This was the beginning of the first common radio network "En-Kay", in April 1931, the second radio network was created, and in March 1969 - radio network on frequency modulation (FM). The content of three radio networks is distinguished from each other. If the first is broadcast in the main general purpose program, according to the second - educational programs, then on the radio network on frequency modulation (FM) - mostly music. In June 1935 The transfer of the service of the corporation's activation is "Radio Japan", aimed at Canada, USA and Hawaii.

Initially, the activities of the new electronic means The media was under the stringent control of the Government of Japan. With the beginning of war in the Pacific Ocean in December 1941, government control over the content of the Corporation programs has increased sharply. To this end, the Government Society of Radio Program was created. The content of programs was mainly reduced to aggressive militaristic propaganda, criticism of the Anglo-American lifestyle and calls for the intensification of production in industry and agriculture.

In August 1948, a five-year plan for the development of the radio network was adopted. The number of radio listeners began to grow. Only in one 1948 it increased by 7.6 million people1.

In June 1950, the Japanese Parliament adopted a "broadcasting law", which rebuilt the broadcast system that existed until that time. This law, acting to the present, clearly defined the structure of En-Key. The highest administrative authority "En-Ach-Kay", endowed with all the completeness, became the Board of Directors. It was determined: to this day, the Board of Directors consists of 12 members appointed by the Prime Minister with the consent of both chambers of parliament. All Japan on the territorial principle is divided into eight regions. Eight members of the Board of Directors represent the interests of each region. Four members of the Council are elected from people who are prestige in matters of culture, education, science and economics. The Board of Directors is going to meetings about once a month. In the intervals, the Corporation's activities are managed by the "En-Kay" president. The President is appointed by the Board of Directors for three years.

In En-Ach-Kay, with each of the eight regional radio stations, there is a local radio program on radio programs, and Tokyo, in addition, and the Central Radio Program Board, which consist of experimental I am highly qualified employees. Collecting once a month, these tips produce suggestions for President "En-Key" about the content of radio programs on the nearest period of time. Tips are involved in the preparation of annual broadcast plans.

Commercial broadcasting.

Already during the development and prior discussion of the new broadcasting bill, the Ministry of Communications received an application for the establishment of private broadcasting companies. Soon, on September 1, 1951, two stations of commercial broadcasting in Nagoya and Osaka were broadcast with their transfer. By April 1952, in addition to the "En-Chey", ten private companies operated in the country, a private commercial broadcasting association was established.Thus, September 1951 is a kind of line, which occurred by the division of the radio program of Japan into public, carried out by the "En-Kay", and commercial.

Commercial radio companies in May 1965 were united in two common networks. One of them, the Japanese radio network ("Jipan Radionetuork" - "Ja-Er-En"), was formed by 30 companies, united around Tokyo Hoso (Tokyo Broadcasting Systems - Ti-Bi-Es). Another, National Radiosket ("Nashnell Radionetuork" - "Ep-Er-En"). It was formed from 31 companies grouped around the company "Khoso" ("Nippon Kalcheral Broadcasting" - "En-Si-bi") and "Nippon Hoso".

A television

The first successful experimental television transfer in Japan was carried out in May 1939 in Tokyo. The image was transferred from a technical and research laboratory of the Japanese broadcasting corporation into its central building. The Second World War interrupted this work. Immediately after her end, attempts were made to introduce television in life of Japan. On October 15, 1945, the Institute of Communication received permission to hold a test television. But at that time it was not successful. Only in November 1949, En-Kay's technical and research laboratory returned to attempts to conduct an experimental television.

Public broadcasting - "En-Ach-Kay."

February 1, 1953 was the birthday of Japanese television. From this day, the regular transmissions of En-Ach-Kay began.

In September 1960, En-Ach-Kay began coloring broadcasts, and in April 1968 the last television station in Tokyo, Tokyo 12 Tiannera (Tokyo 12 Channel), included color in its program.

The television network has a special meaning for "En-Kay", since it depends on the financial point of view only from the television viewers fee for watching the En-Eich-Kay programs (the fee for the radio is canceled). In accordance with the "Broadcast Law", the Corporation concludes contracts with television owners throughout the country and collects fee from them. This fee charges only "En-Kay". View commercial television companies is free, as their income is being built on advertising fees, and En-Ach-Kay advertising activities "Broadcasting Act" is prohibited.

The broadcasting "En-Ach-Kay" consists of two basic programs - general and educational TV. Report on the activities of the Corporation for 2002 gives an idea of \u200b\u200ba substantial filling and proportional ratio of programs. General television (only 168 hours per week): News - 40.5%, Culture - 24.7%, Entertainment - 23.7%, Education - 11.1%. Educational television (just 165 hours S3 minutes per week): Education - 81.1%, culture - 16.3%, News - 2.6%. Along with this, En-Eich-Kay carries out the transfer of three digital television channels.

Commercial television companies.

In August 1953, the first commercial studio "Nihon Teraby Hoso" ("Nippon Television" - EN-Ti-V), the main owner of which is the newspaper "Iomiuri". In subsequent years, one commercial companies are starting with television broadcasts - "Nihon Tereby", "Ti-Bi Es", in 1959 - Taireby Asahi and Fuji Taireby. In 1960, there are already 43 private commercial companies with 61 telestation, regular transmissions3.

In Japan, there is no such extensive commercial television and radio networks, such as in the United States. While En-Eich-Kay has a network of telestations that covered the whole country, there are only separate local studios at the disposal of commercial companies with a very small radius of action. The Tokyo works to a tent of telestations, and in each prefecture - one - two stations. Since the beginning of a commercial television entrepreneurship period, competition for involvement more Local telestations in their network went between the Tokyo companies "Nippoi Television" ("En-Ti-V") and Tokyo Broadcasting Systems (Ti-BV-ES). Then, "Nihon Againe Television" ("NET", or "EN-I-TI") and Fuji Tzreby turned on this race.

The characteristic feature of the private commercial television and radio broadcast of Japan is its division into zones, that is, the association of companies in television and radiosone broadcasting led by leading centers while maintaining the financial independence of individual participants. Leading television and radio centers provide, as a rule, participants in the zones of broadcast programs (according to the current tariff), achieving synchronous broadcasting of transmissions within the action of stations and repeaters.

By the mid-1980s, four main television zones and as many broadcasting zones that united the prevailing number of private companies operated in Japan. Only some of them have retained their relative independence. Leadership in television zones belonged to NVHON TEREBI (zone "En-En-En"), Tokyo Hoso ("Jay-En-En"), "Fuji Tareby" ("Ef-En-En"), heading associations 25 or more companies. "Toko Hoso" led Radiosone "Jay-A-En"; "Nippoe Hoso" - ZON "EN-AN"; The leading center of the broadcasting zone in the VHF range is Tokyo Ef-EM Hoso. A significant part of the companies are participants in two or more zones.

Commercial satellite companies include Sky Perfect TV with more than 2 million subscribers. To date, it broadcasts on 170 channels and from October 1, 2000 is the only satellite company broadcasting in Japan (before that there was still Direct TV).

Presented material characterizes mainly the overall structure of the system mass media Japan. However, in a country with sustainable long-standing traditions, the media undoubtedly have specific national featuresother than the mass media of other states. In particular, researchers indicate a meaningful uniformity of nationwide publications. "Asahi", "Miniti", "Iomiuri" practically do not differ from each other in their profile and political focus4.The reason for this is the desire of each of the publications to satisfy the interests of all categories of readers. It is these qualitative information newspapers in Japan that the most multi-ways, unlike other countries, where the mass press is leading in the ranking of circulation. The high level of education of the Japanese determines their level of requests and to some extent it affects that nationwide newspapers in that country have a large number of subscribers (6-8 million). At the same time, the uniformity of a number of Japanese editions led to the fact that in Japan there is a smaller amount of newspapers in large circulation in a proportional relationship with other countries, for example, with neighboring China.

Lazarev A.M., Polyakova N.A., Smirnov B.V. Print, radio and television of Japan. - M., 1974. P. 84.

Kamionko V.F. Masuki. Traditions and modernity of the Mass Communication of Japan. - Khabarovsk, 1991. P. 17.

Kamionko V.F. Robots and samurai. Radio and television of modern Japan. - M., 1989. P. 74.

See: Silantyeva OM Features of the media of Japan in the context of national traditions //

Television in Japan started in 1950, making the country with one of the pioneers in the field of television. However, the first experiments on the transfer of a television picture were held since the 20s. Officially, broadcasting began in 1953, when the social channel NHK and commercial NTV began work.

Today, every household in Japan has at least one TV in the house and should pay an annual subscription fee, which is to finance the main NHK National Channel. The fee varies from ¥ 14 910 to ¥ 28 080 depending on the method and timing of the payment, as well as from the type of transmitted signal. Low-income families can be released from the board. However, no sanctions or fines for non-payment are provided. Like all over the world, Japan's television is divided into essential and cable.

At the moment, there are six leading broadcast corporations in Japan. Each of them performs broadcasting both in digital and satellite format.

More known as TBS. Started broadcasting in April 1955 called Jokr-TV. Changed the name on TBS in 2000.

More famous as TV Asahi. Started broadcasting in 1959. It differs from other channels specialization in the drains of a detective and criminal nature.

The canal began its broadcast in 1959. Currently specializes in anime show.

Digital Television of Japan

Japan decades led to develop a digital broadcasting system. The broadcasting of public television in digital format started December 1, 2003 in Tokyo, Nagoya and Osaka. By 2007, about 27 million HD receiver was sold. Analog broadcast was discontinued on July 24, 2011. However, the cessation of broadcasting in the old format was postponed in a number of regions due to the 2011 earthquake. March 31, 2012 Broadcasting in the old format was completely discontinued.

Satellite television

The ability to broadcast television signals using satellite technologies was developed by Japan space research agency since 1974. The first test broadcast was carried out in 1984.

Software Mesh Broadcasting

The structure of the broadcast software grid in Japan is similar to global trends. Early in the morning the advantage is given to news programs. After 9:00 information programs We give way to the morning show, the target audience of which are housewives who graduated from the morning work on the house. This unit continues up to 14:00. Next, the broadcasting of day doors and information gears begins, focused on all the same housewives. At 16:00 begins the display of animation and entertainment gear for children. At 18:00, news transmissions are returned to the broadcast grid. From 19:00 to 21:00 - Prime-Tyme (Golden Hour). At this time, TV screens are going maximum amount Spectators. Therefore, all channels seek to show their best dorams and programs at this time. For Japanese stars, the appearance on the screens during Prime Time is a sign of success. After 21:00 begins the show of gears and serials focused on a more adult audience. Some channels prefer to use this time to show news and sports programs, most of the channels use this time to show drains or entertainment shows. After midnight, broadcasting programs begins, the target audience of which are young people.


Japanese dramas (Japanese: Terebi Dorama, hence the widespread use of the words "Dorama" in Russia) - the basis of Japanese television. All the leading channels in Japan are manufactured by the dorams of various genres from the romantic history-oriented women's audience (Hana Yori Dango) to witness psychological thrillers. Read more about Japanese doramas.

Scientific fiction (focus)

Japan has a long history of broadcasting TV series in the style of science fiction. Only some of them were shown outside of Japan, most remain unknown for a foreign audience. The bright exception is Power Rangers and his branch. In Russia, the broadcasting of Power Rangers was conducted, however, it should be noted that an American adapted version was used to show in Russia.


In Japan, this word is used to designate animation as a whole. Outside of Japan, this word is associated primarily with Japanese animation. Most Japanese TV channels include anime series to their broadcast grid. TV Tokyo is a Japanese TV channel specializing in anime show. The most famous and long-lasting anime serials on Japanese television are - Naruto., Pokemon., Bleach., Dragon Ball, and. One Piece. . The show of the anime of the series is carried out during the daytime (12:00 - 16:00), in the so-called "dead timesel" when the TV screens are going to the minimum number of viewers, so the most successful anime serials get the main profit from sales DVD discs and souvenir products. The basis for the plot anime of the series can serve as an original story and manga.

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