
How to create a trading group in VK. How to open an online VKontakte store and organize sales. Social benefits VKontakte network

Social networks do not remain unchanged, constantly being supplemented with fresh features and capabilities. Therefore, it is not surprising that one of the most topical issues of interest to users now is how to create a Vkontakte group for selling goods.

The mentioned issue has acquired such great importance relatively recently, after the introduction of the network administration new function... It consists in the ability to offer products to visitors and community members. At the same time, potential customers will have the opportunity to instantly assess the merits of a future purchase and decide whether it is worth spending the money.

Another positive side of the emerging service is the emergence of a convenient feedback, which allows you to immediately figure out what subject is being discussed, and instantly serve the client.

It is worth adding that in the near future, trading on the social network will become even easier, since the administration and developers of VK are actively introducing an internal payment system.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer which is best for selling services and networking businesses. Each type of community has its own strengths and weaknesses that need to be considered. So, public page favorably stands out in that:

  1. intended for the dissemination of information;
  2. available for viewing even for unregistered users;
  3. there is an opportunity to create "events";
  4. allows you to send newsletters using the "tell friends" button.

The advantage of the last point is that such mailing is a softer, non-intrusive form of attracting subscribers.

The most important positive features of groups are:

    • the ability to gather a community of interest;
    • the administration has the right to independently choose participants (in closed communities);
    • the presence of a binding to a specific geolocation;
    • broader functionality.

The last advantage is especially important. It allows you to customize the page for existing needs and according to the intention of its owners.

Creating a group in VK for business - step by step instructions

The procedure for creating a Vkontakte group for business does not differ from registering a community of another type. The first steps are extremely similar in all existing cases, regardless of the direction of the page. To create a public for selling things, you will need:

Special attention is required to the description. It should clearly indicate the main purpose of the public so that visitors do not leave it after the first opening.

It will increase the convenience of users and the creation of a unique VK address. It must be memorable and strongly associated with the store.

Adding a product list

A relatively recent feature of adding products is intended to improve the quality of store management and simplify interaction with customers. That is why group administrators must understand how to replenish the range of available products and fill out offer cards. To contribute new item, you will need:

  • look into the management section and enable the "goods" function;
  • specify the parameters of the service, including the delivery region, the currency used in the price, contacts for feedback and a description of the online store;
  • in the store description, users will be asked to indicate how delivery and payment is made;
  • the last step will be to save the changes made, after which on start page a line with a list of available products will appear.

Particular attention should be paid to the contacts mentioned above, where you need to enter a link to the account of the person receiving applications for the purchase of goods. This person is also responsible for consulting visitors.

Filling out the catalog

After the line of the list of goods appears, it remains to fill in the catalog. Without these steps, users will not be able to understand how to create the correct VKontakte group for selling goods. To add a product list you will need:

  • click on the inscription "add product" and wait for the loading of a new tab with a special service;
  • if necessary, add a separate collection (category), for example, "clothes";
  • upload an image that reflects the content of the collection (resolution - not less than 1280 x 720);
  • press the button offering the introduction of new items;
  • after opening a window with a description of the thing, you will have to enter its name and information;
  • add the main image and, if required, additional ones (maximum - 4);
  • select a category, selection and fill in the "cost" field;
  • end the process by clicking a button prompting you to add an item.

The same procedure will have to be done for other sold items.

Management and configuration

To make changes to the information already saved and to manage the community promptly, its owners can go to the settings menu. It is located under the main avatar and opens by clicking on 3 dots. After clicking, a drop-down menu opens, consisting of:

  1. management;
  2. advertising;
  3. statistics;
  4. functions for changing the status of the public;
  5. and some other permissible actions.

The use of each of the points mentioned will not cause difficulties for both experienced administrators and aspiring entrepreneurs. It should be noted that the control section allows you to:

  • add sections and blocks;
  • allow and disallow comments;
  • add and remove links to third party resources and portals;
  • indicate leaders;
  • manage the black list;
  • manage messages and connect bots for communication;
  • make applications.

That is, using the settings section, page owners are able to quickly manage it, giving the public an optimal appearance and customizing it to the actual needs of the business.

What should you pay attention to?

Having figured out the procedure described above and understanding how to create a Vkontakte selling group, you need to take a closer look at some important nuances and recommendations that allow you to attract the attention of subscribers and participants. Owners of online stores in VK should take into account that:

  1. information about services and sales is obliged to remain current and regularly updated;
  2. the description of the products must correspond to their content;
  3. the community should be regularly updated with the latest news;
  4. it is more efficient to contribute less news, but constantly, than to spread a large number of posts at the same time, but rarely (it would be reasonable advice to create a kind of unspoken schedule for creating posts);
  5. rules created earlier must be respected;
  6. the most attractive are concise, but relevant and informative entries.

If you adhere to the listed conditions, the development of the public will be quite fast. But it's important to remember that working with the community requires a creative approach to help grab the attention of others. But at the same time, you need to be honest so that customers always know that the store can be trusted.

Good day, dear readers. Vladislav Nikitin is in touch. In this article, I want to continue the previous topic by. Social networks have become an integral part of the modern world. Many blog readers have their own communities there, through which they want to sell or are already selling. This is what will be discussed in this article - sales through the Vkontakte communities.

Before you start building your community, you need to understand that promoting it is a long and exhausting process. If, for example, you and you have traffic, requests and calls the next day, then this will not happen with the group. Therefore, group sales should be an additional traffic channel at the first stage, and certainly not the main one. In the future, when your group has 5,000, 10,000 or 50,000 subscribers, then you will have sales from the group on autopilot.

Create a group

Everything is very simple here. Go to the "Groups" section, click in the right upper corner"Create community" and then select "Group". Then fill in the information about the group.

Group decoration

There are 2 options for group design: correct and without registration. Correct, this is when there is a well-designed avatar and a menu made through a wiki page. Here is an example of such a design - a logo on an avatar, a call.

If this is a local company, then write the address and phone number again. The menu is simple, concise - people should be willing to click on the menu picture. Design the menu itself in the form of a mini-landing page with links to sections of your group and site.

As for the group without decoration, here's an example - there is no menu, the avatar does not convey any information.

If you want to sell through the community, then approach the site design responsibly. The better the group is designed, the more people will join.

Group filling

You will need to fill the group with information. Add video clips, if you have any, pictures and photos of the product / service, fill in, place links to the site, add posts and discussions.

In the discussions, it is imperative to add topics with reviews, how to order, payment and delivery, warranty, question-answer, frequently asked questions - these are the main points that should be. The rest is optional and necessary.

The section "Products" also needs to be decorated competently and beautifully: the picture of the product should be informational, the prices are up-to-date, the description is exhaustive. Any visitor entering your group should receive all the necessary information.


An extremely important part of any community is content. Nobody will subscribe to boring groups. If you want your subscriber base to grow steadily, then pay a lot of attention to content. Develop a content plan. If you post only trade offers, then no one will subscribe to your group.

Ideally, there should be 80% informational content and 20% salesperson. But the seller also needs to be packed under the informational one.

Don't be boring. Come up with something new and interesting. Test your posts constantly. Ask subscribers what content they want to see. For example, group polls always increase engagement. First-person posts are of great interest - if you are the director of an organization, then record a video clip or upload a post from yours. It also builds trust in you and the company.

Don't forget about contests - they are a great incentive to grow your subscriber base quickly. But you have to be very careful with contests. For some types of contests, the community can be blocked. But if you have simple contests, such as “Give a T-shirt to a random subscriber for a repost,” then you should not be afraid of blocking. They usually block them for implausible contests or for obvious deception.


If your group is empty and there is no one else there except you, then first you need to collect 500-1000 bots. You can do this either through software or through job execution exchanges like vktarget.

The second option is paid, but it is safe. For cheating, you can get a lock. You need to add bots so that normal subscribers can see that the group is active. When a group has at least 500-1000 subscribers, they are more willing to subscribe to it. The usual herd feeling works - if others are signed, it means that it is interesting and useful here.

But don't be overzealous with bots. There is little sense in this. The only point is to raise your group to the first positions in the internal search on Vkontakte - this will give you organic traffic. This is the only thing you can use bots for. But don't assume that +100500 bots will make sales to you. No bot will buy anything from you. To have sales, you need to do advertising.

To get subscribers for free, you can also partner (exchange links) with a group of the same size. Choose a topic similar or related. The main thing is that your potential audience is in the partner community.

Paid promotion on Vkontakte

You can advertise in communities directly through group administrators, through the Vkontakte exchange or through third-party advertising exchanges. There will be a separate article about how to advertise in other communities, since this is a very broad topic. But in short, I can say that when choosing a group for advertising, be sure to look at the activity and statistics. In statistics, the most important parameter is the coverage, that is, how many subscribers are actually involved in the life of the community. In the Vkontakte exchange, you can also view the coverage of the post - this is exactly what you need. Choose a group so that it contains your target audience as fully as possible. And another important parameter is the design of the advertising post. It is necessary to correctly write not only the text, but also to arrange the picture with high quality. First, they will see the picture, and if it interests them, they will also read the text. Choose 3-4 groups, test each one and then buy advertising in the one that has the best effect. After placing your advertisement, you can view the statistics.

You can also buy ads on the personal account of some popular blogger. Such people usually have hundreds of thousands or even millions of subscribers (not friends! The number of friends on VK is limited). The essence of the purchase is the same as in groups: write in private messages, request statistics, and if everything suits you, buy advertising.

There is another option for paid promotion -. It has many ad formats, from regular teasers to post ads. It is important to understand that promotion through targeted advertising requires experience and a budget (at least 5,000 rubles per month, but preferably from 10,000 rubles). If you have a limited budget or no experience, then it is better not to use targeting - it will be a waste of time. Posts in third-party communities will work more efficiently for you.

Working with the audience

After your group begins to fill up with subscribers, your group will begin to move. There will be comments, questions, negatives, and more. Your task is to process all these requests.

Remember - never delete negative comments. This will make your followers even more angry. Know how to handle the negative in such a way that it brings only a positive component for you.

If the question was asked in the comments, then let's answer in the same place. And do not write the answer in the form "Answered / but in HP". Give answers right in the group. Let other subscribers see all the information. Conduct contests, polls. Engage your followers in your community. Write interesting content- no one will subscribe to boring, dull information. Make authorial, unique posts - you must be different from others.

In general, these are the highlights from building a community to starting sales and even after. Implement what I wrote in this article and your group will definitely sell. Once again, I want to remind you that you should not expect a momentary result. Of course, after the launch of advertising, there will be subscribers and sales will be, but it takes months to bring this to constant indicators.

How to sell

If you have any questions on this topic, ask them in the comments.

Since last year social network VK has provided an opportunity for its users to trade on their pages. There are two ways to start trading. The first involves trading through your personal page, and the second is trading on the pages of a group or community. The second way can be called almost. Let's consider both options.

How to start selling VKontakte through your page

This feature was introduced in September 2016. It is ideal, for example, for selling clothes, for those who are engaged in the manufacture of any home products, for example, as well as for people who provide any services, and the like. The advantage here is that you do not need to open VKontakte any groups and online stores, and spend extra time on them.

  1. In the left menu of your page in VK we go to the item "Products".

  1. In the page that opens, click on the button "Add your product" or similar text below. There is no difference, it’s the same thing.

  1. And we fill in the so-called product card. Choose a category, upload a photo, set a price and set up a city for sale. If there is a metro in your city, then tuning by stations will also open for you and click "Create product".

That's it, the card was created, after which it appeared on your VKontakte page and sent a notification to your friends. It will also become available to other VK users and they will be able to find your things through the search.

How to create a VKontakte store in groups

It is difficult to call it a full-fledged online store; rather, it is a showcase for sales. Its advantage is that it is created on the basis of a community / group. In the previous method, there is one drawback - a personal page can have no more than 10,000 friends. The number of members of VKontakte communities is unlimited.

Consider now the instructions on how to open an online store in VK:

  1. Community building (if you already have one, start from point 4). On your personal page in the menu, select "Groups".

  1. Click the button "Create a community" or a similar VKontakte inscription below.

  1. In the window that appears, specify the basic information about the future group and click the button. You can correct all the data later.

  1. Go to the community page and on the right under the photo, click on the link in the form of three dots and select the item.

  1. On the right side of the menu, select "Sections" and then include the section "Products".

  1. Make basic settings for the section. In the contact point, specify the person to whom notifications of the desire to purchase products by the buyer of your online store will be sent.

  1. Go to the community page and in the new section click on the link "Add product".

  1. Fill out the card. Look for example descriptions from competitors and large online stores of your topic. "Blah blah blah" text is not necessary to write. This should be clear information about the product.

After that, the position of the online store will appear on your VK community page.

If you click on it, a window will open with the information that you filled out.

To order, the buyer contacts you by clicking on the button "Write to the seller", after which a notification comes to the person you indicated in the contacts of your online store for communication in the 6th paragraph.

How to pay for the goods to the buyer

Unfortunately, in the product card there is no button to buy and then pay online, which is why we called the online store a showcase above. Acceptance of payment on VKontakte can be done in three roundabout ways:

  1. Internal transfer to VK... To do this, in the dialog about buying a product, select the item in the attachments menu "Money" and enter the amount, after which the payment is made through the card and the money is sent to the seller. If this is a community-based online store, then the money is sent to the manager.
  2. Acceptance of payment on the spot... That is, after delivery.
  3. Billing through payment acceptance services... Take, create an invoice, after which you receive a payment link, which must be sent to your customer, and he pays for it in any way that is convenient for him from the proposed payment system. Method for individuals : go to the page and just fill out the form. Way for legal: This is done either through Yandex.Checkout, or, for example, through Robokassa.

An example of how to issue an invoice through Robokassa:

In our opinion, the first method is absolutely stupid, since you have to explain to the buyer of the online store how to do it.

Tipler continues a series of tutorials for beginners. Today we will talk about how to create a VKontakte selling group so that it works and brings leads. Many newbies think that it is enough to create a group or community, fill it with a few posts, meditate and wait for sales. But they won't! To make the group work, you need to do the following things:

1. First you need to come up with a short name for the group. To do this, go to Yandex.Wordstat and select the most high-frequency request on your main topic. For example, if you are engaged in apartment renovation, then you also need to name the group "apartment renovation".

The longer the community name, the lower it will appear in network searches. Thus, the number of characters in the title affects the ranking. It is better that the title is written in large letters.

2. The cover in the community should be bright, attractive, because this is the second thing that users will see after the title. It's yours business card where you need to stand out and produce good impression... Moreover, not so long ago a new option became available to VK users - a dynamic cover or banner.

3. You need to create at least 4-5 topics for discussion in case the client needs Additional Information... Typically, these sections contain:

  • Reviews of customers who have already used the product or service. If you don't have real reviews, you can order them on various copywriting exchanges. It's even better if these are video reviews.
  • Instruction or Check - sheet with detailed explanation about how to place an order.
  • Question answer. These can be questions about dimensions, dimensions, characteristics, delivery, installation, etc.
  • Contact Information. This is a very important section that every community should have. If possible, indicate the city number so that customers do not get the impression that your company is not serious.

4. The first time it is necessary to hold sweepstakes, contests, sales. Moreover, the most the best option will be - to fix the post with the competition at the very top of the group. Then people will be more active in joining the community. If your main audience is young people, you can play money on the phone. If you are engaged in tourism, then you can play a short trip for a period of 3 - 4 days or free accommodation during the tour.

5. Content should be unique and as viral as possible. The 1 to 3 rule works well. This means that you publish 3 entertainment or informational posts first, and then one salesperson. Users are most active in the evening from 19 to 22 00 and at lunchtime from 12 to 15 00. Therefore, it is recommended to post general informational messages at lunchtime, and those selling in the evening.

6. Add comments below posts. It is necessary and important for clients to understand that the group is alive. If there is no activity in the group, then users will intuitively feel that there is no life in the group. At first, you can simulate activity using various paid services, but this is a necessary step to get active users for the future.

7. Make an online store. For more than a year now, VK has been offering users to organize their own mini online store, which offers a lot of advantages for both the seller and the buyer. The buyer wins because he no longer needs to go to other sites to buy a product. Here you can quickly contact the seller and resolve all issues. For a seller, this is a budgetary way to open their own online store without buying a domain, maintaining a website and other hassles.

Now we can say that the group is ready to work and earn money. In the next article, Tipler will tell you how to set up targeted advertising in VK step by step using the example of a car detailing site.

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