
How to change the owner of the Public Page. How to appoint a group owner in VK. The process of transferring the rights of the owner of the VK group

What if you lost access to the owner page (creator) of the group? She was hacked, blocked, or access was lost for another reason, and it does not work. It also happens that getting access to the owner account, the attacker removes all other administrators. How to restore the rights and return access to group management?

Ways to restore access to the group

1. Restore access to the owner page

First of all, if the page owner's page belonged to you, but now there is no access to it, consider all the options for its recovery. The fastest way is to reset the password (or defrost, if the page is frozen) via SMS to the tied phone number.

But even if this number is not, there are two options - two ways to restore VK, if the phone numbers are no longer.

2. Transfer of rights to one of the administrators or editors

If access to the owner's page is lost forever, but in the group there are other administrators, editors, then on behalf of one of them you can write to agents and ask to transfer the rights of the owner to yourself - how to create a request to AC support agents. The support service will find out all the circumstances. If they fail to contact the current owner for a certain time, and there will also be no other obstacles, the rights may be transmitted (this does not mean that they will definitely be transferred; all cases are considered individually).

If a person quit

In the event that the Creator (owner, administrator) of the group no longer works in the organization, it is necessary to find out whether its page is active. If so, then the easiest option is to agree with him so that it gives him the right of the owner to one of the other administrators or editors of the Group (if there is no, then, first, he needs to appoint a member of the administrator, and then convey the rights). Transfer rights performed through the menu item "Control" in the group, then "Participants → Officers." To ensure that after the transfer of rights, the former owner will have 2 more weeks during which he can return them to himself.

If the group owner page is not active (blocked, it has lost access or just does not enter it for a long time), then you need to either contact the support agents with a request to transfer rights to one of the remaining administrators (see above), or provide official documents ( see below).

3. Providing official documents from the organization

If the group is associated with an officially registered organization, business, you can provide compliant documents for the transfer of the rights of the owner on yourself (its current page). Make a request to agents to find out what exactly you will need. Take patience, the whole process can take two weeks or more.

What documents are needed to restore the rights to the group? In one of the examples from open sources, such a list of the requested by the VC administration was indicated:

  • Official request on the Blanc of Organization with printing and signature of the director
  • Power of Attorney in the name of the employee (User VK) with a list of powers
  • Certificate OGRN
  • Certificate for a trademark (if any)
  • Accommodation on one of the Pages of the Special Code of Confirmation

I went out of the community (groups, public), in which he was an administrator. How to restore access?

If you are the owner (creator), then you can easily restore access to the group management. Just re-enter it. This can be done at any time, and no one forgets you. Keep in mind that it should be the very user who is the owner. After all, if you created a group on behalf of one page, and now you use another, then it has nothing to do with the owner of the group, even if the name and surname coincide.

If you are not the owner, but just an administrator or editor, then it is impossible to regain his rights yourself, even if you accidentally come out of the group. First you need to join the group back, and then ask one of the existing administrators to return to you. Why is it done? This is such a defense. About the administrator who left the group can be forgotten, and if he had a suddenly returned with full rights, he could do bad things.

How to return the band if you transferred the rights of the owner?

After transferring the rights of the owner to another person you have 2 weeks to change your mind and return the group to yourself. During this time, the notification "You have appointed such a community owner of the community ..." and reference are hanging in the center of notifications "Return the community." Go to the full version of VK to find it. If more than 14 days passed, then it is no longer possible to return the group.

What if the materials were removed from the group?

If the attacker hacked the page of one of the administrators and deleted the content (posts, photos, video) from the group, then you need to create a request to the support agents with a request to restore it (for example, look here at the end - how to restore the remote photos of VKontakte). In the query, it is necessary as possible to accurately describe what and when it was removed.

Tips: how to ensure security and not lose access to the group

The owner is the creator of the community or one of his administrators to whom the Creator conveyed his rights. This is a critical element of your community.

It is impossible to refer to the security of the owner's page, it is the risk of losing access to the group forever. The owner is the same administrator as others, but only he has other administrators can select the rights to the group, and only it can transfer the rights of the owner to another administrator. In addition, only the owner can carry out some of the community management actions - for example, translate a group to public and back.

  • Take care of the owner account. His page should always be tied to the operating phone number. Observe all security measures.
  • Do not make anything on behalf of the page owner, for which they can block. Do not violate the rules of VC: Do not send spam, invitations to the group.
  • Even if you do not use the owner's page, you must receive all messages that come in a personal, and be able to answer them. It is recommended to enable notifications about new email messages or SMS. The fact is that if someone from other administrators tries to send a request to convey the rights of the owner to him, the VK administration will contact the operating owner to find out the circumstances of the case. And if they do not receive a response within two weeks, the owner's rights can be transferred to another person.
  • If a person who is the owner is no longer involved in managing the group, ask him to convey the rights of the owner to you. This is done in managing the group, in section "Participants → Officers."
  • If the group belongs to the organization, you need to check out once again who is appointed by its owner. This should not be an employee who is unable to ensure the safety of his account, and even more so - a former employee who is already dismissed.
  • CAUTION Treat the purpose of administrators. It should be people who you completely trust. If administrators have extra people, you need to remove them from there. And if a person is only publishing materials or perform the role of the moderator, there is no need to make it an administrator; Enough to give the rights of the editor.

Transfer the rights of the owner by a group or public vkontakte - a common thing for users who use a network for earning, promoting their company or brand, trainings or personal growth. Change the manual is easy, as it is done with the help of the social network itself. None third-party applications you do not need. But still there are several important points that you need to know.

In what cases does the need to transfer the group to another person?

The need to change the management of the group arises not so rarely. Here are the most common situations:

  • the creator is elementary tired of doing it. For example, he lost interest in his brainchild, or simply lacks time to fill in a group with high-quality content;
  • the group promotes the company or brand, but you have already quit. As a rule, questions with the transfer of a public to other hands solves the management of the company. If the celestials are lazy to do this, then do it will have to do it;
  • man wants to sell a group. Since recently, VKontakte has turned into a huge advertising generator, you can do well on communities. It is clear that when selling be sure to change the owner.

The process of transferring the rights of the owner of the VK group

How to transfer a group of VKontakte to another person? At the moment, this can be done in two main ways:

  1. Assigning a new owner through community settings.
  2. The transfer of the account of the owner.

You should also consider the conditions under which the owner's change will be possible. You must be the creator of the community, the activities of your group should not be complaints, it should not have more than 100 thousand subscribers. And the most important thing is the potential new owner must be a member of the rank group not lower than the administrator.

Step-by-step instruction

Consider the process in the form of a phased instruction in order to better understand what you need to do:

Make a similar operation on mobile platforms, such as Android or iOS, you can only with the help of the official mobile application VKontakte. Actions on the smartphone will be similar.

Possible problems when transferring the rights of the owner

  • You mistakenly appointed the wrong person - nothing terrible, the community can be returned. To do this, click on the notification (bell), where the corresponding button will be. True, it is possible to return the group only within 14 days from the date of its transfer;
  • There are no "Assign Owner" buttons - there are many options here. You may have recently changed the manager, the phone is not tied to the account, penalties were applied to the community, etc. You must contact the support service;
  • You have become the new owner, but the previous owner without your knowledge returned the group to itself - in this case, you will have to count on the good faith of this person or enter the transaction through the guarantors.

Important! Vkontakte does not allow the transfer of the rights of the owner with commercial purposes. Sell \u200b\u200bpublic so that this is aware of the social network, it is impossible!

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With the advent of the World Wide Web, social networks began to appear. Among them, such as classmates, Vkontakte, Facebook, Twitter, many other social networks created, initially to communicate people with each other. Then, over time, people began to create and lead groups to earn money on the Internet.

And someone earns as follows:

  1. Creates many groups of different topics;
  2. Split them before receiving the first subscribers and visitors;
  3. Sells promoted groups;
  4. Creates the following, instead of sold.

That is, his business is put on the "stream". Many of the beginners would like to create the same business in the network without investing funds, but they are frightened by many technical components of the entire process. I decided to fill this gap, and show you that there are no difficulties from the technical side. About, or about, I already wrote on my blog.

Today we will touch on the question: "How to transfer to a group of VKontakte to another person." Why is this question? Yes, because not many imagine how after the sale of the group, officially arrange for the buyer, to give him his own group.

How to transfer a group in vkontakte to another person

This article will be devoted to the social network VKontakte. The multi-millionth army of users of this network is carried out in it for many hours and most of these users, first create their own page, and then, many create a group of interests. On the wall of the group, posts, photos, videos are divided by interesting news.

They try to somehow unwind their group, collect subscribers, but it may turn out that the creator of the group anniversary spends a lot of time in the created group, new interests appear. And then the owner of such a group arises a question how to transfer to a group of VKontakte to another person? Or get rid of it, in other words, sell.

New owner or control group?

If there is a need to transfer the group to own another person, you need to decide for yourself what you want to get from this action. If you no longer want to do the created group, but I don't want to part with it, then you just need to assign the administrator. It will manage your group. Assign your friend or man to whom you trust.

In this case, you create access to it with administrator rights to your page, and you can no longer participate in the group's life, only occasionally check your brainchild, and watch ,. And you can continue to lead a group together with the assistant.

Naturally, many fear to give management a group, fearing that one day they will not be able to get to their page. These are in vain fears. Your administrator can not, without your consent, change the password, bind another phone, as the complete opportunities for managing the community only has its owner.

But the rights of the team owner must be given with caution, since you can lose your group. An annoying will lose the business, especially if there are many subscribers in your group, and you will lead an advertising campaign in it. Moreover, you need to remember, there are no friends in business.

Group sale

If you decide to sell your VKontakte group, then such actions are not welcomed by the community administration. And you may have certain difficulties if the moderators find out about this transaction.

If you still decided to use to search for a new owner, write in the group that you are looking for a group administrator. By responding to applicants, inform your email and lead all the correspondence there.

Mechanism of transmission

After you find a solvent person, agree on the cost and sale of your group, you will need all rights to your page to transfer the found to the buyer. It's not difficult to do it.

However, it is necessary to remember that according to the rules of the social network, the group can be transferred if there are less than 100,000 subscribers. If the group administrator did not change a couple of weeks. In other words, there was no suspicious activity on the change of names and the names of the group owner, the main thing is that the owner of the group you are exactly you, and not another person.

What's next?

After you agree on the transfer of rights to the community and received an advance (or the entire amount of the entire amount), you can transfer the rights to possession of the group. Come in the section "Managers" and choose those who will be the owner of the group. Mandatory requirement for the transfer of a group, a person must be a subscriber of your group and first of all, should be the administrator of your group.

Otherwise, it will be impossible to transfer the group. As you can see, everything is very simple, but we should not forget that the administration of the social network does not like such actions and fight against trade rights. Since the sale of groups in the community is prohibited. For the same reason, it is impossible to change the topic of the group, as it is immediately blocked.

So, after entering the section "Management", click "Head". In the list that appears, select from the number of administrators, that person who send your group, that is, press the word next to it - "edit".

After clicking on "Assign the Owner", you need to familiarize yourself with the warning, which says that you can return the group back within two weeks.

After passing this time, you lose the right to this group. To restore your rights, you need to click on the notifications (bell at the top of the site).

When the deadline expires, the message at the top of the site will disappear, and the group forever moves to the new owner.

How to transfer to a group of VKontakte to another person, outcome

Now you know how to transfer to a group of VKontakte to another person. You can find yourself that there is nothing complicated in this, you can transfer rights in a few minutes. Although quite recently, the owner of the group was considered only its creator, and the rights to possessions were not transmitted.

New opportunities, of course, simplify the sale of the group, but the community moderators negatively relate to this and remove all responsibility to change the owner.

So those who sell groups must remember these subtleties and take full responsibility for themselves. Good luck in business.

More articles on VKontakte:

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Greeting you dear friend! In this article, we will talk about changing the owner of the group (community) on the social network - in contact!

Suppose the group was created under a stranger account, perhaps even under yours, but you do not use them, and you want to change the creator.

Is it possible to do this? Yes! This will take a little effort and time - there is nothing difficult in this procedure!

As you know, the creator has the most of all rights, so it's not worth tightening with this (for example, after buying a foreign group).

Now, let's go directly to the point!

Procedure for changing the creator

The whole procedure consists of two steps:

  1. appointment of the future creator by the administrator;
  2. appointment of administrator with a new creator.

That is, the one who wants to become a "new" group creator must first become an administrator.

We go into the group and choose the action - community management:

In this section, choose subsection - Officers:

Now I choose a new leader:

After that, choose the right person (you can use the search) and appoint it by the manager, namely the administrator:

Now, in the list of community managers, a new administrator should appear, and it is necessary to make the creator, for this, click - edit:

In the pop-up window, click - assign the owner:

And after clicking - change the owner:

Everything, after that the community will have a new "creator"!

As you can see, everything is very simple, I have everything, I wish you good luck while!

Transfer of the rights of the owner of the community - VKontakte

Popular message!

From today, the creator of the community will be called the "owner". At the same time, it will be possible to transfer the full rights to the community to another person, and to move away from affairs. The owner cannot be deprived of administrative rights, and he himself will be able to appoint a new owner if desired. In the community can only be one owner.

The possibility of transferring the rights of the owner is available to communities, in which less than 100,000 participants. In the future, we plan to weaken this limit. You can pass the rights of the owner through the appointment window of the new manager if a number of conditions are followed.

The button will not be displayed if one of the conditions is not met:

Post has been editedTvister: 18 11 2016 - 21:15

Great news, thanks for the info.

Collected accounts vk with friends - Scouts VK with friends -

Wow the most great news today. Now I will start collecting all communities on the lump page.

Ahead of 3 min, congratulations.

and the news is Ahti.

The cheapest Capcha → + the ability to make money on entering caps

will, provoked the sale of groups.

this will be convenient for the Baryg .. Now your page does not have to give with the community. Bravo VK. You do not cease to amaze!

Steal pubs will be with acres now

And if the creator in the eternal bath for violation of the rules of the site how to be?

also interesting (

great news. Thank you

I will go try to pi * diet groups.

super news. Price on public takes off

vryatli. On the contrary, falls. Because The creator is no longer necessary)

there in 14 days can be returned + sms confirmation (well, it is the easiest to get around)

yes, I am easy to * buoy people

well, get the owner and all.

well, those who droop the aques. Now there will be groups to drain on the left and on the chain. According to the idea, the market should collapse and a bunch of groups fly for a penny

Haha, pi ** ec public

Interesting news! Thank you!


Is it possible to appoint another owner of the VK group? - In contact with

Yes, a string will be displayed here, assign the owner!

Post has been edited DIMTIM: 09 09 2017 - 11:56

until 27.11 100 Points - 13 rubles

Of course, yes

Initially, the owner's right receives the creator of the community. He can assign a new owner. This will deprive the creator of special rights to the community. The new owner can also convey the rights to another community participant. In the community can only be one owner.

To transfer rights, open the "Community Management" menu and go to the "Officers" tab. There you should select one of the administrators and click under it with "Edit". In the Powers Level Selection window, you will see the "Appoint the owner" button.

The button will not be displayed if one of the conditions is performed:

  • You are not the owner of the community;
  • in the community more than 100,000 participants;
  • since the last change of owner has passed less than 2 weeks;
  • there are signs that the owner's page recently changed the owner.

If any conditions are not executed, you can contact Vkontakte support. The request for the change of the owner will be considered individually.

After appointing a new owner, you will have 14 days to cancel the transfer of the community. This can be done through the message in the center of notifications in the "header" of the site. After this period, the notification of the transfer of rights will disappear and the community will not be returned.

Please note: the ability to transfer the rights of the community owner does not mean that the VKontakte administration allows trading operations with VKontakte communities.

Paragraph 6.3.13. The rules for using the VKontakte site reads: "The user when using the site is prohibited to play, duplicate, copy, sell, carry out trade operations and resell access to the use of the site, including its additional functionality, for any purposes, except when such actions were explicitly allowed to the user in accordance with the terms of the individual agreement with the administration. "

The rights of the community owner should not become a sale facility. The VKontakte Support Service will not help to eliminate the negative consequences that arose as a result of an unsuccessful attempt to sell communities.

It should also be remembered that the administration of VKontakte considers an invalid change of community theme shift. Including after passing it to another owner. The community is a combination of information and people who subscribed to it in the settlement of the materials and their future updates. When changing the subject, the old information is either deleted, or ceases to be updated, and subscribers unilaterally imposed updates on the topic that they have not subscribed. Communities in which the subject was changed may be blocked for an indefinite period.

To date, transfer the group VC to another person can be only one way. At the same time, the transfer of rights is equally possible for any type of community, whether "Group" or "Public page".

Terms of transfer

Due to the fact that vkontakte publics are used not only to combine different groups of users, but also earnings, there are a number of mandatory transmission conditions. If at least one of them will not be observed, you will probably come across difficulties.

The list of rules is arranged as follows:

  • At your disposal should be the right of the Creator;
  • The future owner must be a participant with the status not lower "Administrator";
  • The number of subscribers should not exceed 100 thousand people;
  • There must be no complaints about you and the activities of your group.

In addition to the above, the re-change of the owner is possible only after 14 days from the moment of the last transfer of rights.

Step 1: Administrator Assignment

To begin, it is necessary to provide the future owner of the administrator rights community, previously convinced the absence of violations on the page of the desired user.

  1. On the main page of the group click on the button «…» And in the list, select item "Community Management".
  2. Through the navigation menu, switch to the tab "Participants" And find the right person, if necessary using the search system.
  3. In the photo found, click on the link "Appoint the manager".
  4. Now in the list "Powered level" Install the allocation opposite the item "Administrator" and click "Appoint the manager".
  5. At the next stage, see the warning and confirm your consent by clicking on the button with similar text.
  6. Upon completion, an alert will appear on the page, and the selected user will receive status "Administrator".

On this with the first stage, you can finish. If you are experiencing any difficulties at this stage, read one of our articles on the relevant topic.

Step 2: Transfer of owner rights

Before proceeding with the transfer of rights, make sure that the phone number attached to the account is accounted.

  1. Being on the tab "Participants" In chapter "Community Management" Find the desired administrator. If there are a lot of subscribers in the group, you can use the additional tab. "Officers".
  2. Click on the link "Edit" Under the name and status of the user.
  3. In the window "Editing a manager" On the bottom panel click on the link "Appoint the owner".
  4. Be sure to read the recommendations of the VKontakte administration, after which click "Change the owner".
  5. The next action you need to perform additional confirmation by any convenient way.
  6. After you figure it out with the previous item, the confirmation window will close, and the user you choose will receive status "Owner". You will automatically become an administrator and, if necessary, you can get out of the public.
  7. Among other things, in the section "Notifications" A new alert will appear that your group was transferred to another user and after 14 days its refund will be impossible.

    NOTE: After the expiration of the specified period, you will not even help with the appeal.

On this instruction on the transfer of rights of the owner can be considered completely complete.

Community Return

This section of the article is intended for those cases when you have appointed a new owner of a temporary basis or by mistake. However, as mentioned earlier, a refund is possible exclusively within two weeks from the moment of changing the owner.

If you prefer to use the official mobile VKontakte application, the actions from the instructions can be completely repeated. This is connected with the identical name and location of the necessary items. In addition, we are always ready to help you with solving difficulties in the comments.

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