
Another name of the Ukrainian Carpathians. Where are the Carpathians. Carpathian national peculiarities

We heard everything about holidays in the Crimea: it was believed that everyone should relax there, but about the carpathians - a place that becomes a popular area of \u200b\u200binternational tourism, most residents of Russia knowing knowledge, although the rest in these parts today is very attractive and inexpensive .

Where are you?

Carpathians are an ancient mountain system that many countries "divide" on the map of Europe, and, of course, in these territories there are many resort zones created specifically for outdoor activities. Ski and wellness resorts Karpat attract tourists first of all: nature here is amazingly beautiful, the level of service is approaching Western European, but the rest as a whole is noticeably cheaper. Carpathians are located on the territory of several countries: Romania, Ukraine, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary; to a lesser extent - Serbia and Austria

There are incredibly beautiful places here, a lot of natural and cultural attractions, and you can come to the Carpathians all year round, but first - about the climate.

Features of climate

The climate of the Carpath can be called moderate, and mountain: it is humor, but the winter is not very cold. The sun shines often, the temperature is slightly lower than zero, and even thaw - even in January. High in the mountains is colder - up to -15 ° C, and sometimes -30 ° C, but it is rare. The highest mountain is considered to be Gerlakhovski-Slovakia - 2655 m, and on the territory of Ukraine - Goverla, a height of 2061 m - in the summer for this mountain, the climb is organized even for unprepared tourists.

From May to October in the region Heat and sunny - 20-25 ° C, but there are torrential rains - in the mountains more often. In the summer, going to the mountains, it is worth remembering about the difference in temperatures: at night there it becomes cold - about 0 ° C and colder. In winter, you can relax with comfort: a lot of snow - from November to May, although the ski season is the time from mid-December to March. It is in the Carpathians now actively "gains momentum".

As for the cultural and historical sights of the Carpathians, they will not say about them briefly: in the territory of Ukraine alone - not to mention Romania and other countries of the southeast of Europe - there are dozens of ancient castles and temples built in the Middle Ages. But briefly say about some resorts Karpat, where you can relax, watch the sights and beautiful places, have fun and restore health, we will try: in each country that was lucky to own at least "piece" Carpathians, their territory is used for the resorts, sanatoriums, Parks and reserves.

Sunny Polyana Romania

Romanian Carpathians among European mountain ranges occupy 2nd place in magnitude, and "cover" 1/3 of the country. In the majestic mountains rich in volcanic and minerals, glaciers and caves, modern ski resorts work.

The most famous resort is Zyana Brasov, located in a comfortable valley, where there is a lot of sunny days. He appeared at the end of the XIX century, as a place for recreation and entertainment: then here it was possible to walk, play sports, ride and skiing. At the beginning of the 20th century, Brasov became very famous among local and foreigners; It does not lose popularity and now, and is generally considered an elite.

Summer is cool here - a mountain climate is affected, but a lot of recreation opportunities: swimming pools and simulatory rooms, national restaurants, bars and discos; You can play bowling, ride a horse and on a rink with artificial ice. In winter, ski lovers can be completely happy here: 10 ski trails are in the rust of Brasov, and all different - even novice skiers and snowboarders will find many excellent opportunities for themselves. Hotels are located directly in coniferous forests: ride cars are not allowed - horses are used, so the air is always transparent and clean.

Polish Beskids - Alps Competitors

Part of the Western Carpathians "comes" to the territory of Poland - here they are called Beskidami. The famous Polish resort Szczyrk is located at the foot of two high mountains - Skyschna and Kliachka: They say that it is not inferior in terms of service and development the most famous European resorts, and the beauty of landscapes even surpasses them. Tourists, and especially skiers, have long appreciated the local soft climate: strong wind almost does not happen, and winter temperatures seem very comfortable inhabitants of various regions - the thermometer usually shows a little below 0 ° C.

Tatras Slovakia

Slovak Carpathians are called a sonorous word - Tatras, and high tatras really are the highest part of the Carpathians. The climate resembles the alpine, but many mountains are covered with green fir forests, so the air is surprisingly clean and healing here. About 50 years ago, these places are announced by the reserves, and the main resorts are considered Smokovets, Tatranska Lomnica and Shtrbsk-Pleso. It is convenient to come here: the resorts connect the railway, and in high tatras they love to relax not only European tourists.

The oldest resort is called Smokovets, divided into several ski regions. Local hotels and guest houses are embedded in mountain landscapes: the classic local style buildings look natural on the slopes that have swallowed with coniferous forests. Here, if you wish, you can climb the conductor to the highest peak of Karpat - Gerlakhovsky shtit.

Tatranska Lomnica has "glory" of the youth resort: you can ride until May, and the network of night and other entertainment institutions is well developed. Several tracks are designed only on professionals - for beginners they are dangerous, but newcomers can ride at the foot of the Mount Lyubetsky, on gentle descents. Not far from the resort there are vintage castles, water park and other local attractions, so rest can be not limited to skiing and visiting entertainment venues.

Schrtbsk-Pleso resort is popular among those who love to relax families: there are many tracks for beginners and for children. There are ski schools, so you can come here and those who first got on the mountain skiing; Equipment and equipment can be taken in numerous rental locations.

White Carpathians - Floral Paradise

This is the attraction of the Czech Republic - a beautiful national park, on the territory of which resort cities that host many guests for recreation and treatment are located. A lot of interesting routes were laid in the mountains: you can walk, ride a horse or bike, melted on rivers. In winter, there are excellent conditions for skiers and snowboarders - from November to April, and those who do not like to ride on the slopes can gladly walk on skiing on the adjacent plains - there routes are also packed. White Carpathians are rich in rare trees, flowers and herbs: only alone high-mountain plant species about 2000 - flowering in the mountains begins early in spring, and continues until late autumn. Gorgeous beauty, it needs to be seen.

Excellent Hungarian holidays for the whole family

In the Hungarian (Western) Carpathians, there are not so many resorts, but in recent years they are becoming more and more lively: they come here not only from European countries, and our compatriots also evaluate rest in Hungary very high.

Approximately 100 km from Budapest is a seating area of \u200b\u200bthe mat - in the mountain range of the same name. The mountains here fores from the oaks and beech - the air is clean and healing, and in the summer in the surrounding gardens the many fruits are kept. Vineyards of these places are a special topic: there is a better wine in Hungary, and it is known far beyond the country - holidaymakers have a great opportunity to try many varieties "in the original."

In winter, there are excellent living conditions in the resort: the slopes of the Hungarian mountains are pretty gender, so newcomers and lovers are more often risked on them; True, professionals love to be here, but ride more often in the evening and at night, when powerful lamps are lit - they are so more interesting.

Sannaya route too, like a ski school: in a few days, experienced instructors help learn to ride well with gentle slopes even those who face the first time in life - both children and adults. The ski slopes on the matre are now called the best in Hungary and one of the best in Europe: they stretch and shock in the mountains by almost 3500 m, and the snow here lies more than 3 months a year, from December to the end of March. However, if it is necessary to "add" it, modern snow cannons begin to work - everyone has managed to ride.

A little northeast is the resort of the BUKC - it is considered to be the largest ski park of the country. More precisely, the fleecy is called the Park, and the ski resort itself is called Banquet. There are also highways for beginners here, but for experienced skiers already more. Not far, in a separate complex, you can not only rest and have fun, but also to be treated in thermal springs, attending pools and bathing; Local water for therapeutic purposes is accepted inward.

In addition, the Burek territory is very beautiful and attractive for lovers of unusual beauty: there are no less than a thousand natural caves with unique natural ornaments.

Serbian Carpathians - Beautiful Places

Among the resorts of Serbia, Coponik is considered the best, but it is arranged in another mountain array.

In the Carpathians, another famous ski and climatic resort of Stara Planina is located. Here is the highest in Serbia Mountain - Mizdor, whose vertex is called a babinous tooth - a protected reserve is arranged there. Snow lies almost 5 months, and winter sports are actively developing - the area is considered very promising.

A few years ago, an academy of winter sports was opened, and now everyone can become a real professional if he is enough for patience and perseverance for classes. The Academy teaches athletes and coaches, but lovers can learn - there would be a desire. You can master skiing and snowboarding, improve the qualifications or to become an instructor.

In the warm season on the mountain Babin tooth organize ascent: it is better to go there from June to September. The level of complexity may differ, but do not be an experienced climber to climb up: difficult equipment will not need in most cases, and check yourself for endurance can any "conditionally healthy" tourist.

Attractions of Ukrainian seats

In the Ukrainian carpathians, there are a lot of resorts and attractions, so it is better to briefly say about the possibilities of rest in general. Even if you go here every year, it is hardly possible to see at least half of beautiful places and miracles.

Start with the fact that local nature amazes with its preserved wealth and diversity: in mountain lakes with purest water there are trouts and other valuable fish, many species of local animals are considered rare, and many plants are endemics. Here are very beautiful places, the Carpathians in Ukraine are just a fairy tale.

One beautiful place is still separately saying - about Lake Sinevier, located almost at a kilometer height above sea level, and considered the most beautiful and large in the Ukrainian Carpathians. Water in it is transparent, but from the height of bird flight looks blue; The lake is framed by the bright greens of forests - they say that the reservoir is more than 10,000 years. It is impossible to call it very deep, but the depth is impressive - up to 22 m; Water is cold - not higher than 11 ° C, even in the summer, and you can not swim in blue. However, it is possible to rest here, for a symbolic fee, although behind the holidays strictly followed: in the lake a lot of trouts, but it is forbidden to catch it categorically, as well as hunting local animals - deer, roe deer and predators.

Full-water carpathian rivers are used for forest alloy, but they also follow - ecological equilibrium should not be violated. There are no rocks in these places, the relief is calm and smooth - they say that in this sense, the Carpathians are smooth.

Many hundreds of mineral sources in the Ukrainian Carpathians, therefore, there are many health resorts and sanatoriums: in almost every area there are their types of therapeutic waters. So, everyone knows the water from Truskavets - Naftus, which has almost no analogues in the world. Naphtum is universal: with its help various inflammations and pain, diseases of the kidneys, liver and biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, nervous and endocrine systems. In many sanatoriums, patients are literally treated with air, saturated phytoncides of coniferous trees, and the properties of water complement its action: other medicines become unnecessary.

At the main ski resorts, soft winter - 6 ° C below zero is considered a strong frost, - and a lot of snow, so their popularity is growing every year. Infrastructure and service are developing accordingly: local authorities have actively use all the possibilities for growth and development in recent years. The ski schools are arranged everywhere, the tracks are contained in a well-kept state, the lifts work, and the inventory for rent has become as simple as at the resorts of Europe.

When the ski season ends, "land" tourism begins: you can choose routes for every taste and age - hiking, equestrian or cycling. In the local carpathians, not only natural beauty, but also cultural, and historical attractions - for example, castles and colorful mountain villages with unique customs and traditions.

Modern entertainment also allows you to relax and have fun from the soul: entertainment establishments, cafes and restaurants are enough, and about Carpathian cuisine needs to be told separately.

The benefits of recreation in the Carpathians are a lot, but the hospitality of local residents is called "unlimited": the majority of tourists come here for a long time retain pleasant memories of rest and only positive emotions.

Should I go to the Carpathians?

Wonderful Milklimatic resorts are in the southern part of the Western Carpathians - in Hungary; and in Serbian carpathians where there are dozens of mineral springs; And, of course, in Ukraine, where the one only Bukovel takes hundreds of thousands of tourists a year - a couple of years ago he was named the most fast-growing ski resort in the world.

It is said that in the Carpathians, the second breatises of the inhabitants of large cities, expedited by the accelerated rhythm of life, constant noise and contaminated atmosphere. It is also said that in these mountains, all the present: both nature, and food, and fun, and people, so it is unlikely to be thoughtfully - it is necessary to go to the Carpathians.

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Surely many have heard of the Ukrainian Carpathians. This is a truly wonderful and charming place that is perfect for family or romantic holidays. The mining system is closer to the West of Ukraine and stretches for 280 km. Sometimes tourists can meet the mountains high to 2000 m, the highest point is the Hoverla - 2061 m.

It is quite natural that many people wish to visit this environmentally friendly and are trying to learn more, where the Carpathians are located. It is worth noting that the relief here is multi-tier. Thus, there are highland territories (height up to 1500 m), mediteralous (up to 1300 m), lowland (up to 400 m) and foothill.

Location Carpathian

To accurately understand where the Carpathians are located, you need to know that they are located on the border with countries such as Hungary, Slovakia, Poland and Romania. Nevertheless, officially mountains are located on the territory of Ukraine, namely four of its regions: Transcarpathian, Lviv, Chernivtsi and Ivano-Frankivsk. Thus, from these regions, it is easy and quick to get to the databases and take excellent excursions, as well as enjoy stunning landscapes and fresh air. Quite often, the area in question is divided into two parts: Transcarpathia and Carpathia. In addition, which is most attracted by tourists, as steep and beautiful are pop Ivan, Petros and hamster. Their height exceeds 2000 m, because they are considered no less mighty and interesting. It is known that people live in the mountains, but civilization does not spoil the overall picture. At the same time, around a completely different atmosphere: the nature is almost intact, the air is clean, sometimes heavy, and the tops of the trees are touched by a human eye. In the rivers running throughout the Carpathian, the most different types of fish are found, which is why fishing is one of the most favorite activities and local residents and tourists.

Where are the Carpathians, it is very easy to determine on the map, as this is an impressive territory allocated with dark brown color. In Ukraine, only one such plot is in the western part of the country.

Tourist trails

Tourism in the Carpathians is most developed in the cold season. Already in the middle of the autumn, vacationers can visit the mountains and enjoy the first snow by rummaged by one of the vertices.

Most tourists do not have the concepts where the Carpathians are located, but all their hearts want to go there. And all because legends go about the majestic mountains, the atmosphere, reigning around, fills the forces and joy, and the stunning nature surprises. Are you going to visit this edge in the warm season? Excellent! You are waiting for a lot of entertainment: horseback riding, massage and sauna on top, fishing and bathing in local rivers, chatting with animals in farmhouses, classes of folk craft and much more. In winter, every rest will be able to visit the ski resort and test the best routes of Ukraine; Enjoy the famous Hutsul cuisine and warming mulled wine; Visit ice-covered gorges and find other entertainment. Planning a vacation, never will prevent a mountain vacation option. Just do not forget to clarify where the Carpathians are located.

Much fame in the Carpathians acquired such settlements such as Guta, Yaremche, Yablunitsa, Synevir, Murationhigh and Svalyava. Many tourists dream of visiting exactly there. In some villages, you can even try local water, which is popular throughout Ukraine and is considered therapeutic. It is not surprising that in the Carpathians there is a huge number of sanatoriums and profilators, as well as recreation bases - air and water here are truly creating wonders!

It is also recommended to visit famous cities: Ivano-Frankivsk, Mukachevo and Slav. In the first of them, holidaymakers will be able to familiarize themselves with the history of this people, look at amazing attractions, visit the Town Hall and much more. Carpathians of the country Ukraine - the main attraction, which people are so proud of. Arriving in Mukachevo, you should visit ancient fortress, try unique wine and acquire souvenirs. In the village of Slavskoye, you can enjoy a relaxing holiday or skiing. There is no longer bored, so the trip for tourists will be unforgettable.

Stunning Heritage Mountain Arrays

Interested in where tourists are primarily mentally calculated the distance from their hometown to Ukrainian attractions. But neither on the same map they will never see those fascinating places. For example, a pearl cave is considered to be proudly, on the walls of which calcite balls are formed, something resembling jewels. No less interesting will be a trip to the enchanted valley - a picturesque gorge with powerful cliffs. It is also recommended to visit the hanging swamp, stone gates, the "Synevir" reserve, the rocks of lovers and the cave of transparent walls. In the spring, a beautiful place for a walk will be the Narcissus Valley, which is fully covered with snow-white flowers, which can reach 10 cm.

Treatment in the Carpathians

Carpathians on the map occupy an impressive place, the same as in the hearts of many Ukrainians. That is why tourists come here from different countries and with various purposes. It's no secret that the Carpathian climate, fresh air, therapeutic mineral sources help restore the strength and strengthen the body. Comfortable hotels, recreation centers and other sanatorium and resort establishments are awaiting their guests all year round. They are located in scenic places, as a rule, next to the river and dense forests.

Pleasure available to everyone

A feature of the Carpathians is that almost everyone can visit them. The available cost and indescribable beauty of landscapes will help to make rest or improvement unforgettable and interesting. Also within certain periods of tourists, a pleasant surprise is waiting - discounts on vouchers and various bonuses. In addition, the cost of the trip varies depending on the region chosen for recreation, the number of days of stay and the intended cultural program.

Hoverla is translated from Romanian as a difficult exaltation. This is the name of the highest mountain in Ukraine. It rises above sea level by 2061 meters. Tourists this point is interesting for its conquests. The first such hike was held in 1880.

The mountain is located 17 kilometers from the border with Romania, enters the Blackra Range, which is in the Carpathians. From the mountain, when it is clear overlooking the city of Szitin, Ivano-Frankivsk, Kolomyu, it can be seen Mount Pop Ivan and the White Elephant Observatory.

Near the goverla takes the beginning of the river Prut. Here you can admire the cascade of waterfalls. According to the legend, the river Prut arose from the tears of the in love of the young man. His beloved was the name of Hoverla. The girl's father did not want her daughter to meet with a guy who he did not like, and turned her to the mountain. But the lovers are still forever stayed together, it is Mount Goverla and River Prut.

Coordinates: 48.16562700,24.49596900


Wonderful place to relax! At the entrance to the souvenir market - the bridge under which the river flows and the waterfall falls. Near the market is a restaurant from a tree, which is built without a single nail.

And what is the market itself - souvenirs for every taste and pocket! Coloring people, beautiful nature.

There are many hotels in the city. You can come in summer - to feel the beautiful mountain air, go to the mountains to admire the nature, will freshen in the mountain rivers, when the drill stream of water is washes the body, no jacuzzi and nearby. Also for extreme lovers there is where it will ride on great or make a descent on the kayaks. In winter, this place is suitable for ski lovers, snowboards and other winter entertainment. Do not forget to warm up in a colorful local cradle! There you can deliciously eat, drink and just have a good time.

Yaremche - an excellent spiritual place!

And what sights of Karpat did you like? Next to the photography there are icons by clicking on which you can estimate this or that place.

Carpathian mountains

Carp "You (Ukr. Carpathi, it. Karpaten, Slovak. Karpaty, Weng. K & AACUTE RP & AACUTE TOK, RUM. CARPAţ I, SERB. Carpathians) - Mining system in Central Europe, in the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Ukraine (Transcarpathian, Lvovskaya, Ivano-Frankivsk region), Hungary, Poland, Romania, Serbia and partly Austria (Hundsheimer Berge at Heinburg-on-Duna and Netherostroichišiy Inzelbergshwell at Mistelbach).

The absolute heights of the mining system range from 120-400 m at the foot of the mountains to 500-800 m in intermountain depids and 1500-2000 m along the main ridges. Mountains with a height of more than 2000 m: Hoverla (2061 m) - the highest point of Ukraine.

The wooden temple of the Nativity of the Virgin is one of the best examples of Hutsul folk architecture. Built according to traditional technologies without a single nail in 1654-57. In the next p. Apple village. At the present place the church was postponed in 1780. In the interiors, fragments of the wall paintings of the XIX century were preserved. Next to the two-tier wooden bell tower, in which the exposition of the church museum is located. In 1979, the temple was restored by architects B. Kindsel, Kruk, I. Mogitich.

Arch bridge

Large stone arched railway bridge-Viaduct Austrian times connects two shores of river river. Under it passes the car trail of Yaremcha Verkhovyna. The bridge was built in 1895 during the construction of the railway Stanislav (Ivano-Frankivsk) - Yaremcha - Worokhta - Rakhov. The length of the bridge exceeds 100 m. It is still used for its intended purpose. Nearby is another old Austrian bridge, which is considered one of the longest stone railway bridges in Europe (130 m).

Kosovo Bazaar

Kosovo Bazaar is a traditional Hutsul Fair in Kosovo, the largest in Parkatina. Almost all products of Hutsul Decorative and Applied Art are presented here: ceramic dishes, carpets, embroidered clothing, iron, leather, fur. Souvenirs are offered at wholesale prices. Previously, the fair took place in the center of Kosovo. Now the bazaar moved to the eastern outskirts of the city, on the extensive trading area near the Kutsky Bridge (st. Kosov-Kuta 48 ° 18 "59" "N, 25 ° 6" 42 "" E). The Big Kosovo Bazaar works only on Saturday early in the morning (from 4:00 to 10:00). The rest of the time the proprietary souvenir pavilions of the best Kosovo folk masters are open in the very center of the city, next to the old Kosovo Bazas.

Trufanes waterfall

Waterfall Trufan in the Ukrainian Carpathians is the highest natural waterfall of Transcarpathia. Its height is 36 meters. It can be found from the Runh Highway, 2 kilometers from turning to Dragobrat. The waterfall is located on the southeastern slopes of the Svidovetsky Range, on the Trufane Creek, the right influx of the Black Tisa River.

The stream originates in the subalpine belt at an altitude of 1720 meters, at the foot of the mountain near. The flow length is 2830 meters.

The waterfall forms several cascades. In the forest, it is partly, for 230 meters, flows underground. Next to the waterfall are equipped with steps and Altanka (gazebo), from which you can look at it near it. Waterfall Trufanes is a hydrological natural monument.

Coordinates: 48.21415000,24.30233000

And you wonder how well you know the sights of Karpat? .

Valley River Prut.

The Valley of the river Prut (left Danube) is one of the most picturesque places in Karpat. The mixer is a soft climate, an amazing variety of flora and fauna. Transparent lakes, clean rivers, raging waterfalls and fresh air create excellent conditions for family holidays.

The most famous Valley resort is a small cozy town of Yaremche. There are a lot of cafes, shops, holiday homes and hotels where you can stay. Near the city there are waterfalls of probi and Yaremchansky Canyon, the most interesting plot for alloy. What is noteworthy, almost along the entire site there is an asphalt road. In winter, lovers of outdoor activities are also coming here - in forty kilometers from Yaremche, the ski center Bukovel, which is rightfully considered to be the best in Ukraine.

In the valley of the river there are still many picturesque cities and villages attracting tourists with their own heights, excursions and even the opportunity to make mushrooms and berries. Among them are PGT. Vorokhta, p. Mikivalin, p. Tatars, p. Flip, p. Jablus.

Coordinates: 48.45361100,24.55638900

The most popular attractions in the Carpathians with descriptions and photos for every taste. Choose the best places to visit famous places Karpat on our website.

More attractions of Karpat

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Ukrainian Carpathians generously reward all who came to these edges, a stunning pattern of natural landscapes, beauty, joy, health. Each corner of the Ukrainian Carpathians is original and unique. Here they make an eye growing on the slopes of the mountains of the gardens, forests intact meadows. In winter, the Carpathians are especially visited and attractive for lovers of active ski rest.

Geographic reference

The huge mountain system of the Carpathian mountains begins near Bratislava (Slovakia) and ends in the south-east of Romania. The total length of the Carpathians is approximately 1600 km. Large arc surrounds the Middle Eastern Lowland from three sides. On the north-western segment, their width is 250 km, and in the south-west - 350 km, on the southeast, where the Ukrainian Carpathians are located, it is narrowed up to 100-130 km.
Depending on the placement and biogeographic structure, the Carpathians are divided into southern, oriental, western. Western Carpathians are localized on the territory of Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and part in Hungary, where the highest mountain Carpathian - Gerls (2665 m). Northern - Equatorially housed on the territory of Romania, Eastern in Slovakia and Poland, as well as in the territory of Western Ukraine.
The height of the Ukrainian Carpathians on average - 1000 m. Carpathians are 3.5% of the territory of all Ukraine. They stretched from the North-West to the southeast almost 290 km with a medium width of 110 km.
Carpathians are located in the territory of 4 regions of Ukraine: Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk, Transcarpathian, Lviv.
Carpathians are symbolically divided into 2 parts - Transcarpathia and Carpathia. Carpathia is Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Chernivtsi region, Uzhgorod region and Transcarpathian this is Transcarpathia. Carpathians are low, volcanic origin, a medium height of about 1300-1500 meters. The highest mountain is located in the village of Yablunitsa - this is a mountain

Flora and Fauna Carpath

Carpathians - the mountain band is remarkable by the fact that the untouched forests are preserved on its territory. Carpathian mountains are basically "soft", without rock speeches rounded mountain peaks. There are slightly lower on the plateau, on the slopes of the mountains, it is often possible to stumble upon blackberry thickets. Warm summer mountain landscapes complement large herds, cows and sheep.
The main part of the Carpathians is covered with beech and
Besides fir trees and beech in the Carpathian mountains also grow.
The composition of the beech forests also includes ashams of the usual, the maple is ostrooty, and Ilm Mountain, they almost disappeared in the Carpathian mountains if they meet, then only in hard-to-reach places.
On the upper slopes of the Carpathian Mountains - the "Alpine" meadows rich and today are very rare species of flora. In particular, an amazing plant - Eastern Carapacy Rhododendron. It is called "Alpine Rose" in the Carpathians thanks to bright pink flowers. Here, the origins of many rivers of the Western region of Ukraine are high in the mountains: the Prut and Cheremosh are rightfully considered one of the cleanest rivers of Eastern Europe.
In the mountain ranges of Karpat many thousands of years ago, salted caves were formed, as well as dense stone salt deposits. As a rule, salt lakes are located over such caves, chemical composition similar to the "Dead Sea" in Israel. These lakes are significantly less than the area, but are not inferior to healing properties.

Ukrainian Carpathians are very diverse. The main factor of separation is a sharp change in mountain heights - from 160 m to 2081 m. In parallel with a height, the temperature and moisture mode changes.
The climate is mainly moderately continental, warm, with cyclonic interventions of atlantic air. The average temperature of the warmer month (July) in the foothills from +19 to + 22 ° C, in the high-mountain belt from +9 to + 12 ° C, the coldest in January from -5 to -15 ° C.
In the summer of every seven days - two rain. In general, the Carpathian mountains are very characteristic of unstable spring, not very hot summer, warm, dry autumn and soft winter. Figure Carpathians can be divided into a number of mountain climatic zones:
The zone of the highlands is a zone of a rather cold and very humid climate.
The midstland zone is a zone of moderately cold, wet climate
Vacanpathian zone is a zone of warm and moderately humid climate.
The zone of lowland is a zone of a very humid climate.
Zone Transcarpathia is a zone of pretty warm, moderately humid climate.
The climate inside the described zones on the everywhere is homogeneous. From the West to the East, its continentality is enhanced.
In Transcarpathia, the Southern District is quite sharply distinguished on a total temperature background. Summer here is often sultry. Often drought occur. Mountain relief affects the climate. Each river valley, the slopes of the mountains often have their own special individual microclimate.

Population Carpathian

The lemki live on the slopes, between the rivers of the Xiang and Poprad, in the Perechinsky and grandeur-season areas of Transcarpathia. For the first time, mention of them in written sources appear in the sixth century BC. Boyki live in Lviv, Transcarpathian and Ivano-Frankivsk regions.
"Russian Trinity" - Jacob Golovatsiy, Ivan Vagilevich, Markian Shashkevich believed Boykov Sippers of Celtic tribes, which from the sixth century BC lived in Central Europe, and closer to the first century moved to the Balkans.
Gutsules live in Transcarpathian, Chernivtsi, Ivano-Frankivsk.
In the 17th-18 century, among Gutsul, there were a lot of rebels, Oprishkov - Folk Avengers.

Culture Karpat

Even for a long time, being in the structure of different states, although they could not protect themselves from the merger with the Poles, Hungarians, Slovaks. It is the residents of the mountain regions Karpat who retained the most archaic features of culture, which at least a little, but differed from Polesski.
It seems that in the mountains, almost every person is a singer, an artist, a bright creative person. And it is precisely the hands of such people that were built in the mountains of beautiful wooden temples, which were built without a single nail ... The main decoration of these temples was unique icons written on the glass.
Their major mass, today, is stored in museum collections.
Today, like many hundred years, back, the population of Karpat decorates his clothes with bright embroidery.
Bukovinskaya, Pokoyeskaya, Transcarpathian, ... any of them is inimitable and unique and they all look like a bright flower garden.
It blooms with beautiful patterns on pillows, towels, shirts.
From the kind of genus they are transmitted in the Carpathians and the ancient art of writing (ritual painting of Easter eggs). In the Carpathians they know that the writings help in different life situations: their signs symbols are carrying people welfare, health and love, and land of Carpathian - fertility.

Carpathian national peculiarities

In the Mining Carpathian area are shepherds to the mountain valley, the Carpathian wedding and religious, church holidays, such as Christmas with Christmas carols and generous, "Vasily" (old New Year), "Waspreten", "Melanki", and, of course, Easter With Easter "Hair".
The big holiday - the carnival for local Carpathian residents are on distant mountain meadows for grazing. The grazing occurs since the beginning of May and lasts until mid-September. The conditions of life of shepherds in the mountain valley are difficult,
They work from dawn to sunset, and yet every Carpathian resident does not mind becoming a high-mountain shepherd.
Three details that characterize the life of the Carpathian shepherds are the raret, Trembitis and cheese. like a fairy tale.
Even today, residents of the Carpathians adhere to their traditions. Still dressed in national embroidered clothes, decorate their horses. Wedding is full of cheerful and colorful fun, dancing, songs, games, sharp, jokes. None of the weddings do without treasure and punishing, embroidered, disposal towels, bouquets.
Preparations begin in advance.
All Carpathian Mistress Early in the morning of the sixth of January light "live fire" from twelve beds in the furnaces and prepare
Among the dishes of the Saint Dinner of Christmas is at the mainstream location
(Boiled wheat with adding honey, poppy and nuts.)
Easter holiday in the Carpathians is distinguished by an abundance of ritual customs and actions. In Palm Sunday, the residents of the Carpathians bring a consecrated verbal branch from the church (a joke) to hit her slightly every member of his family, senoming: "I'm not biting you, it's a joke beats - from now on through the Sedmitsa Easter!"
The consecrated verbal branch in the concept of the ancestors of the Carpathian residents owns the healing properties. The end of a large post is the time of painting paint. Each Carpathian village has its own unique masters.

Carpathian cuisine

Three features are distinguished: naturally, satisfying, tasty. It should be used at least for the rest in the Carpathians. Residents Karpat, which feed on natural environmentally friendly products, live for a very long time. Milk from Carpathian alpine meadows is no worse than Alpine. With white mushrooms, a variety of cereals are already prepared for several hundred years and, of course, mastered this culinary art perfectly. After the Carpathian breakfast, you have enough forces even for a long walking mountain transition. Most traditional Carpathian dishes are perfectly harmonized with a homemade moonshine, however, as with expensive alcoholic beverages.
Excellent carpathian drinks, such as
They are widely used today in the National Carpathian Kitchen.

All restaurants and cafes in the Carpathians will definitely offer you traditional dishes of Carpathian cuisine: pancakes, borsch, dumplings Druuna ,. Of course, a wide range of European dishes will be offered.
Carpathian dishes are original and at the same time are very simple in preparation. The main ingredients of Carpathian cuisine are wheat and corn flour, potatoes, mushrooms, pork or beef meat, fish.
It has long been known to be abundance of homemade smoked.
An epochable housing of the Carpathian shepherds on summer pastures is a wheel - a distinctive wooden building usually, round shape, as a rule, with a highly erected roof, usually in the form of a cone or triangle. Today, every tourist will be able to visit Kolybu, not even rising high in the Carpathians, because today Kolyba is, as a rule, small private restaurants and shops built, often by the road.

Security and rules

1. Carefully incite and carefully follow the incitement of hiking primuses and bonfires.
It is always necessary to overtake the place of breeding a fire so that the sparks do not get into the dry grass around. Leaving the parking place, do not forget to pour water the place where the fire was. Often there are already trained places in popular areas of tourist sites, where you can and preferably breed a fire. Always, if possible, it is better to first look for such a place.
Especially since, as a rule, these are perfect places for parking.
. It is better to look for dry branches.
3. If, after the rest, you have any unnecessary polyethylene bags and paper - burn them in the fire of the fire.
4. Incidential after rest in the carpathians and food, tin tanks and banks - it is better to burn in heat to black, crush them with an ax or a stone, after which it is necessary to bury, on the surface of the earth they may cause serious injuries.
5. Never leave after the rest in the carpathians trash.
6. Never destroy spaces built by someone to you to relax or drink water.
7. Do not pollute streams, springs, mineral springs. You and other of them drink.
8. Do not flit without the need of berries and flowers, do not break the branches of green living trees.
9. Do not frighten grazing cows, sheep, goats
10. Healing Natural Wealth Carpathians and Modern Treatment Technical Bases allow to obtain a significant effect in the treatment of liver disease and biliary tract, gastrointestinal tract, metabolic disorders, defects of the musculoskeletal system, violations of cardiovascular and nervous activity.

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