
MSI is not installed Windows 10. Why are the programs from files from files.msi? Windows Installer does not work. What to do if the problem remains

Not always to install the application or the program on the computer is completed successfully.

When trying to install software, on a computer, running operating system Windows 7, an error appears windows package Installer.

Causes of error

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Before trying to eliminate a malfunction, you need to find out the exact reason for its appearance. The main cause of the error occurs is the restriction of access rights.

In other words, when starting the installation file, the system cannot determine whether the user has sufficient rights to start.

Often the message "Windows Installer package error" is accompanied by numbers and letters. This data indicates those folders to which the user has no access.

Also, the cause of the error may be the absence of multiple files in the installation program.

Some files can destroy the antivirus program by taking them for malicious.

If the application downloaded from a pirate resource, it was quite possible, it was originally missing a number of files required for the correct installation.

When installing any application to a computer, you must disable or configure the antivirus program. These actions are recommended only when there is one hundred percent confidence that the file being installed will not damage the computer.

When installing, what programs do the erroneous message appear most often?

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Windows Installer package error appears when installing files with expansion MSI, as well as programs such as, and java emulators.

In the message containing the text of the error, when installation Java., There is a numeric code - 1721. He reports that during the installation process there was a failure.

The reason may be hidden both in the absence of rights for installation and in antivirus program. In order for installing files to become feasible, their, in the antivirus settings, you need to add to the list of exceptions.

If, after that, the error remained the same, the problem lies precisely in the system resolution to install the file.

Installation iTunes applicationsIt has its own features, we are talking about.

Installing iTunes is not possible - Windows Installer package error

See also: IMYFONE TUNESFIX: Solution of all kinds of errors and problems when working with iTunes without data loss!

This error may occur when you try to install iTunes on a computer running operating windows systems 7.

To solve it, you can reinstall the operating system. Either, to install iTunes correctly.

The correct installation of the program is carried out in the following sequence:

  • On the computer keypad, you need to hold the "Windows" + "s" keys.
  • In the program search box that appears, you need to enter the word "program and components", and click on the result.

  • In the list of programs, you need to find " Apple Software. Update.
  • By clicking on the program of the right mouse button, select the Restore Context menu subparagraph. If you click "Delete", then when uninstallations there will be a message " ITunes Error Windows Installer package. Next, it remains only to follow the screen prompts.

  • After performing all actions to restore the program, it should be uninstalled. To do this, you need to return to the list of programs, and click on the "Delete" button.
  • After uninstalling the program, the computer should be restarted.
  • After rebooting, the iTuns program is set again.

What if the problem remains?

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However, the above actions are not always saved from a malfunction.

If, after performing the above operations, the error remains, then the following series of actions should be performed:

1 Right-click on the installation file, select subparagraph "Open with help".

2 Select the Archiver Program in the list appeared.

3 In the window that opens, run the fourth file from above.

4 Close the archive, and try the attempt to install iTunes.

5 The program is freely installed on the computer.

ITunes program you need to download from the official site.

When installing Aytyuns, the Windows Installer package error "crashes". To solve this problem, the above actions should be performed.

At the same time, you should not install the system updates via the Internet. They must be downloaded with or.

This will prevent the appearance of the Windows Installer package error when installation iTunes. on windows 7.

Error installing files with MSI extension

As mentioned above, an error may occur not only when installing iTunes, but also attempting to install any programs whose installation file. has an extension of MSI.

Files, with extension.exe, are installed without any problems. This is explained by the fact that when working with MSI files, a utility for downloading msiexec.exe is used.

Its refusal to work and may be the cause of an error.

If the error occurs during installation, then the reason lies in the installation file. The utility works as it should.

An error message can have two types:

Before eliminating the problem, you need to diagnose the operation of the installation utility.

Diagnostics operation utilities for installing files

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The diagnostics of the operation of the installation utility is as follows:

  • The combination of the "Win" keys + "R" must be opened a system window for executing commands;

  • You need to enter the Services.msc command in the field, and confirm the OK button;
  • In the service display window that opens, you must find the Windows Installation Service (in this case, it is Windows 7);

  • After a double-clicking service, the service setup window should appear. All parameters must be set as follows, as shown in the screenshot;

  • Installer is not installed on a computer.
  • The above malfunctions are resolved by re-registration of the installation utility in the Windows operating system. The re-registration process is carried out in the following way:

    You need to open a command line, you can open it in several ways: using a keyboard key: "Windows" + "x", or through the launch of the command line utility, which is in the Standard Programs folder.

    In addition to these methods, the command line can be launched using the cmd.exe command in the "Run" window.

    In the 32-bit version of the operating system fits the following commands:

    Commands for the 32-bit version

    In the 64-bit version of the system, you need to enter:

    After completing the command input, you need to confirm by pressing the Enter key. After confirmation, the computer should be rebooted.

    Running the command line is carried out on behalf of the administrator. Command line not just scans the computer for availability damaged filesBut also replaces them for integers. To do this, it is necessary that the PC is connected to the Internet.

    After scanning files and their replacement have been completed, you should restart the computer. After rebooting, you need to try to start the installation file with the MSI extension.

    In addition to the built-in utilities to restore the installer, microsoft. Offer fidewly utility. It can be downloaded on the official website of the corporation.

    It is worth noting that it is operational on Windows 7, XP, Vista.

    If programs are not launched from files. MSI is a direct need for troubleshooting in the Windows Installer service. With such a phenomenon, any Windows 7 OS can face. Therefore, if Windows Installer does not work, it is worth familiar with some recommendations.

    Causes of Windows Installer failures

    The reasons are the fact that Windows Installer does not work, there may be the following factors:

    1. Viral defeat system files. At the same time cleaning the OS does not always solve the problem.
    2. Incorrect installation of updates.
    3. Incorrect registry editing, removing installer components.
    4. Antivirus blocking.msi file
    5. Change PC security policies.

    All of these factors can affect the Windows Installer service.

    Checking the integrity and performance of files

    Windows Installer consists of the following components:

    • The msiexec.exe file, which is located on the "C" disk in the Windows folder and "System32".
    • The MSI.DLL file, which is none other than the installer library.
    • The MSISERVER service, the parameters of which are located in the Registry Editor section at the address "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "System", "CurrentControlSet", "Services" and "MSISERVER".

    To begin with, go to the registry editor and see the value of the MSISERVER service. Clicks "Win + R" and enter "Regedit".

    We look so that there are no extra values. The correct list is depicted in the photo.

    If there is no section or there are no some files, it is found on the working system to copy the items and by clicking the right mouse button, choose "export".

    Select the location of the files and prescribe a name similar to the original. Click "Save".

    Copy section or files move to your PC.

    We find the "Windows Installer" and check whether the service works.

    If necessary, you open the file with a double click and click "Run".

    Check access rights

    We start the registry editor, go to the address "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE", "Software", "Microsoft", "Windows", "CurrentVersion", "Installer". By clicking the right mouse button on the title of the section and select "Resolution ...".

    In the "Groups and Users" section, click "System". Next, look at the user to be full access To the service.

    A rather common problem among users of the Windows operating system of any versions - mSI error When installing programs from a file with extension.msi. In this article, I will describe common problems with windows Installer 7/10 / XP and the options for their solution, as well as make a video on the current issue.

    Files with extension.msi is the usual installation packages (distributions) of which the program is set. Unlike the usual "setup.exe", to launch the MSI file, the system uses the Windows Installer service (process msiexec.exe). Speaking simple wordsThe Windows Installer unzipped and starts files from the distribution. When Windows Installer does not work, various errors appear.

    In general, this is terribly infuriated, because After a stupid error message, it is completely unclear what to do next. Microsoft specially developed the Windows Installer installer to expand the capabilities of the program installation (mainly it concerns system administrators), but did not take care of properly about the gluable work of this service or at least about adequate messages about problems. And now it is to rake

    Problems can be with the service of the service itself or may arise during the installation of programs when everything is configured, in principle, correctly. In the first case, you need to pick the installer service, and in the second to solve the problem with a specific file. Consider both options, but first the second.

    MSI file errors

    Very often mistakes appear due to insufficient rights of the system on files or folders. It is impossible to say that Windows Installer does not work, in this case it is enough to add the right right and everything will work. Literally yesterday I encountered the fact that the downloaded distribution unit did not want to be installed, while the installation wizard successfully starts, the parameters are selected, but then the system thinks a few seconds and gives an error:

    "Error Reading From File" File Name "Verify That The File Exists and That You Can Access It" (ERROR 1305). Translated "Error reading from a file ... Check if the file exists and whether you have access to it." Well, isn't it stupid? Naturally, the "repeat" button does not help, and the cancellation stops the entire installation. The message of a special semantic load also does not carry, because The file exactly exists and I have access to him, otherwise I would simply could not run it and get this message, besides, for some reason in English 🙂

    And the error is that I should not have access to the file, and the Windows installer is more accurately the system itself. Solving very simple:

    Now the installer error will not appear! You can add access to the entire folder from which you usually install programs, such as the "downloads" folder, like me. We look at the video of solving problems with access rights:

    In Windows XP, the Safety tabs will not be included; general access to files. To turn it off, you need to go to "Start -\u003e Control Panel -\u003e Folder Properties -\u003e View" and disable the option "Use simple sharing files". In the trimmed versions of Windows 7/10 and XP, the Safety tabs are not in principle. To see it, you need and go to it under the administrator.

    More ways to solve the problem

    The described method will help with different messages, with different numbers. For example, you can see such MSI file errors:

    • ERROR 1723.
    • INTERNAL ERROR 2203.
    • System error 2147287035
    • Error "Unable to open this installation package"
    • Error 1603: During installation, there was a fracture error

    In all these cases, the installation of rights to file and / or some should help system folders. Check if the system has "System" to the temporary file folder (you can receive an error "System Unable to open the specified device or file"). For this:

    After pressing "Enter", the path will be transformed into "normal" and you move to the real temporary folder. The rights to it and must be checked. We also recommend cleaning temporary folders from everything that has accumulated there or even better remove them and create new ones with the same names. If you do not manage to delete the folder, read, but it is not necessary.

    If a windows service Installer still does not want to work, then check the rights to the folder "C: \\ Config.msi"Here "system" must also have full access. In this case, you could observe the error of the "Error 1310". Just in case, make sure that the folder where you install the software also have all rights.

    Registry and Service Parameters

    The following error is to restore the operating parameters in the Windows Installer Installer Registry.

    To do this, download the archive and start two reg files from there, respectively, windows version. Agree with the import of settings.

    Important! Before the last action is desirable! If the method does not help or get worse, you can recover until the previous state.

    In Windows XP or Windows Server 2000 Install last version Installer 4.5.

    If it does not help, then do more re-registration of components:

    1. Press "Win + R" and enter " cmd.Then in the black window, enter the command sequentially:
      Msiexec / Unregister
      Msiexec / RegServer
    2. The answer should be emptiness, no errors. If the problem is not solved, enter another command
      rEGSVR32 MSI.DLL
    3. Close the black window

    If you write that there is not enough rights, then you need to run.

    If the commands are executed, but did not help, then launch MSI_ERROR.BAT from the archive, check the result.

    Last option - Download the Kerish Doctor program, there is a function of fixing the work of the installer service and many others frequent problems Windows.

    Also, many programs are used. Net Framework., Therefore, it will not be superfluous to establish the latest version of this package. And, finally, another tip: if there is at least one folder on the path to the distribution file at the beginning of the title, then delete the space. Such a simple reception will solve your problem 🙂


    Errors with Windows installer are very unpleasant, there are many of them and immediately do not understand where to dig. One clear - the system has failed and need to restore it to the working condition. Sometimes nothing helps and falls. However, do not rush to do it, try to ask for help on this forum. In accuracy, describe your problem, tell me what you have already done, what messages received, and perhaps you will help you! After all, the world is not without good people 🙂

    Some programs and drivers in Windows should only be installed with administrator rights. In the case of EXE files, the installation option on behalf of the administrator is present in the context menu, which is called by clicking on the edge button. For MSI packages there is no such option, but you can add it through the registry editor.


    Open the "Run" dialog through the start menu or by pressing the Win + R keys. In the window that opens, write regedit and press ENTER. The registry editor will start. Depending on the settings of account control settings, you may need to confirm the startup editor.

    Go to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT \\ MSI.Package \\ Shell branch. Right-click on "Shell" and in the menu that opens, select the option to create a new section.

    The section "Shell" will be added subsection. Rename it in "Runas" (quotes are not needed).

    In the right window, double-click the "Default" key or once with the right mouse button and select "Change ..." into the empty value field, enter the "Run from the administrator name". Confirm the changes by pressing Coppe OK.

    Now, right-click on "Runas" and select the section Creation option. Create a subsection with the name "Command" (without quotes).

    Edit the default key, on the value of the command "MSIEXEC / I"% 1 "" (without quotes-Christmas trees, but with quotes in% 1). Click OK.

    After installation MSI Afterburner.Users often observe that the sliders that in theory should move, stand on the minimum or maximum values \u200b\u200band it is impossible to move them. This is perhaps the most popular problem when working with this software. We will deal with why the sliders do not move in MSI Afterburner?

    After installation mSI programs Afterburner, this slider is always inactive. Made it for security purposes. In order to correct the problem, go to "Main settings" and put a tick opposite "Unlock voltage". When you click "OK"The program is restarted with the consent of the user to make changes.

    Video card driver

    If, the problem remains, then you can experiment with video adapter drivers. It happens that the program works incorrectly with outdated versions. In some cases, there may be no new drivers. See and change them can be entered in "Task Manager Control Panel".

    The sliders stand at the maximum and do not move

    In this case, you can try to correct the problem through the configuration file. To begin with, we are determined where we have a folder of our program. You can click right key On the label and see the location. Then open "MSI AfterBurner.cnf" Using notepad. Find recording "EnableUnofficialOrcLocking \u003d 0"and change the value «0» on the "one". To make this action, you must have administrator rights.

    After that restart the program and check.

    The sliders are at a minimum and do not move

    Go to B. "Main settings". At the bottom we put the mark in the field "Unofficial overclocking". The program will warn that manufacturers are not responsible for the consequences of changes in the map parameters. After restarting the program, the slider must be active.

    Power Limit and Temp sliders are not active. Limit.

    These sliders are often not active. If you tried all the options and helped nothing, it means that this technology Just not supported by your video adapter.

    The video card is not supported by the program.

    MSI Afterburner Tool Created only to overclock the cards AMD. and NVIDIA. It makes no sense to try to overclock any sense, the program will simply see them.

    It happens that cards are maintained partially, that is not all functions available. It all depends on the technologies of each particular product.

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