
How to become a computer hacker. How to buy hacker skills. Find a suitable job

How to become a hacker? What is needed for this? Where is the instruction? In this article you will not find this. Absurd? No, just this article will not fit all the volume of knowledge that you need to know. The material will be devoted to more vital and an important aspects, There is no word about which in beautiful films and glossy magazines. So if you are waiting for something like "clung here, hop and all hacked", then this article is not for you, as is probably hacking.

At first, I would like to draw your attention to articles 272, 273 and 274, which are mandatory to read, as they are fundamental in this path.

The next moment is that hackers are not only those who hack and commit crimes. Many hackers are dealt with completely legal activities. Security Audit, Sustainability Check, Consulting When creating and designing applications, Creating your own tools to improve the level of safety and so on. So hackers are not only "bad and hairy units and tatts."

Note: To be able to defend your sword from another sword, you need to be able to use this sword.

How to become a hacker - closer to reality

If you are really interested in how to become a hacker, then you should be closer to reality. This means that the presentation of the like "Baba, everything flashes, three teams, wow, wow, the mouse click and access is obtained" can correspond to reality only after a great time to prepare all this. But, let's start in order.

Basic myths about hackers:

1. These are cool guys with a steep bin. In principle, this may be, but in most cases everything is somewhat different. The need to spend quite a long time after the computer leaves the imprint. No offense hackers, but did you see how to dress the avid online gamers? Comfortable and comfortable clothing, not "textiles in the last fashion." In addition, the lack of physical activity also affects.

2. Super puzzles under mega music. In the films, the heroes draw cool schemes, run through the corridors and are generally engaged in anything, just to portray the painful activity. And all this for steep intriguing musical accompaniment. In reality, most of the hacker affairs consists of routine tasks. Digging in source codes, including hex library codes, tracking function calls, data placement in random access memory etc. All this, of course, can be done under a cool Mouzon, but the effects of films is not related to the effects.

3. Cool addicts with super technique. Of course, in many ways, hackerness is associated with mathematics, and where mathematics can use large productive capacity. But, in reality, this is not related to increments and cool "hanguls." It is like in street massing. Cars can only be worse. Well, the car will not go faster if you pinch a slurry glossy, especially since the power of the machine can be lost because of it, since the flow of exhaust gases can form a barrier, which is why the engine load will grow (above load - less power ).

4. Three code lines or five minutes for hacking. If the mega system can be hacked in five minutes by a pair of lines of code, then such a system can be bolded to throw out. We are not talking about situations with stupid errors that have been discovered by chance or after annual research. Of course, there are typical errors (SQL injections, buffer overflow, etc.), but even their check occupies a lot of time. So this hacking is possible only in cases where either the system is already analyzed along and across, or when it uses well-known or similar mechanisms. Remember that at the same time the hacker must still have with them all the necessary tools.

5. Can hack everything under any conditions. By virtue of circumstances, hackers need to know a lot and this is normal. However, it does not cancel reality. There are many technical aspects, various restrictions and other things. In other words, apples as falling down and fall. An example from history is an enigma encryption machine. Invented in 1917 (a patent issued), and how much because of it was problems in the second world. Over time, hacking it possible, but this is over time, taking into account the emergence of additional funds. In 1917 it was unreal to hack.

Etc. The essence probably caught that the reality of a hacker is far from what they show in films or describe in "Posters to the Blood".

As already said, the typical instruction will not be, just if you really wonder if you find a few things, where it makes sense to start learning.

Necessary basic knowledge of hackers:

1. Knowledge in the field of machine codes, including equipment.

2. Knowledge about the device of the operating system.

3. Knowledge about the network device applied technologies and so on.

4. Knowledge in the field of cryptography. Ciphers, resistance, methods of hacking and analysis.

5. Anti-virus and other security tools. Applied technologies.

6. The main techniques used and teaching technologies. Vulnerable places and the like.

7. And all the other, that one way or another can be associated with a wilble object.

With that, all this is quite detailed, so to hack something, you need to thoroughly understand how it is arranged. Those. Not a view "The operating system provides users with", and something from the category "How signals are transmitted to the kernel, how the memory is allocated, in which registers the data is stored what collisions and so on is stored.

Now, you know about a number of significant aspects of the question of how to become a hacker, as well as a little more familiar with the world of hacking.

Are you a beginner feeder or look for tips from what to start or how to become a hacker from scratch? We recommend that you explore and start working with this list of scanning programs to explore the target and network. We were looking for an everywhere allowance for beginners, but did not find anything that it would be all in one, and decided to create this article for beginners. Everything will be outlined briefly. Here are our recommendations for the most popular and effective programs For hacking and scanning. If you know the program better Please leave your opinion in the comments.

1. - There is a free and paid version. This tool has a lot of purpose, but most importantly of them are the indicators for SQL penetration and Cross Site scripting.

It also has a built-in analyzer for the script. This security tool generates detailed reports that identify vulnerabilities in the system. Many developers use it to identify vulnerabilities of their programs and systems. Highly useful tool As for hacking and to identify vulnerabilities.

2. AirCrack-NG - this is full set Network security tools, which includes:
  • (Used for attacks on WEP and WPA)
  • (puts network cards in monitor mode)
  • (Injector for packages)
  • (is a package analyzer)
  • (used for virtual tunnel interfaces)
  • (Stores and manages Essid and password lists)
  • packetForge-NG (creates encrypted packages for injections)
  • airdriver-NG (includes methods for attacking customers)
  • (Deletes WEP Cloacing)
  • airdriver-NG (to manage wireless drivers),
  • (Manages ESSID and can calculate the main key)
  • (gives access to a wireless card from other computers)
  • eASSIDE-NG (allows the user to run programs on a remote computer)
  • eASSIDE-NG (communication tools to access point, without WEP key)
  • tKIPTUN-NG (for WPA / TKIP attack)
  • wESSIDE-NG (to restore WEP keys).

3. CAIN & ABEL or just Cain. Cool tool for those who start writing scripts. It is used as a tool for password recovery. This tool allows the test to restore different types passwords listening to network traffic, and hacking encrypted passwords using either the dictionary or Brute Force attack. The tool can also record VoIP conversations and has the ability to decode encoded passwords, detecting network keys WiFi and cached passwords. For properly operation The tester can also analyze the routing protocols. The security tool is by nature does not use any vulnerabilities in the software or hole, but simply detects security flaws in standard protocols. Students who learn to IT in the field of security use this tool to learn APR (ARP Poison Routing) man-in-the-middle attacks (). New versions of this program allows you to break up the most used and popular encryption algorithms.
4. - There are no many words here. I think this day is the coolest thing for Mitm Ataaki. It uses ARP Poisoning for attack. Allows you to see everything that is happening in the network of which you are.
5. John The Ripper - Perhaps the most cool name for this kind of tool. Very popular security tool, often shrong simply "John" Used to hack passwords. Initially created for the UNIX operating system, currently working on all major operating systemsoh. Until now, this tool is one of the most popular password testing and hacking programs that secure. The tool combines various password hackers in one compressed packet, which can then identify the types of haze passwords through its own custom cracking algorithm.
6. - It is a security project that provides information about vulnerabilities and helps testing and intrusion detection. Project with open source code - known as, used by security specialists to perform code on a remote target computer - for testing for penetration, of course! But Hackers love him very much, he allows you to work wonders.
7. Nessus. - Another giant to scan vulnerabilities. Nessus scans various types of vulnerabilities. Those that check hackers for the presence of holes that can exploit to get control or access to computer system or network. Tools also scans the default passwords and common passwords that can be used and run via Hydra (external tool) and run the clock attack. Other scans of vulnerabilities include attacks against TCP / IP stack.
8. - Another massive giant security tool, which has always been always, and probably the most famous. NMAP has signs in many films, including the matrix - just Google, and you will see what we mean. Written in C, C ++, Lua Gordon Lione (Fedor) Since 1997, NMAP (Network Mapper) is a de facto and the best security scanner that is used to detect nodes by computer network. To detect nodes on the NMAP network, specifically built packages on the target host, and then analyzes the answers. The program is very complicated, because unlike other port scanners. It sends packets based on network conditions, taking into account the oscillations, congestion and much more.
9. Kismet. - This is a wireless network detector, an analyzer, and an excellent security tool for intrusion. You can control the Kismet and listen to 802.11b, 802.11a, 802.11g and 802.11n traffic. There are many snaps, but what the Kismet makes various and very popular is the fact that it works passively - this means that the program does not send any packages, while able to control the wireless access points and wireless customers. It is open source and widely used.
10. - Was around us over the centuries and is extremely popular. Wireshark allows the penseater to put the network interface into an inadvertent mode and, therefore, see all traffic. This tool has many functions, such as the ability to collect data from a live network connection or read from the file saved already intercepted packets. Wireshark is able to read data from a wide range of networks, with Ethernet, IEEE 802.11, PPP, and even loops. Like most tools from our security list, captured network data can be monitored and managed by graphic interface - Which also allows you to insert plugins and use them. Wireshark can also capture VoIP packets (like Cain) and Raw USB traffic can also be captured.

If you are a professional penstress or hacker, then you know how to use these wonderful programs. Tools for hacking and pentesting to learn easily and hiding, and also it is cool. People who created their brilliant programmers and did everything very convenient to use.

Before you start talking about the training stages, you need to specifically answer the question: who is such a hacker? It is impossible to become a hacker, not knowing what he is engaged in and what lifestyle holds. Almost every person watched films where hackers were watched not only by ordinary payment systems, but also government agencies with one goal: to get crucial information And use for your own purposes, for example, to sell for huge money and so on. But is it all so simple? Why hackers rise to such a high level?

In fact, the hacker is an ordinary programmer who knows program code And knows how to hack him. He does not have the goals that demonstrate to the cinema, he does not want to steal information, and then threaten the fact that it will fall into free access and so on. First of all, the Hacker is an experienced programmer, so in the past, when it was not possible to study programming in the best institutes, they mastered everything on their own and hacked websites and programs. Hackers were wondering how the program works, so they thoroughly studied the code and did similar programs on their own.

In our time, hackers are considered criminals who do not own programming, but even government institutions are hacked. There are many "hackers", which are not such, but lead a similar lifestyle and happily rank themselves to the list of criminals. Even inexperienced "hackers" can harm your computer or site, so you need to have good antivirus. Inexperienced programmers work easier - create a malicious script, and then send it to a website or computer under the guise of a normal program, while they don't even know how the program or another works.

It is unlikely that you will find a truly experienced and effective hacker in your life, who knows the principles of OC, programs, codes, and so on. Experienced hackers do not talk about their activities, most often they work alone, as the responsibility for the proceedable actions is too high.

5 stages how to become a real hacker

1) Take patience, you must have an analytical mindset and realize that there will be time for the development of any skill, perhaps years.
2) Readece at the Institute at the Faculty of Applied Mathematics, of course, it will take time for it, but each famous hacker has this education.
3) Buy books on the basics of operation of operating systems and programs, security systems and networks, but the choice depends on what you are going to hack. You also need to master cryptography and learn how to develop cryptographic systems.
4) You must understand the encryption models, learn how to create encrypted systems and ciphers independently. Without this skill you will never become a hacker.
5) Read thematic logs, there is even a magazine called "Hacker". He is read not only hackers, but also ordinary users who want to learn the structure and functioning of programs. Also, you must visit the Hacker Forums, where people share their experiences and give advice from novice. Of course, you should not ask dozens of questions, since no one will answer them - we graduate gradually.

Cybercriminals with deep knowledge of programming and experience in finding vulnerabilities in software are developing a variety of "thief tools", allowing you to penetrate into computer devices and networks to find in them and steal information, "valuable in itself" (for example, a bank account from which you can withdraw money) or the data for which business competitors of the victim of theft can pay (for example, technological know-how).

In addition to these cases, "ordinary theft" and theft of information "very personal character" (correspondence, photographs, etc.), in the past few years there have been new types of hacker activities carried out by order of state special services in the framework of the "Cyber \u200b\u200bTests", which can To be used in cases of war.

Half-free software can purchase or free download any hacker, unable to create "thieves instruments". But it is also necessary to use these programs, first of all, in terms of searching for vulnerabilities in widespread operating systems and applications. And here the "senior comrades" took care of the smaller generation of cybercriminals, offering it a system of type Armitage for MetaSploit, allowing you to automatically sort out vulnerabilities and exploits to them. However, in most cases, this hacker tool requires settings, which makes it difficult to use the use of newcomers, not very seeking any training.

And finally, for the most lazy individuals who want to quickly become hackers from scratch and receive adrenaline from hacking anyone, the network has free on AutoSploit, providing full automation of cyberatics. Now any teenager for the sake of interest (even without mercenary proliferations) can run AutoSploit and see, "What will happen from this?". And it will turn out that:

  1. AutoSploit, Using search engine Shodan, independently finds computers connected to the Internet, servers, IoT devices, industrial controllers, camcorders, equipment "smart" houses, etc.,
  2. then "pulls up" by MetaSploit, which alternately identifies vulnerability in the long list of SHODAN and attacks them,
  3. as soon as the attack succeed, AutoSploit "opens the gate" into a hacked device,
  4. the owner of the AutoSploit feels the winner of the "Fortress", walks on it, where he wants, and maybe "to fool".

In the "best" for victims of hacking case, they can be glanced through the home video camera. And if the "idle hacker" accidentally hit the power plant or in some kind of production equipment?

What can endure an invisible Internet tour of the enterprise nobody guesses. And here, finally, you will have to think about the small companies that ignore IT protection, believing that they corporate networks No one even tries to hack, because they (these companies) do not pose any interest to competitors. Yes, and in accounts they have "microsumma". Now it becomes clear that even if the network is not attempting to crack consciously, it can be hacked by anything "Balovnik". And to what actions in the office network it will push the "Children's Fantasy" - it is terrible to think! So think, gentlemen, about IT security "before", not "after".

Otherwise, however, many want to learn masterly owned computer equipment And perfectly know the network device, including the Internet, including their weak points and vulnerabilities. Such knowledge can be used not only to harm to anyone, but also for good, for example, to improve the protection of networks and the programs placed in them.

To become a hacker from scratch, no superpost needs. This is completely unfortunately to everyone who has a tendency to programming and in general the technical warehouse of the mind (Humanitia to become a hacker will be difficult, but his desire is unlikely to appear).

To become a hacker from scratch necessary: \u200b\u200b1. Perseverance, perseverance, patience. The impulsive nature is not too complied with the painstaking activities of real hackers. 2. Finish the university in the specialty "Applied Mathematics". Perhaps it will disappoint those who wanted to become a hacker in a couple of months, but this item is absolutely necessary. Among famous hackers The vast majority graduated from the university, and very successfully.

3. Find and carefully examine the literature on the functioning of operating systems, software, Networks (TCPIP, DNS), security systems (depending on which area you plan to specialize as a hacker). In addition, the necessary elements of the formation of a hacker are the theory of cryptography and the practice of creating and functioning cryptographic systems.

4. Excellent know mathematical encryption models and have the experience of creating ciphers and joints, as well as the basis for the functioning of the encryption equipment and software and hardware implementations of cryptography algorithms, which is also a mandatory element of the Hacker formation.

5. Regularly and carefully read the magazine "Hacker", as well as explore past issues. This popular edition has many useful information, not only for hackers, but also for ordinary users. 6. Explore online forums where hackers are communicated, for example, a forum on So you will be able to learn the work algorithms and professional secrets of hackers.

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