
PGT friendly hill. Panorama is a friendly slide (Leningrad region). Virtual tour friendly hill (Leningrad region). Attractions, map, photo, video. Clothes in a friendly slide

Friendly hill - urban-type village in the Gatchina district of the Leningrad region, the administrative center of the friendly city urban settlement.

The village arose at the beginning of the XIX century near the glass plant "Friendly Gorka", founded in 1801 by German entrepreneurs riding. According to the map F. F. Schubert In 1844, the village was called a glass friendlogger. The village at a glass factory, with the exception of 9 Orthodox inhabited the Germans, nevertheless under the guardianship of I. Ringing, the parish school worked in it. In the XIX - early XX century, the village was administratively treated by the Christmas parish of the 2nd mill of the Tsarskoselsky County of St. Petersburg province. According to the "memorable book of the St. Petersburg province" for 1905, the estate of a friendly hill of 300 tents belonged to the hereditary honorary citizen Ivan Efimovich Ringing, in addition, the "society of a glass riding plant" belonged to 45 tits. The German-Finnish Lutheran House Church in the village of Friendly Gorka was arranged in a wooden building at the end of the XIX century, closed in 1925. Status of the urban type village - from May 16, 1927. Friendly hill was released from the German-fascist occupiers on January 30, 1944. On January 1, 2006, the Municipal Education "Friendly Horic Urban Settlement", the village of Friendly Gorka became his administrative center.


The village is located in the southern part of the area on the highway 41k-099. Distance to the district center is 40 km away.


Changing the population for the period from 1862 to 2015:


The main enterprise of the friendly slide is the plant of chemical and laboratory dishes and appliances.


Ancient houses for workers (fragmentary), old factory workshops and a large residential wooden house owned, probably one of the plant leaders (burned in the early 2000s, the remains disassembled later). Near the village on the road to the village of Kurginino in the Xih - the beginning of the twentieth century there was a manor "Krasnitsa", belonging to the parents of Ballerina M. F. Kshesinskaya.


Monument I. V. Stalin. The bronze bust on the pedestal was opened on December 21, 1949 in the factory comm. Dismantled in 1956 Monument V. I. Lenin. Granite figure on pedestal. Open on November 7, 1970, a monument to the friendlings who died in the Great Patriotic War.

Local Streets: Introduced, Gorky, Railway, Sweese, Prince, Red, Krasnitskaya, Krasnoflotskaya, Krylova, Lenin, Forest, Forest, Lugovaya, Mayakovsky, Peace, Pioneer, Border, Proletarian, Garden, Soviet, Pipe, Uritsky, Manor, Utkin, Chashchinskaya.

The friendly city urban settlement (friendly HR) is a municipal formation as part of the Gatchina Municipal District of the Leningrad Region. The border municipal Education The friendly city urban settlement was established in accordance with the Law of the Leningrad Region dated December 16, 2004 No. 113-OZ "On the establishment of borders and endowed the corresponding status of the municipal formation Gatchina Municipal district and municipalities in its composition." The friendly human GP borders in the north - with the Sivev city settlement, in the East - with the Vyritsky urban settlement, in the West - with the Christmas Rural settlement, in the south - with the Luzhsky Municipal District of the Leningrad Region.

The friendly city urban settlement includes 1 urban-type settlement and 11 rural settlements:

  • urban village of Friendly Gorka (PGT. Friendly Hill);
  • village Zaozerier (D. Zaozerer);
  • village Zaitsevo (D. Zaytsevo);
  • israel village (D.Isor);
  • village Kurginino (D. Kurgino);
  • village Lampovo (D.Lampovo);
  • lyazevo village (D.Lazevo);
  • eaglino village (S. Yorino);
  • village island (D. Ostrov);
  • protasovka village (D.Protashka);
  • the village of Simankovo \u200b\u200b(D.Simankovo);

The administrative center of the city settlement - PGT. Friendly slide. The status of settlements, which are part of the friendly city urban settlement, is enshrined by the regional law of the Leningrad Region No. 113-OZ (in the 2010 edition).

In accordance with the charter, the municipal formation has an abbreviated name - a friendly city urban settlement (hereinafter referred to as the settlement).

The friendly city urban settlement is located in the southwestern part of the Gatchina Municipal District, the distance from PGT. Drawn Gorka to Gatchina is 45 km to the nearest large railway station. Siverskaya - 12 km. The St. Petersburg - Luga railway is held on the territory of the urban settlement, there is a railway station Stroganovo and the stopping point of the lamps.

The total area of \u200b\u200bthe settlement area is 194.8 km². The population is 5924 people. (01.2009), which is about 2.6% of the total population of the municipal district. POGT POGT. A friendly hill is 3081 people. In addition to the administrative center of the settlement, a large settlement is D.Lampovo (more than 1000 people).

There is no direct transport links between settlements of the friendly city settlement with the administrative center of the municipal district, there is no bus service, the bus service with Gatchina and St. Petersburg is carried out through the bus station of PGT.Siversky, which is due to the location of the settlement area in the peripheral part of the municipal district and aside from the main transport directions . Currently, the functions of the Inter-Sectoral Center for Social and Cultural and Cultural Services are carried out by the Administrative Center for the neighboring municipality - PGT.Siversky, there are branches of municipal and operating services, forestry, there are professional colleges.

In the total volume of shipped goods of own production, about 57% accounted for agriculture. A large agricultural enterprise - CJSC ORLINSKOE (Milk production, CRS meat). In PGT. Friendly slide is located two industrial enterprises: a glass plant (under bankruptcy) and the TEKOS-Industry CJSC. In addition, in the settlement, the FSU is the "Neva" Roszerva Combine. On the territory of the settlement, two scientific organizations operate their activities: Sznisch RAS "Belogorka" and the goals "Sivev Forest".

In the economy of the settlement employed 783 people. Labor resources are characterized high levels Daily pendulum migration, which is 1,800 people, including 450 people from rural areas. 400 people leave daily to study (from them in rural areas: 250 people). In general, about 1,000 people from the pendulum migrants go to St. Petersburg.

The territory of the settlement is actively used by residents of St. Petersburg for recreation, country holiday. There are more than 5.5 thousand gardeners. The largest horticultural array is located about a railway station Stroganovo. In addition to the development of dacha rest, there is a potential for the development of other types of recreation, including organized rest near the water - Oz. Ozlinsky, field recreation (fishing, etc.). Orlinsky Lake is one of the popular places of leisure of Petersburgers.

About 50% of the territory of the settlement are covered with forests, in the southeastern part of the settlement there are three specially protected natural areas: Reservations "Rakitinsky", "North Myshinsky Marsh" and the wetlands "Myshinsky Bolotnaya System".

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