
How much is the stylus for ipad. The best stylus for iPad. For drawing details

For some reason, many counted that one of key functions iPad Pr. becomes the presence of a stylus, which was called Apple Pencil.Although the company stress in every way that it is not a stylus at all, but something else, for example, a pencil, as follows from the name. The reason for dislike for the word "stylus" is understandable. Apple Founder Steve Jobs argued that all the management on the company's sensory devices will be handled, and the stylus is a relic of the past. Steve Jobs is no longer anymore, which means that the company's current leaders can produce everything that they only please themselves than they do. Nevertheless, the explanations for their ingenious findings to give all the same, otherwise the crowd of fans remains in bewilderment and does not know that telling others about the next high invention. Jonathan Isov, who in the past few years did not give anything interesting and standing on the world, in an interview with Wallpaper Magazine, said why and how the idea of \u200b\u200ba pencil appeared, here's his direct speech: "We realized that there is a clearly defined group of people, what can evaluate A tool that will allow them to draw or draw, but not as they draw with the help of fingers. And I suspect it is a big group of people. "

Almost five years after the release of the first Note, the beginning of this line from Samsung and takeoff of its popularity in Apple suddenly saw that there was a niche for those who like to draw. And they decided to make their product. There was no need to invent anything, since all sorts of stylus for apple tablets We were produced by many companies, but they all suffered with one disadvantage, these were sticking sticks, while other manufacturers created full-fledged input devices that respond to pressing, the tilt of the pen and other "trifles". In particular, such devices can be attributed to all stylus from Samsung, as well as the pen to Microsoft Surface.which B. recent versions Tablets is part of the standard delivery. Once again, Apple goes with its solution to the market, where there are already analogues that have passed a long way to several generations. If the Apple had not ignored someone else's experience, they could create their own "pencil" completely different, and it would be much more useful for users of iPad tablets, but everything came out otherwise, the story developed as usual.

Let's start with the fact that Apple Pencil is an additional accessory, sold separately from the iPad Pro and is positioned as an optional part of the tablet. This accessory is not intended for everyone, and the fact that it is paid to so much attention is due exclusively with successful PR-efforts of the company. Every day there are more and more revelations of designers, developers user interfaces, as well as those who design cars, airplanes and steamers in which these people admit that they did not have life before, and with the advent of the iPad Pro and Apple Pencil, they first got the opportunity to work fully, and not how they did before Togo. Of course, in this PR Gomon there are adequate reviews, but often they are drowning in the delights of those who have never worked with the stylus and for whom Apple Pencil is the first such experience.

The price of Apple Pencil in the United States is $ 99 excluding taxes, in Russia - 7,790 rubles, which makes this pencil if not gold, close to that. On the other hand, professional stylus from Wacom is not suiced, but this is a completely different class of products, and their consumers know exactly what they pay for. This is not a massive toy for bored people that they want to portray something on the tablet screen. I doubt the fact that professionals in graphics, design and similar things will begin to use Apple Pencil massively, here everything rests on the habit, but the main thing is the software that will be available to work with the pen. And with the software, so far everything is very sad, but about it a little later.

So, we get out of the pencil box, open the cover at the upper end and see the Lightning connector. On the box drawn, how it must be inserted into the tablet to recharge.

You are sorry for me, but it is pornography in a straight and figurative sense. Apple engineers lost all their skills, as they created an ugly visual, bad and unreliable solution, in such a position broke down the connector is not difficult. And they sincerely warn about it! Thoughtful cruise creators of Apple Pencil, which quickly realized that their solution is not very good, and therefore added to the set adapter for charging a pencil from the computer or from the network. This is a small transition, on the one hand sticking conventional charging From the iPhone / iPad, on the other hand, the pencil itself. Adapter! For the stylus! Be alive Steve Jobs, he would have a very sharp conversation with Jonathan Quince, after which the latter would have rushed everything and redo.

I did not dare to upload a photo of how it looks in the charge state, I was afraid that we were closed for pornography, so look at this moment in the video, everything is shown there. But I can say one thing, Apple engineers surpassed my most bad assumptions, they made a pencil worst of possible. The same stylus on MS Surface does not require charging and works fine with integrated software. But more on that later.

Apple's pencil is glossy, and if you have wet hands, it starts sliding. No rough surfaces, a tool for creativity should be smooth and sliding, both on the surface and in the hands of a person. If it is serious, then, it can be seen, not just so most of those who release stylus does not make them smooth, but prefers a grungy case. Let's guess why. Apparently put the device ergonomics higher than its appearanceBut in Apple comes exactly the opposite.

From the point of view of ergonomics, Apple Pencil has another drawback - he has no attachment to iPad enclosure. He is magnifying from the bottom, but the attraction forces are missing, so it will not be worn. It will have to wear somewhere else, but not with the device. This is stupid? In my opinion, it is damn stupid and shortensually, and most importantly, uncomfortable. But you can deny enough obvious things and say that it is correct and just necessary.

Now about the good and pleasant. Apple Pencil works only with iPad Pro, connect it to other tablets will not work. The reason is that the company has slightly changed the screen technology so that it supports such a stylus. Whether his support will be in other products, I do not know, but it is justified only on large diagonals, on the same iPad mini meaning in the pencil is small.

Insert a pencil for charging, and immediately the iPad Pro invites us to synchronize the device via Bluetooth, connect it. Agree. In notifications, you can find a widget that shows the charge level of Apple Pencil. The company declares that a fully charged pencil will work for about 12 hours, in 15 seconds you can get a time of work in 30 minutes. Full charge Apple Pencil from iPad will take about 45-50 minutes. In principle, this little problem, charge from time to time this stylus will not be difficult. When the low charge is reached, the appropriate warning will appear.

There is a reverse side of the coin, which no one thinks about and does not pay attention to it. When using Apple Pencil power consumption of iPad Pro increases. For half an hour of work on the screen, the battery loses 7-8 percent of the charge. For comparison, watching the film on the maximum brightness eats 10% per hour. Feel the difference and differences.

Software - familiar all names

Apple's stylus understands up to 2048 degrees of pressing, as well as deviation from the horizontal. This means that by clicking on it, you can make the line thicker, and tilting a pencil, get a hatching. And by this, he resembles an ordinary pencil, which is very good.

But now the time to say about what programs and how to support work with Apple Pencil. With it, you can move around the screen, choose icons. And here there are no problems, everything works. Another thing is that for creativity needs programs that can work with Apple Pencil, and more than a dozen such programs. For example, in standard notes, you can write from hand, but your text is not recognized, such a function in iOS9 is simply no. This is the first disappointment, no handwritten texts and text entry in this way, this pencil for creativity, and not for boring notes from hand.

I tried a dozen programs that I recommended an App Store for a pencil, most of them have already had the support of styluses, that is, the appearance of Apple Pencil has not been unexpected. For example, in Evernote, you can enter notes from hand for a long time, you could draw a finger on the iPad, as, however, it can be done now. Approximately the same in each of the programs, no particular accuracy of Apple Pencil gives, you draw exactly the same way as painted before the same programs or similar input devices.

I spent a small experiment and asked my colleague that he was fond of drawing, test the device and express his opinion. She began to draw with a passion to draw on a photo made in some of the trips, but very quickly postponed Apple Pencil and said the following: "I am not very necessary for me, here you can all draw your hands in the program, some parts, probably more complicated Than usual, but not fundamentally more difficult. " Chatting on this topic, I understood a simple piece: To draw, you do not need a miracle device, you only need a desire, and the choice of the tool is secondary. The surface of the device cannot replace paper, its quality and other sensations, as not only pencil, brush or paint are important, it is important how they interact with paper and what result you get. In the theory, it would be possible to emulate paper in the software, but no one has done this yet.

All the software that I tried, can be used with any stylus, the device from Apple is extremely simple and does not have any special functions. Moreover, no integration in operating system not. And it puts the cross on the most popular scenarios of the use that opened on the Note line for almost five years of its existence. For example, people often cut out something from the pictures and sent by mail, add annotations to such pictures. And on the same Note, this can be done in a matter of seconds, there is the option "write on the screen", it is instantly a screenshot that you are already in the measure of your forces decorate. And you can cut a piece of pictures and at the same time recognize the text on it, send both a picture and text from it, and in any language. But this is already such high classThat I will not even tell about it, since Apple in this case looks like a poor relative. Key dignity Note is the deep integration of the stylus in everything you can do on the device. It was created not only and not so much for those who draw, but for anyone who wants to get new opportunities, and the device gives fully. It is possible that they are not always needed, but sometimes they are needed and very helpful.

What with the integration of the stylus on MS Surface? Exactly the same story, in Microsoft, oddly enough, they understand that the stylus itself is not important, it is necessary to integrate it into the system, for example, to enable it to one press ONENOTE, make handwritten text or drawings, to recognize all this. If necessary, erase, without resorting to additional movements and pressing the button on the stylus. And on the same Surface Pro 4 stylus hits the magnet to the case, it can be worn along with the device. It turns out that Microsoft engineers are much better than in Apple, where they could not realize the simplest function, although they themselves have come up with many chips with magnets during the time of Steve Jobs.

Also a slightly different level of software and the stylus binding to the system. Why is it so? Probably the answer lies in the fact that people think, why and why they do it to whom it can be important. They work out use scenarios. In Apple they do not do this, but reveal on the laurels. In fact, copying other people's products, do not bring anything to them in Apple, and the implementation of the worst from the engineering point of view. Why is that? Relaxed, inside the company there is no host, which would be track of how everything should work.

I wonder how with the release of Apple Pencil, the many "leading world publications" discovered this topic for themselves and began writing about it. And it does not matter that dozens of styluses existed before, and their software initially supported, including on the iPad. It does not matter that the only advantage of Apple Pencil on the small stylist market becomes the name of the manufacturer, and not something else. The main thing is that the company was able to create a myth that it once again produces successful products that millions are needed. And it doesn't matter at all that the same clocks did not take off and in Apple they say nothing in the aspect of real numbers. And it does not matter that the iPad Pro is a very niche device with the idea that Samsung and Microsoft have grown, with each little. And it is not so important that no one guessed to collect for the stylus for a hundred dollars. On the other hand, for nonsense you have to pay. Apple believes that stupidity is worth a hundred dollars. And this is the right price.

As an additional comment, review about Apple Pencil of our reader engaged in the UI / UX design.

In this accessory, as in a drop of water, is reflected where the company goes and how its steering relaxed and reveal on the laurels. This is not the best product that came out from Apple, however, in the last couple of years it is difficult for me to name something that would attract attention. Copying other people's ideas, their bad implementation, but while Apple can afford it. That's just a credit of trust - a rather continuing thing, it can disappear.

We thank the company for the provided Pencil from Apple.

Many of us are happy to draw, make notes and sketches on the screens of tablets and phones. And although some comfortably work with your finger, we admit to honestly: a good stylus makes work much more pleasant. What stylus to choose?

We spent a lot of time, studying stylus, various in shape, size and design, and now we are glad to present you the most successful tools for creating notes, sketches and electronic drawings on the touch screen.

What you need to know about stylus

If you have never had a stylus, then before choosing an assistant, you should know the following.

the iPad is not sensitive to the power of pressing, but there are stylistics sensitive to pressing. Of course, your iPad does not compare with the Wacom tablet, its screen does not distinguish with what force you press it on it, and can not distinguish a thick stylus tip from thin.

The creators of the iPad have tried to fix this drawback using technology Bluetooth Low-Energy: Now the stylus may not only simply "imitate" a finger, but will interact (transmit and receive from the informage tablet) with the application via Bluetooth.

Now it's about application developers - while Bluetooth stylists do not work in all programs. But every day there are more and more such applications, which means that everyone will be able to use all their advantages: a sensitivity to pressing, to prevent accidental response to the touch panel when touching palm (Palm Rejection), thin tip and others.

In order to use such a stylus, you need to be the owner of the iPad or iPhone with bluetooth support 4.0, that is, to have an iPad mini of the first or second generation, iPad 3 (or newer), iPhone 5 (or newer).

Weight is important

Any artist will tell you how the weight of the drawing tool is important. Just like the size of the tip. The weight of the stylus and how he sits in his hand are especially important for working in programs that do not have a function of preventing a random triggering of the touch panel - in such applications you need to keep your hand on weight.

Size, shape and texture of the tip

The tip of the average stylus (for $ 10- $ 40) is made of rubber or other conductive material, its size is 6-9 mm. In short, this tip is created as a replacement to the finger. There are stylus without Bluetooth support, the tips of which are slightly less or differ in texture. But they usually possess the disadvantages: either you have to press the screen more harder, or the tip will slightly slide on the screen.

Bluetooth stylus can please a large selection of different tips: rubber tips, transparent tips, plastic tips, tips, thin, like a ballpoint handle.

What to choose? It depends on whether you need a stylus. Rubber, clips with a protective glass display more than other materials: It helps to draw more even, straight lines, but annoying if you need to write something quickly. Tips from other materials can also be slightly "braking" movement on the screen, and sometimes there are too soft and gip-like, which is why the accuracy of the intensity of pressing (with the support of the Pressure Sensitivity function). The plastic is also harvested, it does not close with the display, but it can disgust on its surface. In our selection - stylus with the most diverse tips, what better - to solve you.

For notes

If you do not like to make notes using a virtual keyboard, you will probably like to use the exact stylus for this. For example, Jot Script from Adonit. Thanks to PixelPoint ™ technology, it allows you to write clearly and quickly.

Instead of a rubber tip, he has a tiny piece of plastic on the end, which allows you to better see the screen and increases the accuracy when writing. Of course, the stylus Jot Script is not perfect. The plastic tip greatly slides on the screen, but, at the same time, the stylus is perfectly working only in one Appendix - Penultimate (although not, in the paper he seems to be quite well). In other applications, the stylus is more difficult to work.

The quality and design of this stylus are excellent. Built-in Bluetooth works perfectly - just turn on the stylus and proceed to business. The stylus works from the standard mismicker battery, but due to low energy consumption, it will not have to replace it often.

Our choice: Jot script with plastic tip of 2 mm; 
Dignity: Built-in Bluetooth, perfect for a quick letter, stylus with the most accurate touch;
disadvantages: slides across the screen, it works not in all applications, not sensitive to pressing power.

Bamboo Stylus Duo, with a rubber tip - 5 mm. Without Bluetooth® support;
Dignity: writes well and "purely", you can use both the stylus, and as a conventional handle;
disadvantages: Over time, the tip is wear out (but it can be replaced with a new one).

Universal stylus

When you just immerse yourself in the world of styluses and electronic sketches, it is important to find a tool that is well sitting in your hand and allows you to draw anything in your chosen application. Stylus The Wacom Bamboo is a great stylus with a round tip of a thickness of 6 mm, which is nice to drive around the screen. This stylus sits perfectly in hand, allowing you to draw, make outline and manage your device.

Bamboo. - Not the perfect stylus, it has the same shortcomings, like other stylus with a rubber tip (for example, not the highest accuracy of lines, due to a rather massive tip, which does not allow you to see what happens to it well). Nevertheless, the stylus is perfectly designed, it is easy to carry with me, and we have not yet found another universal stylus, which would work so well.

If you do not mind to spend more money and get the stylus with Bluetooth® and sensitivity to pressing, then pay attention to the Pogo Connect from Ten One Design .

This stylus offers four different, excellent tip. Hundreds of sensitivity levels - it may be too for a beginner, but for those who want to create electronic masterpieces are really what is needed.

The only drawback of the accessory (at the time of writing the article) - he works poorly on the latest iPad tablets. Developers are trying to solve this problem, but may not be hurry and buy it if you are owner iPad Air. (Stylus, with the exception of the tip R1, it works violently only on the iPad mini).

Our choice: Bamboo stylus, rubber tip 5 mm;
Dignity: Great for sketches and drawing;
Disadvantages: It is sometimes difficult to see the tip items, the tip is wear out, but it can be replaced.

Option with Bluetooth: Pogo Connect, rubber tip - 7.3 mm;
Advantages: Several tip options (bought separately), hundreds of sensitivity levels to pressing, supporting the screen lock on unwanted touch (Palm Rejection) in some applications; 
Disadvantages: Too complicated for those who need a normal stylus, the random triggering feature of the touch panel and the sensitivity to pressing does not work in all applications. The catch also does not work on the iPad Air.

More democratic version: COSMONAUT, rubber tip - 8 mm;
Advantages: The stylus is pretty weighty, it is very convenient to hold in his hand, it is equally suitable for children, and for adults, surprisingly high accuracy of pressing, despite the thick tip;
Disadvantages: The stylus is not entirely convenient to write, plus to this, the rubber tip quickly turns into small dusting.

For drawing details

Serious artists submit Wacom! Of course, there is nothing better than Cintiq, Intuos, Bamboo, and even better Cintiq Companion. But if you create on the iPad, it is necessary to purchase the Wacom Intuos Creative 2 stylus. 2048 levels of sensitivity to pressing! Many compatible applications! This Bluetooth® stylus will draw everything to your soul. Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus comes with a wonderful portable case and a set of spare tips, which will be very useful to those who are going to draw a lot.

Find the flaws in this stylus is not so easy. The tip easily concerns the screen, allowing you to draw the smallest details. However, it is worth saying that the tip sometimes seems too soft. Also, programmable buttons on the stylus handle easily close in the process.

Our choice: Intuos Creative Stylus, rubber tip - 6 mm;
Dignity: programmable buttons, 2048 levels of sensitivity to pressing, many compatible applications, Bluetooth support;
disadvantages: The stylus is pretty expensive, the tip may seem too soft, the programmable buttons easily close.

Option without rubber tip:
Jot Touch 4, tip in the form of a plastic disk;
Dignity: programmable buttons, great accuracy of pressing, 2048 levels of touch sensitivity, recharging via USB;
disadvantages: You need to get used to the tip, sometimes the disc is unpleasant knocking on the screen.

For drawing

Although many artists today enjoy various electronic devices, it is pleasant to have something resembling the creative process of the past. Tassels from Nomad and Sensu allow you to "draw paints" on the screen, and most importantly - you do not have to wash them. It's amazing how more realistic drawing is becoming if you use the Nomad or Sensu brush.

Nomad offers several brushes, but none of them are sensitive to pressing. We most liked the brush of the Nomad Compose with a long handle and a short beveled tip suitable for drawing parts. Also interesting brushes mini 2 - folding brush, at one end of which bristles, and on the other - rubber tip; One-sided brush Flex; And also the Nomad Play is a fancy brush with a large handle made specifically for children.

Sensu offers not so many options: Sensu Brush's brush and Sensu Solo brush. Which brush will you choose? For us, the texture of the brush played a big role, and how it concerns the screen in the process of work. The Nomad brush is stronger than the screen, while Sensu smoothly slides when drawing. Choose to you.

Nomad Compose C Double Tip;
Dignity: Easy to draw both large and small details, pleasantly sits in her hand;
Disadvantages: The brush is easy to deteriorate if it does not care for it, it turns about the screen stronger than other tassels.

Sensu Solo, tip - brush;
Dignity: Brush is convenient to draw parts;
disadvantages: The brush will be easily damaged if it is inactively contact with it. Unlike Nomad smoothly slides on the screen, naturally nesting her hand.

What about other stylus?

Since the appearance of the iPad, we tested more than 75 styluses and we decided not to write about many of them in this article. This does not mean that they work well. They are just not the best or they have shortcomings, because of which we cannot recommend them (Ellis Hamburger, for example, liked the stylus Maglus. It seemed to us the stylus too, but we have noticed that when working with him I am very tired. No less, it is surprisingly durable stylus).


Rodion Danilov

Increasingly, the tablets and smartphones with a touch display are used as sketchbooks, notebooks for records and even canvases. However, draw and write with your finger extremely inconvenient. For this, many companies are developing stylistics that imitate the usual sensations from working with handle, felt-tip pen or brush. We offer you a list of 10 styluses for the capacitive screens that you should pay attention to.

Just Mobile Alupen.

Stylus Alupen Just Mobile is a budgetary device in the form of a pencil from smooth aluminum, designed specifically for iPad. A soft rubber tip allows you to work with a tablet much more efficiently compared to your finger. It is accurate, smooth, does not leave the prints on the screen, it is perfect for keeping records, creating sketches and graphic patterns.

Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus

Wacom Intuos Creative Stylus with 2048 levels of sensitivity to nazhim and Bluetooth support is able to create drawing effects on paper by a regular marker or pencil. The stylus, quite suitable for serious digital artists, has replaceable tips for drawing, drawing sketches and painting. Programmable buttons provide fast access To the desired elements that saves time.

Lynktec Truglide Pr.

Stylus Truglide Pro is Lynktec's bestseller. The device does not require connecting Bluetooth and special applications. The housing is made of anodized aluminum, and a 5-mm tip from a special microfiber. It is more durable and slides more smoothly and smoothly than rubber analogs. The design of the device allows it to change it to the nozzle in the form of a brush.

Sensu Brush.

Sensu Brush's digital brush, developed by Artist Hardware from the United States, saw the light in 2012 due to the Kickstarter crowdfunding platform. The desired amount of the device was collected in just a few days. With the help of Sensu Brush, which has a bristly tip made of high conductivity fibers, you can draw on any device with a capacitive screen, and the tactile sensations in the process are as close as possible to working with a real brush. The list of recommended applications can be found on the manufacturer's website.

Wacom Bamboo DuO2.

Ten One Design Pogo Connect

Stylus Pogo Connect is a device on the head above. First, it reacts not only to pressing (and reads 100 pressure levels), but even on the tilt of the pen. In this case, the tablet when connecting POGO (and it is connected via Bluetooth 4.0) ignores the hand touch when drawing. In addition to the stylus, you can purchase 4 different nozzles, including 2 solid tip and 2 brushes. A pleasant bonus is that Pogo allows you to track its location, and it will be difficult to lose it. Pogo Connect is powered by aaa battery, whose charge, according to the developers, is enough for almost a few months.

Adonit Jot Pro Stylus

Adonit Jot Pro is perfect for writing, creating sketches and graphic drawings on the iPad screen. The main advantage of Jot Pro - in its accuracy, which is achieved through an unusual tip. At the end of the pen there is a small round plate of silicone with a special coating. It allows you to control the thickness of the line (having 2000 levels of sensitivity to pressure), while the sensation from the stylus is comparable to a letter of a regular ballpoint handle.

Adonit Jot Script.

And Pencil has become clear that all previous models Companies remained not from affairs. Well, okay. The feathers market for tablets are so wide that it is not difficult to choose the stylus, which is ideal for any difficulty.

Yes, yes, we all remember the attitude of Steve Jobs to the stylus. But one thing to manage the interface of the system with the help of a stylus, and completely different use it for specific tasks. Make on the screen of the tablet outline or the diagram of the finger, the same as trying to portray on canvas Joconda With the help of sausages.

We experienced three stylus for different tasks - more interesting than Pencil, Distributed Apple at 7790 rubles.

Simple, comfortable, functional.

Why good:

  • Bilateral Stylus (Feather + Eraser)
  • Determines the slope
  • There is protection against erroneous clicks
  • Very easy: 26 gr.
  • Fully charged in 1.5 hours
  • Compatible with iPad 3 / iPad mini or newer
  • Works in 20 programs
  • It is possible to use turned off

To whom it will come:

Firstly, those who use a cool app Paper. - probably, bEST PROGRAM For sketches and notes. Especially for him in the program added several special chips, such as determining tilt and pressing force. These same chips are available in 19 other applications. The rest of the program works as the most common stylus.

Editor Paper. Intended as a simple program for drawing the sketch. As a result, it has grown into a powerful combine for the organization of sketches, notes, projects and schemes. At the same time, Paper managed to keep his minimalism! Recently, the program has received support and technology 3D TOUCH. Try to create something in Paper yourself. You can even do without a stylus. Download Paper for free in iTunes.

Secondly, Pencil. - Great thing for children: like a pencil, does not scare, you immediately understand how to use it.

Thirdly, Pencil. It looks very cool and stylish. It's certainly more interesting than apple analogue - dry and soulless.

It does not suit if you are going to lead many notes. Tip is thick. It is a piece for steep sketches and drawing - first of all.

Adonit Jot Touch. For a letter

Thin tip, letter accuracy, elegant forms.

Stylus, which is considered one of the best in his own way.

Why good:

  • Thin tip, just 1.9 mm
  • Determines 2048 levels of pressing
  • 2 buttons for quick access
  • There is protection against erroneous touches
  • Very easy: 20 gr.
  • Continuously runs 11 hours
  • Works in 21 Program

To whom it will come:

FirstlyStylish Jot Touch is designed for real passionate professionals. In their workplace there are Wacom (where without him?!), And on the road and travel they use the stylus and the tablet for the rapid embodiments of their ideas in any of the available professional applications.

Secondly, it looks like an ordinary handle. Lovers of handwritten notes can perform them right on the screen iPad.. Sketches and recordings are made easily and accurately, one-in-one as a ballpoint handle.

Thirdly, Jot Touch is perfectly balanced. Work with him is a pleasure.

It is not suitable if you dislike the visual arts and make recordings exclusively in ink.

LiveScribe 3 Smartpen. Magic handle, smart notebook

Allows you to maintain and save notes in a new way. Need paper.

Why good:

  • Writes on paper, saves entries in the application
  • Works 16 hours
  • Itself is able to remember 2000 pages of text
  • Compatible with iOS and Android OS
  • Synchronized with Evernote

Steve Jobs came up with the iPhone and iPad as devices that will be controlled by touching the touchscreen. However, Apple has created such multifunctional devices that they can already be used as notes for recordings and even drawing canvases. We offer you an overview of styluses, which will make creativity on your gadgets even more convenient

We admit that writing great notes, draw or draw the stylus is still both more familiar and more convenient than the finger.

If you have never enjoyed the stylus on the iPad before, before buying, you should pay attention to several things.

iPad is not sensitive to pressing

This feature does not allow drawing lines of different thickness. Partly, this flaw is corrected by bluetooth stylus. The developers have not made no effort to create a pen that works not on the principle of pressing touch screen, And with the help of a Bluetooth code. Such stylus let you write and draw, with different power of pressing, which is quite convenient for applying text and lines of different thickness. However, they have a number of shortcomings: they are not supported by all applications; Work on Bluetooth 4.0 limits use in udevays (starts from iPad mini, iPad 3, iPhone 5); Still, sometimes they need to be recharged or change the battery.

Stylus weight

This parameter is important if you are planning a long work, and the application you use does not turn off the palm touch. Long-term "walker" hands above the screen may be quite a tedious occupation.

Tips: size, shape, material

Stylus Middle price category From $ 10 to $ 40 are equipped with a pen made from rubber with a size of 6-9 mm. That is, manufacturers are trying to repeat the tip of the middle finger. There are feathers a little smaller and made of different materialsBut, as a rule, there will be a compromise. They are harder to put pressure on touch panelSo that the iPad reacted to press or the pen more slippery than traditional tires.

Stylus with Bluetooth support, thanks to its technology, can have a wide range of different feathers from various materials: rubber, transparent disk tips, plastic tips like a pen handle.

What's better? Large it depends on your tasks. Rubber provides greater clutch with the screen. It's good when you have to keep your hand on weight, but annoying when you need to write quickly. Fabric feathers are also kept on the screen, besides, they are sufficiently soft, which provides them with low accuracy. Plastic tips are much more nimble, but they, moving along screen iPad.can produce annoying creak.

For a letter

If you hate taking notes on a virtual keyboard or led to a finger to sign a document, you will need a stylus for fast records. We suggest viewing the Bluetooth Stylus for 75 $ Jot Script ADONIT. It uses PixelPoint technology that allows you to write pure and quickly. The tip is not traditionally rubber, but made of a tiny piece of plastic, which improves the visibility of the screen and the accuracy of the letter.

Of course, Script is not ideal for all tasks. Due to the plastic tip, it slides slightly on the screen, and has only one fully supported application (Penultimate). With other applications that are hard to perceive the tilt of the pen, an inconvenience of work may occur.

The quality of the assembly of the stylus is excellent. Requires AAA battery life which will be long, due to total low power consumption.

Our choice is Jot Script: Plastic Tip 2 mm, $ 75. Pros: Bluetooth; fast letter; This is the most accurate stylus on the market. Cons: Slide across the iPad screen; limited application support; Weak sensitivity to pressing.

Do you use stylus or there is no need for this? Are you ready to spend money on the stylus after reading this review?

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