
Five main versions of the iPad. How to prevent. Ipad housing straightening

Straightening the case on iPad Air 2 (AIPAD AIR 2) - a relevant procedure, which is carried out at the service center of Apple-Sapphire. It is worth noting that such a breakdown has not only cosmetic, since the distortion of the body can cause very serious internal malfunctions. To recover promptly, inexpensively and efficiently, it is necessary to entrust this procedure to professionals.

The main reasons for the deformation of the Aipad Aire Corps 2

  • Of course, such damage in 90% of cases occur due to the fault of the user itself. Blows and drops of tablet can lead not only to the deformation of the case, but also to serious internal breakdowns.
  • An independent reason for the owner is an excessive heating and a gain of the gadget accumulator. Despite the gradual action, it can very seriously harm functionality and appearance.
  • Sometimes when wearing in a bag with other items, you can damage and even bend the device body.
  • Also possible cracking of the device under the influence of moisture.

What to do to straighten the iPad Air 2 (AIPAD AIR 2)?

To make straightening yourself at home and without the necessary skills is very problematic. In addition, incorrect manipulations may damage internal mechanisms and chips. To carry out effective housing straightening, it is necessary to be extremely neat. Because of this, it is possible to make a logical conclusion that such procedures should be entrusted to the professionals of Apple-Sapphire. Our masters have extensive experience and use modern equipment in their work. With very serious damage to the case, the most optimal option is the complete replacement of the housing. It is worth noting that to restore the tablets, we use only original components.

iPad is a strong tablet, but not immortal. What breaks in it most often?

Expert opinion

For statistics on ipad faults, we turned to the old familiar from MODMAC. The guys have a full-fledged repair shop in the center of Moscow, two steps from the metro Lubyanka. There is everything to solve any problems, including those requiring deep surgical intervention.

The masters of dyeing and the soldering iron shared many years of apple tablet recovery experience. Indeed, these devices almost never break themselves. Owners' hands - the main reason 99% breakdown;)

Statistics breakdown iPad.

This is how the rarest infa looks like: statistics breakdown iPad. by number of appeals to the service Modmac:

  • It broke glass - 56%
  • Problems with display - 8%
  • Out of order modem5%
  • Replacement corps4%
  • Problems with battery3%
  • Upopal iPad B. water and repair is required - 7%
  • Other malfunction - 17%

Tell me about every important reason. Those who read everything, the bonus at the end of the article - 10% discount;)

1. Glass displays

There is no doubt here - the most frequent breakage in Apple tablets. Did not hold, crushed, dropped. No matter how strong there was a glass in Apple tablet, it will burst with a strong impact on the edge or, which is much worse, falling with the Ploughmy.

All iPad models are fought equally well. But repaired in different ways. Owners of all old ipides can sleep well: their glass can be replaced separately from the display. That is, if you unsuccessfully dropped the tablet, you can do with low blood - replace only the protective glass, it is quite fast and inexpensive (relative) process for almost all iPad models.

Owners of the iPad Air 2 such privilege do not possess. Their glass is tightly connected with the display as in the latest iPhone models. If you drop, you will have to change the whole "briquette".

More glass can sprinkle itself. Without poltergeists. Causes four:

  • factory marriage - air microbubbles when heating the tablet is expanding and reduced glass around;
  • poor-quality repairs - cheap Chinese windows have the property badly tolerate temperature differences;
  • battery Swimming - the battery plate presses on the display, which bursts with an unharmed glass;
  • the deformation of the housing - the crack may not appear immediately, but unexpectedly.

The non-critical factory marriage is also common: the glass "squates" at a pressure in the side parts of the case. This is a feature of bilateral scotch, which is punctured glass. It is less on the sides, so cavities are formed.

If the gap is not visible, Apple will refuse to warranty replacement of the device for a new one. Unfortunately, the snaps are sooner or late dust between the glass and the matrix. Here you can do with contact with the service where dust completely blow. It's not expensive.

HOW TO AVOID: Straight hands, protective and shockproof covers. SMART COVER, by the way, will not save. If dust fell under the glass, you can blow it in the service.

Glass replacement cost For July 2015: from 2900 to 4900 rubles for all iPad models, except for iPad Air 2. The price tag is completely different - 17900 rubles, nothing to do.

2. Matrix Screen

Someone is not lucky with the point number 1. The broken display module is a completely different level of the problem. The broken matrix necessarily distort the image, showing artifacts, unreadable zones. Or just stop working.

Despite the visible fragility of glass, kill the display module is not easy. It is very rarely cracking at a simple fall to the floor. And never breaks himself: if something happens, then exclusively due to the blown of the battery, a damaged loop of the matrix or the refusal of the backlight.

Spare parts are not seeing if you use the latter generation tablet. Conversely, the Owners of the iPad 2 and iPad mini will not go bankrupt, since the "iron" to their tablet is inexpensive and available in huge quantities (and with high quality).

Unlike glass, the replacement of the screen matrix carries an increased risk to run into a bad spare part. The Chinese have achieved great success, but not always able to reproduce the color reproduction and calibration of the original iPad screens. Here you have to trust the service.

HOW TO AVOID: Newly straight hands and covers. With the unexpected appearance of cracks, the display should run into service, as you definitely swept the battery. Look for good services to put a high-quality spare part. And yes, if you have an iPad Air 2, any cracks on the glass attract the complete replacement of the module. Oops.

Display replacement cost For July 2015: from 2900 to 5490 rubles for all Large iPad models and on mini. Only on the iPad Air 2, the replacement is still worth as half a device (17900 rubles).

3. 3G / LTE modem

Nothing knew about this category breakdowns. This is really the most common complaint after broken glass and display. But they are usually inextricably linked.

Owners of the iPad often drop the tablet to the angle down. Some such blows do not even leave tracks on the glass: only small dents of the housing with which you can live on. But inside the trouble could happen: the modem module together with the board could shift.

The peculiarity of this spare part is that it is connected to the main board of a very thin loop. If at least something damages something ... well, you understand. Falls This train is tenting and quite often tear. Or prepare for it. The owner may not even notice a problem for a while. It can open when the device updates the firmware and for some reason refuses to turn on to the end.

These modules have special difficulties with these modules. The fact is that each such module is tightly tied to the motherboard. And if it breaks, it is impossible to just take and replace the new one. In such cases, good masters are offered to turn the tablet in Wi-Fi Only.

The module is sewn into the intelligent way so that, with the next load, the tablet literally receives a second life: rewrites its serial number and represents that there has never been a cellular modem in it. There are suspicions that this procedure is somehow connected with the production process of the iPad. Perhaps somewhere at the factory similarly separate versions from Wi-Fi from LTE-compatible devices.

HOW TO AVOID: Yes Yes… straight arms. Well, or take the tablet with Wi-Fi ... If there are problems with a cellular module, do not pull and carry the device to the service: after flashing, it will tell you "goodbye" and will be invited to MODMAC anyway.

Repair cost For July 2015: Restoration of the modem loop or modem from 2000 to 5000, depending on the complexity; Replacing the modem loop - from 2500 to 4000 rubles.

4. Corpus

There are two types of dents. The first belongs to cosmetic. Elemental anodizing that revealed metal will not affect the performance of the tablet. The same applies to scratches from behind. But some dents can add unpleasant problems. A strong directional blow in a metal corner passes the wave of glass with understandable consequences.

Each iPad housing is slowly violates the integrity of the two-sided adhesive of the display module. A microscopic gap may appear - between the glass and the display, for example. Quickly (Believe me on the word) dust will be born. And he himself can serve as a starting point for the appearance of a crack with the next fall.

The replacement of the hull on the iPad is nontrivial: in fact, you have to collect the tablet again. Owners of iPad 2 and iPad mini in the plus: their buildings are abundant available in the markets, including high-quality counterparts from Chinese manufacturers. One way or another, it is necessary to replace the housing to a new, not having dents or traces of fall. Isolation is a fine thing.

HOW TO AVOID: SMART Case from Apple itself, as well as silicone covers, fully closing the case, wonderful from the dent. Plastic lining will weakly help: they will survive only one or two such impacts, and then burst. You can live with dent and you need if it does not enter the display module.

Cost replacement case For July 2015: from 2900 to 5490 rubles for all iPad models.

5. Battery.

Very important parts that can kill the iPad in a breathtaking style.

Batteries, unlike other spare parts in the iPad, may die without a visible cause. Their fate depends not only on the remedy moments, but also from how you feel about the tablet in general.

How often he was on the scorching sun or in the wild heat? Do you wear it in a 25-degree frost? Who made his charger, especially automotive? How often do you charge it and discharge? How old is he? Answers to these questions predetermine the fate of spare parts.

Using the iPad in heat or cold conditions, as well as cheaper chargers reduces the battery life and theoretically, can lead to a critical failure at the chemistry level. You know what we are talking about: everyone saw the swollen batteries that explode and burn when the outer shell break. Now imagine what happens to your iPad when it lies in a bag or at home. Horror, of course.

The battery rarely swells and lights up in a short time: as a rule, the process goes for weeks and even months. You can detect the problem, seeing that the glass screen began to lay down to the display too tight or touch it at all. In the latter case it is impossible to pull, you have a chemical bomb in your hands with a powerful smoke effect;)

The explosion of the swollen battery is accompanied by fire and powerful emissions of caustic black smoke (in no case to inhale!). Internal components of the tablet in 90% of cases die without the possibility of recovery.

One of the MODMAC customers ignored the swelling of the battery and eventually took out already smoking and burning from the inside tablet directly at the airport Vnukovo. The device was not subject to recovery, and the client sat at the airport security service all day, skipping his departure. It was unpleasant.

HOW TO AVOID: We do not put the iPad in the sun, do not leave in the car in the summer for a long time, we do not wear in your hands in a terrible frost, bringing out of heat in the cold several times a day. We use only original charging devices, and not nonsense for 300 rubles in a nameless tray. If you see any bloating and irregularities on the display module or under it, just take and immediately go to the service for the new battery. Otherwise let's go to the store for a new tablet.

(5.00 out of 5, rated: 2 )

website iPad is a strong tablet, but not immortal. What breaks in it most often? Expert opinion on iPad fault statistics We turned to the old familiar from MODMAC. The guys have a full-fledged repair shop in the center of Moscow, two steps from the metro Lubyanka. There is everything to solve any problems, including those requiring a deep surgical ...

The constant decrease in the thickness of the iPad PRO couple with a considerable area has a negative effect on the overall strength of its housing. This was convinced by the lead Youtube channel JerryRigeVeryThing, which tested the new tablet of the company for stability to damage. As the experiment showed a blogger, from the previous generation a line of professional "tablets" only lost in strength, thereby increasing the likelihood of unintentional bending.

Despite the obvious thinning of the protective glass of the iPad Pro, it did not become less durable than the model of the previous generation. The glass is still persistently preventing the appearance of scratches when exposed to materials with hardness to the sixth degree on the Moos scale. And the body of the current generation tablet turned out to be more vulnerable compared to the previous due to the appearance on the side edge of the magnetic connector for fastening and recharging Apple Pencil. Its plug, as it turned out, is made of milk plastic.

How difficult is the iPad Pro 2018

But the worst thing is worse with the imbalance of the whole design. The video shows how the blogger, putting the minimum of effort, bends the body in half as if it is made of thin plywood, and not from metal. Interestingly, the side frame on which the microphone hole was located, with a bend literally cracked, once again hinting at the inability of the new iPada Pro to withstand the substantial tests for strength.

The new Apple Pencil, despite the price higher compared to the previous generation model, also did not become stronger. The stylus did not receive the rigidity ribs (although it could), and therefore broke in half with minimal impact, exposing his insides. Subsequent manipulations with the remnants of the accessory showed that its plastic shell is extremely fragile, turning to be probably even less fragile than the egg shell.

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