
Ribbon app for smartphones. Stocard and Wallet: Discount cards from the application. Applications pay money for checks in supermarkets

Ribbon - an application for iOS, developed by the same name russian network hypermarkets. It opens up a lot of useful opportunities for buyers, allows you to save money, as well as follow up to topical discounts and shares.

Loyalty program

Users can download their bonus card data and use the utility instead of a plastic counterpart. To do this, open a special section in the application and allow the cashier at any network store to scan the barcode on the phone screen. This allows you to always keep the card at hand and do not miss the chance to save money.

It is possible to view the balance of the bonus card, as well as track the history of replenishment and write-off in your account.

The appendix provides personal promotional offers for each buyer.

Additional features

Supermarkets networks are able to monitor the emergence of new discount and promotional proposals in a special section. This indicates the validity of each promotion so that users always have time to make profitable purchases.

There is a convenient feature of the shopping list. The appendix provides a list of goods available in the store, as well as rates and other useful data. The required product can be added to the list of one click.


  • it is possible to monitor stocks and discounts without leaving the application;
  • you can add the bonus card data and use the utility instead of a plastic analog;
  • a function of making a list of purchases is available, thanks to the full catalog of goods with rates;
  • the application is downloaded and is used absolutely free;
  • compatible with all relevant iPhone models and iPad.

In the shop App Store. - The official store app for IOS technology is millions of applications, but not all of them, as they say, is "equally useful." But, of course, in such an abundance, the novice user is very difficult to understand which programs will work with high efficiency, and which - just take a place in the memory of the smartphone. In this article we tried to collect best iPhone AppsIn order to help you find the most useful for yourself in the "Chaos" app Store.

We note immediately, the presented top is drawn up for the average modern user with typical needs, however, we tried to cover a rather wide range of interests.

Social networks, messengers

Well, where is the modern user without the possibility of unlimited and practically free communication? Anyway! Therefore, we decided to start a review with iPhone applications that offer convenient access The most popular social networks and most convenient messengers.

The first category includes the following programs - VK App, Instagram, Facebook. All these applications are familiar to all of us social networks - VKontakte, Instagram and Facebook in the "pocket" format. The functions in the mobile version are practically identical to the functionality in full version For PC. If you use one of the above social networksThe corresponding application, of course, should be on your iPhone.

The second category competes tightly - WhatsApp, Viber, Skype - All these applications make it possible to send messages and content, make video and regular calls using online traffic, which is much cheaper than the use of similar options through mobile networks.

The WhatsApp, Viber, Skype functionality can be identical, so users tend to select a suitable messenger of these three purely on the principle of visual acceptance and convenience of use - both characteristics are very subjective. If you do not have any messengers, we recommend downloading all three, "bind" them a little and leave the one with whom, in your opinion, work more comfortable.

Documents to work with documents

As they say, "the case is time, fun - an hour." Since soon, we dealt with applications with employees, for the most part, for useless chatter, it's time to go to something more serious.

Any user - whether it is a busy businessman or a celebrating student sooner or later faces the need not only to open one or another document to view, but also edit it and here it requires a program for an iphone type "Office Package".

The three most popular applications in this category - Pages, Numbers and Keynote - all of them are intended to edit documents and have a wide optional, but the first functional when working with text files, second - with tables, third - with presentations.

Analogs of these three applications - Mobile microsoft version Word, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Power Point, and Google Documents, Google Tables and Google Presentations.

Let's just say, the functionality of Pages, Numbers and Keynote is wider than the functions of analogues, but, frankly, not too much to a large extent, however, the programs from Microsoft and Google, unlike the top three Pages, Numbers and Keynote are free.


A modern man has already learned to ask the road from strangers, it is much easier for him to ask his electronic "friend", and therefore navigation applications for iPhone - another Must Have of the current user.

The most popular and convenient applications in this category "Yandex.Navigator" and Google maps. What to choose? It is difficult to say, because the opposition of Yandex and Google services is similar to Holivar between IOS and Android users. The functionality is offered almost identical (with the exception of absolutely minor trifles), both applications are reliable and high-quality - so just select on the "whose side" and download the appropriate application.

Photo edits

Well, of course, the modern user must have at its disposal a photo editor, in order to stunning a fresh selfie and collect more likes, and therefore not to consider the best applications for the iPhone in this category we simply cannot.

The most functional photo editor for the iPhone is the Pixelmator application, however it is paid and costs as much as 379 rubles, the second place in functionality is divided by Aviary, Photogene4 and Adobe Lightroom, while Photogene4 is also paid (229 rubles), and Adobe Lightroom Many users call a complex program. So if you look for something simple and free, but at the same time with a wide functionality, it is definitely worth downloading aviary.

Music services

The iPhone has an excellent native service "Music", but because, as they say, there is no taste and color of comrades, we are ready to offer you worthy replacement to this very service. These include the following applications for iPhone - Imusic, Audyssey, SmartPlayer, Vox Music Player, Flac Player and Musixmatch.

Vox Music Player, Flac Player and SmartPlayer - paid applications, the rest are free.

Nevertheless, all of the above players - both paid, and free made qualitatively, developers offer a wide functionality of loading and listening to tracks. Everyone is visually pleasant, but still in terms of design interface, Imusic is more often noted.

It is impossible to do not separately say about Vox Music Player - it has the widest functionality. He is the only one among the above players, which boasts the support of Internet radio, the ability to search for music and clips on the Internet, it also supports playing more than the other format number players, can change the speed of playback of tracks, etc. If all these features are needed, we recommend paying for the application, otherwise, choose Imusic.


Read now in fashion and program for iPhone type "Reades" too. Here, again, it is worth saying that the iPhone has an excellent native iBook application, which recently gives the opportunity not only to read the books, but also listen to them. However, if it does not suit you and you came to the App Store for the new "reader", we recommend paying attention to applications - Kybook 2, Kobo, Bookmate.

All these applications are free, most of all formats support KyBook 2, in addition, the program does not require registration to start working with it, however Kobo and Bookmate have very useful mode Night reading, but Kybook 2 - no. In the rest of the functionally, the program is almost identical, but if you like to read at night, we strongly recommend choosing an application with a night mode - your eyes will tell you thanks!

Video beam

In this category, it is worth noting the following programs - PlayerXtreme, NPlayer and AvPlayer, of which only the first one. However, at the same time, we cannot say that Playerxtreme in something strongly loses with paid counterparts - it has excellent functionality, it works without failures and problems, so overpay, in our opinion, absolutely no need to overpay.


So, according to the basic needs of the average user - communication, navigation, video view, listening to music, reading books, working with documents, photo editing, we walked. And now we would also like to consider several applications that are interested in not everyone, but many.

Task managers. If you like to structure things, you can not do without the task manager. Unfortunately, the best of them (TODO, THINGS, 2DO, OMNIFOCUS 2) in the App Store - paid, and the price begins with a very large threshold - 379 rubles and comes up to 2990. However, there are still good analogues yet - this is WunderList and

Radio. If you like to listen to the radio, we recommend the Yandex.Radio application - simple, understandable, functional and free!

Dictionaries and translators. The application for translation of foreign text each should be at hand, and here we will recommend you "swamped" a couple of Yandex.Transfer and "Google Translator" - both applications are free and reliable. The remaining high-quality decent programs translators for iPhone paid.

Financial managers. Accustomed to watch out costs? Then without a finance manager, you can not do! One problem, almost all worthy "representatives" of this category - Paid - Moneywiz, HomeBudget with Sync, ICompta 3. However, there is one good free analog - DailyCost.

Fitness programs. Fashion sport today is gaining momentum and many users want to have a fitness app at hand, the most functional and free is Runkeeper. In addition to reliable operation and a large Option, the program boasts a simple and understandable interface.


Well, hopefully our little excursion best applications For iPhone helped you understand a little huge world App Store, and you can choose only useful and high-quality applications for yourself, and most importantly, do not overpay.

The tape is an application for a large network of hypermarkets, which, part-time, are the owners of Android devices.

Advantages of buyers

The application ribbon includes electronic map Buyer, the use of which guarantees the accrual of purchasing bonuses without presenting a plastic card. In addition, the tape allows you to create a list of purchases, which will allow not to write it on a sheet or in notebook. However, you will have to remember the number of units that need to be taken - the program toolkit does not make it possible to specify this data.

Another convenient function of the application is viewing existing shares and discounts. In this case, everything is implemented much more convenient - the user can compare the previous and new priceBy calculating how much it will save on this purchase.

Special tab with integrated maps will help to find all the nearest hypermarkets on the map and pave the route to them.


Constantly forget to take a client card with you? In a bag or backpack, there is simply no room for a pile of plastic cards, so you prefer their mobile applications? The ribbon is one of the many networks of hypermarkets and supermarkets that provide the ability to "storing" the buyer's card in its own Android device.

Important information

We draw your attention to the fact that the hypermarket ribbon has a rather strict policy regarding use third-party applicationsStore all virtual user cards - when using such a cashier program, they will simply be refused to conduct crediting bonuses to the card. So we recommend using exclusively "official" application.

Key features

  • informs about new discounts, informing the price difference;
  • conducts bonuses to account without scanning a plastic card;
  • contains tools to create a list of purchases;
  • has a concise interface and a convenient menu;
  • allows you to search for the nearest hypermarkets on the built-in maps;
  • works on all actual versions operating system Android.

Today almost every a store seeks to give out its cherished plastic card with a discount, favorable sentence, bonuses and other advantages. And everything would be fine, but only with time the wallet ceases to close from the abundance of different plastic cards. Many of them simply lie in the wallet often without a case (especially if this is a store in which you only go from the case), taking an extra valuable place. Often even space for cash does not remain 🙂

For a long time, solving this problem did not actually exist, however, with the arrival in our life of smartphones, albeit a little, but it became easier. Most of the cards can be downloaded to the phone. You just need to download an application that can adapt the data on discount cards to your needs.

Let's start from afar. Discount plastic cards are several species. They differ in functional use and cost. The most expensive mapping options are the use of the magnetic strip on the back and embossing (convex symbols - the card number, the name of the owner, and so on). Analogs of these cards transfer to the phone, alas, it will not work. But you can try to twist at the checkout, saying the card number (if it is, of course).

An image is clipable. Bar code options on the plastic card.

Interest for us represent exactly the cards that have a barcode on the back of the opposite. It is he who scans the seller at the checkout, determining the size of the discount, accruem bonus points etc. This is the most popular and universal way identification. It is easy to apply to the surface and count the scanner. The overwhelming number of discount cards of the Russian stores uses this principle as the main one.

The barcode is usually applied on the back of the card. May contain symbols, system information. On him, in principle, any textual data can be applied.

A huge advantage is also in the fact that most of the online stores take the numbers of their discount cards to pay and automatically recalculate a discount on them!

Exchange discount cards through wallet applications, Stocard and Beepngo

So looks like BEEPNGO applications.

In Content Store Google Play. and the App Store are popular with users special applicationsthat allow you to scan barcode from the camera mobile phone And bring them to the database.

Stocard is free appallowing you to store plastic discount cards digital form in your phone's memory.
Application status: Free
Size: 18940 KB
System: Android | IOS.

There are also other discount card storage applications in the phone. Among them " Wallet", Pinbonus, Cards Mobile, Cardved, Zr.Life and even Kiwi Bonus. IN lately You can add discount cards even in new-fashioned applications. Samsung Pay. and Android Pay.. For someone it may seem more convenient. But you decide. Choose from functionality what you are more suitable 🙂

In this way, you can get into the gadget database, all your discounted and gift cards with barcode have. And also download any other, causing your base. Just imagine how easy it is your wallet! Forget about the Kipa plastic in it. All discounts and points can be obtained right in the phone. It is enough to provide the seller the ability to read the code from the screen when buying.

So the application icon looks like Stocard For storing discount cards in the phone (barcodes).

Among the many similar programs are particularly popular with two: Beepngo and Stocard. The latter was recognized as the best on Google Play in 2013. They are easy to find in the official store of mobile applications and install it in the phone. Sellers are sometimes with amazement look at you at the form of a barcode on the screen, but people like this idea. In some cases, old laser scanners cannot read the code, but they are now becoming less and less. New technologies quickly come into the life of people by changing it.

How to use the application?

This looks like a wallet application in Andoid and iOS.

Add a map simply: just click on the "plus list", scan the camera barcode or drive it manually, if you wish, take a picture of the facial and back of the plastic card. After that, you can safely go to the store and make a barcode on the cashier to apply a discount. There are special applications. For example, " Wallet", In which you can even release a discount card without having a plastic on hand 🙂

You can also try using the barcodes below. to pay for goods and services in online stores indicated companies. Ideally, it is desirable to install all the programs at once, since it did not appear truly universal Applicationcapable of solving emerging difficulties.

On the this moment You have to use the three applications - " Wallet "(For the store" Smile Rainbow ")," Tape"(Do not accept other people's cards, only their own application) and Stocard (for the rest). Google Pay. Well suited for "crossroads" (since they have a special barcode format).

Applications pay money for checks in supermarkets

Service Qrooto.:

Since I got the topic about applications that save time, place in the wallet and money, then for completeness, it is worth introducing you to introduce you to the application that returns money! 🙂 This application Qrooto. (iOS, Android). The principle of his action is simple: scan QR code on check from any products Shop and get money for this (cachek) depending on the purchase category. It is very convenient that the list of goods is universal and includes indeed casual products (for example, "any bread", "any mineral water" and so on).

Withdrawal from 10 rubles. You can withdraw them, for example, on bank card, phone or electronic wallet. Now checks bring money! Who could at all think about this before. Tested the scheme, and, you know, the habit of throwing checks immediately after the purchase. 🙂

A small gift from us: Enter our promo code 902534 (this code You must enter when registering in an application after installing it on your phone or tablet). This promotion gives welcoming 9.9 rubles As a gift after loading your first check. Download the application on iOS or Android

"Checkback" (Android / iOS) from " In contact with"- Here you can get a very thorny cachek for purchasing the most popular products in stores.
There are a lot of positions, not to mention the usual positions of goods from other stores. Money is accrued immediately after checking your account in VK PAY. (You can either spend there, or bring to the phone or map, listed instantly and without commission). You can exit anyone Amount. This service is suitable for those who have its own page "VKontakte".

IMPORTANT : one and the same check can be driven through all these services, everywhere will pay. Thus, your overall benefit from 1 check with a QR code becomes even more! Suitable any checks: both for purchases in ordinary in stores and on the Internet. Hall a maximum of your purchases! 🙂

List of discount (discount) cards 2020, bar codes:

When adding a map to the Walield application, Beepngo or Stocard VBE submitted numbers manually. Some stores submitted several barcodes at once just in case. Sometimes it passes and just the card number. Also, a discount (discount) card can be photographed with the front and back side and also upload to the phone. These applications really work in stores and allow you to unload so that the cracked wallet 🙂

We constantly replenish this list of barcode number of discount cards of the largest stores of Russia so that it is always relevant to you.

Let's collect a big collection of such cards!
We offer in the comments to leave the numbers and your discount cards. If possible, write your town, as well as amount of discount. Just do not specify bonus cards, but only those cards for which there is a real discount.

It would also be interesting to get and feedback from you: What cards go on the ticket barcode from the phone, and which is not. 🙂

Separate profitable shares:

  1. Coupons for a discount in a taxi:
    "Taxi Maxim" (Google Play / iOS) - Promocode AB32BB3A. (100 premium rubles as a gift for new users);
  2. 10% discount In "Red and White": rP-ZKI1YQ. We introduce B. mobile application In the "Temporary Discount" section ( acts on everything other than yellow price tags ).
  3. 20% discount + 1000 points as a gift (You can pay for some positions in restaurants and cafes) from the Delivery Club food delivery service. Only for new Accounts (if there is an account, you can register to another number). Delivery is always free. And a 20% discount is valid on the restaurant or cafe menu. When ordering on the website or in the application, use promotional Refsjue9fxg.(valid only when online Payment and amount of order from 1000 rubles).
  4. Free Post Paper Card at anywhere in the world on the site My postcard (Use the code Vitaliiumug. When registering on the site - FRIENDS CODE field). Fully free print postcards and its subsequent dispatch.
  5. Tom Tailor. - Create an account and get 2500 points on your bonus account ( balls give a base discount 50%), points summable With other discounts: for example, with a share of 500 products by 70% discount, 75% on knitwear I. 50% In Outlet. More added 10% of the price You can throw off when paying online. Try, it turns out very profitable, the overall discount is up to 80%. Do not forget also about promotional GIFT500. - will give extra 500 bonuses and 1000TT. - 1000 bonuses. Try, some of them should work. And in the promotion Flash10 There will be an additional 10% discount on everything.
  6. Bookstore (each purchase code for 1 purchase is valid for 1-2 days from the moment of activation):
    Promocode Bonus15NY.300 bonus rubles and one book as a gift.
    Promocode FixPrice_Friday.- 50% discount on buying 5 books as a gift.
  7. H & M. - no discount cards, but you can pass old things (clothes, bed linen) to any store and get a coupon for free 15% discount For 1 any product in the check in any store on the territory of the Russian Federation (1 coupon \u003d 1 clothing pack, 3 things are enough in the package).
  8. Score " Ile De Bote. ": Promocode Alfa25. - discount 25% When paying by Alpha Bank cards. According to the free map of installments "Conscience" is provided by cachek 10% of the purchase amount, and on the "Halva" map - 3 months of interest-free installments.
  9. Promocode for online cinemas (free subscription):
    K25Q5N. - 14 days subscriptions on service Megogo.
    Sogazfamily. or MOREKINO. - 30 days subscriptions on service more TV
    Mila. - 14 days subscriptions in the online cinema start
    Zima20. - 14 days subscriptions in the NTV + service
    bonus2020. - 14 days not service TV-ZAVR
    20182805 - 10 days premium subscription OKKO
    enjoyivi2020 - 30 days subscription to service IVI
  10. Crossroads (discounts for orders with delivery to the house from the supermarket onlineEven when ordering online, you can apply your bonus card and save points in addition to the discount promotion):
    FDM832. - this is a 20% discount for the first order when you buy from 1,500 rubles;
    PRK832. - this is a 10% discount when buying in the amount of 5000 rubles for any next order;
    LTM831 - 650 rubles discount when buying from 3000 rubles.

These discount cards were checked:

  1. Network store chain Adidas. - Map number 17113492 is valid for everything (20% discount), even in discounts.
    Another barcode number is 18407991 (10%) and 210062 (5%). Additionally in promotion U20-3W6M-2WLN-562H-4SHSF And get 20% discount Even at the vocational goods when shopping online. By the way, now in "Adidas" passes the traditional Sale of discounts up to 50%. A great way to buy yourself something useful. By the way, when paying on the site delivery courier to the house will be free! Well, or in the store order to pay, delivery to the store is free even without prepayment.
    35% discount on promotion SpecialOFFER35 All products from the section.
  2. Sportswear shops Reebok.20% discount on the map 22275749; and discount in promotion X5SS-GXVZ-F3NZ-RGP1
  3. Pharmacy RU: Discount 3% in promotion BEE
  4. Jewelry salons " Lines of love»- 3% discount - number 00902695
  5. Book Shop " Lettering"(Discount only in the usual store!), Accumulative discount from 2 to 10% - 9640012524517
    10% discount or 200 bonus points when paying on the site and enter promotion Tele2Book
    - 5% discount for all users when paying on the site
    For new users (you need to register on the site) when paying in their online store:
    - 10% discount for first order when buying from 2 000 rubles + bonus points
    - 7% discount for first order when buying from 1 000 rubles + bonus points
    - 25% discount for first order from 5 000 rubles + bonus points
  6. « Hypermarket Okay"- 5% - 2440032527577 and 24400029058954, 2440077466123
  7. « The Snow Queen"- 10%, barcode 2701840097 and 290000
  8. « Letual"(Diamond - 25%) - 0613746061
    In promotion f25108N054HS Get 25% discount For any order in the online store.
  9. The shops Adidas. Additional 20% discount Acts in promotion AU20-SDFN-FG4S-L436-QDRL3 When placing an order.
  10. Clothing store Westland. ("Westland") - 7% discount, its code 0715164620154
  11. Chain stores " — 5% — № 20 0000005371
  12. Clothing store FINN FLARE. — 55859691
  13. Clothing store " Henderson"010351755 Discount depends on the goods (5% -15%).
  14. Clothing store " FINN FLARE. »55190220 Accumulative discount (up to 10%) - 7% already exist.
  15. Score Kanzler ("Chancellor") 10% - 7000002225169 and 7000003782944
  16. Golden card " Rive Gauche"- 25% - 352294
  17. Cosmetics store " Ile de Beaute ", Maximum discount on the map 2211003253036, 2211007297333 - 25%
  18. Network of jewelry stores " Adamas Gold.» — «
  19. The shops LEGO. - VIP card - 5550003848970, the discount depends on the price tag and goods, all the time is different.
  20. Hypermarket " METRO"(Golden), gives a discount of 11%, barcode 6430101300507926053398 (Map decorated on a woman), 6430101300507926042337 (Map is registered on a man).
  21. Cosmetics shops " wild Orchid»Discount 2% 41218316 and 41103469
  22. « Gorilkin"(Alcomarket in Samara region) - Card number 7570001348065, discount on a number of goods.
  23. CHOUPETTE. (Boutique for kids Yekaterinburg) - Map number 114311, barcode number - 3388211143110, discount on a number of goods for special price tags.
  24. Clothing store Savage - 5% discount, number 000613654
  25. Sela - Discount 5% - 10000031674
  26. Footwear Zenden. - 5% discount - 000028244738
  27. Underwear Milavitsa. - 5% discount - number 000000559119
  28. Moskoztorg - now a 3% discount (accumulative up to 10%) - bar code 4819644236
  29. Book Shop " Book House"(St. Petersburg, in the House of Zinger) (discount like 2 or 3%), its number 5500000531467
  30. Hypermarket " Sigma", the shops " Lotus", (Only Petrozavodsk): 3% + discounts for products by catalog, card number 20333791
  31. Network of optics stores " Happy look"(Maximum discount), barcode 0000203284061
  32. Score " Toto"(Like 3%), discount 446455
  33. Map Baon. (5% discount), accumulative system up to 15%, barcode 10204085
  34. Score Golfstream, 5% discount, barcode 2905700112368
  35. Hobby hypermarket " Leonardo"10059067 - 7%
  36. Dresscode. (Businesswear) - 2500000499432 - 3%
  37. « Springman"(For needlework) - 2061100450933 - 10%
  38. Milavitsa (Kursk, Belgorod), 7% discount, 1110001759087
  39. Score " Econica"- Mom Map, number 3200200024197 and a 25% discount
  40. Shoe store Respect, discount card 1616083, 5% discount
  41. Hypermarket " Okay»- 2440097790671 - Discount on certain goods
  42. Score " Megamart.»- Golden card, Card code G01785
  43. The shops " Lentorg."(Petrozavodsk): 7%, barcode 2000010759705
  44. Construction Materials " Orange"(Only Ryazan), bar code number 6477701099222 (accumulative discount up to 10%, is now 7%).
  45. Coffee and tea store Cantata"(Moscow and St. Petersburg) Discount 16%, 2000012116292, also applies to purchases in the online store.

And these discount shops are worth checking out:

  1. Score " Alba "(ALBA) — 00038757
  2. Skin and body care L'oxane (Locitane) - Barcode 2000000041575, card number 1100001003996290
  3. Hardware store " Petrovich5089859.
  4. Children's products Gulliver. — 339041
  5. clothes " Bogozza."9999 5085.
  6. clothes " Elegant"5000000538775.
  7. jeans Store " Levi's."91006101
  8. clothes " Marks & Spencer."00799551
  9. tourist equipment " Trial-sport"1014127.
  10. Footwear Ralf Ringer — 2000030194841
  11. Baon. — 77841582
  12. Underwear " Starpark."- 040042194480
  13. Clothing store Concept Club. — 1004665
  14. Hypermarket " Tape", Discount card (5% discount + for shares) 800001155300 and 800004213114, 780014348342 ( ATTENTION: officially worth the ban on the reception of barcodes from third-party applications, only from the official one can)
  15. Net " Letnnythim.»- Map 2500700932536
  16. Hardware store " K-Raut»(K-Rauta) 63669310006346566
  17. « Old man "Hottabych»701 00 002523
  18. clothing Kira Plastinina. 3000004136481
  19. Sport store " Sportland»700 500 983
  20. Clothing store for children and adults United Colors of Benetton 04042
  21. « Terrapeutics»803001349013
  22. « Pink Rabbit»3900000189026.
  23. « Mom Roma"681593.

Lovers shop " Smile rainbow»Now they may refer to. Their bonus cards can now be downloaded to the phone (in particular, in the Wallet and Stocard application) to receive and write off points on them. One card in the wallet was less. Recall that earlier the operation was carried out along the magnetic strip, and it was terribly uncomfortable. By the way, promotional products for the purchase in their online store: AVANTAGE10. and Avantage20. For a discount of 10 and 20%, respectively (the purchase amount from 700 rubles).

All these cards can be used, the discount is provided for a bearer, each can get an indicated discount. Suggest your discount cards. We will replenish their base together and live profitable! 🙂

Small comments on how shops work " Smile rainbow"(Thanks for feedback to our reader Nikolay Romanov) in applications for storing discount cards. And that's what he writes:

Shops "Smile Rainbow" do not accept maps from any applications besides "Wallet"(Card is not read). Situation Next: Take Stocard, enter the number or photo of the card itself, everything is fine, there is a bar code, it seems to work. We go to the cashier, the accrual of points can and works (I do not remember here), but the write-off of the points is definitely not, does not fit the barcode. By the way, the card itself is riding a magnetic strip, not a stroke. It seems that the problem is that the strokes are the same, that in the wallet, that in the inland, but no, here is the snag.

A wallet on the map number somehow randomically changes the touch, it is periodically different, that is, the barcode number is not a card number, but a number with some added numbers. After connecting to the Internet, most likely, the "wallet" is synchronized with the "smile" and changes the card number again. How often he does not understand, but another application is definitely not suitable. If you do not include the Internet at all, then at some point and the "Wallet" himself will not work at the "smile." At least it is in St. Petersburg so!

According to the bonus card "Crossroad":

Map "Crossing" also does not work in the "Layout", the wallet did not test, but it is easy to check and without a card, who often uses it. The essence is as follows: on the stroke In any application, the card will be read at the checkout and points are calculated, but they cannot write them off. How so? And simply the original crossing application broadcasts the map is not as an ordinary stroke, but two-dimensional. I do not know, supports "wallet" such strokes or not, but the Stocard is definitely not. Google Pay. accurately supports.

If possible, write in the comments also about your experience in using discount cards in the phone through the application. What stores take / do not take them? Is this method convenient at all? We will be glad to your opinion!

Refused to accept the map in electronic form in the Stocard application. (7.09.2014, Cashier No. 33, Kassir Deva Yu. V.). Before that, they always took, how many years I go.
Dear ribbon, you probably have forgotten the meaning of discount cards? Discount card is not to give me a discount or make me VIP, and in order to financially motivate me to go exactly to your store. Now there are no motivation. I do not intend to carry your stupid plastic, and so the wallet is hardly closed from dozens of cards. I'll just go to other shops, which thousands. And you will no longer see my money. The greed of the Frare rucks. All stores other than yours are perfectly accepting a barcode card code in the appendix without any questions. Your prices also do not differ cheap compared to competitors. I spent not one hundred thousand rubles in your store! In pursuit of their skiddes you lost thousands, "economists"! Customers do not need - please. And your wonderful "Novovodia" appeared just in the conditions of sanctions with semi-empty shelves. I wish you to break with such an approach to your permanent and loyal buyers!

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