
Top 15 pharmacy chains Q4. MarketMedia studied which pharmacy chains in Russia were included in the top ten largest in terms of the number of outlets. Pharmacies operating under the Health Planet brand

As one of the central topics for the Russian pharmaceutical retail at the beginning of this year, the issue of permitting the sale of drugs in non-pharmaceutical retail arose again. It would seem that the professional community had given the initiative a very unambiguous assessment even earlier, and we can put an end to it. However, the regulators decided otherwise. In December 2017, a draft federal law was submitted for public discussion.

Probably, no one needs to explain that the Federal Law is a "serious thing", and since the draft document has appeared, the likelihood of its adoption should be considered as very high. So, the statement of several large representatives of the Russian pharmaceutical retailer about the risk of closing a significant share of their pharmacies seriously agitated both the professional community and the general public. If this is the case for the leaders, then what will happen to the companies of the second and third tier?

However, in the "big" retail, passions are also boiling serious, echoes of these events were expressed in the sale of a blocking stake in the Magnit network by the founder of the company, Sergei Galitsky, to VTB Bank.

We will not quote "conspiracy theories" about the starting process of nationalization of the global retail market, these versions hardly have a right to exist, but still the growing role of the banking sector in retail management, incl. pharmaceutical, difficult to ignore. In particular, this year, noticeable changes have taken place in the management structure of Pharmacy Chain 36.6, some of them, obviously, were initiated by the structures of MKB.

Table: TOP pharmacy chains by share in the retail-commercial drug market in Russia at the end of 2017

Pharmacy chain Office Number of points Share,%
LP not LP Generally
Classic pharmacy chains
1 ASNA 1 Moscow 8 365 13,9 12,7 13,7
2 Pharmacy chain 36.6 2 Moscow 1 756 5,0 4,8 5,0
3 Rigla 3 Moscow 2 039 4,9 5,1 4,9
4 Erkafarm Group of Companies Moscow 1 240 3,7 3,5 3,6
5 Implosion 3 Samara 3 195 3,3 3,4 3,3
6 Planet Health Permian 1 403 2,8 1,7 2,6
7 Neo-Pharm Moscow 464 2,4 1,4 2,2
8 Farmland Ufa 950 1,7 1,8 1,7
9 Pharmacopoeia - Your Doctor Moscow 892 1,6 1,5 1,6
10 Pharmacy Timer Permian 657 1,6 1,3 1,5
11 Pharmaimpex Izhevsk 738 1,5 1,8 1,6
12 April 3 Krasnodar 727 1,5 2,0 1,6
13 Melody of health Novosibirsk 1 262 1,4 1,6 1,5
14 Vita Samara 887 1,3 1,7 1,4
15 Maksavit (including 36.7C) 3 N.Novgorod 389 1,3 0,5 1,1
Pharmacy associations 4
1 Propharmacy Moscow 3 928 4,1 2,9 3,9
2 IFIs St. Petersburg 2 232 3,0 3,2 3,1
3 SPRING St. Petersburg 670 1,0 1,4 1,1
4 Novosibirsk 15 027 0,5 1,2 0,7
5 FarmHub Moscow 321 0,5 0,5 0,5
6 Parnassus Moscow 278 0,4 0,5 0,4
7 Alliancepharma St. Petersburg 198 0,3 0,3 0,3
8 GradisFarma 3 Moscow 240 0,3 0,4 0,3
9 Vlasta Voronezh 194 0,3 0,3 0,3
10 Nadezhda-Farm Tambov 156 0,2 0,2 0,2
1 - ASNA belongs to the group of classic pharmacy chains due to the deeper level of integration of business processes compared to associative-type chains
2 - the total number of outlets is indicated taking into account Pharmacora pharmacies, the company's turnover for the period is not taken into account
3 - expert judgment
4 - the positions of pharmacy associations are calculated without taking into account the intersections of the members of the associations with each other. This rating shows the market share occupied by the union of pharmacy chains and single pharmacies
Top 10 pharmacy chains in Russia Top 10 pharmacy chains in Russia Amera Carlos 2018-07-10 http: //site/upload/resize_cache/iblock/8dd/2560_1200_1/8ddddd13aa3c479bd1455a0bf4dca8b0.jpg

MarketMedia studied which pharmacy chains in Russia were included in the top ten largest in terms of the number of outlets.

According to the results of the first quarter of 2018, the top ten classic pharmacy chains in terms of the number of outlets in Russia totaled more than 11 thousand pharmacies. In total, there are more than two thousand chains operating in the country, which account for 81.2% of the Russian retail drug market in 2017 in monetary terms, the analytical company RNC Pharma calculated.

In the coming years, the largest players will develop through the purchase of small regional chains, since the era of organic growth is long over, top managers of pharmacy chains said at industry events. In the coming years, the number of networks will decrease significantly.

One of the trends in pharmacy retail is the process of market consolidation, which has not stopped for several years. Moreover, over the past two years it has become very active. Last year, about 50 transactions were made in Russia. “The interesting thing here is not even how many transactions are going on, but the fact that quite large and quite successful companies were put up for sale, and it was amazing. For example, the Samson-Pharma or Kazanskie Apteki chains, says Nikolay Bespalov, Development Director of the analytical company RNC Pharma, stressing that earlier the largest transactions took place in relation to companies in difficult financial situations. For example, "Rainbow" changed its owner due to the poor financial condition of the mother "Rosta".

Currently, many assets are sold rather because their owners do not see the prospects for market development: high competition, declining business profitability, falling purchasing power. There is now a low demand for drugs and related products.

Federal chains, which have bought up many regional players over the past few years, say that it is no longer possible to develop organically and this year they will continue to buy small chains or single pharmacies for the sake of location.

If we take the five leaders, then there are four Moscow networks and one Permian. The top 10 did not include regional drugstore chains that have united in alliances and unions, as well as online pharmacies. But if we analyze alliances, then the largest is the Moscow Association of Independent Pharmacies (ASNA), which unites more than 8 thousand retail outlets in Russia up to Kamchatka. By the end of this year, the association intends to grow to 14 thousand pharmacies.

In second place in terms of the number of united local players is the Samara chain Implosion (more than 3.4 thousand outlets), which has more than 60% of pharmacies either partner (connected to Implosion software for procurement) or franchises.

The third place is taken by the Novosibirsk network "Melodiya Zdorovya" (1.8 thousand), which also has more than 50% of its outlets in partnership.

The peak of unions of local players into unions or alliances was in 2017. This allows chains to have lower purchase prices and to consolidate producer orders for marketing services (producers pay chains to promote their products).

Despite the fact that work on a high-profile bill allowing the sale of OTC drugs in grocery retail has been discontinued (and this was a big threat to the pharmaceutical market, representatives of the chains said that if this law was adopted, they would be forced to close up to half of their outlets due to close proximity with grocery stores), the situation in pharmacy retail is extremely difficult. “Most likely, in the coming years, small players will find themselves in extremely unfavorable conditions; it will be difficult for local companies to compete for marketing budgets with market leaders. The industry will see a series of bankruptcies of small and medium-sized companies, and the M&A market will be oversupplied. So now you can go out of business on not bad conditions yet, ”Nikolai Bespalov believes.

1. Wrigla
The first place in the Top-10 of the largest classical pharmaceutical chains is occupied by Rigla, which is part of the Protek Group of Companies. The network includes more than 2.1 thousand pharmacies in 50 regions of Russia. Apart from the main brand Rigla, this company has 12 other drugstores, including Zhivika, Apteki 03, Yugorskiy Lekar, and others. Its share of the retail drug market is 5.6% in rubles. Rigla, which has bought up many regional assets in recent years, including Kolomna DOMpharma, Ekaterinburg Apteka City, Pskov Apteki 003, Kostroma Panacea, has now announced a new business strategy aimed primarily at organic growth of the network and increase in revenue outstripping the growth rates of the pharmaceutical market, said Alexander Filippov, CEO of the Rigla pharmacy chain.

2. Erkafarm
As of April 1, 2018, she managed more than 1.2 thousand pharmacies in 8 federal districts of Russia under various brands, including Doctor Stoletov, Ozerki, Khoroshaya Apteka, Narodnaya Apteka, Apteka No. 1 , "Rainbow", "Pervaya Pomoshch", "Ladushka" and others. Pharmacies operate in various formats - from discounters to pharmacies. This year the company plans to develop a new format of drogerie under the Ozerki brand in the low price segment. The first stores will be opened in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region, and then in Moscow, Novosibirsk and Krasnodar. The company's share in the retail drug market was 4.6%.

3. Pharmacy chain 36.6
Pharmacy Chain 36.6 Group of Companies was founded in 1991. The company operates chains under the names 36.6, Gorzdrav and A.v.e., the total number of which has exceeded 1,470 points. The company's share in the retail drug market was 4.4%.

4. Planet of health
In fourth place in the ranking of the largest pharmacies in terms of the number of outlets is the Perm Planet of Health, which has more than 1.4 thousand pharmacies, including under the brand “Country of Childhood”, in 50 cities of Russia. In the Perm Territory, the chain is the leader and occupies more than 60% of the retail market, according to RNC Pharma. The company's share in the retail drug market was 3.2%.

5. Neo-Pharm
The Moscow group of companies "Neo-Pharm" is developing networks "Neopharm" and "Stolichki", operating in different price segments. Compared to the four previous pharmaceutical companies, it has much fewer pharmacy outlets - only 469. However, the company develops larger formats, in contrast to competitors - hypermarkets and supermarkets. Its share in the Russian pharmaceutical market is estimated at 3.1%.

6. Farmland
The sixth place in the rating is occupied by the Bashkir "Farmland", which has been operating since 1997. It has more than a thousand pharmacies in Russia of various formats (pharmacy centers, social pharmacies, health and beauty centers), and also has optical salons, orthopedic salons and a hearing center. The company's share in the Russian pharmaceutical market was 2.1%.

7. April
The Krasnodar network of pharmacies "April" had 891 pharmacies at the end of the first quarter of this year. Its share reached 1.9%. As well as the largest federal chains, Krasnodar pharmacy retail is also developing through the purchase of local networks. So, in the spring of this year, "April" announced the purchase of the largest Tatar network "Kazan pharmacies" (112 outlets). In 2017, "April" looked closely at the Izhevsk network "Farmakon & Klyukva" (117 outlets), but in the middle of the year it was taken over by Pharmaimpex, Vademecum magazine previously reported.

8. Pharmacy Timer
According to the results of the first quarter, the Perm network "Apteka-Timer" numbered 673 outlets with a 1.8% share in the pharmaceutical market.

9. Pharmaimpex
The Izhevsk Pharmaimpex network was established in 1994, initially the company was engaged in wholesale supplies, cooperating mainly with hospitals. The first pharmacy was opened in Udmurtia in 1998. At the end of the first quarter of 2018, the chain consisted of 729 pharmacies, and its share in Russia in the retail drug market was 1.6%.

10. Vita
Samara pharmaceutical company "Vita" operates almost a thousand pharmacies. The company develops two brands: Vita Express and My Low Price Pharmacy. The consolidated share of the pharmaceuticals market reached 1.4%.

Top 20 pharmacy chains in Russia Amera Carlos 2019-03-20 http: //site/upload/iblock/84d/84dedc353527cef46fccc7c59c7faf76.png

The Russian retail pharmacy market is going through a phase of consolidation and tightening of government regulation. Leaders buy up local players, and they, in turn, continue to unite in alliances for survival. MarketMedia publishes the top 20 pharmacy chains.

In 2018, the growth in sales of pharmaceuticals in packs in Russia increased by 6% compared to 2017 to 5.6 billion. The sales volume in money terms increased by 7% for more than 1.256 trillion rubles, according to the research company AlphaRM.

At RNC Pharma, the data are more pessimistic: at the end of the year, the dynamics of the retail market in monetary terms stopped at 2.2%, its volume amounted to 1.2 trillion rubles, and in physical terms, it generally went into the negative sector -3.2%. up to 5.5 billion packs.

You can read Nikolay Bespalov, Development Director of the analytical company RNC Pharma, about why analysts from different research agencies differed greatly in the calculations of drug sales in Russia at the end of 2018.

As of January 1, 2019, more than 65.6 thousand pharmacies were operating in Russia. Despite the fact that their number increased by 3% compared to 2017, a decrease in the number of pharmacy outlets was recorded in Q4 2018. The volume of revenue in December amounted to 111.2 billion rubles (+ 4%), and the average revenue per one - 1.7 million rubles (+ 1% to December 2017), according to the report of AlphaRM.

At the end of 2018, pharmacies sold more than 4.7 billion packages of medicines worth 892 billion rubles, which is 8% more in money terms and 7% more in units.

If we compare the ratings of pharmacy chains in 2018 and 2017, then changes have taken place in the top three. Group 36.6 moved down two lines, yielding the second place to the Erkafarm Group of Companies, and the third - to the Samara chain Implosion. Rigla (part of PROTEK Group of Companies) remains the leader in terms of total sales.

As for the trends, in 2018 the market consolidation, which has been going on for several years, and the withdrawal of small regional chains continued. Pharmacy chains continued to merge into various alliances, which peaked in 2017, to strengthen purchasing power and consolidate manufacturers' orders for marketing services. Because manufacturers pay networks to promote their products.

By the way, recently the National Pharmaceutical Chamber (NFP) union asked the Ministry of Industry and Trade to regulate interaction between pharmacy chains and manufacturers, since pharmacies in 60% of cases impose drugs on customers, with the manufacturers of which they signed marketing agreements, Kommersant newspaper reported.

The NFP proposes to prohibit the priority recommendation of a particular drug to customers within the framework of marketing agreements between pharmacy chains and manufacturers. If the prohibition is violated, it is planned to suspend the certificate of a specialist or a certificate of accreditation of a pharmacist for a period of up to 6 months. The corresponding mandatory checks must be included in the regulations for the test purchase of Roszdravnadzor, the letter says. It follows from it that otherwise the patient acquires the drug imposed on him, and not recommended by the doctor.

Pavel Rasshchupkin Director of Analytics, RNC Pharma

One of the main trends for the pharmaceutical retail sector in 2018 was the general stagnation of the segment. Against the background of this downturn, we saw a fairly large number of M&A deals. Of course, local drugstore chains became the main targets of transactions.

Among the market consolidators are Farmland, Rigla and other players. But some changes were noticed among the major players as well. For example, three players from the top 20 at once - Planet of Health, Pharmacist + and Maksavit - have united into a single organization under the auspices of the Planet of Health network. The New Pharmacy network has joined the IRIS partnership.

This process is quite understandable - earlier M&A deals were in the nature of local strengthening of individual players, now, after the increase in the number of members of the 1000+ pharmacies club, more serious steps are required to unite the efforts of the chains for equal competition.

In addition, it is obvious that the larger the network, the more favorable conditions it can receive for deliveries from distributors and marketing contracts from manufacturers.

The next trend is associated with the latter, which began to unfold at the end of 2018. A proposal was made to limit the maximum bonus for marketing in the pharmacy segment. By the way, there are already proposals to completely prohibit this type of cooperation between manufacturers and pharmacy retail.

Potentially, this could seriously hit the retail business, especially those players who built their networks primarily using back margin (back margin, which reflects the part of the profit that the company receives from the supplier in the form of various discounts, bonuses, etc.) - Ed.). By the way, the latter in 2018 also actively revised the conditions for the payment of bonuses and tightened control over this type of activity. This is partly a "merit" of the participants in the pharmacy market.

Some companies actively practiced pouring goods back into the wholesale segment in order to fulfill the mandatory conditions of marketing contracts and receive bonuses.

But at the same time, there is a quite definite understanding that the state is strengthening its control over the segment. In addition to tightening, the industry is also under pressure from the active development of distance selling of medicines, causing the outflow of parapharmaceutical (non-drug) assortment from pharmacies. Namely, this category is one of the most marginal. So far, it is officially forbidden to sell drugs in Russia via the Internet, but certain market participants have found a way to circumvent the ban (the Ozon online store sells drugs through a pharmacy on the basis of a pharmaceutical license, and retailer's couriers deliver drugs on behalf of buyers - Ed.).

Summing up, we can conclude that in 2019 and beyond, it will be more and more difficult for single pharmacies and small chains to survive in the pharmacy market. Consolidation of the segment is already noticeable (the top 20 accounts for more than 50%), and this figure will grow even more this year.

And of course, the higher the competition, the more difficult it is to fight for business profitability. In addition, so far (as of the end of the 1st quarter of 2019), we do not see serious prerequisites for the recovery of market growth in monetary terms, not to mention natural, which can also hardly add optimism to market participants.

Top 20 pharmacy chains in Russia in 2018

1. "Rigla" (Moscow). The pharmacy chain is part of the PROTEK Group of Companies, which operates in all major segments of the pharmaceutical industry: production of medicines, distribution of pharmaceuticals and beauty and health products, as well as retail sales. The audited consolidated revenue of the group based on the results of 2017 amounted to RUB 258.5 billion.

In 2018, the Rigla pharmacy chain expanded with 426 pharmacies in Russia, including through mergers and acquisitions, and as of January 1, 2019, there were 2,457 thousand pharmacies. The average check is 489.93 rubles. The company's share in the retail pharmaceutical market at the end of 2018 was 5.46%.

2. GC "Erkafarm" (Moscow). Erkafarm Group is one of the leaders in the Russian pharmaceutical market. It was founded in 1994. The group includes 1,266 thousand pharmacies in eight federal districts operating in various formats - from discounters to pharmacies under the brands Doctor Stoletov, Ozerki, Horoshaya Apteka, Narodnaya Apteka, Apteka No. 1, Raduga "," Pervaya pomoshch "," Ladushka "and others. Every month the company's pharmacies serve more than 6 million customers. Since 2018, the company has begun to develop a new drogerie format for itself under the Ozerki brand in the low price segment. The first stores were opened in St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, and then in Moscow. The company's share in the retail pharmaceutical market at the end of 2018 was 5.35%.

3. "Implosion" (Samara). The Implosion network unites more than 2,500 outlets, of which more than 60% of the pharmacies are either partner (connected to Implosion software for purchases) or franchise. The total revenue at the end of 2018 is 46.5 billion rubles, the market share is 3.83%.

4. Group 36.6 (Moscow). Pharmacy Chain 36.6 Group of Companies was founded in 1991. The company operates chains under the names 36.6, Gorzdrav and A.v.e., the total number of which has exceeded 1.314 thousand points. The company's share in the retail drug market was 4.4%. At the end of 2018, the network lost its positions in the ranking of the largest chains, moving from second to fourth. During the year, the group of companies closed more than 400 pharmacies in the country. Obviously, we are talking about unprofitable points, the total number of which is not disclosed in the company. Thus, the new top management is trying to bring the retail business out of the crisis, which accounts for the bulk of the company's revenue. The share decreased from 4.48 to 3.64%. As Kommersant wrote earlier, by 2021, the EBITDA margin of each pharmacy will be 3.5% (the current figure is not disclosed), and the chain's market share will increase from 4.4 to 10%. For comparison: Rigla has a current EBITDA margin of 4.8% for each pharmacy.

5. "Planet of Health" (Perm). As of January 1, 2019, the network consisted of more than 1,696 thousand pharmacies, including those under the “Country of Childhood” brand, in 50 cities of Russia. During the year, the company opened 321 pharmacies. In the Perm Territory, the chain is the leader and occupies more than 60% of the retail market (according to RNC Pharma). The company's share in the retail drug market was 2.96%.

6. "Neo-Pharm" (Moscow). The company develops pharmacies under the Neopharm and Stolichki brands operating in different price segments. Compared to the top five players, it has much fewer pharmacy outlets - only 606. However, the company develops larger, in contrast to competitors, formats - hypermarkets and supermarkets. During the year, she opened 124 objects. Its share in the Russian pharmaceutical market is estimated at 2.87%.

7. "Vita" (Samara). Pharmaceutical company "Vita" operates almost a thousand pharmacies. The company develops two brands: Vita Express and My Low Price Pharmacy. During the year, the company opened more than 600 pharmacies, and its share of the pharmaceuticals market increased from 1.35% to 2.68%.

8. "April" (Krasnodar). As of January 1, 2019, the April pharmacy chain consisted of 1,335 pharmacies under the April and Pharmacy Warehouse brands (economy segment). The total share of the company increased from 1.94% to 2.56%. During the year, the chain opened just over 450 pharmacies, including through acquisitions. For example, in 2018, April absorbed the largest Tatar chain Kazanskie Apteki (112 outlets).

9. "Farmland" (Ufa). The Bashkir company has been operating since 1997. In 2018, it expanded its network from 954 to 1114 points in Russia. The company operates in different formats - pharmacy centers, social pharmacies, health and beauty centers, and also has optics salons, orthopedic salons and a hearing center. The company's share on the Russian pharmaceutical market increased from 1.77% to 2.1%. The turnover at the end of the year amounted to 25.013 billion rubles.

10. "Pharmaimpex" (Izhevsk). The company was founded in 1994, initially it was engaged in the wholesale supply of medicines, cooperating mainly with hospitals. The first pharmacy was opened in Udmurtia in 1998. At the beginning of 2019, the network consisted of 757 pharmacies (+28 outlets per year), its turnover in 2018 amounted to 19.4 billion rubles, and its share in the retail market of pharmaceuticals in Russia was 1.6%.

11. "Pharmacopoeia & Your Doctor" (Tula). Pharmacopeyka pharmacy network is a franchise project of the pharmaceutical distributor Medexport - Severnaya Zvezda LLC. Pharmacopeyka, numbering more than 600 outlets, operates in the Altai, Krasnoyarsk Territories, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Tomsk and Tyumen Regions, as well as in the Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug. The network of pharmacies "Your Doctor" has more than 300 outlets in the Tula, Kaluga, Vladimir and Moscow regions, as well as in the Krasnodar Territory. The owners of the two networks merged in 2016. During the year, the combined company opened 52 pharmacies. The consolidated turnover of the two chains in 2018 amounted to 18.2 billion rubles, the average check was 440 rubles, and the market share was 1.5%.

12. "Pharmacies from a warehouse" (Perm). Its owners, Andrei Godovalov and Nikolay Shavrin, have been engaged in the wholesale of pharmaceuticals since the 1990s; the Pharmacy ot Sklad network (a segment of discounters) has been developing since 2009. Now the network is represented in 23 regions of Russia and has 767 pharmacies (+83 pharmacies). At the end of 2018, its turnover amounted to 14.6 billion rubles, the average check was 463 rubles, and the market share was 1.2%.

13. Group "36.7S & Maksavit" (Nizhny Novgorod). Pharmacies under the brand "36.7" have been operating since 1998. In 2010, the company began to develop another brand - discounter pharmacies “Maksavit”. Currently, 489 pharmacies (+85 pharmacies) operate under two brands in 36 cities of Russia. The company's turnover at the end of 2018 amounted to 14.2 billion rubles, the average check was 496 rubles, the company's share was 1.17%.

14. "Melody of Health" (Novosibirsk). The chain has been operating on the market since 2006 and today it is present in 53 regions of Russia and has 766 pharmacies (+43 points). Basically, these are pharmacy supermarkets with an open display. The turnover at the end of 2018 amounted to 13.1 billion rubles, the average check was 409.58 rubles, the market share was 1.08%.

15. "Mega Pharm" (Moscow). Pharmacy company "Mega Pharm" (pharmacies "A-Mega", "Yes, healthy!", As well as premium-class pharmacies "Azbuka LIFE") entered the market in 2016 and is part of the Marathon Group holding. The holding was founded in May 2017 by Alexander Vinokurov and Sergey Zakharov, later Andrey Tyasto joined them as a partner. At the end of 2018, Mega Pharm had 1,008 pharmacies (+138 points per year), the average check was RUB 303.51, and the market share increased over the year from 0.39 to 0.95%. The network turnover in 2018 exceeded RUB 1.5 billion. Mega Pharm is developing in partnership with X5, Azbuka Vkusa, Russian Railways, Elena Malysheva Medical Center. The pharmacy retailer plans to open more than 4 thousand retail outlets by 2021.

16. "Pharmacist +" (Rostov-on-Don). The network of pharmacies belongs to the pharmaceutical distributor CJSC Pharmacist, which has been operating on the market for over 25 years. On the basis of the distributor, a warehouse for storage and distribution of immunobiological drugs, diagnostic tools and antiretroviral drugs of the Ministry of Health of the Rostov Region has been created and has been operating for 10 years. At the beginning of 2019, the pharmacy chain consisted of 334 pharmacies (-13 pharmacies), the average check was 460 rubles, the market share was 0.87%. The turnover at the end of 2018 exceeded 10.6 billion rubles.

17. "New pharmacy" and "Pharmacy minicen" (Khabarovsk). Little is known about these pharmacy companies. Network sites are also uninformative. According to SPARK, the operating legal entity of the Novaya Apteka chain is Superpharma LLC, owned by Igor Zhukovich (48%), Igor Boyarkin (30%) and Artem Zhukovich (22%). The operating legal entity of Apteki minitsen is LLC Avers apteka minitsen, which has the same owners and with the same distribution of shares. The total turnover of the two chains at the end of 2018 exceeded 10 billion rubles (9 billion rubles in 2017), the total number of pharmacies reached 161 (remained unchanged), the average check decreased at the end of the year compared to 2017 from 738 to 662.39 rubles and the market share was 0.83%.

18. "Nevis" (St. Petersburg). Pharmacies have been operating in the North-West region for over 25 years and are part of the Nevis Trading House holding, established in 1992. It also includes several companies: production of feminine hygiene products under the Angelina trademark, cosmetic detergents under the Vuoksa trademark, and cosmetics with pheromones under the Dr.VILSH trademark. At the end of 2018, the turnover of Nevis pharmacies exceeded 8.3 billion rubles, the number of outlets increased from 428 to 457 over the year, the average check slightly decreased - from 388 to 382 rubles, the market share was 0.69%.

19. "" (Moscow). The pharmacy chain has been operating since 2003. According to SPARK, belongs to Sergei Kagramanov (45%), Mikhail Akimov (33%), Artem Pyshnyak (12%), Yuri Tikhohod (5%) and Olga Shcherbinkina (5%). At the end of 2018, the network's turnover amounted to 7.4 billion rubles, the average check was 1.3 thousand rubles, and the number of outlets increased from 52 to 63.

20. "Aloe" (St. Petersburg). Pharmacy chain "Aloe" is part of the pharmaceutical holding "BSS", has been developing since 2014. At the end of 2018, it numbered 268 pharmacies (+22 pharmacies). Initially, the network developed within the North-West region, but later expanded the boundaries of its presence and today it is present in the Urals and Central Federal Districts. The turnover at the end of 2018 reached 6.9 billion rubles, the average check was 490 rubles, and the share was 0.57%.


Top 50 pharmacy chains with the highest average order value

Comparing the TOP-200 pharmacy chains for the first half of 2015 and 2016, it can be stated that 10% of companies from the pharmaceutical industry left the rating for various reasons. Among them were such as the Sochi pharmacy chain "Farmada", the first pharmacy kiosk of the chain "Gran", the network of pharmacies "Zdorovye lyudi", the Yekaterinburg company "Stolet" and others.

During the preparation of each project, new companies are regularly opened. Of the 20 newly emerging companies of the current rating, only half of them were previously in sight. Another 10 networks entered the database for the first time, two of them are Crimean: "AViK" by Alexander Lishchenko and "Med-Service", which was previously part of the Ukrainian business group of Oleg Tokarev.

Of those who were previously in mind and received admission to the TOP, it is worth mentioning the Mosapteka network, launched by the co-owner of the development Sezar Group Ruslan Semyonov. “We decided to diversify our business, and the pharmacy segment seemed very attractive,” explains his junior partner Lev Nasimov. The businessmen have ambitious plans - by the end of the year to bring the number of Mosaptecs to 70–75, and by the end of 2017 - to 170 outlets.

TOP-200 pharmacy chains in the first half of 2016:

1. A.v.e Group & Pharmacy Chain "36.6" + A5 Group (Moscow);

2. Rigla (Moscow);

4. Planet of Health (Perm);

5. Implosion (Samara);

6. First Aid & Rainbow (St. Petersburg) + Ladushka (Nizhny Novgorod);

7. Farmland (Ufa);

8. Neo-Pharm (Moscow);

9. Pharmacopoeia (Omsk) & Your Doctor (Tula);

10. Pharmaimpex (Izhevsk);

11. Vita (Samara);

12. Samson-Pharma (Moscow);

13. Pharmacy Timer (Perm);

14. Melody of health (Novosibirsk) & FarmSibKo (Krasnoyarsk) + Gemini (Samara);

15.36.7S & Maksavit (Nizhny Novgorod);

16. Pharmacist + & Nectar (Rostov-on-Don);

18. Classics (Chelyabinsk);

19. New pharmacy & Pharmacy Minitsen (Khabarovsk);

20. Spring of Health & LekOptTorg (St. Petersburg);

21. Nevis (St. Petersburg);

22. Provincial pharmacies (Krasnoyarsk);

23. Pharmacor (St. Petersburg);

24. Alia-Farm (Samara);

25. (Moscow);

26. Volgopharm (Volgograd);

27. Regional pharmacy warehouse (Chelyabinsk);

28. Pharmeconom (Irkutsk);

29. PharmImEx (Moscow);

30. Floria (Moscow);

31. Pharmacies of the Capital (Moscow);

32. Antey (Vologda);

33. Farmani & Pharmacy (Nizhny Novgorod);

34. Stavropol city pharmacies (Stavropol);

35. Health (Ust-Labinsk);

36. Family pharmacy (Blagoveshchensk);

37. Nizhny Novgorod Regional Pharmacy (Nizhny Novgorod);

38. Novosibirsk pharmacy chain (Novosibirsk);

39. Cheap pharmacy (Rostov-on-Don);

40. Edelweiss (Kemerovo);

41. St. Petersburg pharmacies (St. Petersburg);

42. Yug-Pharma (Rostov-on-Don);

43. Farmakon & Cranberry (Izhevsk);

44. Aloe (Edipharm) (St. Petersburg);

45. TriKa (Moscow);

46. ​​O "Vita (Vladivostok);

47. Capital pharmacies (Moscow);

48. Tambovfarmatsiya (Tambov);

49. Kazan pharmacies (Kazan);

50. Lipetskpharmacy (Lipetsk);

51. Monastyrev.rf (Vladivostok);

52. Vitapharm (Moscow);

54. Republican network "36.6C" (Kazan);

55. Pharmacies on duty (Moscow);

56. Orenlek (Orenburg);

57. Pharmaceutical warehouse (Saratov);

58. First aid (Barnaul);

59. Biotek (Moscow);

60. Bashfarmatsiya (Ufa);

61. Vista (Simferopol);

62. - 63. Maitre (Bryansk);

63. Economy (Moscow);

64. Helmi (Barnaul);

65. Pharmacy (Moscow);

66. Dialogue (Moscow);

67. Kurganfarmatsia (Kurgan);

68. FarmLiga (Kostroma);

69. Family pharmacy (Omsk);

70. Medicine for You (Moscow);

71. Kalina-Farm (Veliky Novgorod);

72. Medbioline (Moscow);

73. - 74 Bryanskfarmatsiya (Bryansk);

74. Tattekhmedpharm (Kazan);

75. Donskaya Pharmacy + (Rostov-on-Don);

76. Pharmacies IFC (Moscow);

77. Permpharmacy (Perm);

78. Pharmacies 36i6 & Zhiveya (Irkutsk);

79. Violet (St. Petersburg);

80. NIKA (Moscow);

81. Spray (Ryazan);

82. Evalar (Biysk);

83. AViK (Sevastopol);

84. Our Doctor (Nizhny Novgorod);

85. Omsk medicine (Omsk);

86. Vita-Nord (Arkhangelsk);

87. Voronezhpharmacy (Voronezh);

88. Med-Service (Simferopol);

89. State Pharmacy (Izhevsk);

90. Heart (Moscow);

91. World of Medicine (Kemerovo);

92. FORMULA HEALTH (Murmansk);

93. My pharmacy (Novosibirsk);

94. -95. Avicenna (Irkutsk);

95. Healthy city (Voronezh);

96. Pharmacy JSC (Arkhangelsk);

97. Rifarm (Chelyabinsk);

98. Harmony of health (Krasnoyarsk);

99. Pharmacy of Murmansk (Murmansk);

100. Health (Ivanovo);

101. Khanty-Mansiysk pharmacy (Khanty-Mansiysk);

102. Pharmacy of thrifty people (Vladivostok);

103. Pharmacy CO (Yekaterinburg);

104.-105. Nadezhda-Farm (Tambov);

105. Mitsar-N (Moscow);

106. Pharmacy of Chuvashia (Cheboksary);

107. Eniseymed (Krasnoyarsk);

108. BioMed (Samara);

109. Formula of health (Kaliningrad);

110. Ulyanovskpharmacy (Ulyanovsk);

111. Medial (Zelenograd);

112. Pharmacies of Kuban (Krasnodar);

113. Pharmacies of Kuzbass (Kemerovo);

114. Pharmacy house (Kemerovo);

115. Pharmacy HC (Khabarovsk);

116. Pharmastar (Moscow);

117. Vita-Plus (Pyatigorsk);

118. Vitapharm (Togliatti);

119. Your doctor (Biysk);

120. Pharmacy chain of the North-West holding (St. Petersburg);

121. Amurpharmacy (Blagoveshchensk);

122. Kalugafarmatsiya (Kaluga);

123. Pharmacy traditions (Kursk);

124. Pharmacy TO (Tyumen);

125. Pharmacy Standard (Yekaterinburg);

126. Successful (St. Petersburg);

127. Be healthy! (Nizhny Novgorod);

128. Dynasty (Yakutsk);

129. Keith Pharma (Railway);

130. Novgorodpharmacy (Veliky Novgorod);

131. Bonum (Saratov);

132. Pharmacy Central (Ryazan);

133. Longevity (Moscow);

134. Shah (Astrakhan);

135. University Pharmacy (St. Petersburg);

136. Pharmacist (Yaroslavl);

137. VekPharm (Moscow);

138. Pharmaceuticals (Voronezh);

139. DOMpharma (Kolomna);

140.-141. Pharmia (Voronezh);

141. Rainbow Health (Moscow);

142.-143. Pharmacy 313 (Nizhny Novgorod);

143. New hospital (Yekaterinburg);

144. New pharmacy (Kaliningrad);

145. Riviera (Kazan);

146. AZON (Bryansk);

147. Eco-Chem (Irkutsk);

148. OblPharm (Yaroslavl);

149. Cardio (Saratov);

150. Lekrus (St. Petersburg);

151. CRA 80 (Irkutsk);

152. Violet (Tomsk);

153. Zero Pain (Novosibirsk);

154. To your health (Astrakhan);

155. Rainbow (Yekaterinburg);

156. Doctor (Yekaterinburg);

157. Soviet Pharmacy (St. Petersburg);

158. Secret of Longevity (Penza);

159. Jack (Yekaterinburg);

160. Lara (Ulan-Ude);

161. Dalpharma (Khabarovsk);

162. Farmikon (Chelyabinsk);

163. Karelfarm (Petrozavodsk);

164. Rostovoblpharmacy (Rostov-on-Don);

165. Living pharmacy (Tomsk);

166. Rilai (Tver);

167. State pharmacies of the Komi Republic (Syktyvkar);

168. SIA (Krasnoyarsk);

169. Kubanfarmatsiya (Krasnodar);

170. Medunitsa (Saratov);

171. Regional pharmacy warehouse (Orenburg);

172. Pharmacy VO (Vologda);

173.-174. Dimpharm (Moscow);

174. Vita (Tomsk);

175.-176. Medstroy (Stary Oskol);

176. Esculap (Naberezhnye Chelny);

177. Mosapteka (Moscow);

178. Sakura (Kazan);

179. Phytopharm (Anapa);

180. Pharmacy on duty (Rostov-on-Don);

181. Formula of Health (Moscow);

182. Celeste (Irkutsk);

183. Pharmacy RM (Saransk);

184. Witch Doctor (Moscow);

185. Heart of Karelia (Petrozavodsk);

186. Artemis (Moscow);

187. Pharmacy No. 1 (Barnaul);

188. Lada-Doctor (Moscow);

189. Centenary (Mytishchi);

190. Pharmacy for the thrifty (Murmansk);

191.003 (Pskov);

192. Laura Plus (Krasnodar);

193. Diaspharm (Moscow);

194. Healer (Makhachkala);

195. Baikal pharmacies (Ulan-Ude);

196. Rosehip (St. Petersburg);

197. Tomskfarmatsiya (Tomsk);

198. Panacea (Novgorod);

199. - 200. Crimea-Pharmacy (Simferopol);

200. City pharmacies (Penza).

You can learn about the development of the pharmaceutical market in 2016, financial innovations, problems and prospects for the development of new drugs and much more at the fifth forum of financial directors of the pharmaceutical business.

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