
How to put time on the Android lock screen. What is the screen lock secure? Turning off the lock screen

In order to protect personal information, the screen of any android smartphone can be blocked. And this is done different ways. This is needed, for example, when you lost the device. But sometimes there is absolutely no need for such protection in such protection and it only takes time when the device is turned on. In this article we will tell, what are the locks of the screens on Android. We also learn how to remove them or, on the contrary, install.

There are several types of screen protection on Android. Below we will describe them as a list and give an approximate degree of security:

  • No blocking. The screen turns on the power button and immediately see the desktop. Protection is absent;
  • Simple swipe. The screen is unlocked by the movement of the finger on it. Protects only from random inclusions;
  • Graphic key. The user draws the pattern by special guide points and thus unlocks the device. Safety is achieved by introducing a pause between input attempts after several unsuccessful;
  • Pin. A set of several digits to be entered to remove the lock. In the same way, as in the case of a graphic key, a pause is installed on several incorrect inputs. a certain time. Safety is higher;
  • Password. The most secure, but at the same time a long way of unlocking the screen. Lies in the introduction of a combination of numbers and letters of a different register;
  • Fingerprint. Relatively new way to protect, which is the safest today. It is impossible to choose;
  • Face recognition. An even more modern algorithm, providing for the scan of a set of points of the person of the owner and the automatic unlocking of the device when it appears in front of the sensors. Pretty dubious option, significantly losing print;
  • Scanner of the iris. Another defense algorithm, working on the principle of scanning unique for each retina person. Protection of the highest level.

Also for safety can be used third-party applicationsapplying various riddles for entry in android, questions, etc. operating system From Google in this area is endless. So strongly delve into details we will not and immediately move on to the description of the disconnection of the lock on different versions Android.

How to remove

So today there are several of the most common versions of Android. Also there are add-ons over the "clean" operating system that use, for example, Xiaomi or Samsung. We will also describe with them. But before proceeding, remember: removing the blocking, you make your phone and information in it, vulnerable to intruders. Begin.

Android 2.x.

We will consider the editorial board from Google in the order of their appearance. We will miss only the ancient Android 1.x and pure tablet 3.x.

  1. To remove protection in Google Android 2.x You must initially go to the application menu. Its icon is indicated in the screenshot below.

  1. Next we are interested in settings. Tabay on the icon with the image of the gear or something similar.

  1. At the next stage, we click on the "location and protection".

  1. Go to the point with the name "Change the Lock Method".

  1. Since we had a PIN code, it will be necessary to enter the cipher to turn off. If you have other protection, such as a graphical key or password, respectively, specify them. About what to do if you do not know this data is written at the very end of the article.

  1. So, when verification is carried out, you can turn off the protection. To do this, we just click on the item noted in the screenshot.

Also below you see the rest of the blocking methods supported on the second android.

We rise above and go to consideration of the 4th version of OS.

Android 4.x.

It came a turn to talk about once the most popular operating system. This is the fourth Android. It is still installed on millions of smartphones and tablets. So, in order to turn off the lock here, we do the following:

  1. We go to the main menu, taping on his icon on the home screen.

  1. Go to the settings. In our case, this "settings", you have a label can be called differently. It all depends on the applied location.

  1. Now we need a security deal. We have this "Security". Tabay on it.

  1. Go directly to the screen lock.

  1. There is another situation here. In the case of Android 2.x, we had to be authorized by introducing a PIN code. Here it will be a graphic key. It is it that is installed to protect the home screen.

  1. Now that we confirmed the ownership of the phone, you can simply cancel the blocking. This is done by pressing the appropriate item.

In the process of his story, we gradually reached the equator OS. This is the fifth android. Consider how to work with it.

Android 5.X.

Let's figure out how to disable the screen lock in Android, which was recently very popular. This is the "five." We do the following:

  1. As in previous cases, go to the application menu. The icon is marked in the screenshot below.

  1. We are looking for a gear settings and click on it. We have installed applications A little bit, you may have to scroll through the list.

  1. Settings are located in 2 columns. We are looking for the item "Security" and tada on it.

  1. Go to the settings section indicated in the screenshot. Here it is called "screen lock."

  1. Changing the settings is protected by a password. In order to remove protection, you need to first enter it. We do it and click "continue."

Ready. All that we have left to do is to press the "No" item, and the safety of the device will be reduced to zero.

Honors new version Android is the confirmation appeared here. Back in the 4th edition it was not. Click "OK".

Meanwhile, the OS under consideration becomes more and more modern.

Android 6.x.

In the sixth android version The protective function of the lock screen is removed as follows:

  1. Similarly, as before, we click the application menu icon. There are the settings we need.

  1. Tabay on the collapsed screenshot below the gear icon.

  1. And, as in the case of 5.x, choose the Safety section.

  1. As you can see, our screen is currently blocked by graphic key. In order to disable it, click on the point marked in the picture.

  1. We need to enter a graphic key, otherwise it will not go further.

  1. If the entry check will be successful, we will have several options. However, as in previous versions OS. Since we are talking in this case about shutdown, choose the first item.

  1. Also, as in the previous case, we give an affirmative answer to the confirmation that has appeared.

After that, the protection will be completely disabled.

Android 7.x.

There is no operating room in our review android systems 8, as she has not yet managed to firmly entrenched among users. But we will talk about her ancestor right now. So, we work with the "seven."

  1. For a variety Consider the input in the system settings not through the application menu, but using the notification string. We lower it down and tapa on the icon with the image of the gear.

  1. Next, go to the Safety section.

  1. Select the item called "Screen Lock". Immediately we see that at the moment there is a method of authorization using the PIN code.

  1. Naturally, in order to change something here, we will need to enter the same code.

  1. The functionality is unlocked, so we select the first item and thus completely turn off the lock.

We completely reviewed all the versions of "naked" android, for example, installed on Asus. Each of the options was described from the beginning to the end. This is done so that a person who has clicked on the site and clicked on the content point, received a full-featured instruction for his edition of OS from Google.

Xiaomi and Miui.

Also let's consider disabling protection on the branded shell from chinese manufacturer Xiaomi, namely Miui. In our case, this is her 9th version.

  1. We lower the notification string down using swipe and tap the settings icon. She looks like a gear.

  1. Since our phone supports a fingerprint, choose the coming section. We celebrated it in the screenshot.

  1. Then go directly to the blocking itself.

  1. We need to enter a password that has been set earlier. If this is not done, the settings will not be able to change. Therefore, we prescribe the code and click the input button.

  1. Click on the line with the inscription "Disable blocking".

  1. The system will notify us that if we continue, the blocking will be removed and we can not use the fingerprint. If it does not scare you, then click "OK".

On this with Xiaomi, everything, but not all with blocking. Consider how to remove it in the notorious Touchwiz from Samsung.

Samsung and Touchwiz

This superstructure or shell from the Korean manufacturer is visually different from the unmodified android. Therefore, at work with it, it is also worth focusing. To remove the protection here, do the following:

  1. As in the case of Xiaomi, we lower the "curtain" and click the settings button.

  1. Scroll down the contents of the window slightly down and tapa on the item marked on the screen.

  1. We see the "Type of Lock" item and immediately observe the type of defense. In order to change it or remove it, we click on the line, circled in red.

  1. To confirm, enter a graphic key.

  1. Select the "Hold on the screen" item is to disable security check.

  1. Here we will be warned that the previously saved data will be deleted (there is a graphical key itself). I confirm your intentions tap on the "Erase" button.

After that, the password will be reset and the power protection is canceled.

An example is based on Samsung Galaxy Grand Prime Phone, but it is suitable for other smartphones of this brand.

How to get around if the password is forgotten

There are options when a person simply forgot the password and cannot unlock its own device. Below we present a way that can help get out of the situation, however, you will warn you about what it works not always and not on all phones.

In order to remove the lock, you need to reset the smartphone to the factory settings. This follows from the off state using the combination of buttons and the recovery menu. IN different smartphones These combinations are also different. For example, Samsung is a power button + volume button up + home button.

Press the keys you need to turn off the device. If you are all done correctly, the phone will restart into Recovery mode, in which you will need to simply select the reset option. However, it should be understood that this method It works not on all models. In newer devices, even after reset, the key will need to enter.

Attention! This option will lead to the loss of all data that is on your phone. Before proceeding, copy them in a safe place.

You should not believe the materials on the Internet, which show how to remove the blocking using a call or low battery charge. Even by going to the smartphone menu, you will be asked to enter the same key to disable you.

What to do if prohibited by the administrator

Sometimes a person knows his pin-code, a graphic key or password, but it does not work out anyway. In order to solve this problem, do this:

  1. Go to the application menu. In this case, it is Android 6, but in other versions of the OS, the sequence of actions is similar.

  1. Tabay on the gear settings.

  1. Go to the "Security" section.

  1. Next, we need the "Device Administrators" item.

  1. We look at what applications are in this list. For example, remote shutdown and blocking can affect the prohibition of the password change. You can have other functions here, to check them, too, can be disabled. Click on the checkmark marked in the screenshot.

  1. The following list is indicated below. There is here and lock the screen, perhaps it is she preventing us. Click "Disable".

In each case, the set of applications in the administration item may be different. Conduct according to your current situation.

Results and comments

As a result, we finished the story about how you can turn off the screen lock on android. Detailed step-by-step instruction He touched on all the versions of Android OS, we hope we helped you. If the questions remained, write them in the comments: our site is designed to help you.

Video instruction

For greater clarity of the above material and the completeness of the picture as a whole, we suggest you to see also video instructions. Specifically describes the last item of our article about resetting to the factory settings.

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d " 400w, Content / Uploads / 2016/06 / Blokirovku-ehkrana-300x178.png 300W "Sizes \u003d" (Max-Width: 400px) 100VW, 400px "\u003e If necessary, configure data protection on the android device in it software Screen lock functions are provided. Currently, android mobile devices have developed multiple programs to protect the owner information. But the user should be focused not only for feedback on this software, but also to rely on their personal preferences, since these applications often include a significant number of additional functions that the user can change only after installation.

This article presents detailed instructions about the necessary actions, in cases where mobile device The owner is blocked, and it cannot remember the locking password. Despite their seeming absurdity, this problem is popular in lately. There are many effective methods using which the user can easily turn off or change the screen lock android.

How to set up blocking

To this end, you need to carry out the following steps in the "Settings" menu:

  1. log in to "Settings";
  2. go to "personalization";
  3. press "Safety";
  4. log in to "Lock Screen" and select the blocking method;
  5. the most widespread methods are a graphical key or an analysis of the person, however, the facingontrotol is not available on all models of devices and is not very reliable in operation.

When using a graphics key, you should drag the thumb between points in the invented sequence and touch on "continue." Next, when the screen is locked, the key will be applied.

How to remove the lock completely

In order to unlock the screen, the following steps must be performed:

  1. After moving the phone to the waiting mode or shutdown by the user to enable it, it will be necessary to enter, for example, password or graphics key;
  2. If you need to change or enable the lock function, you will need to log in again to "Settings", then in "Security" and in the "Screen Lock" menu;
  3. Then enter the password and click on "no".

But in order to remove the screen lock to the above method, it is necessary to remember the password or the specified key. What to do in case the owner of the gadget forgot them?

If the password is forgotten

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Google-Logos" width="270" height="95"> !} At first it is recommended to try to use the easiest and most convenient method. In order to unlock from its gadget, it is necessary to google service Provide your personal data from the account. If you find a mobile device android in global Network, the lock is cleaned very soon. But for this, the user needs to remember the e-mail and password to it.

See also: How to remove virus from the phone or tablet android

The user needs to enter about 5 times wrong password In the phone and will then appear a message about the gadget lock for a certain time. At the same time, the inscription "Forgot your password" appears on the screen. It takes to click it, after which it will be possible to enter your e-mail (you only need to enter the login, without "@") and password to the account. By completing these simple actions, the mobile device on Android will be unlocked.

This method may apply only if there is an Internet. In the case of the Internet turned off in the smartphone, you must enable it. To this end, it is necessary to turn off and turn on the gadget. In the process of switching on, when the curtain appears, immediately pulling it out to activate Wi Fi or data transmission.

There is a second network connection method. You need to enter " emergency call"And print the following text: * # * # *. In the window that appears, click on the "Service Tests - WLAN", and then "connect to Wi Fi network".

What to do if the password is forgotten and your own account

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" data-src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Android-PC -Adb." width="150" height="129" srcset="" data-srcset=" 300w" sizes="(max-width: 150px) 100vw, 150px"> !} It often happens that the user forgets not only the password for blocking the screen of his phone, but also the code of its own google account. In this case, it will not be possible to remove the lock using the Blocked Mobile Device itself, and it will be necessary to use another computer to unlock the Android gadget. Much will also depend on the program that the user used to lock the screen. Remove protection It is possible to apply a special ADB application. First you need to connect the phone from the PC using the cable and enable USB debugging.

How to remove the blocking call

Data-Lazy-Type \u003d "image" Data-SRC \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! Lang: Zvonok" width="40" height="40" srcset="" data-srcset=" 150w, 120w" sizes="(max-width: 40px) 100vw, 40px"> !} You need to make a call to a device that cannot unlock. When you answer it, you need to fold the call window and log in to "Settings" and then in the "Security" menu, where you can turn off the lock.

By default, any smartphone or tablet After clicking on its power button, offers to make a swipe on the screen. Only after that you will get to the desktop. This is done in order for the device to do not commit any actions on its own, being in your pocket. Google Company Does everything so that the lock screen is as comfortable as possible. But sometimes people still wonder how to disable the screen lock on android. Make it can be very simple.

But for a start a little theory. If you completely disconnect the screen lock, it can lead to some problems. Google no accident increases the functionality of the screen, allowing you to go directly to the photographing, calling, and sometimes some other features. If you do not like the traditional type of unlocking the device, then why not try another?

At the time of writing a standard for Android, the following types of screen locks were:

  • Swipe on the screen - The same traditional unlock method.
  • PIN-code input - A very old method, which is quite protected. The simplest selection of the PIN code here does not work, since the timer appears after several unsuccessful attempts - the new entry will be available only after its expiration.
  • Graphic key - Ideal for those who better remember visual information, and not a set of numbers.
  • Fingerprint - The most reliable way to protect the information contained on the smartphone. Dactylocopic sensor is almost impossible to combine.
  • Iris - Its scanning is embedded in Samsung Galaxy S8 and S8 +. In the future, such a method of unlocking will be introduced into other flagship devices.
  • Password entry - The longest unlock method. The password differs from the PIN code in that it may contain letters and other characters.

IN Google Play. You can find many other lock screens. They can use other methods - for example, the solution of the mathematical task. But it is rather pampering than the real improvement in the existing system.

Removing the Lock Screen

If you want to remove the lock screen, you will have to dig in the settings. However, it is not necessary to scare. If you follow our instruction, then the whole process takes you only a couple of minutes:

Step 1. Go to " Settings».

Step 2. Go to section " Safety" On some devices, this step is skipped.

Step 3. Select " Screen lock».

Step 4. Here click " Not" or " Absent».

So you can disable the graphic key or remove any other types of screen lock. However, do not forget that the system may require enter a password or PIN, if so has been installed. This is done for security - suddenly now in your hands is someone else's smartphone? Therefore, remove the password from the lock screen without its input will not work.

What if the graphic key or password is forgotten?

Everything is much more complicated if you have forgotten the password, PIN or graphic key. In this case, you will not even fall into the settings section. Fortunately, on some devices the problem is solved. The graphic locking of the screen after several unsuccessful attempts to enter the key may offer to get to the desktop in a different way - entering data from its google account .

If Internet access is disabled on the smartphone, then you will have to reset settings to factory By using the recovery mode. Custom files from the phone will be deleted, like all the settings. At the same time, the screen lock will be eliminated - it will return to its own mind when you need to spend your finger along the display.

On each smartphone, there will be a files that the user wants to reliably save from other people's eyes. It can be photos, video recordings, personal notes or post core. If the smartphone or tablet does not fall into those hands, it can bring serious trouble to its owner.

To secure your phone already at the first level of access, without deepening in defense of each application or important system folder, You can block the screen. To do this is used system settings, as well as special applications. In our article, we will look at how to put the screen lock on android, as well as tell you several ways to customization.

With the help of android settings, you can set the lock protected:

  • Graphic key
  • Password

Consider ways in order.

Method 1: Graphic key

By default, the mobile gadget screen lock is removed using a slider. In terms of security, this method is absolutely unreliable, as any person, just having spent fingers across the screen, gets access to the contents of the device. The easiest way to securely lock the screen is to set the graphic key, the sequence of connecting multiple points.

To configure the key, go down the following steps:

  • Enter the Android settings
  • Choose item " Safety»
  • Click on the string " Screen lock»
  • Click on the string ""
  • On the 9-point field, make a protective combination
  • Enter the key again to confirm
  • Select the display mode of notifications on the lock screen

After that, you can additionally configure the display of the entered key. If you doubt reliability graphic code, Look at the number of combinations from the points that you have to go through who decides to use your gadget:

  • 4 points - 1624 combinations
  • 5 points - 7152
  • 6 points - 26016
  • 7 Points - 72912
  • 8 points - 140704
  • 9 points - 140704

In total, it turns out that the graphic key contains in itself 389112 different combinations of dot connecting. In order to introduce all possible combinations, at the rate of 1 sequence of points per second, you will need almost 106 hours!

Method 2: PIN code

If you trust the numbers more than drawings from the points, in the same Security menu of your smartphone or tablet, the screen lock on Android is set using a four-digit PIN code:

  • Pass in the settings to the blocking method
  • Choose a PIN code
  • Dial four numbers
  • Enter the code again

In the case of numbers, combinations go down less than when set graphic - 10,000 options. And yet, to go through all numeric combinations, you will have to spend a lot of time.

Method 3: Password

By the number of possible combinations, the password should be attributed to the most reliable way. In the blocking methods, click on the "Password" line and enter the characters sequentially. The password must consist of a minimum of 4, a maximum of 17 characters. Given the set with the help of numbers, mathematical symbols, Cyrillic and Latin letters, the number of combinations exceeds several billion. The most important thing is not to forget the tricky password to remove the lock.

Method 4: Lock using applications

In the Google Play digital store you can download special programsWith which the screen lock is not only installed on the Android, but the screen itself is visually configured: beautiful wallpapers are installed and the desired widgets are added.

Among the programs that collect good feedbackAs well as convenient in management, you can allocate:

Smart Lock. Screen, which is downloaded for free and is installed on the Android device will help the user not only protect your gadget, but also to customize the lock screen. In the main menu of the application you need to specify a PIN code of four characters that can be changed at any time. Also, the application allows you to:

  • Change text on the lock screen
  • Set color text
  • Set bright and colorful wallpapers with beautiful scenery, views of the night sky and urban lights.

Like most free applicationsSmart Lock Screen contains built-in advertising, but in this case the program developers approached the case very correctly. In order not to annoy the user pop-up banners, the advertising button is set as the menu item. By clicking on it, the user can download an additional brand application: music player Or tool for photocollages.

A smart application for locking the Snaplock screen will help install a pin or graphic key to a smartphone or tablet.

In addition to the standard functional, the program has a number of interesting chips:

  • Function Apprhythm.. The application monitors the frequency of program startup. The labels of the most frequently used Snaplock applications displays the lock screen
  • Setting the direction of the swipe to a specific command
  • Displaying hours. On the lock screen, you can remove the widget with a clock, date and weather in several font styles.
  • Adding wallpapers on the lock screen
  • Displays all notifications to one screen.

OS version: Android 4.1 or later

The opinions of users about the Zui Locker screen blocker were divided: some praise it for conveniently setting up the protection of the smartphone, others admire the huge variety of thematic settings. The screen lock can be programmed both on the graphic key and the password. And for colorful design in the appendix there are several dozen beautiful wallpaper And those.

Separately, I would like to note a pleasant designer feature - when the smartphone is tilted, the picture installed as wallpaper begins to shift smoothly.

OS version: Android 4.0 or later

CM Locker is the same app for locking the screen in which the gadget is in the first place. The program allows you to adjust the ban on access using a pin-code and a graphical key, and on devices that are unlocked by the fingerprint will help you configure the scanner module.

The user can set protection not only on the screen, but also on separate applications, such as mail, messengers or social networks. If someone tries to hack the password or key, the application will make a photo of an attacker and send to the user to the mail. Also CM Locker can also be tied to an account on Facebook. If the phone is lost, the user will be able to track the gadget, turn on the alarm or block the mobile phone.

From visual chips in CM Locker, you can note:

  • Weather informers
  • Display notifications to separate screen
  • Camera control buttons, flashlight and player on the lock screen
  • Adding beautiful locks on blocking

On each smartphone, there will be a files that the user wants to reliably save from other people's eyes.

It can be photos, video recordings, personal notes or post core. If the smartphone or tablet does not fall into those hands, it can bring serious trouble to its owner.

To secure your phone already at the first level of access, without deepening in the protection of each application or an important system folder, you can block the screen.

This uses system settings, as well as special applications.

In our article, we will look at how to put the screen lock on android, as well as tell you several ways to customization.

On a note:

With the help of android settings, you can set the lock protected:

  • Graphic key
  • PIN
  • Password

Consider ways in order.

Method 1: Graphic key

By default, the mobile gadget screen lock is removed using a slider.

In terms of security, this method is absolutely unreliable, as any person, just having spent fingers across the screen, gets access to the contents of the device.

The easiest way to securely lock the screen is to set the graphic key, the sequence of connecting multiple points.

To configure the key, go through the following steps:

  • Enter the Android settings
  • Select the item "Security"
  • Press the "Screen Lock" string
  • Click on the Graph Key line
  • On the 9-point field, make a protective combination
  • Enter the key again to confirm
  • Select the display mode of notifications on the lock screen

After that, you can additionally configure the display of the entered key.

If you doubt the reliability of graphic code, look at the number of combinations of points that you have to go through who will decide to take advantage of your gadget:

  • 4 points - 1624 combinations
  • 5 points - 7152
  • 6 points - 26016
  • 7 Points - 72912
  • 8 points - 140704
  • 9 points - 140704

In total, it turns out that the graphic key contains in itself 389112 different combinations of dot connecting.

In order to introduce all possible combinations, at the rate of 1 sequence of points per second, you will need almost 106 hours!

Helpful information:

To create a password on the smartphone, you can use the utility. It is created to block applications on android using the password. With it, only you can access the messenger, social networks, Camera and gallery or any other applications.

Method 2: PIN code

If you trust the numbers more than drawings from the points, in the same Security menu of your smartphone or tablet, the screen lock on Android is set using a four-digit PIN code:

  • Pass in the settings to the blocking method
  • Choose a PIN code
  • Dial four numbers
  • Enter the code again

In the case of numbers, combinations go down less than when set graphic - 10,000 options.

And yet, to go through all numeric combinations, you will have to spend a lot of time.

Method 3: Password

By the number of possible combinations, the password should be attributed to the most reliable way. In the blocking methods, click on the "Password" line and enter the characters sequentially.

The password must consist of a minimum of 4, a maximum of 17 characters.

Given the set with the help of numbers, mathematical symbols, Cyrillic and Latin letters, the number of combinations exceeds several billion.

The most important thing is not to forget the tricky password to remove the lock.

Method 4: Lock using applications

In the Google Play digital store, you can download special programs with which the screen lock is not only installed on android, but the screen itself is visually configured: beautiful wallpaper are installed and the desired widgets are added.

Among programs that collect good reviews, as well as convenient managed, can be allocated:

  • Smart Lock Screen.
  • Snaplock
  • Zui Locker
  • CM Locker

Smart Lock Screen.

Smart Lock Screen, which is downloaded for free and is installed on the Android device will help the user not only protect your gadget, but also to customize the lock screen.

In the main menu of the application you need to specify a PIN code of four characters that can be changed at any time. Also, the application allows you to:

  • Change text on the lock screen
  • Set color text
  • Set bright and colorful wallpapers with beautiful scenery, views of the night sky and urban lights.

Like most free applications, Smart Lock Screen contains built-in advertising, but in this case the program developers approached the case very competently.

In order not to annoy the user pop-up banners, the advertising button is set as the menu item.

By clicking on it, the user can download an additional brand application: a music player or a tool for photocollages.


A smart application for locking the Snaplock screen will help install a pin or graphic key to a smartphone or tablet.

In addition to the standard functional, the program has a number of interesting chips:

  • APPRHYTHM function. The application monitors the frequency of program startup. The labels of the most frequently used Snaplock applications displays the lock screen
  • Setting the direction of the swipe to a specific command
  • Displaying hours. On the lock screen, you can remove the widget with a clock, date and weather in several font styles.
  • Adding wallpapers on the lock screen
  • Displays all notifications to one screen.

Zui Locker

OS version: Android 4.1 or later

The opinions of users about the Zui Locker screen blocker were divided: some praise it for conveniently setting up the protection of the smartphone, others admire the huge variety of thematic settings.

The screen lock can be programmed both on the graphic key and the password. And for colorful design in the appendix there are several dozen beautiful wallpaper and topics.

Separately, I would like to note a pleasant designer feature - when the smartphone is tilted, the picture installed as wallpaper begins to shift smoothly.

CM Locker

OS version: Android 4.0 or later

CM Locker is the same app for locking the screen in which the gadget is in the first place.

The program allows you to adjust the ban on access using a pin-code and a graphical key, and on devices that are unlocked by the fingerprint will help you configure the scanner module.

The user can set protection not only on the screen, but also on separate applications, such as mail, messengers or social networks.

If someone tries to hack the password or key, the application will make a photo of an attacker and send to the user to the mail.

Also CM Locker can also be tied to an account on Facebook. If the phone is lost, the user will be able to track the gadget, turn on the alarm or block the mobile phone.

By the way, about what to do if your phone has become an object of theft or just lost, you can read in the article how to find the lost android phone.

From visual chips in CM Locker, you can note:

  • Weather informers
  • Display notifications to separate screen
  • Camera control buttons, flashlight and player on the lock screen
  • Adding beautiful locks on blocking

In order to answer the question: how to block the Android screen, we needed a high-quality and reliable smartphone, on which we were able not only to fully try the simple and convenient functionality of the operating system, but also appreciated the brightness and saturation of the paints of all the walls that we found in Applications.

Our assistant in today's question was the Smartphone Fly Cirrus 7.

Why Fly.

For 14 years of its history, the British company Fly released a lot excellent smartphonesthat meet all the modern requirements of users, whether big screen, clean battery or high-quality camera.

Fly Cirrus 7 We rated, first of all, for bright and contrast 5.2-inch IPS display.

Studying the design side of the applications, we sometimes walked out on the pictures, which were displayed on the screen, which forgot about the test of other settings.

And then the two strong technical components of the smartphone did not pump.

A 4-core processor for 1.25 GHz easily and without delay, launched several applications at the time of time.

A capeter battery for 2600 mAh lasted a smartphone in a charged state all the test time, even when the LTE 4G module is turned on.

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