
Why the play market does not open after the update. Play Market does not work on Android - what to do? Alternative option: Installing a third-party store

Many users have come across a situation when the Play Market does not work on Android. Today we'll talk about the easiest way to deal with this problem. In addition, we will try to understand the main causes of the problems and give the most actionable tips for their rapid elimination.

In fact, there are a lot of reasons why the application does not enter the Play Store. These include those that are directly related to the device system itself, and those that are caused by a malfunction of the account, and those that arise when there is no connection to the Internet via Wi-Fi. Often users say, for example, “I can't register” or “I can't register in the Play Store”, “there is no connection”, “I don’t know how to change the country in the system” and the like. Today we will talk about each of the possible problems.

Next, we will look at a few of the most common ones and try to figure out what to do if Android does not log into the system. We will try to understand the reasons, and besides, we will find the most simple ways troubleshoot any problems.

Android freeze

Freezing of the Android system. A very common occurrence that leads to a work stoppage. What if the program does not work because of this? A simple device reboot procedure will help to cope with this situation. It is also interesting that this technique works well not only with Google Play services, but also with most other applications.

Settings problems

If the Play Market does not work, then this may indicate problems in the settings. It can also prevent the user from logging in. A common reason failure of this system, especially on tablets, are out of place settings. Help in this situation is simple - you need to reset the settings. To delete unnecessary information, you need to go to the settings menu, and select "Application Manager". After that, in this opened item, you need to find the appropriate section and open the control window. Next, you just need to clear the cache (or erase all data).

After the performed procedures, you need to reboot the device: this will allow the system to see the changes you made. As practice has shown, after completing these procedures, all problems with the operation of the application are resolved. If, after that, you are worried about the thought that “why can't I enter the Play Market,” then consider the following situations.

Problems with the update

Frequent problems with the app store occur just after a system update. The reason for this can be different: from malfunctions and flaws in the update files themselves, to the usual low performance of the device, which simply cannot accept the changes. The Play Store stops working and starts running even in cases where the update is not installed. Deleting the updated files can help in this situation.

In order to carry out this procedure, you need to enter the device settings menu, select the "Application Manager" item and open the Google Play Market window. Further, in the opportunities that have opened, it is necessary to dwell on the item "Removing updates". This action will change the service and return its missing files to their original state.

Google Play services malfunction

Often, problems in the functioning of the application are associated with the system of Google services itself, which may simply not be installed or connect incorrectly. Here, the user will only be helped by a complete clearing of the settings of this system. To complete it you need:

  • go to the settings, select "Applications" and open the item "Services Google play»;
  • then just open the menu of the program itself and clear the cache.

By the way, this problem may also occur if the user accidentally disables the Download Manager application. This can only be dealt with by returning the application to work. To do this, go to the settings menu of the device itself, select the appropriate item and connect the program. Typically, this should work and the installed service should be enabled. If this installation does not help, and the white screen in the application does not start loading, proceed to the next steps.

In some cases, when all the previous methods do not help and Play Market stops loading even in 1 minute, you have to delete the entire Google account. But here you need to be very careful: such a procedure can lead to a complete loss of data, so everything important files must be copied first.

This is easy to do:

  1. Sync your device and create backup v cloud storage account.
  2. In the settings menu, find your Google account and open the sync menu.
  3. Choose the items that are important to you: contacts, personal files, music, photos.
  4. After that, delete your account.
  5. On a return visit, your device will prompt you to simply restore all data through backups. After a reboot, this problem usually goes away.

Also check if you have entered the correct login information for your account. It may stop opening the app store if you entered the wrong data as when registering. You need to do a simple thing: make sure that the items that are needed to register on your device are correct.

Internet problems

Another very common reason for disabling the Play Market service is a problem with the Internet. If you notice any malfunctions in the functioning of applications, the device starts to write "No connection", then you need to first check the availability of a network connection and the quality of the connection. If there is no connection, you must try to restore it. Very often, a banal restart of a router or a restart of connection data helps. If there are no changes in the work of wi-fi after that, then you should contact your operator for help.

date and time

There are situations when the device shows and writes that there is no Internet, "No connection" and the Play Market does not open. But at the same time, the Internet on a tablet device or on a phone works fine. It will be difficult for an inexperienced user to understand why the Play Market does not work in this case. But often this incident is associated with incorrect date and time parameters. Before you start interacting with them, check again if there are any connection problems. If they are not there, then feel free to replace the date.

You can cope with this if you manually reset the date and time to the appropriate calendar or ensure that these items are synchronized with the network.

  1. To do this, in the device menu, find the item "Date and time", select the mark "Date and time of the network", and in addition - "Time zone of the network".
  2. Then restart your device and enjoy your work.

If this did not help to cope with the problem, then try to contact service center your tablet or smartphone. Experts will help you figure out the causes of the problems.

PlayMarket is considered to be a fairly reliable and stable program, but in some cases it can also malfunction in a nature that is not entirely clear to the average user. Moreover, restarting the application does not help - the user again returns to the screen with an error message or to the loading status line that is stuck in one place. If the PlayMarket installed on your device does not download applications, you should, which will not require a lot of time and effort.

A simple solution

If the software that provides access to the online storage does not download applications, you should start by rebooting your device. In some cases, the reason is a lack of free random access memory, which can be cleaned in exactly this way. If this does not help, try also to connect to a different point of the free Wi-fi access, or clear the settings of the current one and rejoin it. This will help you provide an unobstructed experience that can be blocked as a result of incorrectly entered settings or certain blockages.

In addition, check the clock and date - in some cases, Google online services do not want to work with a device that has incorrectly set specified parameters... If GooglePlay does not download applications, then you just need to use one of the online time servers. By the way, this problem is quite widespread - about a third of users face it.

If you are downloading using, and the device does not download applications, then it is worth checking the correctness of the settings. For those who do not have extensive data in this area, it is better to immediately call the technical support service of their mobile operator, and ask to send the required parameters in the message - they will be applied automatically. In some cases, the solution may be hidden in the "flight mode" installed on the device. This problem is especially true for tablets, the owners of which very rarely check the communication settings.

If it doesn't help ...

If the Play Store does not download applications, despite all the measures you have taken, you should try it by removing all the information that relates to the store from it. Google programs... Going to the settings, open the "Applications" section, and in it - the "All" tab. Now you need to find two programs: PlayMarket and Google Services Framework. In both cases, it is necessary to use the "Erase data" menu item. In addition, in the case of PlayMarket, you must additionally press the "Clear cache" button. Pay attention also internal memory device by cleaning it and providing a boot space.

If Google Play does not load applications after these steps, try rolling back to the previous version of the program. This will help eliminate possible mistakes related to its incompatibility with your device. Alternatively, you can try uninstalling PlayMarket completely and then reinstalling it by selecting previous version... As a rule, this method helps even if all other actions were ineffective. Finally, you are left with the "last argument" -

The question is, "why does the play market not work?" familiar to many users of this service.

Sometimes the cause of malfunction is a variety of technical problems, or a malfunction of the device from which you are trying to use it.

There are many answers to this question - as well as the causes of the problem. Let's take a look at the most basic problems and how you can find a solution.

The play market does not work. What to do?

Method 1. Restart Android

If you have a question why the play market does not work on android, first of all restart the device.

Probably, the system “freeze” just happened, which users often encounter. Android .

And the most surprising thing is that this action will help to find solutions in the work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other services.

If, after the restart, the miracle did not happen, try another option to fix the problem.

Method 2. Reset Google Play Market settings

In most cases, when a problem occurs, why the play market does not work on, resetting the application settings helps.

To remove all unnecessary information, you must follow these steps:

  • go to the settings menu of your device;
  • in the menu, select the section under the name "Applications" or "Application Manager";
  • in this menu item select;
  • when the control window opens, click on the "clear cache" button. In older versions of Android, it may be called "Erase Data".

Now you need to select all those items that you want to synchronize. Most often, backup copies of "Contacts" and personal information stored in the device are made.

Just click on the section you need.

If you think that the info available on your phone or tablet is important, then click on the "Options" button and select "sync" there, this will help you make a backup copy of all applications at the same time.

Then easily delete your Google account. When you re-enter it, the device will certainly offer to restore data from a backup.

We return to the problems in the work of the play market - after completing the synchronization, return to the previous menu again and, instead of "synchronize", select "delete".

Confirm the action. reboot your device and sign in again.

Deleting and restoring your account will help with problems related to the operation of Google applications.

If the play market is still not happy with a good job, try the next item.

Method 7. Incompatible applications

Some applications that are self-installed by the user may affect performance Play Store, up to blocking it.

The list of such programs is wide enough.

Most often, the "pest" turns out to be the popular Freedom, which allows you to make in-game purchases for free.

Method 8. Configure the "hosts" file

If Freedom is installed on your device, and you suspect that it was it that caused the play market to malfunction, then this item will definitely be of interest to you.

Go to the settings menu and section "Application Manager" - Installed, select "Freedom".

In the opened menu of the program, click on the "Stop" button, and then uninstall the application.

Reboot the device and check the "performance" of the play market again. Without changes? Then go to the next point of the recommendations.

Method 9. Reset Android Settings

Resetting all settings saved in the gadget's memory is quite a radical action, however, most often it helps to successfully solve many problems in the operation of applications and the system as a whole.

To do this, go to the settings menu Android and select the "Recovery and reset" section. In this section, confirm the action "Reset settings".

It is advisable to make sure that the data synchronization was successful before performing this action. As for the information stored on the memory card, it "will not be affected".

Restart the device and restore the data from the backup.

Method 10. Check your Internet connection

Perhaps the problems in the play market are in the banal lack of an Internet connection. Check the quality of the connection. You can restart your router.

Method 11. Google Accounts Disabled

Sometimes the reason for the problem lies in the fact that the Google Account is disabled. Go to desired section menu, if the application "Google Accounts" is disabled, activate it.

Method 12. Check the date and time

If “No connection” constantly pops up, but you are sure of the quality, check if the date and time are set correctly on the device.

You can put it again right time and time zone. It is advisable to synchronize these parameters with the network.

To do this, go to the "Settings" → "Date and time" menu and check the box next to the "Network date and time" and "Network time zone" items.

Play market does not work ??? Solution

Why does not it work Play Market(play market) - 12 ways to solve the problem

Let's find out the reasons for the failures in the Google play market: there is no connection, you need to log into your account or server error. TO bad job applications can lead to the presence of a variety of service problems, problems with the device selected for these purposes, and many other reasons. What if you can't log into your account? In this article, we will look at the main causes of failures and errors associated with the Play Market and how to fix these problems.

Method 1. Restart Android

Since the system freezes quite often on Android, it is necessary to implement reboot device.

In addition, it will allow you to troubleshoot more than just work of Google Play, but also with bugs of other applications.

Method 2. Reset Google Play Market settings

The play market application on the tablet may not work due to a large amount of unnecessary information, therefore, you should reset the settings by performing the following steps:

After the performed actions, it is recommended to restart the device for the system to quickly recognize the changes made.

Method 3: Removing Google Play Market Updates

As in the first method, you need to go to the settings menu, select the "Applications" or "Application Manager" section, in which click the " Remove updates", Which will lead to the start state of the play market.

Method 4. Resetting the Google Play Services application settings

In order to achieve the functioning of the play market, it is useful to reset the settings Google services Play in order to perform this operation, you must perform the following actions:

Method 5. Activating "Boot Manager"

Play Market malfunctions may occur due to the disabling of this service application. In order to activate the "Boot Manager", you must first go to the settings menu of your device, then, using a swipe, go to the "All" section, where to select the required item. When you stop the application, you should click the "Enable" button.

After the performed operations, you need to reboot the device with subsequent verification correct work Play Market.

Method 6. Deleting Google Account

When performing this action, it must be borne in mind that when deleting an account, the loss of the necessary and important information... In order to avoid unpleasant consequences, you should first synchronize the data, that is, create a backup copy. For these purposes, go to the settings menu, then select the "Accounts" section in it, after opening which, you need to select your account.

After the performed actions, the synchronization menu will be available, you just have to click on the mailbox.

After opening, you need to select the items that you need to synchronize. In most cases, users create backup copies of their personal information and "Contacts" using the selected section. To save important information on your tablet or phone, you must press the "Options" button and select " synchronize". After the steps taken, a backup copy of all applications will be created at the same time.

After synchronization, you can safely delete your Google account. When will you re-enter this account, the device will prompt you to restore the backup information.

After the account has been deleted and restored again, the operation of applications should be normalized. In the event that the performance of the play market is not fully implemented, then you should use the following method.

Method 7. The presence of incompatible applications

The functioning of the Play Store may be disrupted or even blocked due to the presence of some applications that the user installed on his own. Such applications exist in a large number... Among these "pest" applications is the well-known Freedom, with the help of which the user can make in-game purchases in a free version.

Method 8. Configuring the "hosts" file

If your device is equipped with the application " Freedom", And in your opinion, it contributes to malfunctions of the play market, you need to configure the" hosts "file.

To configure of this file, you need to go to the settings menu, select the section "Application Manager" - Installed, and select "Freedom". After opening the menu of this program, you should click on the "Stop" button, and then uninstall the application. The main thing is not to neglect the rules of the proposed operation, namely: first stop, then delete.

After the device reboots, you need to check the functioning of the play market. if no changes have occurred, use the next method.

Method 9. Reset Android Settings

Despite the fact that resetting all existing settings is quite a radical action, it helps to solve most problems not only in the operation of applications, but also the entire system. Going to the Android settings menu, you must select "Reset settings" in the " Recovery and Reset».

Before performing a reset, it is recommended to check the synchronization again necessary information... The data stored on the memory card will remain intact.

Method 10. Checking the Internet connection

Sometimes, it is the banal lack of connection to the Internet that causes the application to crash. After checking the connection, you should restart the router.

Method 11. Enabling Google Accounts

Problems can occur due to a disabled Google account. Activating the application " Google Accounts"Occurs in a special section.

Method 12. Checking time and date

In case of constant disconnection, check if the time and date are set correctly.
If the Internet connection is connected, but the connection was still not made, you need to repeat the setting of the time zone and time by synchronizing these parameters with the network by going to the menu section “ Settings", Where selecting" Network time zone "and" date and time», Mark these parameters with a tick.

The problem of inoperability of the Play Market (today it is Google Play) is quite unpleasant and thousands of owners of Android devices face it every day. If this problem did not pass you by, then in this material you can gain a little knowledge and quickly put your smartphone or tablet in order.

Various errors and failures, due to which the Google Play store may not work, are caused by several reasons, after carefully studying which you can quickly solve your problem and do everything in order not to face it again in the future.

Why is Play Market not working for you? Main reasons

Let's take a closer look at the reasons:

  1. The service doesn't really work. This case is a very rare occurrence. But if it does happen, you just need to wait until its work is resumed.
  2. The date and time on the device are out of order. Typically, this cause, in most cases, will cause an error with the notification "no connection".
  3. There are network problems. Make sure the internet is working and the connection is correct. If you use Mobile Internet, we advise you to look at us.
  4. Freedom program. She always blocks access to Google services.
  5. Changed hosts file. As a result of installation and use certain applications like the above mentioned Freedom, in system partition Android is undergoing some changes, in particular in the hosts file. In this case, the user needs to make a small edit to the file, returning it to its original state. How to do this, look later in this article, which describes how to fix this problem.

Ways to resume the functioning of the Play Store

Let's consider ways to solve the problem depending on the reasons. If you know the cause of the problem, you can immediately choose a solution from the list below. If not, then you will have to try all methods.

  1. Reboot your device. This simple action helps about 50% of the time. By the way, we recommend that you reboot the system if any errors occur during the operation of any other programs.
  2. Make sure that software « google accounts" switched on. This can be done by going to the "Settings" menu, then to the "Applications" section, and then select the "All" tab. Go down to the very bottom, where the disabled programs are located. If you find "Google Accounts" here, then just select and enable and everything should work. Otherwise, read on for other methods.
  3. Reset google settings Play Market and Google Play Services. To do this simple operation, you need to go to the settings menu and select the section responsible for managing applications. Next, find these applications in the list and apply "Erase data" and "Clear cache" to each of them. Also, separately to Google Play Market, you need to apply "Remove updates".
  4. Reinstall Google Play. First remove installed version Google Play (in older versions of Android this is Play Market), and then download the latest current one on this moment version. Install the program and reboot the device.
  5. Make sure the system time is correct. There are cases in which the date and time get lost. As a result, after trying to open a store, users often see a "no connection" error. To solve the problem, you need to go to the "Settings" menu, then - "Date and time", and set real time, date and your time zone.
  6. Check the availability of an Internet connection. Make sure the Internet is turned on and working on your device. Open your browser and try going to any site.
  7. Configure hosts correctly. Many of us use programs that quietly make some changes to system file hosts. One of the most common such programs is Freedom, with which you can make free in-game purchases using so-called "fake data". If you use this utility or something similar to it, then you must first stop its work by going to "Settings" -> "Applications", then find the desired program and click on it. Now choose "Stop". Then completely remove.

    To edit the hosts file, you must have root rights. For searching and editing, we recommend using file manager Root Explorer or ES File Explorer.

    Has content something like this:

    And it should be like this:

    All junk automatically generated in this file must be removed. To do this, follow the instructions (using the example of ES File Explorer):

    - Start the file manager and go to the root of the system ( upper level) by clicking the "/" button at the very top of the application window.

    - Find and open a folder called "etc".

    - This folder contains the hosts file we need. Open it as text and delete everything you don't need. Then save and make sure there is now only one line left with text localhost.

    After this procedure, try if the Play Market is not working.

  8. Reset the settings to factory defaults. We recommend using this method only as a last resort, when no other actions have led to the desired result. The fact is that as a result of such a procedure, all information is deleted from the internal memory of the device and it would be good to have a backup copy in order to resume your data later.

    To reset, go to "Settings" and select "Restore and reset", and in it the item "Data reset" (in early versions Android: "Privacy" -> "Reset Data").

Play Market Store is a very powerful service of applications and other content for mobile platform An Android powered by Google. If it does not work on your smartphone or tablet, then, most likely, you have experienced some of the above problems, since hundreds of specialists are responsible for the technical condition of this service and are constantly monitored.

If nothing works, or maybe you know other ways to solve this problem, please communicate below in the comments, helping other users.

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