
Panoramic essay on the choice of radio stations overview about the choice of radio stations. Reviews and Useful information for radio amateurs of frequency 400 470 470 MHz

I will try to set out your vision for the use of radio stations in various types of outdoor activities. A small overview of the stations of the former in me in operation and the currently used. Their advantages and disadvantages.

Si-bi range.

The range of 27 MHz has long been used by drivers to communicate with each other. The rapidly developing mobile telephony strongly sweating the SIB, but the alternative did not become an alternative. Moreover, finally, in Russia, they canceled permits for amateur Si-bi stations. Communication range between cars about 5km. It all depends very much on the relief, the antenna settings, the presence of interference on the air and solar activity. Very often on the air passage of interference on half of the scale, but on the entire scale, and, consequently, the range of communication is reduced.

So what is the benefit from such stations on a trip by car? First of all, this is a road situation around you. On the 15 channel of the grid, all Russian-speaking drivers communicate. The truth is not unfortunately complete unity regarding frequency and modulation. There are two types of frequencies. Those that end on 5 are called the European grid, and if at the end of 0, then this is the Russian grid. Stations usually allow you to switch between them, but not everywhere you can see at what frequency it costs. Only channel number is displayed. And in this very often, people with frequency difference in Polkanal participate in the conversation and at the same time they understand each other. Since 2012, 15 Channel is trying to switch to FM modulation, but for now the results are not visible, and whether it is necessary, I am not personally sure. Due to the fact that it is always a very strong interference, the FM will have to twist the noise, thereby reducing the reception range. And in AM modulation you can go at all without a noise, if you drop the sound of the station.

By radio, they report accidents, pieceiers and jamas on the road, pedestrians on the dark side, DPS, ambushes and substairs. This makes a completely outstanding people for you and committed disinterestedly. In response, it is customary to give them an environment towards. Also, by the radio, you can request navigation, learn about the queue at customs, ask technical assistance on the road. The si-bishop antenna is very well on the car. So drivers see with whom you can communicate.

When traveling to Europe, I noticed that in the 15th channel our people meet from Moscow and Berlin. Similarly, they report police and traffic jams on the road. As a rule, the station is packed. Knowing languages \u200b\u200band channels of foreigners can also be obtained road information. In Poland, even on small machines have been established. Oin once watched an interesting picture. All as a team suddenly turned off the road to the right and left at the intersection and became something to go around. Although no signs of prohibiting further movement stood. And before this, the opposite passed the ambulance and policemen. Apparently by the radio, everyone took the overlap of the track and headed into a detour.

My machine has a president jackson radio station.

This device has already survived 6 cars and is considered rarity now. For its approximately 18 years of permanent operation, the station was repaired twice. The first time the problem with the power, the second time the floating defect with a crack in the board and periodically disappearing transmission. The replacement of the lighting light bulbs and the cutting of the wire in the tangent did it alone. After replacing the tangent cord, the more elastic circumcision is no longer required. The rest of the device is very pleased. True, the station is very cumbersome and heavy, it is quite difficult to find a place for it in a modern car, but in terms of the quality of acceptance and transmission it is difficult for it to find equal. I can't hear people at the same time at this station at the same time in "0" and in "5", but there is a smooth frequency adjustment. You can jump on + -5kHz without turning off the station in one movement of the twist very quickly. That is the neighboring canal, it does not score as some stations that plus-minus Polkanal in communication is not a hindrance.

In general, the newer car, the harder it is to put a normal station there with a normal antenna. The best place for the antenna is a hole in the roof center for the installation of a mortise antenna. But who agrees to sleep for this roof of his new car? Yes, and the roof is becoming thinner and thinner. I took off my pin for a radio and stuck in his place stuck the mortise antenna. I had to abandon 2M antenna due to its mass. With their oscillations, she can get a roof in the hole area.

With a magnetic antenna, too, not everything is smooth. The wire falls into the cabin to enter through the doorway. Previously, the gaps in the panels allowed to do it without any problems. Now the gaps are so small that the body can be damaged. Yes, and scratches remain from the roof magnet. There is an option to skip the wire through some hole in the cabin, but often lacks the wire length. And it is not recommended to lengthen the wire on the magnetic antenna.

Another danger of antenna on a magnet. These are different branches and arches. In the mortise antenna pin bends anything, if only the roof withstand, and the magnetic flies and as the pendulum beats on the glass or batching of the car. After installing the kits + antenna, you must check the antenna CWS. It is like efficiency, roughly speaking. The closer KSW to 1, the more effectively the antenna works. T. E whole output power goes on the air. Well, the reception is better. When CWS over 2 losses in the antenna are too high. And it can happen so that the transmitter will burn at the station, because The output power of the radio will warm up the station like an electric stub. Checked with the simplest device of the CWS meter. Moreover, the cost of the device itself (about 500 rubles) is comparable to the cost of setting the antenna. It would be a desire to tinker.

There is an opinion that on the 15 channel one solid mat. Unfortunately not without it. It is only worth incorporated in traffic on the Moscow Ring Road when the concentration of psychosis in humans reaches the limit, especially because of the overlaps. But under normal road conditions and people on the air behave quite civilized. And Bydlyak, he is not only on the air meets, it's not an extinguishable on the road. But in the case of a war, it can be simply turned off, but with alive people harder.

When crossing the borders of Ukraine, Belarus, Poland, Slovakia issues to the radio station did not arise. Although it can be seen immediately as soon as you open the door. Outside of Russia, drivers are more often found, in which the walkie-talkie are tuned to zeros, i.e. in the Russian grid.

How to choose a radio station if you decide to install it in the car? I will not tell you in the models, but what often required from the device I will try to set out.

First of all, you need to decide on the size of the station and find installation location. In modern cars, it is very difficult. It is desirable to have more output power of the station, there are up to 10 watts. But a good tuned antenna will not replace any amplifier. Very convenient if the station is controlled blindly. And this is possible if each operation has its own twist. Control through the menu distracts from the road. On my "president" I can adjust the volume, noise, switch to adjacent channels and grids, change the type of modulation. And all this is not distracted by the road, because for this you need to turn the corresponding handle. I also instantly smoothly overlook + -5kgz, if I feel that the interlocutor on the Polkanal is lower or higher. But this option has not yet met anywhere else. The transition from the top to zeros occurs more often through the station shutdown. At the selected station, it is desirable to swell and twist all the necessary handles in the first place to understand whether you can manage the station to touch with your fingers.

It is advisable to check the quality of communication. There are no problems on the radio rolls. The seller connects the station to the antenna and nutrition and requests control over the air. But repeatedly I heard good grades for the lousy "jam" modulation. But there are stations with good sound quality. In the case of a strong signal, but by bad modulation you will be on the air as a hindrance and the question will have to repeat several times that you could understand. Moreover, amplitude modulation, a very capricious thing. And all road information goes in AM. So it's not bad with the help of the second station to listen to the quality of the transfer, not trusting the strangers. You can use a portable radio for these purposes.

If the antenna is installed on any bracket outside the body, then approximately once a year after the winter you have to cut and overpass the connector to the antenna. All external contacts and connectors are very affected by the reagents. Even inside the antenna housing over time everything is oxidized. And for this reason, it is possible to buy a new antenna periodically. Indirect sign of the end of the antenna - worsened by the reception. The level of accepted interference becomes less than usual. In this case, it is necessary to measure the CWS and take measures to clean or replace the antenna.

Range 400-470 MHz.

For amateur communication without registration, stations operating in LPD and PMR frequencies are suitable. In this case, the transmission power must not exceed 10 MW. More serious equipment is used in professional activities by the protection, Ministry of Internal Affairs and other serious government structures and requires permission.

In different countries, their permitted frequencies. It is better to learn them in advance and use the station without breaking local laws on the trip.

LPD (433 MHz)

Belgium is prohibited

Germany is allowed free

Greece is allowed, free

Denmark - Forbidden

Ireland is prohibited

Italy - permitted, free from channel №1 to №20

Spain is prohibited

Cyprus is allowed, free

Latvia - allowed, free

Lithuania is prohibited

Luxembourg is prohibited

Poland - allowed, free

Portugal is prohibited

Kingdom is prohibited

Turkey is prohibited

Finland - Forbidden

Sweden - allowed, free

Switzerland is prohibited

Croatia is prohibited

Estonia is prohibited

Note in relation to Switzerland - forbidden walkie-talkies there a policeman can drill and give you back ...

PMR (446 MHz)

Austria - allowed, free

Belgium - allowed, free

Hungary - allowed, free

Germany - allowed, free

Holland - allowed, free

Greece is allowed, free

Denmark - Allowed, Free

Ireland is allowed, free, but you need to check subtons

Italy - allowed, free

Iceland - allowed, free

Spain - allowed, free

Cyprus is allowed, free

Latvia - allowed, it is necessary to have approval of the station type

Lithuania - allowed, free

Luxembourg - allowed, free

Madeira I.
Azores - allowed, free

Malta - allowed, free

Norway - permitted, free

Poland - allowed, free

Portugal - allowed, free

Kingdom - allowed, free

Slovakia - allowed, free

Slovenia - permitted, free

Turkey - permitted, nominal permission

Finland - allowed, free

France - allowed, free

Croatia - allowed, free

Czech Republic - permitted, general resolution

Sweden - allowed, free

Switzerland - allowed, free

Estonia - allowed, free

What is the benefit for us simple mortals in these stations? You can certainly listen to the police channels, but it quickly bored. In addition, this is not suitable for this, the cheapest channel stations are not suitable. The main charm is a good quality of communication and a small cost and dimension of radio. This refers to portable, because the car is already required by the license. The size of the portatives is almost like a mobile phone. These stations are easily placed in his pocket or hang on the cord on the neck. Many accessories are confused even comfortable. In addition, amateur stations are now cheaper than a year from year to year and turn different additional approaches.

I use SIBI I use only on the road in the car. In other cases, I take the portatives of this range. Communication range is enough to communicate within the ski resort or forest. And also you can communicate standing on different shores of the Lower Volga or being in different apartments abroad.

There are channel and frequency radio. Standard frequencies are already spelled out in channel soapboxes. Professional stations are programmed to any frequencies of its range using a computer. Frequency stations allow manually entering the operating frequency and plan the range, incl. and between channels.

Professional stations of this type of channel.

With the help of a cord and software computer, they can be configured to specified frequencies and during operation only to switch between them. As a rule, these are powerful strong quality products. Reasonable. They are quite cumbersome and require a license. Those in crowded places they are better not to use. For recreation and auto equipment, I would not take them.

The radio stations of this type are also channel. I have these so far. The first of my portatives "Motoroll".

Now full of similar products of various brands. The quality of communication is good, but often lacks power. Communication range is not very. In managing everything through the menu besides the volume. There is a signal encoding, tone call, but all this is not very necessary. There is an activation of VOX voice. The station itself is included on the transmission at the corresponding volume of voice. The thing is rather harmful. The first phrase is still cut off, the station opens to the transmission late. In the case of a descent from a mountain skiing, it can start transmission from wind noise regardless of your will, thereby leaving you without communication. In addition, not all statements must be broadcast. Better headset and button. Principle, first click, then start talking to no one canceled. The radio is not a telephone.

The signal encoding is also not a very important option. When the subton is activated, you will still hear all the inexpected stations at this frequency. And you will take only "your". And the rest of the talks will look on the scale as a silent carrier. Although in some cases it can be useful. I put a subton when he bored to look for a completely free frequency in the mountains. Russian skiers very actively use radio abroad. There is more difficult to find the free frequency. We use phones in our homeland, and the roaming changes over the connection priorities.

No wonder such stations are called "soap". This is the cheapest option. Buying a set will cost more roaming for two phones. Modest will functionally enjoy those who do not like to delve into the technical nuances. You can safely use it everywhere, the licenses are not required, you will not get driving into the forbidden frequencies. Power from alkaline batteries requires a long charge (16 hours) and complete discharge. Batteries are short-lived and weekly. True, the use of ordinary batteries is allowed, which adds autonomy. It is possible to connect the headset. There is no complaints to the reliability. Until now, it is possible to insert batteries and enjoy.

Often the stations of this type are the first step to buy more progressive models. And these go to the toys or the cottage.

The next stations were frequency kenwoods. Like these ones.

Station is Chinese, but quite workable. It allows you to work with a step of 5 MHz, that is, between the channels, which greatly facilitates the search for free space. The frequency range of 400-470 MHz includes all allowable and service frequencies. Communication range is greater than that of soaps. Once in winter on the ice we have been connected for 5km. Station compact. The battery is well attached, a good selection of accessories. Battery lithium, charges faster and less capricious in operation. Charging enough for 1.5 days of work. All basic operations are done using the keyboard. Each button has its own additional feature.

This stupid orange button in front got me. If the station is under clothing, then with each slope, it strives something to nap tone and the tone call is sent to the ether. Keyboard lock does not save. This is especially annoyed when picking up mushrooms and fastening a snowboard.

Batteries lived for about 3 years. Both stations visited repairs. Cheap ractions are not very readily taken to the repair. It is sometimes easier to change to others. One of the stations fell off with the ends of the rubber plug of the headset slot. After the final death of one of them, a bunch was sold for inexpensive, until one of them worked.

In return, Kenwood acquired Argut-A44. This station took a bit used on the radio machine. I liked the touch and not much asked for her.

All Kenwood headsets are suitable for argut. Buttons are clearly pressed, control over the usual Kenwood menu. Thanks to the long antenna, it works well for reception and transmission. He conducted an experiment. Found a weak signal and set up Kennev and argut to one frequency and put them near in the same position. At the same time, Argut received a signal to Shelkal, and Kennev was silent. Noise exhibited equally.

For two years of operation, no special flaws were detected. The battery is alive alive, no glitches, no faults. The only drawback of this station is fixing the battery.

As can be seen in the photo, the latch records the battery is not very clear and guides are weakly. If the battery is dropped, the battery is sometimes dismissed, as well as there is a small backlash between it and the station housing. But at work it is not reflected. But it is not worth dropping the station.
Argut is still in operation. I don't see reasons for his replacement. The station is pleased, especially considering the cost of acquisition.

The most advanced station in my collection is Yaesu VX-3R. She is also the most compact and light. Reception and transmission in two ranges, but not at the same time. Either by 144 or 430 MHz. Functional station is oversaturated. One instruction for her-whole book. It is possible to listen to frequencies from 0.5 - 999 MHz. I will not stop on the characteristics, you will find them on the network. Better talk about the features of operation.

The regular universal antenna is better to immediately replace the range for the most used frequencies. With antenna for 400 MHz, the station is incremented in size. Near the photo antenna from the kit.

Battery in the form of a separate tablet under the lid. The design is more like a cell phone.

The charger is no longer in the form of a glass, but just a power supply with a connector.

The fixation of the battery lid is not very durable. Initially, there was a backlash. I removed it with a few strips of the tape, you can see in the photo. But when there is no self-sample design. To increase the autonomy of work acquired a battery compartment.

The station becomes slightly more comprehensive, a little harder and slightly more powerful. In general, this is the most low-power my station, but it is in terms of reception and transmission (with the appropriate antenna) not much losing more powerful argut.

The regular battery is enough for two days of skiing. The battery is charged very quickly. About the stock I still wear a battery compartment. On batteries, the transmitted power of the radio increases slightly.

I tried to listen to the truckers at this station, sitting in the car. It is possible to take only a number of broadcast correspondent. The rest are inaccessible for this station. As a result, you can hear or only the question or only the answer is more often as a phrase break. And the information itself is not available. Station in SIB works only on the reception. At the same time, the car radio in my car takes a bunch of negotiations and there is a constant interference to Shelkal.

There is no complaints to the reliability of this station. Everything works well and as written in the instructions. There is a FM band with stereo radio broadcast.

Of all small stations, this is the smallest of the premium class.

The R-53 communications radio station is the newest in my radio chamber.

This is already a full-fledged dual-band station. It simultaneously listens two frequencies, while frequencies can be on one or on different ranges. It is very convenient if you wait for someone. Working in its frequency, you can hear a challenge to another. And for the answer, it is enough to change the transmission frequency with one press of the button. Still the station can take FM radio and has a LED flashlight.

The constructive is strong enough. The station is the largest of mine and with the longest antenna. By sensitivity to the reception, it is also the best of everything that was. The photo of the station is located descending the range of reception from left to right. I checked at home in Moscow. I found a weak signal, put them in a row and looked at the testation of the scale. "Communication" was strongly awarded "Argut" and "Yaesu". Moreover, on "communications" in the city, it is necessary to put a noise for 4-5, otherwise there is a reception of interference.

The battery compartment is attached clearly with a characteristic click and without a backlash.

Station control via the menu resembles Kennev, but much more functions. She even makes something with a human voice when working with the menu and the frequency set. This can be turned off, but get used, you can blindly control the wagon in the prompt. Turning on the volume with the volume control, and the clock is near the validator. It is to work with the menu as the up-down buttons.

All accessories for it from Kenvod. It is possible to feed from the battery compartment, but it must be purchased additionally. The battery holds a charge for a very long time. Perhaps the most champion of all my stations.

About reliability to speak too early. Friends have two such stations for the second year. One started torturing the sound regulator. There are no more drawbacks. On the Radiorenka, the repair will cost approximately 500 rubles. Because of their dimensions, this station is the hardest thing to wear under clothes. Especially problems with women who have a ski costume nowhere should write and cannot be the size more well and for children it is too much.


All branded stations are possible to adapt to your requests using various accessories. You can communicate with each other in the forest or between neighboring houses can be on a bare station. But for example, in the mountains on skis or on a boat it is much more difficult to do it.

For example, your children in his pocket or backpack hold the station and go from the mountain skiing in the helmet, naturally. You stopped and summoned them, they suppose they immediately heard that the radio. Now it is necessary to stop in a safe place, get a walkie-talkie and ask what they actually want from them. All this is much easier to do with the headset.

If you have a headset in the ear, you immediately perceive the phrase addressed to you, only press the button on the microphone remains for the answer. There are headsets with VOX, but all its shortcomings I have already mentioned above. The function is not always useful, the truth is turned off.

The advantage of headset headset, this is what you hear only you. Those. The conversation reminds a conversation on the phone, which is convenient in the supermarket for example or in any places where it is not worth glowing with its radio station. The headset happens another type. Such is often used in the protection. The first type of headset with a long wearing is straining the ear, sometimes completely uncomfortable under the helmet. A soft headphone is comfortable, but sits in the ear as a plug and sometimes scores.

There are tangents for portable stations.

Connects tangent to the socket for the headset. In it and the microphone and speaker. Now the station can be removed away, and communicate with the help of tangents fixed in a convenient location. The entry of the wire in the tangent has a nest for connecting headphones.

For snowboarding, I absolutely acquired a helmet with built-in headphones. This allowed me on the basis of "Yaesu VX 3R" to make a very convenient communication system.

I connected a helmet to a separate jack for headphones. A microphone with a headset is connected to its socket. Now I have excellent hearing in the helmet, and the microphone for transfer in the collar area of \u200b\u200bthe jacket. Everything is very well audible at any level of external noise and only me. True, I am improved by the wires under the jacket as the "Belt of Shahid", but it does not cause discomfort. It looks like this.

In the helmet there is a prayer button by pressing which the volume is completely turned off. And it is pressed easily when you correct the mask or helmet. To make sure that I am in touch, you have to translate the station to FM radio. If the radio is heard, it means everything is normal, I am in touch.

Here is this button.

Using headphones in the helmet I liked it so much that I decided to do crawling and equip one more helmet with built-in headphones. To do this, I needed the headphones themselves. They are different types. So they are called: "Headphones in the helmet." Sold in motorcycle accessories and snowboard stores.

For confusion, I took a faulty Kenwood headset. She did not normally worked for the gear, but nothing heard into the headphone. Apparently marriage. Still lies without a case. For docking headphones, the headset still purchased the nest for the plug under the headphones. Total for money is approximately so. 600-1400r. For headphones, 500-700r. Behind the headset and 10p. For the nest. It remains to make hands.

Good time of day. This information will be interesting to those who have already decided on the model that undoubtedly complies with your aesthetic and consumer requests.
When choosing what needs to pay attention to the fact that you will have to work. Each state, being the owner of radio frequencies, establishes a number of significant restrictions on their use. Based on this radio, they are divided into two main types - professional and amateur. Amateur radios have permissible power and can be used without a special license. But to use professional racies, you will need to register the device.
So, in the line of the radio transmission devices we offer, you can see portable or mobile transceivers intended for operational communication, frequency range and MHz.
Radio stations of the SV (SI-BI) range of "Civil Range" (English CB, Citizens' Band), adopted to designate a non-limzion-free, available to all citizens of radiocommunication on short waves in the 27 MHz range are used worldwide, as a rule by car enthusiasts.
If your attention was attracted by single-band radiaries with a frequency range of 400-70 MHz, then you need to know what includes:
Frames with a range of LPD 433 standard, (Low Power Device) - Radio Frequency Range 69 channels in the range of 433-434 MHz for low-power devices up to 0.01 W. This frequency range coincides with the European range of similar applications;
The Range of the PMR standard (eng. Private Mobile Radio, Pi-EM-ER) is a European unless-free system (referred to as PMR446) of mobile radio communications in the VHF range with a frequency of 446,000-446,100 MHz and with a maximum 0.5 W output. It is intended exclusively for private use and to meet household needs in the radio communications of the wide masses.
As noted above, the walkie-talkie with such frequency ranges - amateur, do not require licensing and registration.
Special attention should be paid to one-apone radiation with a frequency range of 136 -174 MHz. VHF (VHF), more precisely, part of the VHF range - from 136 to 174 MHz; In Russia, it is necessary to obtain permission to use radio frequency (rent frequency) in the radio frequency center and register the radio in the Goskomnadzor. This is explained by the fact that in this frequency range, mobile telephony is carried out, the transmission of television signals, satellite communications, the radio communications of law enforcement and safety authorities, military communications, anemsia and so on. Professional frequency range. Also in this range there is a narrow frequency strip - 144-146 MHz, isolated for radio amateurs (it is required to pass the exam for a category, register a radio station in the Goskomnadzor).
Associate the interest of dual-band radio. The frequency range will look like this - 400-470 / 136-174 MHz. Such radiations also work in the amateur range and in professional. It may be possible to use in the permitted frequencies of LPD 433 and PMR446 standards, and in the case of a critical situation, when the assistance of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, the rule of law is necessary, and so on to use and the range of 136-174 MHz.
I hope that the above article will help you finally decide on the model of the radio and get a reliable assistant to work and rest.

Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 13, 2011 No. 837 "On Amendments to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2004 N 539" from the list of radio-electronic means and high-frequency devices to be registered, seized by the station mobile communication of the range of 27 MHz (Sibi range) with a permissible radiation power of a transmitter not more than 10 W.

Borrowed hunter in the forest. It goes through the forest, comrades calls and yells in all her throat:

It turns out a bear and asks:
- What are you yelling?
- Yes, I got lost, I think, maybe someone will hear.
- Well, I heard, it became easier?
Laughter laughter, but in every joke, as they say, there is some truth. Good connection on the hunt, fishing, in a tourist campaign, the scientific expedition is not less important than, for example, the presence of a compass and card. This is especially important when you are at an unknown area to you. I remember one case told by familiar to the huntsman. One hunter fell off from the main group on the cloud hunt and got lost. He was good. There seemed to be afraid of nothing. But it turned out that the scale of his card did not allow it to be attached to the area, and the compass was useless, because from the very beginning, he did not take any landmarks, apparently hoping on maybe. Cloudy, winter day. There was a thaw, the snow almost came down. No snow, no trace. It remained only to hope for good luck and radio station issued by the Hunt Organizer. However, he rejected so far that not one hour had to be concerned in the forest before the dynamic of the radio. Only then the huntsman who knew the terrain well, was able to bring the lost hunter to the rest. The hunt, of course, was torn, but at least a person did not suffer. Another example is also indicative. This time no one was lost, but the hunt was poured by the "bad" radio stations, which in the forest, unexpectedly, began to catch the voices of distant countries and the negotiations of metropolitan policemen. But the faults were not to blame, but hunters, incorrectly informed their range. And in the first case, if the radio stations were more powerful, perhaps did not have to spend all day to search for the missing client. So, the goal of this article is to help hunters, fishermen, tourists and people engaged in extreme types of varieties in the objective choice of radio communications, which are as important as correctly selected cartridges for hunting, brilliants for fishing or rope for climbing into the mountains. Among the enormous diversity of radio stations, which are presented in the modern market, everyone must choose the one that is optimally suitable for solving its specific tasks. But before proceeding to the description of the species and types of radio stations, I propose a small libez on the theory of radio wave propagation, which at least a little will help to understand the inexperienced reader, why some radio stations work further than others, although there are approximately the same specifications. Currently, the State Committee on Radio Frequids (GCRC) has allocated the following basic ranges for the operation of land and mobile radio:

In order to determine which range is the most optimal for communication in the forest, on the water or mountains, they will deeper a little in the theory of the propagation of the radio waves indicated by me by the ranges. Corresponds to the wavelength of 11m. The radio waves of this range are strongly absorbed by the soil, the relationship depends on solar activity. They are able to overcome obstacles in the form of small hills, slopes, buildings with a height of 10-15m. As a rule, a nearby bond on this range is carried out by a surface wave (spreads along the Earth). When spreading the spatial wave (reflected from the ionosphere), the relationship is possible for many thousands of kilometers. In practice, it looks simple. All the ether is scored by signals of radio stations that are in thousands of kilometers from you, but your neighbor, which is, let's say, you will not hear at a distance of a kilometer. There were cases when a person saying "times", heard the echo of his voice, which was heard from the speaker. This radio wave turned around the globe, due to many reflections from the ionosphere and returned to the starting point! Corresponds to the wavelength of 2m. In this range, radio waves apply to a direct and reflected wave. Since the surface is not flat, but a spherical form, then the range of radio communication is several tens of kilometers. If radio station antennas are located at an altitude of several tens of meters from the ground, then the relationship is possible at a distance of up to 100 km. The spread of radio waves of this range has a significant impact of terrain, all kinds of obstacles, etc. For example, the deciduous forest in this range makes attenuation of the order of 6DB / 100m. At different points of reception, the signal level can be different and fluctuate from strong confident reception to the complete loss of radio communications. This is due to the fact that in different points of reception, the surface and reflected waves come in phase or antiphase. Accordingly, the electromagnetic field strength is folded or subtracted, which affects, ultimately, to the level of the received signal. The effect of atmospheric interference, the time of day does not significantly affect the distribution of radio waves of the VHF range. Therefore, the connection here is stable at any time of the day. In buildings and reinforced concrete structures, the radio wave of the VHF range is disseminated badly. . Corresponds to the wavelength of 70 cm. With an increase in the frequency used, the influence of weather conditions increases and the range of communication is reduced, since the conditions for the propagation of radio waves in this range are approaching the conditions of light propagation. Radio waves of the microwave range are well distributed in the city due to the reflection from buildings and reinforced concrete structures. In the forest, the radio wave range 400 applies worse than VHF. For example, the deciduous forest in this range makes attenuation already 10DB / 100m. Also, radio waves of this range work well in the mountains, especially in clefts and gorges. Radio communication for small distances in this range is stable and does not depend on the time of day. From the properties of radio wavebands given by me, it can be concluded that for communication in the forest and intersection area, the radio stations of the ranges of 27 MHz and 136-174 MHz are preferred. For the city and the mountains, on the contrary, it is better to use a range of 400-470 MHz bands. Now let's try to understand the types of radio stations, which are presented on our Russian market. All radio stations can be divided into 3 main groups:

Portable radio stations

Mobile radio stations

Basic radio stations portable radio stations. First of all, the radio station is a radio electronic device, which consists of a transceiver, antenna and power supply (battery or battery case). Sometimes radio stations are also called transceivers. This means that some radio station blocks are used together on reception and transmission to save the place and cost of the product. According to their consumer qualities, radio stations are divided into several species. Professional radio stations, as a rule, correspond to the International Military Standard. This means that the chassis of the radio station is a solid cast body, and the upper and lower panel of the radio station is made of shockproof plastic. All rubber gaskets under which the transmission and control buttons are hidden adjacent to the body of the radio station, so that water and dust do not fall there. In short, these are radio stations that are not afraid of splashes, dirt, dust, vibrations, heat and frost. LCD indicator, if any, is located so that it will not be damaged during the fall. All professional radio stations have minimum keys and controls. As a rule, this is a channel switch, volume control and 2-3 programmable keys. Currently, almost all professional radio stations are programmed from a computer. For programming a radio station, special interface cables and software that manufactures firms are manufacturers of radio stations. The auxiliary radio stations can be programmed so that they would switch power, backlight, the mode of switching on and disconnecting the speech masquerator, etc. Almost all professional radio stations operate in simplicity mode (reception and transmission at one frequency) and half-cups (reception and transmission to different frequencies). The last mode is designed to work through the repeater. Professional medium-class radio stations have, as a rule, 16-32 programmable channels. Noise-shaped, these stations, electronic and its trigger threshold is programmed from a computer. Very many professional radio stations have a function of a selective call. This feature is needed when several groups run on one frequency. In the radio station of members of each group, its individual or is programmed. As a result, members of one group are included in radio communications. At the same time, members of other groups do not hear them and also communicate with each other. Thus, the code separation of the communication channel occurs. As, the rule, all professional radio stations are produced with one diophazone. There are 2 main versions: 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. The latter in turn are divided into subsidepoups: 400-430 MHz, 450-490 MHz or, for example? 400-470 MHz. Amateur radio stations in contrast to professional have not fixed programmable channels, but a smooth digital scale. As a rule, they have a keyboard with which you can enter the operating frequency in the range of 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. One of the main differences of amateur radio stations from professional is that the first are programmed completely from the keyboard and no programmers need for them. They have the same memory channels. They are much more in amateur radio stations than in professional. The latter, as a rule, displays only the channel number on the LCD or on the channel switch. Amateur radio stations, in addition to the channel number, display the operating frequency. Yes, and by the number of auxiliary functions is much superior to professional. In the amateur radio station, you can install a step of restructuring in frequency, the frequency of the subcarrier subton, the output power, separation between the reception and transmission, and much more. Radio radio stations have a developed system of auxiliary menu. In this case, only the basic functions are made on the keyboard that are most commonly used by the user. Amateur radio stations are most universal in use. They have a built-in meter of the received signal level (the so-called s-meter). There are also 2 band amateur radio stations that have 2 operating frequency ranges: 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. They are most versatile. Can be used both in the forest and in the city, mountains. In some models of these radio stations there is a built-in scanner, i.e. Receiver with an extended frequency range from 500 kHz to 1000 MHz. Some can even be equipped with additional air temperature measurement modules, atmospheric pressure and height above sea level. Currently, there are a large number of radio amateur stations, the execution of the buildings of which corresponds to the International Mil Std 810 C, D, E. The Japanese company Vertex Standard went even further. Currently, it produces waterproof radio stations VX-6R and VX-7R. These radio stations can be immersed to a depth of 1 meter within 30 minutes. As a rule, installed on moving objects. For example, cars or snowmobiles. In contrast to portable radio stations, they have an output power of 30-70 W and therefore operate from the battery of the car on-board network. As a rule, these radio stations are equipped with external communicators in which the microphone is installed and the transmission button. Mobile radio stations in their functional purpose are also divided into professional and amateur. Professional mobile radio stations comply with the international military standard MIL STD 810 C, D, E are manufactured on the basis of cast, aluminum chassis and closed by impact-resistant plastic. According to the functionality, mobile radio stations are not enough than different from portable radio stations and are also programmed from the computer. Amateur, mobile radio stations are available in both ordinary and shock-resistant buildings. Have a smooth digital scale and allow you to dial the operating frequency from the keyboard, which is located on the radio station's remote communicator. Mobile radio stations, as well as portable are released on the range of 136-174 MHz and 420-470 MHz. Professional radio stations in the microwave range can be produced on certain subbands. For example, 400-430 MHz or 450-490 MHz. Professional mobile radio stations are produced by single-periposal to VHF and microwave range. In contrast to professional mobile radio stations, amateur radio stations are two-way and even duplex. Such radio stations sometimes have a built-in interdiapan bidirectional repeater mode. They have a large number of all sorts of functions that can be called both from the keyboard and with the buttons on the front panel. These radio stations are not designed for round-the-clock operation and therefore are calculated on a working cycle of 50%. Professional radio stations due to its design are designed for round-the-clock operation and have a 100% working cycle. Exterior automobiles are connected to mobile radio stations with different types of fastening that are configured to operating frequency. As basic radio stations, the same mobiles are used, only instead of the automotive antenna connects the base, through a coaxial cable with a wave resistance of 50 ohms. In this case, the power supply of the radio station is carried out from an external stabilized power supply with an operating voltage of 13.8 V and a current to 15 A.

Ranges and frequency of radio

In this article, we will briefly consider which frequencies are allocated for radio communications and which radio stations and which range should be considered when choosing equipment in one way or another. The article is presented in free form, using simplifications in some concepts and details. It does not claim to encyclopedic accuracy, but will give a general idea of \u200b\u200bfrequencies used in Russia and the applied radio equipment.

Consider in which ranges are running And why, in one case, different cases are used Range frequency ranges.

Shortwave Range - 1-30 MHz

Freak of a sq. Range It is used primarily by the military, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, on the fleet, forest and environmental organizations for professional communication over long distances - from 150 to 8000 km.

The main disadvantages of the range of the range is a low noise immunity and the need to use overall antennas with a length of up to several tens of meters. Pros is absolute autonomy, a large range of communication and low cost compared to satellite communications.

Basic equipment used: ICOM, IC-M802., VERTEX VX-1700, VX-1400, VX-1200 / 1210., Kenwood TK-90, Cordon P-12, Q-Mac HF 90m, Barrett PRC-2090, PRC 2091, carat, hangar.

Also, within 1-30 MHz, 9 sections of the frequencies allocated for communications are located. The main used radio amateur KV equipment - Transceivers Kenwood, Icom, Yaesu, Elecraft. If for professional sustainable radio communications, the range is usually limited to 8000 km, the radio amateurs often conduct radio transcontinental radio transmission sessions with their colleagues located on the other end of the globe.

Currently, large turns are gaining the market for software-implemented radio - SDR equipment. The software-implemented radio begins to be widely used in amateur communications, military and in commercial areas. To date, Harris and Alcatel Lucent companies have already implemented several successful projects that use equipment based on SDR technology and cognitive radio (radio system capable of receiving information about the features of its own operation and on the basis of this data to correct their work parameters). In the future, SDR technology has every chance of becoming a new standard in the telecommunications market.

Civil Range - 27 MHz

Conditionally called "Range of 27 MHz". The frequency range is 25.6-30.1 MHz (officially allowed plot - 26.965-27.860 MHz). Another name is Sibi Range from the English abbreviation CB - Citizen Band.

Truck range on radio This is the 15th channel, with a frequency of 27.135 MHz, in amplitude modulation mode (AM). The channel is actively used by truckers, for communication on the tracks. In large cities, filing SI BI RAZ 27 MHz, used by car enthusiasts, for the exchange of information about the road atmosphere. In different cities, various channels are used for urban communication. For example, in Krasnoyarsk it is a channel 40, with a frequency of 27.405 MHz, in Kemerovo 27th channel, frequency - 27.275 MHz. Frequency modulation (FM) is used at the frequencies of urban autochannels.

Also, small taxi and cargo transporters, a quick response group of security enterprises and utilities enjoy the radio stations of this range. Despite the price availability of equipment, and the fact that, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 13, 2011 No. 837, 12 MHz bandwidth Not subject to registration, it is necessary to take into account the fact that the civil range is subject to great atmospheric and industrial interference and use radioCB range For commercial purposes, it is not suitable for enterprises where qualitative radio communication needs. Filing SI BI BY RANGE, in view of a small radius of action and relatively large dimensions, they did not receive special distribution and are used, mainly with loading and unloading works or on the parking lots of trucks.

Most of the CB ranges available in Russia are represented in our online store.

Filing SI BI Range Buy which you can in our online store are presented in.

Low-Band range - 33-57.5 MHz

This is the lower section of the VHF range of mobile radio communications.

Due to the large influence of industrial interference in cities and interference from TV broadcast transmitters, this range is used mainly in rural areas. Main users, since the USSR, ambulance station and agricultural enterprises. To date, most world manufacturers stopped the production of radio stations for these frequencies. Equipment for the LOW-BAND range, currently offered domestic manufacturers - Granite and VEBR companies. In warehouses, you can still find radio stations from eminent brands: Motorola GP340, GM360., VERTEX STANDARD VX-3000L. The only of the available foreign manufacturers of the range of 33-57.5 MHz remains Alinco, Inc. The company offers a DJ-V17L wearable radio and automotive (basic) DR-135LH and DR-M06R radio stations.

Avia Range - 118-137 MHz

Air ships carry out radio exchange among themselves and with ground services in this frequency range. In contrast to most other types of VHF communication, amplitude modulation is used. Popular Equipment for Airlines -

wearable Aviation Range:

156,8375-174 MHz - mobile and fixed ground bond.

In accordance with the basic law "On Communication" of July 07, 2003 No. 126-FZ, for the organization of radio communications in this range, it is necessary to obtain permission to the FSUE "GRSCH". If you need to receive frequencies, we can provide advisory and accompanying support in obtaining permits.

High interference and good signal passage provided the range of 136-174 MHz is the most popular among users and equipment manufacturers. Our store presents the majority of popular radio stations and antennas VHF bands. RadioVHF Range In our store are presented in.

River range - 300 MHz

Used to communicate on inland waterways.

Warning frequencies Located in the range of 300,0125-300,5125 MHz and 336,0125-336,5125 MHz.

River range Comes with pre-installed channels isolated to communications with ships and coastal services, for certain purposes.

Frequencies of channel racies - Their numbers and appointments are set "instructions on the organization of ship radio communications in the basin (region), approved by the River Fleet Service of the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and coordinated with local authorities for radio communications. So, the main channels are:

Channel 2 (300.05 MHz) - for communication between the courts;

Channel 3 (300.1 MHz) - to communicate with gateway dispatchers;

Channel 4 (300.15 MHz) - to communicate with other rechfoot services;

Channel 5 (300.2 MHz) - to call ships, coordination of the order of discrepancies and overtaking when maneuvering and transmitting disaster signals.

Channel 25 and 43 (336.2 MHz and 300,125 MHz) are generally accepted for communication between yachts.

All radio stations installed on ships on the inland waterways must necessarily have the admission of river register of Russia (RDR) and the certificate of the Ministry of Communications, regardless of their affiliation and on whether these radio stations are the main or additional equipment.

According to the frequency distribution approved by the International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the frequencies in the range of 156-162 MHz are used for communication between the courts (rivers and the sea). The river range is 300 MHz, used only in Russia and the choice of the proposed equipment on this range is small. Popular river radio stations: Radioma-300, VERTEX STANDARD VX-451 / VX-454 ,.

VHF range - 400-470 MHz

In foreign sources, the range is denoted as UHF, the name of which is formed from capital letters Ultra High Frequency.

Features of the propagation of UHF frequencies allow you to recommend this range for use in a dense urban building, in the mountains. Under the conditions of the forest area of \u200b\u200bthe radio station at 400 MHz, inferior to radio stations of the range of 136-174 MHz.

In the range, frequency bands are highlighted for professional use, for radio amateurs and for non-limited use by all those who wish.

Frequency of racieswhose work, in accordance with the basic law "On Communication" of July 07, 2003 No. 126-FZ, is possible only if there are permits:

420-430 MHz - mobile and fixed ground communication;

430-440 MHz - Radio Digital Range;

440-470 MHz - mobile and fixed ground bond.

If it is necessary to obtain frequency ratings, we can provide consulting and accompanying support in obtaining permits.

The ranges of the range that, according to the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 31, 2004 No. 896 do not require permits - permitted Range Range (Deceptible frequencies):

433,075-434,775 MHz - LPD ("Low Power Device") Range. Standard frequency grid of 69 denominations, with a step of 25 kHz;

      New car radio station Yaesu FT-1907M with a wide operating range of frequencies 400-470 MHz and high output up to 55 W!


      The FT-1907 radio station is a new transceiver of the range of 400-470 MHz (wavelength of 0.7 m) intended for use in amateursing purposes. However, since Vertex Standard puts the quality of the developed technology, the design of this model, as well as all new VERTEX Standard radio stations, complies with the requirements of the international standard MIL STD 810, which is designed to ensure the long-term use of the transceiver even in the most stringent conditions. The radio can be used for taxis, truckers, hunting and fishing, for trophy races and other adventures.
      The station supports direct frequency input mode in the radio amateur range of 400-470 MHz, the most frequently used communication frequencies can be recorded in the station's memory (with a digital-letter identifier) \u200b\u200bto quickly transition to these channels. The cloning mode of one station's memory content to others is supported. For ease of use, the volume controls and levels of the noisepender are removed on various knobs. The CTCSS and DCS transmission / reception system is maintained as standard.
      Also, the standard setting of the station includes a DTMF microphone with programmable user function keys. For compatibility with a wide fleet of radio equipment in the FT-1907 station, two frequency deviation modes were introduced - with a wide and narrow deviation.
      FT-1907 supports the Wires (TM) system, when several repeaters are combined into one infrastructure using the Internet as a transport network.

    • Main distinctive features
    • Wide operating frequency range of 400-470 MHz. Includes LPD 433-434 MHz, PMR 446 MHz, FRS / GMRS Ranges!
    • High output power up to 50 W! The ability to adjust the power (4 modes) 5/10/25/50 W. Power level can be saved when programming each of the memory channels
    • Direct operation of the working frequency from the keyboard of the manual microphone (tangers)
    • Bright backlight keyboard hand microphone
    • Bright anti-glare radio station display
    • 221 memory channel that can be configured in 8 banks
    • Adjustable microphone sensitivity and frequency deviation in transmission mode (2 modes)
    • Built-in Morse Code Training Sensor
    • Transmission Switch in Reception mode (12.5 / 25 kHz)
    • Individual programmable user access code
    • Ability to work via the Internet (Wires-II)
    • Sizes 14x40x14.6 cm. Weight 1200 gr.

    Contents of delivery:



    Automotive radio station Yaesu FT-1907M

    Handmade microphone (tangent) MH-48

    Power wires for connecting to a car or stationary power supply (E90217115)

    15a Spare Fuses (Q000081)

    Mount for tangents (steel)

    Mounting for Metal Station + Kit screws and screws

    User's manual

    Warranty card

    Packing box (cardboard)

    Technical specifications:


    Automotive radio station Yaesu FT-1907M

    Frequency range , MHz:
    Channel Step, kHz


    Supply voltage, in

    13.8 ± 15%

    Work temperature, with hail.
    Frequency stability
    Gabarites, mm.

    140 x 40 x 146

    Weight, G.
    Sensitivity at 12 dB SINAD, MKV
    Selectivity, dB.

    6 dB at 12 kHz 60 dB at 28 kHz

    Intermodulation, dB.
    Power Dynamics of LF, W
    Output power (adjustable), W
    Maximum deviation, kHz
    Type of radiation

    16kof3e (11kof3e for 12.5 kHz)

    Compliance standard

    MIL STND 810 C / D / E

    Outcompute radiation, dB
    Max. deviation

    5 kHz (2.5 kHz for 12.5 kHz)

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