
Descriptions of the blog card in instagram. Cap in Instagram: Design, secrets, examples. Profile registration in Instagram

If you want the page to be in the top of the search engines, you need to take care of the inventing of a beautiful and speaking Nick - one, maximum, two words that will immediately tell people about whose profile to them and what you can find. This is half a response to the question how to earn many subscribers in Instagram. Your nickname must meet the following requirements:

  • Brevity

  • Memory

  • Pronunciation

The first and second point are interrelated: the more briefly the name is, it is easier to remember it. As for the third - pronunciation - try themselves to tell you the nickname. Was it? Easily? What do you think this name can become a nominal, kind of "VK", "", etc.? If your page is found in search engines, and its name will be easy to pronounce, then people only at the expense of this factor will come to you again and again, and - what is important - to bring their friends, colleagues and acquaintances.

Registration of page caps

Since instagram is a social, in order to get many subscribers in Instagram, it is very important to make a hat and qualitatively.

Beauty is what the user sees. The photo should literally please please the eyes. There should be no annoying color effects, graphic noise and other artifacts.

Under the quality here is meant the most complete entry of objects in the picture. For example, if you show on the header some part of your office, show it completely.

It is very important to make a complete reliable description of the page. Turn on to it brief information About your business or about you personally (if Personal page). You can provide the following data:

  • Name and surname (or Company name in case of business representation)

  • E-mail

  • Mobile Phone (Viber, WhatsApp)

  • Brief description of business (or kind of activity in case of private page)

If you write a high-quality description to your profile, people will be easier to understand what you do, and you - to get subscribers in instagram.

Do not neglect the hashtags!

Hashtegi (eng. Hash Tags) is a set of characters presented by the "#" sign. For example: #Mycompany, #vk, #Facebook, # img1, etc. They are a kind of transfine between posts. Several photos can have the same hashteg. If the user finds the appropriate link on the Internet, he will find your photo. If Hesteg is popular, then you can easily make many subscribers in Instagram only at the expense of its use.

Houstegs may have an opposite effect if they are not applied. Apply only those of them that make sense precisely to this photo.

Content on page

This, in fact, all the photos that the user will see. And here there is one very important rule: before starting the account promotion, the page must be filled with a maximum. If you decide to promote an empty acc, then, most likely, come around with the fact that no one will visit the page - she simply will be uninteresting.

You have heard more than once, as important is the first impression: in social networks It works for a hundred percent. Instagram hat is the first thing to watch a new audience. Proper and competent design is crucial. Will users sign up for you? Do you click the link to the site? Will your account be shared with friends? For business, this is a key factor - to be at the distance of one click from the client.

What is a profile hat in Instagram: 10 of its components

Profile hat in Instagram takes up the top space where there are several fields.

  1. The photo. The profile page should contain an attractive photo related to the company: a logo or product photo. Some companies and celebrities have a confirmed icon to identify them as an official account.
  2. Nick and username. They are displayed at the top of the page. At a more noticeable place in the biography, there is a name that is highlighted in bold. They are used in the search, so prescribe carefully.
  3. Text field. 150 characters, tell about the directions of activity and induce to action.
  4. Web site. Specify the page to be attracted to traffic. Think what address to specify to save customers.
  5. Category. Displayed under the name of the company and is indicated on the associated page on Facebook. This feature will require a business account. Do not waste space with unnecessary words, specify the type of activity in a special field.
  6. Action buttons. Additional links for business accounts exempt space in Bio. Displays in a mobile application. You can find these fields when you click "Edit Profile", "Communication Methods". If you do not see them, make sure you have a business account. Main advantages: fast Communication With the company and unloading posts: you do not need to specify contact information under each post.
  7. Post office. Enter electronic address And get the appropriate button in the profile. When the client presses Email, Instagram offers mail Application Default on the phone.
  8. Location. It will help clients easily find a company. When clients click on this button, she will offer them a map card on the phone.
  9. Telephone. Another way to specify contact information in your business profile is to add a phone number. When someone presses a button, a hint appears for a direct call call.
  10. Call to action. What do you want visitors to do after visiting the profile?

Instagram hat: Examples how to make an original

How beautiful to issue a profile hat in instagram

A good bio must perform certain goals: show what business makes and characterize the perfect buyer. Watch the subscriber to the first action.

For whom: the perfect audience

Use the header to attract an ideal audience. She needs to understand who you are before it becomes yours. A good description in Instagram explains the essence of your business, and what you do.
If you want to highlight a certain skill, profession, hobbies or interest, you need to enable it in the header. A good idea will describe who helps and how to inspire the ideal audience.
Write bio about the target audience, it will attract more subscriberscorresponding to the brand. Potential customers will find you.

Links inside Instagram

Buttons for action and communication

If you want the profile to be an attractive store for new visitors, you will need to simplify them contact with you or designate the exact location. Go to the business profile. In addition to creating advanced messages and ads, adding links to Instagram Stories and access to the built-in analytics, switching to a business profile also makes it possible to add important contact details in Bio. You can specify email address, phone number and physical address in your profile. The profile visitor easily clicks on any of the links and is associated with you directly e-mail or by phone.

Enchantable Instagram Stories

Decoration of text

Show creativity: Use gaps, rows and emotions breaks. Remember that they are well displayed in mobile versionBut can move in desktop.

Add emotions

The use of emotions in the header gives the profile a pleasant atmosphere, helping the brand stand out. They take less space, which allows you to add additional information.

  1. Be inventive and try the combination of words mixed with Emodzhi.
  2. Use Emodzhi as markers. Stress the key points in content to split the text and make easier to read. Emoticons should always be related to the brand and increase the relevance of the caps.
  3. It is not recommended to use only Emodzhi independently without text. It can confuse your audience and is a waste of the precious space of brand promotion.
  4. Emodezhi must change. Play with different emotions to find suitable for brand.

Little bright emoticons are another way, how to make a beautiful profile hat in instagram.

What to write in an instagram profile in the header

Field "Name" in profile

People who are looking for you will use your name or company name. These are the only fields that participate in the search. But this does not mean that it is impossible to fantasize. Do you have a specialty or sectoral niche? Offer a specific service? Do you know something special? You can also include these details in the name to give more meaning.

Content keywords

The search does not work by keywords, but they focus on the profile activities and will help communicate with subscribers in their language. Add the main values \u200b\u200bof the company and the target audience to the keys. If you are using Instagram for business, spend some time to create a "profile" of your ideal subscriber. Find pain and interests. What kind keywords Will you help you to respond to them? It will help users better understand: who you can offer.



A good biography clearly explains: what is your business than your company doing. If you want to show yourself in skills, professions, hobbies or interests, turn on a couple of lines in the header. Think what distinguishes you from competitors. A unique set of skills or experiences that may be of interest to your followers?
Highlight what makes you special, which distinguishes you from competitors. What interesting facts can you tell users about your brand?

Opening hours

Specify the opening hours. Simple detail Saves time followers.

Simple ideas for decoring profile caps in instagram

  1. Make an emphasis on the official ownership of the brand page.
  2. Share brand hashtegov.
  3. Leave the Bio slogan, the basic idea of \u200b\u200bthe brand.
  4. Be minimalist. Puma writes short, simple phrases and allows their images and a well-known logo to talk for themselves. Simplified Bio allows customers to accurately determine what exactly wants to get a brand.
  5. Inspire the subscriber to purchase goods on the specified website.
  6. Offer download your materials.
  7. Replace some words with emotions.
  8. Specify the link to the Instagram page of the company's director or moderators.
  9. Leave the bio empty if you are famous without unnecessary words.

Let's sum up

Think about how you can use 150 characters in your biography to make a description that will attract potential customers. Numerous examples how to fill the headside of the profile in Instagram will give tips to create your own style and the original story.
As you notice, your hat is an important part of attracting an ideal audience. It increases traffic and sales of goods and services. Make sure you create an excellent first impression.

Instagram interface is fundamentally different from the interfaces of other social networks. It automatically opens the profile in the "calculations" mode, without texts of posts - the user sees only visuals. Their combination of among themselves and general appearance Profile is called fashionable word Layout.

It is important that it be harmonious and thoughtful. A beautiful visual will push users to subscribe even without detailed viewing of the account, will improve the usability of the profile and reduce the CPA (price per action), i.e., at the same budget, the number of subscriptions will increase.

What should be Layout in Instagram?

Have a good layout there are two main criteria:

  • compliance with Identik - branded style brand;
  • compliance with certain patterns working on visual attractiveness and improvement of perception.

Consider each of these criteria in more detail.

Compliance of the profile brand style brand

The corporate identity of any brand usually consists of the following elements:

But this does not mean that the profile in Instagram should be identical to the site or, for example, POS materials (materials that promotes brand or goods in sales places). You can modify it, add something new, but completely forget about it!

For example, if the site design looks like this:

Profile Identity in Instagram maybe such:

Compliance with certain patterns

The main rule: No one forbids you invent new options for making a profile, combine them between themselves and apply to any elements - to have text, colors, specific templates or compositions of your posts to any elements.

So, what are the options for making profiles?

1. Selecting a single color palette

If in the profile all photos are completely different and there is no single concept, this option will fit perfectly. The only thing that will be needed is to consider how the photo will be combined with each other and look together. For example, you can make a profile in one color scheme.

However, if you don't just have a traveler's blog, but the selling page will not be enough. It is important that the user will be caught in. To do this, use the standard principles of the composition, which are commonly used in the subject shooting.

In any correct composition there are:

  • focus point - the subject on which you want to make an emphasis, such as your product;
  • props - surrounding its items that create the plot and the atmosphere and, with the right location, send a view to the focus point;
  • negative space - Background, on which a look is resting. On the one hand, he gives a picture of "air", makes a frame less overloaded, and on the other - it gives it a plot and atmosphere.

senior Strategist ORM INGATE

The same compositional elements can be considered in relation to the profile as a whole. For example, use subject (perhaps even catalog) photo as point focus points, lifestyle-photos with your product as "requisite" and thematic / entertainment content as a negative space.

The product can be depicted at least on each photo, but depending on how it is photographed and what role performs in the frame, the image as a whole with respect to the profile will play one of the above roles: the focus point, props, negative space.

You can also focus on colors. For example, let the focus points be bright, and the negative space is neutral shades.

2. Placement of content diagonally

This is one of the most simple and frequent types of layouts. Place text and photos with a similar content or composition diagonally, and you will be happy! :-)

3. Placement of content in checker

Here, too, everything is simple. Nevertheless, the look very attracts.

4. Placing content thematic blocks

The thematic blocks can also add separation strips with the title of this block. The option is perfect for those who use Instagram as a sales tool and rarely updates the profile.

senior Strategist ORM INGATE

Usually, in response to the offer, lay out content with thematic blocks, we hear concerns, they say, when you start laying out separation posts, they will annoy users. But they will not.

Thanks to the ability to archive, this moment can be easily bypass.

How to do it?

1. Lay out the posts of the dividing unit and immediately archive them (perhaps someone will see them in the tape, but it will be units).

2. After some time (better from a few days before the week), return these posts from the archive (they will appear in your profile, but will not appear in the tape of users).

3. Then simply lay out content related to this block.

5. Placing content on line

Thanks to this layout, you can tell users their own history. And they will be able to read it as a book, a line behind the line, from left to right.

By the way, many large brands use such a layout. For example, Bentley and Furla:

6. Proter placement by vertical lines

Make a contrast line of your posts and place it vertically in the center or side. It will "pull" users behind you, forcing everything deeper to dive into your profile. You can also build all your content over the lines.

7. Placing content by gradient

With such a calculation, all photos must contain bright color accents that gradually and smoothly replace each other, flowing one to another. However, in this case, there are two options:

1. You can upload photos with colored stripes, observing the order of using colors in the rainbow.

2. Or lay out photos so that the tape is overflowing with different colors as a precious crystal.

The main thing is that all transitions are smooth. For example, on one photo prevailing color - pink, and on the next you want the main one was green. In this case, make a pink, but in a small concentration in the photo with green color.

8. Placement of content in the form of a puzzle

To do this, make a one-piece picture, and then split it into the details. Option when you first create separate posts, and then build them in a certain sequence, is incorrect.

The main thing is that every detail looks like an independent image and carried a certain semantic load.

Consider at the examples.


It is worth saying that this option may also be. But only if you are going to use a picture-puzzle as a separation unit, for example, to delimit the old and new collection of clothing.

In any case, not to annoy users with photos with some parts of the body and separate items, it is better to archive such posts immediately after the layout and get them from the archive a little later.

Well, finally: do not be afraid to experiment and mix styles. In this case, the Dolce Gabbana brand is an excellent example.

Create your unique layout that will attract attention and memorize among other similar profiles :-) Remember, Instagram is a place where your company will be assessed by the cover.

In this article, I want to tell how to make a profile header in instagram for the business account. How many characters it holds into itself and how to write on different lines, as well as insert smiles.

If you do any business, then the hat (description) in instagram should clearly describe in several words what you do, what services you provide or what you sell.

After all, if you have nothing written, but there is, for example, only a link, then a person will not understand anything ... or if you have everything written without smiles or lines, then the visitor of your profile simply does not cling to the eye for the description and it will switch immediately on Photo. And in the photo, many are incomprehensible than they do.

Also, let's agree that you remove from the description of all "Oleg Mom", "Mom's daughter", "husband's wife" and other similar nonsense, because being a mom and wife is not an achievement in life. This is the usual continuation of a kind.

Therefore, in the profile we will indicate only what speaks of us from a professional side.

How to make an account description

In order to add a description, click on "Edit Profile", and you will see the field "About yourself". This is a description of your profile.

You can fill out a description of the maximum of 150 characters, so you need to write only the most important thing and what will tell you fully.

I will show you a description of the profile of my wife Yanina Eremeeva. I believe that for a person who is engaged in business is a practically perfect profile hat. So, proceed.


This line is a search and all that is written in it participates in the search. As we see from the Ianina profile (it works at Armelle), if a person enters the search for "Yanina Yeremeyev," he will see it. And also, if a person enters the search for "Armelle", he will also fall on the Janin.


From the description, we clearly understand that Janina is the leader of Armelle (by the way, you can now put hashtegi in the description). We see that Janina has a car program from Armelle, a warehouse and what she loves to travel. So she can find like-minded people in instagram.

By the way, as you can notice, it has the "Call, email" buttons. Letter and how to get there. " These buttons can be connected to business account. How to do it and what benefits you will receive, read.

Hi, dear readers Blog Blog!

In this article we will talk about how to make a profile in Instagram so that more people pay attention to him. Proper, beautiful and original design is the first thing that the user will see, hitting your page.

Therefore, it is worth paying 10-20 minutes to read this article completely and edit important moments In your account.

Profile registration in Instagram

Let's start, as always, with basic psychological things. We will answer the questions that the person wants to see the page.

Your profile with its design must respond to 3 simple questions:

  1. Who are you?
  2. What do you do?
  3. What can you be useful to your subscribers? The user must understand at first glance than you will be interesting and helpful to subscribe to you.

If you are conducting a business account where you sell some product or services, then rephrase these questions to them.

What can I write:

  • What is your name?
  • Where do you live?
  • Who do you work, what do you do, what project is driving, what do you understand?
  • What are you fond of, your lifestyle, hobby?
  • What did you achieve?
  • What do you write in your Instagram?
  • How to contact you? Link to the site or other social network.

Do not forget that the number of characters is limited. You need to be brief, original and, most importantly, to remember the visitor to something. In order for him in his brain, "this person, who ..." and he remembered you. You can grab just some one detail.

Nick in Instagram (username)

The username (NIC), which is indicated initially when registering in English or translite, will be displayed everywhere with your activity. Therefore, it also needs to be done as simple as possible and memorable. So that you can easily find it in the search.

It will be present in the link to your page (example: blinovlife./) That you will post on other resources and indexed in search engines.

As you can see, the description and name with the surname in the profile is also shown in extradition.

Name field in profile settings

The most that is highlighted in bold.

It, as you see, affects the issuance in the search, both in search engines and the search for Instagram itself. Therefore, you can specify not just the name and surname, but the search query for which you can find.

For example, if you are a photographer, then you can specify in the string:

"Photographer Perm - Vasily Blinov"

Well, or somehow arrange it with various emoticons.

Of course, the real name and surname is better working than some kind of commercial request. Especially if you enjoy. People will see that this is not a living person, but some company trying to sell something to them, then they themselves understand their reaction.

What photo to put on the avatar?

The photo works exactly the same way, it is displayed. If there is some picture, and not your photo, then you will find you at the bot and pass by, without paying attention.

Put a good, cool photo, where you can see in this little round. I have one photo at all on all accounts in social. networks, it's easier to find and remember. Above, I gave a link to my page, you can go, look at the example.

Now let's get to the technical instance of the design.

How to make text description from a new line?

At the moment, my profile is decorated in this way. It is impossible to place through the application so it is impossible to place it, because there is no "input" button, eating to a new string.


Step 1.

Step 2.

Step 3. We prescribe a new text in the "About yourself" section or divide the "ENTER" button.

Step 4. Save the settings and check on the phone.

Such text is perceived better and read than just to a single offer.

How to make a description (bio) in instagram in the center?

It is also done simply:

Step 1. We go to Instagram from a computer through a browser.

Step 2. Click "Edit Profile".

Step 3. In the "About me" before lines with the text, you need to insert the space symbols (⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀). Here they are in brackets, just highlight and copy.

Step 4. Pick up the number of space characters to be smooth. Check on the phone.

That's how it happened, I just had to remove part of the text, because the gaps are considered for the symbols, the number of which is limited. The link does not move.

How to make the "Contact" button and page category

In order to activate such a feature in Instagram, you need to create public page In Facebook. If you already have such a page ( here is an example of my page), it remains only to tie it with an account in Instagram.

Step 1. We associate pages. Come from the phone (through mobile app Instagram) When editing your profile and click there "Try tools for the company."

Step 3. Enter the data through which users will be able to contact you.

The address will also be displayed in the profile data and press shutdown on the map.

Who does not want users to call the phone number and saw the address (relevant for personal pages, bloggers), you can not specify them.

How to add emoticons?

After you make the text of the description with new String and save, you can go through the application on the phone in editing and put in conventional method Necessary emoticons.

Active reference in profile

If the URL is long and ugly looks, it must be reduced by. For example, like me, a short abbreviated link.

About closed from eye accounts

After a person will look at your profile, it proceeds to the assessment of the content. Therefore, the account should not be closed.

No one subscribes to the closed account, and with such a setup you are unlikely to become popular.

How to open a closed profile?

Through the computer it will not work, only through a mobile application.

Come in the application itself on the phone and in the right upper corner Press the gear "Settings". Drag and drop the slider "Closed Account" to the left.

All guys, on this article about the design of the profile in Instagram, I finish. If questions remained, be sure to ask them in the comments. And please write whether to tell about the design of posts in instagram?

I will wait for feedback.

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