
How to charge the phone in the microwave. What will happen if you put the phone in the microwave? What can household microwave? This is what is written on this workshop performed page, "Looking" under the corporate identity blog Apple

Beautiful household appliance. Now it is difficult to imagine a house in which it would not be. Such a thing will be useful not only to an experienced breadwinner in the kitchen, but also a completely anyone. The popularity of this device is not amazing. It is pretty easy to use, even children know how to communicate with a microwave. However, even the owners of such household appliances do not always know about the border of their capabilities. They refuse to read the instructions and other information about the device, and do not always know that you can put in the microwave, and what is not.

Consequences of stupidity

Search sites are simply sisha in requests for "What will happen if putting the phone into the microwave?". And well, if the owners of the microwaves read about the possible consequences of such actions and calmed down. But no. Be sure to have any "smart", which will decide to check the read on own experience. And on the Internet, every day there are more and more rollers on this topic. People put various objects in the microwave oven, are watching what will happen further, and even remove the whole process on the video. And nothing, but often such actions can lead not only to breakage of the household appliance and things that were nearby, but also injuries, and even a fatal outcome. In this article we will tell you not only about what will happen if you put the phone into the microwave, but what happens if there are other things there.

Opportunities of household microwave

Without such an appliance, people have recently could well do. But if the microwave furnace appeared in the house - you are unlikely to refuse its further use. The most important advantages are high functionality and simplicity of use. It is enough just to connect the instrument to the outlet, put food inside, press a pair of buttons and wait for completion. It would seem that it may be easier.

Ordinary household microwave performs a number useful features. She can warm up ready to go. Now you do not need to do it on the stove. You can not wait until the whole pan is raised, for example, borscht. And it is not at all necessary to pour the cutlets into a frying pan, while adding an oil in which a lot of cholesterol. Food is heated in a matter of minutes. Without such a device, do not do business people who have every minute in the account.

Cooking and defrosting products

But this is not all the features of the microwave. With it, you can quickly and easily cook food. Latest models Microwave ovens are equipped with a mass of new modes and interesting functions In order for them to completely replace the usual stove. On the Internet you can find a bunch of recipes for this device, and it is quite simple to prepare in it.

Another mode that is present in most microwave ovens is defrosting. Previously, the products that we have got from the freezer could melt the clock. For example, a large piece of meat passed the defrost process for more than one hour. In the microwave it can be done literally for half an hour.

Such a household device is not expensive, very compact, and when properly operation May serve you for many years. You will be able to learn from the instruction when using the microwave oven, and we want to tell you about the items that should not be placed in this device.

List of items that should not put in the microwave

First, you do not have to lie down, no matter what they are: chicken, goose or quail. They simply explode inside the oven. At a minimum, the particles of the eggs will scatter around the device and stick. It will be quite difficult to wash them. As a maximum, the device can open or explode. Then parts of the eggs will scatter throughout the room, and you can be injured by a blow. Worst of all - if the microwave explodes or lights up.

The same happens with tomato, persimmon, watermelon or citrus. Juice inside is strongly heated, and the product itself will swell. As a result, an explosion will occur. The consequences will be the same as when placing an egg in the microwave.

The following items from the list are marmalade, soap or chocolate. Many microwave owners are trying to melt these items in the furnace. They just start bubble, smoke and burn.

Items not for microwave

Discs, plastic dishes or foil. All this is contraindicated to lay in the microwave. And even if the material itself, from which these things are made, will not sparkle or explode, then after the room in the microwave it will not be used. The disc will stop being workers, and the harmful elements of plastic dishes risk falling into the food and cause poisoning. If you need the use of foil in a microwave oven for cooking - buy such that is specifically designed for this purpose.

What will happen if you put the phone in the microwave?

Let's go back to the phone. Many users often ask a question: "What will happen if you put a phone into a microwave for 1 minute?". It doesn't matter at what lapse of time you want to do it. The occupation is quite useless and stupid. From the minimum loss, you can only be called a breakdown of the device. But it costs it is not suiced. The phone will begin to smoke, sparkle and burn. What if I put the phone in the microwave? Immediately turn it off and take the phone until it led to unpleasant consequences. If you put the phone into the microwave and call, as you understand, nothing good will happen.

Recently, a video appeared on the Internet about how to put the phone into the microwave, and not harm neither to any other object. For this, the young man wraps the phone in the newspaper, foil for the microwave, and then once again in the layer of newspaper and foil. After that it includes a household appliance for about a minute. After conducting a number of such manipulations, it shows that the phone can be put in the oven and without malicious consequences. Then he demonstrates that his phone is in working condition, even if you call it during the operation of the microwave. But in any case, we do not recommend this.

The owners of microwave ovens conduct another experiment - simply check the signal's passability through the walls of the microwave, that is, they put the phone inside and do not turn on the microwave. In most cases, the phone perfectly takes a signal, and the body of the household kitchen device does not interfere anybody. But it is worth turning on the microwave - the phone burned in counting seconds.

Sometimes people comes to the head to dry the phone in the microwave, after they suffer it into the water. Then the lethal outcome for the phone is ensured even faster: the water that fell inside, instantly heated, and the device itself will explode.

Surely, reading that people can put the phone into the oven, you have a question: why do it? Just look at the consequences? Maybe. But it's not only that. Recently, the Internet was allowed on the Internet that if you put the phone into the microwave, it charges in a minute. You shouldn't believe such rumors, and even if you think well, it will become clear that these are just a draw. But many of the owners of microwave stoves hurried to independently check such a hearing, as a result of which they lost the phone and the household appliance. In the "duck" it is said that recharging from the microwave - the possibility new firmware. But actually software The phone does not affect the ability of the charge, these are the technical capabilities of the phone, and they are not related to the firmware. Therefore, if you do not understand such devices, you should not put expensive and dangerous for health and life.

We told you about what will happen if you put the phone into the microwave or other outsiders. Do not repeat other errors.

Quite often, users ask - they say, is it true that with the help of a microwave you can charge a smartphone or phone? Rumors went after someone distributed this information on the network. What is interesting, people believed and tried to charge their devices ... What came out of it? Yes, nothing good.

In no case do not put your device, be it a smartphone, phone or tablet, in the microwave! If you turn it on, you can not use the device anymore. Why? Yes, because it simply burns! And just just a few seconds in order to derive the device in order, and if the time is greater, then the device is simply roasted.

See what happened to the Samsung smartphone, which lay in the microwave turned on for a few minutes:

And this is with the iPhone:

It does not matter what your smartphone is samsung or the same iPhone, it will turn into a bunch of garbage in any case. By the way, in some cases you will need not only new smartphone, but also a microwave, which can also be disabled.

If you read somewhere that the model of your smartphone can now charge from the microwave, do not believe - this is such a cruel joke, which trusted thousands of devices owners. The only thing that happened to do is to deal with their devices.

If you do not believe us, look for videos on YouTube - there are many of them there.

Well, joked and enough. New, of course, smart, but not so much to charge inside the microwave. Very unhealthy noise and too violent discussion caused meme on the possibility of charging an iPhone in the microwave. Let's see what it was: Draw or still partly the truth?

Many people believed information about the possibility of charging the iPhone 6 right in the microwave. As if they were personally told by comrades from Apple. But not everything on the Internet can be believed. But why many perceived seriously information about what new iPhons Indeed can be charged in a microwave oven?

And because the fake, which allegedly advertised new opportunity wireless charging iPhone 6, looked very convincingly, almost reminded the "native" design of the official blog company. Joolds made a lot of work to play everyone. Pretty cruel joke, considering how many people naively believed in it and began to try to charge their new smartphones or old phones with iOS 8 in microwaves.

Above you can observe a picture, which, in fact, caused a rapid Haip about the ability to charge an iPhone in the microwave, as the next photo from Twitter, who was allegedly made by one of the Apple users disappointed in the "New Options".

This is what is written on this masterfully executed page, "Looking" under the corporate identity of the Apple blog:

What is WAV?

Wave is our last and most innovative addition to iOS system 8. This option will allow you to charge your gadget without wires through microwave frequencies. Using Wave, you can quickly charge the device battery using a conventional home microwave oven.

How to use Wave?

This option is activated automatically after the system update to iOS 8. Now you can so hard to charge your gadget in just a minute and a half, using a conventional microwave. You just need to leave an iPhone inside the microwave oven included for a minute and a half. Read the details of WAVE.

How does Wave work?

The iOS 8 system includes new drivers that are associated with a radio capture point interface on your Apple devices. Thus, the gadget without problems can be synchronized with microwave frequencies and quickly charge the discharged battery.

PS: Well, add more nothing. Think your head, check the information you read on the Internet, and always trust only proven sources.

@Gaspardique, because I do not have it: D
I prefer to help people, and not suffer nonsense, making people even more stupid.
Do you know what may be no less popular and more useful? If he had played this iPhone and gave someone. I would come up with the condition of the competition and in the end gave. That even just, would remove how he believes him in Lombard and for this money goes helps people. I don't need from 300 years old, but then people who can only dream of such devices would have a chance to hold it in their hands and to use.
As they say "Piple Hall". Whatever nonsense for you did not shoot, and you are happy to spend 3-5 minutes of your life on it. I can't say that I am sincerely sorry for me, because it is your enough conscious choice.
People live in G * out, and then outraged that it is around, so how can it be different if they are already inside.
Talking that she was well done, took a video, now he will earn this video for himself for another 2-10 such iPhones, so he was heard.
The point is that the amount of money is certainly changed, but it is about a certain amount if this money goes to encourage such rollers, it means that some of the money did not reach the money, and it could be medicine, the possibility of the invention of drugs from incurable diseases, improved facilities for using public places, etc. I understand that many are still, they will be stuck in the screen and the area that falls into lateral vision is no longer significant and blurred.
The usual example, let me have a doctor, janitor, schoolboy, blogger. Blider made a video, the rest of him looked and kinda gave their money to him (time why money \u003d)). What we have in the end, instead of the schoolboy to give money to the doctor, the doctor to the janitor ... And there was an approximate distribution, we have what money flock to blogger, which is happening through time, schoolboy because gave the money that were for dinners, it begins to perish and root, he goes to the doctor, and the doctor says that because There was no money, then there is no medicine, the boy dies, the doctor thinks to become at least a janitor to at least somehow survive, but there is no money there, as a result, the end!

@Jack Jackson, that you are all useful and more useful. Benefit - for the Hals.
And why did you attribute me to those for whom this nonsense is removed, and we are glad? I didn't even start this video, I'm not interested. What is the speech, I am absolutely uninteresting for someone else's iPhone, with whom something did. Actually, I do not write that this iPhone needed to give a thread, ornamental child, a cancer patient, for example, for example.
I said somewhere that the author of the movie is well done? Not.
You are very actively pedaling by the themes of some abstract help and magical benefit, social equality, humanism, someone gave someone's money ... I understood everything! Give guess, did you vote for the Communist Party for the Communist Party?

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