
Tasks on computer science for extracurricular work. Control work on computer science

ATTENTION OF STUDENTS OF THE 9 CLASSES A collection of thematic tasks on computer science for preparation for the exam in 2018 is offered. Tasks in the collection are grouped by the topics of the official specification of the exam in computer science and ICT. For each topic, it is proposed to solve several types of tasks. These types are compiled based on examples of tasks offered on the exam. For each type 5 tasks are given, the solution of which is intended to develop a steady skill of solving such tasks for each topic. At the end of the manual, answers are answered to test tasks and criteria for estimating tasks with an expanded response. Answers will help in monitoring and evaluating knowledge, skills and skills. The author hopes that the proposed material will allow the teacher to organize successful preparations for final certification, and students - to independently test their knowledge and readiness for the implementation of examination work on computer science and ICT in the format of the EEG.

Coding text.
The amount of information in the text.
In the 8-bit encoding Koi-8, a word consisting of 16 characters is recorded. Determine the word information in this encoding.
1) 32 byte 2) 128 bits 3) 16 bits 4) 128 byte
In the Windows-1251 encoding, 8 bits are given to each character. Determine the word information from 32 characters in this encoding.
1) 32 byte 2) 256 bytes 3) 32 bits 4) 8 bytes
In the most common variety of UNICODE encoding, 16 bits are given to each character. Determine the word information from 20 characters in this encoding.
1) 320 byte 2) 20 bits 3) 40 bytes 4) 20 bytes
In the most common variety of Unicode encoding on each symbol, 2 bytes are given. Determine the information volume of the word from 24 characters in this encoding.
1) 24 Bit 2) 24 byte 3) 48 Bit 4) 384 Bit
In the most common variety of UNICODE encoding, 16 bits are given to each character. Determine the word information from 32 characters in this encoding.
1) 32 bits 2) 32 byte 3) 512 bits 4) 256 bits
In one of the encoding Unicode, each character is encoded with 16 bits.
Determine the size of the next sentence in this encoding.
Who in Russia live well.
1) 20 bytes 2) 320 bits 3) 50 bytes 4) 25 bytes

Topic 1. Text coding. The amount of information in the text
Topic 2. Calculation of value logical expression
Topic 3. Analysis information model. Calculation of the length of the path in the Matrix distances
Topic 4. File system Computer
Topic 5. Electronic tables. Formulas and diagrams
Topic 6. Contractor. Executive team system. Analysis of the algorithm for the artist's drawing
Topic 7. Decoding of information recorded by uneven code
Topic 8. Performance of a linear algorithm recorded on the algorithmic language
Topic 9. Execution of the cyclic algorithm recorded in the programming language
Topic 10. Execution of the cyclic algorithm for processing an array of numbers recorded in programming language
Topic 11. Analysis of the information model. Calculating the number of paths on the column
Topic 12. Search for information in the database
Topic 13. Numbers. Transfer from a binary number system to decimal and back. Calculating the number of information required for coding color and sound
Topic 14. Drawing up a linear algorithm for a formal artist
Topic 15. Information transmission rate
Topic 16. Execution of the algorithm processing a chain of numbers or symbols
Topic 17. Network technologies. Structure
Topic 18. Search for information on the Internet. Analysis of the search result for complex condition
Topic 19. Processing a large array of data using a spreadsheet
Topic 20.1. Drawing up a short algorithm in a formal artist environment
Topic 20.2. Drawing up a short number of sequence processing algorithm in programming environment

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Attention! Preview Slides are used exclusively for informational purposes and may not provide ideas about all the possibilities of the presentation. If you are interested in this work, please download the full version.

1 Slide(While children are searched)

Today without this science
It is impossible to submit our world.
She saves us from boredom.
She is our assistant reliable.

And what science today will we talk with you today?

I suggest you to solve crossword, keyword and will be a guess.

  1. Flexible magnetic disk. (Diskette.)
  2. Information output device on paper media. (Printer.)
  3. Information stored on an external memory device under a certain name. (File.)
  4. Information output device. (Monitor.)
  5. The algorithm recorded in the language used by the computer. (Program.)
  6. A combination of clearly formulated rules for solving the problem for a finite number of steps. (Algorithm.)
  7. Unit of Measuring information for storing one symbol. (Byte.)
  8. The smallest unit of measurement of information. (Bit.)
  9. HDD. (Winchester.)
  10. Optical information entry device. (Scanner.)
  11. The program for the preparation of text. (Editor.)

(after guess)

Implementation computer equipment All spheres of human activity served to the emergence of a new scientific discipline - informatics.

What is informatics?

Computer science is a science that studies all aspects of obtaining, storing, transformation, transfers and use information.

Informatics determines the scope of human activity associated with storage processes, convert and transmit information using a computer.

What is a computer? Who can answer this question.

A computer - universal device For information processing .

Now we will all go to a wonderful country, where smart cars have been living, who created a man. And we will try to solve their riddles and answer questions. And so go ahead, we start our journey.

What kind of task awaits us, (folder opens) quiz

Quiz is a game that lies in answers to questions. Now we will all answer the quiz, which concluded questions related to computer science.

9 slide - 23 slide


1. How was the desktop mechanical computing machine, intended for addition, subtraction, accurate multiplication and division? (Adding machine)

2. What years did the first computer appear (electronic computing machine)? (in the 40s of the twentieth century)

3. What year is the first personal computer IBM PC released? (1981)

4. What does the word "computer" mean? (calculator)

5. What is called "father" of a computer? (Charles Babbja)

6. What do the amount of information measure? (Bits)

7. In 1963, Douglas Engelbart invented this device. What is it? (mouse)

8. What is the device of the computer installed a monument in Yekaterinburg on the Nauret River Embankment? (keyboard)

9. Device for a computer that allows it to communicate with another computer, via telephone or cable network? (modem)

10.Familia What of these scientists has become the name of the programming language? (Pascal)

11. Which device does a computer does not work? (Without processor)

12. Who will "cure a computer? (Antivirus)

13. What memory device appeared earlier? (Floppy disk)

14. In what year was the first hard disk, which occupied the place with the refrigerator? (1956)

15. In 1984, flash memory was invented. In which country did this happen? (Japan)

Well done in the quiz, you coped perfectly perfectly,

24 Slide Open the following folder.


Rebus - A riddle word, which consists of drawings, numbers and letters. Solve the rebus - it means to read the Word.

25 slide-32 slide








"Guess the word"

According to definitions, guess computer termor the concept of computer science.

34 Slide- 48 Slide

1. Left-sensitive, false, proven, complete, exhaustive, secret, mass, newspaper, television, scientific and technical ... (information)

2. Television, Concert, Circus, School, Computer, System, Entertainment, Network, Game ... (Program)

3. Business, Sport, Desktop, Mobile, Logic, Computer, Educational ... (game)

4. Amateur, professional, national team, sports, football, basketball, friendly, cohesive, fireman ... (team)

5. large, high, narrow, plastic, auditory, closed, open, broken, swollen, active ... (window)

6. Honest, kind, loud, familiar, beautiful, rare, own, full ... (name)

7. Attention, trading, fishing, spheres, local, global, corporate, computer ... (Network)

8. Fresh, yesterday's, morning, evening, editorial, air, pigeon, oath, electronic ... (mail)

9.Full, empty, consumer, wicker, basketball, dumping ... (Karzin)

10. Game, onboard, pocket, home, network, analog, digital, portable, personal ... (computer)

11. Text, graphic, tabular, central ... (processor)

12. Musical, Metal, Hard, Laser, Optical, Installation, System, Virtual ... (Disk)

13. Infrared, classic, sliding, rigid, soft, flexible, musical, vertical, standard, extended ... (keyboard)

14. Narrow, wide, line, page, inkjet, laser, color, black and white ... (printer)

15. Grate, white, optical, optical-mechanical, wireless, field, two-button ... (mouse)

"Finished poem"

After reading the poem, you must complete it in meaning.

Modest gray bun,
Long thin wiring
Well, on the box -
Two or three buttons.
In the zoo there is a bunny,
Computer has ... (mouse)

And now, friends, mystery!
What is: handle,
Buttons two, trigger and tail?
Well, of course, this ... (Jostik)

It recorded programs
And for mom, and for dad!
In packing like candy
Quickly spin ... (diskette)

Like a bold captain!
And on it - the screen is on.
Bright rainbow he breathes,
And on it a computer writes
And draws without a stick
All sorts of pictures.
At the top of the car all
Accommodated ... (monitor)

And computers sometimes
Talk among themselves
But for this one
They need thing.
Connected to the phone -
I received a message!
The thing known is not everyone!
Called ... (modem)

On the jump keys yeschok -
Once or two and ready -
The word retired!
That's where fingers physical education
This is - ... (keyboard)

What is this box for?
He drags paper
And now letters, points,
Commas - lines to line -
Print the picture
Lucky master
Jet printer)

Near Display - chief block:
Electrotok runs there
To the most important chips.
This block is called ... (system)

53 Slide

"Identification proverbs "

Before you programmer versions famous Russian proverbs and sayings. Try to remember how they sound in the original.

Computer is the best friend.

The book is the best friend

Tell me, what is your computer, and I will tell who you are.

Tell me what a friend you have, and I will say who you are.

The computer memory will not spoil.

Do not spoil porridge oil.

They meet the laptop, the mind escape.

For dressing, they meet, in the mind they escort.

Durry Computer B. system unit Do not look.

They do not look at a given horse's teeth.

Do not laugh at old computers, and your will be p.

Do not last over old, and you will be old.

"Words with filling"

Taking advantage of the prompts in brackets, guess the words themselves, as well as those computer terms,which they are "stuffed."

56-58 slide

Gar ... (fertility for work)
Races ... (Kara, Retribution)

...... Sy (Popular Potato Product)
.... Wallino (the hero of the fairy tale J. Rodari)

... EP (Glass colored beads).
... Tro (small restaurant).
... Kit (baking, base for cake).

... edema (musical youth club).
... Omform (inconvenience, anxiety, anxiety).
Re ...... A (Early Vegetable).

... Ret (image of man in the picture)
... Noah (Specialist in tailoring)
Paz ... (main document of a citizen of the Russian Federation)

... he (area of \u200b\u200breduced pressure in the atmosphere)
... OP (mythological one-eyed giant)
Moto ... (vehicle)

.... But (blank for Pinocchio).
Eh .... (Emplooms of a special form).
On ....on (French emperor).

Pe ... b (sign making paper document).
Per ... ki (hands for hand).

... t (sheet size, notebook, publication).
Re ... (transformation, reorganization).
Boards ... (Passenger landing platform at the station).

"Black box"

On the screen of cartoons, the same character is closed on each illustration, who is located there, then is in a black box.


In the following texts, the letters of non-slip words reaching the terms associated with computer science and computers. Find them.

This oRnitologists are called migration. (CPU)

Potto m they tor.jezed and rejoiced like children. (Monitor)

His Fe. scanneraz fell from the couch. (Scanner)

River Dn. printerjust that there are several power plants. (Printer)

At the request of the owner of the apartment we canf was moved into the angle. (Mouse)

This old one mod EMi went to the inheritance from my grandmother. (Modem)

64 Slide

Today it is difficult to imagine life without information and computers. We wish you further success in learning this wonderful and interesting item. To new meetings!

Independent work is carried out in the 10th grade after studying the "Information and Information Processes" and "Information Structure".

Independent work consists of 2 options for 3 tasks in each.

Test (independent work) on the topic "Cyclic algorithms" was created for students of grade 10. It consists not from ordinary questions, but from tasks in language pascal programming. Tasks of the type of exam. For the correct answer to the assigned tasks, the student should know the principle of operation of the cyclic algorithm, and also be able to "read" the text of the program.

After passing the test, an assessment and a student can see their mistakes and the correct answers.

Target audience: for grade 10

The test work is intended for students of 10 grade, studying computer science according to the textbook K.Yu. Polyakova. Consists of 2 options for 4 tasks in each. Answers are present.

Tasks on topics are given in the control work:

  • search queries;
  • construction of logic schemes;
  • construction of truth tables;
  • determining a logical expression on the truth table.

Target audience: for grade 10

Independent work consists of 2 options with tasks on "Requests in search engines". Answers are present. Performance time: 10-15 minutes.

The tasks of the format of the EGE, which will help not only check the knowledge of students obtained during the study of the topic, but also this work You can use when preparing for an exam in computer science as distribution material.

Target audience: for grade 10

Independent work on the translation of numbers in the 8th and 16th number systems consists of 2 options for 5 tasks in each. Tasks for the transfer of numbers from the decimal system to the octal and hexadecimal system and vice versa.

There are answers. Independent work is designed for students of grade 8, which are trained in UMK bare, but can be used for any textbooks.

Target audience: for grade 8

Examination is carried out for students of 10 classes when checking knowledge on the topic "Number System".

Presented 6 options, each option consists of 10 tasks. The criteria for issuing estimates and a fill form are presented in this development. And the key is attached with the answers.

Target audience: for grade 10

Options for students 9-11 classes consists of 5 tasks. All tasks are programming tasks. The task is to solve the problem source programs on the programming languages \u200b\u200bsupported by the test system
The jury of the school stage of the Olympiad independently determines the winners and winners of the Olympiad.
The participants of the Olympiad are prohibited by the use of communications, electronic equipment (except for the working computer) and information carriers, it is allowed to communicate only with the organizers of the Olympiad and members of the jury

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