
How to make nano Simka from micro SIM card. Types of SIM cards: sizes, trimming. Types of SIM cards


Everyone mobile device Works with a network through a special card with a chip, which in the people is called "SIM card". The chipset contains information, with which there is a connection with the operator and the provision of services, storing a small amount of data. Now produce several SIM formats, which differ in size.

What is Nano Sim card

Each owner bought a package of MTS, Megaphone or Tele2 to use communication services. With what means nano Sim.-Carta first had to get acquainted to all owners iPhone model Older 4th. The new smartphone used a completely different format of cards, which was named Nanosim. The innovation is associated with the fact that the iPhone has become 20% thinner and the manufacturer searched ways to reduce the content. A standard connector was replaced with a narrower, and instead of Microsim began to be used.

Residents of Moscow and other cities of Russia were not ready, the operators did not have time to release new types of cards, so many needed a creation of a sim card under Nano Sim. Old cards simply were not placed in the sims connectors (even minisim and microsimcars). All other manufacturers of smartphones followed the example of the giant and copied the new format to reduce the thickness of the device.

Micro Sim and Nano Sim - Difference

The most important difference is Nano Sim from micro Sim - size and thickness. The chip also works well, no innovations in communication technology or data, simply smaller parameters provided the opportunity to make an iPhone even thinner. Problems arose only from users who decided to go to new smartphone from Apple, and from the operators, because the main claims regarding the dimensions of SIMI were addressed to Beeline, MTS and MegaFon. However, such a difficulty stopped people for a long time, because the difference in the parameters is small, for example, microsimka - 12x15 mm, and nano-sim - 9x12 mm.

How to cut a sim card under nano sim

Those who have just acquired a new iPhone, I found it extremely not to wait and an urgent question appeared: how to cut a micro sim card under Nano Sim? The size of the chip from SIM cards coincides, and the main problem was in the amount of plastic on the edges. To reduce to nano format, you can do the following:

  • independently perform circumcision;
  • attributed to the workshop where there is a necessary tool;
  • send to salon mobile communications And demand the replacement of the card.

How to make nano micro sim

If you don't want to go or go anywhere, you can try to independently reduce the value of the SIM card. There is a proven way how to cut a micro sim card under Nano Sim if you have a printer, scissors and double-sided adhesive paper. It should be remembered that during the execution of trimming there is a chance to get out of the working SIM card disabling. All actions you perform at your own risk. You will need:

  • bilateral Scotch (you can use glue, but this option is worse;
  • micro or standard SIM card;
  • printer and paper;
  • line;
  • pencil;
  • scissors (or nail forceps);
  • paper emery.

The rules for conducting trimming will not differ depending on the gadget, for the phone or tablet from Apple. In order not to cut extra millimeters and do not touch the diagram, you will need a Nano format SIM card template, it can be easily downloaded. Next you need to do the following.

  1. Print the downloaded template, change the scale or the location of the drawing is not needed. Color printing will not need enough black and white. It is important that the drawing is just clear.
  2. Cut with scissors pattern in the same size that matches your card. Inside the picture, the parameters for the Nano-sim card will be indicated.
  3. Sharpen with a tape / glue to the same side of the SIM card on which the operator logo is written (the chip should not be subjected to any effects). Focus on the cutting corner of the pattern, which will not let you be mistaken with the right sides.
  4. Wait for the glue dry (in the case of a scotch not required), along the template lines, carefully cut the extra plastic. If the scissors are not sharp enough, use nail polls.
  5. Remove the glued piece of paper from SIM.

Do not worry that the core lines will take place in close proximity to the chip, the micro-sim it will not affect the performance if you do not deliver it. Use sandpaper to round the edges, set the roughness of the plastic. If on some side the card will be tightly logged, pumped some more sandpaper.

How to make nano sim from ordinary

Exactly the same method that was described above is suitable if you have a question of how to make Nano Sims from the usual SIM. Please note that old card models have a greater size of the chip, so you have to remove almost all plastic around the scheme. The remains should be washed gently sandpaper or nail file. Another subtlety of the old models of SIMIC - thickness. The new format was not only small, but also thin, so apart from four sides you have to divert the rear side, where you have written megaphone or MTS.

Another option is to buy a special device in the online store, which cuts the card for the required size. It looks outwardly, it as a stapler, inwards the usual SIM, gently pressed the handles and is completely cut off into one press. The tool can cut Micro or Nano format. Exactly the same devices enjoy the branches of connected and mobile salons. The tool is inexpensive, but it makes no sense to buy only to reduce 1 card.

Adapter for Nano Sim card

Such standard samples are used only in Apple's new smartphones and gadgets. If at some point you took the phone of an older model, then you will need an adapter for Nano SIM card. This is a special adapter in which the card is placed and it is fixed tight in it, increasing. The cost of such an adapter is very low. Next, you just insert the adapter into the phone and use it.

Where to change the usual SIM card on Nano

If you do not risk cutting your standard SIM, it is better to exchange free on a new version of your operator. This is the only correct way to get Nano Sim with your number. Operators suggest you change to another card. You only need to come to the Communications Department, capture with you:

Where to cut a SIM card

If you decide that you don't want to do anything yourself to avoid breakdown, that is, two options where to cut a SIM card. You can come to the communication salon, you will be offered either completely replace plastic, get a new SIM, which has several layers and can be squeezed under the required format from the shell. Either an employee will use the above-described "stapler". The second option is to contact the nearest repair shop telephones. In each such department, there is also a stapler, for the symbolic price (and in some places and at all) will dry out extra plastic.

Price on Nano SIM card

If you appealed to the mobile salon, the exchange will be performed completely free. Now they leave a few minutes. And after a day, your old plastic will cease to function completely. If you appeal to a workshop or shop household appliances, then you should know how much it costs to cut a sim card. As a rule, the cost of the service fluctuates in large cities from 100 to 300 rubles. The price may be lower, and some kind of wizards do it for free.

Video: how to cut a sim card under Nano

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Nano Sim card for smartphone. How to crop the usual or micro SIM card under Nano SIM format

How do Nano-Sim insert in micro-sim if the card and slot do not correlate with each other in size? We give detailed instructionswhich will help to deal with a small problem - Do not worry, soon you will again find yourself in touch and you can use the smartphone to full with a new nano-sim!


How to make micro-sim nano if you bought a new smartphone? Carefully chose the body color, looking for a suitable case and headphones, but forgot to clarify the size of the slot? Or vice versa, temporarily changed modern device on the old phone?

Whatever the reason, the SIM card adapter with Nano on the usual or micro! This is a special holder made on the shape of a larger card that allows you to insert nano-sim instead of micro-sim. You can choose one of two types of adapters:

  • Outline. The plastic shape with a hole is equipped with a sticky label for holding a card;
  • Backed. The form is equipped with a plastic wall on one side for convenient retention inside the smartphone.

An adapter that helps insert nano-sim in a micro slot can be bought in the online store or hypermarket techniques, in the telecommunications salons of operators. The cost of the detail is low - from thirty rubles to several hundred rubles.

Important! To properly insert nano-sim in a regular phone, you need to select a high-quality device. Pay attention to the following parameters:

  • If the plastic moves freely inside the form, refuse to purchase - the Nano-SIM chip will not be held on the site of micro-sim;
  • It is better if the card is tight, with some effort, rises in the holder for micro-sim.

Most often included with the adapter there is a special grinding lump, allowing to smooth uneven edges.

If you buy an adapter in a specialized store does not work, you need to know about the analogues of solving the problem! Let's discuss small tricks that will help to cope with the task.

Other options

To put Nano-SIM in Microsim in the old phone will help the plastic adapter, which comes with a card with a purchase card. Remember, did you squeeze the plastic from a special form? Save it - this is the easiest way to get the desired effortless.

There is a second option - let's discuss how from Nano-sim make a regular card with your own hands and insert it. You can cut the holder from the girlfriend!

  • Best with plastic forms - it may be an unnecessary bank or discount card;
  • Take a durable knife or strong scissors, arche with a ruler;
  • Gently draw the silhouette of the future holder and cut it on the lines.

Just in case we recall the standard dimensions of three types of cards:

  • Standard (or mini) - 25x15 mm;
  • Micro-sim - 15x12 mm;
  • Nano-sim - 12.3x8.8 mm.

If you can't paint the form yourself, take the old card and circle a pencil! The finished slot should be carefully polished to remove the "shaggy" edges - it will be easier to insert nano-sim in the micro-sim holder.

We discussed in detail how to install a nano-sim card into a smartphone into a large connector - now you are armed with effective tips that will help to cope with a small trouble. Read, remember and communicate without restrictions!

If you have a modern phone, in particular an ultra-thin model, then you probably know that one of the feature of such a device is the use of Nano- sIM cards. Such SIM cards are a bit thinner than standard Micro and Mini SIM cards. Despite the fact that the size of the cards is different, the chip dimensions on all SIM cards are the same. Therefore, you can at any time from the usual or micro sim card, make Nano Sim yourself. In almost all communication salons, this transformation simes are made for money, let them and not big. I assure you, trim the SIM card yourself are certainly capable. But, for those who are afraid to spoil Sims, we advise you to ask for help in any communication salon.

Due to such a variety of SIM card dimension, some operators sell sim cards transformers. Which by extrusion can be adjusted under any of the connectors for the SIM card.

Having bought a transformer sim card, you will need to break down the part you need. A big advantage of such a SIM card is that its size can be returned back. The main thing is not to throw away the broken part. You never know, suddenly you will change the phone in which it will not be nano, but a micro or ordinary sim card.

So, how to cut a sim card under Nano Sim and do not spoil it at the same time? I offer you two options.

Pattern for Nano Sims

I suggest you use two templates that will help correctly crop sim card to the size you need. The template will need to download and print.

In order to qualitatively and correctly cut the sim card, you need good and sharp scissors, a strong building knife or a metal scalpel, a nail file and a plane for work in the form of a plastic or wooden board. It is desirable that they were smooth.

The first pattern. Printing this template, it needs to be cut in size and paste it on your SIM card. After that, it is cut under Nano SIM card. If the edges turned out to be very sharp or curves, a nail file is entering, which can be corrected. But be careful and do not damage the chip.

Second pattern. In order to cut a nano Simka on this template, you will have to take advantage of the pencil and ruler.

Print the template on the A4 sheet sheet and put a sim card on it. Taking advantage of the line and pencil, the diameters of the line, as shown on the template. Now you can trim the sim card along the contour drawn. But do it carefully, the chip cannot be damaged, otherwise the SIM card can be thrown away.

After the card is cut, we set it into the phone and check its work. I am sure you got everything to do everything right, and SIM card will work.

Every year new, more advanced telephones models appear, and, of course, we all want to buy something more "cool" and functional. But before changing your simple phone number on a modern iPhone, few people think about what, perhaps, you will have to change the format of your SIM card.

In order for your old card to fit in the new phone jack, it will have to trim in the desired size. That's just how to do it correctly, and whether the SIM cards can be cut? And if you need a nano-sim card, how to cut a big thing to not damage contacts?

What are the SIM cards?

So what are the sims? To date, you can meet three of their kinds: nano-, micro- and ordinary - large. The latter are no longer sold in communication salons, but still meet users. If you wish and the presence of small abilities, you can make the first two types from large.

Nevertheless, not all SIM cards can be cut, it all depends on the chip. In completely old sims, the chip is too big, and if you wondered how to cut the old SIM card under nano, you will have to upset you - it is impossible. Such chips are very solid and fragile, so it will not be possible to give them the necessary size.

But there are other major SIM cards, they are also old, while the chip is built more upgraded in them. Here they are just the same, you can safely trim under the necessary parameters.

How to trim a micro-sim card?

The big SIM card differs from the micro that the chip is glued to the plastic base from which it is necessary to get rid of. If you consider the working surface of the card, you can notice scuffs on certain cells. The main task is to make these very cells on the map exactly hit the contacts of the slot.

The size of the micro-sim card is 15 x 17, while in the standard - 25 x 15 mm. Thus, with the help of sharp scissors, cut off the whole excess part, trying not to damage the contact pad. Do not forget to make a corner, otherwise you risk inserting a map into the phone in the wrong side.

On this, everything, and if the work is done correctly, the self-made micro-sim card will work without problems.

How to cut a sim card under nano-?

How to make a micro-sim card, we found out, and what is nano-format? Paradox: The more modern phones, the less they have a slot for the card. The latest generation smartphones more often have slots for nano-sim cards (how to cut the standard, we will tell below). They are even smaller in size than micro, therefore, cut out even more.

There is already a real skill here, because under nano-cut the SIM card at home, without damaging the chip and contacts, it is very difficult. In order for everything to go successfully, you can use the template, for example, attached over a large card unnecessary nano and cut exactly on it. If it did not turn out at hand, the sample is perfect for the printer perfectly suitable as a template.

Next, it remains gently cutting the SIM card across the edges and polish the corners. You may need to reduce the thickness of the card itself. To do this, use sandpaper. Be prepared that there is always a risk of irrevocably spoil it, so if you are not sure of yourself, perhaps it is better to provide this business to an experienced person.

Before cropping a sim card under nano-or micro, prepare sharp scissors in advance (manicure is ideal), pencil, sandpaper, template. You may need two-way scotch, in order to attach a template to the big map (although it is extremely recommended, you can damage the chip).

Consultants Salon cellular communication They know perfectly how to cut a sim card under nano or micro, and if you doubt your abilities, you can ask them to do it for you. Usually such services are not charged and go as tips to employees in his pocket, so you can not expect you to help you free.

It is even better to just need to replace the card to a map of a suitable format, saving the phone number. To do this, you will have to turn to your specialist cellular operator, in advance grabbing a passport. If the number was registered on the third face, unfortunately, you will not come out. In order to successfully change the SIM card to a new one, it must be registered in your name. The main thing, do not forget to import all contacts to the telephone directory, otherwise you risk losing all connections.

Nano SIM card entered into use in 2012 with the advent first iPhone 5S I. iPad tablets 4 mini with Retina, without which the operation of these devices is impossible. Then it was not so easy to get it, and now such a SIM is worth the money. Below we will consider ways to transform the usual telephone to Nano SIM card using tools that are found at many at home.

Standard SIM card is not much different from Nano SIM card. The chip itself, which saves information, has not changed, most importantly. Turn the usual SIM-ku in Nano using such tools:
  • caliper (ordinary or digital) - the device for accurate measurement of values, it will be needed to measure the difference between maps and the markings of the labels by which we will cut;
  • if there is no caliper - a ruler, a sheet of paper and a pencil;
  • sandpaper or file - for grinding edges of the circumcised SIM-ki, in order to reduce the thickness of the source card;
  • very sharp scissors.
SIM-Card dimensions:
  • nano SIM-card: width - 12.3 mm, height - 8.8 mm, thickness - 0.67 mm;
  • micro SIM: Width - 14.9 mm, height - 12.03 mm, thickness - 0.81 mm.

Compare these values, it can be seen that the difference in the parameters is small, and it is quite possible to eliminate it with scissors.

Take the caliper, set the Nano SIM card parameters in turn on it: width and length. And transfer to the usual SIM-ku, noting the lines for which we will cut, pencil, and also do not forget to measure and see the cut.

If you do not have a calipers, we do as follows:

  • we take a sheet of paper, ruler, pencil;
  • using a ruler as a measuring device, we draw a Nano SIM card template on paper;
  • cut out this pattern;
  • we put on top of Micro SIM card, carefully circuit in the pencil circuit of the template.

Before cutting the main SIM card, it is recommended to practice on old Micro SIM, as one careless movement can cost you hopelessly spoiled SIM card. Sut off the edges, try to touch the chip and contacts as much as possible. Your goal is the maximum accuracy in changing the size of micro SIM-ki. If you are not sure that you can trim the card, then chinese manufacturers It is necessary to adapt Micro SIM cards in a Nano SIM card and invented a special cutter to remove unnecessary with ordinary SIM-ki, that's how it looks like.

Now it remains the most difficult: eliminate the difference in the thickness of SIM-cards, which is 0.16 mm. Before starting the refinement procedure, Nano Sim-ki we advise you to put on a medical mask, since the dust formed when grinding has a sufficiently unpleasant smell and texture. We take sandpaper or a file and carefully, slowly, grind the map from the reverse side of the contacts (where there is a picture). If you have stopped with a reduction in the thickness of the Micro SIM card, put the regular paper sheet under the adapted Nano SIM card.

Before changing the size of Micro SIM-Ki, it is recommended to see the video materials on the adaptation of an ordinary map in the Nano format. Also before starting work, it is necessary to keep in mind that a variable Micro SIM card, as well as all the information that is on it can be lost forever.

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